William Hinn - Hidden Oil

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i want to talk today about our hearts we have um we have been in this season of rearranging last week on sunday i did some rearranging i know that i am intense i know that i know that we go after it here with no compromise and i'm just letting you know that's never going to change we're never going to turn the channel we're never going to become seeker friendly we're going to become a friend of god which is sometimes very offensive to people and especially religion right so last week everyone's like man you really beat the heck out of us yes well i'm trying to get the hell out of you that's just my goal as a pastor i mean what bet what kind of shepherd would i be if i saw somebody on fire in a building and i said praying for you brother we're here for you but you're standing outside not willing to go in the fire maybe get a little intense maybe burn a little bit yourself but let's get people out like this is god is redefining love and love is not like this bless you and you really don't care about them thing like you know what i'm talking about that that like side hug thing which guys side hug women i get it but in my family we don't side hug each other right my family family we're violent we're aggressive with how we love my dad i'm 28 years old my dad still tries with his strength to kiss me on the mouth my father i have a beard he's got a mustache it's very strange americans don't understand it he's from the middle east he would scream at me when i was in high school you remember this cost we would we would be like out in football practice with all of our like you know guys and we're trying to be cool and he's screaming at us out the window you know you don't kiss me on the lips anymore for those of you that know my dad that just makes sense that it just makes sense kevin knows yeah so it's just he's just he doesn't care you know but we don't love softly like i had a i have an infant and i already want to like squeeze him but not hurt him because she's so small he was six pounds six ounces really small little baby but i want to like i want to throw him [Laughter] like a football or something and that's weird i get it but i think i have cute aggression i don't know what it is like that movie where the thing's fluffy and the girl screaming it's so fluffy like that's my whole life i'm i'm a weird dude that likes puppies and like people are like i want a big dog i'm like i want a cuddly dog you know some of you guys are like why is this guy my pastor you know but man love is meant to be expressed love is meant to have passion and fire and zeal it's not meant to be like this little quiet thing when i come home as a father my greatest reward is my little ones running to me and the day they stop running to me i'm gonna yell at them to run at me they don't kiss me on the mouth they still they do all kinds of gross things currently i try to kiss them right before they lick it's the like it's a weird it's a weird season that we're in with my three-year-old but um sometimes i think emily and i some of you with little kids like there's things that he does and i'm like i literally have no idea how to paint this there's no i have no concept of what we're supposed to do here so thank you lord for your help as parents but but listen love love rips away what keeps us from love this is what the judgment of the lord is so i've asked the lord to judge our house i've asked god what we're going to talk today about is the purification of heart but i promise you it's not going to be the purification message you grew up with maybe hopefully but i promise you what religion has said is judgment what religion has said is wrath what religion has made purification to be i promise you is not it i promise and so he's rearranging and he's not rearranging structure of our church he's not rearranging the structure of this house he's rearranging the structure of our hearts because the place that we want to go as a church is we want to ascend the hill of the lord and you cannot ascend the hill of the lord unless you have clean hands and a pure heart now what we've made that out to be in religion is a tree of the knowledge of good and evil still just like adam and eve and we're trying to decide are we good or are we evil do we just do we pick good things or do we pick evil things and we're still stuck in the decision when jesus came as the answer and says you don't have to be be between good and bad anymore you can come now there's a tree called life are you with me are you guys okay don't be sad it's okay but there's a tree called life that is not about behavior modification but actual life transformation right where it doesn't just change my condition for a season because i learned what to say and i got religious lingo in my mouth it changes the structure of my heart and now listen anytime you see heart in the old testament or in the new testament like trust in the lord with all of your heart if you look up that word in hebrew or in greek they have they have some differences in meaning but the one common meaning is that the heart is the place of the mind if you look it up in hebrew or in greek you'll find in the strong's concordance you'll find mind in there so how many of you know like when it talks about out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks it's not talking about like a red beating organ in my chest my beating organ is not like thinking thoughts no no the heart is the thing which controls every action every decision it's that which controls every single thing in my life it's that which owns me it's that which which possesses me it's that it's that hidden place that god says if you don't purify your heart if you don't like jesus starts his ministry with repent he's not talking about a place of thinking it's not just change the way you think it's change your position of your heart change where the intentions of your heart change the motives of your heart so whenever you see the word hearts you have to understand that it does have to do with our thinking it does have to change our intellect i know that we talk a lot about like you've got your mind here and your heart here but that's not actually biblical right so people are like you know you can't receive and i say this all the time but i'm not talking about your mind i'm talking