William Hinn - Crucify the Flesh ft. Benny Hinn

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can you guys help me honor my uncle [Music] pastor i'm so proud of him thank you please be seated wait teresa william you look marvelous no need for music now i'm gonna there's nothing spiritual about what i'm gonna say how you all doing i love my brother and i'm very proud oh look at this cast they come here the whole family is here why do you guys have beards shall i tell do you look terrible [Laughter] shave that beard off bring back your handsome face back and your brother what's wrong with that come here come here we gotta talk to you guys tell him he looks like a lumberjack looks like who a lumberjack you know the guys that climb trees oh i see yeah that's my sign right there you see beards belong to terrorists [Applause] we're gonna we're gonna fix them up huh i wanna fix them up i'm sorry guys we just had to do that see he was playing that lovely music you know and music kind of brings the anointing and there's no need for the anointing right now just like it is right [Laughter] my wife said why don't you grow a mustache i said i don't want to why i said because it's going to make me look like an arab terrorist and i don't want to look like a terrorist that's all okay now we're done with that stuff in the flesh so you're you're all doing good right larry what are you doing here larry i'm glad you came brother how come you got these empty seats here you got people in the lobby huh what now for me but i'm i'm up here you got two seats here you have one seat there you go one two there you got people out there why don't you bring him it's all right there's two things i hate demons and empty seats [Laughter] we're gonna have a good service like that right now right it's all right it's all right you can do it whenever it's fine i just i want you to know something my darling william by the way i call all my nephews and nieces darling so don't worry about it why do i talk about that i've always been like that that's family side so you're gonna look at the see the family side um you know i have not flown in and preached the same day in years i'm doing it just for you [Applause] because usually you know say no no no i'm gonna fly in and rest and then i'll do you know i'll preach the next night i used to do this when i was in my 20s you know i'd fly in and preach but i'm 69 now no way i won't do it so willie how old are you old willy william you're not going to tell how old you are right you're in you're in your 50s you're in your jubilee i love you baby do you have some arabic food for me afterwards i love it okay well the lord is so good and to him be the praise and the glory amen if it wasn't for the lord our family would not be who we are really um i think you all know i don't know if they've if if they know the whole story do they come here let's let's get a microphone let's get a microphone for my darling brother william yeah there we go now this is my third i'm the the oldest and then chris comes after me and willie after chris and willie and i are very close because we when we were little we slept in the same room my mom put us together because chris was a troublemaker and she put him with henry and henry is another troublemaker so the two troublemakers were in one room and the two men of peace were in the other room so willie and i always been very very very close so when when i got saved i got saved in 1972 february 14 on a monday morning and my dad was very tough he was a very tough man he was 62 he was 250 pounds of muscle one day he hit me i flew and hit the wall pow you know in those days they used to call it discipline today they call it abuse so when we were kids when we were kids henry and and chris we there was a jeep you know we all were from israel of course jaffa so it's quite hilly and this this guy came to see my dad my dad was unofficially the mayor of our city and so you know everybody would come see him for whatever and this guy came to see my dad and he had his jeep like that on the hill and henry and chris jumped in we all jumped in just have fun and he began to play with the the clutch the gear shift and that thing just rolled back and we were all screaming jumped out of the jeep and the jeep hit somebody's house and rolled over my daddy hung us wait wait wait upside down on a tree and whipped our feet till we were all bleeding and walking like and he said you'll never forget it we haven't this is 2021 we still remember that painful moment so we we grew up in a home that honored mom and dad very very much so when we came home we all kissed my father's hand and gave a report about school we all would line up like you know soldiers we were all dressed alike people would ask what was your home like i said well have you ever seen the movie the sound of music i said our home was the sound of music with no music we all looked alike we all stood and we did this every every day with with our daddy watch this we checked our nails remember that we just eat the heat come and look at our nails and if if they were dirty i mean that whip like a horse whip you know those old horse whips am i telling them the truth uh-huh so you can't do this today today they they will lock you up you know but uh we feared we feared my dad like fear my dad so i got saved and my father said if you tell your brothers about jesus i will disown you and he did not he did not make empty threats so i went in secret i was afraid to tell him or to for him to fight so i went to willy has someone tell you about jesus so we we got into a hiding place and when when he got saved how old were you when he got saved 17 years old i was 19. so when he got saved i saw the lord's face over his face i never get that that was on don mills the lord's face appeared right here all red like fire and then sam came and we got him saved and my daddy didn't know nothing my father took me to a psychiatrist because he thought i lost my mind because i went from the quietest young man to being in church every night and talking tongues in my room he thought he gone cuckoo and you know like suddenly i'm in church all the time monday tuesday wednesday i was gone in church so my that he took me to psychiatrist and this guy stuck wires in my head and we had a big old machine you know checking me asked me questions you know and i passed i guess the test but because they you know you have to understand we come from a very conservative family you know no how shall i say no nonsense you know stuff my grandmother his my dad's mom she was a tough woman scared all of us so anyways we went to see him and got him saved and he prayed he said lord so i i just said repeat after me and he just took took over and went on he said lord come into my heart and lock yourself in and throw that key out that's how he prayed that's how he got saved lord come into my heart and lock yourself in and throw the key out henry got saved by accident i'm not kidding you he was bad henry was bad henry uh uh i got a beautiful one-day jacket looked like uh joseph's coat of many colors you know when i was preaching i didn't have money to buy suits so i bought this jacket so he took marijuana stuck it in my in my in my pocket so i'm preaching one one night and i thought my lord i was scared to death i think i said henry dear god we got to get them saved he put their stuff in my pocket and i'm preaching with that thing in my pocket saying if if anybody knew i'm this is it you know so i went home i got so mad at him what are you doing putting this up in my pocket my jacket he said was the pl he said was the best place to hide it so much so dad could not find it it he said he said he said you're the holy man nobody will look in your clothes henry was so bad henry was so bad i i had my all my pants were short i was so he'd say hey noah are you are you looking for a flood because my parents were short so you were your parents are short you call me noah so he was bad so he came to one of my meetings i was having meetings in canada on monday nights people everywhere and this guy he was about to make my own brother was about to make a u-turn in the parking lot this guy came with a truck and blocked him so now he comes in looking for the truck driver and here i'm preaching in there because he could not find the truck driver and he got saved and when he got saved he came and hid behind the bush there was a bunch of plants and he was hiding right hiding behind the bush i said henry what are you doing down here and he was crying he said i need jesus and i looked at the hole i said if he can get saved anybody can get saved that's how he got saved anyways now the whole family almost got saved and then my mom and dad got saved so dear willie here william thank you liam i was called him you willy when you were a kid but it's okay yeah now you got all this lovely white hair so william thank you my pleasure when the lord visited when the lord visited me that amazing year after i went to catherine crewman if you haven't read good morning please do tell them what happened you would come to the room and look for for me on my knees oh you did i'm proud of you okay so the lord has done much with us with with our family and my mom today would be so honored and so proud of him see what god gave us we didn't think that huh but there is something i'd like to say go ahead if there's anything i've learned