William Hinn - Encountering His Presence

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[Music] not in a rush we're not in a rush Holy Spirit come with fire Lord come with your fire God [Music] [Music] Jesus it doesn't need anything from you all he wants is you he doesn't need your good gifts he's just looking for people that see him and say I found the gift Jesus is not a way to a destination he is the destination and the only requirement is that we love Him [Music] all he wants is our worship see worship is the one thing that God couldn't give us first oh you see we can't even say God I love you without realizing that he said it first we can't say even Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit but Jesus and the father never worshiped us worship starts here and it goes that way so we have this mindset in church like we're in a rush to get nowhere where are we gonna go are we gonna go to some better destination than his presence we want to get into the word but he is the word [Music] we want to be taught but we don't want the Holy Spirit to come and be a teacher you see it says that what you bind I'm going to bind and what you loose heavens gonna lose we have this mindset in church if we're waiting on heaven we're waiting for like a Holy Spirit to come floating down through the walls but Jesus came and he brought heaven to us and he said I want you to be my everlasting habitation so now when we worship God you see you can be in the midst of anything it really doesn't matter what you're going through I know that we have trial I know that things are hard and it's very real trial and if you think that there's no trial you're deceived but there comes a point when we stopped having worship service and we make our life worship there comes a point when it's not just an act of worship but my life is fragrance to him and you can be in the midst of anything you can be your job and you can just give him your adoration and all the sudden the room changes like why is it that when two or three see there's a lot more than two or three here he says if just two or three are gathered in my name I'll let you be in the midst of them what is it about a body of people coming together and worshiping and magnifying God that causes them to come into a room where is he coming from see just coming from the ceiling no no you see he said I want you to be my everlasting habitation which means which means that when we worship God that he boils and it boils and it boils and just like the rain works it's like vapor reaches heaven and He pours down rain you see what if Heaven's waiting for you what if Heaven's waiting to respond based on how we worship see that's why we we need God to teach us how to steward his presence why is it that when we sing can fill the room shift because he waits he says open your mouth and I'll fill it but we want to be quiet today you know in acts of 10 when the Holy Spirit came and shipped the room Peter didn't even know that it was about to happen he's just preaching God interrupts him because not God's not taking notes in heaven on me tonight like he's not going wow that was a good revelation he is the revelation so he's not impressed with our words Peters preaching probably an amazing message God comes and interrupts him and it says the Holy Spirit came and shook the room like I guarantee you that they probably weren't sitting in the room going oh well bless God maybe I'll lift one hand we say silly things like if you're comfortable no no get uncomfortable [Music] I heard Andy Berg talking about today we get people saved and we say bow your head close your eyes and just lift your hand you know - right it's just you and him and we're getting people saved ashamed of the gospel and wondering why they don't ever share the gospel because they were ashamed to start with it we need radical people let's say you're not gonna take my worship we need a radical people that know that know how to steward his presence that know how to walk in a room and shift everything you guys can be seated can you stay with me thanks man and I'll see you in five minutes are you guys doing good tonight awesome it's just like I don't know why I've got even talk I should just feel like we should worship I'm honored to be here I can't ever preach here when Jackie's here and not say Jackie I honor you can you guys just bless God for Jackie she's mom in the house tonight and Todd was preaching Israel he actually preached in the largest church in Rio earng was it Brazil preached the largest AG church in Brazil today and 50 churches were watching that's pretty amazing awesome can I see again how many of you have never heard me or heard my testimony can I just home alright for those of you that heard just listen again okay I my name is William I've been with with lifestyle for I'm in my fourth year now it's been three years and man I've watched I've watched this ministry I don't even know how to explain it man it's wave it's way bigger than I ever thought in a way shorter amount of time than I ever thought I remember when we just started it was just like Todd and I and a couple guys and no one knew what they were doing we still have no idea what we're doing and it's amazing when God is magnified you know it a Chinese missionary came to the to the church and spent time with these pastors and at the end of his of his time in America the pastors asked him you know what's one thing if you could tell us one thing that we could be better at that we could do better at what would that be he said it's amazing how much you get done without the Holy Spirit like you know that Romans 14 says that whatever is isn't done in faith is sin you know much stuff in the church today we get done without faith but because we got a good budget in place Rick told me not to hold back any punches so I'm not he said okay because we need a a bulb burning fire kind of people like a people that have been so purified by the refining fire that the world sees them and just catches on fire and so I I've watched this thing flourish because God was in charge and you know what we need we need power to hit the church again we need to stop replacing power with good marketing strategies and ideas and putting his presence on a cart but actually put it on the shoulders of the Levites the priesthood how many of you are holy priesthood a chosen generation come on God is looking for people that want to carry him God's looking for people that don't just put the armor of God when they wake up put it on but they didn't take it off when they went to sleep God's looking for a people that pumped gas and they can't do it without him God's looking for people that without faith I would die God's looking for people that would live so radically that would say God without your voice I don't even want to breathe looking for a people that say I'm signing up to die I don't want anything else like what if what if we gave an altar comb we said it may cost your life would you take it well guess what it does cost your life whether that's to be a martyr or whatever but the reality is is you can't have him and have yourself it just doesn't work you can't fit because he won't share his glory with another he says I want to become all in all like I want to possess you so grow up in ministry I've never seen anything else never never heard anything else I wasn't a drug addict I was an alcoholic I was a PK pastor's kid near the president's new the anointing yet numb to it went to high school flirted with the world I would say things like I want to change the world yet I look like the world and you can't change something you're like so I was I was in the world and I and I'd say oh man I'm okay as grace covers me but the reality is is I took advantage of grace and so many today spit on his face every time we think we can live a certain way still coming to his presence and lift our hands you know it's possible to be in service lifting your hands and make it an act of worship without it being worship at all and that was me so I would go to church man I'd put my suit on Monday through Saturday I was living in the world going to