will it run? old honda 50 monkey bike

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[Applause] you can get it to run alright so what we have here is a Honda 50 trail 50 mini bike or monkey bike other than a couple of different names early seventies late sixties early seventies vintage and the idea was to try and take some of the parts off of this engine to fix the Honda trail 50 that I have that is missing the top end and a bunch of pieces unfortunately this is the cylinder that was on the trail 50 and we go to eyeball that up you can see that those are not the same size so although they're both 50 CCS I do not believe that both of them are similar so we're looking for a pushrod engine before that again they did the one that's in there was in 1962 pushrod motor not an overhead camp it's a different setup I was trying to go stick with that we may have to revisit that project with something else but we have this in the garage this well-loved specimen and we think for rush it's an giggles as you can get it they're wrong look lovely just it's lived a good life very well cared for so let's say I get her chucked up in the table get the table up in the air and start at it know if I said but this is a came from the Harvey Spooner collection he was gonna allow me to take the engine parts off of it and then give the carcass back to him Keith that might be looking like he's gonna get the whole thing back what is today we take the stride up a little prune here some oil down that compression that's a good sign well three things can be compression fuel spark when we go look into what we're gonna need for spark while we're at it we're looking in the crankcase I think so yeah there is actually as we were what were we doing oh yeah sparking this heinous Parkinson moved over the other side of the engine do you not just see any screws on that cover think you're okay oh yeah these things have a two speed transmission with an automatic clutch I want to eyeball the points inside there see what they look like okay hopefully you can see inside there it's got a set of points they're not loose it is yeah through there looking at was the points right here I have definitely some thread on them they're gonna cleaned up and we got to figure out what's kind of going on with that to get the rest of it I'm just the quail that generates the power when it's spinning as that guy right there does not need a battery so let's go you know this could be better to pull that right off of there plus we got to find out which ones top dead center I don't see them opening on either one and look for a mark which won't have the time you marked on it do you think I don't think that's the time of a mark we think of something fairly visual wouldn't you well I guess we're gonna find out the one that opens after we clean it will be the one what if we might pop this guy off of here and it's like somebody struck it with a hammer right there though hey try taking this off of there getting there cleaning it a little bit and I have a feeling somebody else has already buttes to the punch something sometimes these guys are reverse-thread I'm not sure what this is let's go give her a shot it's that way that wasn't even tight I definitely feel somebody was in here before us let's go why I rigged up a little puller on there make sure we got some room that we're not gonna smashing anything no feeling that one's too small these are they are not going to read that a predicament I wonder if we can get this guy I don't forget this nut back on we get in by one thread okay see where she should that comes apart a lot easier than some stuff does so the cam is right on here dope are these points guys definitely need a bathroom not quite sure why that guy was loose you have two wired going all the way to it that can problem that guy it's supposed to be wired to the that plug I don't you guys can see that or not your part you see it move your fat fingers we can't that hand right there that speed is supposed to be slipped game now we know why that was loose open that back up again I think it goes this this whole system has to be isolated what I mean by that is that it can't ground out to the body so right here and right here at to like nylon washers nylon or something else I also got big plate material so that coil stays isolated down through the points and then this wires gonna run up should run up to the coil or key switch all right Bowl fry has a kill switch and then yeah runs the other way to the coil and a condenser so let me get that guy reconnected up let's go clean those points and put this back together and put a gap in there now those points cleaned up try and get them back installed there but yeah not much for a room whenever actually might be better to do it out of there and tighten the wire up and then what's an anything in the back a little another struggle anything pulled right out of there Emma get the wire straight behind it - again like I said I can't touch anything back here I know if maybe somebody was just trying to take the points apart or sure what the deal was why that was for maybe he's just vibrated fellow punch fell apart and lost sparks hold it out and on there and we need to this guy off there's a time in work so the top dead center is right here so that cam rides on the point so I am going to clean this surface up and end up with a little dab on that pad of grease little dab after just rub it right on here and that'll keep that tap from wearing now if you don't do that you're here to this little chirp and sound and slowly over time it wears that pad down and the point gap that's closing up let's true without on anything so you up a little bit of Lube on there yes it go this seated with a scotch-brite and then up let's go get ourselves a little bit it'll spread itself out anyway that you don't want too much you don't want to get anything flung up on to the point so where's our key look guess that pin is our eat right spot that timing mark should be there