about that that that complex thing where we want to be analytical where being analytical doesn't align with a son of god in scripture that god says be childlike it's the simple don't lose the simplicity that's in christ right but we've separated the message of the mind and the heart when your mind god has to change your mind because it is that thing that controls you right and so the lord's been speaking these two words to me and i want you to write them down he's making us in our hearts tender again and responsive not just on our church i don't normally do like big i leave like the big prophecy stuff like for the world up to chip but like but i i really feel this for the the body of christ as a whole that he's he's causing us to to make a decision and that decision will purify our hearts and make us tender again and it'll make us responsive again right because what i'm seeing happen and i'm seeing it attempt to creep into this house it's what we talked about last week and and we've had this thing to our leadership of do not worship based on how the people came in right i love you guys but if sometimes i worship based on your face i would leave because i'm not supposed to behold your face i'm supposed to behold his so we do everything in church based on the people when church was never intended to be about people and we have sayings of all kinds of stuff about people we love people here and you don't see the name of jesus on any slogan anymore think about any slogan that you know and tell me if his name is in it but here this this house will be a dwelling place for the lord is that going to grow a mega church probably not but i'm not trying to i want to grow people with big hearts and we have to go from the question of lord what do you think about my church to what do you think about our hearts there's a purification of heart that's taking place and all of it's playing in when the devil thinks he's one he never has and he never does and so from coronavirus to the election to this weird year that it's been to all of the craziness that i heard a joke say that an angel was assigned to release stuff in part and he messed up and just released it all in 2020. like one thing is a joke one thing after another but what if the lord through it all is refining a remnant in fire right like in revelation when it says listen he's talking to leo a complacent church of laodicea right kind of like texas kind of like america like these churches that if he if if if jesus walked through the front door i bet you we wouldn't even know because if you just read statistics of what's happening in millennials in generation z and all of these people that are leaving the faith you can look it up i looked it up this week it is devastating what's happening with our young people and so i'm on this mission for the sake of my kids i'm on i'm on this mission for the sake of the youth that i believe there's going to be a mighty move of god amongst our young people we were with my uncle tanner and in florida and here's what he said he said god is about to move on the youth of america i mean there is going to be a move within church it's why i love seeing the kids come up here and worship you know kids they've got no boundaries they don't care about what you think and there's something that god is doing in young people that i'm willing to fight for and what we have is we have an opportunity as those that i mean i guess i'm still a millennial but um if you're above a millennial you have an opportunity to be a father for a move that's coming to be a mother for a move that's coming but i promise you the young generation doesn't want church which means that church has been not doing something right and this isn't just for us like the lord is releasing something in the atmosphere that's going to shift this whole city i promise you it'll shift this nation it'll shift america when people come and i don't have to be concerned about am i offending them and then listen to the spirit of jezebel coming back trying to say that offends me don't preach that and then i get a little bit concerned of did i go too hard today and we we do series and messages all day on the spirit of jezebel and i think sometimes the biggest spirit is the congregation it's gonna be okay we we we structure everything around what they like and we build church based on opinions of people rather than be holding his face and jesus it says of jesus that he was a rock of a fence i feel god like paul would preach and there was riots everywhere i go there's tea in green rooms like and that's and i love green rooms and tea and i love coffee it's it's amazing but you know like we've become so weak putting all of our hope in an election of a king when i serve a king of kings a lord of lords you don't hear listen oh this is so good you don't hear the disciples and the apostles talking about herod and all of these people and concerned and all kind you don't hear it you don't hear them talking about elections and and we're having prayer meeting after prayer meeting after prayer meeting and the lord's like come to me again all you who are weary am i against praying for our nation of course not but you are a citizen of heaven and the lord is shifting and changing things within the church in our hearts right and so i'm not going to compromise i'm going to say that our our line every decision we make in the church everything we do in our leadership everything i do as a pastor will be based on this one thing is that a dwelling place for the lord right so man i can't even begin to tell you what i didn't realize coming into pastoring and the opinions of people it's hot it's cold it's loud it's too quiet you need to stop thinking about the air and get lost in the atmosphere of the lord and maybe just maybe you'll forget if you're hot if you're cold i'm drenched in sweat every time i don't feel like i'm hot until i'm done preaching and everyone's like it was freezing in there and i said man what if we got covered with the fire of god it's too far it's i mean it's this person and that person his name is jesus and so i will not build based on people but based on him and it's and listen that is the greatest love because if we can as a family learn how to steward him into a room and get him to stay in that room every life that comes near in proximity to him ever just in the in proximity to