Redemption | Michael Koulianos | Sunday Morning Service

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning good morning how you guys doing today we just want to welcome everybody that's here in person uh to jesus image church also all the online viewers we just want to welcome you this morning before we start worshiping um i just want to say something of just how important it is for us to always be looking at jesus for us to always have him before our face i was telling the team this morning that the past couple days i had to start my day really really early and i didn't have a chance to spend time with the lord before i went about my day and just the day would come and weigh upon me without first having been with him and it just seemed like it was so much more and it weighed me down so much more and then this morning i finally got a day where i could just wake up with him and it like within 30 minutes of being with him it shifted everything that had been weighing me down the days before and it just reminded me of the importance of it is to be with the lord and just to seek his face and then on the way here this morning it seemed like every street i turned on that the sun was right in my face right in my eyes and i was like what's going on here like in meredith i was going east west north or south the sun was right there in my eyes and the lord was just telling me you know just look at him if he's right before me no matter which direction if he's right before my eyes you know all i could see was the sun and i couldn't see what was to the right or the left and it's just and so let's just look at him this morning let's turn our eyes towards him it doesn't matter what your weak look like but if you just look at him and turn your eyes towards him all that'll fade into the background you won't see nothing but him and it'll shift so lord we just welcome you this morning we turn our eyes and we turn our gaze upon you the beautiful one the glorious one the mighty one the righteous one the holy one the pure one you are so beautiful jesus and we just look towards you and we worship you this morning god we give you glory we give you praise we yield to you the best way we know how we say have your way today god this is your day this is your service and lord let it be all for your glory and your great name we love you we love you so much jesus amen [Music] father we have come to [Music] lifting up our hearts but we [Music] to bow [Music] lifting up our hearts we bow down [Music] [Applause] you're the lover [Music] we are singing [Music] [Applause] [Music] holy hands to you lord [Applause] [Music] lord your eyes [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are singing yes you are singing we are [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] you are worthy of our praise [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hallelujah [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] are you lord you're far above all the others [Music] we exalt you lord [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah [Music] so [Music] [Music] we live [Music] to the water [Music] there there is no [Music] me [Music] first [Music] [Music] man [Music] [Applause] there is no [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] no [Applause] [Music] there is no water [Music] jesus christ [Music] jesus christ [Music] just [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ [Music] me me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] we [Music] there is [Music] there is no [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we lift you high [Music] ever [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] my can we just sing that as my voice [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] oh [Music] jesus christ [Music] hopes [Music] jesus christ [Music] i hope [Music] jesus [Music] you are cute [Music] jesus [Music] you are beautiful [Music] [Music] she's [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] uh [Applause] um [Music] oh [Music] [Music] just start giving him your soul [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] just [Music] just let your voice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] cuz [Music] glory and power [Applause] [Music] glory [Music] [Applause] [Music] till [Music] blessings [Music] glory [Music] to you [Applause] [Music] belongs to the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] here [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] blessings [Music] [Music] is [Music] victory [Music] the darling of heaven [Music] worth is [Music] is [Music] victoria [Applause] [Music] jesus [Music] the darling of heaven [Music] worthy is [Music] is [Music] many crowds [Music] you're [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the darling of heaven [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] victory [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus christ [Applause] [Music] were these lovely [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're highly [Music] [Applause] jesus [Music] is is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] victoria [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] no [Music] [Music] us [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] i stand [Music] holy ghost is [Music] [Music] beyond description [Music] to wonderful [Music] who can grasp your infinite wisdom [Music] above all of you i still [Music] is [Music] descriptions [Music] is [Music] [Applause] you're infinite [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] i said [Music] oh [Music] [Music] let's just welcome the holy spirit spirit we welcome you come on church agree with us we welcome you holy spirit into this place this morning lord holy spirit you're welcome here [Music] you are above all [Music] i just feel this morning when i was praying that there was just some people that came in here this morning that you just kind of were carrying weight that you were never meant to carry because he asked you to give him your burden so we just give them to you right now jesus we just lay them at your feet jesus lord you carry us lord in your hands jesus so we just thank you father lord any any worry any stress lord any fear even fear of the future lord we give that to you right now in jesus name we give you our children yeah there's parents in here that you've been believing for your children to get saved i'm teenagers i'm specifically feeling for teenagers lord so we just thank you god that they will not go the way of the world jesus they will follow the path it is that you've set for them jesus we declare this right now in jesus name lord your word said if two or more agree and ask anything in your name it shall be done lord it shall be done so we proclaim thy right now in jesus name i want you to listen to the words of jesus it says in luke luke 4 verse 14 said then jesus returned to galilee filled with the holy spirit's power see if jesus needed the power of the holy spirit so do we right we need the holy spirit we can't do this on our own not even on our best day we need him so much says reports about him spread quickly through the whole region he taught in their synagogues and was praised by everyone when he came to the village of nazareth his boyhood home he went as usual to the synagogue on the sabbath and stood up to read the scripture listen to jesus look at what he declared the scroll of isaiah the prophet was handed to him just imagine that he took the scroll of isaiah the prophet he unrolled the scroll and found the place where this was written the spirit of the lord is upon me for he has anointed me to bring good news to the poor amen i feel the lord on this he has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released in jesus name we say yes that the blind will see and the oppressed will be set free and that the time of the lord's favor has come i love this part then he rolled up the scroll and handed it back to the attendant and sat down basically there's nothing else to say here there's no more to say what jesus has said is done in jesus name so we say yes we thank you lord for the cross lord we thank you lord that your word has been spoken and it is a living word and it never dies jesus and that fruit will come forth lord from your holy word jesus so we thank you just thank him right now there's just so much power in in thanksgiving lord we thank you god we thank you god that you didn't leave us as orphans lord we thank you god that you promised to send us the holy spirit who is our friend our comforter we thank you jesus lord that you're coming back to rule and reign lord that you just didn't leave us that you're coming back again for your bride jesus and we say yes we say yes and amen to all the things that you have lord yes and amen god you are in control no matter