Wildest Flirting Sketches - Key & Peele

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- Where you at though? Where you at? - 34, 24, shabloimps, blip blip. Oh man, check this out dawg, check this out. Look at his fine piece of ass all the way down the street here, dawg. - That's what I'm talking about though. Hey girl! Yeah, walk this way with that fine ass. So blip! - Yeah girl. Why don't you come down here and put that in my mouth, 'cause daddy want a snack. - Blip, blap, taking a bap. - Why you hurting me girl? - Frisky. - Why you hurting me? - Friskety. - That's deliciousness. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Keep it coming. Ye... And that is a professional basketball mascot. - That is a man in an orange rhinoceros costume. - Hell, I'd (beep) that rhino. ♪ But I don't need you ♪ (bluesy music) (church bells ringing) - Wooee Miss Clarissa, I'm gonna tell you girl, in that dress you're looking about as sweet as a field full of honeysuckle after spring rain shower. How do you do it, girl? - That ass, though. (harmonica music) - What was that? - What was what? - What you just said to her. - Oh, well I was just following your lead. - No, you wasn't. You was being all heavy handed with it, man. You gotta be subtle. Subtle. - Exactly. You gotta be subtle you want to talk to them ladies. - I can do that. - Look here. - Woooee, Ms. Denise, girl, the way that dress is flowing, you look like a mountain reek after a spring thaw, simply refreshing. What if your secret? - Way that dress fitting on you, got them titties popping out. - What? - Amazing. What is your secret? - What are you doing? - I was just doing what you was doing. - No, you wasn't. - I even said "What is your secret," that's verbatim. - That part was. Did you hear me saying anything about anybody's titties? - No. - You know what? How about we just say no words altogether? - No words altogether. - Mmmhmm. - Question. - Yeah? - How will I talk? - You're not going to talk, okay? - [Peele] Right. - Wooooee, ladies, I'm sorry, y'all hurting my eye. Y'all just like smoldering like the sun and just as bright in them beautiful dresses. (Peele humming suggestively) - Mm, vagina. - What the hell was that? - Oop, I did say a word at the end there, didn't I? - Did you see the part where all this was going on and shaking your tail feathers and whatnot? - I didn't see it, I got the worst view in the house. - That's what chased them away, man. - All right. - You know what? Stay away from me. - All right. - Woooee, Miss Laverne, you like a long-stemmed rose, the way you looking and smelling, mm mm mm. What is your recipe? - Damn boy, I bet you got a big old dick and balls. - I love you. (harmonica music) - [Key] Oh man, I really had to get outta the house. - I'm just glad you came out. - Appreciate it. - For real. - Man check this girl out, man, she is fine. - She aight. - Really? - Hey man, I am going to go to the bathroom. - Okay man, see ya in a minute. - You know what? I told myself this morning, I wasn't gonna fall in love. You went and made me break my only rule. I'm gonna take that right quick. I am going to take that. I'm going to use that. Okay? - Oh, hey, what's up man? You just got her number, huh? - Yeah, Cheyenne. - Oh, is that her name? - Yeah, she was fly. - See, that's the girl I was talking about. - Oh snap. Are you serious? - Yeah, dude. - Oh, I'm sorry. - Ain't no thing man, forget it man. There's plenty of hotties here. - I just thought you were talking about someone else. - Check her out. (Peele zooming) - I'm not a sports man, but think me and you could touch down later, if you know what I'm saying. Am I being stupid? But for real though, just gimme your number, whatever. Thank you, girl, I'm gonna take that. - How did you get over here so fast? - Huh? - Nothing, it just seemed like you... - [Reporter] The death toll has climbed to seven... - [Key] Damn, that reporter is smoking hot. (menacing music) What that (beep)? No. No. No. Huh? Yeah. No, no. - [Woman] Hey baby. - How are you, how are you doing that? - [Woman] Honey, what's wrong? - Baby, I love you. I'm sorry, I was out. I was looking at other women tonight but you are all there is. I love you. (menacing music) (Middle Eastern music) - Jahar my friend, there are a lot of beautiful women out here today. - Kadeem, my friend, you speak the truth. - I do what I can. - Wow. - Right? - Blip. - Shabloimps. - You know, I caught a little glimpse of her foot nut. - You saw ankle bone? You got some ankle cleavage, you dirty devil, huh? You saw? (overlapping talking) Very good, very good, very good. (tongue waggling) Love that. - Dude, did you see the bridge on that nose? - I mean, if it is any indication, holy garbanzo beans. - There is a bridge I'd like to cross. (both laughing) - This is my boy. This is my boy. This is my boy. - Huh. - Not a lot to go on. - Not really, not really - Good height. - Good height. - Good height. - Crazy tall. - Like 5'9". - Huh? Come on, come on, come on, come on. She's tall. - That's right. - She's tall. - She's tall. - There's nothing too tall. - Let me see, let me see it from behind. Let me see it from behind. That's how you hit it, that's how you hit it. - Jahar, can I tell you something in confidence right now? - What is it? - I'm