The ULTIMATE Hypixel Iceberg Explained in 1 Hour

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hypixel oh my god for years this one server has single-handedly reigned supreme over the entirety of minecraft multiplayer since its release in 2013 hypixel has served as a universal hub for all minecraft players alike from sweats to builders to people who haven't showered in weeks however with this extensive lifespan there's bound to be some pretty weird and unnatural occurrences this is the hypixel iceberg originally made by hypixel 4 music orange with eyes this iceberg highlights the secrets and mysteries hidden away in this seemingly innocent minecraft survey by the way just a quick disclaimer some of the entries involve the use of hacks or cheats so i want to make it clear that i do not endorse or support the use of any hacks or hacked clients and would highly recommend not to hack in a children's block game but what exactly is an iceberg for those who have never watched an iceberg video the entries on the tip of the iceberg are common knowledge whereas when we travel further and further down the items become more hidden and mysterious welcome to the hypixel iceberg [Music] [Music] okay uh let's get started editors let's be real here if you're an avid minecraft player like me uh the chances are you're most likely nowhere near any loving relationship in real life therefore many minecraft players especially younger children have resorted to online dating also known as e-dating some symptoms of this internet phenomenon include matching evil and eagle skins buying each other an absurd amount of lunar cosmetics unhealthily long discord calls and questionable usernames however editing can also get extremely weird and out of hand especially when your partner buys you discord nitro in a 300 monitor which is why you should instead buy yourself discord nitro using today's sponsor salad that's right you no longer need to change your profile picture to a cute anime girl to get discord nitro for free salad is a free program that makes money for you by using your computer's gpu to cryptomine it's basically a free money generator that you can leave running in the background when you're watching youtube or doing homework now i'm gonna be completely honest i would never advertise something that i've never tried before so i downloaded salad redeemed a two times money perk by using code cinder left it running for a bit and boom i now have discard nitro and a very professional animated banner but discord nitro isn't the only thing available to unlock the salad store also has a large collection of games gift cards gaming equipment and even its own minecraft section where you can get a premium minecraft account for free just by using salad and don't just take it from me you can always check out the long list of reviews from salad's massive community on discord i mean check out this guy who literally bought groceries with salad if you're interested in downloading salad click the link in the description to learn more and use code cinder to unlock double earnings thank you so much salad for sponsoring me and back to the video network boosters network boosters are purchasable items in the hypixel store that you can buy to support the server when you use a network booster it gives you massive sums of coins and hypixel xp while also activating a coin multiplier for other players if you activate at the right time you can get millions of high pixel xp by doing literally nothing a lot of people spend hundreds of dollars on network boosters to get to level 250 for a black colored plus sign easy in order to fight toxicity hypixel decides to replace easy messages with a randomly selected phrase from this list it's pretty effective until you learn about the spacebar custom resource packs this entry on the iceberg was very vague so i'm assuming it's referring to either texture packs in general high pixels different custom resource packs or the actual hypixel communities texture packs which is why i'm going to go through all of them minecraft action packs have been a huge part of minecraft especially in the building and pvp communities each texture pack can change the look of everything from the weapons to the blocks to the skies now hypixel actually has its own custom texture packs for certain games such as turbo cart racers and pixel painters in order to get the pack you're usually prompted with a download menu when joining the game lobby and usually these custom game packs help modify the look of different items to fit the game more there are also different types of texture packs for different hypixel communities such as the specially designed hypixel skyblock texture packs or the bridge overlay texture packs that the bridge community uses to see the height limit companions companions are special pets that are meant to be a way for you to support hypixel with your mom's credit card most companions cost real-life money to purchase aside from the black plug and achievements totem some of the more interesting ones are the hp 9b companion which was only available during the 2017 christmas event along with the gift arena companion which is unlocked when you donate a whopping 100 gifts ofn bandwave the ofn bandwave also known as hypixel judgment day was one of the largest bandwaves in hypixel history the problem started with the massive amount of cheaters infesting hypixel ranked skywars and only worsened when hypixel skyblock players began selling their in-game items for real-life money during this time a top 5 guild offensive also known as ofn was known for boosting its players with cheaters on may 11 2020 players that were stat boosting profile boosting account sharing and are all trading on hypixel were all banned including approximately eighty percent of the ofen guild there were a lot of false ban claims after the ban but i'm not sure of the validity of these claims pets pets are basically the free version of companions that you can lock through mystery boxes you can feed them name them send them on missions and spawn them in lobbies personally my favorite pet is watchdog there's also pets in hypixel skyblock which give you different perks and abilities slash stream stream is an mvp plus plus command that allows anyone to join your party for private games it's extremely convenient for twitch streamers or a large group of friends which i totally have junior helper junior helpers were a special staff program from 2014 to 2015. there was an age requirement of 14 and junior helpers were usually selected during the holiday seasons when the server was extremely busy unfortunately the junior helper rank was temporary and was removed after the holidays although there was a rare chance for junior helpers to be promoted to help her after unfortunately due to the young age of the junior helpers they were not able to deal with difficult situations and therefore faced a bunch of harassment from the hypixel playerbase leading to the termination of the program in 2015 gm on august 9 2021 hypixel decided to remove helpers and moderators from the network and replaced them with game masters which were basically paid staff members a lot of the community was pretty sad about this decision as it basically eradicated a huge portion of the staff team however there still is one final thread with goodbye messages from the entire staff team so i guess there is a bittersweet ending slash boop using slash boop