"Creation Is Crying Out" - Dr. William D. Hinn

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one of our precious members from Florida describing how she felt such an intensity to pray asking she said I know that you don't like us to get spooky well what is the Lord saying and I responded immediately you're not being spooky I witness in my spirit and without thinking about it the earth is regurgitating in desperation for the manifestation of the sons of God and since then I haven't slept much and the Spirit of God has been just so intense the time is so right the Kairos moment is so at hand for the people of God to begin to press to what rightfully belongs to them I urge you tonight and I realize in you know there is always the prophetic and if I was to ask you a question what is more accurate and this is not a tricky question you probably don't want to answer it but what is more accurate what the Word of God says or a word that we believe we've received one more time what is more accurate what the Word of God says or a word we've received that we believe it sounding so confident in your answer what the Word of God say that say it again and so there's always prophecies there's always words there's always what people think and there's you know on sincere good people and so tonight I want to urge you that you don't go off stay with me until the end deal because there's things we need to see and I'm gonna just deal with it from the beginning the devil does not have any power to create tsunamis earthquakes or hurricanes let's say that one more time most countries people will be shouting amen but not here not the u.s. let's try that one more time the devil has no power say no power no power to cause nature the enemy works in the mind of man and the carnal thought it's what any worse but there's something that has to be understood as what it is that we are seeing and many will conclude while the Lord is not the kind of God that does this to people I didn't say he is doing it I'm also not saying the devil's been doing it so you need to listen careful to what the Scriptures teach Jeremiah chapter 12 verse 4 reads a prophet is describing the complaint to God and God is speaking through him verse 4 how long shall the land mourn and the herbs of every field wither for the wickedness of them the people that dwell therein the beasts are consumed and the birds why because they said he shall not see our last end the amplified says because men mocked me God is saying men mocked me saying he shall not see our final end God cannot bring a conclusion notice how long shall the land mourn verse 11 they that made it desolate they that made it and being desolate it mourneth unto me the land mourneth unto me the whole land is made desolate because no man lay it to heart what Lia that where the land is crying out to God the earth is groaning the land is mourning the herbs and the fields are in disarray because of those that dwell in them the beasts are being conserved with the birds because man doesn't believe that God can see them through their mocking God they've made it a desolation being desolate the land mourns unto me the land cries unto God how long shall the land mourn the prophet asks for the wicked that dwell in them and being desolate it Lawrence for me Romans chapter 8 and I know you're familiar with these scriptures chapter 8 verses 19 21 to 22 just quickly go there and you will hear them first familiarly and I'm going to read them out of the King James and then we're gonna see what the how the amplified reads and these are scriptures that are commonly is describing the manifestation of the sons of God Romans 8:19 for the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God y'all there verses 21 to 22 because of the creature that means creation itself shall also be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God for we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now the amplified reads for even the whole creation all of nature Waits expectantly longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known waits for the revealing the disclosure of their sonship that nature itself will be set free from its bondage of decay and gain an entrance listen gain an entrance into the glorious freedom of God's children so notice how nature's freedom is dependent on the sons of God verse 22 King James for we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now follow King James uses the words creature and creation interestingly both have the same number in the Strong's Concordance and both are the same word in the Greek language and write it down it means the original formation of creation the original formation of creation and creature and creature or the living being so again the word creation creature are the same meaning notice again for we know that the whole creation groans travailing way up in pain together until now you'll see the intermixing between the words of creation and creature but they're saying the same thing it means the original formation of creation and the creature the original formation of creation and the creature one more time the original formation of creation and the creature said the creature the creature simply means the living being so the original formation of creation and the living be verse 22 groaneth and travaileth look at that groaneth and travaileth it means to moan together creation and the creature our moaning together experiencing a common calamity the Strong's Concordance says to have pans together travailing simultaneously they're amazing with me you're quiet like I was when I was studying in the creature the living being man and his creation are both experiencing a common calamity