Ark Survival Ascended // 15 Tips & Tricks You DIDN’T Know for Xbox & PS5

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hey everybody welcome back to another Ark survival ascended console edition tips video today I've got a whole bunch of handy little tricks for you including how to move full stacks of items from one inventory to another how to attach a torch to your belt and how to use the new tribe waypoints I'll read the controls for Xbox today but all of these will also work for the PlayStation version of the game and I'll put a note on how to convert the buttons in the video description let me know in the comments if you've got any other useful tips for people to know and without further Ado let's get into it so first up how to quickly move Stacks from one inventory to another lot of people have been asking this it's slightly different to the previous game so it's caught a lot of people out if you hold the button down you sort of Select stuff and you can drag it and you can drag four Stacks across but that's not what we really want to do if you double tap on items it's just going to put one across and what you actually need to do is hold a to select an item and then you press RT right trigger and it will move the whole stack across you can actually just keep that held down for whole hold down a here and then just keep tapping right trigger it's just going to move all of these Stacks across very very quickly and again you can just do the same for moving items back from the other side one of the new features in Ark survival ascended is the ability to actually put a torch onto your belt so you don't have to have it in your hand but you can still be illuminated at night and all you need to do is once you've equipped a torch like this then just press the left trigger and you'll now have it on your belt if we go into the orbit camera down here you can see that I've now got my torch attached in a somewhat precarious position leaving my hands free to do whatever I want if you want to take it off your belt you can just equip it and then put it away again as well as your normal hot bar in Arc there's actually also an Extended hot bar that you can enable if you hold down the left bumper lb and then hold down up on the d-pad at the same time it will activate this extended hot bar and then if I hold down lb and use left and right on the d-pad you can see I can scroll through all these different pages of all the items I have in my inventory or at least all of the items you could normally put into your hot bar so stuff like wood and resources won't be there but everything else I have is now in that hot bar if you want to disable that and just have the normal hot bar again just hold lb and up again and it will just go back to the default hot bar if you want to change between first and third person just hold down the back or select button some people call it and then find the option for toggle third person which is in the bottom left and select that and you can go into first person another new feature in Arc ascended is the ability to change the zoom on your dinosaurs you can see I'm actually zoomed out quite a long way on this guy and in order to do this you hold down the back or select button and go to the toggle change dyo camera option and if we select that you see we get this new bar at the bottom here I can then use lb and LT to zoom in and out we can zoom right in we can zoom right out click in the right stick to reset to default and then we can run around however we want with that level of zoom and if we get off the dinosaur and get back on that will persist it won't reset every time and if you want to get rid of the little bar at the bottom while whil you're riding you can just select the option again with the back button and it will get rid of it or you can Dismount and remount if you want to access console commands on the console version of the game you need to go into the settings move over to the advanc tab and then on the left here you're going to see this option for console access make sure that is set to on it will be off by default when you first get the game hit save and then when you go back to the game in your pause menu you're going to see this option in the bottom left and you have to press the select or the back button and that will open the console in here you can just press in this box and you can type in whatever command you want to use if you end up going crazy with different console commands and end up making your game look terrible then the easiest way to reset all of your console commands is just by completely closing the game and reopen it again and when you load back in all of those console commands will be reset just to be careful when you're playing with console commands there are some that can really muck up your game so if you're going to start using ones you're unfamiliar with I'd recommend doing a bit of research on them first if you want to see your FPS in game then you can open the console commands and you just need to enter stat space FPS you can see it on screen here pop that in and press start and then you can see on the right hand side of the screen there we've now got an FPS counter it's pretty small but it does work there's another option in game for the extended HUD if you want to see this there is an option in the settings where you can go and select it it's under General and then UI and if you scroll down on the left here you'll see toggle extended HUD info you can turn that to on or off if we turn that on and then we need to hold down the back button and then you see on the left here we've got toggle extended HUD and we select that there we go and it's this stuff in the top left you can see there it says day three Gary level 41 Etc it also gives you a bit more info when you get on dinosaur says your dinosaur name and then we can hop off again if we disable this then it's just the info you see if I hold down the back button now it shows that info temporarily if I let go it will disappear again it's a little bit janky whether it works or not via the settings menu but I find once you've enabled it through there you seem to be able to control it via that back menu pretty well some of the little overlays in game can be a bit much you see all this stuff saying here thatch Foundation Health Etc we got all these overlays popping up for the walls and you also get a similar amount of stuff popping up for dinosaurs if you want to tone these down a bit you can go into your settings