Change the Wineskin | William Hinn

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[Music] can you guys just lift your hands and stay seated holy spirit i pray that you feel more welcome here than anyone or anything we don't just want to say a house for him as a cute tagline we really mean it we really mean that this is a place for the living god to find rest so come and inhabit god give us revelation today may we see you new and clear in jesus name and everybody said amen amen can you stay with me for a sec hey if you serve or you have served in the military could you just stand please can we honor them [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for your service this day is more than just like hot dogs and hamburgers although i'm very looking forward to that uh today um but we honor you for what you have given your life for amen okay so today uh i am i'm honored to be here i'm i'm super excited uh that we are going to be family as of yeah as of august 1st and i'm honored that i get to do this with todd and jackie can we just honor them really quick uh but august 1st it's it's all going to begin and i want to take uh the next you know month of july todd will be here next week and then i'll be back again and i want to i want us to talk about how we approach him and how we respond to him and then come august we're going to be releasing vision and talking about um you know different things that we're going to be starting like prayer rooms and just all kinds of stuff that i couldn't be more excited about right now we really have a sunday service and we've got youth group and just a few other things but we're gonna we wanna make a house where people can come on wednesday nights there's gonna be things that we are going to begin to provide that i'm really excited to share with you but any vision outside of god's presence is not vision it's just ideas it's it's good ideas that we could build honestly probably build a mega church off of good ideas but any church that doesn't have his presence is not a church and so i figure the month of july we're just gonna go for it okay like we're gonna i want to get to know you and i want you to get to know us as riza nation north which now we have two campuses it's crazy as a big family um but the main important thing and if do we have any lcu students here this morning raise your hand yay i'm excited for lc preview coming up is that this week wow chip's gonna talk about at the end it's gonna be amazing it's gonna be fun um but some of our especially lcu students have probably heard some of what i'm going to talk about so help me preach today but i want to add some vision and revelation to what we mean when we say believe behold become okay i want to because it's really important you know that you understand that todd and i didn't just get together and say what would be a cool like rhyming thing to say about our church um todd heard this from the lord and when we married these two things of what we've always said at resignation is that this is a place for him and he said i just keep hearing this in my heart believe behold become and it was like the light bulbs went on for both of us we're going this is it this is what god wants us to build on so i want to talk to you about what is that what is what is this that god wants us to build on thanks david i i appreciate it bro um but proverbs 29 18 it says where there is no vision the people perish and and i'm going to give you a lot of scripture today so just write it down study it on your own time but proverbs 29 18 where there is no vision the people perish how many of you know it's easy to start something it's much harder to finish it like when i very first start jogging like when i decide to do cardio every other month see todd fasts and does cardio on fast days i'm like i'm good um i don't know how he does it but when i start running it's like i'm feeling in that moment i feel like usain bolt you know like i could run a marathon and i could run 100 meter in nine seconds but then about nine seconds later all of a sudden i'm not an olympian anymore i am an out to shape dad so it's really easy to start something like it's it's easy to have a baby when you're married of course it's a whole nother thing to have to keep that baby alive it's a whole nother thing to have to change poop and all of the blowouts and the stuff that as a father makes me gag and it's another thing to raise a child it's easy to have a child it's another thing to raise one immature people get pregnant all the time outside of the covenant of marriage and it's sin and it's wrong it's anyone can do that but not everyone can be a father not everybody can be a mother like moms i honor you your reward is way bigger than mine that's for sure because that life is not for the faint of heart what i see my wife go through every day while i get to be here and work is i don't know how she does it but it's easy to start something but to finish it we need consistency and we need stability because what we're not going to have here is a revolving door we don't want what and the reality is is god doesn't call you to a church building he doesn't call you to a 501c3 ministry god calls you to people god didn't say to moses i want you to start moses international ministries he said i want you to raise 70 elders and i want to i want you to give them your spirit i'm calling you moses to the children of israel and so it's not about where are you called it's who exactly are you called to who are you called to run with see i believe and i know because the bible tells me so that before the foundation of the world i was chosen in him you were chosen in him before the foundation of the world so if i was chosen in god before the foundation world my destiny was already finished right so god doesn't start you and then finish you know the wisdom of god finishes you and then he says begin right so before i was ever born god saw todd and he said and i'm going to take these two and they're going to be different one's going to have dreadlocks one is not i don't know what to call my hair exactly poofy hair blow dryers i do it i'm not ashamed i'm gonna take these two guys with weird hair and i'm gonna bring them together and i'm gonna call them to a people so god doesn't say i want you to go to lifestyle christianity church origination church no he says i want you to find