parties is doing all the high school all that stuff and then go to church but I knew how to make it sound right I could I could make this thing a formula and call it the anointing the right song at the right time the one that everyone lifts their hands to you know like I love it like you hear spontaneous and everyone's kind of like waiting for the songs with the lyrics on the screen and then the lyrics come on okay I can I can worship that what if your worship wasn't based on Anna but what if your were she was based on him what if we didn't come here to be led into worship but we came up came here to walk up a mountain together and so I would I would go to church and and everything was cool and everything was right but I was revelation to the talks about your patient you do all the right things you can do everything right listen you can walk in power it says you you can stand before him and say Lord Lord I cast out Devils in your name I healed the sick in your name and he could still say I never knew you get away from me and so I was I I was seeking the power but not his face and so I was in his presence without the fear of the Lord which is the quickest way to become numb to him and I became very numb to him and and I would and I would see these these movies and I'd hear that the the testimony and the message of the Cross but it was nothing more than a message to me there was a missionary in Wales and in two years he saw two hundred thousand people come to the Lord and he said I knew my time was up when I could look at a cross in tears when it filled my eyes so many hearts in church lukewarm waiting to get out go to Chile's man god forbid it's more than an hour and a half god forbid God walks in the room and devils start manifesting that's not good for visitors but visitors didn't die for the church Jesus did that's not good to get him in and wait a minute know what they need to do is they need to walk through the door get crucified because that's the gospel see we don't like that because that doesn't grow number but you see there is a generation there is a generation that is hungry for a real encounter with a real God and not interested in playing Church anymore see that's why I love these nights like will worship for an hour sometimes go an hour and a half and it doesn't matter but it's his time clock I sawed up to I know it says 43 on there and it counts that me and it counts that me it counts and counts but it didn't die for me either don't worry I'm not gonna keep you here for hours just three and a half like has anyone hungry in this room like I came here and I'm like Lord ah I need you to I need you to smash me tonight like I know I've got to be the preacher but what if I just was undone on stage and God just walked in and became the message like he's the preacher we're not here performing for you and putting a show on to make you feel good we want people to come in and get so convicted by the power and love of God that you walk out different and you can come up to an altar every week listen I would go up to the altar and I would get touched by God and you can learn how to fall and make the preacher feel okay courtesy falls all over the church but you know like we can we can play church all day without ever touching his heart and so is numb and I knew how to do ministry but I didn't know him and I came to the conclusion it says in Romans 8:29 that those before knew he predestined to be conformed to him it's that simple and so I thought Lord before the world was you gave me a destiny Ephesians 1:4 says that we were chosen in him before the foundation of the world so before you ever came out of your mother's womb no matter what you said when you were in there all life comes from God it doesn't matter what anyone said God said I want that one so you came out and and you were chosen and God gave you a purpose like no one's just sitting in this room to sit in this room no one just showed up tonight like what what if tonight we said Lord I'm not getting out of the seat until you touched me what if we had such expectation that on Sunday mornings we had lines outside what if we didn't need to offer coffee and doughnuts to make sure everybody's on time what if we didn't need the big preacher to come into town to cause expectation but Christ send me was the hope of glory which means that word hope is confident expectation Christ in me is the confident expectation of God upon my life and so I was I was doing all the acts and man I could make it look right now I could go down and I could shake and scream and cry but I'd go home and feel empty so I came to this conclusion in Romans 8:29 and when I realized that God the destiny and the purpose you said is simply to be conformed to you all the sudden the scriptures open up and you realized that from Genesis to Revelation you never see God saying your approval is based on miracles ever actually it shows you so much so his desire for just love that Jesus for 30 years lives in obscurity and for three years has a ministry like I don't know about you but I would ask Lord like why not the other way around you're the God man like you could have started at 12 if you wanted to like why not have a ministry for 10 years why three it shows you the reality because Jesus before he ever works one miracle before he ever does any thing for the father he goes to the Jordan John the Baptist is baptizing people he sees Jesus from afar off he says behold the lamb like he gives you the revelation right in the beginning just behold the lamb Jesus comes he gets baptized in the Jordan when he comes out the Father a voice comes from heaven that says this is my son in whom I am well pleased his approval was not based on what he did before he ever worked anything God said my son I'm well pleased with him see how does God define what his approval comes from it's not what you do for him they came to Jesus they asked him what's most important what what law do you consider the highest and his responses love God like if you were asked Jesus what's most important to you his response would be love me and then love your neighbor as herself but you see you can't love anybody unless you love him most it takes all the striving out of it and so I realized that Lord I was looking for so many doors I was looking for the next opportunity maybe this store would open and maybe this this ministry door would open but then I will read a Bible that was contradictory to that life because it says that Jesus is the door so we come up with cute sayings like it's okay brother you know one door closes another one opens no he is the door there's no other way until he becomes all in all until we actually see him and say I'm never looking away see we go into the secret place today and we want God and we're hungry for God but we're crying out lord send me to the nation's and it's amazing and that's an OK prayer but it see priority you see if you can go into your closet and sit before him and say God I need you how many of you know it says that when you seek Him in secret he's there and then he'll reward you openly like your father stays in secret and that's where he finds you so we go into the secret place and we look around his face desiring something greater rather than going Lord if you keep me here for the rest of my life maybe I'll never preach behind a pulpit maybe I'll never be able to go to the nation's but maybe I'll work in my cubicle forever praise God like what if God never you know I hear all the time you know brother we're gonna go to nations were called the nations we're gonna do this we're gonna do that amazing I believe it go to nations but why would God ever trust us with a nation if you can't trust us with a cubicle like what if he came to you and said listen this job you're doing right now you're gonna stay there for the next thirty years but I'll be with you is that enough for you or do we need something greater if we come into a worship service we're worshiping and we need to go to the next part you didn't worship there is a hungry people it says that creation is groaning for the sons of gods who made known there's no more