pangs travailing simultaneously at the same time the original formation of creation and the living being groaning and travailing moaning together experiencing a common calamity to have pegs together travail simultaneously in Genesis 2 when God formed man of the ground anybody remember and breathed into his nostrils in verse 7 listen carefully he combined the spiritual and the natural and harmonized them into one one more time how many remember this John I'm sorry Genesis 2:7 God formed man out of the dust of the ground a bee that come on help me and breathe into his nostrils and man became a living soul the breath that man received was heavenly the formation of man was earthly and God took that which was earthly and breathed the heavenly and harmonizing them into one and ever since then man and earth are one it's just simple this is why the best things for your body comes out of the earth right when we were children we would eat dirt literally in the backyard with how many of you ever ate dirt I hate dirt and we thought dirt was bad and then we realized as we got a little older No it gave us iron and nutrients out of the because we come from dirt physically speaking so the universe is a living organism this is really important three o'clock in the morning I wrote it down so you need to write it down to the universe is a living organism and everything is connected in it and operates by law one more time the universe is a living organism and everything in it is connected say that everything in it is connected and operates by law or by order in Genesis 1 when the earth was without form and darkness upon the face of the deep what happened after that Genesis 1 when earth was was without form the Hebrew says chaos and darkness was upon the face of the deep what took place right after that the Spirit of God moved say that the Spirit of God moved and then God said anybody remember let there be light God said creation responded to the Word of God one more time creation responded to the Word of God and it obeyed his laws and everything was good when it did come on don't you see the science of it when I heard tonight it's disturbing 1.6 million people in India displaced I have not heard it but it's all now they finally tell us Pastor Mark tells me he said today - have you heard the news said what news I don't think he doesn't tell me about what's going on with with her with the hurricanes in Florida and East Coast and I said well yeah about the her he said no no no in India said no 1.6 million people displaced in certain places that we know of could be more than that multi thousands have died can hear you what happened flooding monsoon flooding thousands died millions displaced the government says to the people you're on your own we cannot help we have we don't have the money to do this creation is regurgitating travailing groaning the land is mourning for God because every time God's word is spoken nature responds to it the reason there's groceries at the grocery store and the reason there is all the nutrients piled up in the in the grocery section is because Nature has obeyed God think of it God give it an order everything reproduce after its own kind and it obeyed and so the vegetation the fruits the vegetables the fields are full harvesting we're able to get our breads we're able to get our meats we're able to get all of our vegetables all of our fruits because the land has obeyed God and God looked at all of it especially after he made man and he said you know what this is very good it's very good there's no problem anywhere on earth everything is remaining within its balance everything is within its borders everything is functioning according to its law everything is exactly right the ocean is remaining within its boundaries it's not over flooding the rains are remaining modest there's clouds to keep us protected and provide us with rain everything is working right the soil is producing it's not being over flooded you don't have fish growing with grass there's no fish dying at the shores because the land is good the land heard the word of God and it obeyed it provided everything for the man that ruled over it why because God's universe is a living organism everything within God's creation functions by a perfect order and as long as the man of God's image rules over it everything is perfect God established the order and gave him dominion over all the works of his hand as long as the man is over all the works of God's hands the universe is flowing in perfect harmony but God's Word tells us the land is groaning moaning for God because the evil the wickedness of those that dwell in it the condition of their hearts so if the universe can just remain in harmony the Sun will shine like it should the moon will come out at night and the breezes will come and the rains will feed the land and God will have plenty of water for his beasts and for his birds and for his man and everything will work just harmoniously as it did in the Garden of Eden because creation responded to the Word of God and obeyed his laws and everything was very good not until Cain killed Abel and Abel's blood begins to cry out of the ground of the earth you see it in Genesis 4:10 and then verses 11 and 12 God said now you are cursed from the earth because she received your brother's blood she drank it and when you cultivate her she will not yield to you her strength she will not yield to you her best this is Genesis 4 remember God comes to Cain and he says what did you do I don't know where's your brother well I don't my mom and brother's keeper Phil nobody saw him he's gonna get away with it so the first murder that's recorded he can get away whether the earth is groaning