William Hinn - Change the Wineskin

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everyone say change the wine skin say it again change the wine skin there's a change good job gabriel there's a change of wine skin that the lord is asking us so he can give us a capacity and a measure to be able to hold christ in a way like the world's never seen are you with me and so i'm just warning you today because at any point in this message i will yell really loud and you'll understand why in a second i mean i know i yell every week and it's just i'm not yelling at you it's passionate it's just zealous but specifically today just be prepared because you might get shaken for a second because there's a groan i still know i can describe it there's a groan rising in my heart and the groan is come come lord jesus okay because we're we're in a time of great presence and great pressure and the great presence and the great pressure we talked about it last week i kind of ruined my bible i don't know it came over me last sunday tanner called it a righteous rage i don't know what it was but during worship this groan began to rise in my heart of everything we're seeing in the world this pressure from all sides is producing a groan in a generation that's saying come and and i know that you know we've we're people that are not trying to escape let me just make that very clear i'm not interested in in jesus getting me out of here because it's dark no jesus the bible says that as the waters cover the sea so will the knowledge of the glory of god fill the earth and that the kingdoms of this world will be the kingdom of our god and his christ amen so so we are not here to escape but to invade but that invasion is gonna be a kingdom with a king on earth until earth looks like heaven but he's not going to come unless we want him to and i'm not sure the church wants him to come i think they want to get out but he wants to show up again and there i i can't even begin i've never i think that today the lord put in my heart i told emily before i left blessed emily with all the kids at home wow um amen 28 and three kids i don't know what's i think i'm on my way to eight um but i was telling her i i really think i i encourage you to take notes today go and study the scriptures there's a lot of scripture that that i'm going to give you on your own time because this is in my heart the most significant word i think i will i've ever released up to this point in this in this house because of of what god is calling us to and the significant change that is about to come when we move and we're already there's already something shifting i don't know if you felt it even today in worship there's something that god is stirring and it feels like a dam is about to explode and there's pressure building and building and building and it's an opportune time where now the cry has to rise in our heart this morning cry of come lord jesus okay so i want you guys to open in matthew 9 and uh two weeks ago i i talked out of matthew 25. how many remember when we discussed the the wise virgins the one that had oil as reserves let me remember that also too how many of you enjoyed last sunday with my dad here holy cow wow um he also we also had a leaders meeting yesterday and he came and just again dropped a bomb on us and put us all in order and corrected us and it's great it's really good i'm so thankful to have him in our lives amen but matthew 25 talks about wisdom compared to foolishness and it describes wisdom as wisdom is not one who can just shine light right the acceptance of god is not dependent on how good you are as an evangelist and i'm gonna root that thing out of the church because i've seen too many people that are incredible with gifting that like i i know of stories of just being in ministry my whole life of people that that generals in the faith said this is one of the most gifted men i've ever seen and then ended up becoming whacked out because gifts cannot sustain your life and they cannot build the church only but until love wraps our hearts and it doesn't come it it's first and foremost about oil and not light you see that's that you can feel the religion that fights that because we're shine shine shine and god's going what are you developing in secret so we've got martha and mary camps we talked about this we got those at the feet those that are not at the feet and are busy and the marthas are mad at the mary's but the mary's don't see the marthas and it always takes a martha to identify a mary that's at the feet because there's a godly jealousy they're not aware that's there and jesus did not encourage martha he told martha that she was wrong because one thing is needed and everything is going to flow from that one thing so we need the light we just have to make sure that the light is turned on and maintained by the oil that's in the lamp without oil there can be no light and if you do have light the light is fading if there's no oil in a in another reserve that's not even in the light and the lord is building history with a people and making us tender and responsive to him again within the church and this is the new wine that the lord has available for us and i'm finding that the young generation is picking it up quick but i'm i'm here to encourage not just the young people today but those that have been in it for some time who those the oil reserves have maybe be you know they they grew dry but there is new wine and the lord is asking us as a body to change the wine skins and it is going to be