people that recognize him because the pharisees they saw him but they didn't receive him so you can stand with the author all day and have no idea he was the author you could i mean pharisees had scriptures wrapped around their foreheads on the tassels of their robes quoting scripture to the volume of it and they don't even recognize him it's possible for jesus to be in a room and you be more consumed with how worship is sounding and miss jesus being in the room and that's why like you'll see sporadic people have encounters and people are like well why is this one of the questions that the way i'll just answer right now i don't even think we got to one of the questions was why do some people have encounters and and some people don't have encounters because you're looking at the other person's encounter come on think about it listen it always takes a martha to see a mary and it's not and it's not martha versus mary it's mary before martha come on this is he's just speaking i didn't plan any of it it's not like mary wasn't thinking about anything she found the good part but but martha is looking at mary and she's upset and jealous probably because that's where she wanted to be and she's having an encounter has no idea what's happening on the room because she can't stop beholding the face of jesus at his feet and mary's like look at mary i'm sorry martha's saying look at mary i promise you there's a love that is not just gonna like it's not just gonna show up it takes a tender responsive heart that's been purified in god to be able to receive when god comes into a room right and so i'm i'm like sometimes in the middle of this this battle as a pastor where i don't even want to turn around sometimes like these people are going to be sitting down staring at me again lord i thank you that you're everything and every time i do the room shifts if what would it be like if god found 10 he said if i could find 10 in the city what could he do with 150 like that are actually responsive to the lord amen i want you guys to turn to matthew 25. and make sure you write down tender and responsive listen this is where all this is where it all begins i've been stuck in this and we're going to talk about the difference between oil and light okay so this is verse one just follow along i'm in the esv so just don't read ahead this is matthew 25 verse one then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps can i get a little bit more light in the room sorry i can't see a thing the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom five of them were foolish and five were wise for when the foolish took their lamps they took no oil with them but the wise took flasks of oil with their lamps so there was the lamp and then there was an oil reserve a lamp and an oil reserve and he says the foolish are those that are bright without oil reserves but the wise are those who are bright with oil reserves it doesn't get any more simple than that and as the bridegroom was delayed you see it's always in the delay the temptation comes to go god what about this shouldn't it shouldn't i be further along in my life shouldn't we be seeing more but it's in the delay that god tests our hearts you see we have an opportunity right now in this hour not only as resignation but as the body of christ and i'm telling you the delay is mercy the delay is grace the delay is god's eyes searching to and fro the whole earth finding whose hearts are loyal to him let the delay happen but when he's delayed they all became drowsy and slept kind of like church today everyone's sleepy but at midnight there was a cry here is the bridegroom come out to meet him then all those virgins rose and trimmed their lamps and the foolish said to the wise give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out now listen i can't give you the anointing i i think we have this idea that impartation is i'm going to lay hands on you and your meter is going to get filled up like a video game when you're low on health and someone comes and fills you up and to be healthy again there is something required in secret that a reserve is collected right impartation is very real we believe in it my my family believes in impartation just watch a benny hinn video i'm all about impartation people flying everywhere but if something isn't cultivated in private you might have settled for a one-time touch and never found the touch you might have settled for a one-time encounter when there is a lifetime of encounter available living in god right i've seen people my whole life answer altar calls and they fall down every week and they still have issues am i for that man we go obviously that's like an every week thing where god touches people but if you're coming up and god's touching you and you don't go back in a public encounter doesn't become a private kiss it can't sustain you it never will sustain you and so so he's saying he says to them they say give me some of your oil for our lamps you're going out but the wise answered saying since there will not be enough for for us and for you go rather to the dealers and buy for yourself now remember we were just talking about this the church of laodicea he comes to them and he says buy gold from me i'm counseling you to buy gold for me you laodicea was known for its banking ferds i learned this from joey for its banking it's it's garments it's eye ointments and he literally comes and deals in context and deals right with them and says listen you've got your you've got your banks but you're broke just read it you in revelation 3. you've got your banks but you're broke you've you've got your garments but really you're naked you've got all your ointments that you could ever need but really you can't see so i'm counseling you buy gold from me refined by fire buy garments from me and become pure and holy again buy eye ointment from me and put it on your eyes that you might see again this is what god is saying to us and so they they didn't purchase it in time like how many of you know jesus if he created all things through him for him and on to him and all things consist in him then he created time like think about that he created time it's what the scriptures talk about that he gave us the boundaries that we are to live in on the earth if god gave me time and he says redeem the time come on he said it was morning and it was night he created