ALL WEAPONS in Ark Survival Ascended Guide!! New Buffs, Damage Fixes Increase for Ranged Weapons!!

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yo guys what is up it's teach here coming at you again with another video over on Ark survival ascended and I wanted to show you all ranged weapons inside of Ark their values what they do when they're useful and the actual damage they do now this is going to be something that should I mean there's some new updates by the way some things have changed with Arc survival ascended or at least it feels like they did and uh yeah that's what I'm going to go over in this video and hopefully it helps you out a ton if you don't mind smash that like button leave a comment below for the algorithm and cons consider subbing to the channel getting super close to 100K and it's been my dream so anyways there are a total just so you can see right now I've got a total of four bow type weapons one slingshot and then you have the eight rifles in the game or the actual weapons the advanced weapons if you want to think of it that way so we're going to go and start out the lowest damage weapon in the game and that is your primitive slingshot however people don't realize the value of the Primitive slingshot I'm just going to toss it to my hot bar so you can see what I mean by that the Primitive slingshot actually deals a a ridiculous amount of torpidity and the ammunition type is just having Stone so if you were to go ahead and hit something I'm going to go and take all of this thing's armor off right because there's no need I'm going to show you what it looks like with armor off if you were to hit something with this it's going to do a very significant base damage that 13 however its torpidity is going to do 20 20 torpidity a head shot will actually increase the torpidity of a slingshot and at full pull it doesn't necessarily matter I want you to see as you can see it does have uh so it's like half is where a full pull is and it's actually going to deal about 80 um torpidity per hit so like before you have a bow and the ability to use Tran arrows this is one of the most effective weapons in the game however it's not very useful in all honesty because it's very quick to unlock the actual primitive bow the Primitive bow immediately does more damage you can see 54 to the body and it does if you actually pull it back further or shorter just so you can see it's about half pull and you get the maximum damage out of it so the further you pull back on your bow the more damage you are going to do overall just like every other weapon it's also going to have a head shot increase so if you hit something in the head at uh at any pull here you're going to have double damage and you can see 164 damage versus that I think it's technically triple damage but uh you can see that right there right so it's got the increased headshot damage so this is the worst of the bows it is the earliest to access and it is a good overall range nothing super special about it it's just super easy to Fire and you can fire a whole bunch of shots off quickly it's technically the quickest firing bow for actually applying torpidity to creatures so if you were to sit you can see that I can actually fire way more arrows than I could with a crossbow and the torpidity arrows that you can use for this it is actually much quicker to fire so believe it or not early game the bow is the best thing that you can use in order to apply torpidity to a creature because you can just fire six seven eight arrows to the one arrow that crossbow would fire now if I go into my inventory and make some more arrows right I have to go make some Stone arrows and then if I was to go into the crossbow this is your next step up in the game the crossbow does a significant more damage than the bow almost double basically you can see a head shot is a about 100ish more as well it just slows I the the firing rate is about four or five times slower if someone is good with the bow they are very dangerous with the bow however the bow is much less accurate than the crossbow because I can hold this up the distance that a arrow will travel with your crossbow is much further than it will travel with your generic bow so this is the first big upgrade it does that bonus damage there is nothing special about armor armor reduction armor damages all that kind of stuff it just allows you to have a more controlled Arrow so it's ready to go as you need it now the next bow that you can get much later in the game is the Primitive compound bow now the compound bow is the first specialized weapon in the entire game you can see that it looks like a compound bow in real life and it does fire metal arrows or any Arrow however firing metal arrows does exponentially more damage than firing a regular arrow with this and there's no value to firing a regular arrow with this cuz it does more damage with the regular bow with the regular Arrow whereas this one has the special ability to use the metal Arrow so as you can see 174 damage is quite a bit more now there is a special perk to this one if I hit somebody in the head you can see there's 524 Arrow now the one benefit with this is this one actually bypasses armor so even if someone's wearing some good you can see it right here right Riot armor he's going to take a slight reduction but my arrow is going to bypass his armor and do that bonus damage to show you a comparison let's pull out a crossbow so you can see 210 damage to the Head this does 17 so it does 40x damage damage in comparison to just a generic crossbow right off the bat not a bad difference now the damage numbers up front aren't that impressive but the fact that it can bypass armor and saddle armor is why the compound bow is a very late game popular weapon that people use it is incredibly useful to use and uh getting good with one of these especially with how they have fixed the actual um Arrow flow and like the third person issue you can use a compo very effectively good with one of these is one of the most valuable things in the game to be able to use now we've essentially moved out of the bows into our launchers SL pistol Zone the next thing that you can do that can increase torpidity is you can actually fire a harpoon bolt with the Harpoon Gun on land now it doesn't go very far and it does a small chunk of damage however you can fire these using a actual and I'm just going to show you how why the reduction actually is important so if I'm may get the head here notice how it hits almost the bottom of this thing so