a virgin. (exciting music) - Oh my God Jahar, my friend. - Yes Rajim? - We are a long way from home. - Every American woman is more infidel than the last right. - You're telling me my good friend. Nine o'clock, nine o'clock, nine o'clock. - Blip. - Shabloimp. - Okay? Come on. Full frontal face? Only in America baby. - [Both] Only in America. - What did you see? - This is yours, and then that is yours. What did you see? What did see? - I tell you what I saw. - What? - I see a little bit of forearm, a little bit of the thigh, and I saw some ankle nut. - You got ankle nut? - Oh I got ankle nut. - The whole baba ganoush, huh? - In America, it's like we got the X-ray vision. - Oop, here we go, here we go, here we go. Holy tabbouleh, would you look at the leg elbows on that one? Woo! - Tell you what. (both laughing) What I wouldn't do for six seconds with her? (both laughing) - What would you do? - I want to show you right now. - You're gonna show me? - Spot me man. (voices overlapping) I'll show what I'd do right now. I would pump it high and low. And then I would lift it to the ceiling. Lift it to the ceiling. (Rajim squealing) Working the body. - [Both] Working the body, working the body, working the body, working the body. Do it to the head, give it to the head, give it to the head. - Oop, oop, belly button. We got belly button in the building. We got belly button. (both gasping) That's belly button my friend. - I couldn't believe we saw belly button. I've never seen a belly button on a woman before. I thought it was a myth. - Yes. It's like the butthole of the belly. - It is, what I wouldn't do for. - What would you do? - Give me. - Show me, show me. - I will if you give me the ball. - Show me, show me, show me, show me. - I'm gonna show it to you right now. - I'm ready, I'm ready. Ho, come on, you can feel it. - Grab the hair, do it. (overlapping voices) Let's switch positions. Let's do it. - Lock 'em up. - I will show you the world. - Shining, shimmering, splendid. - Don't you dare close your eyes. - Yes, princess, yes... Infidels. - Homosexual American devils. - Give them the whistle of disapproval. - I will right now. (wolf whistles) - That is my boy. - That should teach them. - That is my boy, huh? (classical music) - Here is your white wine. - Thank you. - You are welcome. Hey Pete, little thirsty tonight? Ha, yeah, super thirsty. - Pete, this is Herasa. Herasa, this is Pete. Herasa just got back from Africa. - Oh Africa. - Anyways, you were saying? - Oh, the AUC. - Oh, right. - So this conflict is exactly the reason the African Union Commission was put in place to address. - [Herasa] The Organization of African Unity certainly wasn't gonna do anything. - Exactly, and if Kosta Glamini Zuma wants to do anything about Bongwi, she certainly being quiet about it. - The worst thing about Bongwi is that no one knows what's going on. - Oh I know, right? - I mean, look at right next door in the South Sudan. - Here's the thing, everybody just thinks that it's like it's the Lion King over there, you know? - Lion King. - Excuse me? - It's not the Lion King. - Exactly. - I mean, what do people think, a baboon is gonna hold a lion cub over a rock, up to the sun while all these little animals sing? - Anyway, something else I wanted to mention is they have the manpower because Amazon has 25,000 troops just sitting there in Somalia. - It's not a three animated hyena situation. That doesn't make any sense. The bad isn't Scar over there. - Um, yeah. Yeah, that's right. It's not like Scar's the bad guy - Huh, well, I mean, you know the truth is no one knows who to blame, because in reality Amazon doesn't have that much control. - They don't. - Like Simba. Oh, like Simba. He had no control over. He was plucked out from his home and went on a whole journey before he came back and was just in the middle of a war that really had nothing to do with him. - You know, Pete, I'd be really interested in hearing your thoughts on the UN's policies in East Africa. - Hakuna matata. - Unbelievable. - Yes. My God, that sums it up perfectly. Wow, there's so much work still to be done. - Yes, that's what I was saying. - It's been going on for so many years - So many years, circle of life. - Hmm, exactly. That's really brilliant - I don't know about brilliant. Let's dial it back, I'm just a man. - Okay I'm gonna go get some hors d'oeuvres. - Okay, no need to announce it. - What are your thoughts on the Middle East? - Aladdin. - Yeah. ("Key and Peele Theme") ♪ I want you ♪ ♪ But I don't need you ♪
Channel: Key & Peele
Views: 3,759,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wildest flirting sketches, Key and Peele, Jordan Peele, Keegan-Michael Key, keey & peele, Key & Peele full episodes, key and peele show, kay and peele, sketch comedy, funny, funny video, comedy videos, funny jokes, funny clips, Get Out, Us, Jordan Peele Get Out, Jordan Peele Us, Key & Peele sketch, Key and Peele comedy, Jordan Peele stand up, Keegan-Michael Key stand up, comedy central, skit, sketch, joke, high school, substitute teacher, a a ron, best of key & peele
Id: O3Yn95prMas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 48sec (828 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 21 2022
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