it then what are we doing with our time and there's a fine line between works and and relationship but what exactly are we giving our life our attention our response our heart to what exactly is going on in our heart listen it's the foolish is those who have light without oil now listen the foolish are those that prophesy with no hidden life the foolish are those that can be amazing evangelists with a bright light with no oil reserves the i have seen this over and over and over again within the body someone who's amazing at words of knowledge but i know they're hidden in life because the gifts are without repentance and he won't revoke it he won't take it back from you right it's why you could say lord look at all these things we've done in your name you cast out devils in your name we heal the sick in your name and he can say i don't know you who are you see that's the difference between someone who can have a light and you can say all day on the light of the world and you can pray for 10 people and think that that validates you throughout the day but if there's no reserve of oil in your life that only comes through intimacy and history with god that only comes see someone you know the people that have oil reserves you can always tell because when they walk into rooms rooms change they're usually the ones working the least they're usually the ones that are not trying to scream and shout and and make a scene they're the ones that their anointing makes a scene come on it's it's matthew 15 i actually want to read this it's matthew 15 which says this verse one then the pharisees and scribes came to jesus from jerusalem and said why do your disciples break the tradition of elders for they do not wash their hands when they eat and he answered them why do you break the commandment of god for the sake of your tradition this right here validates the way that i preach so this this chapter is very exciting to me jesus responds and he says for god commanded honor your father and mother and whoever reviles father or mother must surely die but you say if anyone tells his father or his mother what you have gained from me is given is given to god he need not honor his father so for the sake of your tradition you have made void the word of god you hypocrites exclamation point sometimes i feel like being like you hypocrites but that would be okay because jesus said it you hypocrites well did isaiah prophesy of you when he said these people honor me with their lips this is the light without the oil these people honor me with their lips but their heart is far from me in vain do they worship me teaching as doctrines the commandments of men listen foolishness is to keep your life in god only to maintain your sphere of influence every pastor in the world has been tempted with this one thing keep your intimacy with god to maintain what you give the people that's convicting life is not built on what you do for god but who you are in god and to god i want you to write these down life is not built on what you do for god but who you are in god and to god there's a man by the name of cory russell who says this may my heart always be bigger than my influence you okay may my heart always be bigger than my influence listen may our pursuit be this that my intimacy is bigger than my ministry i heard a story one time my my uncle told me that you know he did a crusade i want to say in 2007 in india and over the course of three days 7.4 million people showed up it's the biggest crusade in history today 7.4 million people in three days the first night they got up and there was something like 4 million something up there or in this field and and he said you could see people the horizon was people and here's what happened he got on stage and the lord spoke to him and said you're standing in front of millions of people right now but you haven't been with me today just the busyness of ministry the busyness of i got to do interviews and i've got to do this stuff and there's a pool from the people and you think well if i don't keep doing this for the people maybe they will stop coming and i think our greatest treasure sometimes is learning how to say no gosh the power in sorry god means too much to me my time my oil the reserves mean too much for me that i love you but i have to say no some of you need to hear this learn how to say no and not just to say no to me mean like to say no when it interferes with something that maybe would distract you like we are distracted with many good things we're distracted with evangelism sometimes we're distracted with prophecy we're distracted with with healing and distracted all kind do we love all those things of course but there's a more excellent way other than just pursuing gifts and it's called pursuing love i promise this is going to get like more loving as we continue here listen he's dealing with the hearts of leaders in this hour those who've been entrusted to lead but haven't been purified in their heart so they have exchanged intimacy for anointing gosh and leaders are falling left and right like major leaders there was a leader this week a major leader i won't mention him but a major leader that all hollywood looks up to and he got caught in adultery like if that doesn't agitate your spirit am i upset because someone was in sin no the only thing that will get out of it get him out of it is the love of god but there is something that agitates my spirit because man we are supposed to be so lost in god that the option of sin is no longer there listen if oil was the focus if union was the aim it would be impossible impossible to fall into sin if love and union were the aim it would be harder to sin than it is to live in righteousness it would be harder it would be we would have to really work it to sin like going do i say this all the time i don't go to a grocery store i heard my dad say i don't go to a grocery store and fight with my right arm to not steal a candy bar but this is how we train people in religion in the church you're just a sinner it's okay you're not a sinner you are a son of god and the more you believe what god says about you what you are in him and unto him not for him and that it's not your righteousness but it is god's all of a sudden there's a nature that completely changes on the inside of you and when you go to the grocery store because you're no longer a thief you