William Hinn - The Demand of the Anointing

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I'm an absolute complete mess I don't know what's happening but Todd was right this power and loves been different and the whole week I've been hearing just get in the room just get in the room you know I grew up where you'd have lines wrapped around buildings with expectation like there's a knockin if you can feel the expectation in this room lines wrapped around buildings with expectation because an anointed man or an anointed woman was in town but how many of you know the word says that Christ means the hope of glory and that word hope actually means confident expectation so Christ in me is the confident expectation of God upon my life and of God upon your life see what if what if every day of the week this building was packed to the brim with people that couldn't stop worshipping what if we created such an environment such an expectation that people were running to the building just get in the room and so we wanted to start this session off with just adoration and I want to give you permission to step into an encounter we really like we don't have an agenda I know that we have to go in outreach but we need him or otherwise we have nothing to go out with so can we just lift our hands and just welcome the Holy Spirit I was in the back and a little room saying Lord I don't really want to preach today I want you to it says in Hebrews eight that there's coming a day or I won't need to tell you to know the Lord and you won't need to tell anyone to know the Lord for all will know him and that's not a lack of evangelism and I said Lord what does it mean that they're coming into a day where we don't need to say to know him and he's revealed to me because people are gonna begin to recognize me for being in the room and there'll be no need for a teacher because the teacher will be there recognitions presence we just simply have to say God take the scales off my eyes today dim the activity in my mind the the busyness of this life the busyness of this world God if I don't drink from you I don't want to drink from anything else Lord if I don't eat from you I don't I don't want to eat from anything else god I need to I need to know you there's a cry and a generation that wants something real that's not interested in doing church that's not interested in doing ministry that's not interested in doing conferences and just putting on a show for people if God doesn't come into the room I don't want to go in that room if God doesn't leave with me I don't want to leave if God doesn't walk into Starbucks and Walmart with me I don't want to go I want my life see I'm on a mission I want my life to drip with Jesus and if there is anything less I don't want it we have settled for this lack of presence and what we need is presence evangelism what we need is the generation that walks in and the room shifts so come on I want you guys to just begin to sing out in the spirit and whatever he wants to do in this room he's in charge he is allowed to do just poss your heart and reverence if you have to run down to the front I don't care what you have to do there's no like formula for this just poss your heart [Music] can you just turn the pad up come on lift it up fill the room fill the room fill the room sing out in the spirit fill the room fill the room fill the room shifts the room comes out of you he comes out of you he comes out of you heaven goes silent heaven goes silent to listen to the worship of the saints and receive it as incense and his responses fire his responses fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] when he's in the room [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] just let a minister to your heart [Music] [Music] make us God people that are addicted to your presence I'd wrap every life and a blanket of fire today that we may feel your love and comfort on the inside but everyone around us feel the fire of the Holy Spirit Jesus we so desperately come asking to know you more we'd want to be better evangelists we want to be kids remove every mask in the room in this moment right here right now you're not an apostle a prophet a teacher an evangelist but you're his kid make us got the shape of your pasture we glorify our name and Jesus we ask for an encounter that doesn't end we asked for an encounter that after this conference is over it doesn't end but god we get so wrapped up in you so lost in your eyes that God would just shine with your glory we so love you if you just love Jesus can just tell him how much you love him just right in this moment just tell him forget who's next to you just tell him how much you love him like if it was just you and him alone in a room like if like if this entire building was a closet how would you be talking to him in this moment come on tell him tell him how worthy he is tell him out worthy he is this is what it means to minister to God this right here is what it looks like to minister to God he says there's two types of priest said there's those on the outer court then there's those that come into my chamber and they minister to my heart my desire of my hearts is that first and foremost we be ministers to God before anyone else we be ministers to God that when God looks for someone to talk to he comes to you that when God looks for rest he comes to you so Jesus arise to your rest [Music] [Applause] we honor your name your absolutely beyond description [Music] worship you worship Jesus you guys just give God a great shot of praise getting some friends all right okay you can be seated if you want to stay laying on the floor that's fine it's a mate like I'm I'm learning more and more every day how incredibly easy this is and I'm not talking about preaching I'm learning more and more every day as I sit with him like I I pray for things like Lord I want to go to bed like little kid excited like like kids get on Christmas Eve because I'm gonna get up and be with you and I wake up I want to wake up in the morning and actually sense God on me saying come on get up I've been waiting but the more I I grow and we're all growing and the more I get to know him and learn him like the word says come and I'll teach you the fear of the Lord oh the more I the closer I get to him the more I realized how actually little we have to do how many of you were completely wrecked by Daniels message last night oh my gosh I haven't cried this much in like a year because that was me I was that disobedient guy that ran from it you know because I thought for so long in my life that I had to do something to be something when God said no no actually I became something so that you could become something last night I'm sitting there and I and I loot and I'm telling the Lord God you're worthy of my life I'm crying out because just cuz we're speakers doesn't mean that we're not hungry too like I'm crying out for more there's fire that was here yesterday but there's more fire