a community that hosts my presence well and i want you to to remember the body of christ as members of the body remember his body together again so us just going to buildings and having good services is actually going to accomplish nothing so without vision without us having aim the people perished that word vision i found this out last night that word vision means redemptive revelation it's not just this is the program we're going to release so that's why before august 1st we have to see the revelation of what god's doing because otherwise we're just going to be another church in another corner with lots of programs for you to keep you to keep tithes to keep offerings but it's not about keeping you to have tithes and offerings it's about god starting a movement that is sustainable in a people because people have found the consistency and the cadence of god and they're not willing to change you know i i went through this um you know when when all the change was happening and everything was going on you know there was moments of when god is like doing and and suddenly and it's changing your whole life there could be a temptation for fear to try to creep in in all kinds of areas and i remember when everything's going on i felt like i was losing control which is exactly what i need to do and you're losing grip of what you think you can control and fear tries to creep in and i remember in a moment that i felt that i heard the lord speak to me and say just follow the cadence everything in god is working according to a perfect plan there's a cadence that's constantly in heaven see when we worship worship is not something we generate it's something we join there's constant worship happening in heavenly places the worst thing we can do is sing something contrary to what's being sung in heaven see that's why i don't like songs in worship there's good songs but but worship is not about us so writing worship songs about you is not going to move god's heart it might move a room but god won't be in that room but worship that's vertical that actually tends to him changes everything right because worship is not generated with good songwriting worship is joined there's an atmosphere that is already happening in heavenly places that we have the opportunity to join into we're not here to create our own environment and own atmosphere no we're here to bring the environment of heaven down so heaven has to like what's coming out to say oh like i love in revelation 8 heaven went silent for half an hour so you feel the lord heaven went silent for half an hour to listen to what the incense of the people what is instance prayer and worship heaven went silent to listen to what was coming up to heaven from the earth and god liked it so he responded with fire and poured fire back down to the earth see here what we're not doing is we're not having a church service so if you want the hour and get out we bless you and there's places that do that but here this being a house for the lord is a place where we will find his habitation and like david will say i found the tabernacle of the lord and i'm going to give my life for this one desire to stay i'm not talking about you staying in church i'm saying god is developing a habitation in this moment of unity and it's going to be released through redemptive revelation by way of mercy amen and you know what it says in in habitat 2 though the vision terry wait for it that word wait in hebrew means to carve like let the waiting carve you let it let it press you because the lord is is doing something that is going to crush a people until there's nothing left but clean hands in a pure heart let him sift us in the month of july that's what i've been praying as your new pastor sift us lord people are like i just want the encouraging message i don't know if you've ever heard todd preach or me preach but it's mostly intense and mostly about clean hands and a pure heart because god wants to reign righteousness on a people god wants to rain fire on a people and laxatical christianity just ain't gonna make it anymore complacent boredom in church there's other places you can be bored but here this is a house for the lord you know what that's gonna look like peculiar people strange people people walk in they're like these people scare me but my insides are shaking i have no idea what that guy's talking about i'm not sure i believe it but i can't stop shaking inside [Music] that's what we're going to do here amen this is going to be very exciting and it's going to be very sifting and very purifying and i'm very excited amen because listen i figure might as well just start let's just start off running you know what i'm saying let's i don't need to stand here and win you we all just need to fall in love with jesus that's period if we can have clear vision and clear aim i've heard it said like this vision is the foundation of courage it's the root of persistence it will give you the strength to fight when it seems pointless vision will be your guide when nights are dark and it will be your health when your body gets tired why because without it the people perish there's no aim and i want to talk to you today because i think when god spoke to todd believe behold become the revelation that god wants to unpack in that is actually leading us by way of mercy into the most holy place and and it's going to be an aim for us it's not just going to be a mission statement we build on it's going to be an actual aim that we pursue every prayer room we come into every worship set that we come to this is not your worship experience this is god's experience we don't even come here see i know that this offends people but we don't even come here for our personal lives to be fed first although they will we come here first to tend to the master that's what church was always intended to be it was never intended to be a country club where we just gather and hang out and have buddies no no it was intended to be a place where god's presence finds rest and bob jones prophesied in 2009 that the decade of 2020 to 2030 would be marked as a decade of rest god resting in a people and a people resting in god that have become one that was bob jones prophecy it's interesting to me that 2020 started out as the most chaotic year i think any of us have ever experienced in our entire lives because what god is doing is god's going to use