Junk Air Compressor, can we fix it?

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hey guys how's it going I am helping someone set up a new shop and with that and grab gathering some pieces that I have connections to and one of them was this need compressed air over there and had another friend that bought a building with all its contents and I remember seeing a compressor sitting inside there and said hey what are you doing with that you wanna get rid of it and he said yes we picked it up it they never arraignment on their end so it looked fairly decent and that's all you can kind of really go by there's no power in the building to turn anything on so we grabbed it yeah I figured new ones like five hundred box we are from 250 he's happy with that unfortunately we put a plugin on the end of it and went to go fire it up and I'll show you what the outcome of that was safety third and wouldn't exactly try plugging them in well that's life so I'm gonna plug it in from across the room into the wall and hopefully they make enough contact to go and run and show you what the deal is ready [Music] voice alert so that's what the deal is he's got a rod knock pretty bad and what we think happened was the warehouse was empty for a long time and this probably had power to it and then whatever air was connected to it ended up having a leak and just ran and ran and ran and if you look you can see there's oil stains kind of running down the side of it and it probably pushed all the oil out of the compressor head and to the point where we ran without oil sand was running an engine without oil it blew up if you look at the leads right here you can see that they got real hot the motor seems like it's okay you know I don't see any baking of the windings or anything they all look fairly decent by the compressor had his junk so a couple things you either tear that one down and see what happened to it I may still do that I do have two compressor heads that I grabbed at a yard sale of course in Florida like six seven years ago don't know if they're gonna be able to fit on this setup but I think we should try see if you can bring it back to life let me get some stuff set up and we'll see what we can do so dug out from the hoard is just gay [Music] they get hat beans so it looks close to the size of that one I see the outlet at least is in the same direction as that one is that one points down and how about width I'd say they're probably fairly close to each other so I say we get the same guard off of there get the pulley off we'll take that compressor head right off and we'll stick it down next to that one will I ball it have a better idea [Music] next reverse the red that woulda got me I looked at the other direction beyond that it's the same when actually yeah pulleys definitely definitely different size get by with a pry bar we're probably gonna need a pull it do that you know if I put a puller on I'll come right off [Music] pull it see how that works first catch him very much yeah that was hard to get the Finns get in the way of getting a straight shot around it let's go try it again yeah that wasn't gonna come off with a 5-1 doesn't even have a key just uses the press fit of it to hold it nothing wrong with that compressor let's get that unbolt it from there get off the bench well I can tell you that that weighs five pounds that weighs 20 pounds that's right Cass that's all aluminum we were not gonna go to use the pulley over I believe that that is not a tapered shaft on that one where is that one is but I don't see that great of a dick and difference in it it'll run it faster yeah so after you run the pump faster as long as the electric motor can keep up if it can't then I have to do a pulley change on the generator - I think we're getting ahead of herself a trapping record let's unbolt the wood from this and let's see even if the bolt pattern will sit up on that and how stuff kind of lines up that will this pulley line up with the other one in that kind of thing well if you get that plastic guard out of our way maybe for now just we can kind of see how things do yeah it's gonna pop that over there oh we got four screws grab that off the bench well Oh those two holes look like the line up I don't think the other ones are though not that we can't drill new ones right it's much thinner front to back I think go God grab a bolt and throw it in there just for don't think the bolts are gonna fit in either because holes are smaller yeah eyeball them to the outer two and I know I could adjust this pulley in and out probably the same with that one it's not terribly far off get away with it one thing I do have a question about though is which way that motor spins I'm looking at the arrow on that and seeing it runs that way I thought that one went the other direction that's not a good well compressor running both directions well it would run if he runs so it runs this way for cooling so the air can blow across that right I said we plug that in I believe that's gonna run clockwise no turn arrow on it no and even if we took the pulley off I'm flipping around it's the same thing right I think we just go for it see what happens so you can get a couple bolts for it come up with a belt we got a decent amount of slide on the motor to play with hey let's just just try it see what happens yeah we're definitely gonna have to loosen up that pulley can't they go that way looks nuts that screw and see you can get her to tap in little bit actually looks like it's and what stick its kicked a little this way too but I guess he we might have some slide on that motor I'd dig up his belt too so your chances is that the original belt will fit it you might be able to get that with the play maybe yes that'll snug off for us right still gotta move that over and how many are yelling at me that the check the oil I'm pretty sure it doesn't have anything in it so