don't think about stealing you see i believe we can unlearn things i believe that a hundred percent there's actual studies of the mind where you can create different pathways in your mind like if you were a drug addict and you're no longer a drug addict you unlearned a desire if you were an alcoholic and you're no longer an alcoholic your brain something chemically in your brain changed according to the truth of spirit it's so good you've got to understand he promises us i will quicken your mortal bodies first he changes the position see you were on the outside but now you're a son and jesus didn't come because you were just a wretched horrible person revival is not you know just filthy people answering an altar call revival is people seeing how precious they are and when you come into the preciousness of who you are to god it's in that that righteousness purity dwells and all of a sudden you're not fighting with a dual nature anymore come on it's this truth that'll set us free like who are you to god that he would wrap himself in flesh who are you to god what is man that he's so mindful of him the son of man has he's visited us that the father thought we were worth it enough to send the only son that was left and we're still at a tree of the knowledge of good and evil and god's like i came for life but we've exchanged intimacy for anointing and it's why there's sin it's why there's trouble it's why there's discouragement it's why there's depression because the oil reserves aren't there and the oil reserves are joy peace patience kindness long suffering full of intimacy full of love i you can't take a smile off my face because i'm dancing with him like all i've been hearing god this whole week say like i was bothered g-man was at my house we're like dancing in front of the tv declaring the lord and and then this stuff happens and the lord's like you're in the chamber and i'm like i'm in the chamber who cares what's happening out there i'm in the chamber like i'm gonna dance because i'm in the chamber i'm gonna rejoice because i'm in the chamber if you're not rejoicing it's because you left the chamber if you're discouraged you left the chamber if you're in sin you left the chamber there's only one answer called union can i have keys joel 2 says this rend your hearts and not your garment come on the oil is under the hood people can't see it we're so focused in the church today on like the cover of the hood but god wants to see what's underneath rend your hearts and not your garments like rend the truest part of you not only what people see man you can come in here and you can dance and rejoice and scream and shout and and lift your hands and you can put on a show and we'll you can be spiritual listen i know i i grew up in the presence of the lord this is my testimony is being in his presence without the fear of the lord and you're in his presence without the fear of the lord you become numb to that presence and so i was numb to the presence of the lord in the presence of the lord and and but listen i could fabricate the anointing with the right songs you can fabricate a sensation of the spirit by just doing it with a little bit more passion we can use hype all day and it not be real stirring and we can get people excited and we can fill stadiums and he can never be involved and we can stand up in front of people and say let's go after this thing and rip our garments open but if your heart isn't ripped open come on i need us i need our church to see this that god wants to purify our hearts god wants to purify our hearts and when he does that he's going to remove your opinion when he purifies your heart he's going to judge everything that's kept you from fully experiencing him i'm asking him to judge me you see we don't like that word because we've been taught the judgment of god incorrectly hosea go to hosea 10 with me really quick go ahead pastor rick hosea 10 i'm i'm uh maybe done in just a minute i miss my baby already so i need to go see him [Music] if i can find the book of hosea here we go all right isaiah 10 verse 12 sow for yourselves righteousness reap steadfast love break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the lord that he may come and reign righteousness upon you if you can play a pad please pastor it break up your fallow ground for it is time to seek the lord listen that word fallow in hebrew means uncultivated it means dormant bare empty unplanted break up your fallow ground so that when god shows up and remember the the parable of the of the seed and the sower some lands on good soils some the stony ground some the ground with thorns some by the wayside anyone remember when god comes in and he reigns you can always tell who has secret oil with the lord based on how they respond to him based on the cry of hosanna that rises out of their hearts when he comes marching into cities based on on how the tenderness of our heart has been caught up with his break up that bare fallow ground that is dry complacent uncultivated put the plows of the judgment of god upon your soil of your heart and let him rip it up amen because we're wondering why we're not experiencing the the presence of jesus we're wondering why we're we're not seeing god move and we're not seeing the holy spirit do what we believe the holy spirit wants to do like there is this this righteous frustration in my spirit as as a pastor that's that's rising up with me if if we can't figure out the path j thing can you please put one on if if we as a people are are going to go after the glory of the lord like anybody want to see the glory of god anyone want to have these meetings these dangerous meetings again where people run there because they heard that god was there like the kinds of places the lord is beginning to put on my heart that once we move to grapevine that there's probably going to be weekly maybe friday night meetings or something like that where all we do is go after the presence of jesus where all we do is encounter where where all we do is just wait on him and we learn as a church to abide with him so we're going to start practically putting those things in place but you have an opportunity now that you just you coming in here can change the environment because environment matters to the lord we've learned this how we posture our hearts matters to the lord how we respond to worshipping him it matters