sends a purple boop to the player according to the smartest breed of humans hypixel form users slash boop is basically high but a bit worse slash i'm muted if you decide to get mad at literal in-game pixels and spout some no-no words on hypixel you'll usually get muted disabling your ability to talk in any game chat luckily the unmuted command has got you covered by letting your recipient know that you can't talk because of the grave sins you've committed we're on to layer 2 mojang the mojang rank was a golden rank given to mojang employees not much is known about it but apparently it has all the perks of youtube rank slash zoo slash 2 teleports you to the hypixel main lobby and is a reference to one of hypixel's daily rewards videos welcome to the hypixel zoo where everything is so this isn't the zoo it's the lobby alpha network the alpha hypixel network is a temporary server for youtubers and mvp plus plus ranks it was meant to be a testing server for hypixel skyblock where players had unlimited coins new items unique kits and other updates not currently in the main hypixel server in order to join you need to be in the admin lounge channel of the hypixel discord and join using the server iep warlord's questing i'm gonna be honest i don't know a lot about warlord's questing but according to form users the hypixel warlord's game mode was super popular when it was released because it was one of the only games that had a quest master meaning players could get a bunch of hypixel xp just by warlord's questing however once other hypixel gamemodes also got their own quest master a huge portion of the warlord's population disappeared leading to the decline of the warlord's playbase bedwar's practice mode in march of 2021 a new mode called bedwars practice mode was finally added into the game allowing players to practice bridging mlgs and fireball plus tnt jumps it was basically a toddler version of the bedwars practice thought club practice modes but it was still pretty cool to see hypixel implementing new bedrooms features actions logged for moderation in tnt games okay so i couldn't find a single thing on this entry so if you have any information please leave it down in the comments thank you cake souls cake souls are a rare collectible item in hypixel sky block that has an extremely small chance to drop from eating century cakes century cakes were 9 different cakes that were given to players during the skyblock year 100. each cake gave players different effects like health and defense there's about a 1 in 1 000 chance of a cake soul to be dropped but what makes the cake soul extremely special is its ability by right-clicking the pixel on any player you'll be able to capture the player's soul into the cake now this sounds really boring and useless and while this may be extremely useless if you capture some random vip plus this soul the value of your pixel will skyrocket if you manage to capture a youtuber or admin in your pixel double plotting in no debuff pop pvp is arguably one of the most popular modes of minecraft pvp in most practice servers except high pixel along with hypixel's inconsistent knockback pop pvp sweats also don't play on hypixel because you can't double plot now i'm not an avid pop pvp enjoyer but i think the reason is because hypixel has a one second cooldown on throwing healing plots a non-donor a non-donor was a hypixel player who started playing on the server back in 2013. i couldn't find much info on anon donor other than the fact that they play with a trackpad and was one of the first players to hit level 200 without a rank as of right now a non-donor is still pretty active on hypixel especially on the forums where they seem to be playing hypixel skyblock apple the player apple used to own the custom hypixel rank apple along with being good friends with hypixel apple was the owner of the overcast minecraft network and also worked on the slack and dropbox applications however the apple rank was recently removed and apple is now an mvp plus split channel youtube rank youtube channels with multiple owners can actually claim you to rank for different minecraft accounts i'm gonna actually tell you how i got my youtube blank on hypixel the answer is i got youtube right because i work on a channel called motion animations mult shake animations is essentially a animation channel a minecraft one is a monster school channel and a lot of people do kind of hate on those channels because people say it's cringy i got youtube bank because of that channel hypixel usually reviews each channel on a case-by-case basis but that's how a lot of players under 30 000 subscribers get youtube rank as they've worked on a larger minecraft channel before prototype lobby the prototype lobby is a space for hypixel to showcase experimental game modes and new features players are able to vote on the game as they like using the hype currency which sorts the game modes based on popularity through the hype meter some of the most recent prototype games are capture the wall tower wars and my least favorite sky block achievements like any other game hypixel is achievements that can be earned by completing certain challenges achievements are split into two types challenge achievements which can be unlocked by doing a simple action like chatting for the first time and tiered achievements which progressively become more and more difficult for example the first challenge maybe kill 5 players which seems manageable but eventually escalates to kill 000 players which is an entire massacre at that point there are also secret achievements such as the hot potato achievement which requires you to obtain a hot potato by fishing or from a high pixel admin as of recording this video 26 360 achievement points is the max you can get there's also an achievement points leaderboard with some pretty insane players but we'll be getting into that in a later entry song song was a hypixel player who i couldn't find much information on other than this poem he wrote about himself in the forums according to this captivating work of literature he's a toxic player who was extremely high ranked in hypixel's quests completed leaderboard by the look of his questing schedule it seems like he actually no life the server and spent more time on hypixel than his real life which is why it was pretty unfortunate when he got all his stats wiped due to a ban however if you look at stats right now they seem to be completely restored now i don't know whether it was a hypixel admin or song's free song blitz survival games montage that caused all his stats to be brought back anri anri is basically the chad of hypixel players they not only hit 26 000 achievement points but also have unlocked pretty much everything in every single hypixel game mode as of right now they have a 99.91 completion progress and scrolling through the list it's pretty insane welcome to layer 3. i am trying to be nice but it's hard running the command i am trying to be nice but it's hard followed by any phrase will alternate the caps it was most likely inspired by the popular internet meme mocking spongebob which originally surfaced on the internet circa 2017 the alternation of the uppercase and lowercase letters represents a mocking tone and was used in phrases like boyfriend i don't even know her like that me i don't even know her like that galaxy worth copyright galaxy awards is a hypixel arcade game where you either escort a payload to a