William Hinn - Be Still & Know

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wherever you guys are at at home whether you're with people in your house or just by yourself I'm just gonna ask you just lift your hands right where you are we're just gonna worship Jesus in prayer god we just love you lord I thank you for this opportunity to practice what we preach I'm looking at a room with two people sitting in front of me to be honest this is what we should always see as a room with just one staring at us go to thank you if your precious anointing Lord God there doesn't need to be a single one got every day when we wake up or before you whether in a room with a thousand or none god your eyes are on us so Jesus we so love you so honor you lord I ask that you go in to their homes right now God that you go through the screens that God your precious anointing God take us to another level this is the church not defined by its buildings are defined buts ministries god I thank you that you are redefining the focus the Lord you are bringing us back to a place where the only thing is you so God we look to you and we say we're so thankful for the rest we don't see this season as a bummer but the devil really messed up when he pushed me into my closet I so so love you and I thank you for what even I'm sensing right now just in this big empty room it's just you Jesus name she'll like him in my closet this might get messy [Music] can you just hang out with me is that cool just never tell like it's you and me all right you know I I feel like the Lord is giving even giving me personally a different perspective than even I had when this all started I want to communicate this before it begin that we believe more than anything that if you drink deadly poison it won't affect you we believe that if you lay your hands on the sick that the sick will recover we believe the Bible when it says to live by faith but I think sometimes what we have made faith out to be is this strong big cloud the most active person when really faith is about abiding in him and so in my heart for this morning I wanted to communicate guys don't be afraid to lay your hands on the sick don't be afraid to get a coronavirus but at the same time there's this other perspective where what also is not faith is standing in traffic saying I'm a man of God that's that's dumb that's just what Bill Johnson called a spirit stupid and so we have to make sure that we do walk with power love and a sound mind that we walk in a place where we don't tempt God and we don't try to tempt him in Lord I'm gonna show the world how strong I am now just look at Jesus and the world will see the glory on your face that reflects off his and so we're gonna kind of shift perspectives a little bit this morning but as I'm speaking I really want you to to not take from this okay well you're telling us not to go lay our hands on the sick or you're telling us to said not to not believe or it's not at all what I'm saying I just I want to shift the perspective just slightly to what the opportunity is in this season to rest and so right there at home if you guys can turn to Joshua 3 and we're going to start there and okay you're good now thanking you I'll bring you back thanks man Joshua three and I'm gonna start reading and at the end of verse four just in context of where the children of Israel are out in Joshua three there is there's kind of this shift taking place it's a totally new generation Moses is dead a man of God named Joshua who sat under Moses is now a man that is kind of leading the children of Israel they're looking to him as a leader this is a pure generation this is an obedient generation just from what we see in the scriptures this is a generation that wasn't living in the same idolatry that their fathers were this is a generation that that really has separated themselves onto the Lord and and they're on their way to the promised land now and so they get to this point where they encounter the Jordan and Joshua now has a decision to make so at the end of verse four it says do not come near it's talk about the Ark of the Covenant and basically what God tells them to do is listen I want you to take the ark I want the the priests to put on their shoulders I want them to step into the Jordan and I want them to stay there and now God is instructing Joshua and the people of Israel to not come near it that you may know the way by which you go for you have not passed this way before guys we are in a time right now where no one in the generation before us or this current generation has been in a season like this ever we're currently in a time right now where there is a way that we have never gone before there is a something happening in the church the church has never dealt with before at least in this era we see empty buildings all over the u.s. we see ministries and this and this subtle temptation even for me as a pastor this subtle temptation of how are we going to keep the people together how are we going to make sure the giving stays up Lord what are we going to do and God is redefining and refining the focus back on what really matters and I honestly believe there is a testing of heart in season to see who is about ministry and who is about him and so now they're in this place where they are they've never gone this way before they're encountering a Jordan that they have no idea what to do at this point but they know that the Promised Land is on the other side and how many of you know that when Jesus comes it's no longer a promised land but a promise life and I feel like there is something on the other side of this that's a promise from God a promise life that is going to rock the world by what the church is going to carry and so they have never been this way before and then in verse 5 it says and Joshua said to the people sanctify yourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you man every time I've been reading that past day I just filled in my heart sanctify ourselves for tomorrow the Lord will do wonders among you then Joshua spoke to the priest saying take up the Ark of the Covenant and cross before the people so that word sanctifying Hebrew it means to dedicate it means to set apart it means to consecrate and again I just want to make this very clear because basically Israel was required to sanctify themselves because the level of increase that was coming there is a requirement of I want you to purify sanctify set apart dedicate your heart to a single focus because what's coming a sanctified heart needs to be there in order to carry it and so let me just reiterate this the context of this these three chapters in this generation was not a generation