How To USE PILLARS TO TRAP EVERY CREATURE in Ark Survival Ascended! ASA Tips and Tricks

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and with the new creature pathing update and the actual inclusion of new structures inside of Ark basically the total trapping process has been completely reworked and I'm going to show you how to trap literally any creature including Flyers with any number of pillars basically you're just going to use a few pillars and they can get trapped it's the only way to successfully get rid of the pathing update creature Wise by the way because uh pillars for some reason don't seem to activate their smarter creature pathing so I'm going to show you how to do that in this video we're going to go from even from we're going to start off with nice and easy one like a tholo then we'll move into a Rex and then we'll move into some flyers and I'll show you how to do it and basically just how to adjust the trap now if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel I'm getting close to 100K and that's been my dream all along so you can see that this guy is stuck behind behind us inside of the Trap right and it's a pretty simple concept the Trap is Meant to hit the midsection of a creature and that midsection of the creature will keep them locked in place now you just need to know a small difference and basically you just need either a large bear trap for an aggressive dyo that'll Trace you in there or for a non-aggressive dyo we're going to use honey in order to activate our little smart trap right so we're going to go and pull in Honey and then you can literally throw the honey on the ground and it'll basically pull every single Dyno from a certain region every Dyno likes honey so they try and go get the honey now I'm going to go and show you from Square One how to do this but let's go ahead and get started so basically you need to create the Trap you can see that I've trapped him with this one I would recommend the first few times that you actually use a trap like this that you make it a little wider because you want to practice a little bit more in order to um uh learn how to get these things for a Rex a good width by the way is five wide and then three deep now I know that sounds weird weird right because you're like what are you talking about teach um so basically you can switch the path in how a uh Piller now works to go vertical or horizontal now with how creature pathing Works what you want to do is set down a total of if you want one trap you're fine two traps you're just fine as well and they're going to basically see you in the middle of this trap and they're still going to try and get you now when they get close you're going to slowly back out the back side of this trap and then they're going to get stuck on those bear traps once they get stuck you're going to place this final line down right over here in order to lock the Rex in place now you can do this with a much smaller Trap by the way but I'm just showing you an example real quick for the Rex um let's go ahead and do this right here so you can see he's pissed off he's like okay you know here we go I'm angry let's come let's come take care of this he is going to come towards us we're going to go stand on our trap right here and when we run out this backside here notice how he get stuck on it and then we're literally just going to go go ahead and move this into place I don't know why I just missed all those but you get the point right so now you can't get out of that because that is uh so Rex's aren't able to get out of a one by one so you can think of it that way he is stuck inside of our trap now there is nothing that he can do he's just going to continue to try and bite us you can make it look pretty if it makes you feel better right but it doesn't matter so the Rex is now stuck inside because he's going to try and get to you and fall on top of your individual thing right here so you can just safely knock this Rex out on the inside of a trap like this and then you can make it and the best part of this kind of trap is you're not stuck to a particular size you build the Trap like you need it to be built so if you're on a hillside you can compensate for the depth and stuff like that and if you're not on a Hillside and you're on a flat area you can make it nice and simple now again this is a bigger trap right we probably won't need that much for something that's uh much smaller which is very true if you're taming something like a tholo right it's much much easier what we're going to do is we're going to drop this this guy into the ground Just a Touch because we want to be able to have the thla have its um you can see that this is probably too high for a thla and this is too low so I just wanted to show you that so we're going to go ahead and change the height of one of these pillars so we're going to uh pretend like we're getting a thila in this trap and we'll go right here raise it just a touch and then now we should be just fine right so in atha all you're going to need is a three wide Zone and just like this if you want to feel better about yourself you Place one of those things down I'm going to go you know I'm just going to put this in my hot bar so you guys can see what I'm talking about for this right here um and we're just going to place a single bear trap down for something like a thila right so the same exact concept instead of building the bigger trap for something like a Rex the thila is going to easily fit into this we're just going to aggro it so it gets caught on this thing right here this would work for a caros siiz dyo as well and you can kind of see the point behind this because they essentially can't see this because they're like the pillars and uh that that's it so I'm going to go ahead and pull a tholo in here you can see he's angry at us so he's going to Sprint and chase us we're going to basically stand right over the top of the Trap trapping him in place and we'll switch so he can actually access why is it not letting me go to the there we go I was like what what's going on here huh um so now that we have him stuck in place you can see that he can't go anywhere he is going to continue to run circles and there's not much that he can do in that time that you have with those traps if you're not comfortable the first few times place down a few traps and those few traps will actually give you the ability to um have a little extra time as they turn they'll get caught in those bear traps so there's a thler right so there's one two this is very simple he's going to try and crawl out but he literally can't so next up we're going to go with something that's a passive tame something that's considered a little bit more difficult to tame we're going to drop this one down and we're going to go after a stego now stos are very easy actually same exact concept as atha you only need three wide in order to tame it we're going to go ahead and go to this way and the secret for the uh for this next one um is we're going to go bring in a stego right where's this stego there we go now you can aggro it but you don't have to you can toss down some honey now every creature in the entire game is attracted to honey and they are going to go and try and eat said honey now what I like to do is I'll toss down one piece on the front side to bring him into the cage and then I'll toss down a second piece to get him further into that cage itself now notice how this this uh he's kindly walking into this trap for us so we literally don't have to do any extra work and that's it he is now stuck inside of this now the stego can't even move he's