Why Would You Steal That??

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like the video and subscribe right now or this papa will steal your pepsi what is the dumbest thing a thief has stolen from you okay this is beautiful i used to work at the door of a club and people would give me stuff to let them into shows for free not all the time and always people i knew anyway my friend gave me two very professional looking mushroom chocolates with the whisper coffee there's about an eighth in each they were wrapped like reese's cups but a little taller at the end of the night i throw them in the middle console of the car and drive home next morning i get to my car and the thing is ransacked my car is full of random there's stuff everywhere on the ground outside of it on the floors everywhere i start to clean up when i see some pink and blue foil on the driver's seat the wrappers they are empty i search around a little more no sign of the chocolates the thief ate a quarter of mush is without knowing it that had to be one very ducked up evening i almost feel bad for the guy almost a vanilla rice cd on the coffee table i was using as a coaster bonus points if you were protecting your table from a vanilla coke with ice i had the same coaster where did you get yours my shed was broken into a couple nights ago and a few valuable items were stolen but what really surprised me was that the thief took the time to root through my deep freezer on the patio he stole a box of giant freezes ditched the box and left a few freezes behind so the next day i filed a police report and up my security adding extra locks and motion lights i didn't think he would be stupid enough to come back but lo and behold this morning at 3 am i heard the rustling of plastic outside then the motion light on the shed turned on by the time i could find my glasses i ran to the front door and saw him jumping over our gate i couldn't chase him because i was in my underwear and the gate was locked but my instinct was to yell so i scared him away and get this he stole another box of freezes nothing else i guess he really needed to beat the heat the cops are patrolling the area and the officer i spoke with said that if he sees him he will make sure to yell freeze sim idiot stole the sunroof out of my honda just the glass left the radio though and the car for that matter we found the sunroof glass a few dozen yards into the woods guess it was too much to carry yo that was heavy honestly though sunroof glass and or the frame is probably a lot more valuable than your radio especially if it's an aftermarket radio so when doing river trips in a pristine area such as the grand canyon you aren't allowed to leave anything behind including your own the old school way was to set a toilet seat on a huge ammo can and your business everyone did so by the end of a month-long trip you'd pack out multiple ammo cans filled with dicky some of the river companies would store the ammo cans out back of the warehouse until a waste company came and picked them up one morning one of the river guides showed up to find that all of the full ammo cans had been stolen i figure the thieves had no sense of smell and i can't imagine the look on their faces when they got them home my car was once broken into the thief shattered the driver's side window in it i had broken ipad though not visibly broken a few bottles of nice wine and ten dollars for emergency food slash gas none of those things were stolen instead the thief stole a 12-pack of paper towels i assume it was a homeless person who really needed to wipe his ass but the wine and money were left yeah he must have really had to deal with a tough spill someone should make a paper towel commercial out of this i had some friends visiting before christmas they went christmas shopping one day and left everything in their sign xb the next morning his window was smashed in and someone stole his gps that was mounted on the window but left everything in the back bags from best buy fries and other random stores he also left the ipad that was just sitting there someone broke into my car a few months ago and stole my fishing pole and tobacco pipe i'm still not sure why tom sawyer was in my neighborhood well at least you didn't have gym arrested my friend's place got broken into they stole the comcast remote no no no those things hide themselves even worse the thieves drove by the friend's house every night and would change the channel they are like lighters and pens some people have seven of them for no reason some people have none nobody ever has one when they need it when i was on vacation some asshole stole my prescription glasses at the swimming pool they were useless to anyone else and i was nearly blind for the rest of the trip my prescription is minus six in both eyes so i feel your pain my mailbox joke is on them because there was a wasps nest inside of it i have stolen mailboxes before i was young and wanted a place to hide my meth in the woods a straw hat out of the car left the sat nav i was confused to say the least probably technophobic hillbillies somebody stole my toothbrush and a picture of my girlfriend out of my car you can't explain that my medical marijuana card with my name and picture on it you must be high if you can't see how that would be useful someone stole my radio from my car it was old and crappy but the glass he broke to get to it was expensive the kicker though is that he left my ipod to computers motorcycle helmet and jacket they were nice enough to lock my doors after they broke in though so that was nice nearly the same thing happened to my friend they broke the window on his jeep to get him they stole his 25 radio and his backpack full of dirty gym clothes and left the brand new ipad that was sitting on the dash it took him many months to finally get it fixed the day after i took his keys from his desk rolled the new window down sprinkled some broken glass around returned the keys and had the secretary call him to say security reported a break into his vehicle my car got robbed once and the thief took my camera they clearly looked through all my cds but didn't take any i guess they thought i had shitty music all your cds when i clear back weren't they back when cds were relevant i had a friend who had is car broken into the rogue popped the trunk and stole about a dozen cd cases he neglected to check the changer which housed all the actual cds daniel green stole my godzilla pencil case in primary school then used it in front of me with my bloody name tip x doubt i beat him until he cried and admitted it never trusted that boy again not my story but my season laura and her boyfriend were vacationing when their hotel room got broken into thief took a roll of lifesavers and some cold chicken nuggets from the fridge left the jewelry but it wasn't exactly laying out in the open perhaps he was looking to sell these items on the hotel bar fridge black market i'm going to guess that it was some drunk teenager or something probably stumbled into the room and the door was slightly ajar or something no one actually breaks into a secure hotel room to take lifesavers and chicken nuggets