William Hinn - Unending Encounter

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to to share something really quick that was on my heart that I believe God put in my heart how many of you would say like this this event how many of you've been here the whole time Wow awesome and how many of you would say that this has like just flipped you upside down okay awesome I really heard in my heart how many of you know you can either have a past or you can have a testimony okay and so many people like I thought about just the progression of what I've seen and and really the theme of this of this whole event has been I mean of course it's about encountering God and it's about ministering to his heart and taking him to the world a hundred percent but really what God's been doing in this room is is it offend anyone if I put my Bible like right there in the floor okay religion get out Jesus name so the theme of what has really been happening here is that God is destroying fear it's really what we see everywhere that we go it's what we see at every power and love that we do we see people get over the fear of man and get in the fear of God because what you fear will manifest and we see it over and over again and if you if you fear things of the world and you fear when you have a little bump and you google it you are coming into agreement with that fear and so we google things and we're concerned and and and then we go to everyone else for the opinion of what's happening to me and we're coming to agree with fear and been crushed it last night but when you fear God God will be made manifest because he's near to those who fear him but if you fear sickness and you fear every little thing that that thing you are welcoming it into your house so what you fear will manifest and and oftentimes what we fear is is like this amazing testimonies like we're hearing and God is literally like in a in three days people are getting completely restored and and husbands saying to their wives I I've been hooked on pornography and God setting me free and god's gonna set more people free from that garbage but and and godly women going i forgive you just like jesus if anyone hasn't sin let him cast the first stone and then he starts writing in the sand aiiow it doesn't say what he wrote but i have a feeling like it would be cool if he was like you did this and you did this and just drop their stones and walk away but i'm not adding to the bible that's just you know that would just be cool but jesus is left alone with the woman caught in adultery and he said who condemns you she says nobody he says neither do i here's the key go and sin no more go and sin no more and so so many people are getting free from their past and i'm watching it and we're watching it every everywhere we go in every nation of the world people get free but i really want to hit on something for a minute here because you either can have a pass you can have a testimony and what i'm watching today in a young generation that's breaking my heart and all over the church world and we i mean if you can't tell by now we're not here to impress anybody or please you we're not here to water it down or be invited back with a lot of people preaching today to be invited back what if we preached so we don't have to come back like paul would preach and there was riots we get invited at churches and there's green rooms and tea like we've got to start going after this thing like paul's resume was i got forty lashes minus one five times this man stoned left for dead the disciples came around and they thought he was dead like imagine you're a leader and you're just standing there and he's not moving i mean if you think someone's dead it's probably because like they look i mean they look pretty dead if they're they probably didn't see a pulse they probably didn't see and breathing he gets up and goes back into the city he says if i'm gonna bow someone a boast in my infirmities Oh like what if when Jesus said greater things shall you do it wasn't just miracles but it was suffering that doesn't get an amen because nobody wants that but here's the reality is if you're gonna live with them you're gonna suffer with them I don't know I'm not asking for your Klout I really love you guys and I'm not mad I just want to bring the reality of the gospel back in because the reality is is we've talked so many things about us just being blessed but how do you define blessing well if God's good well how do you define God's goodness and I'm not saying God causes bad things to happen to us I'm saying what if the reward is his presence and his joy what if the reward is no matter what the world does you can't take away my peace what if the reward was never having bad days so Paul 5 times Jesus was 39 once Paul 5 like that's no joke and Paul after everything that he did I mean he stood there as he watched Stephen get martyred if like anyone was to go back to their passes and live against like live based on what had happened in their past would have been this man and he says there's one I don't I don't say that I've obtained but one thing pressing on Luke Luke says it like this in Luke 9 no one is fit for the kingdom of heaven putting their hand to the plough looking behind them but we have this teaching today that I really want to deal with it's super in my heart but we've got this thing today that is I got to go back and I got to fix all of the curses that happened to me while I was in my mother's womb but what about the blood of Jesus and all the hooks and so we've got the hooks that we've got to get out and and people get around guys like Todd with dreadlocks and toe shoes and religion shakes a little bit and then we got to go back and there's a lot of hooks we've got to get out what if God's blood was so radical was so full of amazing grace that God just didn't change your life he replaced your life you see changed William is still hell bound but a replaced one see God's not her if he doesn't refurbish he makes new like he doesn't he takes things that was dead and makes them alive again he takes that which was lost and makes it brand new you see if you have a problem sharing your past it's because it's a past and not a testimony so here's the reality is is God will come in and he'll restore someone and you see it all over scripture you see in the New Covenant Jesus saying things like he's praying for people and he says pick up your mat and walk and then you see the disciples doing the same thing they pray for people and then they say pick up your mat and walk and they pick up the mat and walk in and what I see in church today is this God will heal you and God maybe it's emotional maybe it's maybe it's physical maybe it's fear maybe it's what we saw last night amazing but if I could leave you with anything it's pick up your mat why because so many people get healed today and they leave them out on the ground this thing that they've laid on like the man at the Pool of Bethesda laying on it for years and years and years and years and all of his sickness is on the mat his stain the stain of sickness is on the mat his crutch what's been comfort to him for 30 years is on that map and the danger is today is his God healing us and us not picking up the map that represents the sickness and so we walk away and we're like yeah God healed me and then we meet people that say no no no you got to go back this is gonna be a long process brother man I do not know what Jesus that's 12 steps and I refuse to preach to Jesus as 12 steps so we can give people an excuse to continue to live in sin so here's the truth is this is God's healing people because that's what God does like where Jesus is present sickness can't stay where Jesus is present sin can't remain like if you're struggling with pornography but Jesus is in your room you're going to open your computer probably not if he's standing next to you just standing there going I love you I love you so much are you gonna ignore him and watch porn are you kidding me see the issue is not us coming up with more ways to overcome sin the issue is as we need his presence because you can't fix it there's nothing within your strength you can do there's nothing within your strength to fix anything you have to die to it and you have to look at him and say I'm never looking away again so people are getting healed everywhere in the world and we're getting a plugged in and it's amazing and and then we send into counseling counseling is great we need counseling there's just one of the manifestations of the Spirit of God as he's a counselor and he'll actually give you any time in a situation where I'm one-on-one I actually I learned this from Dan dan would tell me whenever you go and you counsel somebody before you do ask the Holy Spirit to come and give you the spirit of counsel I learned that from him and so I always ask for that and it says in the word that there's wisdom and a multitude of counselors but there's also discernment in a in the heart of a Christian that says before I go to twenty counselors that you're trying to find the hooks in my past I better be spending time with the Holy Spirit that's a counselor that'll never bring up your past and so we get healed but we leave them out on the ground and so God God sets us free but everyone's like yeah but what about this and what about that and I'm just telling you you're gonna leave this conference and just like been said like the conference is going to come to an end and you're gonna have to decide is this gonna become a life or not because it's tonight power and love and Todd white tomorrow morning