We Need to Talk About ARK On Console...

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leadership in business like many things can be the straw that breaks the camels back especially when that straw involves greedy leaders who are so bad at their job they aren't even good at being greedy I'm talking about the leadership for the ark IP which of course means we don't have a single person or entity to blame because these companies operate under so many different names and with so many different subsidiaries interwoven between that it makes it very confusing as to who's making decisions and why they're making them today I'm going to be talking about console launch pH say as a lot of you have talked about and brought up and you're frustrated and no one's hearing you and it's time that at least we talk about how you launch a product theoretically and why this was such a complete failure ASA was supposed to be launching across platforms at the same time right nobody gets it early this was said multiple times as far as I remember and it was I don't know how far back they started to say this right but I assumed that this was going to be the case they did say as well that consoles were going to only get crossplay later on but at least they would be able to play with parody or at the same time as PC and just all the all the all the crossplatform all the platforms that would possibly have it right they'd be able to play at the same time but obviously that didn't happen because instead we got a botched pc product that had terrible DRM in it that was promptly removed and pissed off hundreds of thousands of players in the process and then of course no console launch right crickets it was silence ironically they waited they had to basically wait for the Xbox launch uh to actually say anything about ASA um and so that's how Xbox sort of announced it or that's how they announced it which was through Xbox which ironically didn't even launch on Xbox so why even do it in the first place what we've gotten over the past 2 and 1 half weeks right it's it's been that long since we were supposed to get console ASA uh what we've gotten instead over the past two and a half weeks are the occasional press release that give us almost no information as to why this is happening and where things went wrong right why is no one taking responsibility there there's no there's no single person saying oh you know what hi I'm the CEO of snail games and I accidentally uh or purposefully said that we could launch this product at this time even though we were weeks away from it being ready right they keep citing in these PR announcements they keep citing certification process oh oh there's just these issues with Xbox certification what does that mean right I I understand what certification means it means that you're getting the product checked with the given platform in this case Xbox right I assume that's what certification is based on how I've seen it described and what I've researched on it but why is the certification product uh process for this product specifically taking this long and why are you blaming Xbox if the game was ready for console right why would certification be taking this long I I don't understand even though I'm not a console player even though I'm not on Xbox I don't get it as someone who studies mass media and marketing and management and and so many different things involving business this is frustrating for me to watch right because I feel like in part of my own education I've learned about how you launch different things different products how you respect your customers how you respect your user base right uh your fans or or anyone that is going to be buying your product how you actually give them what you should be giving them and this is a failure on so many levels and it it's baffling because Arc has been out for 8 years and yet the sole reason why this is happening is because of leadership that is something I will continue to say again and again till I'm dead it is leadership all right the reason why it was promised the way that it was promised was leadership right that's not the community manager the product manager necessarily saying that right because they just decided oh I decided as exr that's not necessarily in a very high leadership role that we're going to launch in this time no no no this is the leaders telling them to say we're going to launch it this time for whatever reason for if they think it's going to going to help them Market the product whatever right but if it's not ready and you know it's not going to be ready by that point why would you do that again I said at the beginning this this the greedy corporations involved not all of them are right but the the very greediest of those involved with the archip are so incompetent at at their jobs that they don't even know how to be greedy and and that is that is baffling I mean I mean it's like I'm it's like we're watching three-year-olds just trip over themselves right now in in in launching this product because it's just amazing how out of touch all of these different parties were with nitrado with snail right it is insane how does this happen H how does leadership happen in this way where you have such a a con convoluted strangled collection of ideas that just ruin something to this degree right I will say right now and if you've seen my 100h hour review of Asa you'll know that I really like the game I think there's a lot of great things about it they've obviously Studio wildcard has put an amazing amount of work into making sure that ASA is a good product but if you're going to launch the product and you say you're going to launch it on a specific platform and it's going to have parody it's everything's going to launch at the same time what happened along the way to where that's it's now 2 and 1/2 weeks and we're we're nowhere right it's just PR announcement after PR announcement just saying yeah it's uh Xbox Xbox being Xbox you know certification right I mean am I let me know in the comments if I'm if I'm wrong here let me know in the comments does certification take this long and could someone explain why certification would take this long because they said they were having certification issues the first day that this was happening and it's been two and a half weeks and there's still issues what happened what critical game failure is making it to where this cannot pass certain I I I'm just confused and if anyone has any ideas any ideas let me know in the comments I mean we have tens of thousands of frustrated console players I've seen so many of these videos saying oh game looks great wish I could play it right wish I could see it and and by all means again I I want to preface and and and you know encourage and and be clear that this is a first world problem this is a video game product launch but what I'm talking about is within the framework of that right of how you launch a product how you please your customers and this is a failure in so many regards hardly anyone can run Arc survival ascended uh unless they have a 30 or 40 series card and that's something I talked about in my review as well so how is it going to run on console is that part of why this is happening is it that we haven't gotten any console footage or anything they haven't shown anything and