that needed to become more clean or more pure I want to really over communicate this because I have sensed this for months now amongst our student body that sin consciousness has got to leave like you guys have to start believing that you're pure that you have been made pure that you don't have to walk around going god is my motive right god him am i clean before you like the longer you think like that it's the longer you're gonna stay bound to yourself you know we can walk into rooms more aware of God am i clean which honestly that is pride because you're focused on yourself I'm not telling you not to examine yourself I'm telling you not to stay there don't just stay focused on your own heart look at his face and say God thank you that you have purified me God thank you that you have made my motive clean in my harp here don't stay on your motive get locked up into his and when we get locked up into God's motive we're not trying to figure out if we're clean or not we believe blood that actually made us clean and so God wants to remove sin consciousness out of the church God wants to remove sin consciousness out of your life and so when I'm talking about purifying yourself sanctifying yourself I'm not talking about being a people that we're trying to get clean because of what's coming you are clean just believe it and so when it's when it's saying sanctify yourself for tomorrow I'm going to do wonders among you it's the same as when Jesus says in the New Testament to the to the single eye if you keep your eyes single your whole body will be full of light it's it's a reshift enough focus it's a it's a redefining of our vision in our direction in this season it's it's like when I look at this I'm not thinking look what the devil has done I don't give him that much place the devil is not worth our time to try to figure out what he's doing and up to no no I'm just looking at God and I'm not thinking about the devil I'm not shadowboxing a devil so when I see an empty room what I hear in my heart is wow an opportunity to minister to God Wow an opportunity to put down every distraction and Jesus actually get back to what matters when I see churches closed I see I don't see the devil trying to come and beat us up I don't give him that much props I actually see God giving us up an opportunity to actually live and practice what we preach and be a church without walls I mean Kathryn Kuhlman would say if preaching was the answer the world would have been saved a long time ago but actually the answer is taking what we've preached and putting into the practice we have an opportunity right now we have an opportunity to go god we're gonna minister to your heart we're gonna be priests that come into your chamber we're not gonna be the priests that stay on the outer court that need people that minister to the people Lord we want to be priests at our first office that our first job is you when no one's watching that our first office our first job is to go into your chamber and touch your heart when no one's watching I'm telling you revival is not coming from great works revival is coming from great rest and people that know how to be still when no one is watching people that know how to touch his heart because I'm telling you what's coming out of this season is people that have been with him people that have been with him that are not saturated in ministry like I feel this urgency in my heart of the idol of ministries falling same as the Idol of entertainment and all these different things that we've got man I'm sorry basketball for all the different things that are crumbling bars being closed are you kidding me like the devil is really messing up bad doesn't even make sense to me but you know what other Idol is falling is ministry that Idol and I'm not talking about the works of ministry according to scripture I'm talking about ministry that we've set up I'm talking about ministry that man we are so concerned there's this subtle concern of Lord are people gonna keep giving like if that's what ministry has to become I pray that thing Falls and so there's something shifting where we're getting back to really what matters to real focus and so children of Israel at this point where they've gotta cross the Jordan and God is about to do wonders God is about to release science and wonders and for us as the body of Christ to be able to carry what's coming we have to have single hearts we have to have sanctified hearts hearts that are consecrated that are set apart for God and God alone and so again I'm not talking about purification your pure His Word has made you pure just start believing it don't get stuck in sin consciousness just believe it and so there is this you know we have been busy with many things in it and a lot of it has been good things we have we have been active with a lot of stuff and that's not necessarily been a bad thing because it's because it's been active with good things but I'm just telling you now right now is the wrong time to diversify ur energy and a lot of different things and I'll tell you this just being vulnerable and being honest you know like I have I have had a temptation since this all started you know being a pastor being in ministry man there is like this temptation of we need to keep people involved like we need to keep people connected we've you know they're they're like let me encourage you in this one thing there is a temptation even for you for us to go Lord I'm gonna keep my tithes in this season so I can buy toilet paper or I'm gonna keep my tithes in this season because I don't know how much I'm gonna work at my job or I'm gonna keep my giving in this season because I don't know how to respond Lord what if Lord what if martial law happens there are all all kinds of stuff and it's all worry and it's all panic and none of it as part of supposed to be part of the Christian life it's not time right now to to hoard and to to keep everything just in case and create emergency funds and all kinds of stuff it's a time to give and it's a time to trust it's the time to say God more than ever we trust you and this is not manipulation we're not taking an offering right now like it's a time to say Lord I'm gonna give my I'm gonna be more faithful with my tithe than I've ever been I'm gonna be more faithful with my giving than I've ever been because coming out of this I'm gonna come out with you smiling upon me that I stayed faithful when there wasn't much and so even as a pastor there is this this temptation to become concerned or this temptation to worry and we're not gonna let it come in but it's but I I've actually noticed in the past three days just being honest that there was a