are going back to Dallas and and you get to have this amazing decision of what now is my life gonna look like right and so we're seeing it in masses we're seeing people get free and masses but here's the reality is is you're still in the world and the world is going to continue to knock at the door and fear is gonna continue to knock at the door and the next time you approach someone see you might end the conference and think that you can take some days off there's no Christian life where there's days off and fear is going to knock at the door again and you're going to get comfortable and not stepping out when your life is supposed to be laid down right but fear is going keep knocking going did that really happen it's always see he's the accuser he's an accuser it's always did come on like did you really answer the altar call did you really get over your fear it's a lie from hell but the problem is is we didn't pick up our mat and so we go oh my gosh please like let's go back 20 years and let's see what my aunt said when I was in the womb so that we can fix it what about the cross right so we we haven't picked up our map what we're saying God heals us and so we have counseling sessions that say no you got to go back to the mat you got to clean it off come on you got to get the stains off you got it you got to clean it don't pick it up just just leave it there no no we want people to be ashamed of it we don't want them to turn it into a testimony go and clean the mat go into your past let's see let's see what your mom said in the womb let's let's make sure we deal with that rejection that that one thing that happened when you were four years old I'm not gonna compromise this because that's not in Scripture and I know I'm ruffling feathers I love it so much I love it I really do because because why would we ever come and preach and water it down and then stand before God and say I didn't preach the full thing so that they could like me like that's it's so demonic in nature but we have so much teaching out there of how we've got to clean you up because we want to keep the church needy and dependent on men rather than God but God says I want you to pick up the mat and I want you to walk with all of the junk on it with all the stuff that represents yesterday I want you to pick it up and it can be your testimony but you can also let it be your past and how do you overcome the accuser the one that says come on did you really get free did you did you really like did did Ben Fitzgerald really convicted that much did did you really have that encounter over there when you went through the fire tunnel when you went down was that real it's always an accusing lie how do you overcome it according to revelation by the blood of the Lamb the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony see when the world when the world lies and the religion and the religion kicks in and tries to say man you need to go back you got to go back you got to go back well no one is fit for the kingdom of heaven looking back and we got to get back to the word no no I picked up my mat it's now a trophy in my life you see could you imagine could you imagine if Todd didn't share his testimony to the world you see this is how good god is the devil will come and he'll put drugs in your way and he'll put all these things in your way and he'll and he'll tried and he'll know that there's a calling on your life and so he'll cause all these different things to happen and all these things to destroy you just like Joseph in Scripture one thing after another - destroy him - he's in prison like I loved the story of Joseph Joseph if one thing after another rejected by man yet chosen God by God a shadow and type type and shadow of Jesus to come and he's in prison but he's favored by God but he's in prison and he goes to the butler and the Baker and asks them why are you having a bad day like if anyone had the right to have a bad day Joseph maybe did I mean accused at every place falsely accused the key it's gonna come it's gonna happen there how are you gonna respond to that because you have to decide am I gonna be proud of what God's done or am I gonna be so shamed that even after I said God your blood washes me I think that I got to go and pour water on it myself come on his blood really works it really works and then he makes it so powerful that what the enemy meant for evil God takes it in turns it for your good so when the enemy was going man I'm gonna look at him he's on drugs aw maybe I'll get a maybe he'll overdosed this time God saying wait till the world hears this testimony in the Old Covenant how they made the anointing oil in the Old Covenant it says that they would take the bitter and the sweet they would take the cinnamon and the myrrh and they would compound it together and had to be perfect like a perfect amount of bitter and a perfect amount of sweet or else it would attract flies how many of you know what I'm talking about just read it just because she should get this book it's really incredible but they would take the bitter in the sweet and they would compound it together and it being compounded together would create the anointing you see when the enemy comes and he's causing all these bitter things in your life think oh just wait like what a what a fool he thinks he's doing all these things and then I know God's gonna come with his goodness and he's gonna compound that thing together and what the enemy meant for evil and to make my past God's gonna make it my anointing you see what if just hear me out on this what if you were touched strong I'm gonna go after it what if you were touched wrong as a little girl and your whole life you've dealt with it and what if in one day you could say god I'm no longer gonna deal with it your blood paid for it and they're not my problem cuz flesh and blood is not the issue god what if what if I could see you as a father what if it was your parent that touched you wrong but God like we create our view of God through our parents but God is a father that would have never done that to you and what if we sit there and we're like how could this happen to me and what was me and we become a victim and we look for help on every corner when God's like can I be your help and then all the sudden you see him and you see his goodness and you realize God you would have never done that to me God you loved me you're you have good thoughts sorry for my welfare and we stop asking all these silly questions and blaming God for things but we go you know what god I thank you that that wouldn't have happened but what the enemy meant for evil I'm going to use it for good and every single woman in the world that's been touched god I pray that I get to encounter everything her and it's gonna become the greatest anointing I walk in is taking women and men that think that they're victims and telling them not their sons you see how God just turns everything and how God takes it all like I'm not saying God causes any of it the devil can throw all of it at you and gods giggling in the background going wait till they see that they're my kid wait till they realize oh you devil you really messed up this time like what do you think he was doing when they put Jesus on a tree oh he's done we won we want he had no idea that Jesus was about to go to his house all the captives free oh I thought that we won you see you can decide do you want your life to be the devil going oh I thought I won see if he can accuse you enough and make you think all this stuff and think that you've got to go and clean it listen a sign of a leader is someone that constantly points you to Jesus man not yourself as a warning to the church if people come into your life and they're constantly pointing back to you and we've created this psychological thing in the church man that's just not okay this is not psychological this is supernatural and it's not about fixing your brain it's about taking yours off and putting God's on I really in my heart I want you guys if you hear anything that I've said this whole week you have to decide because there is what 90% of the people in here that raised their hand last night that's not okay and this is not we're not upset at anyone like it's amazing that their response to humility the saying I'm ready to get over it like I'm done with it but you have to make a real decision that you're really done with it and you never have to look back again and when people come in and say bro are you really free from pornography don't believe the lie show them the map I'd say yeah man look what God's done look what the enemy meant for evil God meant for good and now this has become the anointing of my life and I find men everywhere and I now I have discernment of who's in it because I was in it once but look at them they're completely free now are you guys with me good don't ever go back to your past make it a testimony and share it all over the world everywhere amen I how many of you went through the fire tunnel how many of you uh yeah nevermind I I wanted to talk about encounter a little bit is that okay a lot of you I mean you guys heard my testimony the first night I I grew up seeing all kinds of stuff like you could never imagine and I just like everyone else I was always looking for the encounter that would cause me to fly you know what I'm saying the one like Todd talked about like I was I was like I want that but I go into service I don't feel anything and I remember when I was 10 years old I was in my dad as a pastor as well and I was in children's church playing dodgeball I'll never forget it I was