what is happening in the world right now you are still the king of kings and you are in control thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you thank you for the cross thank you for the blood that was shed for our sins jesus thank you for the blood that was shed for our healing it's just as easy to get healed as it is to get saved if you believe that jesus can save you know that he also shed his blood for your healing today so we thank you jesus for healing the sick god in jesus name thank you jesus we love you we worship you come on we know what to do we seal it with praise come on [Music] let's thank our amazing worship team this morning i love you guys you are amazing just wanna um i feel like we're ryan why don't you come up here buddy you guys can take a seat i just want you to prepare your heart um ryan's gonna share the gospel with you right now so no moving around please take a seat and prepare your heart and start just even those in the room start believing for your loved ones as ryan shares the gospel thank you lord i feel the lord this morning man it's he's here uh how many how many guys know that scripture in romans chapter 6 it says now is the time for salvation today's the day this moment in history in this moment in time it's now is a time for salvation we had a so yesterday morning i know why now josh and joel went fishing and um yesterday i went fishing with josh wheeler and joel cuskey and we went in the morning for a couple hours to go fishing you know i told michael i said you've been teaching us teaching me how to fish for men i need you to actually teach me to fish for fish now i was like i need your skills and so he taught me to go to the retention ponds and he said they're full and loaded with bass so yesterday morning joel and josh and i we went to a retention pond early in the morning to catch some fish and we went to this retention pond and we couldn't catch any fish but all of a sudden we seen this bird and it was coming in and out of the water and it started coming really close to us and it was only probably a few feet away from us and we realized there was something wrapped around its beak and we realized it was string and so joel had his fishing pole out and there was a little uh minnow at the end of it and that and and the bird kept trying to eat it but it could not eat it because there was a string wrapped around its peak it was literally sealed uh shut like concrete and so as the bird started eating the fish that was in front of us and trying to put it in its mouth but it couldn't open its mouth it was getting closer and closer and then joel ended up catching it on his pole and so he brought it in and brought it close and we realized that literally his mouth was sealed shut and he couldn't help himself and immediately we felt the presence of jesus and we knew why we were there and we weren't just there to catch fish but we were there because jesus was teaching us something in that moment and we could feel the presence of god and then all of a sudden all of us started realizing remembering that moment when we were helpless when we couldn't fix ourselves and we couldn't clean ourselves up and we couldn't do anything in of ourselves that we needed a savior michael says we need a savior and jesus gladly saves he saves you know if you guys want to open up your bibles to matthew chapter 11 it's a obviously a very well known scripture but we kind of seen this played out yesterday says jesus says to them come to me all who are weary and carry heavy burdens and i will give you rest take my yoke upon you let me teach you because i am humble and gentle at heart i will find rest for your souls for my yoke is easy to bear and the burden i give you is light and in that moment as we can see that joel was holding the fish down and josh was taking off that little string that was wrapped around its beak you can it started flapping and mud was going everywhere and i just remember the bible says that he gets in the dirt with us he did it with the woman that was caught in the act of adultery that he's not afraid to get into the middle of your sin and he's not afraid to go wherever you are at whether you're addicted to pornography or you're addicted to drugs or you've never met jesus or you're addicted to monotony and repetition christianity whatever it may be he is not afraid to meet you where you're at and as we're sitting there and mud is flapping everywhere and it's and and we could just see the passion the compassion of jesus christ that he did that to us that we couldn't you know he the bird has no arms the bird has no hands he could do anything of himself to free him he needed a savior and that's what we need we need jesus christ we can't do it we can't think our way out out of of addiction how many of you guys you know okay i'm not gonna i'm not gonna lust anymore i'm not gonna watch pornography i'm gonna that's it i'm done it's behind me you said you forget my past lord it's forgotten it's in the sea of forgiveness here i go and then we're trying to do it in and of our own strength that discipline you know we think discipline's gonna do it it doesn't do it we need to encounter jesus we need to come to him that's why he says that come to me all who are weary all who are burdened down with life come to me the ones who hearts are our wayward or a mind that is full of anxiety and fear because that's what sin does it grips you it silences you that's why the righteous or as bold as a lion because when you have his righteousness and you're standing inside of him you are bold and you can speak but how many guys know when shame is there and guilt is there condemnation is there we can't we don't have the boldness we once had because there's a secret life or there's things in us that are snaring us and grabbing us that's why we need to come to him i remember the lord whispered to me says you know why you're righteous and i said why he says because you're standing right inside my son that it's his righteousness that he has wrapped us into himself and that's what he wants to do today for us to come to him and to stand in his righteousness not our own but what was crazy about yesterday is as as we were fishing there was other birds that came into the little pond and all of a sudden we seen another bird i don't even know the odds of that but there was another bird that sat there with string wrapped around his beak that he could not open and as we've seen it we're like man this is crazy and all of lake mary there's these two birds with completely bound completely tied up the bible says he who sin is a slave to sin and so we try to catch this bird and we're like this must be the lord you know that two birds are like oh my goodness so we're chasing this bird around and it flew away you should have seen us on the side of the road it was crazy but the bird flew away but i could feel the holy spirit as i was leaving that if we don't come to him we can't be free you know there's people that are going to walk through these doors every single week every single morning every single night and they're going to be bound they're going to be imprisonment with their sin and their lies and in chains and and some people walk out still bound every single week some people walk out still addicted every single week and the whole time jesus is standing here saying come to me not come to the altar not none of that he says come to me and sometimes we can't get in past that initial getting up out of our seats and coming down here before the lord is saying i need you just like that bird did that was sitting right in front of us he needed somebody to save them so we can't do it guys we can't clean ourselves up we can't discipline ourselves we can't get along with our own thoughts and our own minds and say okay freedom's coming we literally need to come to him jesus christ himself because tomorrow is not promised to no man that's why today is a day of salvation this moment right now in history and time is the time for salvation it is now you know yesterday as i was driving home from that moment i i was literally i could feel the presence of jesus and i dropped off josh and i got home and i could sit there and i was like god he said every day ryan he said every week after week people do that every time they walk through those doors that all i'm doing is standing there in in in such love the bible says the goodness of god leads men to repentance like he is here wanting to rip off those chains and rip off those things that so easily ensnare us and in a moment that's all he's wanting to do yet we still try to hold on to it yet we still try to carry it when we go back home and then we're sleeping and we lay our head on the pillow and there we're full of anxiety full of fear never settled and never truly at rest within our