so creation responds and God says to King your brother's blood listen to it is crying out to me now you are cursed from the earth because she received your brother's blood and when you cultivate her she will not yield to you her strength look at the law the word blood here is plural speak in plural blood therefore it should read your brother's blood our crying plural are crying out on to me from the ground so when the same word is used elsewhere in Scripture as in Isaiah 4 4 and as here 26 21 it speaks a violent bloodshed that must be avenged because such blood stains or pollutes the land numbers 35 33 says you shall not pollute the land where you live where you are for blood defiles the land Isaiah 26 21 says earth also shall disclose she's gonna reveal her blood and listen and shall no more cover her slain for for says the Lord shall wash away the filth of the daughters of Zion and shall purge listen the the blood of Jerusalem from the midst thereof by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning in job 38 33 God asks job this question how many mother the chapter job 38 God questions job in verse 33 I'm gonna read to the amplified and he said do you know the ordinances of the heavens that means the ruled of the order the law do you know the ordinances of heaven can you establish their rule upon the earth do you know the authoritative order of heaven and how it rules the earth is what God is asking because remember he and his friends were all coming up to all their opinions of what's going on and why job is going through which what he's going through finally God has enough he responds out of the wind and he says do you know how the ordinance of heaven worked do you understand that the heavens rule daniel said how is it that he established rule from the heavens upon the earth they worked together God created the heavens and the earth and so God here is showing us that the heavens have ordinances there's a law the universe lives as a living organism and everything in it is connected and it operates by law by order just that simple you have to understand why it is that God gives us the commandments that he gives us Cain introduces the spirit of murder in Genesis 4 and by Genesis 6 the whole earth is polluted and filled with violence and where we're going listen and I know you don't go there now wait oh why Florida and why they just wait in Genesis for Cain introduces his period of murder by Genesis 6 the whole earth is polluted and filled with violence violence polluted the earth and caused the first major flood and you know you'll see it God did just get up on sin you know what I think I want to flood the earth so what happened violence polluted the earth and caused the first major flood ancient scholars believe as I do the human behavior not global warming are the cause of climate chaos let's say that one more time can i and I need you now listen because I'm gonna say some things tonight will probably get me in trouble on this livestream Facebook thing but I'm believing somewhere in there there's a remnant of people they're gonna believe it see it and caused a change in our nation ancient scholars believed as I do the human behavior not global warming are the cause of climate chaos in Psalms 82 God stands if you remember in the midst of the congregation and he cries out and God is talking to those people and God says how long will you judge unjustly how long will you judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness all the foundations of the earth are out of course notice darkness is responding responds to all the foundations one more time God stands up in the congregation cries out and God says to his people in the congregation of the gods the Hebrew reads how long will you judge justly and accept the persons of the wicked they know not neither will they understand they walk on in darkness and all the foundations of the earth are off course so again notice darkness is responded to all the foundations norm said it again darkness is responded to by all the foundations of the earth being off course you notice how they are connected darkness causes the foundations to be off course verse six I've said it's like went out and I've used as many times when my kids were little sometimes now what did I say God here saying I have said you are God's Elohim the Hebrew word and children of the Most High if you don't add and children of the Most High it becomes heresy for thou shalt have no other God before him but God is saying how many of you believe where the family of God well how could you be the family of gotta be something else right talk to me a little bit people believe that we come from monkeys really we're a family of monkeys that just evolved stupid blindness and then you wonder why their earth is in the condition that it's in so God gets up and says how long will you judge unjustly and accept the persons of the wicked they know not neither will they understand they walk on and darkness all the foundations of the earth are off course all of them verse six I have said you are gods and all of you all of you no one is exempt all of you are children of the Most High and then he gives them an order arise or God judge the earth for you shall inherit all nations I believe we're going to inherit South Korea this coming week say yes and I am NOT a doom prophet I'm not one of those the teachers and time catastrophes I don't use every sign in the sky I don't freak out when there is a moon eclipse I don't go nuts when there is blood moons I don't buy the books I don't listen to the youtubes I don't you know this is not me it's not what I don't believe I don't believe it I find other things in scripture not to say