playing dodgeball it's just pegging kids and and Usher's came running into the into the back auditorium then listened before how many of you know without encounter without tasting and seeing without hearing and seeing and handling with our hands we really have no witness like we have to experience God well I don't want to just know about God like I want to know him experientially I want to like everyone in here like we talked about there is a test there is an actual testimony that's the manifestation of God's power in your life and how there's no other way and like I talked about it earlier and I don't remember when I talked about it but I talked about it Ephesians 3:17 that says that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width the length the height the depth to know the love of God that surpasses knowledge and outward knowledge and Greek means science that we may come into any counter of his love that surpasses what the science of this world can explain like there the world's not going to understand well how do you love them you have to taste and see you see if I can encounter Jesus into the gospel there's no coming back but if I could talk you into it you might get talked out of it that's why we need power in the church again we need to not replace the power of God in church with good marketing strategies and ideas but we need the power of God to be what draws the lost and loved to win them and so we need encounter with God and it doesn't have to always look like the shaking and the crying the screaming it could look like someone who had depression being filled with joy it can be as simple as I walked through the fire tunnel I didn't cry and scream and shake on the ground but I feel peace for the first time in my life oh my gosh I got the first word of knowledge I've ever gotten in my life like what do we need and so I was 10 years old and I was not looking for an encounter with God I was 10 years old playing dodgeball in children's church church kid to the core we would wear suits every week to church and the ushers came running and they said your dad's calling you guys in the service I have I have four there's four of four siblings I have an older brother and two older sisters so I'm the baby slash favorite and and just side note and so I just I give him all hard tongue so my mom really loves me a lot and I really love my mom and so I was I was the baby and I come up no grid for what's happening and and the ushers bring us right in the front and we're standing there from oldest to youngest and ten years old and my dad begins to say how my grandmother now my my grandmother like my dad and and Benny Hinn's mom you take the anointing on all of the brothers and you put it on one little Arab lady that's four ten that wear slippers that don't fit her feet and is an amazing cook they no one could touch what this woman carried I've never seen anything like it just a barely spoke English but would she'd prophesy over you and you'd slide down her fridge I mean never seen anything like it and so he said your grandmother called on the way to church and said to anoint your kids and to pray for them and now I didn't I didn't even understand what he was saying so I'm standing there and I'm 10 years old and and he's praying for my brothers and sisters one after another nothing's really happening and and my knees are beginning to shake I'll never forget this feeling and my my insides are beginning to shake and I don't know what's happening to me and I'm getting a little scared as a 10 year old my dad gets too mean I remember he touched my hands I'll never forget this and I went and I don't know how I got on the floor and I was crying my eyes out and I came to it to my mom rubbing my head has you know it was the favorite so rubbing my mom's rubbing my head and seeing if I'm okay and I didn't know what happened to me but I knew that God had touched me like how many of you know that sometimes as adults sometimes we get we get too experienced in this thing and we think that we're like wise and stuff now and and so we now now we've got to figure out God rather than receive God and now we want to know like how many of you know if okay I have a two-year-old son if I put a doughnut in front of them he eats it he doesn't asks me how much sugar is in it if he ever asked me that I'd be like you know like he's - he's a two-year-old he's not thinking to himself after he eats something I need to go on a jog like most of us do you know when I when I get something today like we all do it you look at the back and you figure out what's what am I putting in my body and we try to figure out the ingredients and we just don't eat it and so a lot of us we don't eat bread and we're gluten free like what God set us free man from gluten free and weird milk at Starbucks I'm just kidding you do whatever you want at Starbucks and eat your bread I like real pizza real pizza and so amen and so you guys kind of gluten free pizza I don't know maybe I'm just messing with you it's not a word of the Lord but but I'm I'm as a child I'm not trying to figure out the ingredients I'm just eating I'm not I'm my son's not asking me when I give him a sandwich can I have it with a lettuce wrap he's eating and then he's hyper and then he's eating and then he sleeps and then he eats and then he's hyper like what if Christians ate and were just on fire and then when they weren't on fire that it's because they were asleep and then they were eating and then they were on fire boats see what we do as Christians is rather than eating the bread we want to figure out all the ingredients we don't just eat it we want to know Lord but what about this and what about that and I'm not against the Bible says to ask for understanding and to go on to the mature things but don't leave the simplicity that's in him so we're not we're not eating and we become so wise like what if we never left novice what if that was the safest place as Christians what if being like children where we didn't encounter God and go and try to figure it out and go to 48 people of what their encounter was like like what if God wanted to have an intimate encounter with you just like a husband and wife and you went and told everyone about it it's the number one thing in intimacy in the secret place like I get it people come to me all the time you're like well what do you do he's like what do you do when you get there what like that would be weird if I told you about intimacy with my wife and sometimes God drops revelation in our heart in the secret place that he's like that one that's for you and me and we want to run out and tell the world the revelation but God's like can we just have something together like and I'm not against sharing your revelation I'm about the motive of it in the heart of it is what is it about and so I'm I'm a 10 year old and I'm not like God put a doughnut in front of me and man I ate the whole thing and I wasn't trying to figure out afterwards okay Baba that's what I call my dad Baba I need you to explain to me what happened to me I just believe I knew that it would be on my understanding and all the sudden God became very real to me and I remember that night I went home after that encounter and I was on my floor in my bedroom I remember because my brother had his friends over and I got put on the floor and they were sleeping in my bed and I was on the ground and I gave my life to Jesus that night because I encountered him I'd never encountered him like that and I remember telling God as a 10 year old God you have my life you have my life all by myself in my bedroom and I'm not kidding with you I'm not making this up I remember the feeling of what it felt like with him not only being in me but I felt like he was laying next to me and I believed it as a ten-year-old I wasn't trying to figure it out and make it a formula I believed that he was with me I just believed it and so I got older and I shared my testimony but I remember being in high school and I would be about to step into a place of sin especially with girls and I would step in and that encounter would start coming back that experience her coming back and I'd go waiting in a no but God touched me and I kept myself for my wife and I did a lot of other stupid things believe me proclaiming Christianity like the Bible says how much darker is that darkness when you know the truth that was me I knew the truth but I still wanted to taste the world and there's no life where you can flirt with the world and be a Christian it doesn't exist and we come up with all kinds of excuses but there's no excuse but as far as saving myself for marriage I remember I would be in the in about to commit sin and I would remember that encounter at 10 years old you see encountering God has a way of anchoring you in something but what God's not after is from one encounter and then we wait and then we've got another count we go Todd's coming we're into a fire tunnel again I need to get marked again like what if we just lived in his in his presence what if what if every single day was an encounter with God what if I didn't live from touch - touch - touch but I lived in his touch so I grew up man seeing we do these conferences and then I started working for my uncle Benny and I was his book table guy and I sold books for him and and I never really had an ambition - to work for him and I annum and but Here I am now and I'm I'm in my early 20s and and I'm working for my uncle and I'm seeing stuff I'd never seen I remember the first time I countered a devil it was I was setting up books and this person came storming