pressure and presence and it's going to produce an oil that we only find in a place called seated so what it'll do is this is just the god that i know the god didn't cause kophan 19. no the enemy comes to kill steal and destroy but the god that i know turns all things for good of those who love him and are called according to his purpose we had we had family members i'm not exalting kovid we had family members in our church that lost parents over it but it's not going to keep us from finding the redemptive revelation so we're sensitive in in that it really did affect a lot of people but in it what god did through it is that in the beginning of it when it all started god said i know you can preach i know you can do because immediately you know all of us pastors were like we got to do as many videos as possible we got to make sure and the lord spoke to me said no you just want to stay relevant in front of the people what if i want everyone to sit down and be quiet for a little bit because there's an authority that god wants to release his bride that only comes in a place called seated ready seated in heavenly places ephesians 2 6. i know you can preach i know you can worship i know you can do all of this stuff remember revelation 2 you do everything right but one thing i have against you i know you could but he said to me but can you sit down so what we did as resignation nothing we just said god we're gonna sit down and we're going to listen and we didn't know if we would have a church when we came back because we started a church around covet which is brilliant you know but what god did is i learned the less i did the more he did the less i became the more he became and god is saying can you sit and can you wait and that waiting is going to carve us into something amen okay ephesians 4 11 through 13 and and don't turn to these i'm going to just hit these quick and then we're going to go somewhere ephesians 4 11-13 listen he's assembling everyone say assembling he's not gathering two churches he is assembling two churches gathering is i'm going to take a bunch of car parts and put them in a garage awesome doesn't make it a car but when i start putting them together only then it becomes a card assembling them so god is assembling us and it says this in ephesians 4 11-13 and he gave some to be apostles some prophets some evangelists some pastors some teachers for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry for the edifying of the body of christ until everyone say until we miss that little word a lot because there's something coming five-fold is only until it's working only until we all everyone say all so now everyone's invited in see that some apostles because it says some not everybody some apostles some prophets some teachers some evangelists some pastors but it's only until all are you hearing me come to the unity of faith in the knowledge of the son of man to a perfect man to the measure of the stature of the fullness of christ my dad last night preached at our north campus and said something that was so profound he said in the kingdom of god there's only one man i said what'd you say only one man you're either in him or you are not in the kingdom [Music] one hand one man with a head lordship and his body until we all come into the unity of faith of one everyone say one one perfect man everyone's saying till zechariah 6 12 says this then say to him thus says the lord of hosts behold a man whose name is branch for he will branch out from where he is and he will build the temple of the lord another translation says he will build the true temple of the lord this is what god's been doing it's what we've been talking about acts 15 says i am going to pour my spirit out on the gentiles and after that i will rebuild the tabernacle of david anyone remember that what he's doing in this hour is rebuilding the tabernacle of david a bunch of worship worshipers behold whose name is branch for he will branch out from where he is and he will build the true temple of the lord isaiah 4 2-3 just write these down in that day the branch of the lord will be beautiful and glorious and the fruit of the earth will be the pride and the adornment of the survivors of israel it will come about that he who is left in zion and remains in jerusalem will be called holy remember those who wait go the vision terry wait let it carve you let it crush you because there's wine that's coming in the crushing who is that branch obviously we know it is christ jesus but then jesus says this in john 15 5 just to confuse us i am the vine and you are the branches he who abides in me and i in him bears much fruit for apart from me you can do nothing so is the branch him or is it us is he is he the vine and we are the branch or how is this working is it him or is it us or could it be us in him right it says this in john 17 21-23 i pray that they will be one everyone say one just as you and i are one as you are in me father and i am in you and may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me i have given them the glory that you've given me so that they may be one even as you and i are one i in them and you in me may they experience listen to this made this is the new living translation may they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you have sent me and that you love me as much as you loved them i mean we could take eternity just looking at you've loved me and you've loved them as much as you've loved me do you realize the greatest revelation you can ever find out is that what the father thinks about jesus he thinks about you like do you realize that what is true about jesus has now become true about you i don't know if you guys are just awaiting fireworks today the lord wants to set something in our heart okay silence belongs in the grave i said what is true about jesus is now true about you do you realize that that is incredible news but we're so in the way that we're missing when it says i'm raising a branch and that branch is going to restore the true temple of god he is inviting us into that i heard my dad give this example last night again blew my mind he said what is this is it water why don't you say it's a bottle why don't you say that because there's water inside of it so you say it's water if i put coffee in here you would say well it's coffee if i put oil in here you'd say it's oil we you would