How A Girl Can Become Undatable In 1sec

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like the video and subscribe right now and hulk doggo will become your protector men have read it what makes your interest level in a woman go from 100 to zero the fastest plays on her phone the whole time we hang out went on a tinder date with a girl that definitely just tried to get a free meal i noticed mike pop up multiple times could be an uncle or something but i really doubt it when the bill came and i said oh we'll be splitting it the look she gave me was great except then she revealed she didn't even bring her purse good times megan edit since this received a lot more attention than expected i did pay for the meal i think at the time i chalked it up to mike being a recent ex that was wanting to get back together i then promptly uninstalled the app ended up meeting my current girlfriend of two years at a drop-in rec soccer game a few weeks later if she gives me the silent treatment without even telling me why she's upset as a guy i don't do silent long but sometimes i do it if i think it's going to make things worse or especially if i know my position is wrong like i'm irrationally angry about something minor doesn't happen much but it's happened a few times in my life i don't want to talk then because i know i'm being dumb and i just want to cool off on my own having to chase her constantly if i'm the only one acting like i give a [ __ ] in no longer giving a [ __ ] my dad always told me never chase after women or buses the next one will be along in 10 minutes my dad told me chase a check never chase a [ __ ] and then he started mumbling something about molly and percocets doesn't add anything to the conversation if it takes immense effort to maintain a conversation with you that's a turn off for me it's not my responsibility to make a conversation happen it's a team effort just women for me this is how i judge friends can't stand being the only one trying she says or does things to test the relationship or see how i would react easy i leave or state you should go if at my house i once watched this video of this girl who asked these camera guys to hire a porn star and find out if her boyfriend would cheat on her he shot the porn star down saying he had a girlfriend and then when his girlfriend revealed that she was just testing him he dumped her respect that's no relationship i wanna be in she lies little white lies to other people often especially people close to her i had a friend who would not only do this but make up entire stories of completely realistic anecdotes and then burst out giggling that other people actually believed her like she was on vacation in l.a and saw a certain celebrity in a store or she has a relative that does a certain job related to the topic of discussion things normal people wouldn't be inclined to lie and make up stories about she moved to another city because our group apparently has too much drama it wasn't until over the course of the next several years and people comparing stories that we eventually figured out that she was probably a psychopath so yeah totally with you on this one consistently lying is a huge red flag making fun of someone's appearance duck you random woman that man in my thrift shop's name is peter he was in a horrific car accident when he was younger and suffered a brain injury as well as some scarring that's why he dresses a bit funny and looks kinda dumpy but he comes in almost every day to buy photo frames to put pictures of his parent in who died in that car accident in don't judge a book by its cover she's rude excuse me she's rude go get your manager i recently had someone say that she didn't drink water unless she absolutely had nothing else she said she hated it that for some reason was one of the most unattractive things i'd ever heard i don't think that's a human that was me for a long time my parents drank nothing but soft drinks and tea so anything not sweet was bad by default i finally grew out of it but i was in my 30s by then mine is when she makes plans and promises you didn't even ask for then backs out at the last moment happened to me a few weeks ago she said she was really into me wanted to go out and stuff like that the day comes and she ducking ghosts me thanks for wasting my time kirsten she's not like other girls it's a phase for a lot of girls slash young women if a woman in her late 20s is still going on about it she dance no goals or ideas about what she wants to do in life a lot of them are just banking on getting married and being a stay-at-home mom no thanks i'm trying to find someone to build the second prussian empire with got mithuen's camera ridden this is me ever since high school i've never known what i wanted to do with my life i've need been a goal-oriented person or had a lot of motivation determination they just seem to be personality trees i don't have i'm not waiting for a person to marry olive off i strongly think a relationship friendship or offer partner should be fair and balanced in all aspects i'm not just waiting around for someone however it feels like this turns people off me alet guess everyone has their faults seeming uninterested or just plain bored of things i like to do when she keeps referencing her ex nothing says you are only here to fill in the void more than her constantly reminding you she had someone before you when she doesn't like to be silly once in a while there's no point being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes expects me to make all the moves in establishing the relationship reciprocity makes the world turn yes and along these lines if you like romance then be romantic too some women think they are romantic but what they mean is that they want romantic gestures done for them and have never considered doing romantic things for their man nothing takes me from 100 to zero like being the only romantic in the relationship i like extremely thoughtful not necessarily expensive gifts and surprises too make me a mixtape that expresses how you feel about me make me a picnic of my favorite things and meet me there with that surprise etc it doesn't even need to be large gestures like these all the time or when you're extremely busy at work or daily or whatever but just doing something extra for the other person whenever you can choose that you're thinking about them and really care about them when they are not around when she never graduated high school has no real job her dream is to open a strip club and then she makes me look at photos of her getting spanked by various c-list celebrities and watch her cringy pole dancing videos on our first date at the bar the absolute showstopper though was that her favorite house in harry potter was hufflepuff that's where i draw the line he i resent the anti-hufflepuff sentiment some of us just aren't forward and want to be at home with a cup of tea annoying voice i don't care if she is the most beautiful woman on earth if she has a stupid voice i can't even be in the same room without internally screaming the type that seems to be on her phone all the time while she's with you and then when you actually text her she never responds