to the lord break up your bare ground break up that ground that's become numb because you are fascinated with the world break up the ground that has made hearts that have not been purified so they have no idea when god is close because we're not used to proximity like anyone know what i'm talking about you you go into your closet or you just get into worship why do tears fill our eyes when we aren't sad why does my heart begin to tremble why why do i get sometimes violently demanding so we don't understand this anymore in church because man we just need happy go lucky pastors god is hooking and raising people that are willing to flip some tables to let the doves out of the cage and it may not be for everybody you know deuteronomy 26 says find the place that god's chosen for you i believe that god actually doesn't call you to a location like we pick church today based on where we live it's not about where you're called but who you're called to but when you find who you're called to he says strive to be of one mind in one heart and just a little leaven messes up the whole lung like if you're convicted right now you don't want to do this the answer isn't to leave the answer is to change but if you're not called here i could be holding you back from an experience that god wants you to have with the family like are we mature enough as people that it isn't just like let's get everyone in with good programs and ideas and and let's just get them all fired up and let's make sure our kids are amazing but the motive is is that we have more people it's not really for the kids stop let's pile them in let's make it look like disney world man i heard of a place and i'm just being real with you i heard of a place where you passed a threshold and the music and the smell changes to mess with our senses when we are supposed to have senses that are trained in the righteousness of god like what if we trained our kids not to go to church and have play time but we train them to engage with the presence of jesus and so they're dripping with healing power and so they're walking around like my son is a major conviction to me i'm at the drive-thru and he's screaming in the back bubba baba jesus loves them three years old like did you hear my son he said no and then i gotta say it and now i gotta live it out because my three-year-old his heart has never been hurt like if we could get this his heart has never experienced pain all he knows is the trust of a father and a mother that's all he understands he's incapable at three years old incapable of setting up boundaries he's incapable of it and we preach series on it god says be childlike what if what like what if just hear me out on this what if it was possible that you couldn't get hurt what if it was possible that my heart was so much his that i fully gave you my trust when you didn't deserve it you know what like the number one thing i think it might be because i'm young but every opinion i get is about who you have in leadership don't do this don't do and everyone's got an issue with everybody and i think do you think the disciples had it all figured out like judas a betrayer peter a crazy guy and they wanted to rain fire down on cities and they knew they were all we're going to left him do you think that they were in a position where they were actually qualified to be leaders no of course not like he picked people just so other people would go why would you pick that one a tax collector he's a thief and they actually were thieves in that day i love i love how jesus leads and god's raising up the same breeds of leader we don't pick people because they're qualified we pick people because their heart longs for him and and how can i help you if i don't let you close to me stay far away from me you got to earn my trust brother let's see you do good things let's watch you perform and once you've performed well enough you'll be into my circle did you imagine if jesus did that to us we don't we there's people in here and god's dealing with your heart right now and i would encourage you let him judge your heart because the judgments of the lord are anything that keeps you from fully experiencing his love he doesn't judge you he judges everything until it makes you you like like uh he rips away anything that doesn't belong to the true you that's the judgment that's the wrath of god like when your child is sick and you can't stand seeing your child sick i've shared this story before where we had like a almost a full 24 hours where anything that touched william's mouth he threw it up and he was not looking good and it made me angry i was pissed is that okay to say in church i was pissed you guys all say it so and i was in the car and i'm looking at emily and i'm like not my son and i got angry and i started screaming in the car and i thought man if i could crawl up in his little body and rip it out i would and it was like that see that's the wrath of god and we prayed and i banged on the steering wheel and they never threw up again the wrath of god rips away anything that keeps you from fully being his anything that keeps you from love's kind but some of you haven't talked to family members god just spoke this to me because you've been offended some of you have people in your life that hurt you and you think that the right thing to do is stay away from them and you have uh oh yeah that's right that's so funny i love the kids like when no one else agrees they do i don't even know what i'm agreeing about but yeah i can get my son excited about anything anything it's a stick and he's like no i want a car i'm like but it's a stick and the next thing you know he's like yes a stick childlike childlike you can't enter the kingdom unless you're like a child but listen what god's saying today is maybe what that one needs is to get close to you so they can get in proximity to him because he doesn't listen he doesn't come any other way he always always uses people and then we preach messages to set up boundaries between us and people because we've given our heart more to people and we've created doctrine out of hurt out of pain listen i go everywhere and there's no like i love talking about my children i've learned more about god when i've had kids more than anything in my entire life because he says anything he wants to anybody talks to everybody he goes in the store what are you getting