never identify it based on the bottle you would identify based on what's inside the bottle is christ in you so why do you identify yourself with anything else other than what's in you who lied to you and just said you're a bottle it sounds a lot like the devil come on if you be the son of god if you really be water pour yourself out see the devil's not the devil's not going to come to you and say hey let's see we get confused with what the works of the flesh are and the actual devil see the flesh will say lustful things like sex and and alcohol and drugs works of the flesh does the enemy use it absolutely but the enemy sounds religious see sex drugs in rock and roll didn't put jesus on the cross the pharisees did so religion listen religion sounds like this did he really say is that really who you are no you're not remember the remember the works of the flesh you're fl see what the enemy does is he uses religious garbage to exalt the bottle so you forget about the water no no no you you just watched pornography last night you're not a son you see the more you believe you're a sinner the more you're going to sin but the more you believe you're a son god will remove the temptation of sin like either we believe we've been set free from sin or we're just gonna go in a circle for eternity i'm just a what a sinner i am waiting to get to heaven and you'll go and that'll be great but god wants to pour out new wine in a people that say i am not listen i am nothing other than christ jesus in me on the earth you know how offensive that is how could you say that about yourself the problem is is you're still in the way the problem is is you're beholding in the mirror you not glory you're beholding in the mirror what you've done not what he's done so every time we say oh how unworthy i am what we're saying is jesus your blood i'm going to spit on it because it doesn't work for me it might have worked for todd but for me it's just not working how dare you say of yourself anything other than what god says about you you are identified by what's in you what's in you everyone say in me christ in you is the hope of glory that word hope is not maybe one day i'll get it no it's the confident expectation it means in greek confident expectation that christ in me is actually in me you are the branch why because you're in him either jesus prayer works father may they be one us and them and them and me i mean these are the conversations that jesus and the father are having about you are you serious there's no life outside of him so either you're the glory of god or you're the glory of something else and everything in this world wants your image everything he's changing the wine skin everyone say the wine skin isaiah 65 says that new wine is found in the cluster how many of you know you can't you can't make wine with one grape just doesn't it doesn't work you got to get a cluster of grapes you've got to get rich a nation lifestyle christianity to get together and the new wine is going to be poured out in the cluster it says don't destroy it like so many do with denominations that's what isaiah 60 says 65 don't destroy the cluster because there's a blessing in it in other words don't let pride take you from humility because there's a there's a blessing in the coming together and that coming together is going to produce new wine that coming together is us saying as a people we are coming into christ and it's going to change everything it's not about you following todd and i it's about us getting together as a people yes you will have voices of movements of course leadership very valuable fathers sons extremely important but sons have to become fathers someday the point is not to just keep you sons is to turn you into fathers until there's a whole generation walking up a mountain together that has become everyone say the branch and that branch that communion that coming together is going to restore the true tabernacle of the lord are you with me okay everyone turn to matthew9 thank you for repeating that i appreciate it you guys are fiery i like it i love preaching at lcu because at lcu you just say like hi and they're like you're like okay i said hi yeah then you always got the ones that you say something you don't want an amen to and you're like amen i'm like you weren't listening so be mindful he's changing the wine skin listen i i've mentioned this before on a sunday but i i want to make sure that we are all on the same page that we all have the same vision because without redemptive revelation like this the people perish okay this is matthew 9 verse 12 it says when jesus heard that he said to them those those who are well have no need of a physician but those who are sick but go and learn what this means i desire mercy and not sacrifice for i did not come to call the righteous but the sinners to repentance and then jesus i love it because he explains what he means when he says i desire mercy not sacrifice in the next four three four verses then the disciples of john came to him saying why do we in the pharisees fast often but your disciples do not fast verse 15 and jesus said to them can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them but the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them and then they will fast verse 16 no one puts a piece of unshrunk cloth in an old garment for the patch pulls away from the garment and the tear is made worse nor do they put new wine into old wineskins or else the wineskins break and the wine is spilled and the wineskins are ruined but they put new wine into new wine skins and both are reserved i love jesus lord open up the scriptures to us reveal them to us take the veil off of them so jesus is saying i don't i desire mercy more than i desire sacrifice then he explains it and he uses john's disciples question to answer what he just said go and find out what this means oh perfect they're asking me the perfect question here's the question why are we and the pharisees more radical than your guys like any if you think first of all john's disciples teaming up with the pharisees was probably problem number one but joins up with the pharisees and says we are fasting all the time we're praying we're doing all of the right stuff and all your guys do is just stay close to you all day all they do is stay in proximity i mean why do they why are we awesome and you guys are not like