that God is not communicating but it's not it's you know a lot of times most people all they see is you know it's the judgment it's the end of the world it's the second coming you know when you hear that you know there's not what the Scriptures teach so all of your prophecies I appreciate your heart but you're off because God's gonna fill this earth with his glory I say God's gonna fill the earth with his glory so first for the bad okay can I get rid of the bad first and then I'll get back to the good so for a moment tolerate me I'm gonna sound like an old-time prophet with a doom ending but that's not true all right so first for the bed in June 1962 the judges of our land the Supreme Court decided that prayer in schools was unconstitutional it resulted in violent crimes Inc that increased five hundred and forty four percent in schools and hundreds upon hundreds of school shootings in 1973 the judges of the land made a new law that it is legal to abort an unwanted baby resulting in an estimated 3,000 babies aborted daily ever since more than 50 million ever since that unrighteous law they cursed the earth with innocent blood in June 2015 the nation turns it back completely on God when the judges of the land ruled the Supreme Court and said God is wrong in Genesis 1 because man now can marry another man and the kings of the land sitting in the White House mr. Obama gave God the finger and lit up the White House the people's house with the flag of the rainbow that is the gay community's flag and so the chem against God and said you're wrong meant to marry men and women can mary women and the judges of the land changed the law came against Genesis 1 where God created man and woman and told him to multiply men with men cannot multiply they're gonna kill babies one way or the other in the people's house with the King in it lit it up with the flag of the gay community we have become worse than Sodom and Gomorrah the land is crying out according to the New England Journal since 1990 natural disasters have affected 217 million people each year listen this is a US an actual report not done by some preacher the New England Journal since 1990 natural disasters have affected 217 million people each year and there were three times as many natural disasters between 2000 and 2009 compared to 1982 1989 eighty percent of this growth is directly result of climate change they think it's due to global warming scientists say it's pain it's paying back for all the pollution we've released into the environment but the Word of God teaches it's not so much as the airs pollution that has affected the environment it is human pollution and the heart of man that has changed the environment and created his own disasters man's heart has created his own disasters it's not only natural disasters like hurricanes earthquakes and tsunamis that we're seeing more now than ever but also it is terrorism in 2001 9/11 took place a handful of demonized Muslim terrorists brought this nation down to its knees in the 16 years in a couple of days a handful of uneducated crazy demons brought this whole nation down to its knees ever since then more than 2,000 mosques have been established in the United States during Obama's administration a record number of Muslim refugees were brought into this country and it has pulled away the people from the people of Israel and broke and ripped the covenant with God and signed the covenant with Iran taking the nation back to balance Babylon in the last 10 years there's been a drastic increase of Islam and the deterioration of our Christian heritage in the meantime Hollywood and all of the media working hand-in-hand have glamour ties wickedness and turned teenagers to drugs and suicide and the worst part of it all the majority of what is called the church has remained silent wanting more money and waiting to evacuate all they look for is more money and waiting to evacuate that's not the church but I've got some good news I said I got some good news I'm looking for Kyle I got some good news because we have to pray tonight people think can I be free it's over now your election is over Trump is in office somebody say hallelujah and I know that some people like him some people dislike Liz got a big mouth whatever but you know what there has not been a president that has surrounded himself with people of Prayer like this president I personally know people that have been called this office to pray he's asking for prayer asking always for God's wisdom sometimes you may just you know blow off his mouth and but you know the man has a bigger heart than his mouth he does have a big mouth but it's a bigger heart the reality is the people of God came together and began to pray in 2016 had he lost the election the nation will be simply being flushed down the toilets right now the evil wickedness that would have taken over our land in the Supreme Court's the Bible describes Watchers stand watch Jesus said pray and watch he gives people authority to be Watchers over the land on the natural there's those who make the law they're called judges and then there are those that are presidents or caves in Scripture they rule Obama strategically worked to get Islam into the nation and when he said he wants to fundamentally change the nation he meant take it out of its Christian roots and caused Islam to invade it that's exactly what's happening in the meantime you know churches want to play politics and they want to be nice guy in reality the black community voted for a black president and a man of God out of it you know I'm a Palestinian descent israeli-born so should I always vote for a Palestinian president if one runs because he happens to be of my culture