like I don't know what to do with my life I have been trapped inside of a cage now we have three creatures trapped inside of a cage right and you can see that we're making a different height based on the creature we're trying to tame now again the benefit is as soon as I'm done using this trap I just walk over and pick it all up because of how things work in Arc now I can pick up all structures that's it so now I did promise you that I would teach you how to use it with birds give me just a second here and I'll show you how to do that we're going to do one more we're going to Pretend We're taming a Triceratops right uh Triceratops can be a little bit um of a pain in the butt because they're like a mediumsized height so I will uh I got to usually trying to find a more flat zone for them so but they are also very easy we'll raise this just a touch maybe we won't maybe we'll try and do it this way okay yeah that should be fine they'll probably all right we just need to aim up the hill a little bit more all right so again we are going to trap a Triceratops inside of this one same exact concept though you can go even smaller with them uh for some reason the Triceratops work even better for a trap like this because they get AGG into it and they're like oh let me eat your food so I'm going to go ahead and copy paste a code that I've stored for about 6,000 years on the there we go triceratops and boom there we go so the Triceratops right it's going to see that honey and it's trying to get to the honey now if you want to you can pull this guy down and he's immediately going to be like oh yummy I'm going to eat that now once he gets inside of this again it's it's all there's one and he's going for the second one so one and he ate that one two and now we have ourselves a trapped Triceratops now if you want to and feel more comfortable let's say you've got like a bigger side that he might be able to get out on over here you just put down a couple of these and that this is how you make the Trap perfect right so now we've got a trapped stego we've got a trapped trike we've got a trapped thla we've got a trapped Rex it's all the exact same strategy now I did promise you that I would show you how to do a Arvin Tavis and I will so we're going to this this is also the same exact process it's just built slightly different for something like an argentavis so what we're going to do is we're going to make this just a touch taller and we're going to make it two wide right now you can make this this however you want but this is how I build this one and it's very easy all right one two come on thank you and the benefit about this one is you can basically pre-build this entire trap for an argentavis and uh you will you'll be shocked how easy this one is you're just going to rotate and because you because an argentavis cannot fit through a one by one you literally just have to build the sides of this cage ahead of time so everything's pre-built for a argentavis you do not need any Gates there's nothing difficult about this and it's insanely easy and all we have to do is spawn in our argentavis now all right so here's the argentavis now it's going to get pissed off it's going to see us right we're just going to run into the back of this cage it's going to get stuck in there because it doesn't have a very good creature pathing and then we've placed while we're sitting on that back side of this thing we're just going to drop in our uh individual pillar and it's stuck it's that easy um well I did mess that one up a little bit because I gave him too much room over here so what I would have have to do in the future is I just put two more right there it's very simple to bring him back into the cage so I made the mistake of not putting a pillar in there come here buddy yep now we're back so now um you can see that we can see it on that back side and now he's actually stuck in there and if you really want to because you don't want him to get out again you just put that down and see that boom I now have a bird cage now again there's an argentavis how would I do it with a passive you can do this with a quetzel too I'm not gonna I mean I'm not going to show you a quetzel because we' have to go find a quel and that's gonna be a pain in the butt but you can do it with a Pteranodon and the benefit of a Pteranodon is a Pteranodon can also get stuck in a cage of this size now pteranodons are even easier in my opinion um because you could just bow of them but let's say for some reason you want to go ahead and trap a Pteranodon I will show you how you're just going to use honey um there we go there we go there we go boom all right so now that we've got this we're going to goad and put a piece of Honey down and that way we can actually aggro our Pteranodon inside of this cage and we're going to go Ahad and place that down there and that there now we've just got to get the code for a Pteranodon H man I just misspelled my my sheet over here Pteranodon we'll go ahead and paste it notice how he's like oh there's honey over there let me go ahead and grab some honey that totally must be safe and as soon as it's inside your cage it's going to try and get that second piece of honey please go a little further back in there buddy you're not going to thank you I was like what is going on and as soon as it's in there right okay I forgot to put down the Walls fast enough but you get the point right I don't need to show everything because a Pteranodon can fit out of a 2x1 but not a 1ex one you would have to then put walls up but realistically speaking if someone's like I'm trying to trap a Pteranodon I'm a little bit questioning of your style of playing Arc because you can just bow it shoot it and twice in the head and it'll get knocked out so anyways you can use this trap for literally anything you're going to use honey for anything that's considered a non-aggressive tame that will not chase you and you just pull him in there and then anything that's an aggressive tame you're just going to use bear trap or something like an argentavis you're going to use a uh yeah you see it right there right it's that easy it's really not a difficult trap to understand and uh you can build it however you want and again that benefit right I'll show you the biggest benefit of this entire thing is you can just pick this thing up immediately on any official server because you just pick up these and even if it's uh the pillars are falling and you're not picking up the ones that are connected it'll pick up all connected pillars for you see just 23 picked up so yeah easiest thing in the entire world you can make it however you want there's no special requirements you don't have to build it in a special way you just use pillars so hopefully this video helps you out if you don't mind smack that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and other than that teach [Music] out [Music] oh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 38,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: breeding, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark guide, mutations ark 2023, ark survival ascended trap, ark survival ascended traps, ark survival ascended rex trap, ark survival ascended raft trap, ark survival ascended dino traps, ark survival ascended spino trap, ark survival ascended giga trap, ark survival ascended taming traps, ark survival ascended rhyniognatha trap, ark survival ascended raptor trap, ark survival ascended argent trap, ark survival ascended trike trap
Id: sojoeIC9NW8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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