we're doing all the performing according to the book of moses but your guys are just in your presence jesus responds and he says well the bridegroom's with them you can't mourn when the bridegroom's with them but but i love that he says this but they will because fasting is extremely important but why you're fasting is more important oh they're going to fast but you can't take an old wine skin and put new wine in it seems off topic you can't you can't take new wine put in an old wine skin because the wine skin is going to bust open so what is he saying he's saying listen all of your performance isn't working anymore all of your works it's not getting you anywhere anymore so jesus comes he he is god wrapped in flesh became fully man and then he's and then he says crazy things like you can't take new wine and put it in old wine skin well what is he referring to the old wine skin is fasting according to the book of the law so controversial i love jesus nothing about him like we always think of like the blond-haired blue-eyed gentle guy no there was nothing about him that they said was desirable he flipped tables he made whips jesus was a beast in a beautiful way okay the old wine skin is just the performance driven life not the president's driven life so jesus shows up and he says i'm going to change the entire paradigm of how you pursue me and what used to be works and all of the things to get close to god god came close to man and all he's going to do for three and a half years is wound them with love that treadmill of performance like it's time that as a church we get off of that because our feet are moving really fast but we're not going anywhere i don't know about you but when i run on a treadmill it's depressing working really hard but seeing the same stuff i mean running in texas is not exactly outside it's not exactly exciting either but that's beside the point but it's better than a treadmill because at least you see a new thing you want to see a new thing get off of your working performance treadmill so you can actually go into a new territory so all of the working that you've done all of your fasting and all of that the lord said that that all of those things are as filthy rags unless it's driven by this one thing proximity so so what is he saying over the next three and a half years i'm gonna just keep these men close and they're gonna watch me raise the dead heal the sick cleanse the lepers they're gonna follow me they're gonna they're gonna fight they're gonna argue with each other but i have one job to keep them close and over three and a half years i'm gonna wound them in their heart so that when i ascend they'll actually be wounded and there'll be an actual mourn in their heart that sounds like come lord jesus and it's not the old fasting anymore it's the fasting that ushers in the coming of the bridegroom it's the one that says the wine skin has changed and the new wine skin is called i'm love sick for him i'm not an employee anymore but i am a son so the lord completely changes the paradigm and he makes a new wine skin called lovesick by way of mercy everyone say mercy i heard david wagner one time say this he's moving us from the pace of ministry to carrying the weight of glory i love david wagner god's presence is not merely for goosebumps and good feelings and tears god's presence breaks the yoke of bondage and it brings the glory that brings you into his image it's not about us having good services it's about us becoming like him are you with me okay there's three feasts and i want you to write this down there's three feasts in the old testament that are the primary feasts with the children of israel i know i'm kind of all over the place but it's going to come together at the end in jesus name just track with me okay three feasts the three feasts are this passover i want you to write it down passover the feast of passover the feast of weeks which is pentecost and then there's the third one one of the main ones and it's the feast of tabernacles they would also say the feast of in gathering on your own time i want you to read leviticus it's a very exciting amazing book chapter 23 okay i just need you to know i'm not just like coming up with this stuff the bible is a very good resource you should read it sometime and i'm telling you he's on every page jesus said you search the scriptures for eternal life but you never come to me why because he was the volume of the book he's on his presence is dripping off of every single page you just got to take the veil off so leviticus 23 is describing these feasts and it's giving us a vision it's giving us an aim so we know passover is in the old testament you know the children of israel they're about to to bust out of egypt and they had to put blood over the door and death wouldn't enter into their house and pass over them anyone remember anyone's seen the prince of egypt if you haven't read it prince of egypt okay we know passover we know that the passover was the sacrifice of the lamb he he gave his life and we passed over from death to life because of the passover sacrifice everyone understands passover it's remembering the blood that was on the door that became a man who is the door are you with me remembering the blood that was on the door he became a man that gave his life and gave his blood who has become that door like we're inside of his house his blood is on the door passing us over from death to life passover okay pentecost we know was the upper room experience it's 120 in the upper room they were in one accord everyone say one accord singing and worshiping jesus and the room begins to shake and fiery tongues come down and they are baptized with the holy spirit by the power of the spirit listen we desire and behold jesus right without the holy spirit it says you can't even say that jesus is lord which means that without the holy spirit we can't be christians we can't pray we can't worship he's in us crying out of us abba father are you with me it actually means 50 days traditionally people were expected to bring the first this is pentecost people were expected to bring the first harvest of grain including two loaves of unleavened bread but i love this because the scriptures say that pentecost that the baptism of the holy spirit was a deposit that is mind-blowing to me second corinthians 1 21-22 says this now it is god who makes