temptation to become busier than I ever have a temptation to me okay we've got to start recording we've got to start doing this we've got to start getting content and content and content and God's like no stop everything get in the closet stop everything and get in the closet it's not a time to diversify our energy in a bunch of different things that's what we've been doing for so long and that's why the church right now is squirming because we don't know how to be still and so the Lord is is honestly I just don't feel like talking about the devil today to be honest so I'm gonna say the Lord now I'm not saying that the Lord is causing a virus that's killing like can we be more mature than that but I am saying is in this season I'm not taking the devil's hand going what are you doing I'm taking God's hand saying what are you doing and when we take God's hand we say we're doing the Lord is leading us to one place is he's taking all of our eggs and putting it in one basket he's taking all of this stuff all of the busyness and it's being removed and God's saying I'm taking you away that you have never gone before and it's not an hour to get your mind set on so many things what am I gonna do with my kids what about school what about work just guys I'm telling you it's a test for what God is doing in the body of Christ of how we're gonna respond to stillness and so I was thinking about even you know there's this urgency in my heart to have our oil ready and if you study in Matthew 25 when when there is you know the parable of the ten virgins and you got five that are ready and five that are not the ones that were not came to the ones that were and said give me some of your oil like this might go against a lot but you can't fill someone else's cuff for them you can't make sure I mean you as pastors and any make sure I communicate this right how's pastors we can we can equip people we can prepare people but listen I can talk to you all day I can minister to you all day I can make sure that I give you every tool that God's given me I can make sure I give you every principle that I believe God's put in my life but I can't put you in the closet I can't put you with Jesus I can't I can't force you to open your word eat the Bible when no one's watching because what changes you is the alter that you build with no one's watching not the one you respond to in front of everyone the one you respond to in front of everyone is simply an entrance into one that you get to build when no one's watching and then lay your life down on it and so I can't prepare your oil I can't make you ready and so the context of Matthew 25 is listen five virgins were ready and five warrant and so I feel like the world is is looking for people in this in this season and even the church of who's going to do this and who's going to lead us and all that stuff and we need and guys we need strong leaders in this season but we need leaders that are saying go into your closet and so the Lord is is causing a people to have their oil ready because listen and I'm not getting into the rapture and all kinds of stuff but what I am saying is is that something is about to happen like I'm all about revival started on a tree 2000 years ago and it's in our hearts and it's a people that have gone from death to life man when you gave your life to Jesus you became walking revival but there is something corporately that's about to hit the church in such a way that it's gonna stun the world it's gonna shock the world and I feel this urgency to have my all ready but I can't I can't fill someone else's oil you enter this is not a time for you to get lazy and snack while you're on quarantine like it's a time to fast we're gonna do everything the opposite or it's not a time to watch Netflix until Netflix asks you are you still watching doing nothing with your life it's it's not a time to sit in your house and be like wow I'm gonna just you know I'm gonna take some time off I'm gonna put my feet up it's a time to press in more than we ever have when nobody is watching but in that there is something coming out of it where God is gonna cause the people to drip with him like I have this picture of my heart of if you quarantine which actually I'm not super against because you're literally causing me to be in my closet all by myself with no distractions no ministry I'm so tired of ministry like we have to retire from ministry and say yes to Jesus and so in the closet I see this picture in my in my mind of of everyone's gonna come out of their tent everyone's gonna come out of their house and they're gonna be shining with God because we had nothing better to do like and it's crazy that we would even think that we have nothing better to do because what if in the midst of many options we still only pick that one and so there's there's shift coming there's there's an opportunity I feel like in front of us of how are you gonna respond how are you gonna respond I don't care if it's the devil or not I just I don't I don't feel like even mentioning his name but when God puts an opera sunna D when God puts an opportunity in front of us and says how are you gonna respond I don't want to be cut being caught busy when the bridegroom's coming I don't want to be caught up doing ministry trying to get the people to rally when the bridegroom is coming like there it's like this man I hear this sound in my art and it's not a time for us to talk a lot it's not a time for us to be super active and there is this lie in the church that faith is the biggest the strongest and the loudest you know when I was in high school living you know before Jesus came and helped me the loud it when you got into a fight with someone it was the ones with a loud mouth that you weren't really afraid of you know it was always the quiet dude in the back that just had that crazy look in his eye and and you knew that he probably knew what he was doing it's the loudmouth that usually gets punched first you know and now I'm not talking I'm talking about BC before we don't punch people here in the church but you know like it's it's it's that quiet strength it's it's not time for us to be like guys we're gonna flex our muscles and we're gonna we're gonna show the the rest of the church how strong we are no like it's the humble it's the meek that are gonna carry God's power in this season it's the ones that are gonna say I'm not afraid of being alone I'm not afraid of like we're so concerned oh my gosh if if I'm not praying for 10 Lord out you can't there can't be a quarantine Who am I going to pray for like we have made we have elevated works of ministry above him and there's a redefining that's happening and so right now