so that's where a point should be open I believe let's go through that nut back down there in the washer with the nut go to go back in I'm not sure what you guys are gonna be able to see them I still get sneaky over the world to be hard for all all of us to fit in there on top you can take them in tweak the points just like we'll get ourselves it we go get dinner screwdriver let's get to need a fumble our way through that that would be top dead center right there that mark in that mark in that groove they're opening up a little bit let's see a little bit of a gap there I am gonna close that yeah you guys can see those points opening and closing we're gonna call it right there I'm gonna guess it's probably alone on the tight side we're gonna leave it like that for now let's see if we got support I don't know what the gap is supposed to be I think say probably about 16 that's probably your my calibrated I are gonna call it a 10 but it should be good enough to check to see if we get spark it's looking at these wires here's the one that went up to the front of the handlebars that would have been the kill switch whoever was on the handlebars runs down it ties in with the coil wire and then the wire continues on taps into the condenser coil I connect like some kind of a fee to you know plug wire doesn't have much of an end on it let's Whittle some of that back or what me I might even have something I can you thread into that that we can put onto the plug and we'll give it a couple of kicks see if we get some spark got anything right away let's see back on that supposin wire - for the right job I'll just hold your fingers and see what happens right you know a headlight off of it you guys see all right that is very good spark you know what that means don't you say we go in that's probably way too much of this little tiny Mordor there's no cross the life you're long enough [Music] and at the least resistance that's good come in you could do it stay you guys gonna hold that for me aw come on shorter one I need to get close enough for Falls loss give it a quick kick this is a kick it's gonna pop drill to it wonder maybe she's got between the oil and the gas maybe just fouled it out I would say yes to where you'll clean that up we'll try it again not sure if this is gonna work for coming with this laid out the way there we go so I said looking at the plug I was digging the eye with a probe he definitely is pushing up some sludge from around it so I have a feeling sometimes what happens a plug will have spark and you may go the atmosphere but when it goes into compression it won't spark you don't have another one of these they say don't think so kick it good time or best not to break that insulator in there clean out around inside there get that guy a second chance yeah but that's kind of cruddy try to get me put just a little bit fuel in it again probably more than enough camera you can do it I get away with alligator clips you I don't know what we get for a throttle there's no grip on you know see if we can pull that throttle up I may have open the throttle oh it also has a choke which is closed we don't want we want the choke open hmm [Applause] yeah okay everybody get you in there we are looking right there it's a big mud wasp inside the car big old goober of a nest it's unbolt that intake get that right off of there I got that one off that one's really tight so I'm gonna try taking it just from the intake already got these guys cracked loose and it's all holding that just that stiff fuel line okay the throttle khilafat is at least you got spark it's time he's up there let's go component sir say there's fuel lines a little on gas tanks totally shot too it's got a big rock hole in it not that concerned about damaging it get this thing right over there wire cutters that's what I was seeing that's not good would uh - the old [Laughter] at flutter let's give her a good amount hydro locket might just get a jumper [Applause] what I might try doing my sorrow putting up point yeah up a little bit because that also does affect the timing of it too it's got a huge point yet now one more I think I want to go pop the back cover off the bolt out of that back yeah that's not good suckers got it's about 50,000 what's the deal it all looks like I'm afraid of what if that valve is just not coming up all the way in seating yeah well Spacek it has it I don't Fitz missing a keeper or something on the top of that because that one looks more proud than that one right it's a cap or not yeah spend the pushrod see if it's been I'm gonna spin them see if they're bent if not loosen that adjuster up we'll try to take some of that play out so that that valve is better actually let's say both of them not sure what the gap is supposed to be on those but I know it's not supposed to be that much I had a something that gets read in there you do yeah yeah depression yeah leak down test see oil to push down the top yeah that gap is way way too much Thanks get that guy apart take doesn't like them it's pretty you don't see a ton of wear on it either let's just go and adjust them feels like it comes up all the way again we're just going crude and dirty but I just make it so I have a little bit of play in each one of them I don't I was probably four or five that one there maybe so that should be good enough to actually feels like it's more compression to pop the valve cover back out give her another shot all sales I also just at the points I'm not sure which one it was all right I did two things instead of one one was closed up two points let's go throw a little bit of fuel down it starts with the fuel it was the point that's what it was hey what do you see we going to I check that carburetor and how much air was gonna go through that was there operate I wonder if we need to back this guy off first so that's just the drain or it's probably just a dream maybe for the bulb right now if the bolt doesn't come off and we know we have to back that out it might be a mixture