souls because we haven't given ourselves to him the one who is rest the one who is peace but he's here this morning and i knew god just bring those two birds yesterday for no apparent reason because i believe that people in this room are ensnared with themselves that they can't feed themselves and what's amazing about that moment he not only did with freedom came to that bird but he had a fish waiting for him the moment he was free he got fed and that's what jesus does when you come up here not only does he free you but he gives him himself the one who is daily bread the one who is true food the one who will sustain you because outside of that all we're eating is momentary pleasures and taking part in sins that only last for a moment but then there's eternal consequences to it scripture says in james chapter 1 i believe verse 15 it says when sin is conceived it gives birth to sin and when sin is accomplished it leads to death there's a wage and there's there's death at the end of every sin and that's eventually that's when it is accomplished that's all that's there but jesus is standing here waiting for you guys just to come to him just to come to give you true rest to give you true food that will truly sustain you and truly fulfill you all the days of your life where you can lay your head down at the pillow at night and truly be at peace he's here today if i could have every head bowed in this place and every eye closed there's a loving savior right here in this room with us waiting to save you waiting to free you now is the time for salvation now is the time for freedom now is the time for victory finally in your life now's the time for chains to completely live your life and lust and evil desires and a wayward heart a hard heart now is the moment and now's the time so you may be in this room and you say i've never come to jesus truly i have never given him my life i have and i want to know this the jesus that died for me on a cross that bled profusely for me because he loves you he didn't die so he could stay bound he didn't die so you can live every day and the anxieties and the fears of sin he died so you can be free so you can live with him and walk with him and talk with him so if you're in this room and you say i've never met jesus and i need freedom or maybe you have met the lord and maybe these little snares of a a hard heart or unforgiveness or a life full of fear has bound your you up and and causes you to be silenced because there's no righteousness that you feel that comes from jesus the one who only can give righteousness maybe that's you and you say i've i've drifted away i've i've looked at momentary pleasures and lust and i have a hard heart or i've kept unforgiveness within my life and it's eating away at me and i need freedom that may be true to you if you're one of those two people i would just you slip your hand up in this moment anybody in this room you say yes that is me thank you jesus thank you jesus and you may also say that i i have left god and i haven't i've done the mundane i've done the every days i've i for i no longer pray and i'm no longer seeking jesus that my heart is no longer on fire for you i've drifted and i've left my first love if that's you as well you can raise your hand in this room thank you jesus forget if everybody stand up father we thank you god god we thank you that you are here you are here if that was you and you raised your hand and you said yes that was me i'm going to ask you to do one more thing just like that first bird did he came and got freedom the chains of yesterday were no longer a part of that bird's life forever now he could freely eat and he could freely fly and he could freely live and move and have his being so i'm going to ask you if that was you and you raise your hand i would just invite you up to the front right here we're going to have some people pray for you and you're going to meet jesus there was many hands in this this room if that's you just take your way you thank you father thank you jesus just just like michael has said if you brought someone that you may know that doesn't know jesus if maybe you brought a friend or a loved one who doesn't know the lord or is tied up with sin snare you can invite him as well thank you jesus how many guys know the bible says all of heaven rejoices at one salvation that there's a direct line of communication in this room into heaven right now and they're cheering them on so let's thank jesus once again father we thank you for every life we thank you for every salvation we thank you mighty king for you are faithful and you are good i'm going to ask you guys that have come up here just to repeat a prayer that i'm going to i'm going to say and but with every word with every single word that is spoken to speak it to jesus himself because he's the one that's gonna save you he's the one that's gonna free you he's the one that's gonna give you true rest for your soul so if we could have everybody join in and we're going to sing this together say dear jesus i give you everything i deny myself pick up my cross and follow you i give you my entire life forgive me jesus for every sin every past mistake i give you my life today jesus i fully believe that you died on a cross for me i believe jesus that you rose on the third day that you ascended to the right hand of the father that you reign as king and you'll come back for me one day i renounce the world my past life and i give you my life today i am born again in jesus name amen thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you mighty king thank you father we rejoice thank you thank you you know now that you guys have given your life to jesus and you've truly surrendered everything this is now a life that is unto him we come to him we follow him we live with him and one day we will live with him forever it's all about jesus and so there's a few things that we love to speak into your guys's life every time when people come up here number one is that you guys would pray every single day and prayer looks like getting alone with jesus by yourselves and talking to him just like you would a spouse just like you would a best friend conversation that he wants to speak life into you every single day and number two is that you guys get a bible if you don't have one we can give you guys one if you guys don't have a bible we can get you guys one dion is right here in the front row dion if you want to come up here real quick so they can see you if you guys want to let's get it dion will be at the new believer's booth which is right outside as soon as you guys are done i would go straight to that booth as soon as service is over and talk to dion and we could get you guys a bible he could pray with you but every day that you guys would read script these scriptures this this is true food this is true life this will sustain you these are the words of jesus on print this is the only book that's truly alive and there's many books in this world but this book right here is alive and active so it is true food and number three is uh join a a local body of believers so it's what we call church this is a church and just plug in you know you're not called to to live life and to love jesus alone but with family that can lock arms with you that could pray with you that you could be accountable to that you can talk to through you know life circumstances and hardships there's many times that we've had to talk to michael and jessica about our lives and other leaders and and they've called us and it's just a huge support and help it strengthens wonder the bible says iron sharpens iron so it is absolutely vital number four is that to get baptized in water and the water is jesus himself it is the holy spirit we get to be baptized in the death burial and resurrection of christ it cuts you off from your former life truly severs the old man the old woman old way of thinking the old thought patterns the old addictions all of that way of life severs you from it so you can live a new life in christ and number five which we are going to pray as a family together over each and every one of you guys is to be baptized in the holy spirit when the empowerment of jesus christ himself closed each and every one of you with him you know with him and then you guys can be a witness you guys carry the very gospel in which you guys heard inside of you and you guys could be a mouthpiece for the kingdom the righteous or as bold as the lion and righteousness was just imparted to each and every one of you guys so you guys can leave this building and be a witness of him so let's just pray together right now as a family over each and every one of them lord jesus we pray now come on let's pray church lord we pray for the baptism of the holy spirit you say ask and we shall receive so we ask you to clothe them father