base or defend against the payload getting to the base however the interesting thing is that the gamemode's environment is based off star wars characters including the stormtroopers laser guns lightsabers and outfits this is sort of questionable because there are some copyright concerns but the game mode is still running in 2021 so i'm assuming lucasfilms are walt disney the owners of star wars don't care too much about a minecraft game mode pig plus plus plus the pig rank was given to technoblade during the 2019 phase of minecraft back then the most popular minecraft event was minecraft monday hosted by keemstar the roster was consisted of some of the biggest names on the internet such as pewdiepie captain sparkles quackity james charles ninja and more during the first week technoblade became insanely popular for his impressive skill throughout the event causing simon's given pig rank and add a plus for each week technoblade won ipixel gave me the pig rank for winning minecraft monday week one but it only lasts a week after seven days i will revert to be in a youtube rank like a complete and utter casual i do have some good news though hypixel said that if i win minecraft monday again my pig rank will get extended by another week so basically it's permanent eventually minecraft monday died which in hindsight was actually good because otherwise techno's rank would probably look something like this epic forces epic forces was a level 1000 hypixel mod who owned the hypixel dungeons world record on the hypixel alpha network back in 2020. according to four members he was a great mod who made the hypixel network a better place and was one of the only mods who had opened messages on which means pretty much any player could message him unfortunately he had disagreements with hypixel management which caused his resignation from the mod position in 2021 unlinked forum accounts this entry could be about this youtube link scam which caused people to unlock their form account through a hidden youtube link glitched achievements with over 2 000 different achievements there's bound to be some that are glitched there's actually an entire list of broken and bugged achievements although some of them have been fixed since bloage lodge is a hypixel uhc player most notable for fighting kelvin and releasing bloach client which supposedly gives you no hit swing delay also known as technically achieved he has a long-rooted history in the early minecraft pvp community which is why i won't be doubling into this entry any further 2021 ddos attacks in the summer of 2021 hypixel experienced one of the largest ddos attacks in minecraft multiplayer history which caused the entire network to shut down for days this most likely caused a bunch of minecraft editing relationships to be ruined along with a huge influx of hypixel immigrants flooding servers like lunar and mindmen club eventually hypixel was able to reinforce the server with full ddos protection they also ran triple xp on the server along with compensating the booster cookies and mvp plus plus time dragon hank is kissing simon during the long wait for the hypixel skyblocks's dungeons update skylock youtuber dragon hanks released this grammy winning song please release dungeons a hypixel skyblock original song within his eloquent lyrics dragon hanks tells simon the owner of hypixel [Music] [Applause] this man truly has a way with words however in his next song dungeon says here a hypixel skyblock original song he reveals that it was merely a joke it was a joke don't have to kiss simon oh yeah unless unless simon wants to be kissed let's go in that case they're just down hit me upside down i got some free time hypixel karaoke the hypixel karaoke event was an official network event that started in 2013. karaoke events were hosted every saturday and consisted of karaoke open mic night and after parties unfortunately the event was closed in 2020 after seven years twitch youtube ranks twitch streamers who have more than 30 000 followers and average 50 plus concurrent viewers are eligible for youtube rank why hypixel doesn't have a twitch rank is still a mystery what cps what cps is a hypixel player who is known for being the previous number one network level at a whopping level 1690. according to his collab with intel edits he spent thousands of dollars on network boosters to boost his level so boosters are like the primary way that people use to get to like level 1000 plus then right yeah unfortunately he was beaten by a lure who has a network level of 1759 mc pro hosting in the early days of the hypixel server hypixel used mc pro hosting to host the network mc pro hosting has also sponsored hypixel in the past allowing players to get coupon codes for their server hosting along with special gadgets like the cookie fountain and the mc pro hosting fireworks this partnership is why mcpro hosting workers were given the custom mcpro hosting rank frozemc frozmc was an old hypixel youtuber who got his youtube rank removed because he used the sub4sub app to gain subscribers speed uhc lobby hypixel used to have a dedicated lobby for a speed uh featuring a mounted and grass landscape info boards and a parkour course however speed uhc was moved to the uhc lobby causing the original speederc lobby to be completely eradicated killed xp afk players who wanted to farm killed xp used the housing and skyblock game modes to build afk pools this allowed them to generate thousands of guild xp daily however since then most afk methods have been patched and is now available skier level 250 speed run skier is a hypixel mod developer who was one of the godfathers of the hypixel modding community some of his most popular mods include auto gg auto tip level head nick hider the keystrokes mod and the extremely important thanos mod thanos mod adds the ability to turn any player you want to into dust boop he's gone never to be seen again one of his most notable achievements was his level 250 world record speed run where he obtained a level 250 network level in 17 hours by using xp parties and calculating the most optimal time to use network boosters quote the quote guild was created by ex-members of the top hypixel guild bloodlust after some unspecified drama occurred as of right now not much online information about them is available except for this one hypixel guild montage simon is a girl in 2018 forum expert lopin released the thread revealing the intriguing theory that simon the owner of hypixel is a girl um evidence one hypixel says that they are the founder of hypixel instead of the founding father why because a woman can't be the father trust me i googled it evidence number two hypixel has no sideburns when googling sideburns i found a lot of men with them but not a single woman this is solid proof hypixel is in fact a girl evidence number three nitroholically hypixel developer nigelholic apparently leaked this animated gif of hypixel's face onto beyonce and her crew now why would they do that unless hypixel is a girl solid proof evidence number four stereotypically girls often in their sentences of how are you with a heart all my imaginary girlfriends did this and after asking a few of my imaginary friends about it they confirmed their girlfriends do it too evidence number five reflection in guinea's world record pictures aha a v-neck a v-neck this deep suggests the person is a woman since these deep type of v-necks are often placed in dresses and