time to waste we need to walk people into a real encounter with God but we have to come to the point that the only point is Jesus and all the sudden outreach is not difficult all of a sudden praying for people in public becomes a byproduct of him being with me becomes the byproducts of me never keeping them in the closet is saying stay here like how do you leave a temple that you've become the issue is not us increasing our faith the issue is not us getting stronger like Chris said it the issue is is we aren't present with him so there's no presence like Todd's been saying at presidents evangelism how much easier is it it is it to walk into Starbucks holding his hand than trying to pull him from heaven we need him we just need him we don't need anything else we just need him and then he comes back and he goes I just need you I don't need anything else I just want you and all the sudden deep calls unto deep and it produces fire that creation is groaning for because creation is crying out for a father but they need to see son and women you're all sons I'm abroad you're a son that's just how it works I can't tell you how many times and we remember getting into a cab in London and I started talking to this guy and the first thing he said is he goes what makes your God real because I was wearing a lifestyle Christianity sweatshirt and then we started getting words of knowledge form like the world is searching whether they know it or not they're like they're yelling at you but really they're going to show me the Father please please show me the Father and we're so caught up in our calling that we've missed his doesn't say the hope of your calling it says though above his calling it's about him but we need an encounter with God we'll have nothing to talk about if there's no power God really put on my heart tonight was to what your appetite to get very hungry for him I remember at 10 years old my it was a New Year's Eve who's 2002 I remember I was I was playing like in children's church and my brother and sisters were there and I've been thinking about this this testimony a lot and as a 10 year old I'm not thinking about the presence and worship I have a dodge ball in my hand and I'm in children's church chucking it at kids I mean literally that I remember that's what we were playing and I remember Usher's came running into this into this back room in and they're like hey your dad you know my dad's a pastor and he was like you know your dad wants all four of you I have three brothers and sisters a couple of them are here there's four of us and he said I want you guys he wants all you guys to come into this sanctuary so we all came up and we came to the altar and he got up and he said you know your grandmother called me on your way to service and my grandmother was like a 410 anointed power bomb I don't even know how to explain it she barely spoke English but she would start prophesying over you and Arabic and you'd fall and you don't know how or what you don't even know what she said and I remember he said your grandmother called and said to pray for pray for your children tonight and so my dad kind of went from oldest to youngest and and I'm standing at the end and as he was getting closer to me my knees began to tremble ten years old I have no grit for this like kids really don't know courtesy false you know like we today we we get food and we look at the back of it to see how much sugar is in it and we want to know the ingredients before we ever eat something but you know we can't do that with Scripture because this is real bread but so many people so many of us get into this how-to mentality of God I need you to teach me all the ingredients in here before I can eat it and this gospel is not meant for your brain it's meant for your heart you see you can't fix your brain you have to take yours off and put on the mind of Christ you can't fix sin you have to die to sin you can't fix old way it's like I'm not just a changed William because change means I can go back and I'm still held bound I'm God replaces you God doesn't just refurbish you he kills you and then raises you up again so as a kid I wasn't up there thinking okay lord I need to understand how this is working right now are you gonna touch me are you not gonna touch me I wasn't even looking for an encounter I was a ten year old playing dodgeball in the back and he gets too mean I remember I remember he touched my hand that's all I remember and I'm on the ground shaking screaming crying I don't know how I got there can I explain it No and that night I went home and I gave my life to the Lord I will never forget it and I was I was so aware of God being in my bedroom at ten years old I still remember the feeling and so just like I was in you before I went into school and and became numb and and the encounter was so real you see we need the power of God so much that it marks us and marks our memories because it was so real that I would be in situations where I was like okay I can I can you can step into some sin right now and God would actually that ten-year-old encounter and that feeling would start coming back but there was something missing because what God is not doing is this God is not waiting for us to just he doesn't want to just have an encounter and then we wait and we look like the world in the middle and then okay we have another encounter with God because so many of you have asked how many of you have been asking the Lord for a fresh baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire can feel it all over the room look at that so we're all waiting and we're waiting for God to come and bring another encounter but what if I told you that there was an encounter where he could come and it wouldn't go what if we didn't have to live from touch to touch but we found ourselves in his touch but I remember at 10 years old God touching me and then these periods of my life I started working for my uncle and and all the sudden that childlike faith that was just that just received that just ate the bread I wasn't trying to figure it out I just ate it and I knew that God was real and I believed him like how many of you know it says confess with your mouth and believe in your heart we have a lot of confessing Christians but ones that actually believe him so the childlike faith went away and all of a sudden I started realizing man people can be in the flesh sometimes and you go to some services and people are flopping everywhere and the Holy Spirit's not involved in and I'm all for flopping everywhere like wait till you lose your dignity it's an amazing amazing thing but it sometimes we get so focused on the ones that don't know how to steward his presence that we keep a whole room from stepping into something and so I started working for my uncle and if you don't know he is type in Hin H I and then on YouTube bless you and what you find so I started work from uncle and I'm and I'm a catcher now and I remembered that encounter when I'm 10 but something was missing and so I'm I'm watching people literally fly everywhere some of you like what is even talking about where is this the scripture let me give you a little part of scripture that talks about this and the account of John where Jesus is in the in the garden and they come to arrest him and and they asked him this whole militia asks him are you Jesus if now earth and he's responses I am he and the whole militia flies back just read it the account of John why I don't know it doesn't explain it and what's crazy is they still got up and took him away I'd be like you're good on no part of that I don't even know I went flying and so I'm I'm literally like catching and I'm watching tumors fall off people's necks I remember being in Wales London and little Wales England and watching literally a tumor dissolve off someone's neck and I'm watching all the stuff but you see my heart was still numb because miracles can't save you you can watch a hundred people get out of a wheelchair and still deny the power of the Holy Spirit you see you can make a confession and say yes to Jesus without it being a real yes and and go through life and all