offensive it's going to offend your minds it's going to offend religion it's going to be new but you know i heard a quote that said we educate people just enough to just not ask questions and to just believe like robots do what i tell you to do this is why i love this is what we've been talking about as a leadership the bible says we have many teachers but few fathers and that's not like a control thing to get people to submit under people i actually think it's the opposite because what do teachers do they tell you what to do and they tell you how to live but fathers walk through life with you it's easy to tell people what to do it's easy to tell people how to live but it's another thing to see how they live and know that it doesn't line up with something and be willing to walk through mud with them and be a father that's always there for your children but we preach against these kinds of things we just say all that matters is go shine the light just go do something with what you've been given and the lord is developing a remnant in secret that will be a new jerusalem in the earth my dad made this statement last sunday that i'm not sure many of you caught but it changed my life again he said when when jerusalem for generations israel for generations attacked all the ice everybody and the lord has protected that land but how many of you know it's no longer about a promised land it's about a promised life right he he's we're we're and we believe in israel here jew first like we we believe in all of those things and we want to support all of those things but there's something deeper that god did where he said listen when i wanted to take jerusalem my dad said god wanted to take jerusalem and make it to where it could never be attacked again where nothing could take it again it could never be captured ever again by babylon so he took from the land and made it not about a land and put it inside of you and then spread it throughout the world so that it can't be conquered and you can kill my flesh you can take this tent away from me but you cannot take the new jerusalem that's in me matthew 9 says this i want you to remember this is tender and responsive to him again and the response is a come it's actually desiring that he come with power matthew 9 this is verse 14 says then the disciples of john came to him and said why do we and the pharisees fast but your disciples do not fast i think that's interesting like why are we better than you why are we more committed than you we're we're more god chasers than you because i can count how many people i've got saved this week what about you jesus said to them can the wedding guests mourn everyone underline your bible the word mourn can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then they will fast no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth on an old garment or a worse tare is made neither is new wine underline new wine neither is new wine put into old wineskins if it is those skins burst and the wine is spilled and the skins are destroyed but new wine underlying new wine is put into fresh wine skins everyone say fresh wine skins and then underline it and so both are preserved so again there is a young upcoming hungry passionate generation who can't gather themselves bad opinions because they're too overtaken by the presence of jesus that is not interested in in an old revival we're not trying to go back to the 70s i don't want to wear bell bottoms we start dressing like the old thing looking like the old thing talking like the old thing product about the old thing old wine skin we are not trying to go back to acts that is not the intention the intention is that it gets bigger and it grows and it grows the everything in the universe is obedient to that law everything i mean creation itself continues to expand at the speed of light in every direction but man wants to go backwards and we think on old moves of god and man we want god to move like that again i want the new wine i i want the glory that's yet to be seen i want to honor the old moves so passionately i want to honor what god's done so much that it propels us into a new move but listen we cannot be the old thing and anytime god wants to do a new thing the old thing without a doubt always fights it always and there's always a decision to be made of for maybe 40 years you've only known one way of doing things maybe you've only been taught one aspect and it's become this old religious wine skin and the lord is saying if you would trust me with your heart just trust me and we've been hurt and so we build these callouses and and we call it wisdom and it's not wisdom the lord is saying change the wine skin because there's new wine and there's a new move coming and it's not going to look like anything we've seen he says behold i do a new thing i love that john's disciples compare themselves to pharisees it's probably the first thing they did wrong so i want you to think about this basically what they're saying is is is lord why don't your guys chase god like our guys why aren't they as radical as wild why are they not pursuing you like we pursue you look at all the fasting we do come on how long have we been talking about that god is getting us off that treadmill of performance to think we can earn something right jesus responds and it's interesting he said you don't mourn when the bridegroom is with you but they're gonna fast and they're listen they're gonna mourn and i love that he used mourning as a parallel for oh they're gonna fast and then he says