other women clothings evidence 6 the sloth sloths are cute girls like you have you ever seen a girl not like a cute puppy but the fluffy part all girls love fluffy but that's just coincidence men like cute and fluffy too but that last part every man with a girlfriend fiance slash wife knows the struggle you want to leave but the girl isn't ready yet i'm almost ready just give me five more minutes i don't know what to wear a sloth is also very slow at getting ready coincidence i think not conclusion finally a real photo of hypixel shocking right although he is a pretty good detective i think the sloping individual is incredibly messed up as he essentially docks hypixel by leaking a real picture all right we're hopping into layer four velour villa is a totally legit high pixel player he also has an extensive history in the minecraft pvp community which is why i won't be going to the century any further green jedi004 green jedi004 is a ranked bedwars player but not just any his bedwars level 1618 uses the sword in his second slot and most importantly he's a non meaning in all the hours he's probably spent in hypixel lobbies he hasn't flown once he's also the owner of the non-skilled which is filled with other insanely good players with no rank crazy walls crazy walls was a hypixel wall style survival game involving lucky blocks and special items players spawned in their own square bases with walls separating people from each other each base consisted of different resources and when the walls fell players would fight to be the last person alive unfortunately it was removed in 2020 as the crazy walls player count had an average of 12 players worldcom worldcom was a hypixel microwalls moderator that seems to have had a falling out with the hypixel team as he was demoted and banned according to forum users not much else is known about worldcom on the internet i mean one user said he was boosting with hackers but i'm not sure of the validity of this claim sloth hypixel player sloth pixel had the sloth rank which had all the perks of admin unfortunately it was removed a while later skyblock admin items admin items are items in hypixel skywalk that have been used by a hypixel admin players used the hypixel api to dive into the admins inventories revealing special exclusive things like unobtainable items enchantments weapons and books 2001 2001 is a hypixel's duels guild owned by redzy also known as whole order red now allegedly this player has done some very questionable stuff so we're going to be doing a quick skip over this entry as well omg lowell omg lowell was a hypixel player who joined in 2013. that is literally all i know about him so if you have any further information feel free to let me know in the comments ranked bed wars ranked bed wars is an unofficial competitive server which offers a matchmaking system for the best players in bed wars ranked bedwars games usually consist of a 44 match of bedwars and has an elo system from cold to obsidian that determines your rank there are a ton of ranked between strategies ranging from the bid defense to the bridging method to the tools players use triple coins and xp triple coins and xp is an extremely rare high pixel event that gives players triple coins and xp it was used after the massive deducts attacks in the summer of 2021 along with back in may of 2020 friends list cap before 2017 there was no limit of friends you could have on the surgery however a friendless cap was implemented after there were issues with serverlike this is why a lot of players especially youtubers have a little bit more than 5000 friends on hypixel luckily though having too many friends has never been an issue for me instant g heads in the minecraft uhc game mode golden heads are a special variant of golden apples that usually give longer regeneration for four hearts on most servers except of course on hypixel or they also give you speed and are instantly eatable lobby spamming lobby spamming is when streamers or youtubers self-promoting lobbies by copying and pasting phrases like do p slash join streaming live on twitch playing with viewers and usually something like road to 100 subscribers or followers if you're thinking of lobby swimming to grow your social media presence i personally wouldn't recommend this as it is bannable according to hypixel rules extremely frowned upon and you'll probably get more haters than viewers on your stream a safer and much more effective way of growing is using the tiktok algorithm but i guess i won't go too deep into that s p name tag accounts this entry is referring to the hypixel s p bug where mobs acquire your name and rank when you give them a name tag according to orange with eyes it supposedly creates a plank page for the mob as well meaning your mob was also registered into the hypixel api as an account it's probably patched the huntsman the huntsman were a hypixel pit group that hunted people now i don't play much in the pit because i actually go outside but i'm assuming the huntsmen basically attack and defend in a group in order to level up and gain gold xp and mega streaks however the huntsmen were allegedly exposed for scamming and cheating by a youtuber pitfall as he released the video called major event is a scammer huntsman exposed in the video pitfall talks about how members of the huntsman took his pants wait what okay apparently different types of in-game pants are available item in the hypixel pit world one of the members in the huntsman was major event who we'll be getting into in a later entry hashtag update duels the hypixel duels community is one of the largest but also one of the most neglected communities on the server duels haven't been majorly updated since march of 2019 which have led many players to post hashtag update duels on the forums some of the suggestions mentioned in the threads are improving plots in no debuff removing flint and steel from classic more maps in bridge and the addition of new achievements there's also an account with the username update duels who sits on the sumo leaderboard i'm assuming this is either an alt or a very enthusiastic superman because the only game mode they've played is sumo now there actually has been some good news for duels players in june of 2021 hypixel developer nitroholik asked for dual suggestions for a future update meaning there may be some hope for the average high pixel dual sweat okay uh hi editor cinder here and top pixel literally just updated dual stay on october 27 2021 and it is literally insane the update comes with a new lobby new game ads new titles and a bunch of other quality of life improvements this is literally so huge so i'm actually glad to say that hypixel has updated tools watchdog watchdog is hypixel's cheat detection system which has been subjected to a lot of criticism from many players with people saying it's slow gives false bans and is buggy a bunch of form users have also suggested hypixel switched the moment club's anti-gaming chair in taichi which has been known to be extremely effective and quick against cheaters however this suggestion is completely useless as many hypixel game modes have a regular player movement that you won't see in a normal practice server like mining club such as tnt jumping in bedwars which means switching to anti-gaming chair could lead to a lot of false player bands according to simon watchdog has actually been updated and improved a bunch but with the extremely fast pace