How Would You Sell a Brick for $1000?

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like the video and subscribe right now or this doggo will start asking for your fries you are given a break and told to sell it for one thousand dollars if you succeed you get one million dollars you cannot tell anyone your goal what is your plan one thousand dollars and i'll throw this brick through any window you want even a window on the international space station buy this brick for one thousand dollars and you get a free car free car 1994 chevrolet cavalier with 226k on the odometer if someone came to you and said that how likely would you hand them one thousand dollars from your bank account yeah you win sell the brick telling the buyer that if they do not like the brick in two weeks you'll buy it back for two thousand dollars doubling their money for no work and profiting you edit just gotta write up a contract stating that once the two weeks are up if they are not satisfied in any way with the brick it will be bought back from them by the original buyer for two thousand dollars no business is furthered beyond there they get to double their money risk free other than a grand short for two weeks and you get to keep the other 999 000 supreme brick come get your supreme brick right here just put it in a mystery box on ebay for 1 000 a boat's a boat but the mystery box could be anything it could even be a boat reminds me of the green text where a guy sells his younger sister's girl scout cookies through mystery boxes on ebay edit okay i get it it was through the dark web get a ton of more bricks and toss the brick you received earlier in with a lid and sell the bundle of bricks for 1 000 bucks if you really want to get technical with it post it as one brick one thousand dollars get the other 999 free i assume you have to sell the single for one thousand dollars give it to my kid to sell to his grandmother as part of a school fundraiser she might even buy two of them this is ducking good great idea tell people it's for a fundraiser just set up a booth or go door-to-door selling the bricks for one thousand dollars each and tell them it's for a fundraiser to build a new gym for the school or something like that and that for one thousand dollars they will have their name engraved on the brick and placed in one of the walls of the gym spray paint it gold write ticket to heaven in marker sell it behind the kfc in florida can we go to the planet made entirely out of crack cocaine it's a 1000.00 donation and your first and last name will be etched in the brick and placed on the sidewalk leading towards ground zero on mars monk is poor you do this and it's a big hit suddenly people are coming to you from all over the u.s trying to buy a brick to commemorate nine over eleven federal prosecutors find out about this and begin investigating you for charity fraud they are digging into where that one million dollars came from it's tied to shady middle eastern and russian bank accounts all of the money is frozen while you're investigated for using a fake charity to launder money you eventually prove your innocence but legal fees to keep you out of prison have bankrupted you go to maine sell it for one thousand dollars but the buy gets a free gift of one thousand dollars worth of pot and there you have how mayors get around the recreational weed selling laws that's how california restaurants got around the for grass ban you couldn't sell it but you could offer it as complimentary with say an expensive wine pairing or a general tasting course yup that and grow your own we voted it passed two years ago and our politicians have been completely useless in working out how to do recreational businesses in maine if only there were some other states who successfully implemented this maybe we could like ask those guys what kind of brick we talking about you might be able to get more sell the brick to myself under a fake ebay account if you really wanted to cross your t's you could form an llc and sell it to that that's a recognized legal transaction so you just sold yourself a brick for a zero dollar loss win no one thousand dollar profit no payout tell them it was part of the berlin wall there are some people willing to pay more than expected for anything why is it red from the blood of children fleeing the ussr of course i hit the guy with the brick and ask him to give the million right now or his family gets it that's a bold strategy cotton tell the guy you're about to attack him you have a brick he can buy it for 1k before you attack him and then he'll have a break i would tell my husband that he needs to trust me and buy this one thousand dollar brick from me i'm 100 sure he'd do it this would work in my family i would sell it to my parents they are always looking for reasons to give me money love you mom and dad play the long con start talking about how they dismantled a room inside the vatican and how most of the bricks were recycled but ten of them were given to various archbishops and five were blessed and gifted to personal friends of the pope then how one of the friends died and his slash herrera's had a private auction where it sold for over eight hundred thousand dollars then lose it long enough for mystique to build finally i'd find it and run a new auction go to whole foods and tell the shop as its himalayan red salt with twice the chakra ryan's as that lousy pink salt etch supreme on it and find someone dumb enough to buy it if you can sell a brick for 1 dollars you're going to make way more than a million bucks selling bricks invest that million in more bricks the million dollars afterwards makes it infinitely easier to sell anything to my wife sweetheart trust me give me one thousand dollars for this brick i'll explain later paint a stick figure on it and say it's a banski then sell it for two million dollars and claim the additional million as an added bonus yes because i'm sure if some random anon randomly posted something online and said it was a banksy everyone would just instantly believe it president trump about that wall i've got the best bricks 1 000 each and i'll build you your wall which seems like a steal for a government contract ship the break instead of a one thousand dollar item on amazon and then go missing pay the fine later from the million dollars i thought of this too but i don't think it would work the job is to sell the brick for one thousand dollars here you're technically selling another item for one thousand dollars then just sending them a break take one thousand one hundred dollars to it and say you'll sell it for 1 000 to prove a point the point being that only the brick was for sale proceed to peel off the 1 100 and tape before handing the brick over i only agreed to sell you the brick for one thousand dollars paint it sellers artwork alongside a number of other mundane objects painted to be something out of a fantasy might even be worth one thousand dollars alternately you could grind it up and make your own oil-based paint out of it sell the resulting painting a large painting for one thousand dollars if you are moderately good isn't too bad give them one thousand one hundred dollars ask them to buy my brick for 1 000 sell the brick for 1 000 and 25 cents with a 1 000 rebate if they buy it back you could also hold 2k in your hand and say if you buy the brick for 1 000 i'll give you 2 thousand you aren't telling them your goal surprised no one said this before use the brick in the murder of a celebrity long after the incident sell it at auction to a diehard fan that was my thought too points if it has blood on it that may be morbid but hey find a trump supporter tell the meds to support the wall use million dollars to repeat process become a billionaire i ducking love this tell them it's symbolic and trump slash america really needs their help this is a historical symbol that you can proudly display as a freedom loving american you would have to sell it to an older person who doesn't really know how to use the internet to find out if it's a real thing tape a wallet address to dollar sign 10k worth of bitcoin to it by the time you find a buyer it might be worth dollar sign 1k monk is poor your plan works people find out about it and it gets a lot of media attention suddenly bitcoin is more popular than ever in less than a year everyone starts trading their dollars for bitcoin dollars are now worthless and your 1 million could barely buy a loaf of bread find a building site steal a brick wait until they need to find said brick in order to finish building hi there looks like you folks need a brick this doesn't even make sense no contractor would order the correct number of bricks promise that if after one week of brick ownership if they are not satisfied with having paid one thousand dollars for a brick i will happily repurchase their brick for 2 000 still leaves me 998 000 build it into a house then sell the house this is the answer that works 100 of the time the market can only go up and my subprime variable rate interest only loan is working out great this is the break that donald trump hit hillary clinton with during the campaign i'd have a ducking bidding war i wouldn't need the 1 million dollars hold on now trump never hit hillary clinton with a brick that's just what the fake news nasty reporters want you to think you might get some takers you have been visited by the floating pomeranian you will be blessed with eternal luck but only if you comment bon voyage papa thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 31,398
Rating: 4.9485531 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, brick, 1000$, money, get 1 mil
Id: J49UBc9_SAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 16 2020
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