something that almost sounds completely off topic you can't put new wine in an old wine skin why would he say that there they're talking about fasting so what is he doing listen he's introducing a whole new way and i want you to write this down he's introducing an entirely new way of pursuing god he is introducing jesus is introducing a new kind of pursuit we fast why don't they fast because i'm going to teach them how to pursue differently lord look how radical we are why are your guys not doing all they do is hang out and sit in your presents the only thing they do is stay close to you what are they doing doing doing doing doing doing doing why aren't they praying more why aren't they fasting why aren't they mourning more and he's going because i'm here with them and here's how i'm going to introduce a new way of pursuing me i'm going to start by pursuing you and over the next three years i'm gonna make them love sick think think about like how wonderful jesus is over the next three and a half years i'm gonna cause my nearness and proximity to change the way they pursue me and then when i go they're not going to fast because it's like the spiritual ritual duties that we do to get god close to us to approve of us like so many still do we we fast because we need an answer we fast because we think that maybe my spiritual disciplines will please god and then god will show up but he's but he's saying no no i'm i'm taking all of that off the table and i'm going to change the way that you fast i'm going to change the way that you pursue and then i'm going to tell them when they are already attached to me i have to go this listen and he rips their hearts open and wounds them with love so now the pursuit is not based on spiritual disciplines to get the attention of god but a lovesick cry of prayer fasting and mourning to need to just simply have the nearness of the bridegroom that they tasted what do they say in john him who we have seen heard and handled with our hands it's him that we witness of the one that that we've touched the one that we've experienced the one that we've encountered beyond our intellect see i see it all the time people go to school people think that we start learning theology and they think you got something figured out now and sometimes it takes you the farthest away from this childlike wonder that just says lord i'm here i'm not i'm not today an apostle of evangelist pastor teacher i'm your child today like when we come together in this room take the prophetic off and just be a kid because kids have this this childlike way of they don't really care about the repercussions they're making decisions really without thinking about what it's going to cost them right so my son everywhere everywhere we go talks to everybody and he doesn't understand hurt he doesn't understand things like pain and so he he's an open book to everybody that encounters him and he talks to everybody everywhere and he's not thinking when he's saying something is this gonna offend them he doesn't think like that he doesn't think when he says something are they going to be bothered by this are they going to like this are they going to like me are they going to are they going to start to really become my friend because of what i'm saying and we've we based everything on the performance of if we do it good people will like it and preachers today building theories around people and messages that just grow churches and it's an old wine skin called religious and and we have meetings about church growth like this past for like a month you can feel it in the room people are like i don't know if i like this place it's kind of up in the air they're really intense they're always screaming a little bit too passion a little too loud so what we did is we brought the drums on the floor to make it louder listen hold your opinions lightly because when he comes you better let go of your opinion because if it listen if it doesn't offend your brain it's not a genuine move of the spirit come on when he fell in acts 2 people were offended amazed some were like that's awesome but some mocked and then in acts 5 they were jealous and people will come because they want to judge the move of god because they want to give an opinion about what god's doing and they think that it's our vision when really we're just yielded to him and so people like man it's too loud to bring the drums to the floor and every i i'm i'm so determined that god do a new thing that i will not listen to the old thing and we're going to have a standard that's never ever going to change ever so listen write it down the old wine skin is religion the new wine skin is lovesick the old wine skin is religion so i encourage you if you come here and you ever see us just doing stuff don't stay it's the last time you heard a pastor say anything of the sort if you come and your kids are not drawn closer to him if you come and your life is not being impacted and you are not being challenged it's not a real church it's nothing more than a synagogue where they would come together and have rituals but if it's going to be the church it's going to be a people that carry new wine that offends everything of an old wine skin listen people that are absolutely wounded by love like lord you're why you're gonna go now man we're just start starting to see this thing we're just starting to understand he says it's good for you that i go and now they're fasting and their mourning was to come because they had been wounded and jesus changes he changes the entire