of hackline updates it basically just cancels out their progress skyclash skyclash was a removed gamemode that was basically the chad version of skywars the concept was the same but skyclash also featured classes and cards that could be unlocked through card packs unfortunately after its initial release many players moved back to skywars or onto the newly released gamemode at the time bedwars causing the player count of sky clash to drop significantly in total sky clash had about 0.25 percent of the service player base which is why hypixel removed the gamemode in 2019 free jamiro in the skyblock gamemode there are eight different skills all of which could be maxed out at level 50. i think it's higher now but this took place in 2019 so shh however in order to accomplish this feat you needed about 55 million experience to make it worse skills like fishing and mining were extremely tedious to grind meaning you literally had to live on the server non-stop for weeks in order to max it out this led a lot of players to seek out methods of afking the skills such as macros and auto clickers however after a few updates leveling on skyblock became significantly easier causing a flood of players to try to obtain the prestigious level 50 skill average one of these players was jamiro on may 1st jamiro had every skill at level 50 except fishing jimmy was pretty ahead of all of his competition with the second place simon cabza a whole two levels behind him however many people caught jamiro macroing his skills and even tried reporting him but it did absolutely nothing the man was unstoppable even from hypixel staff that was until june 2nd 2020 when every single one of his skills was reset jamiro was definitely not the only one reset on the skills leaderboard but the hypixel community started the hashtag freejamiro movement either as a joke or because they genuinely believed he deserved to hit the level 50 skill average most of these details were summarized from i go by love names this video so i'll link their full video in the description in case you want to check it out any further xp parties xp parties are organized events on a hypixel where groups of players open mystery gifts together in order to fully maximize their experience gain when players open a mystery gift other players on the same game server receive xp bags each of which give around 1.5 k xp surprisingly the xp party community is actually extremely coordinated with websites discord servers and even forged mods developed in order to make sure the entire process runs smoothly and almost automatically killed update in july of 2018 hypixel announced the guild update which bought guild xp quests leaderboards and more the update was done because the previous system which involved earning guild coins didn't actually have anything good to buy the only things you could buy were more member slots and an increase in the daily guild coin limit both of which were extremely boring unlockables during the switch hybix will give the top 100 guilds a special legacy guild club cosmetic which displayed their number ranking along with the middle in the forums they also converted guild coins into guild xp giving a significant head start to legacy guilds which is why most of the guilds on the top hundred leaderboards were created before the 2018 guild update lopa lopa is a hypixel simulator player who was ranked number one in the december 2020 cringe simulator tournament however during the tournament the stats glitched and counted more wins than they actually had therefore the leaderboard states lopa won 60 out of 60 games when in reality they only won 54. uh hi we're on to layer 5 taper tabor was a high pixel youtuber who got banned in 2019 for macroing in high pixel skylock i did get banned for using macros this macro just basically consisted of me right clicking my bow in order to kill gas and i used a program that just moved my mouse every so often and that is primarily the reason why i got banned on hypixel macro basically what tabor did macros are used to bind a bunch of actions to a single key macros can carry out simple actions like holding down a button for farming but can also be used for more complex actions such as traveling through different paths all automatically i wouldn't really advise using any macros especially on hypixel as they are abandonable and you probably don't want to risk becoming the next jamiro rank gifting rank gifting was introduced in the holiday sale of 2020 and allowed you to gift ranks to other players rewards are also given to gifters depending on the amount of ranks gifted such as loot chests emojis mystery boxes special cosmetics and the extremely rare dark blue plus sign dungeons lore hypixel skylocks's dungeons actually have a bit of lore located in the dungeons journal within the quest log there are 14 journals with approximately 100 pages full of lore the story starts in the year 1138 in this world everyone has become orphans due to some cataclysmic event the rest of the lore ranges from dark magic to catacombs to wither kings blowing up castles i go by a lot of names has surprisingly also made a video on dungeons lore so i'll leave a link in the description if you want to check it out chronos the chronos guild is a legacy tnt tag guild that skyrocketed to top three on the leaderboards there's not much else to say other than the fact that the skill is pretty stacked skyblock solvers skylock solvers are mods which can be used to solve different parts of hypixel skyblock i'm not an avid skyblock player so i don't know what these do but skyblock solvers have been implemented into clients like badline and boast tools like the blaze room solver boulder solver ice fill solver and more as of right now they aren't banable but considering free look was banned a couple months ago for unfair advantages the same thing could possibly happen to these solvers as well uhc cheaters it may be hard to believe but people cheat in a children's block game this has led to game modes being infested with cheaters especially on hypixel uhc this problem might have been what caused a lot of hypixel uhc youtubers such as speedsilver and wisp to move on from the gamemode and pursue other forms of minecraft content overall it's sad to see you two die like this as the current game mode is now sitting towards the bottom of the player countless fairy souls fairy souls are hidden blocks scattered throughout the skylock world by collecting them and giving the souls to the tea of the fairy mpc you get health defense strength and speed perks i remember when i first started collecting these souls i would have time dio's fairy soul location tutorial on 0.25 playback speed and sit in a discord call with my friends for hours hunting these souls now from personal experience some of these souls are easily obtainable but others are this is the fairy soul this is the one the scary one i got it i got the discord.js sniper free mvp plus plus join now discord.js sniper is a minecraft sniping discord where snipers intentionally try to cue popular streamers or high win streak players in order to either post their reaction on youtube for views or to reset their win streak most times it's not even a skill issue as many snipers rely on hacks and cheats to snipe now why they advertise their discord server in random hypixel lobbies is a bit perplexing some have said that they don't actually give ranks but instead just want more members in