us makes both us and you stand firm in christ he anointed us and set his seal of ownership on us and put his spirit in our hearts as a deposit oh my gosh guaranteeing what is to come so the holy spirit was a deposit i'm offended by that the holy spirit see that messes with my theology because we make the whole aim just get them saved get them filled with the spirit but but it's a deposit and those are good and they're necessary but it's the beginning because it's a deposit it's like noah's ark man we we want to get people on the boat and get them saved from the flood absolutely but god also wanted to repopulate the earth it was a deposit are you with me the holy spirit coming and baptizing us was a deposit of what of what's to come well what is to come this is exciting if the holy spirit filling me is a deposit then what's coming i don't think you're getting it i i don't believe that your mind is blown as much as mine because i read this and i'll read it over and over again i say things like this god take the veil off because he's just a veil away you anointed us and set your seal your seal of ownership on us by putting your spirit in our hearts and it's a deposit what is the full paint what is coming what's the payment what's the what's the house that we're getting that we put a deposit on the holy spirit baptizing us earnest money for what everyone say tabernacles see i don't hear a lot about the feast of tabernacles in church today but it's what's coming man i feel the lord the feast of tabernacles what they would do is for seven days in israel men would build booths and put them all over israel and for seven days they would go inside of that booth which was a temporary house see was temporary until jesus showed up a temporary house and they would dwell in that house for seven days representing god tabernacled with man it was the feast of tabernacles in john 7 37 that jesus stood up at the end of and said if anyone's thirsty come to me and out of your belly will flow rivers of living water what is the feast of tabernacles see i believe that in this in these three feasts when todd said this it was like my light bulbs went on he said believe behold become i said oh my gosh it's passover it's pentecost and it's feast of tabernacles it's believing the cross believing the blood beholding his presence that only comes by way of holy spirit and becoming like him which is god and man tabernacled together i said lord jesus i don't even i don't think you realize what god is going to do inside of this building this is so much bigger than me and todd coming together it is so much bigger than a church named risen nation and lifestyle christianity getting together it's so much bigger than that we will not downgrade it with programs and ideas about our new church together no no god is about to start a feast geez and it's gonna be at a wedding i'm telling you if we would press in for this i believe with all of my heart i believe it that we are going to see through a people not through todd and i alone through a people called the branch the ushering in of the bridegroom who's saying things like this i'm ready to eat now because i found the people who are finally honoring my feast tabernacles the bible ends with this revelation 21 i say it every single time i preach i think for the past six months can i get a pad or keys i'm not sure if david's still here but listen feast of tabernacles revelation 21 on that day an angel will cry on that day an angel will cry look they've done it god and man tabernacle together and it will be on that day that heaven will sing the city of god has become a bride just read it revelation 21 like this is what where we're going this is this isn't oh believe the hope become that's cute no no it's passover pentecost feast of tabernacles it's it's god's giving us a way into not just the holy place into the most holy place because most stop at the holy place can you guys put that picture up really quick the tabernacle picture no just me still okay i guess yeah feast of tabernacles praise god that's true no william lentz has it if i'm yeah wow found this on google so hopefully i don't get in trouble but because i did not make that okay i want you to see it okay so this is this is the tabernacle of moses this is what they when they would walk in the wilderness okay this is what they built according to god's word so in this picture you see the outer court and you have the brazen altar and the laver and and that's where the the priests would come and they would wash themselves and they would they would do a sacrifice on the altar and then wash themselves after the sacrifice and they would bring the blood listen the holy place they'd bring it in and the holy place you have a candle stick you have an altar of incense a table of showbread and we know the the candlestick is christ jesus the light of the world the altar of incense is our prayer and worship arising before the lord and the table of showbread he is the bread of life right but the holy place is working the works of ministry remember when we read ii corinthians that or i'm sorry in ephesians that apostles prophets teachers evangelists that's the holy place but until is the veil okay some i need you to listen some are called apostles prophets teachers evangelists for the equipping the working of the saints until but what what happens after until what is what is until mean i would tell you that until is when a generation gets out of the working of ministry goes beyond the veil and in the most holy place is where god takes over see in the most holy place they couldn't work anything there was no natural light in there because god was the light in there just study it in the most holy place there was nothing but blood on a mercy seat and anything that was in there that was made by man was inside of him the box you couldn't see it what the lord is doing is he's taking us from the outer from outside of the outer court imagine that's the world you get saved and you enter into the passover lamb blood of jesus you get washed you get cleansed there's more that jesus wants you come into the holy place and in the holy place you've got to work but in the holy place presence is there power is there ministry is there and most stop there at pentecost satisfied when he just shakes a room in a meeting visitation visitation visitation but habitation doesn't