paradigm of how we pursue the lord and why we pursue the lord it's not about a better life see this is like not how to do church growth 101 it is not about money wealth prosperity it's not about having a nicer home a nicer car and a good family actually it's about losing everything for the sake of gaining him and then he says crazy things wow praise god then he says then he says crazy things like if you don't hate your father what if if you don't hate your mother now he's not saying hate he's going to say honor and hate but if i am not number one if listen i did not come to bring peace that's what he says this is not what i'm saying this is what he said but a sword and two will be in the bed and one will be taken and one won't because one will have the groan of come lord jesus and one will just be satisfied with going to church see there is if there's not a groan rising in your heart we need today to activate that groan and it's not like a yeah i don't need you guys all screaming and yelling to prove that there's a groan in your heart but if in the deepest part of you there isn't a desire for the bridegroom this love-sick wounded heart that you've tasted of something and the pressure of the world and the great presence that he's giving us is producing a come the lord is about to shift everything i i mean i am last week when we were in worship i'm sitting here and gabriel doesn't know this gabriel came up to me and said man i see you pacing we had not talked about this said i see you pacing in a circle in your office just shouting come lord jesus come and it hit because i can't stop doing it i don't even know what it means but i know that i want him to show up isaiah 64 1-2 he cries and he says oh that you would rend the heavens and come down that the mountains may quake at your presence as when fire kindles brushwood and the fire causes water to boil i'd feel like just doing karate or something i need you i need us to get on the same page here like he he wants to come until the water begins to boil and not boiling is listen he he's coming with fire fire not like i'm not just talking about like glory meetings where everyone's on the floor i'm talking about your life is gonna become consumed i learned this word nitroglyce glisten glycerin nitroglycerin thank you tanner i heard someone say like this when the fire of the holy spirit meets the nitroglycerin of the bride that makes sense right it means some sort of explosion of some some sort when the fire of the spirit meets a bride that's ready to explode with love wounded wounded what's going to happen when he shows up the water is going to begin to boil the mountains are going to begin to shake and there's going to be a birthing of a new jerusalem in the earth and it isn't gonna look like the 70s gosh i know that that's like offensive like yes we're a jesus people but we're jesus people now not the 70s jesus people and we're more interested in a move than the one moving i love what michael says it's not about what's written on your t-shirt and the product we give you that doesn't make you a jesus people what makes you a jesus people is your heart has been torn in half and there's a morning cry in your heart come lord jesus come by the time john 13 14 and 15 come around you see they had already been wounded i just want to read some of these two this is john 13 verse 33 where i am going you cannot come now imagine you've been with him proximity close you've seen the miracles you've seen the signs you've seen the wonders gosh rachel i just heard in my heart hold the line hold the line that's all i that's all i heard okay and you know exactly what it means where i'm going you cannot come a new cove a new commandment i give you this is a king giving a command that you love one another just as i've loved you you also are to love one another by this all people will know that you are my disciples because you love one another and simon said lord where are you going in this moment jesus is changing the wine skin because he's saying if if if i don't go new wine won't come he's so powerful like i'm seeing jesus sitting at the right hand of god saying when will they honor my spirit because when they do it's like he's he's sitting there even in the context of that time with marriage like if you just go and study it you study it during that time in the bible when you would go and ask someone to marry you like jesus did when he handed the wine and the bread to his disciples saying this is my body this is my blood that was as if he was getting on a knee giving a ring saying will you marry me when that happens in that culture the husband goes away the future husband the bridegroom goes to his father's natural house and builds a house in his father's house any and the the groom the bride neither of them know when the time is for the bridegroom to go until the father inspects the house it's what he's doing right now the father is inspecting the house and when the house is ready he says go and it's when the spirit and the bride have met in a in a deep groan saying come and those that are wise that have the oil ready i mean i read i read this past week that there was this is not long ago in india there was a missionary there and she said in the middle of night i heard like a great party of people coming down the street and it was the picking up of a bride from a bridegroom at 2 am so they literally would have to be ready they would they would hear the cry of the procession of the bridegroom coming and the bride had to be ready so