over the years it's not how smart you are it's not how many years you've served it's not how anointed you are it's how devoted you are to prayer and this man is devoted to pray that is what makes the difference that is what accumulates over the years god has kept him through all that he's been through because god remembers this boy prays still does and so you've taught me how to pray and so i just i love you you know it's the i love you too you like your jacket by the way it's really cool you would you like one i can't fit in it it's it's the we'll talk about this stuff later it's it's the presence you see that the thing i've discovered and i learned that from miss kuhlman it's seeking the lord and sitting with him one-on-one that's so priceless and that's why you fall in love with him i mean how do you how can you know someone without talking to that someone and how can you know someone if you don't spend time with that someone now even though we don't see him he's more real than anyone you would see anyways exactly and so and i mean i'll talk about this a little bit but i've i've learned something that is so precious to me i've learned on how to wait really how to wait and and you know people have a problem with just waiting you've waited for your dentist that's tormenting you've waited for some doctor to see you and you sit there for a whole half hour or more and you're scared scared to death of what he may find out that's tormenting or you've waited for someone like an authority like in the government and they keep you waiting for a whole hour we'll talk about waiting upon the lord and why do we wait because waiting empties oneself of self see and the reason people wait longer sometimes is because there's too much of them in them there's too much of us in us so god waits till all that stuff comes out and when all of it comes out he quickens us because he cannot quicken the flesh waiting gets the flesh out of you jeanette is so nice to see you my brother just notice you're there a few minutes ago so waiting upon the lord takes the flesh out and taking the flesh out sometimes may depend on how much flesh is there if there's little flesh in you it'll be little time if there's more flesh and you'll be more time so as you wait upon the lord you find that less of your remains and then more happens in your christian life where god quickens you quicker so a lot of what people call prayer is not prayer what they do is they're wearing themselves out see in isaiah 57 it says you have weared yourself you've wheeled yourself so i went to a prayer meeting a few days ago well a few weeks ago in orlando i was i walked out my wife invited me to go to a prayer meeting that was a joke it was not a premiering it was a political rally i'm not kidding you they they were praying for trump and this and this and i just said you know what i'm leaving so i walked out and i said to sue said sue i'm out of here. because it was noise it was forgive me it wasn't a prayer meeting these people were screaming at god and praying and shouting and demanding the devils to leave and they talked more to the devil than to the lord i break this and i rebuke this i'm thinking you know what i'm out of here we they they don't know the lord they they just go crazy and they wear themselves out true prayer is when the holy spirit takes over that's what's called peri in the spirit so paul says he says pray all prayer in the spirit all prayer means that the holy spirit has to pray in psalm 80 verse 18 it says by the way you know i wasn't planning on saying all that but it's okay i'm just enjoying it in psalm 80 verse 18 says quicken me and then i'll call on you well you can't call on god till god has called on you see there's this secret you cannot seek him till he has sought you how can you talk to a king till he has invited you in what about the king here he has to invite you in before he that that door is open so when you go into the presence of god hastily only a fool will do that it says let thy words be few you know so you sit and you wait you say what did i do wait what did i do just just just wait now to help you wait play some worship that will not give you a headache or just read your bible slowly and wait upon the lord i you know that's what i do mostly i love to just sit with worship leg and i just talk to the lord really slow i said yes jesus i love you and i'm not really you know asking for a whole lot and without fail every single time something happens inside of me and when i'm quickened my prayer is born and when my prayer is born my words become precise and right to the point nothing wasted you know and then there is something that happens it's beautiful you walk out and you feel i've gained the world i can conquer the world and your blood pressure goes down and your stress goes down and you feel if the whole planet blows up you know blows up i am well i'm fine because that peace this takes over your life so i'll do that for miss kuhlman one day and then i'm i'll be done so you can go sit down yeah miss government says and i'm thinking you know this was i was young you know i didn't know any of this and the organist was playing so loudly she said not a sound there was a guy in front of me doing this i could not hear the guy but i guess she heard him sir not a sound sorry holly i'm doing this i put things shook up shall i come lay hands on you no she screamed at him because i could not hear the man and she said turn out of sound and i thought if this was me i go under the puke and and this was my my first experience to really see god's power flow and uh to my shock and i think everybody else in that service first presbyterian church pittsburgh a lady was blind in the back and nobody knew she was there and it was such a hush like a holy house and suddenly the power of god hit the whole the whole place people began to get healed and this woman said i can see i can see and so i went back to canada i thought i'm going to try this out in my meeting you remember those holy days yeah my choir was full of jamaicans and people from the islands you know trying to keep those people quiet that's a miracle so someone praise the lord hallelujah amen you know stuff like that so i said okay we're going to have to stop this i said now you you you quiet it took forever to to quiet him down finally the whole place is quiet it took like half an hour to get him quiet because people just can't be quiet and i thought okay i hope this works you know and i had the organist play and piano player was playing and i just waited and i didn't know what i was doing i'm thinking well catherine did it so it worked let's hope and if nothing happens well i'll just tell them hey i'm still young i'm trying it took 20 minutes a part of god hit the building everyone i mean everyone fell under the power including the musicians and i grabbed the pulpit i thought i'm i'm gone the whole place that's over 2 000 people were there that night just hit the whole building and i said she's right and i discovered in the bible there is power in silence most churches don't even know that they're noisy they're always talking and doing this and that learn isaiah chapter 40 they that wait upon the lord shall renew their strength and then it says this they shall mount up with wings as eagles meaning you will know the current of the winds eagles don't fly eagle wait for the current they can discern the current of the winds we believers when we wait upon the lord we can discern the current of the part of god then we surrender to the wind then mount up his wings as eagles and it's interesting it says they shall run before they walk why because you will catch up with where god is waiting about the lord will cause you to catch up with him so and then you'll walk and so on so thank you for saying that but i don't know i'm going to say all this to them but he should preach it's great i'm not going to preach this is just a little appetizer now i'm ready you can go sit down love you can we stand and just bless his holy name [Music] wonderful his name is wonderful that old sangha his name is wonderful you know it don't you his name is wonderful strings only please jesus my lord you know the son here he is the mighty king master of everything his name is wonderful jesus my lord he is the great shepherd is the rock of all ages almighty god is he we've come down to bow before him we've come to love and adore him his name is wonderful jesus my lord wonderful wonderful jesus you are our friend true to the you give your life to redeem us jesus wonderful lord and all you have to all you have to do tonight turn your eyes upon jesus look for in his wonderful face and the things of this earth will grow strangely in the light of his glory and grace never forget that turn your eyes upon jesus [Music] is is jesus jesus [Applause] jesus there is something save yourself like the fragrance [Music] they'll all [Music] spirit of the living god fall afresh [Music] lord [Music] fill me [Music] [Music] me fall afresh [Applause] and now lord touch your people tonight they've come to hear your word they've come to feel your wonderful life-changing touch and we will give you the praise oh sweet redeemer we will give you the praise that's our promise that's our promise lord we will not disappoint you in this [Music] all the praise all the glory all the honor majesty dominion and power belongs to you and none else