Twinkie Grilled Cheese Loaf Taste Test

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (wheel ticking) - Welcome to Good Mythical Morning More! It's Good Mythical More. - Superpower. - Ooh - Hey, we're a super duo. And our names are, El Jerko Superior & Dank Wesley. - I'll gladly be Dank Wesley, come give me a smell. See? Pretty dank. - Where have you been? I'm El Jerko Superior. Where have you been that you smell that way? - A basement - A head shop? - A basement. Stop being such a jerko superior. - (laughing) But I'm the best jerk. - I'm sorry. - I'm the superior jerk. - I just can't help but be distracted by this. - Loaf. - Immaculate loaf of grilled cheese Twinkie in front of me. Josh come on in here and let's talk about it. - Come in here and tell us. - Oh my goodness. - Your secrets. And while we're getting settled here. Hey you know what we did? We released a new two man vlog. Over on the Rhett and Link channel. Yeah, that's something we're doing this year. The old Rhett and Link channel it's back. And we are vlogging every Saturday. Go check it out, subscribe, ring that bell. Thank you very much. - I bet you I can see your reflection in that. - It's kind of slippery too. - Take the knife, take the knife. - Can I just grab. - I can see you in it. - I really want to grab the blade. - I can see you. - I needed to scoot in. - What? - I'm so sorry about that. Can I just, yeah. I feel better now. - Thank you. - Hey guys, what's up? - I'll move over. - Thanks. - That's a Twinkie. - Yes. Well kind of it's a Twinkie grilled cheese or a grilled cheese Twinkie, I don't know. - How do you get the bread to be the bread? - Okay so I made a. - You put biscuits in there? - No I did a similar thing. I blended a bunch of white bread into a cake dough. And then I turned that into, and then I put cheddar cheese in there to make a cheddar cheese Twinkie. And then tried to make it look like a Twinkie. And then inside is a white cheddar cream frosting. - Ooh. - And I think it's going to be pretty good. I don't know. I have high hopes. I get excited about these things. - Based on that cross section. Yeah, I think you have good reason to have high hopes. - Hi-ho Silver! Chop that thing. Are we going to loaf it? - What? Yeah we. - We're going to slice the loaf? - Let's loaf it, let's just loaf it. - Lets slice it. (slicing noise) - Now usually I don't like an end piece. - Why are you cutting it so big? - What? (laughing) I do it according to how hungry I am. - Okay, alright. - And I've just been sitting there watching you guys eat like Popeye's grilled cheeses and I'm pretty excited. - Yeah, yeah. That's great. - Pass those plates down, Link. - Wow. (plates scraping) - Wow. - Lets take off the end pieces, and you can just throw those right away. - Those are for the dogs. - Yup. - So you're not an end piece man? - No. - Some people are. - I don't like em but I don't throw them away. I obviously eat them. But it's always like I save them for when I'm actually in my best mood. Because I'm like you know, I'm in a good place right now. - Ah ha you can appreciate things. - Yeah, I'm just going to be grateful that I have the end pieces of bread to begin with. - I'm tempted to eat this with a fork. - When your in your best mood? - Yeah, cause if I'm like ya know, come a day. Oh hard day at the office we had to make a bunch of squid ink grilled cheese. And my fingers are still stained with squid ink. I'll come home and be like I want nice center cut filets of bread. - Yeah no end pieces. - But if I just come home. And I'm like, ya know, wow. - Lets have those forks. Now if you eat these with a fork does that make it not a sandwich? - Oh we are getting into a whole territory with this conversation right now. I don't think this is a sandwich because I believe that this is a cake. But also some people wouldn't even call this a cake. They'd call it a quick bread. Because if you think about banana bread right? What separates that from a cake? - Bananas. - Well you can have banana cake? - Uhhh. - If it's in a loaf. It tastes like cake, smell like cake. - The format. - It's a loaf shaped. - What about a pound cake? Is that not a loaf? - Well not, my Nana's is not. It's big and round. - Yeah. - Really? - And almost bundt-ish. (crew laughing) - Hers is a never ending cake. Pound cake, that keeps turning back on itself. - Really? - You know what my Nana does? She calls me at