to your texts or responds with k or lol or d i mean i understand not having time or not having anything to say but really after that it's pretty clear she's not into you she's also usually the type that will do this and then when she comes to complain to you you're instantly supposed to drop everything for her if you can't handle me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best duck's sake woman if you can't handle me at my palms i sweaty you don't deserve me at my mom's spaghetti playing hard to get or acting uninterested i'm 30 i don't have time to keep courting you to see if you come around if you're not clearly into me on the first date there won't be a second a shitty attitude i remember once i got this hot girl's number in college and took her out to dinner she spent the entire time bitching about everything under the sun parents friends the food the restaurant at one point i was tempted to sneak out but i stuck it out and it actually got worse after it was all said and done she tried to get me to take her out again but i weaseled out of it i once was dating a girl and while at the bus stop she suddenly said there's no attractive people around here right now super weird but okay i said well you missed a really cute latina girl walk by a few seconds ago and she says you're just pointing out another hot girl you saw you can't do that it makes me feel insecure noped on out everyone has insecurities but damn the relationship i had before that and now we were constantly pointing out good looking people to each other she wanted you to feed her a go and you didn't follow the script super religious says racist things smoke slash drug issues has two or more kids or is always complaining religion doesn't bother me it's when they focus their life solely around that and try to force their beliefs on other people is where the problem comes in clueless about world events attitude of better than others matia realistic poor spelling as a massively dyslexic person i can't help the spelling thing but i make really good pies manipulative qualities having been in a toxic relationship where she did exactly this and was just a sociopath i've gotten good at identifying potential abusive partners now landed on my feet after seven plus years dealing with depression and a suicide attempt and having to try and deal with her have a beautiful fiance and going to uni i don't like back at all kids i'm a single mom and i understand this entirely you didn't create the child and therefore it is in no way your responsibility to step up into a parent position many single moms think that a guy is rude or mean for not wanting to date them but i'm cool with it unless someone genuinely wants children then it's not fair to me or my child to expect them to take on my child as their own honestly it goes both ways i love my kid but i really don't like other kids so i won't date a guy that already has kids i don't feel like i could love someone else's kids enough to justify being in their lives i'm also just happy being a single mom so i don't put too much pressure on myself to find my kid a dad like some single moms do dated a girl for a month she brings up that she went to a gang's clubhouse for a party she was acting all excited like she was cool or something i just looked at her like okay i i i i deleted her number and foe if she smokes it's an instant turn off for me my dad mom grandma grandpa and most of my aunt slash uncles smoke or smoked and i can't stand the [ __ ] anymore a party girl is a turn-off for me too i don't drink anymore for several reasons and i'm done dealing with that lifestyle from anybody i don't care if you drink a bit but i'm not going out to bar ctc and partying with you while you get [ __ ] faced 5 days a week anything about horoscopes or other new age [ __ ] it's insufferable to be subjected to that [ __ ] and when a profile is full of it you know the dialogue will be too had one try to get me to do crystal healing another refused to talk to me because of my astrological sign i don't even know what it is it's terrible if she won't get off my ass about getting back into something i've cut out of my life entirely these weren't decisions i made lightly half the time it felt like cutting off my own arm even if the damn thing was gangrenous i'm not sewing my metaphorical dead arm back on because i shouldn't have cut it off in the first place i don't care if you don't like my life choices but it's my life back off or get out rewriting the past yes people make mistakes sometimes and i can accept that but if you are regularly insisting that i promised things i know i'd never promise then we've got beef not wanting to be equal in the relationship this killed my last relationship the standard she held herself to was clearly different than the standards she held me to it was you should take me out to eat not let's go out to eat the way she treated me and talked to me was not how i was supposed to talk to her or treat her worse she couldn't see why that was a problem got out quick when she gives attitude to everyone then justifies that she's only exhibiting bad behavior due to stressful circumstances she's under no matter how crappy a person's circumstances are i don't think it gives them the right to be an [ __ ] other reasons being irresponsible refusing to clean up her mess and refusing to let anyone else clean it being a woman child who can't take care of herself and throws tantrums in public thinking it's acceptable to cancel appointments and break promises that were made it just shows disrespect for other people's time a few things playing hard to get is a big one there is a difference between being coy or shy and just being annoying the way she treats others i walked out on one date after seeing the way she treated her kid and ended more than a few after seeing them treat weight staff poorly or just being rude to others needing constant validation is another big one i don't care for you begging for compliments constantly if i didn't think you're beautiful smart wonderful etc i wouldn't be with you in the first place being dumb or playing dumb if we can't have a decent conversation or if you constantly have to ask me to explain simple things then we just aren't compatible i don't expect everyone to be a genius but i do expect people to know that the sun is a star and the earth is round talks about a horoscope tells me she's big into homeopathy won't shut up about all these political causes she's active in but in reality it's just her liking slash marking events on facebook and never actually going to them if they speak as if they are gangsters or can't spell at all intelligence is super attractive you've been visited by the rare lucky doggo this doggo will give you extra luck for the next 24 hours but only if you comment you're a good boy dogger thanks for watching do not forget to subscribe for more daily videos
Channel: TZ Entertainment
Views: 114,042
Rating: 4.9350533 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, tz reddit, toadfilms, men, women, dating, interest
Id: Pb0e8Gqdt24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 17 2020
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