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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video i'm actually even more excited about this video than i normally am because i have not shot my 300 blackout in a long time this is what april of 2021 and it's hard to find 300 blackout it has been for like a year so i'm just not shooting it a whole lot but i got a hold of some of this from defiant and let me take these off tell you exactly what it is let me give you up close look here first check this stuff out if you look closely you can see the machine slots down the side of those so uh and let me give you some of these stats here too 300 blackout 110 grain so it's not a subsonic it's a super 110 grinder and it says that they should be going somewhere around 2200 feet per second so like i said not subsonic but fast fast rounds and typically fast for 300 blackout i should say but typically when you see these type of rounds they're this cnc machine copper and they expand out and do something like flat and they just wow dump a whole lot of energy in a short amount of time we've caught some 45 70 450 bushmaster these same similar type bullets and they're just flat out awesome i would absolutely love to take a deer with the 300 blackout um we'll see how these go may be able to film a deer hunt with 300 blackout this year um use these rounds but i've got six water jugs set up here this is going to be a quick video and see if we can catch one of these expanded and just get kind of a look at how these expand and catch one of these bullets in some water real quick but uh let me get my about 300 blackout i'm going to be shooting here is my cmmg resolute so it's a 16 inch barrel 16.1 cmg resolute 300 blackout yeah like i said i haven't been able to shoot her in a while because oh yeah you can't find the 300 blackout ammo but i'm gonna load her up see what happens let's catch a 300 blackout crazy copper bullet should be pretty cool all right now i've got one of those babies loaded up let's uh let's hope we can catch it like i said i haven't shot this in forever i think my red dot is sighted in at 25 yards so we're just gonna give it a go see if we can hit those jugs over there come on baby hit dead center for us oh i didn't load one happens every time gotta load it i felt like i squeezed the trigger a little bit right let's go see what happens hey we caught it i don't know like i said i felt like when i squeezed it squeezed the trigger off i was aimed a little bit too far right of the center but let's see what happens so far on that shot we might have to retry it so i numbered these jugs number one got smacked real hard flew i don't know three four yards away off the table number two is laying right here and looks like a pretty uh decent center shot there somewhere but i don't see any bullet in there anywhere to you guys and number three looks like it got kind of a dimple there but no bullet at least i don't think let's hold that up nope no bullet so let's uh let's try to shoot it again maybe we can catch one i don't know maybe we were too close i was standing like 10 15 yards for that one let's go back to maybe 20 25 and see if it makes a difference it might be going so fast with that hundred and ten greater just blows it into a bunch of pieces but i'm gonna set up a couple more jugs and we'll try it again all right so grabbed another one of those babies we're a little bit further back let's see what i can do here for uh a precision shot i would like to have a scope on here but we're out here with the red dot um and uh a rest will keep me from being shaky too but working with what we got today i think we can catch one of these we maybe we have to go back to 100 yards now that felt like a really good shot let's go see what happened so far it looks like we just exploded two jugs again all right let's take a closer look see what happens if we caught one of those crazy expanders there i don't know so so far similar story the first one went that away is about the same distance second jug is still standing here and is torn quite uh apart pretty good but when i look at it i see an entry in the front but i don't see an exit it's a mark there on the back like maybe something touched the back and there's no bullet in there looking up here i don't see that there's a hole in here either so maybe i'll scan the ground here for a second but i don't see any bullets hmm these things might just be dumping so much power they're just exploding there uh maybe we'll catch something on the slow motion footage but final final bullet i'm gonna take it back even further and probably miss the jug see what happens so i just picked up one of these jugs and noticed something check out what's happening when we hit this water pretty cool so this one i had labeled number one there's the front of it but look at the back here the back by the time it hits the back of jug number one it had already split into several like ninja stars you can see a hole there in the middle another hole up top and then another slice right there so right there coming out of the back of the first jug it's already into three pieces like three ninja stars coming out the back of that one so so far even at 20 25 yards that sucker's got so much zing on it at impact it's coming apart almost like those you probably heard of those rip rounds and just sending those shards out man i bet you that would