wonderful jesus wonderful savior bless your people lord tonight and i pray that the words you've put in my heart for them that they will hear it and live it in jesus name amen take your seeds and take your bibles and go to hebrews 11. i want to talk to you tonight about something very important you know as i've gotten older i'm now using the ipad because those eyes are not what they used to be my bible is marked everywhere with colors and sometimes because it's the lights on the what they used to be do with in churches like this you can't even see what you're reading so this makes it simpler now i'd like you all to turn to hebrews 11 we're going to read together verse 8. we're going to read together verse 8 and then through 10 and then we're going to read verse 13 to 16. so first of all let's begin by faith abraham when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance obeyed and he went out not knowing whether he went by faith he's adjourned in the land of promise as an estranged country dwelling in tabernacles with isaac and jacob the heirs with him of the same promise for he looked for a city which hath foundations in that glorious huh he looked for a city which had foundations whose builder and maker is god now look at verse 13 through 16 these all died in faith not having received the promises but having seen them afar off and were persuaded of them and embraced them and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country and truly if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out they might have had opportunity to have returned but now they desire a better country that is a heavenly wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god for thee for he hath prepared for them a city i wanna say something as as i begin if you want to be a mature christian if you want to be a strong believer you have to begin living for the next life in this life you have to start living for the next world in this world it says by the way please shut your phones put it on plane mode because if you distract someone it can keep them from receiving huh notice what it says here about abraham it says in verse 8 when when when he was called to go out into a place that he should receive for an inheritance he did not know where he was going now first of all and then it says he's adjourned in the land of promise as in a strange country strange country he lived in a tent why because he looked for a city which has foundations whose builder is god and i love what it says in verse 13 these all died in faith not having received that promise but they saw that city afar off and they were persuaded it was real and embraced what they saw and confessed that they that they were what strangers in this in in this world and pilgrims on the earth for they that say such things declare plainly they seek a country now it says something quite amazing in verse 15 it says now had they been mindful look at me all of you had they been mindful of the old country they would have gone back had they wanted to go back to aram they would have but no they said no we would rather be strangers here now abraham left a lot of wealth he left a home and a family and he said i'm leaving he came by himself with sarah and lot and now he said to himself i'm a stranger here i can go home and have a family around me i can go home and have what i used to have no i'm looking for a better country and so the bible says this but now they seek a heavenly country wherefore god is not ashamed to be called their god i want him to call himself i'm ben is god because i don't want to be looked upon as someone who has been dismissed because it says god has prepared for them a city you know if you look at first peter 1 1 it says to the strangers to the strangers now don't go there i'm talking to you we'll go and read it in a second so our goal on this earth is a heavenly one heavenly one so you call yourselves citizens of the united states you're not your body is but you're not you are a heavenly citizen and since you're heavenly what on earth are you doing being entangled with earthly things so it says in the word of god he looked for a heavenly city he didn't want to get entangled in what he was looking at physically you know he said no i'd rather live in a tent and be a stranger to attain what i'm looking at we are a heavenly people yeah okay we need a passport so we can get through places here and there and travel but i as a christian and i need no passport in the christian life in the spirit we don't need a passport we can come into the presence of god without a passport so we are a heavenly people i want to get this into your system you are a heavenly person stop looking at yourself as an earthly citizen this is only a test this life is a test on how you'll be treated in the next life everything we do here will be tested and looked at in details when you get to heaven you're not going to be sitting on a jewish cloud playing a harp those who will be who will be uh how shall i say this those who will be trusted will have responsibility but if you do not take care of the talent god gave you you'll be thrown out with unbelievers see so we have to uh develop our spiritual life it's very easy very easy to start well it's very hard to finish well because the end of the race that's the tough part so i'm 69 almost and i've seen a lot happen in my little short life you know 46 years in ministry i've seen some of the greatest healing evangelists died with aids one healing evangelist that was on tbn when he died he was screaming they're coming to get me he saw demons who wants to live and preach the gospel and end up being rejected many will come and say lord lord i don't know you so this life this life this is where you're being looked at and tested for the next one everything you do in this life will matter tomorrow by every word you'll be judged we shall all all stand before the judgment seat of christ remember he is the lion and the lamb most christians have known him as a lamb but he's also a lion he's the judge of the whole earth so we have to take this seriously now the christian life is not a game not a game i have one desire and only one i will and i must finish well why live this life and preach and then be dismissed no never we have to make a decision i will live the christian life and that's all there is to it so four years ago i'm sitting watching tv i'm not asking you that you should do this but i'm sitting watching tv and i'm watching netflix and i was watching a historical program i've always been in israel i love history you know i can tell you more about island than anything else believe me back then i mean i know all about you name it i knew it and what a waste what a waste so i'm sitting there and the lord says cancel it cancel netflix now i just heard it so clear that was four years ago i called then simmons and silence you better come cancel this thing so why i don't know so god just said cancel cancel not long after he said cancel directv now okay lance come back cancel direct cancel cable with it let's cancel cable i have not watched tv in four years i've never had more peace so what do you do with your time read the bible oh i'm having such a glorious time so i made a decision to read my bible every four months one time i go through it like a train three times a year and then at night i read my hebrew bible i actually am i'm in the for the last three four years i've been a student of hebrew university and boy i'm good at it because i wanted to know this god i serve so i'm the only student in the class i have the best professor sigal zohar oh she's amazing i'm the only student because i paid enough money to be the only student so nobody would interrupt me to ask the questions i want to ask and so a few days ago she said you know she said she's an amazing lady she said pastor penny i have many students and all of them are preachers she said you're number one i said why she said because you come from the land but i'm finding things about god i never knew in the hebrew bible oh there's so much in the hebrew bible that the english language has missed oh it's amazing and i don't want to get into that now because then that's all i'll talk about but you have to know this wonderful jesus we we are serving but now what must we do we have to begin living for the next life in this life how do we do it we're talking about that let's go to first peter 1 1 and then we'll go from there i'm going to really change your mind tonight about the way you're living this life i'm not asking you to cancel cable and direct and all that i've done that's just for me god god only told me to do that i he didn't tell me to tell you to do that peter an apostle of jesus christ to the strangers scattered throughout pontus galatia podesia asia bithynia now this that part of the world was the present day turkey and beyond so we we we have to be compelled by heavenly vision that heaven becomes more real to us than this planet we are caught by this amazing vision god has given us as believers you have to remember something about this world let's go to psalm 102 for a second you have to remember one thing about this world it says in the scriptures that one of these days this world will be folded up like a garment and discarded of old verse 25 and 26 psalm 102 of old has thou laid the foundations of the earth and the heavens are the work of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure ye all of them shall wax all like a garment as a vesture shall thou change them and they shall be changed my goodness this natural world we're living in is like an old jacket old garment it's wearing out it's getting old soon to be rolled up and thrown away that's what it says they shall perish let's go back to verse 1 25 of old thou has laid the foundation of the earth talking to the son of god the heavens are the work of your hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure yea all of them shall wax all like a garment heaven earth the universe and all in between as a vesture as a garment the cloak it says in the hebrew thou shall change them they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall have no end now it's interesting that people don't realize that the world at one time was destroyed by water soon with fire so why are people so connected to it if this world will be destroyed why are we so entangled here it was destroyed once with a flood it'll be destroyed again this time with fire in second peter and please by the way while i'm teaching don't move around because this distraction kills the anointing so be careful now in second peter 3 and verse 4 right through verse 7 that people are saying where is the promise of his coming for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue as they were from the beginning of the of creation for this they willingly are ignorant those who say where is the lord why isn't he here yet for this they willingly are ignorant of that by the word of god the heavens were of old and the earth standing out of the water and in the water whereby the world that then was being overflowed with water perished but the heavens and the earth which are now by the same word are kept in store reserved unto fire so the same world that god destroyed with a flood verse five and six will one day be destroyed with fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men so it's very sure that the world we know and the world as we know it will be destroyed the world its desires will pass away so who are the ones that are going to last when this earth is blown off well let's look at what it says in first john chapter 2 in first john chapter 2 verse 17 what does it say it says this and the world passeth away and the lust thereof but he that doeth the will of god abides forever so i'm glad you're all listening the world will be destroyed who what people who are the ones that are not going to be destroyed it's right here verse 17 first john 2 the world passeth away and the lust thereof passeth away with it but he that do with the will of god abides forever and you and i better be that somebody that someone who will abide forever not be destroyed with the world and all that's in it and the scripture has a lot to say about this i'm going to give you just one more scripture from first corinthians chapter 7 and verse 31 now i'm hoping you're taking these scriptures down and writing them down so you can go home and look at them again it says and they this is first corinthians 7 31 and they that use this world as not abusing it for the fashion of this world passeth away so this world as we know it one day would be gone now this puts humanity into classes those who live to fulfill their own desires those who live to fulfill the desires of the flesh they who are of the world i mean and those who live to fulfill the will of god which one are you the future of those who are fulfilling their own desires in the world is recorded in matthew 25 destruction and those who fulfill god's will the bible tells us in second thessalonians their future so let's look first at those who are entangled in this life who fulfill their own desires who want to be somebody special in this world well look what it says in matthew 25 matthew 25 and verse 46 now this is all in the bible i'm not preaching my own message this is from the word it says and these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal so those who are going to fulfill their own desires and the flesh and the world will what destroyed these shall go into everlasting punishment now those who fulfill the will of god second thessalonians and we're going to look at chapter one we'll look at verse 6 through 10. see it is a righteous thing with god to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with us when the lord jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels inflaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not god and that obey not the gospel of our lord jesus christ who shall be punished with everlasting what destruction from the presence of the lord from the glory of his power now look at verse 10 this is you who are living for god when he shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all of them that believe who live the life because our testimony among you was believed in that day that you accepted the gospel so these two groups one says no i want to live for myself no i want to live for the world and the flesh and fulfill the flesh and the other says no i'm going to live for jesus one will have destruction one will have glory now before i go on with this because i have more to say the christian life is quite simple here's what jesus said if any man will come after me let him deny himself not build yourself deny yourself what does that mean to deny yourself it means don't build the flesh don't feed it so people feed the flesh by what tv news politics magazines gossip whatever how can they live the christian life with with polluted minds it's impossible so someone's mind is so polluted he opens the bible it doesn't get through no space for it to get through because the mind is too polluted with dirt so what do they have to do clean it first you got to clean it it'll take time how stop feeding it stop looking at that stuff just stop looking at it you make a decision i will no longer do that that's it now only the world can clean it so rather than watching whatever you're watching i walked into a room one day i i talked to someone i know in the room and she was watching the voice the voice you know that show the voice i said what is this doing for you spiritually she got all upset i said well i'm just asking what are you getting from this spiritually i like it i said oh you do i said but what is it doing for you spiritually she wasn't happy with me asking but finally she shut the tv because she got all guilty you know but people do that all the time young people are committing suicide because they can't compete on instagram social media is polluting the minds of our young people so someone like like your pastor william is trying to give you the word on sunday morning but your brain has no space for it in out you can't you can't even retain it you read the bible you don't understand it how can god reveal to you his word if your minds are full of garbage get the garbage out and then he'll he'll talk to you so we have to do what's right jesus said deny self now deny self means exactly that say no to the flesh number two carry your cross what does that mean death that's what the cross is death death to the world things of the world and on paul the apostle said to his timothy he said now timothy a soldier of jesus christ cannot be entangled in the affairs of this life you can't be entangled with this life if you're a soldier how can you be a soldier of jesus if all the stuff is in your life so i think it's time you really have to realize how short your life really is oh i know some of you are so young and you know you think the whole world is yours listen listen it was only yesterday i was 19. because life goes like like that and the and the older you get the quicker it goes by you know and next you know it's over so what will you say to the lord when he says what have you done with your life it's very easy to say oh jesus come into my heart i love you but through discipleship that's tough living for the lord in this world tough and there is a devil who will always try to pull you away it's just his job he's he's very very good at it but we have authority over the enemy but please hear this just just listen to me i am not afraid of satan not now i was when i was young i'm not afraid because i know how to deal with them how well the same with the lord dealt with him it is written and the second you say it is written he's gone it says resist the devil he'll flee so that's easy but you cannot use the word against the flesh you won't listen so who's the real enemy devil doesn't live in your house your flesh does your flesh sleeps with you eats with your breakfast the devil flees the flesh stays what what do you do with it crucify the flesh you cannot dismiss the flesh you crucify the flesh you can resist satan with the word nowhere does it say or resist the flesh it says crucify the flesh and that flesh can come off that cross real quick if you're not doing your job as a believer so what do you do well again starve the flesh feed the spirit quite simply don't let the flesh look at anything that feeds it pornography filth whatever the world gossip magazines with the horoscope in them all that stuff that's all flesh and you all know what it says in galatians the works of the flesh huh and so it says in the word none that live the life of the flesh should even see the kingdom of god you say i'm saved are you if you are you're going to live the life that the lord himself