peter's going lord what do you mean you're going to go and he's saying this is the best thing that could ever happen to you because i'm going to change your capacity i'm going to change what you can measure up to and these guys were not ready for it they were not educated they weren't prepared like if you knew one day i'm just gonna have joey teach it because he'll do it way better than i will but if you knew what it meant when jesus would go to them and say follow me that that was not normal ever for a rabbi to do but students would go through years and years and years of training to then go to the rabbi and say can i follow you but jesus doesn't do any of it he's completely outside the system and this is why they dropped everything because they're seeing this rabbi say follow me and they're thinking i haven't been to school i haven't gone through these years of of training so that i can become like i don't even know you and you're saying follow me this is why the pharisees hated him because there's who gave you the credentials my father did what are you talking about he's so good and i'm striving to be like him not like you like him and our opinions want to shape everyone to be like us we call it unity it's demonic it's not unity it's about jesus how did he do it how did he build the church how did he establish the kingdom i really believe if jesus showed up right now we were talking about it earlier paul showed up i think people would walk out and i don't think he would agree with a lot of what you agree with now i'm not talking just you you're we're family but the church as a whole you imagine imagine if you walked into some of the secret friendly places we have today on tv i know that that's like an offensive thing to say but you're all thinking it i'm just saying it could you imagine what would happen in that room do you think that he would say like it says in isaiah why when i called was there no answer too busy doing good things happy things pleasing people kind of things and god's going say the word again i can't remember it nitroglycerin oh yeah that was good i can feel it he's looking for it he's seeking it he's wondering if there's oil there that he can light on fire so in john 15 let's i mean 14 let's get back to it peter says lord where are you going where i'm going he responds you can't follow me now but you will afterward could you imagine what's going on in their minds what is he talking about you're leaving us peter said to him lord why can't i follow you like you're the emotion of this thing i will lay my life down for you and he says will you peter you know the story he says rooster will not crow till you have denied me three times and then the beautiful comforting heart of jesus says but don't let your heart be trouble like you're gonna suck but don't don't let your heart be troubled you're gonna mess the whole thing up but don't let your heart be troubled because i'm a big boy and looking back you're not going to have any accolades in this looking back you're never going to say i laid my light no no i lay my life down for you and you are going to have no idea what to do but what i'm doing is i'm wounding you i'm wounding you so you always remember that you denied me three times come on if we saw how god causes everything to be woven in perfect harmony you would stop going so much and i know that this is like gonna be offensive again but we would stop sitting there going lord just speak to me just do something you're his kid his child we sit there and we just just lord can you speak to me and he has for like 2 000 years just do because listen when your heart my dad one time i remember when i was i mean to be really transparent i i was in a really hard season of trying to pick really between lifestyle and resignation when that when that whole transition was happening and i love lifestyle and i love todd and i had gotten so comfortable for for almost five years standing behind todd holding his bible and having his dreadlocks in my face and that was a comfortable place for me fire tunnels with dreadlocks in my mouth and in my face you have no idea there's a very comfortable place for joey too for jenny too and and i remember going to my dad going what do i do i remember he said son stop overthinking it like what are you talking this is the biggest decision of my entire life you're telling me not to over i'm of course i'm overthinking it like bob you know our finances at the church i don't got no money to be able to join a be a senior pastor like we we can't do this and he said listen when he said this statement to me that honestly changed everything he said when your heart is after god when your heart is simply this one thing i'm wounded by love you can go through the right door you can go through the left door but the lobby is the same you're still going to get to the lobby just pick a door and walk through it because you can't go through the wrong door when he is the door we get so consumed in self-consciousness do i do this do i do this what if you left the tree of what to do and not to do what to eat what not to eat and you ate of the tree of life that's available to you allow that thing to wound your heart where it's not about this decision and that decision but it is about a door named jesus and then all of a sudden he has control of your life my dad said something very offensive last week even to me about free will and i'm like wait wait wait but you can't deny the fact that you had no say in when and who you were born to but you do have a