come till beyond the veil in the holy most holy place that is the feast of tabernacles that's where you go in and god says in here the only thing that works is my blood on this mercy seat so the closer you get the closer you get to his mercy and when he takes over you get off the treadmill of performance and you find god in there i love that listen we teach it like this we teach it as if the veil is on the outer court at the gate we teach it you know like okay i'm saved i prayed a prayer i answered an altar call which is good and we do all those things and we have to do those things what's happening i belong is phenomenal baptize them get them saved but you see we have an aim here we're going to be strategic here we're going to be like the woman in in luke eight everyone is touching jesus everybody but this one woman is intentional she says if i could just touch the hem of his garment she had a million reasons why she shouldn't disrespectful in that culture shameful hundreds of people touching jesus but he stops because he feels one peter says everyone's touching you jesus responds in the new living translation he says no no no who deliberately touched me immediately she's healed so we're going to be deliberate here belong is the beginning but then you come in and it's not just discipleship to say we have discipleship it's let's by way of mercy together go into the holy place and not stop with satisfied good meetings where the presence is there but let's get engulfed in the presence until it becomes us in the most holy place but what we like to teach is at the veil you know we just we got saved and we stay on the outer court see this is guys it's it all just comes together in the bible ezekiel 44 this is that i've taught this here ezekiel 44 you have the priesthood it says that are on the outer court and all they do is they all they care about is people and caring about people is amazing but if you don't care about god most you'll kill the people ezekiel 44 it says there's one priesthood that's on the outer court and they minister to people and it's good but it's just for people but then there's a priesthood that comes into my chamber and they minister to my heart and they tend to my tabernacle what the lord is doing is he's taking us by way of mercy from passover to pentecost to the feast of tabernacles where god takes over and in that place todd and i will be able to crawl off stage and you won't know we left because this will not be built around any one man but one perfect man who has the lordship of jesus with a body that's attached to him that saying in the kingdom of god there's just one you're either in him or you're outside of him there's no in between it's time we start identifying like we identify water what's inside not what on what's on the outside you can take it down can you guys stand your feet listen so many never become because they're never willing to behold man we want the holy place but how many of you want to go beyond the veil in your personal lives you see with the feast of tabernacles it's not just for a church corporately when we come together it is you personally become the tabernacle of god like i want you to think of this how many of you love going into your secret place raise both hands okay do you realize that you also are god's secret place now just think about it out of everything he could have picked he said i want you to be my everlasting habitation that makes us his chamber do you realize the privilege the honor that we've been given and we're just trying to have a good meeting god wants to have a residency where we don't have to try to search for him anymore he says i'm never going to leave you i'm never going to forsake you and the only thing that's keeping you from me is your own belief about you the lord wants to set you free from you so you can actually see the glory that god wants to place on you people say they they say this all the time about this message that we teach you can't say you're not a sinner because it's arrogant the problem is is what's more arrogant is believing you have something to do with anything listen so if you're looking in a mirror i rebuke you siri if you're looking if you're looking in a mirror and the bible says i'm about to read it that you're to behold the glory of the lord but you are also beholding you and you think that it's somehow humble to say well you're disgusting you suck you're never going to amount to anything give up be suicidal all of that stuff and you think that somehow that's humility no it is arrogance because you're still in the picture the most humble place we can live is out of the picture which out of the picture looks like in him and now all of a sudden my identification is not based on my physical it's based on what's in me and that belief is going to bring a feast a feast is coming as we begin to see this together so what we say here is that here we are to raise a generation that fully believes him passover that lives to behold him people are going to be filled with the power of the holy spirit until everyone say until remember ephesians see it's all we're not just doing stuff man everyone say until until we become just like him work the ministry man let's do it we have to apostles prophets teachers evangelists just remember you are temporary just remember there is an until we all everyone say we all you're all welcome if you're not an apostle it's okay i know one who is and he's invited you into his body his actual body and the foot can't tell the hand i have no need of you i need you we are connected this is more than just two churches coming together i promise you we can't see what we want to see unless you step up and get involved we can't see what we want to see if this just stays us man let's just go try it out i heard you know todd is there let's see when you know i i saw him on this vid no no this will not be a revolving door this will be a body of people that are ready for a feast that god is going to say i found a table i have found myself a table believe passover behold pentecost become tabernacle revelation 21 i saw a bride adorned for her husband it was like a beautiful city the angels cried the tabernacle of god is with men this is our vision here a house for the lord until we all as unity on faith go beyond the veil together not just one or two of us but go beyond the veil together and