out of the doors and crawling at me like a spider and in that moment I wasn't thinking castle - devil I was thinking if this thing gets close to me I'm gonna kick it no grid-like growing up in church but you see we can grow up in church our whole lives and never see that stuff and that's a problem we can grow up in church and never see it and and there is there might be doubles in the meeting I said it the other day what if they're enjoying it and staying silent no no we need such presence on Sunday morning that the Devils come in and they start to shake and we're not in a rush to get out and go to Chili's and so so this person thing whatever it was I don't know what it was but it's crawling at me and it was and then all the Christians came out started screaming at it and you don't have to do that either Jesus never screamed at demons they're not deaf he just pointed out on they actually worshiped him and trembled and begged him so I learned a lot I remember what time I'm just gonna I don't even know where this is going today can we just like talk I was sleepy but I'm not sleepy anymore we were in Durban South Africa and I was to catch her okay now to catch for my uncle is like an art some of you are still offended it's okay just hear me out for a little bit longer standby so I was a capture I remember one time I'm catching an and it like the person just out of nowhere manifested and threw up everywhere on the stage see like that's so beautiful you know I'm saying like Jesus is present it's why it's happening but my had nice shoes on I remember I jumped out of the way and uncle looked at me and told me to clean it up and I was like I'm very I was very new I was very new again I have no idea where I'm going with this but I started working on coal and and all I had known is that is that I had these encounters in my life but in between encounter I was numb to the gospel in between encounter my life looked like the world like the ones that could come up every week and they fall down every week they answer the altar call every week and it's fine but man like I said the other day if you're going down you better come up more like him don't settle for a fake encounter because everyone else is doing it what are we doing and so but I had like these sporadic things so I served my uncle and now I'm a catcher and I remember I got into this place where I became very judgmental and I was so like against I didn't want it to be fake and weird that I started looking at everyone else when I had a log in my eye and so I'm catching people and people are flying everywhere and people are getting healed and I'm like and I was like what Todd was talking about like are these people just getting out of the wheelchair now I'm a hint that's it like it's not just like automatically you get it you know like no I grew up with people saying fire on you and all this stuff and so I'm now working for him and I never thought I would and I'm catching and I'm watching everything and I'm trying to figure out Lord what's real and what's fake and I was so stuck on what's real and fake that I was blocking my own encounter with God yet I wanted one and here's a little secret if you are desiring a fresh tangible encounter with God which how many of you were like I want a fresh encounter of God listen so many of you I want a fresh current you're never gonna get there like if that subwoofer was an encounter with God you're never gonna get there trying to get there see we're not we're not here so we can so we can just have an encounter we're here to minister to his heart there's such a secret and just worship him it's not about what you feel the Bible doesn't say feel the love of God it says to know the love of God and so we're looking for the feelings and we're looking for the encounter and we're trying to get there but you want to know a secret vow to get there just worship Jesus and then all the sudden you open your eyes and you'll be and you'll be sitting in the encounter and you won't know how you got there because it's about him like Bill Johnson says I think sometimes God keeps us from it because we would worship the encounter and not the encounter err and we would live from encounter to encounter and wonder where is in between but that's not what God paid for that's not what jesus paid a price for he paid his price for us to have life with him or whether I feel it or not God I'm going after you but I was like in this place if I needed to feel something and so I'm I'm catching people and I was Pro dude I'm catching with my feet I'm doing all the stuff that I was taught by his guys I'm keeping people safe you know what I'm saying and it's going good but I'm so lost in my mind because the Gospels not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart and God has to be received here and then he changes the way that we think but I was trying to figure out all the ingredients I was trying to make sense of it all like why are they flying and why am I not flying and why are they getting healed when he prays is it his suit why am i I'm praying nobody's getting healed but yet I'm like Lord bring the encounter of truth and I'm not and I'm looking at I'm a self-absorbed rather than absorbed by God and so I remember I'm literally I'm not kidding you I am in the middle of my thought this is after a service we were in toronto canada and i'm in the middle of my thought thinking what's what's real and what's not and I'm walking my uncle to the car he's in front of me and in the middle of my thought as I'm thinking he turns around looks me dead in the face and he goes why are you doubting the Holy Spirit right now and I was like oh just like that I was like oh no and I was like what I didn't even I knew that he knew that I knew and I just I just put my head down and I was like so I went back to my hotel room and I repented for looking at everyone else and deep down being jealous of everyone else's encounter rather than jealously in love with the encounter er some of you are in that place right now because you went through the far tunnel you didn't feel anything and you think it's about feelings you're deceived so the next service I'm like in this place now where I'm like lord I I don't care what happens to me I just want to know you you gods like I can work with that and he protects us from ourselves that's what we have to die to ourselves and so I'm in the back of the room and and I'm like I'm just standing there he's still preaching he's not laying hands on anybody yet he's just preaching and the night before I'm offended at people like I'm like gosh that one's real fleshy no that one's fleshy I'm looking for something real and I'm offended by people doesn't matter my last name was a hen I was in everyone else's boat and all of a sudden I'm standing there and it's like God ruins my dignity like how many of you know in acts 10 Peters preaching and he's not he doesn't even realize what's about to happen that the Holy Spirit's about to fall on Gentiles right and so he's preaching and God interrupts him like how many you know God said in heaven going that's a good message like he's not taking notes of my message today and like Wow mind-blowing revelation he is the revelation he's not impressed by our teaching in our sermon series like he's the whole point of the gospel we talk about him and so God interrupts Peter as Peters preaching like I'm get the picture mine like I would love for right now God to just come and shake the room and we all are on the floor and I'm like that would be incredible because it's not up to good teaching it's up to his presence and so I guarantee you in acts 10 when the Holy Spirit came crashing into that room they probably weren't like Oh bless god that's great no the room probably really shook like an axe - they really heard a sound so much that 3000 got saved that day not just because they heard a good message by Peter but they saw something in John they come to get Jesus if you've ever wondered where people falling is in Scripture here you go they come to get Jesus in the count of John when he's in the garden they're about to take him to the cross and they say hey are you Jesus of Nazareth he responds I am he and the whole militia flies back and it doesn't explain why like if I was in the militia I'd be like you're good it's mind-blowing that they still got him it shows you how silly we are without the Holy Spirit and how little we can actually do without him and we'll call ourselves wise and think we're doing good for people we need the they need counter with God that sweeps us off of our feet and I'm not encouraging like if you don't fall there something wrong with you it goes way beyond that but we need God to ruin our dignity like what if your encounter is you just getting a little free like what if you've never lifted your hands and moved a little bit and so we as pastors we say silly things like if you're comfortable will you lift your hands are you kidding me if the King of glory walked in the room you know what we would all do we'd all fall on our face like dead men and no one would be saying are you comfortable with this are you kidding it's it doesn't even make sense to me like John saw Jesus soul one on two like the Son of Man the Lord's Day he falls in his face like a dead man we're like I'm gonna stand Foreman asking questions no you're not if you do that's legit but I have a feeling that we're all gonna fall like dead men like they listen he's not the man with blond hair and blue eyes like we see in the movies anymore no he's got fire in his eyes he's got a sword coming out of his