we got to put away on it yeah quite sure where I see that as a breather I don't know if that's the fill also let's get the pulley squared away first hopefully it'll move for us maybe we could tap that off of there maybe clean up the now that I hammered it on right that's probably not a good idea I got the puller already out go sit sit up I'm gonna go take the puller off I'm gonna go clean that up and a wire wheel and get that back on there so it slides a little easier yeah it's gonna wrestle with that should meet the impact I see we can do a bucking and now that I said that I'll need the impact little gummy sometimes - on the set screws you don't have a set screw with another set screw in behind it so the personal locks the second one I mean and go clean those surfaces up it's rusty behind it so I didn't want to drive it over the rest let's go fix that Hank you got a rough day or two boys alert like a nice polish yes Watney open we can see a little bit better let's go give her a little bit of that see it was like that wasn't it that's a little better I'd yeah I ball down it's looking looking a little too far go for alright yeah I can't put a straight edge on it because this is fatter than the other oh he could but I'm thinking Alex actually is fairly decent I thought I built on tighten it up because things app a little while down mold growing on the bill I think a couple of our pianist should take care of that though yeah that's pretty good it looks like you can go in a little but we can fine-tune that later I'm gonna tighten it out let's go get some oil in just to fire it up and see what we get you know might be doing all this for nothing that dream plug out see ya I seem to remember there a tag being on it saying that they were empty maybe not he's definitely clean now we got to go figure out what that Phyllis I don't that filter if that bent has a there's no sigh classing you know that vent has a dipstick on it maybe just grab right at it we good yes it does oil so clean it's hard to say what it's got let me go wipe that down I think it's okay I'm gonna double-check on that make sure that your hands what it's supposed to have yeah the oil look level look fine that's good I say we fire it up see what we get for a rotation and get them not quite sure on that and as long as it blows air out of this side instead of the other side we should be good if not then we got to miss you I'm gonna go plug it in from afar see what happens nothing wiggled my wires around nothing like anticipation right I'm too chicken to do it while it's large so maybe it that white one we want to play well it's third time's a charm Jima being able to shoot you ever in a hammer something to me that's like what is he doing tell me what I'm doing trying to get these guys to play well coming over here and physically touching them I'll try that I'm going over here plugging it into the wall I'm gonna bolt it down better I got two and two is working really I'll set you up we'll do it again I know why I wasn't working well the wires came right off I don't much left that at all and go give that a better crimp connector it's kind of crappy yeah vibrated right off and shut it off he's got no power if they're all like that they all got beat let me go see if I could just stab at that up for now move forward let's see what's this third time [Music] [Music] [Music] right direction it was blowing out that side we need to get everything bolted up drill two holes for the compressor so you'll bolt the compressor down right I don't know what we have to do to try to make this connection it's actually go into the tank and then we could fill the tank up yeah well that holds there see how it does too as far as uh let it run up the pressure and then come down to where it kicks back on again and making sure that the it's got enough snot to start back up when it's got a lot of load on it try getting down there with a marker back two holes that wasn't happening Markham so let's go take this off and we'll work on it over on the bench instead of trying to work up here to get that fitting first matched up to and then you know trying to make a bend so it works yeah that see if any of those threads are in the motely closest is the fitting that was on there yeah that's not too right this is a flare that one's it so thread the same yeah so I got to go hunting in the Horde figure out some way to get I want just the right diameter that we just cut the flare off you know take a caliper and see if those two are the same they put it again just cut that right off and put the knurled fitting on in and go with it like to try to actually find an elbow though yes you can get them actually we don't you don't even really care about the clothes number we're just going to use it as a depth gauge room and they yeah with gage a little bit of play but should have a little bit of play and to get tighter as it goes up if you close that up on it it might might go and back in the alternate stash scaliness [Applause] housing elbows let me know if you see a good elbow seems like most of them look like that right I guess we gotta run The Home Depot it's hunt a little afraid now we need a male/female setup - and I see anything I'm gonna take a couple of minutes I'll look in the rest of my stash in here and see what you find it's not even the eight bucks to go get it it's just the fact you gotta get in your car and drive down the street it's on the store and find it and the half-hour you co-ruler there that can spoon in there that gets us facing downward the way we want and we still have to cut one end off and flare it to get that piece on there hopefully that works the problem screwed I'm going to set it back up there so I have an idea where that tubing needs to line up and where we need to cut it and fit it and all that kind of happy stuff you got to bend it over still but I'd say you're probably