available today like like Lord I'm crop really crying out for more genuinely when no one's watching crying out for more and I'm sitting there and it just wrecks me because I'm like Lord you're worthy of my life and an immediate response comes and I immediately hear and you were worthy of mine it's like before you could ever say god I loved you he loved you first like thing about a baby you know you you tell your babies over and over and over again I don't know if you could tell I talk about my kids a lot when I preach because I I don't get to see them a lot and I love them and and my wife is right can you stand up really quick just stand up stand up do a twirl or something why she know like my children say I love you because I've said it to them a million times first they actually learned the language from me are you with me so before you ever go to God and say Lord I Love You Lord you're worthy of my life he thought that you were worthy of his 2000 years ago you were in his heart as he carried a cross you're in his heart it says that you were the joy that was set before him before you ever did anything for God to win approval God said oh I love him so much and that whole time we're in the world it's like God's just constantly like maybe they'll hear it this time I love you I love you I love you and then finally I love you too he's like I love you more like what if it could be that real but there's this expectation my heart that's been different there's an expectation in this room that's different and our staff would say if there's just something different and I believe that God is doing something unique in this whole decade I believe that uh you know my dad made this statement the other day to me are actually in our church he said you know in times past what we saw in arenas was amazing and we saw people come for need I mean people literally would come on stretchers and wheelchairs and wheelchairs would be lined up on the stage and that's amazing and there would be lines at 2:00 in the afternoon the day before the meeting because people needed to be healed and there's something about that persistence that that pulls on God's heart I you know I love pastors and I am I I have I have a heart for local pastors because as pastors sometimes we're doing anything we can to just get people to show up on time like listen we'll put doughnuts and coffee in the lobby and you know we'll make sure that uh we do all kinds of things to get people to just come for worship please but it's always amazing to me you get a speaker to come into town and man three o'clock there's a line and there's something different in the room not because Todd white took the stage but because you had expectation like the atmosphere and the environment is completely dependent on you because God lives in you completely an environment matters that's why it's important that that we actually learn how to fear Him and when the right time is to shout and when the right time is to be still like we talked about yesterday because it all matters in his presence the Holy Spirit is the only part of the Godhead that can be grieved so we have to learn what grieves him what pleases him what does he like and what does he like and it's this expectation is being created in the body where in times past arenas were filled because people had need and people wanted to be healed and and they would come on the wheelchairs and God would honor it and God would honor their faith and honor their hunger and and they would come with this expectation of Lord you're gonna heal me and I'm gonna leave healed and that was like the ultimate goal and and it was amazing in that season but we're now stepping in to a decade where people are not gonna fill stadiums for need but stadiums for worship and we're seeing it happen I mean you look at the sin they sold an entire arena attire football stadium in six hours sold out six hours so then they got another one sold it out and people are coming because they're just hungry to worship Jesus like I I thrive on sitting here making it awkward because we've created this agenda this mindset of an agenda is when is he gonna start preaching to us and so people are like well what do I do now like what is the secret place like those that wait upon the Lord who were new your strength we've got to let you know what it means to wait it means to wait like I've heard so many messages about waiting on the Lord and we make it like this doing thing like you know you wait on him and you're ready and you're serving him no know it if you look it up to its core and the Strong's it literally means sit still and wait there is something about a heart that says Lord I'm gonna if I'm on my knees all day see that's why I'm so adamant about not fitting him in on your way to work and we're like man that's duty and legalism you're saying I got to get up at 5:00 you know it says in the word that that Jesus would get up this is Jesus himself that you would get up before the Sun and he'd be with the Father and Isaiah it says that he was awakened by the Lord the Father morning by morning and he had an ear that learned in that's Jesus that's the man Jesus from the father--he how many times do you see crowds come and Jesus runs to the mountain today crowds come and we're like let's get out instagrammed so the world can see it Jesus is trying to get away and then would have compassion man if we saw how much God values us just being still like there's how many of you go into the secret place and just being on just be honest and and you start to pray and everything just gets confusing in here and it's like every thought in the world comes in just be honest I've missed all of us there's a there is a breaking through that when you get into the presence of God the flesh squirms that's why I push I push through the awkward I don't care if there's five thousand people in a room and we're sitting in silence something will break if we just wait long enough cuz the flesh doesn't doesn't know what to do in the presence the flesh fights it young you know you wake up in the morning how many of you fall asleep like daily in the secret place it's okay I heard Bill Johnson once say you know I never got mad when my kids fell asleep in my arms that's so powerful because I'd go to the secret place at five and God saw my heart I'd get up and I'd like hear Todd in my head going don't push snooze don't push snooze and I'd get up and I'd get on my knees and then in three seconds I was out and it's like what the Lord knows our hearts the fact is is that we're seeking and we're pursuing and and we're making it a point to die to ourself daily see the flesh has to die and the spirit needs to come a life but the spirit can't come to life unless you're around the Holy Spirit are you with me so the Lord is uh is doing something so new and listening to Daniel the other day I was you know that's a message that I have that has changed my life that I've heard that I've heard before not