I feel like we'll miss God if we stay busy and trying to show the world how big our faith is because it's not about having big faith it's about having trust in him it's about having faith that's in him which actually is faith that's yielded it's faith that's on the ground not standing strong it's faith that says God without you I can do nothing and so God is taking a centa this season of rest this season of we got to go from busy faith to abiding faith we got to go from working to resting like there's a rest that God wants us to enter into and you know Jenny sent me this prophecy this morning he from Bob Jones it's so amazing and crazy the same guy that prophesied the Chiefs will win prophesied at the turn of the century he said this the 2020s will reveal the rest of God to where the body will come into a place of resting in God and God will rest in them and in this rest the enemy will not be able to do warfare stop fighting him the enemy will not be able to do warfare because we are resting in God and he is resting in us and he will accomplish the things he means to do in a people that are at rest listen just like the children of Israel and God saying I'm gonna do something tomorrow that you have never seen before and if you don't have sanctified hearts you won't be able to carry the glory because listen when hearts are not single and a move of God comes it crushes people but when hearts are single and a move of God comes it establishes the move so we have to be established in our hearts fixed on him and I love what's happening right now because you know I think oftentimes we think that revival and moves of God are gonna come through a lot of work and a lot of busyness but what I love about what's happening right now is a move of God is gonna come through something we didn't do ourselves but actually God did so at the end of the day it's gonna go WOW God you actually get the glory because he's not gonna share it with anyone it's gonna be a generation that stands and says it had to be God all we did was listen all we did was set a so set our apart ourselves all we did was stand at the Jordan and say Lord what do we do now you know we have a saying in our church that we man we go after we worship until he comes and once he comes we simply do what he says I think we've created programs we've created all kinds of stuff to get God to move and and you know my uncle would say we rush in and out of God's presence insulting his glory and wonder why we don't see power like we should in the church and I'm not against the church but I'm against agendas like God wants to take away the agenda man we prepare a table for him we deal with excellence we do it in the way that God said listen you prepare a table for me and then I'm gonna come and I'm gonna bring the meal but don't try to cook the meal yourself let God be the one that feeds us and so in this hour we're it's like man we don't have the option to have our worship and how our offering and have our word man everyone's at home I just joking around with someone I'm like I I'm gonna sit at my at my desk and preach and you might see something that looks nice above but I might be in my shorts and my boxers underneath you have no idea like the Lord is bringing us back to what's real the Lord is bringing us back to not like our fancy buildings and everything that we've got going on in all of our programs all of it's being shut down whether we like it or not it's all being shut down and the same Bible that says go lay your hands on the sick and the sick will recover the same Bible that says if you drink deadly poison it won't affect you is this same Bible that says obey the laws of the land and so we are gonna obey our government and in that we don't have any other options but to be honest we shouldn't have any other options like we should live in a place of rest with God that in our working it should be at rest with God that our faith should never become busy but should always be abiding because listen what's coming busy people are not only gonna miss but when it comes they won't have the shoulders to carry it because their eggs aren't diversified in multiple things but when we take everything that we are and we put it in one basket when glory comes we will have the weight we will have the strength to actually carry and establish it and so I want to talk about faith for a minute because listen the answer to this season I feel like it's so I was you know you listen to just all of the all of the the ministries and the pastors from this past week really honestly doing the best that they can with what they have and and and the level of knowledge that we've been given but listen the answer to this season is this be with him the answer to this season is be with him and the amazing thing is that it's actually the answer to every season I think that he's just making sure that we get it this time and so it's an opportunity for us to redefine our focus but like I said faith according to scripture is not the strongest faith according to Scripture is not the people that can prophesy really loud and pray really loud I think sometimes we we pray for the sick and we think if I turn up the volume a little bit maybe it'll work more you know we pray for the sick and we think if it's not working oh I'm gonna just I'll start screaming and speaking in tongues and maybe maybe that'll work because maybe it's a volume issue maybe the Lord needs more volume you know we we need to get back to what the scriptures say and faith according to scripture is not big and loud faith according to Scripture is actually the size of a mustard seed faith according to scripture the strongest is actually those that are yielded before God and so Isaiah 30 15 it says like this I'm just gonna read 15 through 17 and part of 18 it says for thus says the Lord the Holy One of Israel in returning and rest you shall be safe in quietness and confidence shall be your strength quietness and confidence are gonna be our strength but you would not and you have an you have said no we will flee on horses therefore you shall flee and we will ride on swift horses those who pursue you shall be Swift so it's saying listen you you you wouldn't be quiet 1000 shall flee at the threat of one guys it's it's exactly where we're at people are fleeing at a little threat that means nothing a threat of five you shall flee till you are left as a poll on top of a mountain this is us as a banner on a hill and then 18 the end of 18 just jumping to it it says for the is a God of justice blessed are those who wait for him so when everything is coming against us when the threat is coming against us it's not a time to jump on a horse and