4570 - Scope or No Scope???

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[Music] hey everybody how you doing this is about to be a really fun video but check it out we have brought out the 45-70 so this is my marlin model 1895 and a couple things i want to do in this video so i have never put a scope on this first i had just the iron sights and then i got this little rail here see that rail and then i had a red dot on it worked awesome i took this rifle in the deer woods where we'd have about a 50-yard shot a lot but guess what every time i took the 45-70 out the deer's never showed up so i haven't taken a deer with this yet but i just slapped this scope on here and this scope is nothing special so this is a non-branded [ __ ] scope that i had in the drawer hopefully it's going to withstand up to the 4570 but what is this a 3 to 12 by 40. um like i said i don't even know what the brand is but for this video i want to get the 4570 sighted in at 100 yards i've shot this rifle at 100 yards but just with the iron sights i want to get to where we can shoot this with pretty good groups at 100 yards now also alfred huge shout out to alfred alfred sent us in this limb saver so in the in the past when we filmed this videos i've literally had a hematoma golf ball grow out of my shoulder um you guys that watch the videos i'm not a [ __ ] we shoot big guns all the time but just the fact of the matter is if you shoot a lot of 4570 it really uh does a number on your shoulder no matter how you hold it i get people all the time yeah you're just not holding that gun right yeah okay but two things we want to do in this video let me show you the package for that limp saver real quick there's the package there that that the limb saver came in this is the uh limb saver size small if you guys want to check that out but again big shout out to alfred for sending that in we're about to let some bullets fly see how that does on the shoulder but two things like i said i want to test out this limb saver and want to get this rifle sighted in at 100 yards but there's a lot of people out there that say all lever guns shouldn't have uh iron sight or lever guns shouldn't have scopes rather if you're shooting lever guns you should use iron sights i see the argument it's the whole nostalgia factor cowboy factor whatever you want to call it factor but i'm of the opinion if i have the opportunity to improve my shooting then let's go ahead and do it so that's what we're working with with the scope i guarantee you no matter what the gun is lever gun or not i can shoot it better with a scope that's dialed in perfect than with iron sights we could probably do pretty good on a deer at iron sights but i want to have fun shoot this sucker with a scope so that's what we're going to do um i've kind of got to where i think this thing is pretty close we're going to go back to 100 and fling some bullets at a clean piece of cardboard we should be able to see where the bullet is and adjust it from there but let's see what kind of group we can get with my 1895 at 100 yards and here is the ammo that we're shooting for this video what is this 250 grain so a little bit lighter than some of the other stuff you might have seen a lot of 4570 is 350 grain 405 grain 405 is really popular for 4570 you might say hey man why you shooting that because this was literally the only box in the store that i've seen in like a year so i was out of ammo i saw one box and i bought the one box so 250 grain let's see what it does see if see if we have enough bullets in this box to get it sighted in i hope we do all right so back here at 100 yards i've got a zoomed off the plate a little bit so we can hope oh of course i'm not kidding every time i turn the cameras on the wind kicks up and it drives me crazy every single time but um back here at 100 yards y'all cross your fingers we're going to get lucky here and it's going to be real close to that paper plate but i've got the camera kind of backed off a little bit so you guys can see that cardboard it's been a minute since i shot this thing and loaded them by the tube but let's see what we can do here 100 yards first shot just slapping this kind of man's cope on the one bad thing about this scope um the eye relief is is not real ideal for 45 70 being that it's a cheaper scope i kind of got to get my eyeball a little bit closer than i'd like to for this heavier recoiling round here but let's let this one fly and see if we can see where that big old 45-70 hits and i'm gonna try to pay attention to this limb saver [Applause] all right i hit the steel target behind it that's kind of funny you could hear it ring probably but uh looks like we're low about a foot and right i don't know four or five inches good thing about 4570 is you can see where those big old holes are so we need to come up let's go go 20 clicks up 10 20. there's 20 clicks up and then oh let's go three to the left three inches rather so 12 clicks press four there's 