choice to trust him or not to trust him and to go god what if what if just just hear me out on this what if we threw everything away we've been taught and we say god do a new thing and in that new thing god said what if what if i'm way better than you think and i'm way more in control of your life than you think we don't like god in control because we don't like because we don't trust him to be in control oh he's stirring he's shaking he's ripping old wine skins spilling out some old wine let him fill you with new wine but we got to get the wine skin in place and it's written all over it love sick love sick wounded by love and it's saying lord you're going to be so good that you're going to wound i mean you're going to cause every wrong thing i've done that that i didn't want to do those wrong things but lord you know my heart listen if i would have stayed with lifestyle god would have still blessed my life and you know what would happen is i would still end up right here because i'm not powerful enough to stop what was predestined before the foundation of the world you can rest i am not strong enough to ruin destiny because he's that good and he would go i might delay but i'm still going to end up here with you people without a doubt because this moment in time was predestined before the foundation of the world and if i can just trust and lean on him and allow him to just wound my heart i would get off this idea of just having to make the right and wrong decisions and just choose him go to revelation 21 with me and this is what presence and pressure listen is going to produce is the greatest outpouring of his spirit we've ever seen hit the globe in this church we don't need a localized move we need a global one and and i believe in measure like joey said there's there's people watching us i get texts every week of people that are watching that are joining into our church even like with our lack of finances we have to put in the live stream to make it really professional people from all over the world are connected to what god is doing here and we're seeing it in part of people wanting to leave everything to just come here and we're like okay slow down because we we have nothing to give and and it's we don't care we just want to be where god's moving but we have to change and prepare the wine skins for the wine so we can hold the capacity and measure of christ listen that the cosmos are yearning for like do you realize your significance in the earth and it's not humble to say i'm nothing stop without him you can do nothing but with him you better be something do you realize that like the cosmos are waiting groaning with a come lord and and where they're looking for the coming lord to come out of is out of your belly but if our groan doesn't match the groan of creation we're going to miss it so listen this is this is revelation 21 because the whole book the whole thing i'm so excited i've never been so excited in my entire life i i know that some of you are like i don't know what's what's what's going on here what's wrong just trust me there is something that's about to happen revelation 21 then i saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven had passed away and the sea was no more and i saw a holy city a new jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god listen what is this city the new jerusalem it is a bride prepared adorned for her husband the city is you the city is you the city is a bride that's prepared and i heard a loud voice from the throne room saying behold the dwelling place of god is with man that's why we decided here that if we're going to have a motto of the church it's going to be a place for him a dwelling place for the lord because i'm interested in revelation 21 becoming a reality in this house and he will wipe every tear from their eye and death shall be no more neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain anymore for the former things have passed away everyone say passed away behold i am making all things not some things not like half of your past not all the some of it or how it all things new and he said write this down for these words are trustworthy and true he's saying trust me trust me when i'm telling you that i'm going to make everything new that you're going to look back at your life and you're going to say why did i worry about that because nobody has ever looked back and said i'm so excited that i worried about that nobody ever not one time in history because worry produces no fruit he's saying trust me because i'm going to change everything and he said to me it is done i am the alpha the omega the beginning in the end which means he's everything and everything in between to the thirsty i will give from the spring of water of life without payment you can't earn it the one who conquers will have this heritage everyone say heritage this is heritage i will be his god and he will be my son here's the heritage i will be his god and he will be my son but i love this but for the cowardly oh the faithless the dust the murderers the sexual moral sorcerers idolaters all those that didn't change their wine skin you just can't hold one period listen verse nine then came one of the seven angels who had the seven bowls of the seven last plagues and spoke to me saying come and once they come and i will show you the bride the wife of the lamb see i i believe in all my heart is that we could have such presence here that the angels will know this house well and they'll say come i'm going to show you the bride the