what if he's against everything that I believe in but in the Word of God but if I say he has to become the next president I'm voting for him anyway than I've made a race a god a color a god and I made another God and thou shalt have no other thought before me there are some great men that were running of african-american descent that would have been glorious phenomenal presidents because they believed that this is a Christian nation so Islam is invading more and more african-americans are converting to Islam this is not something it's not my opinion it's statistics and this is not against any particular people or party it has to do with the Word of God what causes the land to produce good and what causes the land to begin to mourn and travail and man and lamb begin to travail together creation is travailing waiting its waiting trial listen it crashing actually knows better than the religious order that the sons of God has to come on law have to take their place [Music] so this is not about color creed or nationality when people vote for a man because he's black or white then they make color a higher order than the Word of God they worship their color regardless of what color it is but when the man gets up and says we believe in the principles then we are one nation under God I don't care what color I'm voting for he could be a man with pink hair red hair funky hairdo like Trump but he gets up and he says we need God chooses a born-again vice-president and the church got together and they pray and they heard if my people called by my name will humble themselves and pray i'll heal their land God is crying up can't you see the whole earth is off course it's trying to me do something the blood is try out the order is completely out of whack have I not said you are God's children of the Most High can't you see the whole earth the foundation of the earth is off course [Music] and you know ignorant people will have to God do this why does God allow that and then they go and vote and the thought for murder and the vote for homosexuality because they want to be liberal have no idea what they're doing to the land or what they're doing to the next generation and how they're affecting the young what are they doing to our youth what they're doing to families and the church gets up and beats up on the devil and then I was laughing at them just softly so second Chronicles will start there y'all should know it Chapter seven the Lord convert confirms his covenant and the Lord appears to Solomon say appeared how many of you believe we need we need an appearing come on we need the Lord to appear so the Lord appears to Solomon in the night and he says to him I've heard your prayer this is verse 12 I've chosen this place to myself for a house of sacrifice so Solomon let me ask you something if I shut the heavens and there's no more rain or if I command the locusts to devour the land or if I send pestilence among my people and what's going to happen but if my people come on say Allah which are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways then somebody say then then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land now my eyes have been opened and my ears are attentive to the prayers that are going to be made in this place so we're gonna pray tonight my eyes have been opened my ears are tentative under the prayers that will be made in this place for now I have chosen and sanctified this house that my name may be there forever my eyes and my heart shall be there perpetually God is dealing with Solomon if you walk with me like your father walk with me and do as I command you then one establish your throne people don't understand that the presence of truth causes you know in the Word of God says the grass withers and the flower fadeth but the Word of God remains forever you know what it's saying kind of set you back words the Word of God is able to cause the grass to spring and the flower to be reversed you know and I I don't want to get into this in any great detail but if you pay close attention Trump by a great executive orders one after the other is trying to reverse the executive orders of Obama before he left office Obama literally ripped the covenant between garden between that between this nation and Israel the book of the prophets describe a large eagle and small eagle speaking you know they realize there is no other nation on earth you know if you pay attention to what's going on around the world it's all around the u.s. it's close to the u.s. it's close by it's in the regions near its Mexico it's the islands it's all and they're coming one after the other why not Europe no offense to Europe but what God is doing in this country is freeing the gospel of the kingdom this country sending up the missionaries this country sending out the signal sis conscious one of the satellites talk to me this country's where more churches in it than all the other nations combined but it's a sleeping dying giant [Music] so the Lord shows up how desperately we need God to show up and God says I heard your prayer if I shut the heavens and there's no rain and if I commend the locusts to devour the land what will happen but and that's what's what he says you understand if you don't pray that's the result you're gonna get but if my people called by my name he's not interested in everybody praying he wants his people called by his name humble themselves pray seek his face turn turn say it tired tired from their wicked ways he will hear from heaven forgive their sin heal their land so God comes like okay my eyes are open and my ears are listening go ahead I'm listen to the prayers are gonna come out of this place I said forty twenty-one twenty-two said