mouth he's not your boyfriend he's your real husband that's a real King of glory and he'll really walk into your room and shake the foundation of your house shake the foundation of your dignity and get all the religion out all in one pass like this is Jesus he's not he hasn't fallen off the throne he doesn't need help like what if your encounter is just get over yourself and how you look for five minutes like what if we started worshiping without music and everyone just started dancing looking like fools but we didn't care what people thought we just were saying god I'm gonna get so free that I can be free when I leave so I'm catching well actually I was on my face I hadn't started catching yet God hit me in the back of the room and ruined my dignity and with my nice suit on I've got snot hanging you know when it comes out and it doesn't fall yet you know what I'm talking about and you're like oh my gosh I wasn't like oh my gosh I was like freaking out I'm crying there's stuff everywhere I don't even remember going on the floor and he's on stage and he's doing his thing and and I come to it with him banging on the pulpit because he doesn't mess around like I don't know if anyone's ever been to a Benny Hinn meeting yeah like you're like he's it okay to move I'm not really sure you know what I'm saying he's my uncle I can talk like this he loves me and I love him but I'm I'm I come to with him yelling where's my nephew I need a catch we need catchers and now I'm thinking how am I gonna get up this aisle right now now I up to this point had never preached I had never shared my faith ever I was a double-oh-seven Christian you know that garbage the one that's like no I'm not gonna have to say anything they'll just see me God said open your mouth so I can fill it so I was like the undercover Christian that looked like the world and it was really just an excuse to look like the world and up to that point I had never preached and I would tell my uncle I will never preach and he would say hey are you ready I'm gonna I'm gonna call you out when you least expect it you better be ready and I said I will run out of the building um I was petrified of public speaking my freshman year of high school I got an F in public speaking and would shake with a paper and all I got to do is read it terrified but then I encountered God and I got over myself and so now I'm like trying to get up the aisle and I'm not thinking about anybody in the room anymore I'm thinking what's happening and I need to just be able to walk straight right now I'm not kidding and so I'm I'm like working my way up the aisle like how many remember it's said in acts 2 that they thought they were drunk man at noon dead so I'm trying to work my way up and I'm thinking oh my gosh I was offended by this last night and now what's happening to me I was judging everybody last night and now I'm the guy I'm that guy like the one that everyone in church is like we go sit in this section of your he's allowed no you're just into yourself so I was really getting over myself and it was all happening very quickly and so I'm walking up the aisle trying and I'm trying to catch people and it's not working out this time this time I'm not a pro at catching I'm dropping everybody and I'm falling with everybody and my uncle's looking at me weird like what happened to you and he doesn't even wear Antigua he doesn't even remember rebuking me the night before and so he's looking at me strange and I remember I'm staying behind somebody and I'm like I can't even think straight like God is a way of just ruining our logic so I can't even think straight I'm standing behind this person and he looks around them and he goes he calls me Willie no one else is allowed to call me Willie he calls me he's like Willie turns around the person he said it's about time you start preaching the gospel and I'm not kidding you he didn't touch me none of it now remember as a child people wave their jackets at me they say fire on you all of the stuff and now I'm the guy and he goes it's about time you start preaching the gospel and I'm not kidding you it was like God Himself ran across staged with a smile on his face and just hit me in the chest with a sledgehammer and I went rolling down the stairs and he goes pick him up and I thought no no no no no no no I'm not kidding takes his jacket off I'm thinking because I know it well it had never happened to me but other people had done it to me and it didn't work when they did it but it worked when he did said pick him up and now I'm coming up and I'm limp just like Todd's testimony same thing and he does the thing and I go down the stairs again and I'm you know you know what how many of you ever seen God TV one time my uncle prayed for me oh and I was on God TV and I'm on stage and my shirt came up I think I was no I wasn't wearing this shirt my shirt came up and the whole world saw my crack you know what it just happened God has away he just has an amazing way of causing you to get over you I had all my cousin's Jessica's texting me hey she know what people are so offended people are so into themselves because they lock in counter and really they're just jealous but here's the deal you being jealous of someone else's encounter will not bring you into an encounter with God you being jealous of going man like when Todd was preaching the other night I was sitting here crying go to God like I want to believe like him like I've been around him and not yeah I preached but come on man like we all need to grow I'm like God I want to believe like him and I'm a mess sitting here and I'm running back to my room and I'm like like even today I'm a mess I'm up here I don't know whose girls it were but there was two little girls on her knee on their knees here and I'm a mess this morning Washington thinking oh my gosh make it my kids like what I want to be jealous for is when someone loves him and I want to love him like that you know the disciples they never came to Jesus and said teach us how to pray for the sick they said they never said teach us how to get words of knowledge they said teach us how to pray show us the Father it's always about communion it's always about intimacy you see if you want to have an encounter with God but you don't want it to miss you with them it's a fake encounter if you go down and it doesn't lead to a private kiss and you publicly made a scene but you didn't make a scene when no one was watching but you didn't build an altar when no one was watching it meant nothing it should cause us to go into your room and say God I need to know you more I kept you're so amazing that you touched me like that and so I'm flying downstairs and the first place that led me was my room and I went into my room and I had a decision to make do I take six years and try to figure it out or do I just believe him and I got on my knees and I began to just believe God like how many of you know it says confess with your mouth and believe believe believe in your heart you see we have so many confessing Christians you could say sorry a hundred times but until you believe in your heart we shouldn't even take that name you have to actually believe him you have to answer an altar call not just to confess sin but to believe God's goodness and grace so God ruined me like ruined me and it was only a couple months after that I was ministering for the first time and it's not about pulpit but for the first time I had boldness and my whole life it was like God have ruined me and the next thing you know I'm the guy sitting there and I can't stop laughing and doing weird things and I'm like I never wanted to be this guy you know saying like we need to have meetings again where we lose the meeting gosh I can feel the Lord we have meetings again where it's like God just run in just shake everything and ruin people's dignity but so many people have problems with so many people you know like if you only knew my father and my uncle I just feel like sharing this in my heart they shared a room together growing up and when my uncle gave his life to Jesus see it's so important that we honor the generation that's gone before us so important if a young generation would be able to get this you would walk in wisdom I promise you know I'm 27 years old 27 and I believe with all of my heart that what is gonna keep me is this I'm gonna honor my parents man no matter what they do or what they say or what they think it's a promise in Scripture it gives us wisdom and so I'm might I would tell me these stories of when they were younger and and my uncle Benny gave his life to Jesus I want to say around 17 years old and my whole family was Greek Orthodox there's eight of them just on one side so just on my dad's side there's eight of them six of them are boys to girls imagine that house and so growing up they were very much Greek Orthodox very much in the religious church in Israel and then they went to Canada and same thing when they migrated to Canada and my uncle Benny found Jesus or Jesus found him and when he gave his life to the Lord the whole family turned on him and he had a stutter so a lot of people don't know this this is why I'm like I just pray for those that have issues like anyone who hasn't sin cast the first stone I just feel that a my heart to share it and this isn't a defense thing it's like I'm proud I'm proud of it she know like what he walked through as he as a kid with a stutter and the whole family turned against him and and my grandfather was appalled because he was ahead in the church the Greek Orthodox Church and my grandfather told him if you ever