like midnight her time. Nana staying up late. - I wanna meet your Nana. - Which is great. Oh, I'd love for you to meet her. She's a great woman. First name Fanny. Great person. - Yeah. - She stays up late for the East Coast. Which is great for the West Coast. You know? Cause it's hard to connect. You think three hours isn't that big of a deal. But three hours is a big deal. - Yeah. It's enough for you to completely forget you have a family back home. (Link laughing) Happened to me last year. - Unless your Nana calls you at midnight her time. - You said her pound cake keeps like regenerating. - Uh, I mean no. It's just a circle. - Oh, I thought you meant people take a piece. And then they look away. And they look back. And there's a piece again. - It's like the loaves and fishes. - Like a monkey paw wish kinda thing. You know? Like she was cursed by. - She does ship it. She does ship it across the nation. - Really? - Get yourself a thing and let's do this. They're like, I wanna know what it tastes like. We'll tell ya. - Yeah. - It is kinda crunchy on the outside. - Oh. You went with the Twinkie temperature. - Mhmm. - You're not trying to make this hot. - Then the cream inside would melt. And it would absorb into the Twinkie. - What kind of cheese? - It's white cheddar inside. Yellow cheddar outside. But then a lot of sugar. Drowned in so much sugar. That hopefully you can't taste anything else, but the little salty cheese bite. - Yeah. - It's very good. - It's absolutely, stupendous. It's so tasty. - It's nice. - But I'm trying to get the. I'm losing the cheese-ness. - Focus on it. Just put your. - Just focus on it? - Put your mind in the back of your tongue. And close your eyes and eat it. And savor that bite for three to four minutes. Just keep it in your mouth and mull it around. And think of cheese. - Ya know, there's a certain diet. Where people chew food for a really, really long time. - Yeah, Mark Twain was a big fan of that. - You're just trying to get me to shut up for three minutes. - Yeah. - No, no, no. Just focus on the cheese. And really meditate. Go inside your minds eye. - Mark Twain really? - Yeah Mark Twain was a big fan. Cause that's the one fad diet that to me makes a ton of sense. - I had to swallow it. - The overchew? - But it tasted so good. - The overchew. Cause the food stacks. So competitive eater Takeru Kobayashi right? Who's like the Michael Jordan of competitive eating. - Right. - He used to do the shuffle. He would. I'm gonna have to do this. Because he would eat a bunch of hot dogs. And then he would kinda like do one of these. And people thought it was just to hype himself up. But he said it would shift the hot dogs and stack em more easily inside his body. That's what Mark Twain was doing by chewing food a bunch. - Mark Twain and me both chew food a bunch. - Yeah. - I'm like Mark Twain. - You're exactly like Mark Twain. - Yeah, just like Mark Twain. - [Stevie] Guys, I have some answers for some questions that you had in the main episode. - [Link] Okay. - [Stevie] Plural of squid is shoal. - Should of been squad. - [Stevie] But, there's a petition to have it changed to squad. - Ahh! - Because of us? (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Yeah it happened really quickly. - It happened that quick. - Link in the description. I know you feel passionately about this. - [Stevie] Well, well, well. - - [Stevie] Unfortunately, it's closed. - It's closed but you can look at it. - Well open it back up. - [Stevie] Okay, I'll do that right now. - How many people agreed with it? How many people signed on to it? - [Stevie] Just under 5,000. I don't know how many people, - So, - [Stevie] are looking for those petitions. - is a place where you can do frivolous stuff? - Oh, I have a frivolous - Okay. - Yeah. - What's yours? - So it's to introduce a new menu item at In-N-Out. On the secret menu. - Ohh. - Because In-N-Out doesn't have a veggie burger. And I have a lot of vegetarian friends. Who want to go there and enjoy more than just the grilled cheese sandwich. - That's good. - So I think they should take a coagulated brick of Animal Fries. Cause you know you can kinda just lift up the whole brick with one fry. - Yeah. - And they should put that inside a bun. And call it The Frying Starchman. - I like that. - Cause The Flying Dutchman. - So link in description. I think we had 17 people last time I checked. (crew