clothe them with yourself jesus that the love of god would be shed abroad in each and every one of their hearts by way of the holy spirit we thank you jesus it may happen as they drive home today from service it may happen as they're sitting at their table eating it may happen as they lay their head tonight down on their pillow god that you will encounter them holy spirit and clothe them with yourself we thank you mighty king in your precious beautiful name we pray amen amen come on let's thank jesus for every soul thank you mighty king thank you jesus thank you jesus we love you jesus thank you father let's welcome them church as they make their way back to the seats thank you jesus well it's offering time amen that beautiful i was talking to the team this morning when we were singing and praying and i told them i just had this giddy excitement this morning like almost like this was the first time that we have ever gathered before i don't know if that's just me but i'm just so excited just to be in the presence of the lord so it's my honor to share offering this morning let's go to second chronicles 31 4-6 i'm going to be reading from the new living translation it says in addition he hezekiah required the people in jerusalem to bring a portion of their goods to the priests and the levites so they could devote themselves fully to the law of the lord when the people of israel heard these requirements they responded generously by bringing the first share of their grain new wine olive oil honey and all the produce of their fields they brought a large quantity a tithe of all they produced say all the people who had moved to judah from israel and the people of judah themselves brought in the ties of their cattle sheep and goats and a tithe of the things that had been dedicated to the lord their god and they piled them up in great heaps basically there was more than enough and something to note hezekiah he reopened the temple see they that temple had been closed and they were doing things not in the way that the lord had told them to do them and what did hezekiah do one of the first things he did was teach them about tithe and offering because that is the foundation of who we are that's being obedient to jesus and that spoke to me because i was thinking there's so many things if you're reopening a church building that has been closed for decades or a long time there's so many things that you could think to do let's strategize let's do this let's do this but here they're saying no we know what to do we're going to go back to what god told us to do and we're going to do this right and we're going to start by giving our ties of all we produce and of course cattle and wine that was their currency that'd be like us giving money today and they sell they set the foundation right because if you can't set the foundation right how can you build on something that's not been set with the word of god right so we just it's our joy to give to the lord like i always say it's our honor whenever something comes in of course when you get paid a tithe goes to the lord that's the tenth and of course we give him our offerings as well because in malachi it says you have robbed me with your tithe and your offering right but whatever comes in you give all so someone blesses you with a hundred dollars ten dollars goes to the lord because that's all of what comes in right that's what it means to tithe and to give your first fruit the first fruit is what comes in first it goes to jesus first 10 can be blessed so then 90 give him 10 so you can be blessed with the 90 right all right let's pray lord we thank you we thank you god for just your word lord is our joy to be obedient lord to you jesus to obey your word lord lord i thank you god just that you are the great provider lord and lord no we don't give to get lord we give because it's our joy to give to you lord but you're such a good father that you provide and take care of our every need jesus so we love you jesus thank you god thank you that everything we have it already belongs to you we're just giving it back into your hands so lord bless this church bless your people in jesus name amen amen you can text give to the number on your screen if you're watching online we'd love to invite you as well to give you context give to the number on your screen we love our online family you guys are so precious to us if you need an envelope just raise your hand and we'll have an usher come we got a lot of them today so if you guys can go and give them envelopes and we could bring the buckets up um babe can i share what came in for afghanistan sure well carla does right okay i know it's what it's over we don't know the total there was more pledges well i know it's over two hundred thousand came in for afghanistan right yeah you can stand and give it's closer to three michael says with pledges it's closer to 300 000 that have come in from this church from this church family can you believe that and it's already there it's going out and it's blessing families and being just a blessing and you guys can sit it's exciting i know and i just want to thank you and like michael said sunday night this is not typical this is not what comes in for offering at jesus image church may it be one day lord jesus we'll pay that building off right away but this just shows your hearts of love and generosity for our brothers and sisters across the world so thank you thank you online thank you so much from the bottom of our heart truly lives are being changed right now from your generosity to jesus okay you guys can come up to the buckets we'll be back in just a moment [Music] forever [Music] it is more than thank you [Music] thank you [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so much for being here thank you for all you've done already for every soul saved every heart lifted to you in worship every reminder of your peace and i thank you lord that you're going to do more in the mighty name of jesus let's just lift our hands to heaven say this out loud lord touch me today my heart is open my ears are open to your word i am open to the move of the holy spirit touch me deeply in jesus name amen amen let's give the lord praise just one more time jesus we love you thank you lord thank you lord thank you that wasn't good no that's that was a c minus come on give the lord praise [Music] i hope it's all right i'm actually going to sit today i tweaked my back yesterday in nashville so it's been a long night and that's why i'm a little late i never miss worship is this okay can everybody sort of see me who cannot see me all right the three of you are going to have to look at this screen there i'm doing my best we've got a huge day-to-day for you and a huge massive vital night tonight that is going to be just what's going to happen tonight is a fulfillment a prophetic dream i had a month ago uh while i was with randy clark i mentioned that dream to you guys that that these two servants of the lord were in the dream and these anointings of the lord merged and really in our house at jesus image and so tonight is going to be vital i wouldn't miss it for anything in the world the lord is going to move in a glorious glorious way tonight and i believe that what the lord is going to do tonight is going to set the trajectory possibly uh and well it's going to be a portion it will set a portion of our trajectory i believe until the lord returns for jesus image it's it's vital to our assignment what will happen tonight and not only the words that will be spoken but the anointing that will be released so if you're watching you need to get there tonight if you're anywhere nearby get to the building tonight uh doors open at 5 and for those of you here just just just trust me it's going to be a vital night it's not going to be a catwalk night full of bells and whistles but uh it will be a night of substance amen let's pray lord jesus speak to us through your word strengthen us as your people in these last days to shine with joy and peace in jesus name amen amen well uh so last i would say this week we we had a in many ways a great week in other ways a very challenging week in that we had to walk one of our dearest friends through a horrible bout with covid he had double pneumonia and he's a vital piece of our family at large here um he doesn't live here but he's a major voice and encourager to us and i'm coming to you with a testimony an appraised report and one night he he had to go into the the hospital his octogen was below 90. and one night his oxygen jumped eight points and he's out of the hospital now so i'm so grateful i'm it's the lord and we we fought in prayer uh two nights ago we called a staff meeting our friends and from around the world really began standing in prayer for him he was in perfect peace there in the hospital