necessarily just from Daniel but you know I grew up hearing about this this idea of a cost and how you know even worship and praise can be a sacrifice and how getting up in the morning can be a sacrifice like if we think that this is just going to be like an easy pad KEK thing you're very very deceived if you think that there's not going to be trial and tribulation and hardship if you think that you're gonna get up and and sometimes it's not gonna be hard like you're gonna open the word and sometimes you're not gonna be excited and you just gotta but how many of you would say there's time so you're just not in the mood but it's not about how you feel and then you read this and all the sudden you changed how you felt listen anyone anyone that goes into the secret place really and genuinely spends time with God is gonna come out feeling better I promise I promise if you didn't come out feeling different than you went in you really didn't go in you just went and spend time with yourself and brought your phone and started scrolling on Instagram halfway through and then took a picture of your Bible and your journal entry for the day and I'm not against journaling just talk to him I've been I've been pretty good this conference I got to say like I haven't been very offensive you just thank you thank you usually a little bit more intense but I'm feeling intense today man like I just cuz this is not a game this is not like I don't know if you can tell or not by the way Todd preaches but like we are not really not here to entertain you sometimes we say to each other it's like people keep coming back it's incredible because like it Todd told me what Todd told me one time he's like man I just go and sometimes got a rebuke um and I just keep coming back and it's an and it's amazing I mean you look at Jesus and like there it was this constant rebuke with the disciples why cuz there's a higher standard the world we love but man we've got to show the world what this really looks like you see Paul writing these letters and it's it's all in love but you know how many of you get filled up on Jude okay does anyone know that Jude is in the Bible it's actually a book in the Bible okay it's just one page doesn't take very long to read but have you ever read that it says in Jude that Swift some used to CERN meant snatching them out of the fire you see we've made love in the church sometimes to be comfort and cuddly we've made love sometimes in the church to be you know the Lord would never correct me he actually chases those that he loves I've had to confront people before that were pastors that lost their way that went into the world and were leading people and and got into all kinds of sin and and I had to confront them and the response that I received was you know man I just need I just need support and encouragement in this season I'm not gonna support sin I don't want you to go to hell it's like sometimes in the church imagine this picture like a buildings on fire and someone's inside of it sometimes we want like to go all right man brother I'm praying for you man you're gonna you're gonna no no go into the fire and pull them out of it it sometimes it's not gonna feel the best but you know we need something that's gonna pierce our heart I think often we've brought spoons to church and we bring need to bring knives because you can't eat meat without a knife see this word it's the sword and it separates soul from spirit which means that it separates truth from lie like if if there's people in this room that have trouble sleeping at night and you have an anxiety thing and you don't have peace in your life the word says to meditate on it day and night because it's a sword so I would encourage you before you go to bed tonight rather than turning on the TV and watching literally nothing that enhances your life The Bachelorette doesn't enhance your life we're like entertained by people's sin I was good two sessions two sessions I was good but we entertain ourselves with things and were like I'm called of God turn the TV off and we wonder why we can't sleep at night because all you're watching is chaos and you fill your mind with it and then you dream about it get into the word before you go to bed and watch how the sword will separate the life from the truth and it'll it'll actually affect your subconscious so that when you sleep you actually have peace see it's really alive it's really active it's sharper than any two-edged sword it separates everything that is him and not him without the words you'll have no understanding you actually have no gauge of what's good and evil it's not meant to be open once a week when my pastor says okay let's turn to Romans today that does nothing in your life I love Todd goes after this more than anybody but your pastor can't be your Savior and the thing that holds you together only God's Word holds us together he brews one so there's there's this high call that the Lord is inviting people into but not everyone's gonna take it and you actually won't even have a desire to take it unless you know that you're right with God unless you know that God came to make you right and you didn't earn it there's nothing you can do to be right like you can't work you can't work it and then go okay I've worked it enough now I'm righteous no no a cross made you righteous you actually earn death it says that the wages of sin is death we actually all worked for death our paychecks said death on it but Jesus comes and changes everything and everything even in the Old Testament if you ever read the Old Testament you're confused because it doesn't make sense just add but then Jesus at the end of it and then it all works out because he's the volume of the book he's on every page on every word I mean listen I don't know how many of you like getting into it like this but you know I read like you read about the tabernacle and down to every color describes him the way they set it up the way they put the tribes of Israel was in a cross everything talks about him but when you know that you've been made right with God and this this message actually hits your heart that Lord you came to really set me free to get free from my past I mean you've heard of this whole week free from my past free from guilt free from condemnation and shame and when Lord you come in and you have made me right now I'm not obeying a law because I have to and it's my duty now I can't I can't live any other way because I love him it's like I don't walk around not trying to cheat on my wife that would be really weird I don't go to it I don't go to a grocery store and go don't steal the candy bar that's what we teach in church try to fight sin you can't fight sin you have to die to sin like sin doesn't share in nature with you you have to die to the old man and put on a new one and when you died to an old man it actually says in Romans six that we are freed from sin let's just read it because listen without this foundation do I really