and he tells them what i got he shows them the basket and it forces me to have conversation with people that i'm not interested in having a conversation with no offense sorry to all the evangelists in the room i just want to give my groceries sometimes and leave and so you know he's he's but there's nothing in him that's been trained where this is not safe like we train and we teach people based on performance and and we wonder why like we've got issues ezekiel ezekiel 36 then i'm done it says this verse 25 i will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean from all of your uncleanliness and all of your idols i will cleanse you and i will give you a new heart here's what the new heart is and a new spirit i will put within you i will remove the heart of stone the unresponsive heart stone can't respond and i will give you a heart of flesh what does that mean i'm going to give you a vulnerable heart again i think it's like one of the main things we lose in church is we build up these strong hearts and we lose vulnerability with people because people have affected our hearts and god doesn't have our hearts but it's in their hands he's making us tender and responsive to him again which means that i'm not going to respond based on you i'm going to respond based on him this is ministry to the lord and i will put my spirit within you and i will cause you to walk in my statutes and be careful to obey my rules i want you to stand with me as i read this over you so everything i've been talking about is basically saying get your heart right before the lord but let me tell you the one let me tell you about the one that you're giving your heart to like some of you and and man it's so i hear it's so clear some of you because of what people have done to you you don't trust god the way that you should and maybe it was a leader in your life maybe it was maybe it was a parent maybe it was an uncle maybe it was an aunt and maybe those people loved jesus but because they didn't have oil reserves they maybe they fell because they didn't understand union maybe they stepped away and maybe they stepped into sin and maybe you've been mad at god and you've been offended at the church man the church hurt is wild church hurt comes when it's about church rather than god man if we have the ability to be hurt by people we don't know him we're like it's okay to be hurt no it's it's not okay be transformed in the renewing of your mind and have a heart that's pliable that no matter what happens to you you just can't get the smile off my face we have to become vulnerable before god again in this secret place not just repeating prayers that seem like the religious thing to say but go before god and say lord there's something not right in my heart like i've had i'll be super vulnerable with you i sometimes come to church and when i'm done with church based on sometimes what i hear from the people i'm like lord do something in my heart get my attention off of them and back onto you the constant opinions thinking that maybe it'll help him i'm like lord why like why am i doing this and sometimes i think oh it's to raise up a generation it's not it's for him i used to preach let's change the world now i preach let's run to the chamber it's the only thing that'll change the world our goal is not to get to people our goal is to get to jesus and drip with jesus until it gets on all people some people think that the last thing he said was go into all nations of course he said that but you know the last thing he said he said go and wait for me so we've got camps today we got the mary's we got the marthas we've got you know you've got the churches that are full of prophets and then one church is full of an evangelist like what if god raised up a five-fold church that was actually for him this is the one listen god is is saying trust me again i want you to close your eyes some of you have lost trust with the lord and you have forgotten how incredible loving he is that he's saying give me your heart again and trust me with it some of you upset at the lord about an election picking a king when there is a king that's seated at the right hand of the throne above all else guard your heart for out of it flow the springs of life your heart is the wellspring of life listen it's saying guard the way you think guard the way that you act guard what you what you your motivation is this is where it all starts proverbs 3 5 through 6 says trust in the lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him listen trust requires vulnerability trust implies that you don't know the outcome of something many have lost their trust in god that's for them and it's made their worship a generated song rather than a bridal response to a bridegroom that came in the chamber here's why we don't trust him listen religion taught us a way of thinking that makes god something that he's not that makes god something other than good religion taught us behavior modification be good or else but jesus taught us there is only one who is good and he doesn't just do good things his nature can't be anything other than good so when religion taught us about a tyrant god jesus showed us a loving father that thought you were precious enough to sacrifice the only son left and this wrong thinking has created hearts that fully don't trust him because we think that one day he's going to come and read me all my wrongs so we've misplaced our trust in things like elections and we wonder why our hearts are sick because hope deferred makes your heart sick it's because your hope is in the wrong thing this is the one that we love and why we trust him and today listen he wants to rewire you to live according to that love we're just reading hosea 10 this is what 11 says when israel was a child i loved him just received this close your eyes and then i'm done out of egypt i called my son the more they were called the more they went does away sound familiar the more that he called them the more they went away they kept sacrificing the bales and burning offerings to idols yet i it was i who taught ephraim to walk i took them up by their arms but they did not know that i healed them i led them with cords of kindness with bands of love and i became to them as one who eases the yoke of their jaws and i bent down to them and fed them and then jumping to verse 7 my people are bent on turning