they were just hoping fingers crossed leadership was just like yep fingers crossed everything's going to be fine they're just going to pull a magic wand out of their hat and make it run on consoles just fine is that what happened here because I would assume I would assume that is I mean it's it's incredibly difficult to run and if it whenever it does launch on consoles if it ever does presumably it's going to be I think I I'm I'm predicting that it's going to be a bit of a mess on Console as far as performance goes especially with all the mod integration and everything involved there but I guess we'll see it's it's a baffling and confusing thing specifically because we just have no reason provided other than just blame Xbox Xbox certification right is that really the truth though like what if it's Xbox's fault why did you go with Xbox in the first place place to wait to hold off on releasing all of this information it's it's bizarre if anything extra life was delayed you know in I think two Community crunches ago extra extra life was delayed uh like about a month and this delay happened less than 24 hours before the typical before game day basically and so there was no there was no heads up on that at all um I myself was planning on doing uh my extra life stream with my buddy a couple buddies and you know we were going to we're going to still be doing it December 2nd but you know raising 10,000 that's our goal but you know we were scrambling to prepare and getting everything ready and the night before it was going to happen they announc actually one month and again I'm going to emphasize this is leadership okay this is their fault when you are responsible for an IP for for any project for any multiple projects you are responsible for understanding how time works works and what this tells me is that for 8 years there is still a problem with leaders in this involved in this franchise not understanding how time works right how it fundamentally Works how how how you be realistic with with uh release dates with time constraints and with communication with your customer base the marketing for ASA was one thing right I I think that we can see now looking back that they were trying to be really cryptic with it because it was an amazing surprise when they launched but part of that surprise was kind of Zapped Away by the fact that not many people got to play it allegedly 600,000 sales on PC it's made a lot of money fair amount right but that would be so much more on console and there would be so many more so many more people able to play it right now if you had launched and taken advantage of that hype and launched when you were supposed to with everything right but again it's just this failure to understand understand time and you you've frustrated so many people I'm I'm sure there are of course console players that are patient that are okay with waiting but um you know and of course like I said I'm not a console player I'm on PC I've been able to play luckily but it's frustrating for me to see the number of people just like banging their heads on the wall because of miscommunication right it it's just why does this still happen after 8 years you you've learned you've learned how to make a good game but you have not learned how to communicate at all with your players right I understand I do want to I do want to very much clarify that and I've experienced this a little bit with you know [ __ ] on the internet on Twitter on YouTube wherever right um that write increasingly increasingly emotional um passive aggressive comments right this is going to happen with anyone any public figure anyone who um begins to gain notoriety on the internet and developers are no different and it's important to understand that you know developers at Wild Card all over the place are getting death threats they're getting just the worst kinds of messages and feedback from people amidst all of this and all of those people deserve the utmost shame I mean that is not that's obviously not how you handle this situation and that's disgusting to be saying those things um anyone who says that just absolute piece of [ __ ] anyone who is who is so emotionally unintelligent that they that they send death threats to a developer or are are just incredibly passive aggressive to them and have no understanding of that of the fact that this is a leadership problem and this is a problem with a product at the end of the day right and so ultimately um all that I would like and all that I think most people here want is leadership to step up right developers to not be afraid uh developers to be able to get the help that they need um outside of the community to to be able to developers need therapy okay everyone needs therapy but but developers need you know skills and and tools to cope with the incredibly volatile environment that not even I have have seen I mean the amount of stuff the amount of messages that people like Dolly the product manager have got that people defend because they're like oh well if they just if they just launched the product right it's like no no no there is no if or butts when someone is getting death threats okay stop immediately if that if that is the first thing someone says someone's like yeah man it sucks that it's insane that dolly was getting death threats and someone's like well I mean but it's like no there is none of that okay if you got death threats on a constant [ __ ] basis right we're regardless of who you are right you would not like that it makes you feel horrified it makes you feel scared and if you don't have the tools it can be incredibly debilitating right which is why developers need to be protected they need the right tools and services uh in the games industry in general to be able to handle the the the insane amount of backlash that the leaders essentially of these corporations offload by using and and riling up the fans with their awful decisions that might seem unintentional right and then all of that hatred just seeps into developers because they're immediately the easiest to blame right so we need responsibility in this situation I know it's it's unlikely I mean it's been eight years why why would some random college kid make a CEO decide to take responsibility but that's what we need that that at this point that's what we need that's what all of us anyone who rather anyone on Console anyone who wants to know what's going on you guys need leadership to speak up and take responsibility for whatever happened with this product launch why it went wrong and why it's not out right now so I hope you like this video and um that's about it see you
Channel: NeddyTheNoodle
Views: 48,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ark survival evolved, ark, ark story, ark lore, ark full lore, ark full lore explained, ark story explained, ark all story explained, ark full lore explained new, ark new story update, ark extinction lore, ark survival ascended story, ark ascended gameplay, ark ascended trailer, ark survival ascended new, ark survival ascended pc requirements, ark ascended release, ark ascended server, ark nitrado, ark ascended xbox, ark ascended xbox release, ark asa console, ark console
Id: 8_J2_7sPP_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 16 2023
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