the sudden bills come in and you think Lord I gave my life to you and things got harder because we have this gospel that they have benefit and blessed me but what if the gospel today is no it's gonna cost you your life are you still gonna sign up you're not gonna want to sign up unless you taste and see of his goodness we need an encounter with God where we taste him like the disciples said him who we've heard seen and handled with our hands it's him we witness up what kind of witness do we have if we haven't encountered power and so I'm catching people and I'm watching people fly and flop and scream and wheelchairs and I start thinking to myself what's real and what's not God you know because persley for me this is just me I don't know about you but I mean I've seen the same people sometimes come to the altar without ever building an altar for God when no one's watching and they come and you might fall down every week and you might get touched by God every week at the altar but unless you come up more like him it was a fake encounter unless you come up more transferred from glory to glory to glory it was just another flop until next Sunday comes and I need to fall again to feel good and approved and I am not about laying I'm not I'm not against people laying hands that people I love that stuff trust me but what is the fruit of your life me you know might one of my friend says like this at every public encounter if it doesn't lead to a private kiss you missed it so so I'm I'm watching people man they're running to the altar they're you know my uncle would say pastors leaders teachers and everyone became a pastor and everyone's punching each other and jumping to get to the altar because people are hungry and I'm like I'm catching like I'm catching a baseball they're flying everywhere and I'm so offended at the flesh that I'm seeing and so I'm going through it and and I mean I'm literally count I feel nothing everyone's like having all these encounters I feel nothing and so I'm I'm contemplating in my heart I'm wondering why God do I feel so dry why is this so hard and I remember that night it was literally a service in Toronto and I am struggling in my mind again you can't receive him here it's never gonna be logical it's supernatural but I was sure I was logically trying to make sense of it you know I'm you know when we were young and high school people would wave their jackets at us and say fire on you like that's how we grew up and so I'm you know there's a little bitterness there of you know oh here we go the jockey came off again and just bitter and offended in my heart and I remember I'm literally walking my uncle to his car he's standing in front of me and I'm thinking to myself what's real and what's not and in the middle of my thought he turns around he looks me dead in the face and he says why do you doubt the Holy Spirit in the middle of my thought I felt like I got shanked with a very sharp sword so I went back to the hotel that night and I repented I said God I'm not gonna try to figure this out anymore like it fits if it's you I want it just give me truth and God started telling me you've looked at everyone else's all the flesh but you haven't looked at the plank in your own eye so I'm sitting in the back of the sanctuary the next service and and I've postured my heart correctly this time and it wasn't about anything that I was seeing I was like Lord if I don't see you I don't want it and he's not even laying hands with people yet I'm just standing back there and all of a sudden he's something came on me and I don't all I all I know is that I was pushing myself off of the floor and there was snot you know like the kind of snot where it doesn't fully come out and doesn't hit the ground but it hangs you know and you know people are watching and you're like come on everyone knows what I'm talking about everyone has sneezed before when you weren't feeling well and that's not halfway came out so I'm a mess and I've got my suit on because you're required wear a suit and now there's just stuff everywhere and so my uncle is banging on the pulpit yelling where's my nephew and I'm oh I'm getting destroyed in a beautiful way on the floor in the back end so now I'm gathering myself and I'm trying to figure out what's happening to me and God is just like and so I'm working my way up the aisle like how many vino it says a knack to that they were like drunk men at noonday now listen I'm not saying that always has to look like this like what if your encounter with God would be like you were depressed you encountered him and all the sudden joy came in what if a real encounter with God gave you peace that surpasses understanding like you don't need to fly and shake and scream that's amazing as all of that is and as much as we wanted as much as I would love for God to just go beyond my comprehension sometimes is you'll be in the worst situation of your life there's certain parents in here I just heard in my heart that you're fighting for your kids in court tuts you raise your hand you're fighting for children you'll be in the worst situation in your life and things will be very difficult right now and you won't have any money for a lawyer fees and all the sudden God comes in see there's always a but God but then he came and all the sudden the lack that I had was consumed by the abundance of his presence and all the sudden that that worry that I had that kept me up at night you guys aren't sleeping at night it's all you think about God will walk into your bedroom and all the sudden you realized God it's all about you and you'll have the first night's sleep of your life like a real sleep see what if an encounter with God has rest for you you've been asking God for rest come it really quick come here come on come on you guys stretch your hands come here what's your name Shelly come here it's all right slip your hands to the Lord God I thank you for the encounter that she's been asking for and lord I thank you that her children are gonna come home not only are the children gonna come home but they're gonna see what she sees they're gonna encounter what she's encountered and they're gonna watch her peace in the midst of trial they're gonna watch her arrest when everything's crashing down unshakable built her in her house on a rock come on stretcher and so father I thank you for Shelly I thank you for a fresh encounter with your presence in Jesus name touch her Lord thank you God for the first night in a long time having real rest in Jesus name real rest Jesus touch touch the name John mean anything to you no does anyone have a son in here named John but you're believing for are you believing for him there's multiple people you're neatly and you're and it's like a protocol like he he needs to come home hey put someone put a hand on her and then right here to your son's name's John we're waiting for him to come home father I thank you that John hear your voice right now in Jesus name that were ever he's at that got you break the needle in Jesus name god I thank you that what gave him joy is no longer gonna give him joy Holy Spirit asked you to come right now wherever he wherever they are and fill them God touch them wherever they are but make them think of their moms right now in Jesus name and let them get phone calls going I was thinking about you Jesus named Jesus name amen amen it's gonna happen [Applause] so I am now made my way up and I'm doing everything I can to catch people and I can't even see straight and now I'm a danger to those falling and all the ones that were offending me the night before that I saw I'm now that very person how many you know it says in Ephesians 3 17 through 19 that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width the length the height the depth to know the love of God that surpasses knowledge you know what that word knowledge means it means science see if we don't have an encounter with God that surpasses what science can explain you see when everything in this world should tell you should never have a full night's sleep again some of you here old some of you hear voices constantly God's gonna crush