have 12 minutes Geoff's like okay okay all right Lord just pause time for just like just a minute okay look Romans six are you ready or do this quick Romans six just I'm gonna read I'm just gonna read a bunch this is just a minute and I just want you to listen I don't want you to try to read along Micah confusing just listen and write it down because I want you guys to study this in their own time Romans six what shall we say this is verse one shall we continue in sin that grace may abound certainly not how shall we who have died to sin live in it any longer like when you're dead you're not living anymore correct so if you're dead to sin how do you live still with sin doesn't work or do you not know that as many as us were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death therefore we were buried with him through baptism of death that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father even so we also should walk in a newness of life for you have been united together in the likeness of his death certainly you shall also be in the likeness of his resurrection knowing this that our old man everyone say old man was crucified with him and the body of sin is done away with that we should no longer be slaves of sin for he who has died has been freed from sin everyone safe free from sin is it free or not are you free or not if you're not free from sin its you're just not lining up with this verse 14 for sin shall not everyone say shall not have dominion over you for you are not under the law but under grace listen how many of you know it says that the law was a tutor the law literally Jesus brought the law and the law was so holy 613 laws in ten commandments so holy that it exposed sin that without the law sin wouldn't have been revealed and there would have been no need for Jesus are you with me if the law never came there's no conviction now of sin and when there's no conviction of sin there's no need for a Jesus so Jesus not being Plan B the lamb slain before the foundation of the world in God's wisdom gives us this law with Jesus in mind and he goes they're never gonna be able to follow this there's not one person that's gonna be able to do this until my son comes and I know that they're not gonna do it it's like when I tell my two-year-old share got to get Adam out of him but the law was a tutor that actually brings us to this conclusion that okay if the law never came and said thou shalt not lie I wouldn't have even known what it meant means to lie but the law reveals our need first Savior so when the Savior comes now we're no longer under law but under grace and the law doesn't go away the word says but it actually becomes written upon our heart and now grace is not a license to sin but actually the power to walk out the law what we could never do in our own strength God comes and says I'll be your strength and actually you're gonna become a walking law through my grace and you're not gonna follow me and obey me because of command but now because of love then you get to you keep going in verse 18 and having been set free from and it says it again in verse 22 and having be set free from sin I mean it's just I think it's six times in just chapter 6 you have been set free from sin then you get to Romans 7 and everyone's confused how many of you know that I would encourage you when you read the scriptures read the whole thought don't just read one chapter how many this wasn't broken up into chapters when he sent the letter it was a whole letter so six and seven and eight all go together okay so then you get to 7 and the first thing he says is this or do you not know brethren that I speak to those under the law so he's telling you this chapter 7 is about those who are under the law he's talking to Pharisees he's talking to the religious order he's talking to those who who are still bound by the law and haven't received the grace of Jesus yet so he's saying those that are under the law these are the ones that I'm speaking to and then and then you guys know that ciao everyone quotes that try that chapter to give an excuse for their sin I'm a sinner because I need an excuse for my sin but what happens when God says now you're a son what's the excuse now so chapter 7 shows up and and Paul's like this is what it's like under the law what you will to do you can't do and what you want to do you're just not going to be able to do it and then you get to verse you get to verse 18 and it says for I know that in me that is in my flesh everyone say flesh nothing good dwells for to will for for to will is present with me so I want to do the right thing but how to perform what's good I can't figure it out he's talking about this is the confusion of what happens when you're just under the law and you haven't received the grace of God the point of the law was to make you go I just can't do this what I will to do I can't do Jesus I need you and he's like finally so then you get to verse 8 and it says here's right it says right in the beginning well actually even the last verse of chapter 7 so then with with the mind I myself serve the law of God but with the flesh the law of sin so that the issue is is the flesh then he gets a chapter 8 it says therefore now everyone say now does now mean now does it or does it mean one day no it it means now there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit it answers chapter 7 in the first verse see he said listen what I want to do in my flesh I can't do so then chapter 8 goes let's fix the problem Jesus comes through His grace and now you can't walk according to flesh you have to walk according to spirit and when you walk according to spirit now there's no condemnation to those who are in Christ and then it goes on in the chapter and it's like for creation groans in expectation for the sons of God to be revealed it's now talking about sinners anymore creations waiting for the sons of God to be revealed not sometimes it's like the church is waiting to go to heaven and heavens waiting for us come on doesn't say that what it says which he found bind on earth I'm gonna found in heaven and what you loose on earth I'm gonna loose in heaven it's not us waiting on heaven heavens actually waiting on us listen I'm gonna respond to you we all want Jesus to come and fix our problems he's like I already did my part we're like Lord please stop the storm he's like don't tell me just talk to the storm lord please take please take this out of my life and you know like we we beg God when we're sick we have you know how many of you know cancer and a cold is no different to God it's all from Hell and it also go back there but we get like people get a report of cancer and and now we've got to pray louder and harder when it's snow order for God to heal and we have magnified this thing and you magnify cancer because it take people out but what is cancer compared to an allergy to God the Lord is like don't beg me I gave you the power I've given you all things