their discord server others have said that they actually do give ranks but only to people who help them snipe either way it's really weird that the server tries to lure in innocent kids who just want a rank on a minecraft server 4v4 stats in march of 2021 the 4v4 stats for bedwars were completely removed from counting towards the all modes leaderboards and instead separated into its own 4v4 leaderboard this caused the number one player virtua to be completely kicked off the top of the leaderboard this was met with mixed reactions a lot of players wanted 4v4 to be removed from the leaderboards because it was considered too easy and too quick compared to normal bed wars game modes whereas players who spent thousands of hours grinding the 44 mode like virtua felt a bit scammed in an interview with lego maestro he says this virtua are you going to be going after your leaderboard spot now the leaderboards have changed are you going to be grinding solos and devils now or is this the end the end wow pretty unfortunate to see but not as unfortunate as seeing you not liking and subscribing if you end up enjoying this video please consider subscribing it's free and helps me show my parents i'm not a complete failure in life thank you so much and back to the video mega sky wars due to the low player count of the skywars mega mode the manga skywars double beta was released in june of 2018 in an attempt to revive the game mode changers included a reduction of players required from 100 to 40 with teams of two instead of five as of right now the mega mode seems to have been changed back to normal mega skywars although there still are remnants left such as the mega doubles text in lobbies and the ability to use the play mega doubles command to join mega devil's servers fast rods i couldn't find anything about fast rods during my research but hypixel does have an infinite rod glitch this occurs when you rot an opponent and then switch back to your sword which causes your rod to not lose durability this strategy is sort of broken as you can pretty much do this infinitely legacy achievements legacy achievements are achievements that are no longer obtainable on high pixel there are about 79 of them and mainly come from the removed gamemodes we talked about earlier like crazy walls and sky clash lost in space lost in space is a competitive top 3 hypixel skyblock guild that was formerly known as first place frags the guild started out as meow gang as they would kill dragons and say meow at the start the top players in first place frags began to become more noticed as they basically know like the game 24 7 allowing them to get legendary items like full superior dragon armor and 50 million coin minus swords they also like to um flex their notoriety on the server attracted both top players and youtubers into the guild such as pixel time dio 30 virus and more however the downfall of first place frags started when members of the guild started spreading exploits like duplication bugs and macros along with participating in irl trading when the hypixel admins found out about one third of first place frags was either banned or wiped many of the remaining players left first place frags and created the lost in space guild as of right now they are apparently one of the richest guilds on the server with an estimated total net worth of 120 billion coins although that number is probably way higher admin bias a lot of the players on the hypixel forums have complained about the high pixel admin bias particularly towards youtubers this is mainly due to the fact that players with youtube rank bypass the hypixel anti-cheat have contact with moderators for things like technoblade's win streak and have a better chance at avoiding account wipes and bans at the curricator 134 epicurcaner13748 is a form professional from hong kong he's also a level 300 non pit cheaters the high pixel pit like you would see has a terrible cheater problem which has caused a lot of players to complain on the forums the proposed solution so far is fix the anti-cheat refraction refraction is another hypixel youtuber who was banned in 2018 for using a hacked client while on stream during a uhc game he accidentally opened his ghost client menu when he tried capturing a hilarious moment on stream thank you man we can make hype though if you want oh my gosh according to his response video he started cheating because of the cheater infested ranked skywars game mode a week ago i remembered that i actually had this account and figured that i'd use it as my tool of justice to defeat other cheaters i had some kind of twisted logic that as long as i only ever cheated against other cheaters off camera and never recorded any of the footage then it would be okay i'm such an idiot and i've fought against this very argument before as an ex-mod on the server but my frustrated mind was simply not thinking clearly after his band finished he focused on hypixel skyblock content and has seemed to moved on from his past which is great to see i don't think i can actually say the name of this entry but is one of the most popular minecraft coast clients and funnily enough the one refraction used from the last entry again i want to emphasize that i do not endorse or support hacking or hacked clients but for educational purposes only this ghost client boasts features like aim assist auto clicker reach velocity and way more that give users an unfair advantage the reason these clients are called ghost clients is because they are specifically designed to be hidden with tools like toggleable interfaces that make you seem legit however these clients don't come cheap some ghost clients can cost over 60 dollars with others costing a monthly subscription imagine having to decide whether to buy spotify netflix or a cheat client used in children's games for the month competitive bands hypixel issues competitive game bands for the ranked skywars and uhc game modes if you get banned for boosting exploiting blacklisted modifications or by watchdog three or more times you'll basically be banned from both competitive game modes and this cannot be appealed they're basically steam vac fans but for minecraft cheaters cheated sumo win streaks most of the players on the sumo win streak leaderboards have allegedly cheated their way to the top using boosting cheats or bots i say allegedly because this is only speculation from form users but there have been mentions of players using reach hitbox and velocity hacks or even leaving a sumobot with hacks running all day in order to achieve these insanely high win streak however there's also a possibility some players queue at insane times like 5am est when there are no cheaters online in order to reach high win streaks but i don't know if it's worth the struggle of waking up early every morning for a virtual minecraft win streak hey we're on to layer six kcals cake kcals also apparently known as keep calm and love snipers is a sniping group that targets players with high win streaks again usually with the aid of cheats after they wipe your 1 million between's win streak they usually hit you with the phrase slammed by kcalz with an id along with the play to add them on discord plus a little self-promo to cash in on the clout according to forum users they have a blacklist of high-profile players who k-cals intentionally targets like youtubers they also have a safe list that you can pay for but according to zerky and xkcl sniper