TOP 10 Essential TAMES to Have In Ark Survival Ascended!!! TOP 10 DINOS in ASA!!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I wanted to show you the top 10 most important dinos to tame now this is right now based on the island being released and it is just so you know the reason that I can somewhat say this is I've got about 12,000 hours inside of Arc survival ascended so I've got I mean Arc survival evolved and then quite a few hours in Arc survival ascended so I've got a pretty good idea of what the most important things are both for your PV and your PVP needs I'm going to go from order from 10 the least important of the 10 to the most important of the 10 and give you reasons why everything like that if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and then consider subbing to the channel I'm getting close to 100K and that's been my dream all along so we're going to go and get started with this number one on our list I'm going to show you this just so you can see at the anilo Saddle one of the I think it's like level 55 that you unlock the anky saddle at is one of the most important tames in Arc but it is not you know know super high on our list cuz there are ways to work around the Yankee however the reason it is number 10 on our list is everyone is well aware of this thing's ability to get a crazy amount of resources it is the best Flint gatherer that you going to have access to it is the best metal gatherer that you're going to have access to and then it's also going to be really good at Gathering Stone it's even pretty decent at Gathering berries now the Angi is also something that is kind of unique because it's got a really good swim ability so you can actually submarine into the water and then go ahead and gather a whole bunch of resources by going into the water and you can see that I'm able to actually hit these things that are in the water and get quite a bit of resources in general now there are oil and metal nodes in the water on Ark survival ascended if you haven't seen my video on where to find those the anky is actually incredible at Gathering them it's one of the most useful tames in the entire game and it whether you're the end game or beginning game it's never a bad idea to have an ankul asaurus now they will automatically Harvest even if you do not have a saddle so you can whistle them near a rock and they they will automatically Harvest up to 50% of their weight so you can just carry them around with a bird if you want to so angulosa surus ranks at number 10 of most important tames now some people are going to be a little shocked on why I say this next one but number nine on our list is actually the do adicus though people commonly think that the angulosa surus is actually more valuable the doedicurus is unlocked just a little bit earlier and it has a unique function that a lot of people kind of forget about so its ability to gather stone at an insane rate because it's the highest Stone gather that you're going to have access to in Ark survival ascended you see that it goes up drastically it's like 100 Stone a rock you're going to be able to do so much more with this uh do adicus than you thought now reason being it gathers Stone but it also carries it at like a super reduced rate so that means that you're going to be able to gather a ridiculous amount of stone and come back now why am I saying that this is more valuable than an anky there are other tames like a Dunkey and stuff like that you can use to grab metal but when it comes to Stone the most effective and the only effective one that you're going to have access to is the do aicas now not only is it something that you're going to want to have access to late game you can actually grind Stone in a uh grinder and get flint out of that which is a great way for getting levels both for you and your tames plus it's basically two resources in one cuz you can literally make an unlimited amount of spark powder if you just walk around outside with a dood Dicus plus they take a heavy reduced damage when they're in their little ball form so they're a pretty useful early game tame for trying to actually survive and you know just do what you can inside of the game now their secondary attack is now able to kind of roll and control it a little bit which means that you're going to be able to use these things in get places rather quickly so number nine on my list is the doodas now number eight this is the next one that shows up you can see it in the distance over here and if you can't well you're learning right this is the castres now the Castro is commonly called the beaver or whatever you'd like to call it inside of Arc is an incredibly useful tame if you did not realize that it's got a crazy ability to gather wood it is also actually a mobile Smithy so if you are needing something on the go you can actually while you're on top of the Castro riding it you can see that I can actually access things and build it on top as long as you have the resources that you need inside of the cidies or cids whatever you want to call it I just call them the Beavers now though they are very useful right because they have that smidy ability they gather wood at the highest rate that you can gather wood in the game now they also gather things that are on the ground you can see that this guy right here I can gather that I'm going to go ahead and do