lamb's wife oh that hit and he carried me away in the spirit to a great high mountain and showed me the holy city jerusalem coming down out of heaven from god having the glory of god its radiance like the most rare jewel like a jasper clears crystal it had a great high wall with 12 gates in the gates of the 12 angels and on the gates the names of the 12 tribes of the sons of israel were inscribed go to romans 8 with me and then i'm almost done jonathan if you can come up so thankful that you're here jonathan incredible romans 8. listen the bride again as you're going the bride is a city and the city is being birthed in mourning like childbirth right it's the city is being born and it's a love sick heart a city called the lamb's wife are you this isn't too like deep right it's just in the bible the city is called a lamb's wife literally a city that is bridal love that the desire the groan for the bridegroom to come is meeting the groan of this spirit that like the best man who in who in those times the best man would deliver the message from the groom and the bride that's why it says when the spirit and the bride say come the groan is going to get louder and louder and louder until the father says it's time this is romans 8 for i consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is going to be revealed to us for creation waits eagerly longing for the revealing of the sons of god we know that one well but listen for the creation was subjected to futility not willingly but because of him who subjected it in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to corruption and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of god for we know and here it is verse 22 circle it highlight it do what you need to do for we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in pains of childbirth until now and verse 23 and not only the creation but we ourselves we miss that that creation is not just groaning for the sons of god to be made known we have to groan for the sons of god to be made known if as a shepherd if as a pastor i don't have a heart for the lamb's wife and a groaning that's saying come to know him come to meet him for in this hope we were saved now hope that his scene is not hope that's why he went but if we hope for what we do not see we wait for it with patience likewise the spirit helps in our weaknesses for we do not know what what to pray for as we ought but the spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings do you see it with groanings he's interceding too deep for words and he searches the hearts and knows what is in the mind of the spirit because the spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of god listen our groan has to meet the groan and intercession of the spirit it's what david meant when he said deep crying out unto deep deep calling on to deep and it's when that deep comes onto deep it's going to sound like come lord and then all of a sudden the fulfillment of revelation 22 that says i jesus have sent my angel to testify to you about these things to the churches i am the root and the descendant of david the bright morning star in verse 17 the spirit and the bride say come and let the one who hears say come and i will let one who is thirsty come let the one who desires the water of life without price to come verse 20 he who testifies these things surely i am coming soon there's a there's a burning in my heart that's saying lord rend the heavens and let the fire of your spirit meet the explosive groan of your bride until truly it said listen the kingdoms of this world have become the kings of our god what is it going to look like there's a new jerusalem inside of you everyone put your hand on your belly everyone say jerusalem welcome to the holy land if the holy spirit lives in me my god the holy land lives in me we're trying to go where jesus walked jesus i want to walk in you [Music] again i love israel don't be offended [Music] but you see the lord is shifting he's changing and there's a new city a new jerusalem a new heaven and new earth and what's gonna it's being burst out of a bride that's in labor and it's like it's like that day listen it's i've seen it three times now and every time i was like babe i'm not gonna like watch i'm just gonna stay by the head where you are because i don't know what's going on you know i was very confused by all of this stuff and but each time i've been like amazed like incredible at the new birth like where she's uncomfortable and i'm like babe it's the most amazing thing i've ever seen i see his hair [Music] do you want to see it and they get her to the thing the mirror and she's like get that out of here i don't want to be in i don't want to know what's going on and i wasn't disturbed like i thought i'd be disturbed i'm like weeping like a baby i love this kid i don't even know this kid and i love him and there's this cry in my heart if he's coming he's coming he's coming keep pushing keep pushing he's coming don't stop now and you can't stop once the heads out and they're like screaming and you're screaming try not to pass out and there's this new birth taking place i heard my dad once say you had jack and jill and they're twins and they're inside of there this is the new birth and jack comes out and he's screaming at jill jill just wait till you see this world and all they've known is darkness all they've known is this little cocoon that they're in squeezed in there and jack comes out and he says the colors the light the sound the beauty just wait till you see it