flee but it's time to stand still like a flagpole with a banner on it that says come up here come up here we're gonna be a people that are gonna wait on God you're not gonna move us we're gonna be a people that have found confident quiet rest while the world is panicking and running to the store to get toilet paper we're gonna find confident quiet rest and a God that will fight the battle for us you see Joshua what when you read all of the prophets and all these men you see men that were tentative to him the word actually says listen no prophecy has ever come by our own will but by men who were carried along by the Holy Spirit listen you can try to lead God but it will not work you can try to lead the Holy Spirit and we can manipulate Scripture to make that make sense but this whole scripture is about one thing following him being a disciple of him listening to him faith is not loud faith is quiet because faith comes by hearing which means faith is not talking a lot but faith is listening and so listen Galatians 2:20 he says it like this I I have been crucified with Christ it is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave himself for me some say I live by the file if by faith in the Son of God the original actually says I live in the faith I live by the faith of the Son of God so literally there's this place where we take on his faith and what faith looks like in Jesus is when a storm is happening Jesus is taking a nap what faith looks like according to Jesus as you never see Jesus striving for things to obey Him you see Jesus walking in the room in everything obeys you never see Jesus talking to the water going listen I'm about to step out and walk on you are you ready and he prays and he prophesized Susan tell us what you know when Jesus walks on water it obeyed him so much that it came and it held his feet up like everything's responds to Jesus and if you watch Jesus in Scripture he never did anything in busyness he never did anything you never see Jesus like it says you wouldn't hear his voice in the street he wasn't a man that would go and yell in streets and and all kinds of he was the meekest man that you had ever seen he said I am humble and lowly and waters obeyed him so much that they created ground with every footstep and so this Jesus is sleeping in a boat and the disciples are scared out of their minds saying how are you sleeping right now and he gets up and he rebukes them and says you have little faith and he speaks right to the storm and the storm comes to a great still it said listening you can't calm a storm if there's a storm in your heart you can't tell something to be still if there's chaos in your heart listen creation is groaning for the sons of God that word groaning is like chaos creation is in chaos creation is going crazy the world is going crazy it's not just a virus man there's there's news of earthquakes there's news of literally locusts in Africa like it's we are literally seeing plagues hit the earth it's wild creation is groaning for the sons of God to be made known sons of God that can't be in the same chaos sums the God that can't fall for the fear that can't fall for that I got a run to the store because I don't know what to do I need to like I need to hoard all my money because what if martial law happens man we're like we got all of our guns ready like as if Armageddon is gonna break out don't get caught up in the trap of it all but be still because Jesus goes from taking a nap to causing a storm to take a nap like Jesus in his heart in the stillness everywhere he went everything subsides I'll tell you this some of the most powerful moments in worship are when we become still now there is a place where we stir each other up man you you get the drums going and and you get in it and man we stir and you can and you can stir each other up we often say man that's hype no it's stirring each other up there's a stirring up of faith where we can get people to scream and yell and follow us into battle but I'm telling you the times when God is in the room most is when we stop there's so much truth and there's a reason why I like even for me I'm it so particular with worship because you've got to listen to him and what's touching his heart and what he likes like I was watching Superbook the other day with my son and just getting blasted watching about Moses and how this is gonna sound Wow but and I've seen it a hundred times but I'm literally watching Superbook I'm like God speaking to me Moses walks up to the burning bush and God tells them take your shoes your sandals off for the ground you're standing on his holy like God is so particular take your sandals off for the ground you're standing on is holy like in the church today we'd say well it doesn't really matter I got my shoes on like don't be religious no goddess gods particular there's a way and think he likes things a certain way he didn't like think about God he didn't want Moses to approach him with his sandals on because God had taken the ground it it's mind-blowing so there's something about this particular God and like I was saying about worship when it's really loud and men we're stirring up faiths and it seems like that's been what's happening in the past week is like man the Lord is even shifting my heart of like man there's this this thing in your heart where you want to grab a sword and and grab a banner and be like follow me this way we're gonna we're gonna take over the world and as we're running and we're so focused on taking over the world we're missing God wanting to meet with us in heaven in the closet and we're missing just the stillness of listen I'm gonna fight your battle for you we sing about it but we don't believe it man we read in Psalms I'm gonna make a table for you in the midst of your enemies it doesn't say I'm gonna give you a lot of plans and programs to do in the your enemies it doesn't say I'm gonna give you a sword in your hand in the midst of your enemies it doesn't say I'm gonna tell you it says listen I want you to sit at a table when there's chaos happening the Lord is walking us he's walking us in to rest as a body like we've never had rest and I don't care if it mess with your theology because people are like man this is God's not causing this God's not causing a virus but I'm just I don't like I feel like the days of even talking about him should just be over at the devil like just just stop talking about him he that's what he wants he wants our attention to be on look at what you're doing in the world we're gonna take out a sword and fight you he's already defeated he's been defeated for 2,000 years he wants you to think that he's not so put the swords down let's