pertaining to life and godliness just talk to it just tell it to get out either the word is in my mouth or it's not but the only way that we're gonna walk into this is believing that we're actually right with God if you don't believe you're right with God you don't believe that you have the power of God and it be a dangerous thing to have his power or while you're not right with God are you are you with me okay three minutes 17 seconds Elijah in first Kings 18 I love this story how many of you remember when Elijah he calls all the the prophets that Bale 450 of them and he challenges them on Mount Carmel how many of you have ever read that and and he you know he mocks them because they're trying to he's like you know let's see who who can bring the Brinks fire down and he's like maybe he's sleeping and he's and he's mocking this guy was a beast one of him 450 prophets at Baylor cutting ourselves being all weird and you guys know this story but before I love it because when elijah calls everyone together he calls all of the children of israel together and here's what he says he says how long will you altar between two opinions my question to you today is how long will you altar between this double minded to nature thing how long will you go between being in the world and then being in him how long will we be one foot in and one foot out you see you won't want to pick up your cross if you don't believe you're right with God but you can't be right with God and be half in and half out you can't take on the nature of Christ if you're still holding on to an old one he's not gonna share himself with you he's gonna crucify you and then he's gonna say I'm gonna become all of you so Elijah's like how long are you gonna be between two opinions listen if if the Lord is God serve him but if Bayless God serve him because all of us every single person in this room every single Christian when they say yes to Jesus there's now a target and that target is every single person will be offered across this life every single one and you won't want to deny yourself and pick up a cross if you don't believe that God actually made you right with him and there's nothing that you can do to make it work you have to just believe but when you believe oh my oh my gosh it doesn't matter if I grew up in church my whole life and and drink a little bit or if I was a drug addict for 22 years in it there's no difference God you forgave me and I'm so thankful that you forgave me and I'm no long I'm gonna detach myself from the world I'm not gonna like not love the world I'm actually gonna be in the world but I'm not gonna be of it there's gonna be nothing about my life you know I'm people coming to church and they smell like the world and they talk like the world we become worldly and the Lord is is is raising a standard in a generation and not everyone's gonna like this this isn't gonna be like this is not a fan-favorite kind of message not everyone's gonna like get the collapse and and get all hyped up about laying down your life but this is not this is not just about saying yes to Jesus cuz we want to live in his home someday that would have been like me marrying my wife because she had a nice house that's what we preach come on if you walked out of this building remember in high school this guy came and preached and and he was like you know if if you walked out of here and you got hit by a bus it was never like a small car or an easy death where you fall asleep and you just fall asleep and die there's always some horrific thing to make sure we instill fear into people so that they run up to the front and it's called manipulation we're like man do you know where you're gonna go okay any logical person and go okay I'd rather go to the mansion on the gold streets like that just seems to make sense sure but you can't just make a confession it's you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart see salvation is a person aw Tozer would say anytime we get people saved just talking about heaven we are simply using Jesus as a means to get somewhere Casal vation is not a place it's a person the word actually says to clothe yourself with salvation come on John John 17 it says that this is eternal life that they may know him eternal life is not somewhere you go eternal life is someone that you know you get to know eternity you can actually have heaven on earth right now if you wanted and it doesn't matter what happens to the flesh it doesn't matter if someone Kree kills you and crucifies you because you're never gonna die you see when eternal life becomes your perspective now trial can't affect you and you're not even gonna try not to sin you're just gonna not know how to anymore like you're not gonna have to fight the urge to open your computer it's gonna like God is gonna wipe it from your memory and you're not gonna even think about it just like it would be super weird if I fought me not cheating on my wife every day it's not even a thought on my mind because I'm in love when you're in love with God you're like you're consumed by God you're not thinking about sinning you're thinking about him that's called grace that love is called grace you don't have to fight yourself not to sin just die to it but when you die to it now there's an offer that says will you pick up a cross but you won't want to pick it up if you don't know you're right and every Christian will be offered the comfortable American Dream thing especially in America can I have keys can I just have like a little bit more time okay can I have keys if he's still here and if he's not Gary come on Gary doesn't know how to play the piano at least I think so all right but I've seen in my life this message of are you willing to pay a price are you willing to pay a price and for so long I wasn't willing to pay that price because I watched how it affected families and I watched the reality of of this call and and I need you guys to have this really clear when Daniels talking last night about accepting a call it's not just this and Todd talked about I think that this is the most dangerous place standing right here in the world cuz I'm gonna be judged on every word she know like when you woke up this morning God called you when you were at Walmart God called you when you were at Starbucks God called you and God is not gonna trust us with a big ministry like SI phan if he can't trust you at wal-mart and we're all waiting til one day God uses me and gods like I love to use you today was that an angel Wow but listen there's this high place there's this this high call in God where God sends out like an invitation to his church and he's asking us listen do you want to just be like in bootcamp or do you want to come to SEAL training you know what I'm saying anyone that knows what I'm talking about SEAL team but you know like I think we just want to be comfortable and make sure we go to heaven someday but God's calling a generation out of that it says in Isaiah why when I called