a destroy wild dinos so I don't have anything crazy running around while I'm doing this destroy wild dinos but they are incredibly good swimmers and you can actually go over to the um how do I say this the swamp and just bite in circles now technically speaking the Therizinosaurus will gather more if you put it on top of a boat or something like that but for solo players castes is one of the best things that you can do because they carry wood at such a reduced weight they are the best gatherer that you can have especially early game plus you're going to be able to pick up the berries as you go a 150 just like I'm riding right now is going to be able to gather you such a ridiculous amount of resources that you don't need to be out for very long in order to gather things you can see that I've already got basically 1,200 wood and have been out on a one 1X by the way this is not a boosted server um 1X in order to gather a crazy amount of resources insanely quick now they they swim incredibly fast as well if you need quick access to being under the water um for anything that's uh underwater access pearls any of those things their oxygen goes down incredibly slowly they have a very high oxygen content and they can also swim really rapidly so they give you access to Wood swimming Smithy overall a great utility tame in the early games that is why they rolling it number eight on our list now number seven this is going to be a quick one to describe and some people are going to hate this however there's a reason that I say this this right here my friends is the dodo now yes it is one of the first things that you can tame and literally knock out with your fists and tame it with Meo berries by stuffing Meo berries up its butt but the dodo is probably the most useful late game tame even early game tame in the game now reason being right Doos will crank out eggs eggs can be used to do two important things like game one kibble you can actually use their kibble and place it inside of tros or trough which whatever you prefer and they will give you 100 food per piece of kibble now the reason that's super useful is because it feeds more for less weight and stores in a higher stack so if you're a late game and you have a large number of Doos you're actually able to raise more babies now also it gives you immediate access to Quick kibble to tame things off of simple kibble it's very useful now the next thing it's useful for and this is one of those late games if you haven't seen my build on this you can use dodo eggs in order to make recipes to give yourself insane stat boosts now though you literally only need one dodo egg to basically gain full health full food and full stamina back if you haven't seen my video check that out about it but literally doesn't seem super useful but Doos in high quantities can be super useful for their poop and their eggs so definitely check that out cuz you can put them near your dung beetles as well dung beetles are PR on the list but not quite as high as the dodo in my opinion number seven is the dodo now number six coming in on our list one of the mid tame I guess midair Flyers often referred to as I don't know if you want to call it this the uh the eagle or whatever you want to call it I just call them the Argy the argentavis it's a mid-tier saddle that you can literally also functions as a Smithy you can see that there's a few basic functions inside of this thing and it's the reason that it ranks number six on our list above the Pteranodon above the quetzel is due to the fact that it's actually able to pick up a majority of tames it's able to fly for a really long time due to its stamina decent Health decent stats across the board it's got smoothy access and the last reason that I like this bird a lot is it can carry two things at the same time actually people don't realize this but you can actually quite literally pick something up in its mouth while you're on the ground let me go in land and uh basically all you have to do is uh you can see that I'm clicking right there but the RG is is an incredibly useful thing it's a decent speed now that speed has been removed it used to not be super popular when speed was a thing but they will not be able to fight a Pteranodon or anything like that in the sty for war mounts they can tank but they're not the best flyers for war mounts so these this the reason that this comes in at number six is utilitywise this is one of the biggest steps in the game to get access to an argentavis because you can pretty much pick up anything you can literally go around with any of these teams that we've mentioned prior and gather a whole bunch of resources with the castoroides the anky or the do adicus and this thing will actually Auto gather if I can get close enough to that and it'll just go gather everything everything and you can just get good at flying these things so argentavis come in at number six now number five on our list this is where we're going to get a little bit some people are going to start to disagree with me number five is the meum the meum is arguably one of the best unique tames in the entire game its saddle is a mid unlock so basically you're going to be able to access it at a decent level but you got to level a little bit in order to have access to it the reason this thing is so good is it's able to singularly wipe out a brood mother boss