stop trying to get the army to assemble an attack man go into your closet like meekness that Jesus walked in and get on your face before him and I'm telling you in that abiding faith we're gonna see strength like we've never seen strength we're gonna see power like we've never seen power and I need to make sure that you guys understand I'm not telling you to be afraid if you're in public like if they don't quarantine you to your home don't be afraid to go to a restaurant and think sickness is gonna jump on you like that's ridiculous lay your hands on the sick and don't be afraid because the sick will recover like you have been made clean when you touch something dirty the dirty thing gets clean don't be afraid so I'm not encouraging you to stay home and be scared what I'm trying to tell you is the wrong response in this season it's to flex our muscles to show off to the world man that's pride that's absolute pride what God is asking is I'm giving you a chance to minister to me so much so I'm removing every option from you people are like well that's the devil removing the options again I'm just not giving him place we're gonna come out of this just like I preached about all the time God speaks to Paul and says you're going to Rome and he ends up in Malta you don't see Paul fighting the devil in Malta after the ship going gosh I can't believe you devil you shipwrecked me I rebuke you stop rebuking a devil you're just empowering him more you didn't see him on the on the island saying Lord how could you cause this to happen no no he did what he was trained to do in the presence of Jesus he prayed for the sick and the sick recovered and revival broke out and so the devil is gonna come to this conclusion that you can cause whatever you want to happen like you're so foolish because you're literally causing people to go to their closets with the Lord like what are you doing but we're gonna come out of it and the devil is gonna go man no matter what I do to these people no matter what I try to do to the church to somehow turn it because God turns all things for the good of those who love him when you love him 10,000 full your side but it won't come near you when you love him a plague can't come near you're dealing just read it in Psalms 91 so the Lord is taking us from we don't need to show off in this season I think you know the Lord was working on my heart earlier this week because you know I I was praying about you know do you have a meeting do you not have a meeting and I think we can we can honestly get stuck in this or we're afraid of the outcome of what will happen if we don't meet we're afraid that we will lose the giving like I said in the beginning we're we're afraid that that maybe were we're gonna lose people or we're gonna lose people being connected but you can't fill someone's oil for them we're afraid of what's gonna happen it's what will happen is is we're gonna say listen we're gonna have faith meetings and we're all gonna stand together in faith but really you're standing in fear because you don't want to lose anyone and you're calling it faith because you're afraid of what might happen if you don't meet and I'm not coming against any decision any Church is made this is just personally what God's been convicting my heart about is do you trust me to be in your closet do you trust me to go online like what if God wants to take social media and cause more people to see the gospel and hear the gospel than has ever been possible in the history of the world because the church is actually getting our focus right again so I really feel like we're gonna take advantage of this season but we have to understate the understand what really faith is because faith is not our strength and how loud we can be but faith actually in Greek it actually says yield be like wax before God faith is not how strong we are actually it actually says in in I'll just read it it says in st. Corinthians 12:9 listen in our weakness in our weakness his strength is made perfect we need to take advantage of our weakness in this season like where do we go what do we do you're set up perfectly when you're weak for when you're weak you're strong because when you're weak it's his strength that's not yours anymore and revival and a move of God is not coming by our strength revival and a move of God is not coming by our all the things that we do right and and and we're gonna muster up faith no revival is getting on our knees and saying god we can't do this without you man if Jesus himself if Jesus himself said without him I can do nothing why would we ever think that we can put programs together and do something without God God is looking for people that will abide in the resting place with him and that are going to come out of it dripping with power now I'm convinced that man if if I can see this season right can I get the keys again if I can see this season right what's coming is a generation that their face is gonna shine with glory because we've redefined our focus and we're gonna stop man doing our just our our our meetings and we're gonna actually start meeting with God man worship is not what I gotta say the past like two days when I've been here and I've heard the worship it's been different why because there's no one to look at we don't know how to respond as a church when there's no one in the room and that's a problem we think that significance and success is stadiums full of people when significant and success see I believe with all my heart and I could feel it that the hosts of heaven have filled the room this morning it's like we have no other choice but to start ministering to him to start worshiping for him like uh in the listen if you're not spending time in the closet worshipping to God and you come and worship on a stage there'll be no power coming out of your mouth we can put on a performance and put on a show all day but until God becomes everything until we get to the point like we're at right now until you get to the Jordan and you go the wrong response is hey guys who's with me who's who's got faith and we start screaming and and try to swim across it when God wants you to walk across it see God wants to make this easier than we think God wants us to to go from trying to force something to happen when you might be going against a current man Joshua didn't rally the people and say we're gonna swim he got to the Jordan II say Lord what do we do now we got to go from trying to lead God to listening to God because faith is not loud and obnoxious faith is quiet and it's confident faith is coming to the Lord saying God without you I can do nothing you see I say this all the time even in contexts of praying for