was there no man Ezekiel 22 I believe it says I looked for one who would be willing to stand in the gap and I found no one second chronicles says that his eyes searched the whole earth to and fro to find one heart that is loyal to him that he can show himself strong to like I want you to get this picture in your mind of man we've got buildings full of people and it's amazing and we love the church but imagine God's eyes looking through the building and trying to find one that's loyal to him like like God saying to Abraham listen if you can just find 10 in the city just 10 like what could God do with 1500 what could God do in this region with 1500 people that are loyal to him we're not looking to just like who need to go to a continent to go preach but aren't willing to say anything at Walmart when will I find one that will stand in the gap that will separate themselves from the world so that I can use them as a conduit to pull heaven down when will I find one that will be willing to actually step into the upward call of God and when the whole world and all the Christians and everyone's going and doing this and what might be okay for everyone else is not going to be okay for you the Lord has been speaking me to this like for months now because there's things that are not bad you know you go and watch movies need all this stuff and it's all fine and I'm not against any of it but we waste so much time we waste so much time watching Netflix to the point it says are you still watching man I remember I'm gonna go there I went to see that in-game movie I was baffled by how many people were crying it's not real and it wasn't even like the emotional part it was like when the armies came together and I mean weeping it's like we never hear just weeping sometimes at church we'd rather watch Marvel than marvel at God the Lord's been speak my heart you know it's so easy you know you work all day you know I travel and you minister and you've preached 50 times and you get home you're like you know I've got the right to put my feet up and watch the game god it's like what about me see not everyone understands that and automatically I can feel it in the room automatically people are like man that's legalism God wants us to be entertained but what are you entertaining yourself with man that's that's legalism I don't need to spend every second of every day with him it's called devotion man I don't see like the disciples just like going in hanging out watching movies and again I'm not against it it's not it's not bad to do I'm talking about the position of your heart I'm talking about what has your heart I'm talking about after tonight for all those that were here the whole conference there might be this subtle thing we're like Lord I got a lot of you this week now I'm gonna I'm gonna rest now and it's a conference high and a camp high and we get excited and yay Jesus and then we go home back to the same routine and we push snooze four times and because the night before we stayed up till 2:00 a.m. watching star Paul says it like this Philippians 3 says this I'm almost done I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus the upward call of God the ones that are saying a lord as far as I'm concerned don't spare me as far as my life is concerned it doesn't matter where you send me it doesn't matter what I do it doesn't matter if I'm cleaning bathrooms I'm gonna bring you in there this upward call of God that actually says I'm not gonna live according to flesh I'm gonna live according to spirit this upward call of God that says listen if I have to be a pushover what do you think an apostle is someone that lays their life down so people can walk on their foundation and we're like man tell it give them a piece of your mind we teach people fight for yourself justify yourself no know you've been justified so you don't have to fight for your right anymore man love believes best it hopes best someone can lie to you in the next day what God demands is the next day you go I believe you now cuz love believes all and I'm not telling you to like be unwise but we become such motive checkers and in all kinds of stuff that we forgot about love and we forgot about this upward call of God that says it doesn't matter how you feel it doesn't matter how much they cuts you out doesn't matter how much they say listen it says blessed when you're persecuted for righteousness sake it actually says woe to you and everyone speaks highly of you this is not the exciting message but it's the only Bible there is in the words haven't changed the disciples like getting whipped and beaten and then and then boasting about it look at mine bro today we get testimonies and we can't wait to tell everyone you know what Paul's testimony is let's just read it I actually want to read it this is this is Paul's resume he talks about he talks about boasting and here's what he says about it he says this is second second Corinthians and I'm starting in verse 23 in the middle of it and Labor's he's telling them like this is this is my what I'm gonna boast about in my life and Labor's more abundant in stripes above measure in prisons more frequently in deaths often for the Jews five times I received 40 stripes - one that's five times more than Jesus Paul was whipped and beaten five times more than his king C were like greater things shall you do and and of course greater and things shall you do and we are we should walk in in if he said it we should believe it but it's not just miracles see could we be people that would say Lord you got it once give it to me six one person we don't teach this stuff because it makes people run out of the building but you see what I love about what's happening at this building and at this place at this ministry is there's actually decisions being made that actually matter an old weight decisions that say Lord if I suffer for you I'm gonna rejoice Paul on a prison floor says rejoice again I say rejoice and we're complaining when we don't have any money five times I was I received 40 stripes - one three times three times I was beaten with rods once I was stoned three times I was shipwrecked at day and night I've been in the deep and journeys often in danger of waters in danger of rod robbers in danger of my own countrymen in danger of the Gentiles in danger in the city in danger in the wilderness in danger in the sea in danger amongst false brethren and weariness and toil and sleepiness and in sleeplessness often in hung her and thirst in fastings often in cold and nakedness besides all the other things what comes upon me daily my deep concern is the church's like he's going through all that and he's like but I'm concerned for you so today we have this this self-indulgent bless me bless me gospel when the gospel I read is about the denial of self when the gospel I read is actually going Lord I'm gonna sign up to die this gospel that I read that saying Lord if you tell me Rome and I land on Malta I'm gonna turn it