this group was still pretty new and very unorganized we relied on a list of people which we had to manually read through every game just to make sure the person we were about to snipe wasn't safe listed it didn't always work though and we did snipe people who literally paid us not to snipe them but the owners didn't really give it this might have been recently fixed though as apparently kcal's members now have some sort of bedwars overlay to see blacklisted and safe listed players kcals was so much more organized they had special overlays that would draw over our clients to indicate who was safe listed in blacklisted as well as show us their current statistics like their win loss win streaks and a lot more as of right now kcals is allegedly a cesspool of toxic eaters and i didn't even know anyone from my old days as a sniper please do not ever get into sniping unless you want to be hated by a short load of people while also being labeled as a closet cheater picker called duping picacol is a hypixel skyblock youtuber who lost youtube rank for abusing duplication glitches in february of 2020 pikachu discovered that let's say this profile is a backpack if i would go right-click it it would also go on my head so not only would it change the slot it's in it would also open the gui now this caused a dupe glitch a very broken dupe glitch so i was in a random lobby and i said guys if you're not wearing armor right click a backpack it'll duplicate it and it'll also remove the backpack i basically wanted a reaction all right so the idea was that they would right click the backpack and then i'd go on their head and they're like no where'd my backpack go it's not in my hop bar and then they just look in their inventory and it's right there now i didn't get any reactions out of this but what i did get is uh me accidentally promoting a duplex piece it's not because i actually wanted to promote a duplex it just was a dupe glitch it makes the situation a lot worse for me because it looks like i actually knew when i didn't this caused a catapult of events skyplock went into emergency maintenance picacol had youtube rank removed and was banned from skyblock and even simon had to come out and make a forum post about the situation luckily everything was eventually fixed and pikachu was giving back access to skylock along with his youtube rank god bridging god bridging is one of the most advanced bridging methods in minecraft a few years ago it was seen as only possible through cheats but now with the rise of drag clicking and content creators like bedless noob and not nico god bridging has become something even your 12 year old cousin could do for a period of time in april of 2021 god bridging was temporarily banned on hypixel which caused a huge panic in the bridging community but it was eventually fixed in a later update holiday simulators holiday simulators are a seasonal game mode that consists of grinch simulator santa simulator easter simulator and halloween simulator the game modes usually have a holiday theme and consist of picking up different objects such as presents eggs chests or candy around a map these holiday simulators haven't really been popular aside from that one time technoblade played grinch simulator to steal gifts from orphans what is this game this is the stupidest game i've ever played the best game and then you right click on the presents and you get points and that's the game yes oh my god you have to steal as many presents from orphans as possible king of the hill king of the hill was a hypixel prototype game mode that was removed in 2019 players competed in two teams to stay on top of the hill as long as possible but sadly it did not get enough attention for the admins to continue development tournament tokens tournament tokens were a special currency that was obtained by participating in hypixel's official tournaments back in 2013. you were able to max out at 20 tournament tokens unless you finished in the top 10 which allowed you to receive more one of the things you could buy with tournament tokens was unique and powerful kits for different game modes however they were later removed with the decline of tournaments until the revival in 2018 when they were replaced with the tributes we see today trash clients win streak trash client was a top bridge youtuber who held windshreek world records in the game when going on these insanely high bridge windshreeks unfortunately some of them have been cut short due to unexpected circumstances such as losing an 800 solo win streak to a bad line crash and losing a 1000 win shriek to a cheater as of right now trashcon has quit bridge but maybe with the new duels update he'll return jessica jessica was a member of the huntsman guild that we talked about in an earlier entry however she was actually involved in a bit of drama within the guild it all started when jessica told the huntsman they were offered fifty thousand dollars in usd for every single item they had on their accounts however since this was an extremely large sum of money for a group of people splitting it wasn't going to be easy one of the top players in the guild minor event wanted to split the fifty thousand dollars evenly with everyone in the guild taking seven thousand dollars however other members of the guild didn't believe jessica should get as much as she was a newer member of the guild minor event countered that by saying he did most of the work for the guild which meant he wanted to use his extra contributions to evenly split the money with jessica and the other members another huntsman member zack agreed but then made a private group chat with all the other members and convinced them to not let jessica get the same amount of money as he said she did not deserve a single bit of it after switching a huge portion of the guild to his side zack tried confronting minor vent and jessica but got completely ignored eventually the entire huntsman guild crumbled and it ended off with members on zach's side saying minor event was a simp xylens xylens is another hypixel sniping group similar to kcals who target players with high win streaks unfortunately xilence is also known for harassing youtuber bombies by hacking into her twitter account doxing her leaking her phone number threatening her with swats and most recently impersonating her in order to extract personal family pictures from her uncle and if it couldn't get any worse they leaked her face for discord nitro boosts recently one of the leaders of xylem's hunter was allegedly under investigation by the fbi and had his devices seized although i'm not sure if this is true or not brah we're on layer 7 bladestorm bladestorm was the code name for the hypixel pocket edition project back in 2015 where players on bedrock edition could join using the ip the server featured popular high pixel game modes like skywars build battle simon says brawl and survival games bladestorm was opened secretly before its release so random players could test out the server and game modes hypixel was expecting a hundred to 200 online players but after youtubers accidentally found out about the server it skyrocketed to 9 000 concurrent players at one point however it was considered fully dead a few years later due to the amount of bugs on the mobile version along with the lack of funds to support the development of the server random knockback the knockback on hypixel is considerably complex and sporadic which is why