it tonight some of you are depressed and discouraged some of you walked in here tonight with suicidal thoughts his presence changes everything and the world will tell you you need counseling session after counseling session but this Bible will tell you you just need a counselor and it's names Holy Spirit what we need is we need to be baptized with the Holy Spirit and it needs to go so far beyond what we can comprehend or understand that we have to look back and go he touched me see if I could talk you into the gospel you might get talked out of it but you encounter Jesus anything gospel there's no coming back like I can share theology with you all day and we can debate based on our religions but this is not a religion or you can walk up to someone and say yeah but what about this but what about this what about what envy so deadly accurate word of knowledge that there's no understanding in their mind that they go I have to receive him you see you can't mess with power we need power again in the church we need to stop having our safe meetings we need the ones where Devils are flying out everywhere and we need to raise our children to go to school and cast out Devils everywhere like you know my son is 2 years old and he prays for people in public with me he knows I will be called in to parent-teacher conferences because in elementary school my son will cast out Devils come on it's the first sign of a believer they're gonna go we don't know it's through them he starts praying and people start manifesting and I'm gonna go let me tell you about the gospel why would our kids ever walk in that if we're not why would our kids ever walk in that if we just want to get them to go to church and get their Sunday School lesson don't worry it's only an hour you know my uncle would say we rushed in and out of his presence insulting his glory and wondering why there's no power come on playtime's over he's drawn a line in the sand he got to pick which side because he vomits out the lukewarm and God is igniting first love fire again in the church and so I was so numb and I'm trying to figure out everyone else's encounter and I'm looking for the next time he's gonna come and oh did he come so I'm trying my best to catch and you know the sudden my uncle realizes that something's happening and he looks around the person he goes you know it's about time you start preaching the gospel I just he didn't touch me God did it's like he came and he just wound up hit me on the chest with a sledgehammer and I went rolling down the stairs and all the stuff that I was offended by the jacket everything that I didn't understand he says pick him up and he takes his jacket off I just believe he has a sense of humor I believe that God's up in heaven just going off I'm gonna mess with the religion so much so that's gonna crucify it's gonna get crucified so I'm like I am allow a like dead on the ground something shifted that day and all the sudden my desire for intimacy with him increased I went into the closet and not being a 10 year old anymore now I'm a man and I'm like lord I need to know you see God when he comes and encounters us it's like a it's like a father picking up his son and patting him on the back saying you can do this but his presence demands change so I asked the Lord Lord I don't want to just live from encounter to encounter I don't want to have to fall down again the next time I need to feel like I'm touched by you God spoke to many said holiness is the only thing that anchors you in encounter how many of you know that he's a Holy Spirit for a reason it's not just a spirit but he's holy so if he lives in you than your life ought to be holy right because he doesn't dwell in darkness it says that there's no darkness in him at all and see for me I was so numb like how much greater is that darkness when you know the truth yet you live in sin knows me I would say things like well you know I'm gonna I'm gonna go and I'm gonna and I can go to that bar it's no big deal all talking about Jesus went in there and just down a beer are you kidding me go on what is pure religion before the Lord taking care of orphans widows and keeping yourself unspotted from the world God is calling you out of the world it's calling you out it's the only way we can sustain encounter because you might come every week to this service and go WOW and then you might go home and cussed out your wife and think it's okay some of you are dealing with lust and you can't stop I would ask you this question if Jesus walked into your bedroom and he was standing next to you and you opened the computer would you watch it no we need his presence we need his presence God comes and counters you to stay he doesn't just want to visit every now and then when you're in the right service and the right speakers preaching God wants to make you a habitation God is looking for people that he can find rest rest rest in but you have to believe that he came to make you right I'm telling you the only thing that's gonna keep a body in revival where it's not just something that's happening but people have actually become it is holiness the Lord is raising up in this hour of holy people not by your works because you could not do it on your own it says in John 15 without him we can do nothing absolute like what he says nothing he means nothing you can't do this on your own you have to sign up to die I just want to read this really quick because there's people in here that are like man you know I wake up and I'm sinning and I and I go to sleep and I'm sitting like what if God set you free I can hear it in my heart man what's this guy saying is he saying we're not sinners that's exactly what I'm saying are you saying that we can live a life where there's no sin that's exactly what I'm saying are you saying that it's possible to never lust again that's exactly what I'm saying are you saying that it's possible to get off drugs in one moment and not need 12 counseling sessions that's exactly what I'm saying you see we got this psychological thing in church today and it's from hell and I am NOT against psychologists just make sure you're leading him to him because your psychology can't do it I'm not holding back I'm just not and so we invite all of the stuff in a church and we say Oh same-sex marriage that's okay yeah we're gonna go there man his presence demands change we want to encounter God but we're not willing to change God wasn't confused when he made you he didn't make you as feminine tendencies he didn't make you that way he's not a God of confusion he knew exactly what he was doing exactly what he was doing so we've got all kinds of stuff out there today we're gonna pull their 501c3 status if they don't accept it in church let them come it's not gonna stop and we want to we want it to be okay to murder babies are you kidding me and we don't talk about it in churches pastors and preachers because we don't want to lose people you're gonna stand before God and answer for your life and everything you didn't say see I don't get as many claps on that when I don't care God is looking for people he's looking for the real Christian to step up and say something it says in Isaiah 53 who will declare my generation who's gonna say something with what they've been given who's not gonna be ashamed and scared but actually walking boldness but listen you can't have boldness unless you know you're right with God because it's the righteous that walk in boldness you see we need stopping a church that pulls punches and calling it love you know what real love is is it's pulling up people out of the fire come on it says in Jude how many of you love Jude and get filled up on it every day nobody not even one person in here listen go and read it it's one page it's very short you note it says it says use discernment for some save him by fierce snatching them out of the fire you know that God's goodness and his severity are not separated you know that one God severe it's because he loves you severely and here's the truth if you're in this room and you had an abortion there's no condemnation allowed he comes to the woman caught in adultery