i think the doctor actually mentioned to him i talked to him twice now in the last two days the doctor said well you know this could go really bad this could be your last night when he was going to bed and he said the most amazing piece came over him and just entrusted his life to the lord he woke up the next day i called him in the morning he asked for pancakes eggs and bacon not the best thing to do when you're fighting a virus pound sugar but whatever i was just glad he was back to himself and uh he was joking around on the phone with me and i knew he'd turn the corner then and he's home now so i'm so grateful i'm so thankful the lord is good and some stuff falls on your lap when it comes to healing and other things you have to go out and get and fight for sometimes you have to take a mountain and i'm grateful to jesus that he strengthened us to do that as a team you know when you're in this thing at a healing level especially with miracle ministries so many needs come your way and unfortunately you don't win every battle and so it's nice to to win some and and the testimonies are strength to us so i'm sure all of you know somebody who knows somebody who is fighting that virus i want all of you to stand in faith and trust lord i thank god for every doctor as well who helped my friend who stepped in they are all vessels of the lord or roberts used to say we are on the same team the doctors and the church we're all trying to help people and give people their lives back so i'm really thankful all that to say strengthen yourself with the testimonies of god my dad who's i'm sure he's watching right now when we were in college and backslidden we were so sick and tired of the one healing testimony he'd share now it's not like he only had one but there was one he shared all the time and there was a scripture he prayed all the time and when we were backslidden you make light of really precious things and that's what we used to do at the dinner table we'd say dad would you pray for the food and he'd pray for everything but the food and quote all the scriptures and i can give you the verse beloved i wish above all things that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers well when you're 21 you don't know what any of that means and you don't think you'll ever need it until life hits you and then you're grateful for that one verse that your parents held on to and uh becomes a weapon in your arsenal or that one testimony which by the way was a blind man so gosh how stupid we are when we're backslidden that we make little of a blind man's eyes opening but my dad would go to war with those weapons and so i want all of you to remember that jesus is bigger than anything that has affected or is affecting the earth be at peace okay be at peace all right take your bibles to second corinthians five nine through ten we left off last week at first corinthians 3 9-15 i actually preached on this in nashville the other night i had a the night before last had a chance to be with uh with my friends at legacy up there in nashville with heidi and heidi was there and uh she's coming south soon i can't wait and um uh michael miller was there with lorisa and our whole upper room fam and it was just great we got to see the our friends the binions and it was just a good good good wonderful time of us all weeping in the presence of jesus so actually taught on first corinthians 3 9 through 15 which is where we left off last week here and so now i'm going to continue with second corinthians 5 9 through 10. therefore we make it our aim whether present or absent to be well pleasing to him for we must all say all appear before the judgment seat of christ that each one may receive the things done in the body according to what he has done whether good or bad so today we're again we're talking about the judgment or the second coming of the lord and the judgment seat it's difficult to separate those two but here paul says and this is the first point i want to make that we listen very closely must all appear before the judgment seat of christ there's a teaching that's gone around under the guise of grace that there is no judgment for the church that is a result of number one not reading your bible first and foremost secondly not valuing 2 000 years of church history paid for in blood so whenever you're looking for truth first and foremost you go to the scriptures period and as you've heard me say many times the scriptures stand the test of time they were here before you they will be here after you you meaning us me too so you always want to ask yourself before i'm trying to get better at saying you so you don't feel called out but maybe that would we we we should always ask ourselves by what merit are we justifying what's coming out of our mouth on whose authority are we standing what you'll find in uh the church is that people like to get really spiritual at some point and stop hanging out with other people and they just say i want to spend time with god what they don't realize they're doing is signing up for deception like that the moment you cut yourself off of fellowship away from away from people for an extended period i'm not saying you shouldn't go away and pray this is different than that this is this is the spirit that sounds like this they won't say it this way but it sounds like this they're just not deep enough for me so i'm just going to do my own thing and i don't need to be taught or submit or be led because god speaks to me and those people there don't recognize ready my anointing well nobody owns the anointing it's his anointing does this make sense to you when you become that secluded that's why paul said first forsake not your assembly and the scriptures call the church the pillar of truth the church what does that mean it doesn't mean the church is truth it means that the truth belongs to the church because it belongs to jesus and the church is his body in that you need the church if you are going to fully receive the truth of the scriptures so you don't just take the bible with one verse this is what i'm saying you don't take one verse it finally you forget that we think finally you figure it out and you start to believe everyone else must have missed this first for the last 6 000 years or let's say 2 000. the scriptures aren't that old mankind is it's really at the root of it it's pride you see and so we start for instance the the grace teaching which grace is a person named jesus so if our our vision of grace doesn't look like the lord jesus by the way jesus did not come to being in matthew and disappear in acts chapter 1. which means you don't get to throw out the old testament and build a separate view of jesus and very conveniently throw out the book of revelation you follow me grace for instance is the person of the lord jesus so if you don't see it in him you don't want it does that make sense to you so here the bible says we must all stand before the judgment seat of christ we must all appear have has anyone here ever been summoned it's pretty exposing it doesn't matter if it's your second grade teacher anyone ever sat outside your principal's office i did i i could have moved in i couldn't have been we all knew each other you know our families were all friends so i mean i don't know about you all but i remember when the principals could paddle you ours had a paddle with holes in it hanging on the on the wall it was glorious some people on instagram could use that those kind of schools but you sit out there outside the office and all of a sudden michael culliano's for the fourth time this week you're summoned and you walk in the office and just stand there for a little while and he just stares at you if you happen to take a seat without their permission they ask you to stand back up and then the moment you stand back up just so you look like a toolbox they say you can sit back down this is the exposing nature of being summoned you feel like you're under a microscope and in many ways so will be the appearance before the throne of god this does not have to do with your salvation if you are a believer but it does have to do with your experience in eternity and that matters i said that matters specifically and most foundationally what will be determined is your eternal reward we're going to get into some of these scriptures today what type of reward what's the greatest reward you'll receive in glory proximity to the lord himself proximity to the lord himself that's why in the book of revelation the martyrs cry under the altar of god when will you avenge our deaths so so regarding the second coming as a side note every time somebody or someone touches someone who is married to jesus they are signing up to be dealt with should the law should they not repent and yield as saul of tarsus did the lord will have his day what