screw might not [Laughter] mm something's definitely do put up a fight I don't think we're that was gonna run without a cleaning what do you think we should have it adjustment screw over here - yeah there I fired up the ultrasonic cleaner don't think it warm let it do its thing gonna come over yeah so we'll throw this and the tank and let it soak and while that's doing its thing we'll go and jump on some other stuff on the bike I think it's combination I think actually probably what the original problem was the valves got super loose that's the idle speed and that was gonna be airfield mix so the valve got super loose the spark wasn't there because somebody took it apart the wire fell off or whatever it was and the points weren't open so I would say the original mechanical failure was the valves somebody screwed with the spark thinking that was it screwed that up then gave up on it and then 40 years past we are today okay threading I see it physically turning it's not gonna happen we've even that be for now let's go take a knock out that pin get the float off of it and let it soak for a while blow some compressed air through there so you can get the rest of that day I'm wetting it I'm gonna wash me mister there I mean think it's changes to this guy coming back are how could that needle it's going to be probably gonna be that yes or no part of it somewhere in there is a pin you have to set it up in the pipe just need a little more finesse that's all maybe enough to get it out of there that needles gonna be the biggest part of it kind of shape that is in yeah maybe if I say no fuels gonna flow through that though let's go shoot compressed air through that way she is totally clogged I think I am gonna let it soak the way it is let's see if we can get that seal out of there yes that seals hard as a rock and I'll leave it alone let that soak in it to get the carp soaking yo sonic here what you see we start jumping on some of the other stuff you can get free stuff not really looking to put any money into this thing for obvious reasons first all it's not in mine those tires will take some hair a lot of water came out of me try to air gun Street on deal my work wait sorry you want to overdo it it's enough to hold that I guess sucker just really tight or is it just crappy little water coming out another full-throttle cam pics right you see we looked at the front one I think the problem is not even on the beat it's good push our luck with that one either right unless you want to do probably make up some for the plug wire you're gonna need a gas tank I don't phone getting all that if that carb is not gonna come back though I'm not really give them that carb very much hope of coming back so I wonder maybe we should look for an alternate and maybe like a moped carburetor or something I tried looking on the the trail 50 and there's a different style carburetor it's not that seems set up so that's not gonna work let me see how can you go let's go look and see how it did after its first 20-minute submersion better possible where's the other half life being the basket I'm gonna go let those guys simmer for a little while longer so unfortunately only thing I had was this guy was this one moped type of setup actually might even be the those KITT motors I'm not sure anyway that's not gonna go on there without making a whole new intake and everything don't want to get into that so we're gonna still move forward with the carb that we have seems like the chain is doing good should be good enough see if we got years yeah years it's good second year where's alert I got them back out of there sir blowing some air through there they are what they are right this guy I believe is just held in by pressure in the bottom of the bowl so that should not be threaded in there I think we probably just maybe here we go won't lift out on that you go clean that a guy up because nothing is gonna pass through there I don't know if that emulsion tube will come out of there give it a little push yeah you can that guy up think we might go to get here through kinda should probably get a socket on that get that guy out of there to see if we can clean up behind that just gonna work my way around or shochet what if I should throw it back in with that this you can get that what I'm afraid of is it's was that it's going to flood over because the needles heats not gonna work and we think there would be a seal in the bottom of this definitely yeah it's like the arteries are closing in on it a little bit that's what we're just looking at the other we shoot some air yeah I'm not sure how tiny that port is now we can go backwards I guess get my good I shoved the wire bristle down that guy the jet that came out of there maybe again our biggest thing is gonna be whether this guy you don't see it's going to shut off maybe we are going to have to do this little bit of polishing on that let's see we go a little valve laughing compound [Music] thanks for you shiny inside huh go wash that up and see I would have thought there would have been a seal on the bottom of that I don't think the tip has it usually one of the other has a soft tip the seal on I don't see one on either one it seemed to be working you look at that direction you blow in through the the fuel Inlet and it's off and you flip it over and it blows through hopefully when we put it back together it'll kind of do the same okay I can go back in alone I think we could put the bowl on you know what I'm gonna take a little minute and pick away at some of this crap that's in there see if we can make that a little bit better if that craps not floating around in there we put the ball on with a couple of jets the adjusting screws back in it and that should be good to go at least the carbs all back together and I I wish it well but this is the slide for it but there's a problem that should not be able to do that that pin should stay all the way spring-loaded down so we're gonna have to go and get into this guy figure out