a lot of boxing and zuma mains are on servers like lunar and miming club the knockback on hypixel actually stacks meaning players are able to deal 8 blocks of knockback due to delays and ping differences this can be both a blessing and a curse as you can knock players off in bedwards and skywars easier but maintaining long combos on hypixel is nearly impossible compared to practice servers special fish in the summer of 2020 hypixel rolled out a summer update on the server allowing players in the main lobby to go fishing you were able to fish up fish [Applause] junk treasure and special fish most of the special fish are obtainable all season but other special fish like the sky block fish are obtainable during summer halloween and holiday updates operation mayhem operation mayhem is a quest within hypixel skyblocks's jerry's workshop event for ages it's been closed down for maintenance although some players have found a way to glitch into the area in 2020 it's supposed to be some sort of snowball fight but it was shut down due to the amount of lag the quest caused in the survey we're finally on the last layer ex resto ex resto is a mysterious high pixel player that has played since 2015. as of right now he is ranked number one in quests completed with default rank however what's puzzling is his two-word vocabulary he's often seen only saying hi gg or bg in chat although one of his friends did get him to say the four-letter word fire some people speculate that he is from russia solely based off the font of the screenshots he shared in the forums he also has never joined a single party on hypixel which is extremely strange for an account like this aside from that not much else is known about him hightail hightail is an announced sandbox rpg made by hypixel studios it has a very similar blocky aesthetic to minecraft and will be set to release on pc consoles and mobile around 2023 the game will feature mini games world editing cinematic tools official servers and so much more which is why so many people are hyped for this game what's also interesting is that in april of 2020 riot games the developers of league of legends and valerie actually acquired hypixel studios which means the hightail game will probably receive a lot of support and funding from riot as well as of now hightail hasn't released a lot more info other than their ost so we'll have to wait and see skyblock is paid to win when hypixel skyblock introduced an in-game microtransaction called gems the gamemode turned insanely paid a win players could now spend hundreds of dollars on gems to buy booster cookies which could be sold on the hypixel skyblock bazaar for a decent amount of coins as of right now a single booster cookie sells on the bazaar for about 3 million coins essentially if you were rich in real life you could also instantly turn rich in game as well just by spending a few minutes buying gems and selling cookies you can also use the gems to buy upgrades for your island which basically just introduces another aspect of paid to win into the game brah no comment in the previous layers you may have remembered the huntsman entry where i briefly mentioned a player named major event during pitfalls exposed video he mentions the executioner scam what happened was hypixel player jeffrey cullen created a tier 3 sword with executioner 3 which is basically a rare enchantment that instantly kills a player when they're below 2 hearts major event saw this and said your executioner sword i think you mean our executioner sword major event asked to borrow the sword for a youtube video and gave jeffrey colin these less valuable pants as a deposit now major event made the youtube video but jeffrey cullen gets banned for a month after the band is finished jeffrey collin finds out that his executioner sword has been transferred to hypixel player minor event you may remember him from the previous jessica entry where he was called a simp after some back and forth between jeffrey cullen and miner miner finally joins the party says hey and leaves later minor event says he's going to sleep for an hour fair enough right an hour passes and jeffrey cullen finally notices miner is online the following is a reenactment of the scenario i see you're gaming how is the nap go ahead and join the party i can trade as of now man's just having a wank in it zombies win streak in 2020 high pixel player bombies set out to set one of the most insane records in all of bedouin's history a new world record between his win streak previously held by the phone bombi's team needed to be a colossal 1800 win streak however looking at our team which consisted of wolfe lovenox and dog cat what they seemed unstoppable each member of the team was insanely good with this exact team coming first place in the official hypixel bedwars 454 v4 v4 tournament and just to make this team even more overpowered bombies even bought a safe list from kcals with three out of three priority in order to prevent her win streak from getting sniped everything was going smoothly by the summer of 2020 bombi's win streak had climbed to 1100 only 700 wins away from beating the current world record around this time bombies had also reached the insane milestone of 1000 elo in ranked bedwars it was like nothing could stop her from claiming the new world record june 29th 2020 an account named baby keem was used to snipe bombies using a combination of fly hacks and b-hop her team adapted quickly and tried to block themselves in but only one of the members was able to survive after stalling out the hacker by running around in circles they unfortunately died to um the sniper was completely unknown no one in the community including sniping groups had any idea who had used the baby keem account that was until hypixel player smek gets sniped by viral p roll p was an unrelated sniper who joined the kcal's public discord server to flex mech's stats before he sniped him however he also included an alt loader within these screenshots and was logged in to none other than baby games account with the help of anti-snipe overlay staff they were able to find the email connected to the account which belonged to the leaderboard player and youtuber ket he after bombie's win streak was sniped dog cat would banned ketty from ranked bedwars and key moved on to become a cacao sniper that was the ultimate hypoxia iceberg explained you can continue watching more iceberg content or explore my other content through this pop-up end screen thingy again if you enjoyed this video a like and subscribe would be spectacular also feel free to comment anything i'm going to be replying to every single one of them sorry for the self promotion i love you and bye
Channel: Cinder
Views: 337,606
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, hypixel, pvpgod, The Minecraft Iceberg Explained, Minecraft Iceberg 2: The Missing Entries, Minecraft Iceberg 3: The (Almost) Final Entries, Minecraft Iceberg 4, The Roblox Iceberg Explained, The Amazing World of Gumball Iceberg Explained, The Club Penguin Iceberg Explained (Abyss+), This Youtube Iceberg Explained, The Google Maps Anomaly Iceberg Explained, Parallel Pipes, All 30+ Minecraft Enchantments Explained in 7 Minutes, The Ultimate Minecraft Iceberg Explained, cinder
Id: viz2ASUydcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 5sec (3665 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 23 2021
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