the bible teaches he will avenge the elect he will avenge those specifically the martyrs in the in the largest way who gave their all now where were they under the altar of god they had a front row seat forever why because of the life they lived here they paid the ultimate price so your life here does matter there are certain people in heaven who will carry more glory than you should they yield more than you should they love more than you should they be obedient more than you good works are not bad the bible says right here that we will be judged that we may receive the things done in the body according to what he's done whether good or bad god will never forget the five dollar bill you give the homeless person never i feel like the offering that we received that i'm so proud never been more proud to be your pastor than over the last week from this house alone almost half of the budget needed internationally for the entire need almost half of the entire budget came in less than three or four days that's amazing do you know that when i left yeah when when we left when we left last sunday i thought to myself we should probably bring the video down because i don't know how long ywam is planning on stewarding these funds i didn't know what their plan was so i didn't want the money to just come in continuously because they had asked and for a certain need and we wanted to stand with them somehow miraculously between services after the video was down 20 000 more dollars came in from this house between like within the hour of us dismissing that's the lord i don't think i've seen greater amounts of money come in but i don't think i've ever felt the wind of god and god's protection over those afghan people like i what i learned there is if god wants to protect his people he'll raise up people across the world to step in and go not on our watch not on our watch not happening and if the devil pushes we're going to push back harder if he swings we're swinging back we're not just going to lay down and watch our brothers and sisters suffer i felt like when we and then sunday night another 80 000 came in then i had a pastor call me from dallas and say i want to give 20. and a pastor from nigeria nigeria not like mary all the way in nigeria he said i'm in for 20. another pastor lives an hour for he says i'm driving 5000 down i'm going oh my gosh do you know what i felt in my soul this is an eternal memorial before the throne this will never be forgotten it matters these are good works these are holy good works that jesus told us to do so that our light would shine he said before men that's the beauty of spirit-led good works so we'll all stand before the judgment and give an account titus 2 verses 12 through 15. titus 2 12-15 teaching us that denying ungodliness so that's legal you can do it i said you can do it sin is not stronger than you unless you fuel it with distraction treat it as it is a dead disgusting bag of slime it is useless teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lust that means the passions of the world we should live soberly that means alert righteously that means the righteous one jesus living through it and godly in the present age looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great god and savior jesus christ who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from every lawless deed aren't you glad that jesus redeemed you and took your death penalty and sin and literally purchased you and put to death your lawless deeds from the past every one of them that should make you really happy you should give the lord praise for that every lawless deed every time you broke the law in thought word and deed jesus has redeemed you from them he bought to you that's what the word redeem means has anybody ever traveled overseas here and you had to exchange currency all right that is a great example of redemption you take a dollar we used to get way more for our currency a separate combo you take a dollar and you get a different currency back your currency was redeemed you lost your currency and received another that's what happens at redemption for someone to be redeemed they must be purchased by someone much more valuable you'd be a fool to redeem a 100 bill for a penny what jesus did is he took your penny and gave you the 100 bill and then some by infinity amen so we've been redeemed from every lawless thank you is right from every lawless deed listen and purify for himself his own special people say i am one of his special ones now that would depend on how you define special but let's let's just hope you have a healthy view of that there are special people probably a few sitting next to you i'm not talking about those zealous listen zealous for good works zealous for good works speak these things exhort oh this one this one's not legal in the church is it and rebuke with all authority let no one despise you so here we have what lifestyle should look like what life should look like preceding the coming of the lord what church life should look like it should be filled with the awareness that jesus has redeemed us filled with good works that are birthed sustained and unto the glory of jesus we don't just go about doing good work so that we get the glory or that we earn our salvation no no what he's saying here is that those who've been redeemed it is natural to live a life of holy and good work so that jesus be glorified right also with all authority rebuke you're like the other stuff was so much more exciting church life does look a little different then let me say this it was different then than it is now for instance jesus says regarding sin if somebody sins go to him if your brother sins against you go to him what's going on back there a whole little choo-choo train gone god bless them they're all crouching walking like this my back feels better thank god i can't believe i did that all right all right jesus said if your brother sins against you go to him talk to him confront him call it out if your brother doesn't repent get a couple more people and go to him if that doesn't work bring it before the church you're like no no that would be just so rude i know but the nicest being in the cosmos said to do it the most loving love itself said call it out publicly happens every time happens every time it's a special phone and you're special for having it on i love you all right perfect [Laughter] all right what a wonderful morning [Laughter] oh i love family you know when we do make announcements we actually mean it especially on sunday night we're like do not get up and leave unless you have to sure enough every sunday night 15 people right after the worship what an awesome concert when they walk up all right let's play my air guitar how'd i do cam wasn't good all right so the lord said call it out publicly no i'm just playing just joking somehow this is connected to the coming of the lord in that it gives us a window into what church life should look like why should it be called out publicly because it makes a declaration that sin is unnatural and as paul said listen carefully is viewed as a yeast in the bread paul told the church remove the yeast from among you for christ our passover lamb has basically died for you in other words the passover is connected to the feast of unleavened bread it is the feast the feast of purity so if you feast on the lamb and the blood the end result should be a loaf free from yeast a loaf free from mixture free from sin paul actually said call out that sexual sin that was going on in the corinthian church call it out so that the yeast will be removed he actually actually rebukes them for not dealing with it now at the same time we're to deal with people who fall gently and in love does that make sense the scripture says you who are spiritual strengthen in other words walk through help reconcile the lives of those who are weak and unspiritual it's not to say you should be mean however this is in the word and so titus here is commanded to rebuke with all authority and then paul ends by saying let no one despise you like timothy for instance was a young leader a young bishop he had to remind timothy do not allow your youth to keep you from doing your job let no one despise your youth just to be honest and transparent with you that has been a challenge for me i've got into the ministry very young because honor is so instilled in my dna it was often hard for me to correct until i realized if i didn't correct i was tolerating now listen carefully in the book of revelation jesus confronts the church for tolerating jezebel so he goes after two people there the first group for first person he says that jezebel if she does not repent i will cast her upon the sick bed and she'll die this is the same jesus that you read about in little coloring books at the doctor's office