and then go to UI and all this stuff on the right here you see dyo tool tip setting we can set to only action and structure tool tip setting we'll set to only action as well there's a few other useful ones but if we turn those off for now and then go back in game you'll see when I look at these we get much less stuff on screen it just shows that little icon and then if I hold y it will give us the options and show us some more details on the left of the screen there again for the dyno we have a pretty minimalist overlay now and if we hold down y then we'll get that full info show up if you find your Crosshair dragging on stuff annoyingly it's because of aim assist which is very strong by default you can see this is with it turned on I'm not turning left or right at all this is just strafing uh left or right and it completely locks onto things and can be quite annoying it's just bringing me in a circle without really doing anything at all here obviously going to make it quite easy to hit targets but might make it annoying to actually try and hit the right target so if you want to turn this down or off you can go into settings go over to Advanced and then in the middle here you got wireless controller aim you can either set it to when aiming so that it won't do it when I'm just strafing around like this but if I zoom in then you can see that it locks on again so this could be quite useful or if you want to get rid of it completely then you can go back to that and you can set this to off and then you won't get any a assistance tool and you can just shoot things manually if you want to reload different ammo into your weapons as well as just dragging things onto it via your inventory like so you can also hold down the reload button whilst you have the weapon equipped so if I hold down X now it'll bring up this radial menu and I can select through any different ammo that I have and it'll instantly switch between see my stone arrows here or my Tran arrows here there's a bunch of new snapping options in the game when you go to place items like this box for instance by default default you've got full alignment mode so when I try and put it here it will push it against the walls push it into the corners and just try and snap it nicely against the walls if I hold down y that's going to go to partial alignment mode then I can put it at an angle but it will still push it against the wall and it won't go through them and if I hold y again it's going to go back to the free placement like in the old game and then you can place things that might overlap each other or slightly poke through walls if you're trying to play something like a mortar and pestle and it's doing this and snapping to the center of things annoyingly then all you need to do is hold down RB and that's going to disable snapping there and then you can place these however you want once you've placed one keep in mind the snapping is going to change to try and snap against the one you've already placed see we're on full alignment mode here we can go to partial but if we go to free then I can actually place these you know however we want we can make them overlap slightly and we can put that there and you can just squeeze a few more in if that's what you want to do if you find the menu cursor a bit slow or a bit annoying you can adjust it in your settings if if you go to settings and then across to Advanced on the right hand side here you see we've got wireless controller cursor sensitivity if we move that up to one that will turn it up to Max and you can see it moves around a lot quicker now it does slow down but it sort of snaps to things when you move it over so it feels slower over here but if you move it in a free area you can see it's moving pretty quickly and again you could turn this down to a lower speed if you wanted also if you go to general settings and then UI on the right hand side you can actually disable the cursor completely if you want to just play with the d-pad now if I pull out my menu you can see it's completely gone and we're back to d-pad controls I'm not sure I would use this but keep in mind you can use the d-pad and the cursor together so if I reenable my cursor you can see we've got this back we can actually use our d-pad if we want to try and maybe move down these in the middle our stats which are quite hard to select the right one sometimes on a controller we can just press up and down on the d-pad and we can scroll through those quite nicely so it might work quite nicely I think for a lot of people to use a combination of d-pad and the controller another new thing you can do in ascended is tribe waypoints if you hold down lb and then RB then it will quickly place a marker but if you hold them down for a little bit longer you'll see it pulls up this radial menu here we can select go here Rally Point danger and you can place whatever type of marker you want for your trib mates it will also remember the last one you selected so once you've selected one from the radial menu then when you just quickly tap lb and then RB the next time it will place the same one you selected before and finally if if you're playing on a multiplayer server and you want to bring up the chat box to talk in you just hold down lb and then tap the back button or select button and it will bring up your chat menu it does seem a little bit temperamental if there's not any chat in the bottom left sometimes it doesn't really seem to work and I'm not sure why but that is the button that does usually bring it up so that's everything for today I hope you found the video useful if you did then why not drop a like And subscribe to stay up to date with all of my arc ascended console edition tips and tricks videos thanks so much for watching my name's Ben we are the beard guys and I'll see you next time
Channel: The Beard Guys
Views: 54,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ark Survival Ascended, ASA Xbox, ASA Console, ark survival ascended, ark survival evolved, ark survival ascended console, ark ascended, ark ascended console, ark ascended xbox, ark survival ascended playstation, ark survival ascended xbox, ark survival ascended fps, ark survival ascended xbox console commands, ark ascended xbox moving stacks, ark ascended tips and tricks, ark ascended tips, ark xbox tips, ark ascended xbox tips, ark console tips, ark ascended console tips
Id: bTNSvlDK61w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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