12. everybody wanting to drive their big old loud trucks past me today let's see where this one hits hopefully at least on that piece of paper this is not cheap ammo here [Applause] hey we hit the plate [Applause] we're headed in the right direction well if that was 20 clicks up we need let's go 20 more [Applause] and let's go eight clicks to the left i think this uh cheap scope's gonna work out a lot of people knock the cheap scopes but i've had decent luck with some of them so i'll be the first one to tell you you don't need to go spin two or three thousand on the scope but let's see where this third one hits so far it's holding up good and limb saver i like it i don't feel like somebody's sucker punching me in the shoulder i'm turning my dial the wrong way here no bad not bad at all this is working out better than i expected it to y'all know sometimes i get goofy when i'm sighting in rifles i'm gonna go ahead and come to the right three clicks and up two clicks those are not like inch marks i know some of y'all are like oh no that should be exactly that's like me taking a crayon and just uh making some random lines down there but let me load up three more here and we'll see what we can do with it i think this one should be pretty near dead-on for us and i need to save some other uh bullets i'm gonna shoot this whole box we can have 45-70 for more videos so check this one out fourth shot [Applause] a little bit high um one inch height 100 i think i'm gonna call it good with that let's take two more shots and see where we're hitting that's another thing y'all get mad at me about y'all lever gun lovers say i know you gotta throw that lever like you mean it well then when you do that you throw the brass and then you gotta go find it somewhere so i just do the leveral gentle life you know drive some of y'all crazy let's shoot two more without touching the scope here [Applause] pretty good pretty close to that other one there i go being easy on that lever last shot here huh well that was not too entirely good i'm gonna shoot another one just to see where it hits and then i'm gonna call it slide it in at a hundred scope can't be failing on me now i already spent 50 dollars of bullets on you now let's let one more fly here [Applause] huh interesting that makes me feel like the scope did move hmm i don't know i don't know but let's go down there and see what happened all right so walking up to it that was our first shot then we walked it in from there then i think our third shot if i'm not mistaken was up here then we hit here here then we hit here here so our last four shots without touching the scope too close to each other too close to each other almost the same hole that's kind of weird i don't know but this is our 4570 at 100 yards here with the scope i 100 percent torqued that scope down because i didn't want to have any problems for sure and made it to where that scope is not going to budge so a little bit weird there at the end i don't have a whole lot of experience with 4570 but um i'm thinking that that level revolution stuff should be better should be good for more than a three-inch goop group i'm tongue-twisted today and i'm stuttering that's really weird but you guys let me know i know some of you guys are big lever gun fans should this ammo shoot better than that group this level revolution stuff let me know um should we be able to get that rifle to shoot pretty close to the same hole groups i don't know once we can find some more 45-70 ammo we'll do some group testing at 100 yards with different ammo i love doing those videos but hey let me know what do you think should we leave the scope on the marlin should we take it off is the scope sacrilegious should we just use the iron sights you guys let me know but i have a lot of fun stretching out things that shouldn't be stretched out this would be a really fun one to shoot at a thousand yards comment down below if you want to see that at a thousand yards comment down below if you've tried that before i've seen where they actually do 45 70 competitions and hit like a target the size of a buffalo at a thousand that would be really fun but appreciate you guys watching as always don't forget to subscribe to heavy metal check out all the links down below we'll see on the next one you
Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 49,233
Rating: 4.939918 out of 5
Keywords: 4570, 45-70, 4570 govt, 45-70 govt, .4570, .45-70, .4570 govt, .45-70 govt, 4570 lever action, 4570 pistol, 4570 government, 4570 gov't, 45-70 gov't, .45-70 gov't, hot 4570 loads, 4570 grizzly, 4570 vs grizzly, 45-70 grizzly, 45-70 grizzly bear, 45-70 grizzly bear ammo, 45-70 vs grizzly bear, hot 45-70 loads, best 4570, best 45-70 loads, hot .45-70 loads, most powerful 45-70 ammo, best .45-70 ammo, scope for 45-70, 45-70 with a scope, 45-70 scope, limbsaver, limb saver
Id: 5EH9nMWyNko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 11 2021
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