it's not a very big range so up close the Harpoon launcher can be very effective and it's mostly just useful because you can fire the Harpoon which does a lot more torpidity so if you have a good Harpoon launcher and a harpoon torp Dart this is one of the most effective knockout tools in the entire game you use much less than anything else and it's better than a crossbow in general but the real use for this guy is it's usable under the water and you can actually hit things much easier under the water cuz the Arrows fly effectively under the water whereas you wouldn't be able to fire some things under the water you saw that that one basically traveled to its Target don't see anything else under there but that's the use of the Harpoon launcher basically useful for taming your larger things like your mosasaurus things along those lines but now we get into the actual damage dealing guns in the game there's only a few special differences that have changed from ASC it's mostly just the hit registering and stuff like that but this is your simple pistol doing 99 and then 299 so you're actually better off firing some of the bows but because this is a line of sight thing you can hit technically anything inside of a line of sight so anything with this there's no travel time the crossbow isn't nearly as good as that because you have to actually predict where something's going to be so once you actually enter the gun age this is way better to shoot and believe it or not you can shoot it pretty quickly obviously and really accurately 99 damage a shot is not terrible but it will do not do super well against someone with like Riot on because you're going to do way less damage to somebody there's three six you can see that one right there 7 seven so not a great gun but it's a good starter weapon it's enough to get you off your feet then once you get past the simple pistol you're going to start moving into the long neck the long neck is your first damage dealing weapon in the game and one shot wise this is one of the more damaging weapons in the game you can see 279 to the chest and then to the head you have an 839 head shot this is a 100% nothing special about it you can get three to four times the damage of this um just by getting an ascendant level which caps out at what 298 I think on official servers so you can literally multiply that by three 2600 damage to the head and you're going to be basically chunking just about anything three times that damage too you'll be you'll be doing a lot of damage to people with a long neck so it's very useful they are instant hit and they do have a big that headshot multiplier is much easier to hit because you can place this is the first weapon where you can really actually what the heck um you can place attachments on including silencers and shoot torp darts out of so this is the first time where you can actually use that usefully so now the next thing that we're going to talk about is your shotguns this technically is the highest damage shotgun in the game this was increased from ASA or from ASE to ASA because as long as you're within like 3 ft of something this thing is absolutely devastating now this is a 100% no bonus if I shoot something in the head by the way and use both of it shots on a primitive that's 4,000 damage so for things like the dragon when you're directly underneath it you can see that that's a ridiculous amount of damage for a primitive primitive shotgun not too bad it technically does more damage than the pump shotgun but it only has two clips and it has to be insanely quick uh close range to fire it because if you are far away at all you will get maybe one to two hit markers you can see that I'm actually hitting that over there so all of the bullets are almost non-effective at range so as long as you're inside literally 3 feet this is the most damaging weapon that I have found in the game and Incredibly useful if you get picked or something like that it's probably one of the best things having a 300% you can see 6,000 damage if I was to Triple that big big Difference Maker however most people prefer this weapon this is the pump shotgun which is one of the most popular endgame weapons in the game due to due to the fact that it is also a shotgun but its increased accuracy at distance allows people to do more damage however it still does have a massive spray at close range so you can see my individual shots doing 607 and if I aim at the head it's going to do quite a bit more at 1,931 but the reason that people prefer this to the other shotgun is that one doesn't hit anything at this range this one can technically hit something at this range it's not every single shot but as long as you're kind of putting that reticle pretty close you are going to do damage numbers to something this is a very popular weapon for boss fights as well as just generic endgame things when you get picked to look up with this because it's much more accurate however it's good to have a combination of weapons and I would highly encourage you to have one of each because this is much better for boss fights whereas that one's much better at close range just do a crap kind of damage now the next thing that we need to worry on is actually moving into the damage numbers of the more extreme uh weapons in the game and those extreme weapons include the I guess we're going to get into the fabricated weapons right so these are the ones that are going to be a lot more dangerous so this is your generic pistol it does 49 a shot and then to the Head it does 150 it's actually a heavily underused weapon because it carries 13 shots in the clip and it has almost zero Kickback to it it's very very dangerous to use now you can get some really good ones of these out of drops however there are much better guns in just about every category in the game so honestly it's probably one of the most useless weapons in the entire game because when you do use it there's nothing I mean the long neck does better range and can knock things out the simple pistol is cheaper to make and easier to use this one's basically just a waste of space I wish there was some sort of special something to it but unfortunately there's just not and realistically the reason why is because this guy the assault rifle is something that is incredibly useful and it is very fun to use you can actually zoom in with it you can add attachments to it outside of its massive kick it's one of the highest DPS things in the entire game because you can hold the trigger and actually as long as you're holding