lol i love to tell this story so i'll tell it again this happened to a friend of a friend who was renowned in our social circle for having horrible taste in music anyway his car was broken into and the thieves took everything they took his stereo and his cd collection they took his wrench set and his garage door opener they took his spare sunglasses they even took the pennies out of his change tray but they left his batman forever soundtrack sitting right there on the driver's seat a guy broke into my home accidentally killed my goldfish and put it in dishwater turned on the stove turned on the microwave emptied shampoo onto a plate took some ice cream out of the freezer didn't eat it put some meatballs and margarine in a frying pan didn't fry it and went to sleep on the sofa until the police came i don't think he actually stole anything though a dangerously broken bicycle you had to know how it worked otherwise you'd quickly hurt yourself also the breaking distance was not to be underestimated i can easily see the thief getting terribly blue balls or driving straight into traffic in a few weeks you will get a lawsuit from the thief for his medical bills america i was robbed at nifa point once not a pleasant experience but i took some consolation in the knowledge that they had gotten away with a cheap bag a woolly hat and 30 cents in ones and fives they were obviously drug addicts so i like to imagine them trying to trade in my wooly hat for crack 30 cents in ones and fives like pennies and nickels wit i had a similar experience where someone ran up to me from behind yanked off my wool hat and ran off with it i guess wooly hats are some sort of drug money my neighbor broke into my plus flatmates apartment and stole my second-hand laptop which would literally take 15 minutes to boot whilst ignoring the hundreds of dollars worth of dvds right next to the computer he didn't even take our wallets which were just sitting there i was kind of sad about the laptop it was such a brick that it would make a fantastic weapon also the cops said my room had been trashed but i just didn't want to tell them that it was exactly how i'd left it also the cops said my room had been trashed but i just didn't want to tell them that it was exactly how i'd left it plus one for that bit someone stole my quaker parrot and the huge wrought iron cage it was in they broke their car window getting it in and the parrot was a total dick i'm sure it bit the out of them my ex's car was broken into instead of stealing the cd collection worth thousands he had strewn across the back seat the thief stole the bags of dirty laundry my ex had brought over to wash at my place the strangest part we didn't even find them dumped later on around the neighborhood well to be fair you can't torrent pants a sandwich bag containing two dollars in dimes and a hacky sack they took my 80 glass smoking apparatus out of the glove box and put it under the seat while rooting through stuff then left with just the change and hacky sack are the early 2000s a different time the one and only purse i have ever owned they broke my car window and took it the contents of the ten dollars on clearance purse a small bottle of bpal perfume some cheap machoop my driver's license and the goddamn batman flask my friend had given me that night for my best whoa man present mother duckers that duck is stole your batman flask that's it just got real here i head over to my gym a few years back after working out i end up spending time with my friend who's working the graveyard shift at the juice bar i got into a really in-depth convo and ended up there till about 4 30 a.m my friend's shift ended at five so i stayed till then to give him a ride home approaching my car i noticed all the windows had the early mornings due on them except the drivers it only hit me when i saw all the broken glass at the foot of my dad's 1995 passer glx man i got pissed i looked inside and quickly didn't notice anything so i called up my dad to ask him if he had anything of value in the car he said no and pretty much hung up it was early he called me back just after the police got there to tell me that his wallet was in the glove compartment i checked and it was gone nothing else was missing or so we thought his credit card was used 20 minutes after five and it shut itself off since it has never been used with a cash advance he called all his credit card companies so nothing was lost but the next day when he was going to work he owns a video store he realized his entire bunch of keys was missing his wallet had the security codes in it so he had to drill out all the locks and replace them dollar sign 2000 it went from an annoyance to actual expenses being lost that was all fine and dindy the thing is when the thief smashed out windows and rooted through the car he missed the boxes filling up the entire back seat it is hard to miss with about pop the trunk 25.000 and find amongst the other power tools a black bank bag filled with that week's deposits between 8 14k in cash honestly i got pretty pissed at my dad since i always tell him to take valuables out of the car had that stuff actually been stolen i would have felt like for a really long time he still continued leaving the deposits in his car overnight until my mom took over administering the store a year later i get a call from a detective always scary getting that kind of call what do you have on me but he asked me if i knew someone named insert name here might have been a tim or tom or something i said no and he told me the cops had entered his house in a raid and found my dad's wallet in there the guy kept my dad's wallet for a freaking year in his apartment a vacuum cleaner that sucks we had some friends who'd been burgled they filed a police report listing all their antiques laptops and jewelry took them months to realize their vacuum cleaner had been stolen too they were too embarrassed to tell the cops or insurance company so just bought a new one someone broke into my house when i was like 14 they took the processor out of every computer in the house 100 in change from my dad's closet and used a credit card they found to buy 100 copies of dance dance revolution someone busted the window to my wife's jetter and they rifled through her but they stole her wedding magazines didn't take any loose change or her ipod many not from me but from my parents they have a little stuffed husky toy that they call defendbacker that they keep in their truck some guy stole it and was later caught when somebody saw the husky in his backpack it was a little necklace on it that says thief so very easy to recognize you've been visited by graduation doggo you will be blessed with the ability to pass all of your exams but only if you comment congrats on passing doggo thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 17,339
Rating: 4.9700375 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, thieves, thief, stole, stolen, lost, dumbest things
Id: Py38-r393PI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 17sec (917 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 27 2020
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