called us to do he said deny yourself care of the cross and follow me well you can't follow someone you can't see and you can't follow someone you don't know so get to know your lord how spend time with him how do you know your wife or some friend by talking to them spend time with them be be with them if i did not spend time with my wife she'll divorce me or i'll divorce her you know but when you spend time you love and you fall in love again with them wife husband all that the more time you spend with someone the more you love that someone the more you want to know more about somebody so the lord he says come unto me i'll give you a rest and he waits for us to come so we need to spend time with him and shut the world out quite simple so if you love him you'll do it if you don't you won't see that that that way is narrow many will not find it because they don't want to find it they they want to live from day by day and then they're all dead look think about this for a minute people get up in the morning they rush eating breakfast or whatever they go to work all day they come home at night tired they eat dinner they watch tv they go to sleep on and on every day and then they are old and they die my dog has a better life than that a dog doesn't have to worry about getting up in the morning going to work as long as you're buying that thing food and cleaning it he's happy the dog is having a marvelous time but think about people living like that living like that it's sad and then they die and then when they're dying they think about god not all of them and then they face the lord one day and they're dismissed from his presence forever yeah there is a lake of fire it's in the bible yes there is a hell it's real i'll never forget i was in louisiana years ago i went down the aisle and i was asking are you saved yep are you saved are you saved yet when i was young and this old man was a nasty fellow he said no i'm not saved and then he says i don't believe in god he was so arrogant nasty i don't believe in god i don't believe in the devil and i don't believe in heaven and i don't believe in hell i said you will when you get there remember you did that you see they live these lives up and then they're dead up down up down and gone what kind of life is that that's not why you were born into this world there was a guy you know in california a pastor i said what are you preaching on sunday i'm preaching on knowing the lord i said do you know what you're talking about what are you going to tell your people he mumbled something i said listen i said every man every woman was born into this world for one reason to meet the son of god i said you were not born into this life to know your mother because one day she'll be gone you were not born into this world to know your papa one day he'll be gone you were not born into this life to know your brothers and sisters and friends will turn on you one day you were born into this land for one reason to meet the son of god to know jesus that's what life is all about i said because one day they're gonna all leave you friends will go mommy and daddy will be gone brothers and sisters gone and one day you'll be all all alone all alone you see the day will come every one of you you're gonna have that moment when you will be by your self they're going to be all gone but you that know the lord you'll never be alone because only he said i shall never leave you i shall never forsake you i'm with you always my mom never said that to me my dad never said that to me even willie never said that to me and i never said it to to will either you know why because i can't do it even if mom and dad wanted to they cannot fulfill that promise only god can fulfill that promise so we get to know the lord we live for the lord so the christian life is very easy if you do what he says deny yourself carry a cross means die to the things of this world and just follow oh you'll be so full of joy so full of peace and he will meet those needs in your life that no one else can meet you'll open your bible and talk to him in the morning and the tears will stream down your cheeks and your blood pressure will go down and your stress will go down and you'll feel like you're about to float with joy and if the world blows up you don't care you're just marvelous time because that's the christian life all this in heaven too you know and what a wonderful lord we have wonderful lord who keeps up you know he puts up with us he's there to forgive and to strengthen and to give us joy and when we have enemies that want to destroy us he gives us love for them that they they don't even understand why so he takes over your life and lives that life through you you know what's really amazing about adam adam sinned when god came and said what what have you done never one time did that man say i'm sorry forgive me not one time adam did not seek forgiveness adam did not repent he said it's your fault you gave me that girl imagine he blamed god not one time did he say i'm sorry i blew it forgive me never he blamed god yet god never changed the promise he gave him never change the promise of redemption even when they forsook the lord and began worshiping idols god says i will put a heart in you that will obey me i'm going to give you a heart that will love me since you hate me i'm going to change your your hate into love and i'm gonna cause you to walk with me he he he literally gives us the will and the faith and the power to live the christian life you know the bible doesn't say try or try harder never the christian life is not about trying because if you try you fail never in the word says try to live it try to live harder no no the headline of the christian life is not try it's yield surrender let him live within you that's easy to surrender very easy to surrender my dear brother i hate to ask you the question but how much do you weigh did you check the legs on this chair tonight you really did did you check the screws okay i congratulate you that that you did that most people don't but are you people gamers just sat on that show right yeah oh how did you know it's going to carry you hold you faith that's just what you did surrender people surrender to a chair every day don't even think about that he that guy did something different he's the first man to ever tell me he checked the legs i'm gonna remember what's your name zach zach i'm gonna i'm gonna remember you zach you're the only man in 46 years who told me you checked the legs of a wow now nobody else probably did that tonight just all sat down that's called faith what did you do you yielded to the chair you surrender to the chair imagine what god would do with you if you have that faith in god himself just to yield to the lord and say carry me lord he will you know jesus said i'm the vine of the branch if you take the branches off the vine disappears because the vine and the branch are one so what does the branch do is hang in there that's all and he pours that nourishment into the branch and the fruit comes from the vine not the branch so what do you do as a christian stay connected it's just that simple we stay connected to the lord that's it abide in me said stay connected to me stay close to me simple stuff so it's easy to deny self and care of the cross and follow the lord if you stay connected with him so simple really daily talk to him daily let him talk to you through his blessed word now knowing we're strangers are you listening yeah i i knew you were just had to ask knowing where strangers like abraham knowing this world one day is gonna burn up what kind of people should we be here's what it says in ii peter knowing that all this is coming and believe me it's coming fast real fast willie habibi you know people ask me how long do we have pastor benny how long do we have before jesus comes and i have an answer for them that i'm going to give you in just a few minutes but first let me show you this second peter chapter 3 verse 11 answers the question i just asked it's a seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved what manner of persons aren't you to be so since this world is going to blow up and vanish away soon what kind of people should we be here's what it says number one it says let me finish reading it what manner of persons are you to be in all holy conversation or conduct and godliness so the first thing the bible says is that we are to live a holy life holy living it says in all holy conduct and godliness the first thing you and i must do is live holy how well i just told you how deny yourself pick up the cross die to the flesh in the world follow the lord then you'll be holy but then it says something wonderful it says looking verse 12 looking and hasting unto the coming of the day of god so if i want to be ready for the coming of the lord if i want to be accepted by the lord i have to live holy and number two i have to look forward to the day of the lord so we have to be a a looking people looking for the coming of the lord so number one he says be holy number two he says look for the coming look for the coming of the lord that great day of the lord wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat so i look for the lord i say come the lord jesus not only do i live holy but i look for the coming of the lord very few people today are teaching on the second coming and thirdly it says this looking and hasting you know what the word