what happened inside here there's generally like a washer that it fits up underneath either that is missing or that's good yeah throttle there's no there's no grip up there I'm gonna go take that apart and see if we can fix this there you had to get the keel up and over slide back now that pain that pinche get retained down the bottom but it looks like that clip right there but that clip is on the wrong side so I'm gonna go push that up put the pin back down I'm gonna clean it up first put it all back together hopefully this will be in focus tonight you see that it's stuck in yourself when you roll on the throttle this slide pulls up it allows more air to come in and more fuels as I got it meters how much fuel comes up through the main jet in the center of it so if that pin was floating around there we're just a property just giving it weight too much gas in enough air so that guy goes like that with the cable you gonna see it'll block off the the air and as it comes up it brings equal amount of fuel in air and in a pre-measured rate and then that pin has a couple of slots in the two that you can adjust that pin up and down to give it a little bit more a little less fuel got that throttle cable out of there and it's really it moves but it is not moving very well so I'm gonna go get the oil around there and she'd smiled at him I see how this works for us smaller Hills sometimes it was his out around there instead of shooting down the cable we're gonna pretty nice for you see come out the other end you know you really got it this happy cable and working that a little bit as long as it returns should be good I don't have a throttle for I wonder if we could probably hook it up to maybe a brake lever and just have the throttle as the lever I forgot you see down the side there but boom boom boom returns that's good okay again make something up for this end huh come on that's professional right there so lever off the other side for the front brake we don't need brakes brakes are for quitters right so that should be that I think we need to get a gas jug set up on it this tank has a ridiculously large hole and one of the sides of them you can hand up inside so that tank is is it no no yeah that might be an issue I don't know maybe we can clamp it up on the handlebars somewhere around here alright you thought the throttle was bad way to get it a little mine yes alright you got that so we go from that size fuel line we've shoved another fuel line into it to make it fit that fuel line down below good old tape holding it on safety third and our splurt our spark plug retainer just so happens to be a tie wrap holding that County on there I say we go put a little bit of fuel in it give it a couple of kicks and hopefully she kicks over and we tweaked that kerb probably be a good idea not fulfill it what do you think putting the good stuff in it - cam - you'll see if we're pissing out anywhere first let's give another half inch anything she weeping it off yeah it said I actually want to put a little bit of oil in it there's a little more on the thing and drip a little bit of fuel in it how many case you can think it's gonna take this time we think choke on [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] didn't want to go in here here I'll click it down with it you held it down it would stay and then when we come back up was just kind of going in a neutral it should be a two-speed - do we have the keys kind of going on she's yeah yeah Boop eggs a little me out of whack guess we'll go with that hooray [Music] [Music] point where give off I must say that was a bit of fun the wire came off got to get some an end for that a boot and we'll screw it back in and put a regular clip on top of it I have something out back we can kind of go steel but it seems like it runs all right carb actually came back I'm surprised and fuels really pissing on the floor plugs loose a little bout cover your gaskets leaking a little after we took that off but nothing terrible not like it's dripping on the floor but you see it's low on the wet side uh what else I don't know may or may not see this again well uh possibly have some more fun weather possibly it just just gonna go back to Harvey and he can put that back in his collection for his other ones but for the little pile that it is sure is a blast I can tell you that yeah well second gear was fighting me you gotta go put it in and kept popping out a second gear or just like going in the neutral at second gear and I think that's a common problem with these engines as far as why you gotta understand Plus you know it's meant for a 50 pound kid not a a 210 pound kid but actually moving pretty good I was surprised it's a barrel of fun for how tiny the thing is it's a barrel of monkeys so to speak well guys I gotta wrap it up for now on this one I just wanted to go putt around with it and just kind of do an assessment on the engine and its components and actually seems fairly decent I don't know what's gonna happen in the future with it he may get fixed up and you go back to Harvey I make keep it make a deal with them I'm not sure but uh until the Mexican guys are gonna shut this one down I want to thank you all for kind of hanging out and rush me and having some fun till the next time later [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Oh [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 981,301
Rating: 4.8768716 out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, monkey bike, mini trail, honda grom, honda, mini bike, will it run, cold start, old start, barn find, yamaha, susuki, restore, build, engine, scooter, trail, what's in the barn, motor, toy, dirt bike, 1st ride, free, repair, super cub mini bike, honda monkey, honda 50cc, 50, test drive, test ride, qa50 honda, qa50 honda mini bike, qa50
Id: pW_URDb0wys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 7sec (3427 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 26 2018
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