preach I will disown you and so all of them turned against him and he would just go into his room and he'd lock himself in his room for eight hours a day and he said the Holy Spirit became my best friend cuz I didn't have anyone else and I will lock myself in this room and my dad and him shared a room and my dad said that he would come home from work and he worked late at a gas station and freezing winters of Canada and come home and he couldn't wait to just get warm and put on clean clothes and get into bed it to be early hours of the morning and he said his door would be locked and he couldn't get in his room and he would knock on the door and and bang on the door and he'd look under the door and my uncle would be on his knees weeping before God and he would say just five more minutes just give me five more minutes and my dad said finally he would just fall asleep outside in the hallway and he would come into the room and he said every time he came to the room there was something in the room with him and he felt something in the room with him and one by one secretly all of the kids came secretly to him and said we want to know that Jesus that you know behind the parents backs we want to know him and they one by one gave their lives to the Lord secretly in the house so my uncle has a stutter he does no idea he's gonna preach he has these dreams these visions and so one time a pastor says you're gonna preach he goes no no he gets up he's like I have a stutter I can't even talk like Moses and he gets up and god looses his tongue he preaches with power the first time and sees people get healed crazy stuff and so now all of them are like well what do we do now because dad had said if you started preaching he's going to disown you so they secretly started holding meetings my uncles secretly sertoli meetings and hundreds of people would come hundreds of people are getting healed and they don't the parents don't know about it and so my grandfather gets up in the morning one morning and he sees a newspaper article with his son's face on it I'm not kidding you this is a true story and so my grandfather and grandmother didn't say anything and they showed up to the meeting and my dad said he was standing in the very back going like this so uncle Benny like mom and dad are here mom and dad are here and he's waving and my uncle said he saw them and he couldn't look at them or you'd feel the starters start coming back so he didn't look and he just preached with power all that he knew and after the service he went into the parking lot and he sat there for hours cuz he didn't want to go home and have to talk to them sat there for hours he thought maybe they'll be asleep by the time I get home she's a little boy I mean this is in the early 70s or mid 70s it's a young kid and he says he drove home in like the early hours of the morning and he pulls in and he's coming in quiet he's seeing her sleep and they're sitting there awake in the living room just staring at him and he says he walks in and he's kind of scared and they say he says sit down my grandfather and my grandfather was a man that was in the government in Israel not a man that you'd play around with said sit down and he said I watched you tonight and I wasn't watching my son he said this has to be God and I need to know the Jesus that you know and they both gave their life to Jesus like without that without the years and the hours of intimacy with God I wouldn't even be standing here I would even be a Christian so it's like it doesn't matter what people say see the problem is is we get offended by things and we keep ourselves from a God house for us and we become judges of everything well we got a log in our own eye that God just wants to remove so you can experience them in fullness and maybe that thing that offended you God's gonna make it you just like it happened to me and so I had this radical tangible encounter with God so as I got older I started asking God questions like Lord I don't want to live from encounter to encounter I don't want to just experience you one time and then go wow that was a really powerful conference at one time and and and Lord I'm I'm just gonna wait till you come around again Lord spoke to me he said holiness is the only thing that can anchor you in constant encounter with God you know my natural dad if I nothing will change the fact that I'm his son nothing I can do anything and say anything and disobey but nothing in this world can separate the fact that I am his DNA nothing but if I make my dad angry he has the choice to stay around or not but I'm still his son the Holy Spirit comes upon us like a dove how many you ever heard Bill Johnson or read the book hosting the presents he talks about the dove being upon our shoulder how doves are very they're grieved easy and they fly away easy and if you have a dove that comes upon you and on your shoulder how are you gonna walk you're gonna you're gonna consider him every single step you see the problem is like Todd was talking about is we have this thing today where we've separated the secular and the sacred and we go through life thinking well I've got my job and then I've got my church no such thing in Scripture you're a Christian end of story before you're an employee and an American you are a kingdom citizen and when did you have it to sit like windy windy of the right to turn that off and so we come into this mindset where we're constantly like back and forth back and forth and we think that we've got to come into the meeting and we've got a siphon the anointing somehow and wait for him to come down and when the anointing clothes me then I'll be able to pray it's not how the anointing works it says that Christ Jesus Christ it wasn't his last name it wasn't Joseph and Mary Christ had Jesus Christ no no Christ defines his nature he's the anoint he is the anointing so if Jesus lives in you guess what you're anointed and so we see the man on TV with a white suit and we think man I want to be anointed like that but we never release what God's given us and we think that I've got a wait to get into the meeting I've got a wait to get into the right worship set for the anointing to fall and maybe if he can pray for me man I can't tell you how many times people have come on stretchers and driven from miles and miles and I need Benny to pray for me and unlike he's left the building I can pray for you I don't want you to pray for me and I'm not offended by that I my heart hurts for them because the same Holy Spirit that lives in you lives in Todd lives in the base this same one and actually even better than living in Todd the same Holy Spirit that rose Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in your hearts watts are we doing with him like the same one that hovered upon the waters and responded to the command of the Father is the same one that lives in you and we're like I need Todd to pray for me man there's a believer next to you like when did we stop having a need of a body you know if I cut my left hand my right hand stops the bleeding covers it in church today the left hand bleeds the right hand gossips come on we are members of the body of Christ Jesus is sitting amongst his disciples at a table at the Last Supper and he's saying this is my blood that's been shed for you this is my body that's been broken for you do this in remembrance of me it's not just like some communion thing that we do every year that's great but what he's saying that word in the Greek remembrance means to take something that's been dismembered and remember it together again so when Jesus said drink my blood and eat my flesh do this in remembering my body we are members of his body we need each other I'm connected to you we can't walk and carry the glory like God wants us to unless we become one body come on it says in Ephesians until we all all of us come together as one perfect man that's pretty intense and so I've got my thing and you got your thing I'm offended at this and you're offended at that I'm waiting for the anointing I need the anointed man to pray for me you guys okay I'm not mad I just don't know how it's to preach to be honest so so in my heart I'm crying out to see a generation that isn't just filling a stadium going get me get me if I can do it heart if I can think and pray hard enough maybe I'll get it you know you have it get alone with God get alone like why don't you get alone for a while like God talked about like jesus said his disciples in mark 6 and so I was so desperate for fresh encounter and fresh fire and fresh manna and it's amazing to be hungry God feeds me he says but here's the key to God filling you he who seeks after righteousness who hungers and thirsts for righteousness then I'm gonna fill and I remember the day I resisting to Todd and I know how did it hurt you know we don't preach the fear of the Lord and anymore because we don't want to lose members I love preaching the fear of the Lord Trimspa I love it we don't preach the fear of the Lord because we might lose tithe but you're gonna stand before God and you will answer for your life holiness is the only thing that anchors us in encounter with him it's the only thing you see God it says in 1st John that he is light and in him is no darkness everyone's saying no darkness at all at all there's no darkness at all so how could we expect to say God you've anointed me and your presence is with me and and and he doesn't leave us he doesn't forsake us but he steps away in the room because he doesn't dwell in darkness and he gave you dominion and he gave you a choice and the burden in my