into revival this gospel that I read that says God will protect you and the enemy will try to come and get you but he can't if you live with him but if you're gonna live with him you might have to suffer for him too there's a high place where salvation is free but the anointing will cost you something solve it and it's not just like me leaving my family it's not as little as we see our families like that's just not it's not the only price but there's a high price to wanting to walk in all power like if you're looking for God to actually drip off of your life it's gonna cost you something it's gonna cost you yourself and listen we've got good good amazing Christians that are comfortable and Sweetarts going to heaven and what might be OK for them to sit in front of the TV for 6 hours a day and then come and to a meeting once a week on a Sunday and open up their Bible that might be okay for them but if you want the upward call of God it's not going to be okay for you see this is a calling out like who's willing to stand in the gap who's willing to actually answer the call when he calls who's willing to actually declare his generation who's willing to say something when no one else will who's willing to get up and talk about real issues when no one else will not because we need more followers but because we follow Jesus not because we need people to like us but actually what was you when everyone speaks highly of you man the fact that there's protesters and they hate Todd means he's doing something right like people on Facebook say all kinds of stuff and it just gets me excited what are we doing with what we've been given what will you do with the anointing they come to Jesus and the rich man says what do I do what do I do to to follow you and get into your kingdom and he he says follow the commandments the rich man says I do that and he says okay sell everything you have give it to the poor and follow me you see if you think following Jesus doesn't cost you something listen it says in the word if you don't hate your father your brother your mother you're not worthy of me like we get offended by preachers if Jesus or Paul showed up today and started preaching people would walk out of the building Leonard Ravenhill would say if Jesus preached the same messages that some of us preach today they would have never crucified Him this thing will demand your life people like why would I want to sign up for that what's the reward if you're even asking what the reward is you haven't met him here well what do I get out of it nothing you get him who's everything wait you mean to tell me it's not just about dying and going to heaven but like I can have heaven right now yep like what would it be like if when trial came it just literally really produced joy what would that be like would it be like if we really got free from bad days would it be like if we didn't struggle anymore whether our account had zero or a hundred thousand what if it didn't matter anymore you know what if we beheld the lamb in such a way that we reflected him because whatever how's your attention how's your life men anything and everything can become idolatry that doesn't make everything bad but your phone can become bail Instagram can become veil like what are you looking for we scroll on Facebook and if you actually stop for one second and thought to myself do I really care about what I'm looking at the answer would be no what are you searching for them we're like trying to keep our minds busy so we have to learn to be still we have to learn to come to God and say Lord I don't want anything else if it demands my whole life I'm actually gonna sign up to die because I want you to use me but when you say God use me o the anointing will demand your whole life and if you think that like you can get up and pray for the sick and your gift will only last you for so long do you know that operating in your gift without knowing him can still send you to hell come on if we didn't love you we wouldn't talk like this if we didn't love you we wouldn't tell you the truth can you stand with me see it's the little foxes it's the little distractions it's the little things that spoil the vine it's that you know not everything is like evil but it's you know it's that TV show that you're addicted to it's the phone that you're addicted to see we've got to talk about real things because it's the little things that we would never think the subtle stuff that the enemy comes in and just distract it's a distraction from God it keeps us from God am i saying that your phone is demonic no Instagram Facebook they're not demonic just make sure that Facebook doesn't have your face before he does Romans 12:1 says this I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to God which is your reasonable service and do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may be able to prove what is the good acceptable and perfect will of God listen God doesn't have three different wills doesn't have like the good and well that's acceptable and that's perfect no no the context of this scripture is actually describing our level of response don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may be able to prove what is good and acceptable in the perfect will of God the responses that actually go Lord I'm gonna respond in a way that's gonna perfect the will of God in my life the response of my life is I'm gonna be a living sacrifice you know there's Christians and men they live a good life and it's acceptable to God but then there's ones that are after something more there's those that respond to God in a way that's it's just good it's it's just acceptable you know the word it says be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect and that doesn't mean you're never gonna miss it you know we're in this house we go after holiness like being made whole in God but having a response that says I'm gonna make sure that my response is the perfect will of God that when God says I need you to lay down your life I'm gonna be the perfect sacrifice so just gonna ask you this afternoon before we go out that in this place of reverence in the fear of the Lord that if for like lord I I there's certain things that I know I need to lay down at your feet and it could be the smallest things with some of you it's worry over your kids I just heard it in my heart with some of you it's it's your spouse that doesn't quite think like you do or maybe believe like you do and anything and everything can become idolatry because everyone in this room will be offered a life without a cross but the Lord is asking you what is in your life that you need to lay down that's become a distraction from me what's in your life that when you leave this building what we've experienced here will sustain and it'll become your life we don't just go back to an old way of living that we don't just go back to into um I'm a Christian on Sunday and then Monday through Saturday I'm look like the world we