and he says he who has a sin cast the first stone they all drop him he says who condemns to you she says nobody says either do I here's the key go and sin no more we'll leave that part out because we want it to feel good no no now there's a requirement in his presence that changes everything and grace is not a license to sin grace is the empowerment to walk like him you know the actual word grace it means divine influence upon the heart and then the reflection of that life it's being so divinely influenced that I can't help but represent the divine it's actually the power you see Jesus raises the standard it goes from listen if you if you commit adultery you're breaking law and Jesus comes and says if you even look at a woman lustfully raises the standard because he wants it to be so hard that you come to a place of God I can't do this and he goes perfect as I can so we have all these things all bro I'm just a sinner no no you want an excuse for your sin so you identify with it because you don't know any other identity but what if I told you that you could be a saint you see it's not the works of ministry for the equipping of the sinners but the Saints it doesn't say that creation is groaning for the sinners this is revelation this is Romans 5 I'm just gonna read it really quick 6 minutes all right help me Lord says this is Romans 5 verse 18 therefore as though one man's offence judgment came to all men resulting in condemnation even so through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men resulting in justification of life for if by one man's disobedience many were made sinners so also by one man's obedience many will be made righteous this is Romans 6 it says shall we continue in sin or shall we continue in sin that grace may abound certainly not how shall we who have died died died everyone say died died to sin live in it any longer we've been baptized into Christ and we were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through the baptism into death the just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we should also walk in a newness of life for if we have been united in the likeness of his death certainly we shall also be united in the likeness of his resurrection you see if you are united in the likeness of his resurrection can darkness dwell can death dwell absolutely not just read it the body of sin might be done away with that we should no longer be slaves of sin for he who died has been freed from sin everyone say freed from sin it doesn't say you got halfway but freed from sin now if we died with Christ we believe we also shall live with him knowing that Christ having raised from the dead dies no more the death no longer has dominion over him for the death he died he died to sin once for all once for all once not for some but once for all it doesn't matter what you're going through just doesn't he's that good but the life he lives he lives to God likewise you also reckon yourselves to be dead indeed to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord therefore do not let sin reign in your mortal body there is actually required that you should obey it in its lusts and do not present your members as instruments of unrighteousness to sin but present yourselves to God as instruments of righteousness for sins shall not have found not have dominion over you for you and rod under the law but under grace and then it continues on in verse 18 it says having been set free from sin and verse 22 having been set free from sin and then we get to Romans 7 and we could start having excuses and the first part of Romans 7 says or do you not know brethren for I speak to those who know the law he's talking to those who know the law he tells you right in the beginning that the law has dominion over man as long as he lives and then it goes on and say what shall we say then is the law sin certainly not on contrary I would have known sin except through the law you see it says that the law was a tutor to reveal Jesus the law came to expose sin and expose the need for a savior the law came to get us to a point where we had to go oh my gosh I need you and you keep going and verse 15 it says for what I'm doing I do not understand you guys all know it it says if then I do what I will not to do I agree with the law that is good but now it is no longer I who will to do it but sin that dwells in me for I know that it that in me that is in the flesh nothing good dwells and we think well man we're all just sinners and then Romans 8 starts you see you got to read all of it this is a whole letter he's given you context Romans 6 you're set free from sin Romans 7 this is what it looks like to still be under the law Romans 8 here's the truth there is therefore everyone say now now no condemnation to those or in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh you see it's said enough in the chapter before that which is in my flesh is where sin dwells but how does it still dwell if you died to the flesh that I no longer walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit and then verse 9 just jumping everywhere it says but you were not in the flesh but in the spirit if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you now if he does not have a Spirit of Christ he is not his and if Christ is in you the body is dead because of sin but the Spirit is life because of righteousness but if the spirit of him who raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells in you he who raised Christ from the dead will also give you give life to your mortal bodies come on what if we prayed crazy things like Lord I want to be so close to the drip off of me what if we prayed crazy things like Lord I want to walk into Starbucks today and I want everyone to begin to tremble because he walked into the room you see you can't do that on your own because you actually have to die because it's not about you and so I had a pastor one time tell me bro how could you say they're not a sinner that's so arrogant and I said what's more arrogant looking in a mirror and seeing what you've done or looking at a mirror and seeing what he's done what's more self-absorbed looking at a mirror and seeing you look back or looking in a mirror and being so lost in him so dead to self at all you can seize him what's more arrogant the greatest humility that we could ever walk in is God being all in on where we say Lord I don't want it anymore I need you to fully have me I get the worship team back up I've 56 seconds 54 53 52 are you guys okay I'm not gonna be much longer said all right we need an encounter with God that surpasses understanding so much so that I see his righteousness that I see his purity and I go I'm gonna live there but she can't do it on your own you know my brother up there he's up there somewhere he was teaching today on the protocol Sun and something shook in me because you know this boy gets to a point see this is the love of the father because some of you need to get right with God thought a doubt because he didn't pay a price for you to come here and worship Jesus and look like the world when you leave some of you are so done with your sin you're just over it you want to be done with it and you want to make an unashamed Boldak that says lord I need to get right with you and we need to get right with him but how do we get right with God the prodigal son he goes and and he goes and does whatever he wants knowing his inheritance he actually takes his inheritance and uses it in the world and it says not long after he realized like this was a bad idea I'm paraphrasing this is not New King James this is I'm just paraphrasing he says listen I know what I'll do listen my servant the servants in my father's house live better than I do I'll just come to him and say I'm no longer worthy to be your son some are you in that place right now where you feel like you're not even worthy to be in this room right now here's what God says I'm not worthy to be his son maybe he'll take me back as a servant and the father's waiting for him and he sees him from afar off and Iran Stan I imagine him running going get my best coat get the most Royal rope