right right now we cut it even a little higher ever get a noise that drives you nuts fix it we'll shoot a little high on that mark straight there go for it better to long than too short right joke there summer and clean up all that crap that's on there too you tell this thing got hot huh that's the thing this pipe when you compress air Eric air gets very hot that's why you don't see a piece of plastic going from the compressor head back there go clean that up get our furrow on there so you can get a good crimp on that one thing I did notice is that we're gonna come real close to the fill vent the fill in the vent run that home hopefully all somebody tightens up and if it does then we can loosen it you know rotate it to what we need and you might end up putting a little bit of a kink on it get it up and away from there but I want to get to see if it takes a crimp first am I guess you call it a crimp yeah I think we'll be fine good you go set that back up on there and do a little fudge a legend into place she doesn't look too bad we're probably and we could pull that down into place but I want to take it back off and see if I'm getting a little bit of a service Bend and kick that away about a half inch away from that right up against it right now yeah yeah then we might bend it that'll make it a little on a taller side - I meant been that Nana Lou we'll get it we'll keep bending until we get it the reason why this is in here - this loop the service loop got a lot of vibration and to help dampen some of that if you just want a straight shot right down to it it will have a tendency to crack like right there and right on the other end so if you put a bit of a loop in it it has some place for the vibration to go copper the all metals but copper - the more vibrates over time it gets harder and harder and harder and eventually it will crack so just me and handle it deeper that should be more than nothing I don't you can get it out yeah yeah what's pill you get it out she that's not plastic that's metal still I think we're ready to fire it up it's all together so this switch what it does is it reads pressure coming off the tank it's got a little line on it where is it there it is it's got a little line on it and when pressure gets to a certain amount it fires I should this might be a dump I'm not quite sure on that anyway the pressure gets to a certain level it's got diaphragm in it it clicks the contacts from right now you can see the clothes what will happen is as the pressure builds it'll just open the circuit up and it shuts power off and as the pressure goes back down again it makes contact again you can do a little bit of adjustment on it right here kind of the high end low by how much tension it gets put on that preload pad I think this is actually a dump and what that is it it when it comes when it opens the circuit it purges a little bit of air that is accessing it so that when it goes to startup it it's not starting with arrogance that the head I think that's how it works I'm not positive of that though let's get set up get fired up hopefully it'll run to about I know what 120 was it say I can't read it anyway yeah between 130 and 150 per part 120 this is like an older one and we'll see what shuts off and if it shuts off at we're just left [Applause] [Applause] oops hold on iMac the wire Alek step hop let's see how it's doing no well it's off the twenty pounds in it I don't hear any hissing anywhere that's good all right let me go fix that running [Applause] let's shut off at 120 my concern is it might be just all that crap burning off that pipe just never run or it's just running it way too hot and burning it way too fast I see you pushing away all out the breather - so I'm not happy to see that yeah yeah just a hair in the 120 I say we let the more let it cool down a minute that might be a fail let it cool down and we're gonna dump the air on it and see if it has enough to go fire back up it may have been meant for a smaller compressor and a 5-horse again we know is there's no tags on I really don't have anything that go by it started slowing down pretty fast as far as the smoke it might have been just all the crap in oil that was on top of it should I put a wrench on them - I see if they're tight yeah those two valve caps we're not down all the way I don't know if they kind of pissed a little bit of oil on to the top and caused it to leak my more of my concern is it's coming out of the breather and down you know it means it's got blow-by that's pushing it had a crankcase I do like I said it when I grabbed that the yardsale the the Gemma had passed away it was like I gotta ask him anything it was a state sale so I grabbed it's actually two of them one of them a little smaller one than this for ten bucks apiece us out you know I'll try them and the Rings might be just seating too so we can kind of cycle it a couple times but it stopped smoking fairly quickly and hopefully it's just a wheel burning off of it it's only been two minutes since it stopped so I say we go dump the air in it don't let the pressure come down we'll see at what point it comes on [Applause] just a pipe burning and again I know that gets hot this gets real hot you see most of smoke is coming off of that a little bit on the top I think maybe probably cycle it a few times I'm gonna let it cool down and cycle and we'll keep the kind of checking on it might be okay yeah well if he about it but we're into it for 58 bucks so far 60 bucks 10 bucks for that it's on her head so again worst case scenario is this you buy another compressor and yet yet yet 10 you um you system the two tanks together so I said have a 60 gallon capacity you have a hard 20 gallon capacity so you have a much longer reserve of air make sense no is it now that I'm thinking of it the other one had a larger pulley on it because it has a larger pulley on it it allowed it to spin