laughing) But we're small but strong community. - Okay. - With a lot of thoughts. - The Frying Starchman? - The Frying Starchman. - But, when did you do that? - It was like three years ago. Just kinda for funsies. - Okay. - Yeah. - But yours is still open. They haven't closed yours. - Well I hope. I haven't checked in awhile. I'm not gonna lie I moved on to other things in my life. (Rhett laughing) - The Frying Starchman. - Yeah. - Yeah, I can see signs. Like picket signs. You're goin' to In-N-Out and your like. - Yeah. - You could probably get some more people behind you I mean. There's some subscribers over there on the Mythical Kitchen Channel now. - Well there's a big change. Oh, that was you segwaying. So I could talk about Mythical Kitchen Channel. - Yeah, right. - Well, Mythical Kitchen Channel is great. What camera do I look in? It's so fun. - No, no. Here's the thing. It's done. - So In-N-Out. - It's suppose to be subtle. - A bunch of people. - Organic. - I thought I was really organic and subtle. - This is good. (crew laughing) - So people, they petition In-N-Out, - The Flying Starchman. - to have a veggie burger. But they didn't offer any actionable solutions. - Yeah, you're right. - So there was thousands of people who are like put a veggie burger on the menu. - Yeah, you gotta be more specific than that. - Yeah. So I came up with a solution. But only 17 people. - Well ironically. - I would eat that. - Ironically. - Would you eat that? - Yeah I would. Ironically their, you know, vegetarian option is their grilled cheese. - Yeah. - Which is what my youngest son used to get. Here's a funny story. One time. - He's gonna tell him a funny story. - One time we were taking one of Shepherd's friends. We had him with us for the day. So we were like, "You guys wanna go to In-N-Out?" And then. Jessie was. You never know. In LA you going to like a fast food place sometimes. - Some kids aren't raised that way. - Some kids haven't been to a fast food place. And so. - Not allowed to. - So we were like. We were like, "Can you have like In-N-Out?" And he was like, "Sure." We were like, "Have you ever been?" And he's like, "No I've never been to In-N-Out." And so Jessie was like, "I think I probably need to call his mom and just say hey, is it okay if he goes to In-N-Out? Cause I don't wanna. Ya know?" - Cause of the nudes. (crew laughing) - Don't know about that part. - Huh? - Let me take ya to my In-N-Out. - What? (crew laughing) - That sounded bad on a couple levels. I was joking about the whole thing. - Well it didn't really land. (crew laughing) - That's cool. - So then, the kid said. So we call his mom and she said, "Oh sure, he can have. Yeah you can take him to In-N-Out. He's never been there. But that'll be fine." - That's weird. - And so we're literally in the line for the drive-thru. And we're like, "What do ya want to get?" And he's like, "Well ya know. I've never had a burger." We were like, "Well you've never had a burger?" And he's like, "I've never had meat." - You were gonna give the boy meat for the first time? - I'm like were not gonna defile you son. Like what? You're gonna have meat for the first time and it's gonna be our fault? You made it all this time. You're like ten years old. And your parents are like, "Sure he's out with the McLaughlin's let him eat meat." (crew laughing) - That is so odd. What'd you do? - We did not get him a burger. - I'd be like dude get a double, double. I'mma watch you eat the whole thing. (Rhett laughing) You're a late bloomer. But you need to grow. - Yeah so. - [Stevie] Guys, I have some bad news. - What? - [Stevie] Josh's petition is closed. - Oh, how many did we end up at? - [Stevie] Not sure you can open it. But instead we will be linking to nudes. - (laughing) Okay, great. - That's what I was fishin for the whole time. - The old In-N-Out. (crew laughing) - Welcome to our house tour. - Thought we were gonna say that in unison. - [Rhett and Link] Welcome to our house tour! - Yeah. We decided to rent a house in order to then give you a tour of it.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 609,122
Rating: 4.9284396 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Twinkie Grilled Cheese Loaf Taste Test, twinkie, grilled cheese, twinkies, josh, chef josh, mythical chef josh
Id: m9E6U5NuuD4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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