get the ring and get the sandals he's here he's here oh and it says he fell on his neck and they had dinner and he was immediately a son that first love kind of fire it starts with him that words fell you see what happens when we encounter God and the Holy Spirit comes just like Jesus it descends upon us like a dove but for it to remain our life better be holy he doesn't dwell in anything else see he's not only in me he's upon me he's with me he's all around me I can't get away from him if I try and so the Holy Spirit comes and when it says that the Holy Spirit fell even in acts 10 when Peters preaching in the Holy Spirit fell in the room that word fell means to cease with violence it's appreciated a is so powerful to cease with violence an embrace of affection so whenever it says that the Holy Spirit fell it's saying that he embraces you affectionately ceasing you with violence like like how many of you ever seen the videos of military men coming home and just weep like if you ever haven't cried in a long time just put on one of those videos you will cry and if you don't we're gonna pray for you because I don't even understand like the kids don't know the dodge shows up and the kid runs what is that what is it see some of you feel like I've been so far away for so long something you don't even feel like you can be worthy to go into the closet and when you do you feel like you got to pull God from somewhere but he never left he's just looking and he's waiting for you to come and turn to him and look back he's been right there he's like oh wait till he's seen you want to put the best robe on them they're gonna think they're not gonna get anything and then I'm just gonna give him everything see it sounds entitled but when we taste and see of his goodness we go god I want to live for you he's that good so the Holy Spirit falls and he encounters us with this violent love like like you see someone you haven't seen in years and you run to them and not like this you know we we have us in my house you know we're we're Middle Eastern and so when we hug each other it's not like bless you it's violent it's like I don't know if anyone else has cute aggression in this room my kids my little girl Elizabeth is a ball she's we call her le belly because she's chunky and when I see this girl there's something in me that's like I just want to squeeze her I don't know what there is this violent love in my heart for her this violent love for my kids that they do something cute and I'm like oh my gosh I just want to like kick him or something but I don't want to kick them I don't want to kick my kids I just I love him so much I don't know what to do with my body right now like I don't know if if anyone's ever been in that but like I just loved them violently and I squeeze them he goes ow ow ow and I'm like I just love you so much seeing my family when we say hi my friends need to make funny because my dad squeezes me and kisses me on the neck till today he goes just one kiss you know you don't kiss me anymore and I'm like you have a mustache and I got a mustache and it's weird and he's like I'm your father there's no like bless you you know thing no no when the Holy Spirit comes he comes violently like someone coming and bear hugging you and saying I've missed you it doesn't matter what you've done you see he's running to you tonight saying get the best rope get the ring in the sandals oh and make the dinner burn let's get it all together let's get everything right he's on his way first love fire if you want an encounter with God that doesn't end and you're like lord I need a fresh baptism of your Holy Spirit and Fire see it I need it to make me holy I need you to teach me how to receive your love because there is nothing that you can do to get right with God you have to die to self and come to a place of God's you're right and in your presence I become right see he who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ which means he who wasn't like you became like you so you could become like him and you weren't part of the decision like when he said let us make man he didn't consult you first when he decided I want you to be where I'm gonna dwell forever I want you to be my resting place he didn't ask you if you were okay with it you don't really the only choice you have is yes or no and we can be a people that live according to the spirit how many of you know you don't have a spirit you are a spirit you have if you have a body you have a soul but you are spirit and the more you believe that you're a son the more you're gonna boldly run after him as he runs to you the more you're gonna be able to walk in righteousness not by your own strength but because you live in his house you got to stand with me is it possible to live a life that's free from sin and encounters God every day yeah is it possible to live a life where the fire doesn't have to go out as we get older is it possible to live a life or so stuck on His goodness and His mercy that I never needed to do another thing for me if God said listen what you have right now it's what you got use it wisely but I'm gonna be with you like what if our bank account didn't reflect our attitude what if what this person said and this person said and that person did and that person did didn't have any effect because we saw what he did see is it possible to not have a bad day do you believe the gospel listen if Paul can sit in a prison and say rejoice again I say rejoice what are we complaining about our bill Johnson's say listen if God inhabits the praises of his people who inhabits complaining see God gives you you ask God God give me a job I need help i need provision I'm really struggling right now so God comes and he brings the abundance that you're asking for and you get a nine-to-five bless God and all the sudden you start complaining about that job because your boss did this and said this and all the sudden it's monotony and where I don't have any time to spend with you get up earlier and all of a sudden we're complaining we take this gift that came from God and we give it to the devil and we wonder why it becomes the greatest source of discouragement and oppression our life what do you consider a good gift he tells Paul Paul Paul is in Jerusalem on trial and he and he hits him while he's in prison he says don't worry just as you've testified me of Jerusalem you're gonna do in Rome and so Paul gets out and he's on this ship and then the angel Lord says listen you're gonna get shipwrecked but no one's gonna lose their life shipwrecks they end up on an island called Malta and you do not see Paul go on to the island and complain and go but Lord you showed me rum you see God he always finishes something and then he starts it so most the time you have people prophesying over you and they'll give you the conclusion but then God will say go and you'll think but Lord you said Rome and I'm in this I'm on this island called Malta and we lost everything and you're making a fire and a snake bites you in the hand and you think have you cursed me I don't understand what's happening right now you just told me Rome and I'm in Malta getting bitten by snakes what does Paul do he prays for somebody and they get healed and the whole island has a revival what are you gonna do in Malta how you gonna respond in Malta you're gonna complain or what the devil meant for evil you're gonna turn it into revival like what if it came to a point that every single thing he tried to you you're so right with God so consumed in his presence that no matter what he throws the devil comes too far he's like I can't do anything with this person everything I do all the sudden people are getting saved and healed and no matter where I put them they turn the lights on I don't know how to stop this person what if we weren't fighting a devil but he's been defeated for 2,000 years what if our fight was just walking in the room and getting over ourselves it says I'm going to prepare a table for you in Psalms 23 I'll prepare a table for you in the midst of your enemies like we teach all this spiritual warfare what if what if just hear me out on this