actually make a decision to be completely free so if there's things in your life - you're like Lord I'm gonna I need to lay it down because I want to I want to actually say yes that upward call of God I just want you to run to the front really quick we're gonna do this in five minutes come on run to the front if there's things in your life that you're like Lord I need to lay this down at your feet I'm getting rid of it today and I'm saying yes the upward call the upward call that call that will demand me that will demand something like like what was it what was it that caused these disciples to be skinned alive what was it what is that love that Peter goes listen I'm gonna get crucified but I'm not just gonna get crucified the same way as my King slipped me upside down all of them gave their life all of them what was it about a man like Stephen that got on his knees as they're throwing stones at him and mocking him and and gnashing their teeth at him what was it about Stephen that his face face shined like an angel before these people Jesus seated at the right hand of the Father in that verse it says that Jesus stood up like what kind of place could we have with God that as this man is getting stoned smiling saying Father forgive them they don't know what they're doing what does it take to get a heart to that place that says it doesn't matter what the world does all I have in my heart is love father forgive them they don't know what they're doing and he's getting stoned and Jesus stands up next to the father like a look at him go gosh God's looking for people that are willing to stand in the gap who aren't playing there this is not a game that aren't just making Christianity this trendy thing that we go to for community gosh this is a family of sacrifice and I'm not prophesying suffering over you I pray you have a safe life and that nothing comes against you but listen if you think that there's not persecution and tribulation and trial we have missed it completely so if you came up I know you're in the Isles just just in your own way just lift your hands you just turn that up a little bit and I want you this is between you and God I want you in your own way because I need I need us as a body to not make this some conference high thing like I can't even begin to describe to you what's in our hearts to see a generation step into we love you so much and I want everything that God has for you but you have to be willing to say gods you actually have everything Moses is singing a song over the children of Israel Deuteronomy 32 and it says that the Lord causes us to go to the heights of the earth and draw oil from the rock I've made it a decision in my life that I want to live near the rock and draw oil from him but if I'm gonna live there it's gonna cost me my life it's sometimes it's gonna cost me my family and I've watched and this isn't like woe is me thing but you know I've watched my son grow up through face time and I'm not complaining you were like man I want to I want to be a preacher you have no idea God use me do you know what you're saying like I just want to make sure that we're all like very sober in this moment of do you know what you're making a decision to do right now my uncle would say this is a decision that saying Lord don't spare my life I am laying my life down because you're worthy of it and the Holy Spirit will come and he'll give you comfort but he's a comforter because you have to get uncomfortable so I just want you your own way to just lift your hands this is between you and God I want you to forget who's next to you and I want you to just give God a yes in your own way and I want you to open your mouth and say Lord I'm saying yes to the upward call I'm saying yes to if it's not comfortable all the time it's okay Lord I'm saying yes to if you send me if you tell me listen I'm gonna keep you at this at this job in this cubicle for the rest of your life but I'm gonna be with you there maybe that's the price maybe you'll never go to Africa and speak in front of a million people but that's not what it's about maybe the price for some is find joy at the job I gave you that you've hated for so long find joy in the fact that you don't have all these followers and you're not some big professional name but God knows your name and maybe your price is having joy in the midst of trial but saying Lord used my life that when everything's coming down around me people will be watching me listen someone's always watching you and they're gonna go what is it about this person they always have a smile on their face what is it about this person they don't seem to be shaken by anything what are we willing to show the world so Jesus we come and we lay everything in anything at your feet that has been keeping us from you come on agree with me Jesus we say no more distractions no more distractions God we're gonna get into your word every day and every night Jesus we're gonna turn the TV off we're gonna take our phones away we're gonna we're gonna not watch movies for three hours without spending time with you Jesus make us so sensitive to your spirit that while they're sitting on the couch just wasting time that you tremble their heart that says come away with me come away with me I know that this isn't for everyone but you see those that get it are gonna change the world those that get it while the church is building churches and man is comfortable in its sweet and it's kind and they're all going to heaven god bless them there's going to be a generation that's gonna bring heaven to earth that's not playing games that's not wasting any time this is not legalism this is not putting pressure on you this is not manipulation this is your decision that you have to make of what do you want dripping off your life when you go to the store what do you want what expectation do you want to have when you walk into a room if you want an atmosphere in an environment to shift when you walk in somewhere it's gonna cost you something and sometimes it's the easiest cost as just your time so Lord we just impart in this moment we impart in this moment surrender as a team if you're a part of just just guys to stretch your hands towards them in part surrender and part surrender part surrender part surrender give him the strength through your grace to live out this life of sacrifice part surrender Travis God wants to use you man God sees your surrender bro he sees it god I thank you for what you're doing in these students that are here god these people that won't quit that won't quit raise up over comers Lord Jesus mighty name Jesus mighty name Jesus mighty name give it to Mort just take a minute just let him have you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 2,624
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: 9f-j_3Q8URU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 52sec (4612 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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