hasting means the word hasting has to do with evangelism means do your job work be ready by working evangelizing preaching the gospel strengthening the church like your job is william so we do our duty a steward must be found faithful so number one live holy get the world out of your life number two look for the coming of the lord and number three do your job preach the gospel hasting don't be don't be passive don't wait for zero hour to strike where we we got a part to play the bible says we are a heavenly people rescued from the the dominion of the devil in darkness we've we've entered into the kingdom so what are we we are a colony of heaven with a heavenly people heavenly citizens so since we are a heavenly people our thinking must become heavenly our life must become heavenly paul tells the church in corinth in second corinthians are you listening to all this yes in second corinthians 4 and verse 18 he says while we look not at the things which are seen but the things which are not seen so we look at heavenly things for the things which are seen are temporal the things which are not seen are eternal so we we we've got to change our thinking we have to change the way we look at life our thinking must now be dominated by the unseen not the scene like abraham you know persuaded and embraced his vision of heaven he looked for a city and he embraced that city he began living for the next life in this life and we have a heavenly vision do you remember what paul said he said i was not disobedient to the heavenly vision i took hold of that vision and so must we not only are we heavenly people the bible says we have a heavenly call and when did we when did we receive that heavenly call at salvation philippians 3 20. talks about a change that has to happen in your life in philippians giving you lots of scriptures i hope you're going to look them up later and a lot of these you've you've read and you've known but maybe now you see a new light with it he said for our conversation or our conduct is in heaven in other words our citizenship in the greek is in heaven from whence also we look for the savior the lord jesus christ now watch this i love this heavenly people it says in verse 21 who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body according to the working whereby is able even to subdue all things unto himself that's a mighty mighty word here that god will take this vile body and he will change it like his glorious body wait a minute he will change like his glorious body what does he look like don't you remember on the mount of transfiguration his face was altered and began to shine so will your face it says his robe began to shine like the sun john saw him and said his eyes were like fire his hair looked like wool his feet like brass like they had burnt in an oven in a furnace his voice like the son of water that's you when we shall see him we shall be like him god is gonna perform a miracle in your life that is amazing you're the heavenly people now but you see this body one day is going to go to the ground as a seed and come forth as a spiritual glorious body and when i say spiritual i don't mean non-physical when jesus rose from the dead he arose with the same physical body that was buried but that body had no limitations no limitations means spiritual that's what paul means by spiritual spirit you know spiritual doesn't mean spirit jesus was raised with a spiritual body meaning no limitations to that body can walk through a wall disappear and appear like a spirit of light and more like more than that one of these days the bible says we shall be changed as in a twinkling of an eye now we're about to run out of time on this planet now i'll give you some some answers soon but i'm almost done here you know abraham looked for a heavenly city and lot looked for a city worse than he had lot looked for a place worse than what he came out of that's like some christians don't forget that part abraham looked for the heavenly city and lot looked for an earthly city and look what he got into the angels had to pull them out by hand come on we've got to go and when abraham looked for that city god called him my friend that's what i want god to call me you too huh so what do i do now i got to do what philippians 3 says forget the things that are behind me like they never happened say after me i live say i live a life of no limitations life of the spirit no limits you know what no no limits means it means no no past record no wait hold just hold it past record means you were never on drugs you never were divorced you never did what you thought you did because you're a new creation that's no limits it says all things are yours all things are yours life death all things are yours the second you become a christian your past record is erased the only one who brings back your past record is the devil so anyone who says to you here's what you did when you or whatever that someone is from the devil because god never brings back the past to us the past with him doesn't exist this doesn't exist so kathryn kuhlman when she was young divorced a man she was 16 years old got into the ministry began preaching like charles spurgeon at the same age had a massive ministry with big crowds in her 20s and she fell in love with a man named mr waltrip who left his wife to marry her and miss kuman almost lost her life in ministry so she left this man because of the conviction god's conviction was so heavy on her she said i gotta go go and make things right in my own life so they divorced and she almost lost her ministry and she was walking down on a dead-end road literally it's a dead end on a sign and god met her there and she repented and asked forgiveness and the lord said catherine now that you've repented in my books it never happened my books had never happened she turned around walked away to never talk about it again a lady comes up to her in church catherine went back into the ministry a woman came said how dare you preach you're a divorced woman it was bad enough in those days to be a woman preacher now a divorced woman preacher and lady said how dare you preach as a divorced woman oh honey she said that was somebody else then she said this wait wait she said that catherine died that catherine died boy there she believed the promises huh i will not remember your sin anymore in my books he said to her it never happened never to discuss it again as long as she lived and shook the world why no limits no past no limits as a believer we have no past my brother chris we went to israel years and years ago we're walking in the yard of the school and in the in the order of this of the school is where the kids used to make fun of me because i did not speak well i used to stutter and you just go crying don't you remember i said i remember nothing said never happened that many does not exist anymore you see the thing is you live the christian life you have to live it like the bible teaches so i'm talking to people here who've made all kinds of mistakes fine have you repented fine it never happened now go and sin no more it never happened that's it that's that's what jesus said you're free from that limit that limitation of life you know so you have to forget the things that are behind forget it paul forgot everything about his life even his education and all that gamaliel taught him he said no he he said i count all things lost why for the excellency of the knowledge of jesus ah just to know jesus all i want to know see now he becomes so real in your life this wonderful savior becomes so real in your life and you live just to please him kent murak said to me one day said what what do you want from the lord when you're all done i said a smile just one smile is all i want that's my reward so it says forget the things that are behind and reach press toward that blessed goal what is the goal jesus winning jesus gaining the lord himself not some throne or crown no the lord win him winning his trust again winning his love again if necessary dying for him as a martyr what a privilege a friend of mine named ryan wilkerson gave me a book years ago which i've read now three four times already fox's book of martyrs he said this was catherine comen's copy so i opened the book and there in her own handwriting she wrote give me the privilege to be one of them and i said ralph that's why god used her so the lord spoke to me about a year or more ago he said read that book again i read it i read it twice now oh dear lord that change that took place in my heart when i read that book there was a time in in this country in america where every home had a bible and fox's book of mortals every home you read that book and you read the cost the price the early believers paid do you know do you know that millions were killed by the church by the church for wanting to read the bible millions died to give us this precious book many years ago the catholic church was the only church and it was corrupt and the popes had mistresses some of them not just history go check it out and they wanted to control the masses that's why martin luther came on the scene and william tyndale before him and others and they corrupted the first translation of the bible the latin vulgate 2000 they they changed 2000 scriptures to fit their mentality yeah and the people were not allowed to own a bible they would chain the bible to the pulpits chain them with a chain so nobody