experience a place where your works can't take you where your performance can't take you where you're praying and fasting and worship as amazing as it is and we need it to get there but once you get in the glory is going to fall and god's going to take over and we're all just going to go woe is right he's here now let's just listen we say a resignation we're gonna worship him until he comes and once he comes we're just gonna do what he says worship him okay now what what dad just just tell us okay are you with me so let's lift our hands jesus i thank you for the feast that's coming i thank you lord that you're raising up a people that are your table a people that are your hiding place as much as we are yours and that deep on the deep what a revelation that you see us just as you see jesus the firstborn amongst many brethren what a privileged god we have little us that you take our lives lost bound all of the junk that we walk through in our lives all of the the drugs and the alcohol that people walked in all of the world all of the sleeping with the world i thank you that on independence day there is a freedom in christ it says who the son sets free is free indeed and i thank you that there's nothing that can stop that there is nothing that's gonna stop your feast from coming it's just who is gonna actually answer the invitation according to matthew 25 many will be called to come but few will take the invitation to be chosen many will go to heaven and it'll be amazing but few will see heaven on earth and we desire to be those that see heaven on earth because we have one aim to go into the most holy place by way of mercy and see the feasts of tabernacles in dallas texas [Music] we don't want just another church we want you to come with power we want you to come with such a glory that lord we forget about what time it is we forget about who's preaching that week because god's in the room that healing power signs and miracles become a way of life i pray that even now bodies are healed as redemptive revelation is brought forth in jesus mighty name check your bodies right now check your body if you needed healing check your body if it was your shoulder just lift it straight up in the air right now right now if it's better your shoulder wave your hand like this come on man that's so good come on just two more minutes if anybody else needs healing raise your hand okay put your hand on the on one next thing not many of you i like that i think it's amazing when the lord heals but what's coming in the feast of tabernacles generation that can't get sick put your hand on him father and and i want you to pray for them you pray for them ask what's wrong and you pray for them come on just just two minutes out loud just tell it to go it doesn't need to be a long prayer jesus name in jesus mighty just continue praying for a moment all right for those of you that are receiving prayer i want you to try to move and do something that would indicate healing has come and then wave your hand if you received your healing raise them up high over here over here i see some i think i see some over here anybody over here oh come on can you do a little better than that come on lord thank you hallelujah god we give you praise we honor you we thank you lord well as we close out the service um we have a few announcements first of all my name is chip payne i i happen to be the director of lcu i also happen to be an elder at risenation church so like i'm totally giddy like i have the best of both worlds happening in my life right now so i just want to give god praise for that i do want to welcome our online viewers that are participating and watching and worshiping the lord we honor you we love you we are so glad that you joined us and we bless you i also want to let you know that we have young adults that start tuesday july 6 young adults give me a hoop tuesday july 6 say 6 30 tuesday july 6. say it 6 30 pm all right my youth where are you come on young ones come on wednesday doors open at six games food and service at seven we also have belong this week doors will open at 6 45 pm for belong we also want to let you know that we have our food pantry on saturdays volunteers please meet the stained glass jesus on this side of the building at 7 30 a.m on what day you all are listening praise the lord okay finally i want to let you know as director of lcu and i want to speak to parents that are out there online and in the room i want to speak to students in particularly there is so much that's happening i have a child in university at a a christian university and the progressive liberalism and the tide of a a way that seems right to a man but is ungodly unrighteous in its demonic wisdom and i'm going to say it that strongly i want you to consider allowing your child to come to lcu and invest a year of their life that they would become the revealed sons and daughters of god in romans 8 19 that when they go back to school to get their degree that they would become a light and an influence that would transform a generation on the university campuses of this nation come on [Music] some of you who are revival historians will know that the majority of revivals have begun on university campuses throughout history and we are poised and ripe for revival awakening and reformation amen so preview week is this week it's july 9th through 10th we are inviting you you can still sign up go to the lcu website and sign up we have a good number of people already signed up but we would love to have more it gives you a taste a taste and see it gives you an opportunity to get a flavor of what it would be like in the day in the life of lcu todd will be speaking pastor william will be speaking i will be speaking and we can't wait to have you and host you and see what god wants to do amen i just want to invite up our ministry team if you need prayer we'll have ministers up front to pray for you beyond that may the lord bless you keep you cause his face to shine upon you and grant you his peace in the mighty name of jesus you are dismissed and happy july 4th [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Risen Nation Church
Views: 4,798
Rating: 4.9740262 out of 5
Id: bhvvrRKjD8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 54sec (4014 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 04 2021
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