he said if she doesn't turn i i will cast her upon her sick bed and she will die you say i don't like that side of him i don't know what to say it's right there but then he turns his scope on the church and he says and you tolerated her now that spirit was creating two things within the church division through unhealthy teaching somebody had the next best revelation and number two sexual sin those two merged and jesus speaks up and says i have an issue with you church you didn't deal with it when i read that it actually took john bevere to help me see this verse properly on a phone call he said if you don't learn to walk through church correction properly you're going to answer to god for not dealing with it you are tolerating it i learned a big lesson so pastoring looks really cool and fun i promise you it's as challenging as you want it to be it is the greatest honor but is not without challenge revelation 1 7 say what's up to do with the second coming everything because it lends to purity in the church and jesus returns for a pure bride revelation 1 7 behold he is coming with clouds i love this and every eye will see him even they who pierced him i read this to you before and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him why they'll realize the one we persecuted was the one we needed first corinthians 15 verses 51-58 are you all bored okay you're getting fed good first corinthians 15 verses 51 through 58. behold i tell you a mystery we shall not all sleep uh-oh that's awesome he's like hey i've got news for you some of you are going to be awake when jesus comes some of you will be living on the earth when jesus returns some of you hopefully not will be stuck on i-4 they'll probably still be construction but we shall all be changed so not all will be in the ground not all will be in graves some will actually be walking the earth alive [Music] but i have news for you whether in the ground or not all shall be changed say thank you jesus say i shall be changed well how long will that take in a moment in the twinkling of an eye at the last trumpet for the trumpet will sound and the dead will be raised incorruptible oh my gosh the dead will come out of their graves they will be raised and given new bodies that will never die again and we whether in the ground or not shall all be changed that means if you are on the earth at that time you get a new body too that's awesome for this corruptable must not i hope must put on in corruption and this mortal must put on immortality going this has to happen this must happen because it happened to him we are his body he is the head well you can't have an incorruptible head and a corruptable body you cannot be one in heaven forever actually unless you two receive a resurrected body paul is saying the incorrup the corruptable must put on in corruption and it will happen in the twinkling of an eye and he begins this whole passage by saying i tell you a mystery in other words god has something up his sleeve that he kept hidden from the ages past until right now can we keep going give me 10 more minutes so when this corruptable has put on incorruption and this mortal has put on immortality then shall be brought to pass that saying that is written death is swallowed up in victory oh death where is your sting oh hades where is your victory the sting of death is i feel the power of the holy spirit the sting of death is sin in other words death itself bites you what does it bite you with sin and sin creates death the wages of sin is death and the strength of sin is the law in other words god's righteous written standard it's so perfect that when we behold it we are aware of our sin the law doesn't say you're perfect the law says you're imperfect and you need jesus hallelujah that's what he says here though but thanks be to god who gives us the victory through our lord jesus christ he says look you look at the text you look at the word of god you look at the sinai covenant look at the scriptures and compare it to your life sin is what you're going to be highly aware of is the fact that you are imperfect but thanks be to god thanks be to god who gives us the victory that is let me paraphrase that is broken sin that has destroyed its power that has destroyed death but what does it come through our lord jesus christ therefore my beloved brethren be steadfast oh gosh let me keep reading because i'm about to jump out of the sea immovable always abounding in the work of the lord knowing that your labor is not in vain gosh i wish that song just played off that phone [Laughter] it would have been perfect i'm good thanks be steadfast paul basically tells the entire church in the twinkling of an eye you're going to be changed because of that be immovable let nothing scare you except god himself let nothing deter you let nothing take you off of your calling and destiny nothing nothing nothing at all don't you realize that regardless of what the world throws your way you are going to receive a new body that is incorruptible cancer cannot destroy that body a virus cannot destroy that body politics cannot war cannot destroy that body paul says look look to the age to come and let the revelation of the fact that you will be raised from the dead and death is destroyed let that revelation make you immovable heidi told me uh story the other night as some of her people her leaders have suffered and paid the ultimate price there in mozambique as radicals are taking swaths of land around her work they're killing the children of the pastors in the most beautiful and brutal and horrific ways and one of the pastors said she said he said heidi they can burn our kids they can burn our homes and burn down our churches but we've discovered something they can't burn jesus out of our hearts immovable we serve a kingdom we are part of a kingdom that cannot be shaken and everything else in the world is being shaken and everything that ha that can be shaken the scripture says will be shaken so what so what's what's that unto so that the unshakable kingdom will be revealed hey amen i've never had so much crowd help at the perfect moment [Laughter] songs and amens from little babies that had to be the lord from the mouth of babes one more scripture and then i'm gonna pray for you then we're going to receive communion right four first oh sorry first thessalonians i get excited four all right that's what that sounded like first thessalonians 4 14 through 18. i think i should preach sitting down more often first thessalonians 4 14-18 if you've ever been to a funeral you've probably heard this for if we say that's me believe that jesus died and rose again even so god will bring with him those who sleep in jesus in other words when jesus returns he's not returning alone the sky will not be void of his friends by the masses for this we say to you by the word of the lord that we who are alive raise your hand okay jesus returns that's you that we who are alive and remain unto the coming of the lord will by no means precede those who are asleep so now he's giving us the order he's saying look let me tell you how this is going to go down and then in a moment i'm going to tell you what it's unto it's at the end of the verse he said this is how this is going to go down jesus will return and and this is how the resurrection will take place the ones who die first they they are resurrected first and they receive their new body first why say honor say that again say this out loud it is honorable to pass away in faith okay say this out loud it is great faith to breathe my last staring at jesus amen how many of you have ever been to a foreign nation without any friends and you got there and you were really anxious and a bit off and nervous anyone i've had that happen many times that's why i don't like traveling alone i just like having people with me anytime you enter the unknown in any way shape or form faith is required how much more so to close your eyes knowing that you're going to cross over that chasm into the eternal realm holding on to jesus listen carefully putting all trust and faith in him for your forever now some here in the room have seen the lord but some haven't and some will be their last having never seen jesus they're going to have to hold on to the word of god and entrust their absolute eternity to his promises every time that happens it's worthy of honor and so god will honor the saints who passed away first because they were the first ones sewn into the ground jesus is the first fruit the ones who passed away are the second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth one millionth fruit and jesus will honor them isn't that beautiful i think it is for the lord himself look down to your bible will descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of god and i said a few weeks ago everyone