have you not known have you not heard that he that sits upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers does do you have any idea how big I am I don't care about some little guy who's got a some bomb he thinks he gets shared some crazy little fat man in North Korea or some crazy terrorists in the Middle East or some nutcase in the White House the demon of hell was in the White House thank God he's out Donnison have you not known have you not heard it is he that sits upon the circle of the earth and the inhabitants thereof they are but grasshoppers psalms 107 verse 20 he said he set his word say it he sent his word and healed them and delivered them from all say all I'll say all all their destructions verse 21 he makes the storm a calm so that the waves thereof are still make of the storm it calm so that the waves thereof are still Psalms 104 and verse 30 thou send us forth thy spirit they are created and thou renewest the face of the earth you send forth your spirit and they are created and thou renewest the face of the earth you know every major city Texas Florida voted liberally they voted for the murder of babies and they'll say no they didn't well if they voted Democrat that's what they voted for and I'm not against any part and listen you have to hear what I'm saying I am NOT politically motivated I am worried motivated come on I want you here on a say I need the people of God because God is after the church judgment begins in the house of God [Music] these major cities voted Democrat but all the other outskirts of the major cities thank God outnumbered and barely one and now there's a bigger war that's going on in Washington than what's going on before every opposition is coming against it I'm not suggesting they're doing everything right I'm not suggesting that every Democrat is wrong in every Republican is right it's not about Republicans it's not about Democrats it's about the Word of God it's about standing for righteousness if that if the Republicans began to vote against the righteousness of God I'll come against them just as hard I actually don't care I want righteousness I want the Word of God I want the order of God I want the kingdom of God I want God in the White House I want God to rule the nation I want people to pray I want them to go back and change the law I want the children to brag and in the schools I want them to know God a man and a woman what I want is gonna be a war of course is gonna be a war you kidding but even the outcome would be if we didn't but the result won't be the next year what what happened in 50 years from now how many more tsunamis how many more how much more can the earth grow [Music] and so God gives us promises and III I don't want you to leave feeling depressed because as I studied this I kind of got depressed myself please God show me something say Amen listen I [Music] write it like this for I reckon Romans 8 that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us for the creature was made subject verse 22 vanity not willingly but the reason of him who subjected him in the hall because the creature creation itself also shall be say it shall be come on it's a promise shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God God's gonna see to it creation and the children of God are going to be delivered say yes for we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now so not only they but us also for the firstfruits of the Spirit that's why we're groaning even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption the witness the redemption of our bodies but it makes a promise creation is gonna be delivered as the sons of God are being delivered because when men fell he took his whole world with him and everything died creation died with him everything began to wither thorns and thistles began to grow but as the new man comes on the scene all of creation is going to come back and its rightful order say yes so God says have you not known have you not heard have you not been told it is he that sits upon the circle of the earth and inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers because all I have to do stand to your feet is send my word all I got to do send my word and I will heal them and deliver them from all their destructions I will make the storms that calm that the waves thereof are still I'll send forth my spirit and there will be a new creation thou renewest the face of the whole earth do it Gordon come on church do it renew the face of the whole earth every time there's a judgment God said to Abraham gonna get a lot out gotta get him out the universe the earth functions as a living organism orderly and so there is the north wind south winds warm waters cold waters it all works in unison as a body as a whole body it's not because it's something against Houston or something against Florida or something against the you know any of the states what happens in Texas what takes place you know in Arkansas in Tennessee in tornado alley you know it's not so much that it's one particular place God wants to destroy scientists are anticipating the greatest earthquakes that have ever occurred anywhere on earth to hit California I'm praying no because we got people in California some are predicting not if but when it'll be such a major earthquake in California that the whole state will separate into the seat that's been prophesied now for decades I pray not say yes floods can occur anywhere it's not the East Coast you know it was in New York that the laws were changed and babies begun to be killed it was in California where they changed none of the laws men can marry men what does it not just go after those places because the universe to earth functions