be wicked hunting hogs or something but i'm gonna shoot another one we got four jugs over here back it up even further see what happens i still don't think we're gonna catch one i think they're just splitting apart on the impact what which they're probably supposed to do all right so now i'm walking far away from the target to where i can think i can reasonably hit one of those with a red dot somewhere center don't forget to check out some hoodie who merch link down below if you're feeling froggy but how far is this oh i should have counted my steps this is probably about 40 yards maybe let's uh let's give her a go from right here and see what happens what do you think yeah it's probably 40 yards i think i can hit that if i shouldn't uh i probably shouldn't be shooting huh i know we can hit it i just don't know how center will hit it red dot engage here we go hmm i think we missed better go grab another bullet i think i probably aim too high on that one see what happens with this [Applause] well i missed the first one but i definitely hit the second one let's go check it out i think this time we might have at least got a more interesting result let's go see what happens remember for this these last shots i had four jugs up there that i was trying to hit from back there 40 50 yards i don't know i should have counted the steps on my way back up here but so we had four up there first one is down there on the ground for some reason they always are shooting off to the left then we have the other three up here so let's check out the damage remember that last one we had three shards coming out the back of the first one so probably something similar happening here they were lined up like this so this hit must have gone a little bit to the right judging off that see if we can see anything on this baby yeah yeah i think we hit in the upper right quadrant there now that's continuing on through here through the upper right section no bullet pieces in the second jug there's a piece coming right out the back and then another piece coming out right there so it's in two shards at the start of the second one then this third one we still had a shard going through right here you can see it and then a shard came out the back here and then we had a shard go in here into the fourth one and it looks like another one also took the top off we got any holes coming out the back so no so i'm gonna guess that if something went in right here it might be in the bottom of this jerk and that would be pretty cool but it doesn't really look like it let's pour it out real quick and see if there's anything in there i don't know if there is oh look guys i just saw it on the table right there check that out that's exactly what i was looking for so the uh that other one we saw we saw three stars coming out the back this one at that 40 50 yard shot actually stayed intact with the exception of one of those so how cool is that pretty cool and it expanded just about as much as it could too man that's cool and i don't think i'm gonna pour this one out anyways and see if i can find that other third shard but i don't think it's in there but man that's exactly what i was hoping to see there so there you have it guys exactly what i was trying to show you somebody's riding their truck around here everybody around here has got holes in their exhaust for some reason either they just chopped it off but anyways uh that's exactly what i was trying to show you in catching that pedaled out 300 blackout super super wicked man insane and it worked absolutely well so story there is you know inside of 50 yards that sucker's just gonna hit pop and then it's going to split out into those three ninja stars you go back to about um close to 50 yards then this is this is what you're gonna see which again absolutely awesome and what i was trying to show you guys today in this video but defiant 300 black out there super super sweet stuff i didn't even see it on the package there until just now it says handmade in the usa that's always a good thing but cool ammo that's the coolest 300 blackout i've ever shot like i said if you want to see a deer hunt with this stuff uh comment down below i'll get this stuff sighted in um and we'll go pop a deer with 300 blackout i think it'd be awesome um didn't jam or anything out of my cmmg i'm assuming uh this stuff's probably some of the best stuff you can find but if you're 300 blackout fan go check out the channel we've already got tons of 300 blackout videos up if you haven't subscribed don't forget to subscribe to the hooty hoo channel appreciate you guys a big thanks to the heavy metal channel you guys go check out them and all the other links down below we'll see you guys on the next one [Music] you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 19,124
Rating: 4.9477468 out of 5
Keywords: 300, 300blk, 300 blk, 300aac, 300 aac, 300 blackout, insane 300blk, defiant 300blk, defiant munitions, defiant munitions ammo, ammo, where to find 300blk, where to find 300 blk, where to find 300 blackout, where to find 300 blk ammo, 300blk ammo, expanding 300blk, copper 300blk, copper 300 blk, 300blk hunting rounds, 300blk supersonic, fast 300blk, whoteewho, who tee who, cmmg, cmmg resolute, cmmg resolute 300blk, cmmg 300blk, cmmg 300 blk, expanding 300 blk ammo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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