would read it but the priests explained what it said and they were reading a polluted translation and then people like john huss and others like him begin to go into the real original hebrew in greek and discover what the bible really says they killed them they killed john huss and while he was burning he was praising the lord and it said in that book that his praise was louder than the noise of the crowds william tyndale they killed him for giving us the english bible wow they killed him and then came luther thank god the great reformation those morning stars are called you know that gave us the bible and today people are neglecting this book that has cost the lives of millions of christians so you read the amazing price they paid how they love the lord and and a fire burns in you lord give me that love i've never known it before that i would pay that price if necessary i've been saying it for a long time you might as well hear it i said prosecution will come to america when trump leaves the white house get ready he said what must we do i've been telling you what to do disconnect from the world and get to know your redeemer get to know your wonderful savior open that beautiful bible and read it from genesis to revelation don't skip a book don't skip a verse eighty percent of christians today have not read the whole bible forty percent of preachers have not read the whole bible that's just a tested thing you know today it's time we all know the mind of god in the in the early church they did not have matthew mark luke john in the book of acts and the epistles they just said the old testament and they found jesus in the old testament let's find him too let's serve and love him lift your hands and tell him how much you need him right now let's talk to him [Music] lord jesus [Music] thou of god [Music] thee will i cherish thee will i honor thy my soul's glory joy [Music] [Music] say your lord of all nations son of god and son of man [Music] adorations [Music] now and forevermore i love you i love you i love you lord today because you cared for me in such a special way and i wanna praise you and lift you up and magnify your holy name that's why my heart is filled with praise glory to the lamb [Music] why don't you stand up and just adore him right now glory tell him glory [Music] glory to the lamb [Music] glory glory glory to the lamb for you are glorious and worthy to be praised you're the lamb for you are glorious and worthy to be praised [Music] is [Music] foreign [Music] you're the last glory glory to [Music] we worship you bless the lord for your glorious [Music] upon the throne [Music] you're [Music] holy holy holy are you lord [Music] holy holy holy holy holy holy are you [Music] holy holy heart [Music] can you hear the sound of heaven like the sound of many waters the sound of worship coming from the throne there are cries of adorations as men from every nation lift their voice to make his glory known [Music] one of these days will be among the crowd holy holy holy [Music] lift a voice and tell him sex [Applause] the elders and angels by [Music] bloody [Music] home [Music] [Music] the elders oh you know [Music] oh we've come to worship and thank you for your love give us that heart lord [Music] making us whole within [Music] giving us an undying love baptize us with a fresh baptism of love for you lord for you only for you inflame our hearts to love you unto death it means our life we're ready to offer a life yes lord i'm ready to offer my life it's a pleasure do that work within us that only you can do we cannot do it on our own we cannot do it by ourselves give us that love lord for you only you can do it only you can make it happen work that deep work holy spirit in each one of us a real work wonderful father everything in us that you hate just take it out and kill it anything you don't want in our lives take it out and destroy it every seed sown by the world or the enemy in our hearts take it out and kill it [Music] sanctify us unto yourself [Music] sanctify our whole being for you only you can do it wonderful lord dearest jesus on that day we want to be accepted we want to be accepted count us among the righteous [Music] count us among the faithful create in us a clean heart lord and a clean mind lord we know right spirit and the right mind in each one of us cast us not away from your presence take not thy holy spirit away from us restore the joy of our salvation [Music] hold us up with a willing heart and a willing spirit that we might teach transgressors your ways and bring sinners to the cross [Music] oh lord do it we can't do it on our own the same prayer of david we cry today create in miracle in heart or god bring our right spirit within below cast not away from thy presence take not thy holy spirit restore unto me the joy and restore everything i've lost in my life my star lord and give me that willing spirit the willing heart i might teach transgressors your ways transverses inside the church to strengthen them teaching your ways bring sinners to the cross oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] cleanse our lives [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] chances [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do a deep work [Music] do a deep work in the hearts of your people lord such a deep work beginning tonight that people will see it the loved ones will see it the friends will see it do a deep work in them lord begin to purge away all the things that the world has placed within them that got into them whether they knew it or not know it just begin the work grant that every one of them will stand on that day blameless your word declares unto him who's able to keep us from falling and to present us with joy blameless in his wonderful presence to the only wise god be glory only you can do it lord we don't want to be rejected and dismissed now lord help us redeem the time help us regain all we've lost in the past our christian life will shine with bright glory through our hearts and lives [Music] let our light shine lord in this hour of darkness on earth [Music] true disciples true children of god only you can do it in us now lord also heal those today who need healing in their body you that have a need in your life physically lift your hands and ask him to heal you now [Music] oh sweet dear lord jesus they've come to hear your word they've come to feel your touch [Music] heal your people let that same resurrection power that flow through your body flow through them now the same resurrection power that raised you from the dead i rebuke sicknesses here i rebuke disease infirmities i step into my office and i'll rebuke that sickness in the mighty name jesus let them begin to feel that mighty anointing for healing lord on their own body let them leave this house healed delivered from that bondage that oppression in jesus name i give you praise i give you praise every one of you lift your hands to heaven so lord i'm ready for a new beginning a new life dedicated only to you dear jesus give me a love for you i've never known give me a love a mighty fiery love [Music] that will burn away the world out of my life oh dear jesus inflame me [Music] inflame me with your love and if it's necessary i give my life i'm ready give me the will the strength to do it oh lord jesus i love you but forgive my cold heart give me a new heart full of fire full of mighty fire for you lord holy spirit cleanse me purify me wash me make me whole oh blessed holy spirit help me to renew my mind with your word strengthen me establish your word in my heart and establish me in your word in jesus name on that day i will be ready and lord i will finish strong i will finish way stronger than i can believe for do it lord in your holy name in my life amen now lord you're the prayer you're the cry answer that blessed request in these last days lord let them shine with your glory in jesus wonderful name i give you the praise [Music] take your seats for just a few minutes i'm going to give the platform back to my nephew and i just want to tell you just a few words before i say thank you for allowing me to come we are about to enter a turbulent season in this country we don't know what's going to happen all we know marie please or chad all we know is the days ahead are possibly be difficult for this country so we need to pray and not only pray that the lord will use us but pray for our leaders whoever they may be and pray for our new president whether you like them or not it's god's command we pray for our leaders and pray that god will extend and i've been praying that often now that the lord will extend his season of grace in this country number one number two pray for israel that god's people will turn to him there's an amazing move of god today inside israel where jews are winning jews you can go on youtube and look tree of life and you'll see jews winning jews on the streets young people bringing the gospel they walk up to people and say read this book and they have them read isaiah and they say who do you think it's talking about and they're getting saved on the streets and then pray for the 300 million christians around the world under prosecution 10 000 getting killed every year now for the faith think about 300 million christians under prosecution so join me daily every day i pray for those in prisons those under prosecution i pray for israel pray for america that god will give