this on something if you were to fire at somebody you can technically with a primitive one of these do 10,000 damage a minute now that's assuming you don't hit in the head too because it also does the the damage multiplier for head shot this will be very useful but again it's an early game thing some people claim these are fantastic for PVP use because it's hard to miss the larger Tams with one of these but I still think you're going to get more damage per second out of a shotgun or our next thing so the assault rifle though it is cool it's not all that effective because the amount of kick makes it almost unusable now this is the first thing that we're going to actually focus on right this is the fabricated sniper rifle one of the best if not the best PVP weapon in the entire game reason being it has an eight round clip you you can zoom in with it just like you see here and you can add attachments like the silencer as well or the flashlight if you really wanted to now up close it doesn't change the damage there's no damage drop off so it does 164 primitive damage per shot however people really like the fact that you can kind of fire a whole bunch of shots right off the bat so you can see there's 164 but the accuracy of it allows people to Ping head shot much easier on tames and actually aim to specific soft points a lot better the reason that this is considered so much better is because if I was to aim let's say at a pelagornis right here right I can hit the head of that much easier than I could and at range actually accurately hit something maybe maybe I can maybe I can't I don't know why this guy is so high level I'm actually kind of impressed now but you can see that my range due to the added on scope makes this thing a much more dangerous weapon I think he's out of render range technically yeah he's out of render range um but this is the most effective effective PVP weapon in the entire game due to that fact right there because you can zoom in and if someone's raiding you and they have something like a Triceratops you can aim past it and aim to a specific part of the body that takes more damage and does not have that damage reduction so the I mean by far not really even particularly close the best PVP weapon in the game not for necessarily raiding but for raid defenses and trying to play counterplay it is easily my favorite weapon and some people I mean some people swear to it that this is the only weapon they'll use even at close range because it is still accurate inside of this like little Crosshair you will hit wherever the Crosshair goes so some people still use this preferred over a shotgun because you can kind of just look up and pull the trigger and those eight shots do a significant amount of damage to pretty much anything inside of the game but the last thing on our list is supposed to be the king however it's not really the best this is the tech rifle if you've never seen the tech rifle it is a very effective weapon however it's got a couple of basic things that kind of prevent it from being super useful its ammo type is element element is incredibly difficult to get early game and you have to be an endgame tribe to get it especially in maps that don't have gachas and stuff like that because you actually have to do a boss fight in order to get it and it uses up element a two like really fast give or take you've got about 50 shots per clip uh per amount of element and that's not a whole heck of a lot however at close range you can see it does an insane amount of damage 539 and then a head shot damage multiplier at 600 or 1,600 right now the only negative of that right there you can see that you can do a stupid amount of damage again that's kind of hard to hit by the way because there is a travel time to these bullets it takes a little bit of time to actually register the other ones are Instant Fire whereas this one you have to actually kind of get lucky and know where something's going to be stuck in order to hit it so those Tech rifles are very effective at that range but again with the travel time it's a little more difficult to hit it when people are moving and like the ACT ual stuff is going on now yes it does deal the most damage and you can see it's not particularly close if I was to hold this down you'll notice that the actual damage numbers are going to increase and you can just get a crazy amount but you see that little red meter it's going to overheat if you hold it for two long so you've kind of got to like throttle it now also the benefit of a tech rifle is you can at close range or any range realistically within 14ish tiles you can hit something within 14 tiles and then it's the maximum range that you can actually fire one of these things I'm going go a little bit further away and show you what I mean by that so you basically can't cheese your way into actually hitting something so I'm still able to hit it here it should be right around here that it's cutting off maybe can't quite tell yep there we are we hit the actual cut off range so notice how about this far away you can't actually hit something so there is a range in which it no longer does damage you've got like an area of effect if you want to think of it that way in order to actually use the tech rifle but it does do a substantial amount of damage to foundations as well in any structure it does about 100 so a lot of people will raid just by holding the trigger on one of these things and actually get an insane amount of damage so yeah hopefully this video helps you out but uh that's that's every weapon in the game explained what they do how to use them in what situations they're powerful and what they're kind of superseded by in this uh grand scheme of things but hopefully this video helps you out and other than that [Music] teach [Music] uh
Channel: Teachers Game Too
Views: 16,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival ascended breeding guide, ark survival ascended breeding settings, ark survival ascended breeding changes, ark survival ascended mutation, ark survival ascended mutations, mutations, breeding, breeding ark, mutaitons ark, ark mutations, mutations ark, mutations ark guide, mutations ark mobile, mutations ark for dummies, mutations ark 2023, oviraptor ark, oviraptor ark egg boost, oviraptor ark taming, oviraptor ark use, oviraptor ark ability, oviraptor ark the island
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 50sec (1070 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 16 2023
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