from me and though they call out to the most high he shall not rise he shall he shall not raise them up at all how can i give you up o e freedom he says like listen to what he's saying to you even though you've walked away and your heart is stone cold i can't give you up my heart recoils within me my compassion grows warm and tender this is jesus i will not execute my burning anger i will not destroy ephraim for i am god and not a man the holy one in the midst and i will not come with wrath god tells hosea to marry a prostitute jesus came and married a bride that was a prostitute come on see his love he tells hosea like imagine the father telling the son before the sun comes i need you to go marry that prostitute it's walked away from me and the prostitute doesn't know anything else other than being a prostitute and here's what he does when she continues to be a prostitute she went after her lovers and forgot about me declares the lord therefore here's his response oh my see this is righteousness this is where it's found this is god's judgment therefore behold i will allure her and i will bring her into the wilderness and speak tenderly to her and there i will give her vineyards and make a valley of acre a door of hope come on hope is our currency in this hour and there shall be answer and there she shall answer as in the days of our youth jumping to verse 16 and in that day declares the lord you will call me my husband no longer will you call me my bail for i will remove the names he will remove the names of baal out of your mouth and they shall remember they shall be remembered no more listen his tenderness his alluring by love causes her to respond to him like she did when she was a child so lift your hands lord is teaching us how to respond correctly to him again tender and responsive that says lord when you walk in may my heart leap may my feet dance i'm saying for me god examine me make me vulnerable with you and others again until i actually believe i can put boundaries down and never be hurt again come on the psalmist said search me and know me you discerned my thoughts from afar you searched my path and my lying down he's acquainted with our ways but we're not with his even before word is in my tongue behold lord you know it all together you hem me in behind and before and lay your hand upon me such knowledge is too wonderful for me like god why me you know what i've done but your love is so high i can't contain it where shall i go from your spirit or where shall i flee from your presence if i send to heaven you are there if i make my bed and hell you're there if i take the wings of morning and dwell in the utter most parts of the sea even there your hands shall lead me and your right hand shall hold me and i say surely darkness shall cover me in the light but light shall be all around me descend out beautiful you saw my you saw my unformed substance in your book it was written every one of them the days fashioned for me how precious to me are your thoughts let's receive it how vast is the sum of them if i could count them they'd be more than the sin i awake and oh my gosh i'm still with you verse 23 search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see there be any grievous way in me and lead me in the everlasting way with every eye closed you would say god judge my heart just lift your hands listen the judgments of god the judgments of god rip away anything that keeps us from fully knowing his love like a father full of wrath because something has taken his kid that doesn't belong to his kid lord judge this church in your righteousness our hearts in your righteousness remove anything god that keeps us ascending the hill and know how your love will be that which allures us up and up and higher and higher until we ultimately walk into that chamber guys listen life is not a battlefield christianity is not a battlefield it's a chamber stop fighting devils find jesus this one who says i will make a table for you god may they leave today dancing may they have a desire to not turn the news on but behold the beauty of your face like the psalmist said there's one thing i see listen in our church there's one thing we seek one thing we desire that we may dwell in the house of the lord all the days of our life to behold the beauty of his face judge our hearts purify us cleanse us mark us take these hearts of stone and make them hearts of flesh i challenge you find those family members find those friends become tender become responsive again to the lord that subtle voice that says you know what you should do i thank you god that you're taking us from conviction to just being convinced of how you love us oh how you love us may it cause us to live in a purity that we never thought was possible there's no one no one no love no greater love i found besides you the reward is beholding his face not what you do for the lord but just being in the lord that's the reward may we see the reward may we shine bright with your love because you have judged us until everything is ripped away we're not afraid because i know how good you are that if i tr if i looked at every side of you like the creatures staring at you that are full of eyes crying holy holy holy the god who was who is and who is to come this eternal god they've never found a bad side of you you are good all the way around you are nothing but love you are love plus nothing and i thank you god that you're the safest king you're the safest leader that says come to me i will not condemn you for he did not come to condemn the world but that through him the world might be saved if you're in sin run to him be like peter who denied him and jumped in the water when he saw him from afar off but it took a man like john who knew the proximity of jesus to say it's him make us god people that when others are hurting oh please hear this that when others are in pain when others are full of guilt shame and condemnation that we are used to the chest and we tell them where he is and they run to him we love you we honor you in jesus name and everybody said amen amen amen come on let's just give him praise
Channel: William Hinn
Views: 1,704
Rating: 4.9506173 out of 5
Id: IieW55-wnwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 36sec (3816 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 18 2020
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