in an order and when certain winds come together cold and hot there is tornadoes there's hurricanes waters are warm waters are cold so it's going to be attracted to the warm places so unfortunately certain parts of the body are gonna get harder hit just the way it works you know I can't separate my body somebody steps on my toe my head's gonna hurt you understand because it works as a whole we all heard when one of us suffers we're all suffering and so you look at it - as you say well God is after the people in Houston or Louisiana or Georgia or you could say well maybe God can trust them to pray maybe God can trust some people in those regions to stand up and pray and tell that thing to turn because there's always the righteous an Abraham that in the face of God he said why am i right what if there's Ted thought what if there's Ted Ted the mercy of God amazes me he always goes to judge the cities he receive um he says he blesses the city your refusal insensate churches the city and he generally takes a cycle of two decades either one or two decades you know Bill Clinton made a statement publicly on live television that oral sex is not sex within 20 years an epidemic in the public school especially among the elementary children having oral sex I'm having to be called by a principal once asked me to pray for the children in the fifth grade for the oral sex that's going on in the elementary school because sex is not sex so a king speaks the word and wickedness comes out of his mouth parses the land Obama comes along and he says we're no longer a Christian nation we are a nation of all faiths and opens the door to Islam and today large churches are being disassembled and mosques throwing up in their place like do you know what you're doing but they don't think because they're not going to they'll be long gone they'll be you know vacationing when all hell breaks loose so you'll see a cycle of ten years to twenty years you see when laws are made just follow what happens in ten to twenty years and you'll see the calamities they make a law to kill the babies back in the 60s you just follow see what happens you follow the 70s see what happens in the 80s they make laws in the 90s just right go twenty ten years twenty years and see what takes place so I think about my children's children what's gonna happen with my children's children because I understand the whole earth is groaning it's not Texas Texas is got more churching you know to do with it what are they doing they're packing they're not going to lunch even some of our people you know sometimes lukewarm they get tired they don't show up money issues whatever and you know we don't understand we are Watchers we are to watch and pray say watch and pray we can actually turn the tides we can speak the word and cause reversals we can declare the Word of God and make change say something [Applause] kela waiting on the move of God I believe is gonna be a move but you know what we're kind of seeing it right now in Florida you want to see some moves of God turn on the nerves decibels of God what kinda love do you want the people in India are dying the government can help if the Hurricanes that are coming you know eventually see it then make a covenant with hell they send billions of dollars to Iran and they don't understand why it's gonna cost them billions in hurricanes aid and help they don't understand they just cost themselves billions more of course you should help but what happens if there's no more money it's my people come on who are caught on my name lift your hands to heaven will humble themselves and pray and seek my face turn but forgive us if our sin forgive us we're lukewarmness forgive us we're lethargic Spirit forgive us for our leelai' conditions [Music] forgive us we'll be so self-centered and egotistical and self-concerned self-consumed Mecca some people are you kicked up return on behalf of our nation on behalf of your people we turn from our wicked ways we seek after your face we seek after your image we seek after your righteousness with seek after your truth but seek after your freedom we seek after who you are [Music] heal our land free us from bondage break the curse cause reversals somebody pray with me church I need you to pray those of you that have joined us pray give strength to our government stand by our president give him wisdom get rid of his enemies shut the mouths of those against him breath down the lies exposed evils murdering spirits liars and thieves murderers exposed them all raise up the righteous raise up the whole way rise up your priests those that will teach the holy from the profane to clean from the unclean [Laughter] [Music] God as we come even into this next season of Halloween don't let your people put up the evil images to deny dolls that done wickedness take down the evils cut the cords of darkness and allow our children to become charmed and lured glamorized into the sins of this world protect their hearts protect their eyes for the things that are before them give us a self-governing spirit and order a righteousness a scepter of your kingdom let her eyes within us and plumb-line thought and plumb line and walk and live that makes who you are set you word and he'll Ireland deliver us from all of our destruction father you said if they'd be booked in there's going to be more than ten in their region father God in Jesus name tired tired that storm tired those hurricanes send them back to the seat close up to turn turn turn turn turn with away from the homes but away from the lives that destruction be minimal work in your church awaken the people of God cause the voices to rise that the voices of thunders speak let there be light over