slower you know I say oh if it took you let's see the old pulley took a foot and a half of belt to make a circle and this pulley smaller only takes a foot of a belt to turn it this is still turning at the same speed this is spinning faster so I have a feeling or just uh I mean we're about 10 or 20 percent a little too fast on the RPM again what's little cycle a little bit we could fix that by changing this pulley I might even have something in my stash knock this down maybe a one-inch sighs get us into a better realm I don't would say it's I mean thought it's not like hot enough what you can't hey Ellis I got a couple more time because it the other the downside of that is is the smaller you go on that pulley the longer it can take to recover to just as slow as hops or it slower yeah its operating slower you know it's just not doing as much work so we'll find it how about we go spy we have our combination over here I would say that one looks to be about the same that we have on the setup you got it we sneak in there and see this is both it to the floor so like it can really pull it away hard to see in there yeah that I said we could we could yeah in there and see so you can see of that one is a heck of a lot smaller than the other one in the back Polly it's about the same size is what we have on there so that's the deal it's running it way too fast so we gonna cut that front pulley down then I went back in my stash of police and I found that I would say that we ought to slow it down a little bit huh might be just the right ticket we will clean that up I don't that belts gonna be able to sacrifice be sufficient anymore I have to go check the hoard for something outfit that too not that if something is buying it belt but I'd rather get it dialed in before we start you know buying stuff that's just for testing purposes so what you think our chances are we'll find one of those that can fit and yes we have a belt on there let's go dump some air on it let it fire back up it seems like it's holding fine of course you're out good that gauges will put another one on it's you a mechanic's adjustable regulator but let's purge might want to go a little tighter [Music] [Laughter] yeah I felt the war out so we think let's go try one it's a little fatter the way it's not touching the size it's just running on the center of it all right new belt that little black hose has a leak in it you got the pressure you're a Haitian when it was coming out I think it likes that much better not even smoking I push no way I'll have to breather anymore neither yeah good I'm happy with that that oughta that ought to make it so she's a longevity machine hope seems to like that a lot better but he's still leaking on this fitting I tried tidying up I think what happened was those sliding the motor forward him back and this is a copper line not plastic and it pushed up against this I mean he could see a very slight crack over there try tightening this up I thought the leak was between these two but it's it's very tiny but he could hear it here's some little hey it doesn't leak when it stops and probably be able to get that part of it seems fine now should probably wipe it down and make sure that the oil level is up nice and high and run it you know me from zero back all the way up again and make sure that there's a no issues on that that full startup I've done five cycles now we're dumping the valve you know down to 80 psi and comes back up again and it seems to be okay but I'd like to uh get a little bit more through its paces one more time all the way and if it does that then I think that that pulley size is gonna be fine the one on the other one's even smaller but I think I might get get us in the right realm I don't know I'm just making it up as we go along you see we blow out the bottom see much water we get I can't turn it hey get something on that prepare my scripts I would suspect that is gonna go Wow go get a pan if you want to go pee you compress air it pushes the water out of it - but thanks fill up and then to rot for the inside of the tank out don't let the other part of it I'll let you know how many of you takes I split up halfway two times cuz they got to be able to get it out of there so I would say that filled that bowl up once put about three quarters of a gallon got lighter I like that a lot better went to its full cycle so burn off a little bit of oil I believe on top which you should nothing like it was before you'll be just fine it's not pushing anything out of the oil breather that looks fine I did top it off I've very little bit you know an ounce maybe I put in it so I see that's gonna survive well right like that for a while she always likes it and has an issue then we'll move on like we said making a sister tank and getting another compressor but I think it might be ok it might be a good setup the guys lights flashing oh I think oh yeah I think I'm gonna go cut this one short right here cut it short yeah cut it right here I was gonna do the other compressor and tear it down to see what the deal is with it as far as what failed but maybe we'll make that on a separate video put a comment if you want to see that tore apart fine if not that's fine either way let me know and you know maybe we'll make a video of that but for this one I think we're gonna wrap it up I'm gonna put the plastic covers back on it and call it a day on this guy's want to thank you for wrecking and hanging on the garage meeting trying to fix stuff so until the next one and see you later I'm supposed to sound like that
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 809,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, how to, air compressor repair, air compressor, repair, husky, ingersoll, ingersoll rand air compressor, motor, swap, build
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2019
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