and we're stuck in our buildings okay with just doing christianity and there's a birth available and like labor there's a groan within the bride that's saying come lord come lord come lord and new jerusalem is being birthed out of the people until as the waters cover the sea so will the glory hello glory of god the glory of god will cover the earth come on arise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the lord is risen upon you deep darkness will cover the earth but not you when we move i'm telling you there's gonna be a spirit the holy spirit and the bride meeting in the middle with this groaning within ourselves to see the cosmos get an answer that they've been longing for for generations and the spirit of god saying people that would dare to believe it people that are wild enough people that are wild enough to go against all the systems we've set up in church all the fasting and mourning we've done to get his attention and he's saying you have my attention you've had all my attention from the beginning staying with me and he's changing the paradigm of how we pursue him what time is it last week was like four hours so i'm doing good right now can i have a worse team come back up for just a second you guys can take this uh pulpit i'll leave those on there for you let me think about it so [Music] there's an opportunity today to change our wine skin and whatever thinking we have of the past of i've got to work to get god's attention god's saying change the wine skin and name it lovesick and i'm going to pour new wine in you and there's going to be a groan that's going to rise up that i see i'm praying that the pacing thing that i'm experiencing happens on this house and not because we just want to be like wild to be wild no no we've been wounded by something people are going to look at you and they're going to go what is wrong with this person like you know the obnoxious person in church that never stops screaming and everyone's offended by but they're the only ones encountering the lord you know that one like aiden smile and if and if we as a bride as a body could learn how to honor one another this is why he said listen i'm going but if you love one another the world will know me by your love we're his bride or his body so what if while aiden's getting touched rather than wondering why we're not getting touched we just honor the fact that he's getting touched and in our honor of one another the encounter hits the room what if what if the cry of the come lord jesus inside of him is so loud so obnoxious start to feel it again so loud so obnoxious that there's purpose in god saying i'm like a like a master chiseler taking chizler i don't know if that's a word with the sword of my spirit cutting away anything that doesn't belong to anybody that's in the room until the cry that's in his heart hit an entire generation so the lord the lord as you lift your hands saying change our wine skin lord take the religion out of us take the opinions out of us take lord all of the the preconceived ideas we have of what you should do and who you should be we are saying that you are good and nothing other than good and today we fully fully trust you lord i thank you that even this morning you're healing bodies god you're healing hearts like hearts that have been wounded with the wrong thing hearts that have been wounded by disappointment and failure and my parents did this and and my parents touched me like this and this person said this as kaylee sings this over us i would encourage you to let that cry rise in your heart let it rise in your heart holy spirit come come come with fire come down rend the heavens open within us come on pray with me rend the heavens open lord rend our bodies open fully have your way and these earthen vessels until we become holy as you are holy until we become the radiant shining glory of god that you called to be the people of god in the earth god until new jerusalem is birthed god raise the groan again within your church of intercession raise the groan again of what it looks like to not be prayerless to prayerless people but a people that can't stop shouting for joy of people that just can't get this word out of their mouth that says no he promised me he promised us come lord i want you to begin to rise it up come lord come lord jesus come on our nation come on on all of the trial all of the pressure everything that's happening in this world god with covid with social unrest with elections with all kinds of fraud and all this stuff that's going on lord may the pressure be an opportunity for your church may the pressure be an opportunity for your church lord to say come jesus come we will not be shaken come on lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice lift your voice david lift it up lift your voice come on if the groan's not there the holy spirit's in you with this deep deep fire this deep calling onto deep this deep calling unto deep may as fire meets your explosive hunger may his fire meet your explosive hunger baptize us again lord in your spirit baptize us again in your spirit lord come on lift it up lift it up lift it up lift it up come on come and join me at the front come and join me at the front come and join me at the front
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 736
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: mGdHF5TUauU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 23sec (3383 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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