us a season of grace we need it and pray for the church in this country that the church will become united and strong in the lord and william my nephew william come here a minute now the lord has given you an assignment and you will probably see what your uncle has not seen what i've not seen and you're there didn't see but here is what what you need to focus on three things number one focus on building a reservoir inside your heart with god's word so when the troubled times come you'll know where to go see the problem today is people young people and ministers in particular preachers young preachers not all of them but some of them don't know the bible at all they read the bible just to fulfill their guilt they don't read the bible to know the lord so and i'm sure you're doing but i'm saying it in front of all of them get to know the word from genesis to revelation don't read anything outside the word or anything that's not connected to the word because a lot of times preachers who have been mightily use of god begin to read other materials that have nothing to do with the bible and they become some of them mentally have gone off so you you you need to build that reservoir michael you know kolyanos asked me said bob that's my son-in-law he said bob what do we do to have longevity in the ministry i said what three things so number one build the reservoir inside your heart meaning the word so when trouble comes you can you know where to go you know and bring the answers out so the bible is key now it's key that you truly know the word like your daddy know the word know the whole counsel of god for yourself don't let anyone influence your thinking except the holy spirit secondly cleave to the lord and you cleave to the lord through his word because his word reveals him you know and talk to him while you're reading the word and studying the word just talk to the lord just commune with him because the word of god is what quickens prayer and quickens fellowship you know the lord said if my word abides in you you will ask you will fellowship and thirdly never leave your call never walk away from your call fulfill the call because in the call is protection for your future so people sometimes leave the call meaning they begin to do other things that god never called them or begin to say things god never told them to say now today we have a dangerous thing happening in the church so i want the whole church to hear it as i am telling you publicly today there is a move away from the real gospel the message now is let's uh basically uh you know charles charles spurgeon said something powerful he said we will not we will not allow the bible to fit the age but we'll make sure to fit the age to the bible so today people are changing the bible to fit the age to to fit with the crowd so there's there's coming there's coming an attack against the resurrection of the lord the truth of the resurrection and it's already begun when people say which they have jesus is only one way to heaven that's denying the resurrection that's the beginning of the under resurrection or people who are saying let's find common grounds without with other religions that's very dangerous don't don't be a part of that crowd see you you just keep your eyes straight on the lord and and and the in the future in this country in this country especially in this country then it's going to spread there's going to be an attack against the deity of the lord you see the first attack on the church the holy church was what that jesus did not come in the flesh that's why john dealt with it in the epistle that jesus is not the son of god they denied that he's the son of god that was that was called aryanism and what they said basically is that jesus as a man could not be god and then athanasius came and had to correct it that no he is god in the flesh devil is always aiming at destroying people's faith in who jesus christ is when we have the answer to who he is we'll have to answer to every question in life is answered when we have our view right on who jesus is our view will be right on everything else in life but see because he's the central truth of life itself so focus on the lord huh and focus on your call god has given you a great responsibility here and you're going to be doing good you know why i know it because god has called you that's how i know it now you sweet people support this young man not because he's my nephew because he loves jesus with all his heart and because he has something solid in his spirit he will not lead you astray see so you stand behind him and you pray for him he's young you know but so was i yeah but the lord is gonna guide you and your daddy and i will be watching but in the meantime i'm telling you right now i don't i don't even have to prophesy that your future is brighter than you can imagine no i mean that you you your future is great and you can you can imagine and i'm gonna finish with one more thing my mom was very discerning as you remember your tata huh and she told me god is going to you as willie she focused on you a lot you remember that you got a good future and a blessed one stretch your hands towards them and pray in the spirit you can close the service now it's all yours can i go to the back thank you keep keep praying for him and william come take the mic [Music] god is doing a new thing god is raising a new generation the end of last year i heard the lord say the wild ones are coming the wild ones the wild ones are coming [Music] there's going to be worship like we've never seen worship [Music] they shut down the churches because of covet so worship broke out into the streets people were not allowed to their church buildings so that people began to realize they're the building people standing at balconies worshiping god in parking lots in iran the largest underground church began to grow multi thousands of women underground [Music] china will not be able to contain the underground church that's about to bust out of its seams [Music] [Applause] the muslim world will be overtaken by the gospel of the kingdom religion [Music] may tell you jesus is a way so let's just get along with each other [Music] but they're not aware that the wild ones are coming and the wild ones are not going to have a doctrine [Music] they're going to have presence there's going to be power like we've never seen power is about to come that this world has never seen and it's not meant for the spooky christians it's for those that are running after god and they're going to come to know the lord of hosts the lord of hosts is the lord of a mighty military army called the angelic force [Music] abraham entertained angels angels served throughout all scripture they are servants to the heirs of salvation [Music] people begin to experience angels not so they can just say i saw an angel but the empowering of the angelic host i felt tonight like we are surrounded [Music] i know this world is about to go through trials it's been through trials but what the world does not know is god has planned an ambush god has already designed what's about to take place god has already ordered there's going to be a move of god in this world like this world has never seen and god is raising a generation like my son and my children and like you that are on fire for god i wept tonight for most of the service because i began to remember [Music] i remember the songs my brother was singing i remember as a young man how we would worship [Music] i've rarely met a worshiper like my brother but god gave me a family of worshipers god is in this season raising up worshipers listen to me not singers i said worshipers that worship god in spirit and in truth their mom raised them to worship [Music] he's been a worshiper all his life and what god wants to do in this house is raise fiery crazy my bro my brother says something like they took him to the doctor to check his brain because they thought that he's lost his mind well he doesn't maybe remember but we did lose our mind we got a new mind it's called the mind of christ and i'm telling you you can't have one foot in the world and one foot in the kingdom a kingdom divided cannot stand my brother prayed for the sick i want you to do this before you leave i know some people want hands laid on them you know he only goes as the spirit leads but i've seen it many times when he releases the word of healing and you're believing to receive healing you claim it as yours you hang on to it take it home with you pursue it if you go home and your body's acting like it's been acting like before and the pain remains you keep declaring the word because tonight there was a release i'm telling you i felt it i used to feel it when i was young listen as a teenager he'd send me out to the crowds go get that one on the left and go get that one on the right not to go find them and i would feel it i felt it tonight many of you are healed don't forget that god spoke his word of release into your life spirit soul or body if it's yours you claim it as yours and hold on to it thank you for being here tonight love you son
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 12,326
Rating: 4.8726792 out of 5
Keywords: Benny Hinn, William Hinn, Risen Nation Church
Id: QBl9Nde6hYk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 8sec (8168 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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