556 vs 300BLK - Giant Clay Blocks!!!
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Channel: WHO_TEE_WHO
Views: 17,605
Rating: 4.9662118 out of 5
Keywords: 556 vs 300 blackout, 300 blackout, 300 blackout vs 5.56, 223 vs 300aac, 300 aac blackout, 300 aac blackout vs 5.56, 223 vs 300blk, 556 vs 300blk, 300blk vs 556, 300blk vs 223, whoteewho, who tee who, cmmg, cmmg resolute, cmmg 556, cmmg 300blk, cmmg 300 blackout, cmmg 300 blackout rifle, 556 or 300blk, 300blk or 556, 300 blk vs 556, best AR caliber, home defense, home defense AR, cmmg rifle, 5.56 vs 300 blackout, 300 aac, 300 aac vs 556, 300blk better than 556, 300blk
Id: Yv07M52eg-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 13 2020
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