people something that shifted how I even look at outreaches I used to go and pray for people and I would muster up faith and thought if someone has cancer I need a little bit more and and if someone's got a hurt knee I don't need as much and I pull out faith out of my tool belt when I need it and then I put it back in when it's not needed but actually Romans 14 says that anything anything that isn't done in faith is sin that's super intense anything that's not done from a perspective of faith faith is a life that we live it's not a one-time thing that we just start shouting about and get rowdy when we need to no no faith is my state of mind it's the thinking it's it's the being still and knowing that he's God but you never stop being still because if he's stopped being still you'll stop knowing that he's God and we make everything in the church momentary we make everything in the church just this this one moment where I need him like we quote scripture be still and know when you're going through chaos what do you do when there's no chaos have you left being still because if you leave being still you've left knowing be still and know that I'm God man that is super clear faith is not mustering something up when we need it like man I've been sick to my stomach watching this thing where we're trying to just mustard people up come on who's gonna fight who's gonna sit at a table with God who's gonna jump in the Jordan to try to swim know who's gonna stop and be still and wait for him man it's such a shift and we don't know how to respond so we're squirming in the church we're squirming trying to figure out what do we do now because we don't know how to just wait on him but see God's saying tomorrow I'm gonna do wonders I feel it man tomorrow I'm gonna do wonders among you all I'm asking from you today is consecrate yourself to me I'm not telling you to go be an evangelist I'm not telling you to go be an apostle a prophet and a teacher and a pastor right now I'm telling you to be a child that consecrate yourself to me man I can feel the Lord and I don't care what anyone thinks set yourself apart take the mask off of ministry take the mask off that says I'm man I could put the right mask on at the right time and and I can pray for that person I can muster it up it's not about us being strong it's about us being weak it's the poor in spirit that inherit it's those that are that are poor in spirit enough contrite heart humble in heart that God says I'm gonna cause my power to drip off that one the Lord is shifting the perspective and I'm not giving the devil any place and the devil really really really messed up because the greatest revival that we have ever seen is coming straight out of this season the greatest move of God that we have ever seen is coming straight out of this season why because we're gonna be with him not because we're gonna see a hundred million people healed no no no God is healing our hearts so that out of this we can walk into a stadium and just ministering to him what we've learned when no one's watching man going into the closet and ministering to God is what's gonna heal our land ministering to God is what's gonna heal the sick you see we got to learn how to walk into stadiums and not think about the hundred thousand but think about the one and when we're focused on the one the hundred thousand get him rather than your programs and what you've got to do and get accomplished and we'll make the whole thing about mobilizing the generation man just look to the one and I know that this is coming against like a lot and I'm not purposely trying to do it in my heart but we can't go wrong looking at him we can't go wrong like this is a defining moment for the church and it's not I'm telling you we've watched too many movies we want the big we want the big Armageddon armies coming together and who's gonna fight the devil he's defeated we want we want the the armies coming in the big field and and we're gonna charge an attack and it sounds right when God's saying stand at the Jordan and set yourself apart to me because tomorrow I'm gonna cause it to turn into dry land and you're across over God is asking a people to be quiet and listen because faith comes by hearing how you know that faith isn't loud is because you have to hear him to have it which means you're not talking it means that you're quiet it's in the quietness that God is gonna bring strength back to his church again and I'm telling you I people are saying man this is gonna go on for 18 months or that it's it's not I'm telling you right now like I really I heard someone proud I saw a prophecy about it that Passover somebody's gonna shift and that's what we're believing that's what we're standing on and I believe that even today there will be a news article that comes out that says there's a decline already happening and listen the government might get the praise and Trump might get the praise and and praise God I pray that God blessed that man but you know what the people of God are gonna know who's gonna get the glory I am NOT gonna try to swim across the Jordan in this season you know there was a temptation to do that let's just get to the other side man let's just get we got to get through this we got to do everything we can to make sure people keep giving and stay involved I'm not gonna try to swim man that would be going against a current and that would make it much harder and you might get there and that would be great but I'd rather stand at the Jordan and say Lord what do we do now and hear God's say set yourself apart just dedicate yourself to me like the answer to this season how beautiful is this just be with me it'll be R strength I'm not I'm not encouraging you not to go and pray for the sick but I'm telling you if the government puts in place you can't leave your home how will you respond we've been so busy diversifying our energy and so many things that we don't know how to be still anymore men I feel the Lord in this empty room we don't know how to just sit and wait and every morning when I get up I don't go into my closet and just talk a lot I have learned I've learned in his presence that some of the greatest moments I've ever had in my life have been when I've been saying nothing but when I've been sitting there just with my affection on him your affection in this season's your strength God saying come and dwell in the secret place to the most high and I will cause you I'm gonna cost you to abide under my shadow guys I feel like God in this hour is gonna anoint people with his shadow but just like Peter who walked in his shadow healed the sick man we are gonna be overshadowed by God don't use this season to