the earth speak your word darkness is over the deep God say let there be light take down the judges of the land the evil judges that stands against your will that speaks supposed to your word deck down the judges take him out remove them resigned them retire them take him out raise up new judges judges of the heart judges after you mind fill a Supreme Court with righteousness reverse the prayers in schools reverse the order of marriage show your power for your sons convert Islam they're going to come in the muzzle get saved save them transform them change them with miracles move miracles in the Far East with miracles in China with miracles God against the communist nation that the be miracles in North Korea Lord do it's our gonna do check out whom you gotta take out change the nation let's try stray within North Korea feed the hungry delivered the birds free the people little tsunami a move of your spirit like a mighty rushing wind began to blow across the nation's breakdown shut down evil Koretz [Music] come come come Holy Spirit create that which is now renew the face of the earth God only you can not because of our righteousness not because of our good deeds because of your grace because of your grace God all we can do is seek your face turn from our wicked ways but you're gonna have to heal our land that every strategy against our president be destroyed every strategy it's out the killing let it become to knock come on church let every evil wicked strategy that's out destroy come to naught Lord God exposed in Jesus name keep him protect him surround him and help him help him finish his assignment [Music] that the church rise that the church be the church in the name of Jesus pause those in the Supreme Court to bow their knee cost Congress to bow its knee cause the Senate to bow its knee close those in Council to bow their knee governors and mayor's bow their knee let every leader in every church bow their knee [Music] Li's father we don't need devastation to pray we need obedience [Music] we hear the groan of creation and the morning of land and the earth is crying out and the shedding of innocent blood father speak your word speak your word and heal our land in the name of Jesus the name that is above come on all other names there is none else you said the word of a king is powerful father we are kings and priests I need every voice now we are kings and priests unto our God you set us in this motion you put us in this position so we've come to declare your word come on church we've come to declare you were raised up a generation like this world has never seen raise up a people like the swirl endeavor no raise up a mighty army like this world as never witness come on church Lord raise up a people that will change the nation's [Music] raise up the earth with wisdom power and demonstration that the be one nation under God from every nation creep target people raise up God and mighty generation let this world see a revival like the swirl does never seen pack in the buildings not with bodies but with power [Music] brings back to Jesus their eyes be not on money and success and vision and expansion and size but our eyes be on Jesus following Jesus doing the words of Jesus [Music] overturn the judges of the land I pray come on church overturn the judges of the land sales overturn the judges of the land I'm feeling it overturn the judges of the land overturn the judges of the land God overturn the judges of the land raise up new kings you can take them down and raise them up raise up new kings help our president somebody say finish your assignment say it again finish your assignment say it one more time I need you to continue to pray as just heard as I'm praying strategies being made to take him out he's alone hated not only by the opposition but even from within his own party the media hates him people working in the White House hate him people in Congress hate him strategies are being made to take him out [Music] and you know many were killed assassinated that worked in government it's what I believe served in the Supreme Court and quickly disappeared and cremated I don't care what the news trust to tell us a people have been killed money's been made assassinations have been done for the sake of power and money now we have a president that earns $1 a year gives more than he earns he doesn't need the money and they're out to destroy him I [Music] don't know why but I've had dreams about this man I don't know the man but I've never prayed for a president like I prayed for this one and God's gonna use him to destroy to reverse I pray he will finish not one term but two and set the course for the next decade or tear [Music] I want our children to be able to pray in schools anyone believe for that I'm believing that when my grandchildren are sitting in class an announcements going to come on and all the children in the whole public school system are gonna say our Father which art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us of our trespasses as we forgive those that have trespassed against us lead us not into temptation and deliver us from evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory i want children that don't know what these words mean to pray them and our nation once again will be able to declare that it is a nation under god and god would look across the land and he will say it's very good somebody say yes come on get my mighty praise a mighty praise [Applause]
Channel: William D. Hinn
Views: 3,301
Rating: 4.6610169 out of 5
Id: yXma2eIHrkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 2sec (4382 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
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