heart is is that we get right with God come on it says it like this I'm just gonna I'm just gonna read it a couple of things to you and and then I'm gonna be done it's this Romans five if I can find Romans I'm gonna just read a bunch for a sec just listen pay attention reading your own time this is Romans 5 says Romans 5:18 therefore as through one man's offense judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in the justification of life for us by one man's disobedience many were sinners were made sinners so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous this is Romans 6 verse 1 what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that grace may abound certainly not how shall we who have died to sin live in it any longer baptized in Christ Jesus we were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through baptism of death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in a newness of life and then it says were crucified with him in verse 5 I'm just going through verse 8 now if we died with Christ we believe that we shall also live with him knowing that Christ having been raised from the dead dies no more death no longer has dominion over him for the death he died he died to sin once for all once for everybody but the life he lives he lives to God likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord do not let sin reign in your mortal bodies that you should obey its lusts and do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin but present yourselves as as instruments of righteousness to God for sin shall not everyone say shall not shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but you're under grace and then you keep reading in verse 18 it says having been set free from sin and then you keep reading in verse 20 21 it says having been set free from sin and then you get to chapter 7 and he says or do you not know brethren for I speak to those who know the he tells you who he's talking to right off the bat I just want to bring a lot of clarification to this portion of Scripture because we have this mindset in church that we can't be free from sin and it is an excuse so you can keep living in sin and so we go to Romans 7 just like Todd talked about and we go to Romans 7 and we say well what I will to do I don't do but he tells you right off the bat I'm talking to those who are under the law when chapter 6 just finished you are no longer under the law you see the law doesn't just go away the Old Covenant actually means something it says that the law was a tutor it was a tutor to go look how much you need Jesus here I'm gonna give you 613 laws in 10 commandments and you're never gonna be able to accomplish it and then Jesus comes and he adds to it and says listen I'm not just saying you can't commit adultery I'm saying if you even look at a woman lustfully you've committed adultery like he raises grace raises the standard and then you go Lord I really can't do that he goes exactly the law was for one reason to expose your sin without the law they wouldn't have known that they were sinners without the law there have been no need for a savior so Jesus comes and grace is a higher revelation oh it's so good so then in Romans 7 he goes through what I will to do I don't do and he's talking about this is what life is like under the law and I love it because people are so confused he says listen to this this is Romans 717 but now it is no longer I who do it but sin that dwells in me and people use as an excuse but here it goes verse 18 for I know that in me that is in my flesh nothing good dwells for to will is present for for to will is present in me but how to perform what is good I do not find because this can't be performed so he says in my flesh there's nothing good and then the answer is in Romans 8 you got to read all of it therefore there is now everyone say now doesn't say one day when you die but now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ come on it's so clear and then you keep reading and you keep reading and it says Jesus Christ who do not walk according to the flesh Romans seven this is what I experienced in the flesh but it goes now you don't have any condemnation there's no more condemnation and you can't walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit there's no contradictions here just read it and eat it and ask God to make something in you listen verse 9 but you are not in the flesh see you either live by flush everyone everyone say listen how many of you know you don't have a spirit you are a spirit you have a body you have a soul but you are spirit see in the in world today we're a flesh and we have a spirit and we wonder why the flesh wins and we wonder why we've got to fight all the time because you don't believe you are spirit and you have a flesh all this is is a glove that's all it is but who you really are is beneath all that and you can put glue on it and stuff and try not to get old and all that stuff it's gonna fall it's okay and we do everything we can to keep ourselves an observant and make sure we don't grow old that's it you serve your flesh it's just the truth man might as well preach truth you are spirit so it says you can't live but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ he is not his if it and if Christ is in you the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give your life and your body your mortal bodies he will quicken your mortal body like what would it look like if we so lived in the spirit that my flesh responded you see what if God didn't just change your position but he fixed the condition along with it you see we have this thing I'm positionally right with God and then we live in the world no you're deceived when God positionally fixes you he changes your condition and quickens your mortal body and now it's it's not just a one-time encounter with God but God owns your body now your whole life is a dwelling place for him now when you're a husband you're a dwelling place for God when you're a father you're a dwelling place for God when you're a wife you're in a habitation of God you see we don't just need visitation we need a habitation we need to stop looking for him to come and visit and make him just a one time visitor at our house and make him a residence and make him our address there's sin in the world because we're not present with him there sit in the church we have pastors today man preaching and then sleeping with people and we don't talk about it and then they stay with them and go to people please you know I need you to restore me are you kidding me have we gotten so far from the gospel that we can create doctrine and leave first John to just itself he who says that he's the son of God in a child of God walks in darkness is a liar according to Scripture this isn't by works I'm not telling you to do righteousness I'm telling you to receive the love of Jesus that makes you right you see you can't walk around like I don't remember the last time my hand did something that my mind didn't premeditate so we come up with things bro you're just always sinning are you kidding when's the last time my hand did anything that my mind didn't think about like I don't go to the grocery store and try not to steal the candy bar I'm not like I don't walk around trying not to commit adultery against my wife I don't even think about it because it's not my nature I'm not a thief I'm not an adulterer to be sin conscious is trying not to sin but to be Sun conscious is to be so full of God that you can't even think about it anymore it's to be just like what if I could tell you that it was possible that you never have to watch porn again what if I could tell you that it was possible that you never have to lust again a day in your life see men don't believe it because you want an excuse to lust but what if Jesus raises the standard and then takes it as far as going hey my grace it's gonna give you the power to do it and then you're gonna have no more excuses like what if our eyes got so anointed that you looked at a woman that before you'd have been like wow and now you go a child of God see what we do is is we're like I don't even I I can't get near it Jesus sat with the sinners because the world needs you and and please don't take this wrong we have people like going into strip clubs and stuff that's not the Lord please hear my heart on this I am not condoning any of those things we're like man I'm gonna go into the bar get people saved and have a few drinks and look like the world you can't change something that you're like I'll try to win them by being like them see we have this thinking and everyone knows what I'm talking about I grew up in church I've seen it man we need to win the world we need to not be like weird and no God says separate yourself out this is pure religion find those that are orphans tell them they have a father find those that are widows tell them they have a husband and keep oneself unspotted unspotted from the world if you're planning on changing the world you can't be like the world and this isn't a condemnation thing like if you're in sin Todd says if the shoe fits just kick it off if you're in sin there's a gift called righteousness see righteousness is not something you can obtain on your own this is never like anything I'm saying right now you could never accomplish you have to die and I remember the day when I committed my life to righteousness I remember it I was engaged with my wife and I'm like hey bro you know like hey babe you know we're you know and I'm a crit you're Christian and you're coming up with excuses what we're gonna