what if spiritual warfare was having dinner with him what if when everything's coming around - you're like Lord did you bring mashed potatoes today and you're just enjoying Jesus and ten thousand may fall at your side but it won't come near you come on this is all the works Psalms 91 just read it God is a real refuge for a real heart that says I'm yours and all the sudden everything's crashing down you don't even notice that you're like man I'm not struggling oh yeah I don't have any money but I'm not struggling I don't know why you're so upset like Joseph goes to the Baker in the butler and if anyone had the right to complain it was probably Joseph and he doesn't complain he goes to the Baker in the butler he says why are you having a bad day like why are you having a bad day what's wrong I mean we have motivational messages to make you feel better no no you need to die it's that simple it's so easy it's saying God I'm gonna sign up to get crucified with you on the tree because you said that when he was crucified we were crucified when he died we died when he was buried we were buried when he was quickened we were quickened when he was raised we were raised when he was seated in heavenly places we were - I might as well just go through the whole thing with you put me on the tree come on there's a cross that he's not on anymore with your name on it and every single person will be offered across this life every single person will be offered that American Dream thing that says come on you don't have to die for your faith did he really say it'll cost you everything come on surely he's better than that all the lies come on do you really need to pick up that cross come on well I suppose if he's really a savior life would be easy if it's just about going to heaven that's what you'll think but when you get possessed by heaven you won't be able to stop you're soft because we need to taste him we need to see him we need to encounter him and see his eyes see the hair like wool in the face that shines brighter than the Sun and go oh my goodness and fall in love so much that it doesn't matter what I have I have you like what drove Stephen to be stoned and he saw have an open you imagine something stoning there smiling watching Jesus stand and we're complaining about our job having charismatic services when someone cuts us off on the road but no charismatic services that I don't want to go to Devil's they freak me out but you're acting like a devil I'm not being mean I love everyone if the shoe fits I love Todd says it if the shoe fits kick it off but it's time that we start being real because if God was to come and cleanse anything he'd cleanse the pulpit first and so I'm not gonna hold back I'm not gonna compromise so that you feel good we need like Joshi said I don't think I came to bring peace but a sword those are the words of Jesus are loving Jesus his severity is so good he wants you so close to him that he cuts everything out he fights everything about self and all the sudden once self you being strong within yourself dies it goes I can have you and the whole point of the severity was that you could be close to him and as he's running to you and he's running to you he's saying get the best rope and then you're worth sinning in your darkest moment when you think Lord I've got nothing to offer see it's the God that goes get the best robe that causes you I didn't deserve this you see if you want what you deserve we'd all go to hell I didn't deserve this and God comes and he clothes us I know you did anything but I didn't pay a price because you deserved it I paid a price because I want you and all the sudden that royal garment comes on and he doesn't want us to take it off again just keep it on and the more you keep it on the more you're gonna believe that your royal so I'm gonna ask I know that I'm four minutes 32 33 34 seconds overtime but I'm gonna ask if you're in this place of just man lord I need I need to get consumed too possessed by your spirit so that my life becomes holy toward you won't you run down the front come on come on run run run run run run run run run run getting right with God like this is your moment of God saying I see him from afar off and he's running to you there's no formula for this there's no specific prayer for this this is between you and him [Music] well lift your hands and just say God [Music] fall on his neck fall on his neck thank you say God I've come to get right with you I've come to take your robe to take your sandals to take this ring and I put it on my finger and I say that I'm gonna live for you for the rest of my life lift your voices lift your voices I'm going to live for you for the rest of my life you have all of me not part of me I'm getting free from that thing god I thank you for suicidal thoughts leaving this room in Jesus name god I thank you for depression and discouragement leading this room right now in Jesus name well let your voice lift your voice right now in Jesus name fire of God come fire of God come burn up what doesn't belong burn up what doesn't belong bird up with doesn't belong so every I lifted if you're in the front if you're in the aisle to sit your hands father we thank you I want you to say this with me Sam's free from sin zammis son of god you paid a high price for me to be holy so I say that today I am holy I've been made whole I am the righteousness of God I say no to sin God I thank you that you give me the power through your grace to walk this out for the rest of my life you have my yes you have my yes you have my yes come on give him praise give him praise give him praise it's in our adoration that God comes it's in our adoration to worship the God comes in quickens your mortal body you see here's this secret to encounter don't look for it don't look for it just worship Jesus and all the sudden you'll end up in encounter and you won't realize how you got there it's about Jesus and when Jesus comes in he doesn't just encounter you one time he says I want to live with you forever and I'm gonna make you holy and I'm gonna make you like me and righteousness it's going to be because of me and it's gonna anchor you forever there so I want you to take the hand of the person next to you really quick come on grab the hand of the person who left on the ride and we're gonna do some kind of silly but I love it and God just comes listen they shouted out a wall and the walls of Jericho fell down so it's in one word I'm like we're gonna shout one word and I believe our healing is going to be in that word I believe that the baptism of the Holy Spirit is going to come with fire we need God's fire we need its fire to cleanse our bodies we need aspire to make us such a generation that we just can't get sick again it's his fire that wins our families it's his fire that wins our coworkers and God is going to come and violently embrace you so I'm gonna count to three and we're gonna yell fire and then I want you to go back into worship and God's gonna do it he's gonna heal you he's gonna heat this and what if it was really a one step program what if it was that easy like what if Jesus was the answer he is what if he was the door he is the door [Music] so everyone lift your hands up in the air come on all over the balcony just slip your hands up and I'm gonna count to three and everybody not for your sake but for the person on the left and the right you're gonna ask Scott with one word it's a baptized them fresh and fire and in that fire there's going to be healing there's going to be joy there's going to be peace there's going to be life are you ready just go right into worship I want you to yell it on three are you ready for the person's left in the ride and he's going to shake the room one two three [Applause] touch your seat Oh believe it for the person on the left in the right [Applause]
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 5,053
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: NFpX6BfpuNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 1sec (4561 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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