because they get a boost every time that there is a b a bug killed nearby them they can also gather insanely quickly and they're they have two attacks they have a secondary and a primary the secondary attack will gather a ridiculous amount of resources for you you can see that I'm able to gather a insane amount of fiber um using the megap pitus or not the megap pus but the megatherium they have incredibly good stats right off the bat by the way they are very tanky and they do a load of damage damage as long as they have that bug thing now you can also once cryopods work actually put these inside of caves the bug cave and they will come out of the bug cave unharmed because they get that damage boost and everything like that with the actual boost that they get from killing a bug megatheriums are very useful for that purpose now they not only are they able to use bosses a lot of people will actually use these just for their generic uses um in order to function as an allaround Mount you can see they gather a little bit of wood some that hatch fiber and berries you can essentially run around on one of these and skip having a few tees in general not longterm for the best purpose but the ability to take out a boss The Brood mother specifically and beat cave Runner is what why this guy comes in at number five on our list a very very important tame right because you need to have access to getting bosses and stuff like that and they're not very hard to tame you kind of just knock them out and that's why I like the me theum so much now number four on our list our first and only wall water tame inside of the top 10 the reason this guy it's the only thing in the game that can do this the answer is the angler fish past our anky over here we have an angler now very difficult to tame however one of the most useful things that late game has an ability for because one it can go very deep in the ocean it swims incredibly fast let going go ahead and go to the side of it so you can see you do not need a saddle to ride this but its singular purpose for the anglerfish is to give you the ability to get an insane amount of Sila pearls if you were to gather Sila Pearls by hand you're going to get about 5 6 7 8 nine 10 somewhere in that range per hit the angler fish however is going to get 60 to 100 depending on the melee damage of it and you're going to be able to go to the bottom of the ocean as long as you have a scuba set on and come back with tens of thousands of silica pearls which late game is what you need because things are very expensive to craft so you literally in order to progress in Arc some of the tames we've played prior you can there's workarounds to them but not the angler fish the angler fish is the only tame in the game that you can use to reasonably gather silica burls technically an otter can some people are going to say that right off the bat however the only reasonable T to use is the angler fish and on the island there is such a huge if you haven't seen my video on how to actually use the anglerfish to slot cap insanely fast it's it's amazing the angler fish is one of the most important tames for that reason coming in at number four because it's a little more difficult to tame and it's got a high risk reward anglerfish is number four on our list now number three on the list of things that you have to tame this is probably one of my least favorite things to tame in all of Arc except for our number one overall the U tyrannis now the U tyrannis is definitely an endgame tame because it's pretty much exclusively used either for boss fights or PVP purposes its value outside of that is only one small thing that people forget about quite often the udis actually have an egg that can be used to to made the highest level kibble which can tame any creature inside of the entire game now the reason there's such a pain to tame is because they carry a pack of carnos with them but if you get rid of the pack of carnos the Udi will be your best friend now they have insanely good stats almost as high as Rex's their melee damage isn't very high for output but they make up for that with a bark and a bite they have a boost and a debuff ability so with their C ability you can boost your tames near nearby and give them a little bit of a buff and I'll show you that in a second here and with their right click they can actually debuff enemies that are smaller and make some things run so you can see that I've got a UD buff right here and uh it'll actually buff your teams to give them increased stats so that is a huge boost big reason again being for boss fights they want to be able to use in boss fights and then also for raiding purposes because for PVP this thing boosting a triceratops or a stego will give you an insane ability to soak a lot more and in general the Udi is a great endgame teame due to its speed and ability to be used but again specifically for endgame purposes there's not really an early game use for a u tyranus it's pretty much exclusively used for boss fights but this pretty much enables you to unlock boss fights in the U tyrannis ranks at number three on our most used and best dinos in Arc now number two some people might rank this as number one depending on who you are but the Tyrannosaurus Rex arguably the number one tame but I rank it at number two simply due to the fact that it's got one unique purpose in the game