become lazy and fall in love with Netflix I'm begging you don't use this season to try to figure out how do we just stay busy and how do we just numb our minds to this thing man I broke my heart I heard I heard someone the other day say this is this is someone in the church like well-to-do in the church bless than God I'm not coming against them but this has to be said and they got quarantined for two weeks because they were around someone that at the corona virus and and they go listen it was the hardest two weeks of my life being at home I was dealing with major depression and we've made that okay in the church I dealt with major depression all time we call it being vulnerable no year you're lost I dealt with major depression the whole time like you can be an incredible preacher and have no idea who you are when you can't preach anymore and you might fall into depression because you've found your identity and everything but him you can find your identity and how many people you have you can find your identity and how many people you've healed and how many people you've saved we can find our identity in our gifting in God will be nowhere present and so in God says I'm gonna put you in your closet for two weeks and you're not going to be allowed to move what are you gonna do in that season are you gonna squirm and not know how to pray like guys everything we've been teaching you here I really feel has led to the response in this one moment when we preach all the times the one intimacy with the one it's not about people it's not about Pope it's there's no more Pope it's to preach from it so we all i-i've said this a hundred times if God was to come right now I've heard Leonard Ravenhill say all kinds of men if God was just show up right now the first place he would judge is the pulpit and look at what's happening I'm not saying God's causing judgment listening God's so good that judgment sometimes is like be with me in the closet this is messing with doctrine but Chris is about to come and fix everything is gonna be fine you know I'm not saying God's judging I'm not saying the devil is I'm not giving him place I'm not saying that God's causing a virus I'm just saying look at this thing with a fresh perspective that says this with thousands of people watching you it's not available right now like you're calling ministry sorry we're at home with the Lord [Music] I just I feel like God's doing this in the church and he's asking us to do this it's a defining moment for the body of Christ if God is asking us are you gonna stay busy even at home are you gonna be in my chamber you know I did the picture of the tabernacle in the in the Old Testament you know you had the outer court the inner court the holy place the most holy place the holy place there was a candlestick there was there was a table of showbread there was an altar of incense and there was working in that place you know they had to keep the candlestick full they had to make sure the showbread was fresh they had to put more incense on the altar and it was ministry a man its anointed but when you walk beyond the veil in the most holy place there was no more working there it was just God's glory and that's where God showed up it was in his glory beyond the veil there is an opportunity are you gonna just stay with this are you gonna go beyond the veil are you gonna go beyond the veil and say Lord I'm yours I'm separating myself holy long to you holy with a double you hole I'm giving myself fully to you God while I'm staring out waters that I don't know how to cross because listen you've never been this way before we've never been this way before but tomorrow God is gonna do wonders among us wonders and I'm telling you the whole world he's gonna see it the whole world has been shut off the whole world and as the church there's a temptation to be like freedom and God saying stop it's the quiet rest it's the it's people that are living in that seventh-day Sabbath that have common to rest with God that are gonna come out of rest and they're gonna be tripping with God's presence so right where you are just lift your hands father or we thank you for precious presence your anointing [Music] holy spirit God we asked for a perspective shift Lord we're not saying to not lay your hands on the sick we're not saying to not be afraid we're saying that the answer is to be with him but I thank you that you are removing got all the options so that we can just be with you and you're redefining the focus and you're causing those that need busyness you're causing those that need a lot to do you're causing every Idol to fall that the enemy really messed up by bringing this into the world but God I thank you that already I'm seeing you to those who love you you're turning it you're turning it you're turning it and when the enemy meant something for evil God turned it for good in every Idol fell so Lord we put every Idol at the altar we say burn it up burn it up God we push all of our busyness to the altar and we say burn it up we take every egg from every basket and we put it in one basket call to him Jesus we say Lord we're gonna come out of this dripping with her love because we've hugged you in a closet god I pray that people would humble themselves and pray and seek your face because you want to heal our land you didn't cause the sickness I need to really over communicate that but you always bring the healing so Lord we dedicate ourselves to you we say today we consecrate ourselves because tomorrow you're gonna do wonders yeah he's about to do wonders you're so beautiful [Music] we love you Jesus we so love you and we're not afraid thank you that you're gonna provide for every single person within the sound of my voice that God jobs are not our provision money is not our provision but Jesus you are God I thank you for radical provision I thank you that even what the government is putting together right now is not provisioned from them but provision from you we so love you we honor you God I ask you to go into their homes right now and touch them to mark them god we aren't we don't need to be face to face and physically here to encounter your presence but lord I thank you that right where they are the God they can come into an experience with you of stillness that stays so that we always know that you're gone we love you worship You Jesus name and everyone right-rear out same
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 3,289
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mw79fXNcXfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 55sec (3655 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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