you know we're gonna make a covenant and you come up with all kinds of excuses demonic and I remember I was so convicted and I went to the Lord not dedicated my life to righteousness and something hit my heart that I can't even explain the fear of God gripped me so much I said I need you to be five feet away from me at all times and we waited until we were married I didn't even let her get near my lips I'm not kidding because the fear of God gripped me and it's his spirit that makes it possible to go god I want to be your daily delight see what anchors us in constant encounter is an environment that God can find rest are you listening to me you see what's gonna fix the issue of lust is bring Jesus into the room like if your natural dad was in the room what would you do come on like we have a church today that just accepts everything yeah it's okay you can be bisexual God wasn't confused when he made you way to keep him up at a power in love and say I'm coming out and I was the one doing the testimonies he said I'm bisexual and the room went oh no cuz they know just like you guys you know I told him God's not confused and we ministered to him and we committed freedom over him he thought he was gonna get a cheer and it didn't happen because he's deceived and he's a son that's lost but here's the amazing thing is God is so good that she can be stuck in that you have people that have abortions not from God we never talk about it because we don't want to side with one side like what if we didn't vote based on Republican and Democrat but we voted based on righteousness just keep it real simple [Applause] we don't want to talk about it we don't want to lose our 501c3 status I love for them to try they'd all get Jesus come on like when are we gonna preach in a way that it doesn't matter if people walk out when are we gonna preach when like it causes riots in the world like Paul because we're not willing to compromise this thing when are we gonna preach for people go I can follow that life that uncompromising life that's not willing to bow to the world that's not willing to bow and say oh it's okay man it's culturally relevant at this at the cost of truth the world doesn't hold the relevance and we try to like Todd says it like we're allowing the world to evangelize the church and so we're building a church around what the world deems okay and we're very careful when we preach because we don't want to offend if you're a Republican or Democrat like you're voting for murder are you kidding and we don't want to talk about it what are we doing and if you had one here's the amazing thing about God it's the kid never had a chance to sin ease went right back with the father and one day you're gonna have a joyful amazing day where you're gonna walk in and you're gonna have a kid come and give you a hug and say it's okay I've been with him the whole time there's no condemnation get free from that thing go and sin no more but he doesn't condemn you Jesus Christ did not come to condemn the world convictions way different and the church doesn't understand the difference convictions like a sword Jesus said don't think I came to bring peace I didn't come to make you guys feel good I came to bring a sword that's our King that's what he does he brings his sword he'll show you the cost and then say you want to follow me he'll say things to to Paul before he got to Paul Oh Hotel Ananias I must show him what he must suffer and let him be hungry and blind for three days don't worry I'm going to heal him come on he's God and he's worthy to be feared not talking about being scared of God I'm talking about there being such a reverence of his power that I couldn't even dare to touch sin and I actually believe that it's possible you see some of you were thinking it's not possible to live free from sin well then you don't believe the Bible it says it over and over and over and over again just read it and don't just confess it believe it in your heart because once you believe it like the more you believe you're a son the more you're gonna walk like one but if you believe you're a sinner you will sin and grace is not a license to sin grace is the empowerment to walk like Jesus so Jesus raises the bar in every way possible raises the bar and then says walk it out if anyone call himself a Christian we ought to walk just as Jesus walked if we're gonna go out and we're gonna witness and share our faith we better do it in righteousness because you're talking about a righteous god I believe we have so much stuff because there's so much mixture so many issues because we've mixed Church in the world and the world is not the relevance that the church needs to reach the church is the relevance that the world needs to reach can you guys stand with me like honestly this requires nothing to be mustered up I don't know any other way to talk because I died God would do things in my life like it sounds silly because it's not to hang from my nose without falling just staying there for a little bit where you got to get your finger involved because until God ruins dignity until you go god i need the pure fire you see the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire is not just so we can fly and flail and feel good it's to purify it purifies so we can be witnesses so that we can be on fire and everything we touch gets lit on fire until there's nothing left but a bulb burning generation until there's nothing left but a generation that has no compromise until there's a generation that says yes and you cannot do this in your own strength the call is I'm signing up to literally be crucified with you god I've tried to follow the law I've tried following the laws and even the answer you know when the rich man came to Jesus and said what must I do to have eternal life he said follow the commandments he said I do that okay and sell give everything you have away to the poor and follow me you can't do that see the issue is is not us following a bunch of rules and regulations because this is not a rules and regulations book this is a love story you see when it becomes about love like how many husbands are in here and how many of you husbands love your wives every hand better stay up doing yeah yeah like you peer and out out your love for them keeps you from committing sin against them what keeps me from not even having the thought and staying above reproach so much like we're very careful in ministry don't go and hang out with women by ourselves and it's not even like a muster up thing that we're trying to do I don't even think about it it's becomes part of my later why because I'm in love you see when you fall in love with God which in order to do that you have to encounter God when you encounter God and you fall in love with them you're gonna go oh my gosh I'm gonna lift for you I can't even think about committing adultery on God but we do it every day and we go oh I'm just a sinner no you're just not in love you're just not in love like it doesn't it doesn't take a lot of boldness and courage and for me to talk about my wife and how much I love her why do we have to muster so much up to talk about God and to share truth if someone said something about my wife that wasn't true I'd be the first to deal with it believe me and all the husbands in here would say it or about my father like growing up you're like man you can say anything you want about me would she talk about my parents my mom now we're gonna have a conversation why shouldn't we feel like that as the church with him as our Father you see what I'm so sick of is he's my father he's your father and so many people talk about him like they know him and live in sin and if we should be offended about something it's that if we should be angry with something it's that because he's our father can I get a pad or something Lewis is back there somewhere he told me he might be laying on a pew if you find him tell him to wake up you guys okay are you offended I don't care I don't even want to hear the response I don't care she's kidding I love you I really do there's been something very amazing and unique about this power and love and I just have a feeling Todd might come tonight and really go after righteousness again what you need more than learning how to be an evangelist is you need to get right with God so that you can walk in power in pure power where there's no more separation of character and power in the church I've seen it for too long you know when Jesus said father the glory you've given me I've given them that word glory in the Greek is doxa it's not Shekinah the Shekinah glory is the one that you see it was the it was the cloud that came down with the children of Israel that's the Shekinah glory I'd love to have like meetings where fire trucks show up because there's actual smoke coming out of the building that would be amazing but see there's another kind of glory that demands something it's called doxa and when Jesus said the glory you've given me I've given them in John 17 that word glory doxa is not the shiny one it's the one that gets into you and transforms you it's the glory that will mess with your character in a really good way it's the glory that feels like a sword coming in and it's double-edged it's so when it comes out it pulls everything out that doesn't belong
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 1,345
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: guYtTPWDB7w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 5sec (5285 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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