who loves the shofars is going to get so excited and the dead in christ will rise first then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them with your grandmother i'm serious with your grandfather with elijah you we're gonna have to live a pretty yielded life to hang out with elijah up there but really with jeremiah and with the pastor who led you to the lord and with with with your heroes with wigglesworth and catherine and with reinhard and all the all our friends we're going to be reunited as god's harvest and will be caught up together with them in the clouds to do what to meet the lord in the air oh my gosh and thus in other words in that state as resurrected children of the lord in the heavenly realm thus we shall forever be with the lord therefore comfort one another with these words paul's saying look there's a lot going on up there he's writing to the thessalonians they were being intensely persecuted people were dying naturally and dying because they were being persecuted and paul calls them to the eternal age and says hey look one day jesus will return and when jesus returns you're going to be changed you're going to meet him in the air the ones you love are going to meet you and him in the air and thus you shall ever be with the lord in these words with these words strengthen and comfort yourselves i am here to tell you based on the authority of the word of god that you have listen listen carefully you have a secure salvation if you belong to jesus be strengthened in the word of the lord today amen do you have your communion elements are they out we'll pass them around thank you so much say this out loud jesus is coming back and i will be joyful and watchful is anybody here grateful for his return amen amen that will not cause you just to sit around and do nothing that'll actually if you look at it rightly cause you to join what he's doing in the earth and this meal is a testament a testimony to the coming of the lord it declares the lord's death jesus said until he comes so every time we do this we declare his finished work until his coming this morning if you're sick in your body if you're weak i know i am coming to the lord right now to heal my back i don't know what it is whatever it might be whatever is not perfect in your body whatever needs is touch bring it to the table today and for your loved ones if you have loved ones who are fighting for their life in any way maybe it's cancer or whatever it might be i want you to stand in proxy now in faith as the centurion did as the mother of the syrophoenician daughter did she stood in proxy for her daughter to be free and god moved so father we come this morning as your own and we thank you and we worship you do we love you cleanse our sin wash us [Music] keep us lord we look to the day of your return we want to live pure holy clean lives living before you as a pure and spotless bride and so we lift the bread your precious body your body was broken so that ours would be made whole i ask you right now in jesus name to heal every sickness in this room you those you there in your homes those of you who are ill celebrate this meal with us and receive your miracle today receive your healing and when the lord touches you i want you to send in your testimony and bring glory to jesus i want you to actually email testimony at jesus image dot tv come in faith right now to the table father in the mighty name of jesus christ we receive the precious body of your son that our hearts minds souls spirits would be made whole we break it so that we would be made whole receive now in jesus name lord we lift the cup the cup of the covenant the cup of your blood and we ask in the mighty name of jesus to protect us i plead the blood over all of you i plead the blood over myself and my family and you and your families your children your grandchildren for your visiting ministers here your your ministries [Music] your churches cover us in the holy blood of jesus [Music] and we receive your cleansing power and protection and i do declare over this house that no plague will come near their dwelling that you will give your angels charge over us no plague comes near our dwelling no calamity i thank you for light and goshen light in your people's houses in the name of jesus thank you for giving us this is shed for the remission of your sin receive the precious blood of jesus amen hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord i want to read would you understand as you go i want to read this scripture over you as the blessing i want to encourage you to pray this scripture every day this is the time to live in the atmosphere of the word of god he who dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty we will say of the lord he is our refuge and our fortress our god in him will we trust i declare all this over you today and surely he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from deadly disease he will cover you with his feathers and under his wings you will take refuge his truth will be your shield and buckler you will not be afraid of the terror by night nor of the arrow that flies by day nor of the disease that walks in darkness you see disease lives in darkness nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday a thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand but it will not come near you only with your eyes will you look and see the reward of the wicked because you have made the lord who is our refuge even the most high your dwelling place no evil will befall you no plague will come near your dwelling for he will give his angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways in their hands they will bear you up lest you dash your foot against a stone and you will tread upon the lion and the cobra the young lion and the serpent that means demonic power you will trample underfoot because he has set his love upon me the lord therefore i will deliver him i will set him on high because he has known my name he shall call upon me and i will answer him i will be with him in trouble i will deliver him and honor him with long life i will satisfy you and show you my salvation in jesus name be best be blessed give the lord praise hallelujah if you need prayer if you need prayer this morning if you've come in from out of town especially we want to honor you if you're hungry for god if you need a miracle in your body i'm going to invite our prayer team up right now make two lines down the center aisle please and our prayer team will serve you we love you so much god bless you see you tonight get there early bye-bye the night jesus died on the cross and descended into the underworld and the king of glory shall come in who is this king of glory [Music] [Applause] the lord strong and mighty the lord mighty in battle lift up your heads oh ye gates ye everlasting doors and the king of glory sacrament who is this king of glory the lord of ghosts he is the king of glory jesus you have conquered death the grave has been plundered you are the king of glory [Music] god demonstrates his own love toward us in the while we were still sinners christ died for us jesus shed his blood he died on the cross he was buried he rose again from the dead on the third day to give you life and to prove that he is the son of god who he said he was today he is seated at the right hand of the father and for those who belong to him he is interceding for them eternally and that same jesus will return again he will craft the eastern sky like a whip and with ten thousands upon ten thousand he will return in glory [Music] [Music] you were created to experience the presence of god in a way that will transform your life family and the world we understand how difficult it can be to find time to attend a school where you study the word of god grow in your faith and build a community of believers and that's why we created jesus school online we believe that the holy spirit is unlimited in his reach no matter where you live or what stage of life you're in we invite you to take part in this amazing online opportunity you'll be led by world-renowned speakers and worship leaders you will be taught to seek jesus daily be activated in the power of the holy spirit learn to share the gospel and build community with jesus people from around the world at jesus school online we are passionate about seeing a jesus people raised up to shake the nations for the glory of god you were created for this moment in history the jesus people are emerging and we have one ambition jesus himself will you join us you
Channel: Jesus Image
Views: 52,772
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Id: ZvdpdMZijkI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 150min 15sec (9015 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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