now rexes there are basically you can see that the reason I'm going to talk about right here they have two Saddles they have a primitive re saddle and they have the tech Rex saddle with the tech Rex saddle enabled you can quite literally shoot your way out of just about any situation including PVP purposes because you can have a stego soak in front of you and then go ahead and use the Tech Rex's saddle to shoot down an entire wall the tech Rex is arguably one of the best I guess recks with the tech saddle is one of the best tames that you can have in the entire Arc this will give you ability for PVP and just in general a great meat gatherer for Mid game and lower late game there is something slightly better we'll talk about in a second here but the Rex because of its high Health pool and high damage pool is one of the best teames for bosses as well you can pretty much beat any boss on the island with 19 rexes and one U tyrannis combined the U tyrannis and the Tyrannosaurus are the best two boss fighters in the game for just about every single boss you can sit on the back of a u tyrannus and whistle your Tyrannosaurus Rexes in and they will shred pretty much every boss in the game they are great defensively too for PVE purposes because you can set them on neutral or aggressive and they will pretty much mess up anything in the entire game so they are definitely a useful tame that you have to have now coming in at number one stronger than literally anything else and the one tame in this game that will change your mind about why it is worth every second of taming it I'm sure some of you predicted this already but the Giganotosaurus yes that is actually how you say it look it g i g a n o t o s a u r u s Giganotosaurus this thing is a destroyer of worlds highlevel Giganotosaurus is on Ark survival evolved before it reset were some of the most dangerous things in the game they were doing 4,000 damage a bite and some of them had their melee damage up into the thousands the thousands and they were doing so much damage that I was I was never even going to come on official service again cuz one bite from one of these could basically take out an entire Army now they have a huge bite rage you can see this guy already does 1,000 damage per bite which is pretty much going to eliminate just about everything in the game but yeah these things are monsters for PVP they are amazing because you can basically throw one of these out and defend your entire base and never worry about a thing and then for PVE this is the best meat runner in the entire game you can just walk around and go ahead and eat things and it'll gather it at the highest rate that you can gather things in the game now Doos obviously aren't going to give me very much but in general this monster is like the justice department right it will take out anything now it cannot be used in boss battles it will be brought you can bring these into Ascension cave um up to a certain point they won't transmit with you but they are good overall and then the next thing that I want to bring up about these These are technically the fastest overall tame in the entire game nothing can outrun a giganotosaurus now they will do an crazy amount of damage like you can see they have an insane ability to bite really fast and because their torpidity goes down at such a low I mean I guess because it increases torpidity so quickly you can continue to bite without ever risking knocking your tame out the only negative side of having one of these monsters is once you get to a certain damage on it if you take too much damage it will rage meter and kill literally kick you off the back and kill you and there's nothing you can do to control that so anyways this is the undoubted king of the game all you have to do if someone's coming in to try and pick you off with a Pteranodon aim up and just start biting and it will smoke them so this is the king of Ark there is a reason that is the number one in the game and it will be something that you are more than happy to use so hopefully this video helps you out get some 10 these are the 10 best that you can have in Arc survival ascended and yeah all of them will have a use for you and you should definitely try all of them you should check every tame out because every T's got its unique ability but these are the top 10 that you want to have access to now if there's something you would rank higher let me know in the comments below I'm okay being wrong just let me know what you actually think so hopefully this video helps you out and other than that teach [Music] out [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 31,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended breeding guide, ark survival ascended breeding settings, ark survival ascended breeding changes, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended mutations, mutations, breeding, breeding ark, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark, mutations ark guide, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark for dummies, mutations ark 2023, oviraptor ark, oviraptor ark egg boost, oviraptor ark taming, oviraptor ark use, oviraptor ark ability, oviraptor ark the island
Id: 5v6hmMzFyvQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 32sec (1172 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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