I Spent 1,000 Hours Grinding for a Stick.. Here's Why..

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i spent 1 000 hours to get this stick in minecraft here's how we got here so nearly two years ago i challenged myself to play a much harder version of hypixel skyblock that would require me to grind for every item by myself this meant no purchasing or trading for any items from other players if i wanted something it was entirely up to me to put in the work to get it and despite this playstyle being much more difficult than the typical one i accomplished a lot acquiring many of the most powerful items along my journey but as i began to approach the end game i ran into my biggest obstacle yet the 7th dungeon floor you see unlike the dungeon floors that came before it this one required some of the best gear in the entirety of the game to even stand a chance and a lot of this overpowered gear could only be obtained through rare drops meaning that simply having some bad luck could entirely prevent me from ever completing this floor i was not about to shy away from this challenge though so i started grinding and after literal months of grinding for new armor weapons and utility items i had finally assembled a set that was powerful enough for this dungeon floor and was able to complete my first ever floor 7 run but this was only just the beginning because now my goal was to acquire the rarest dungeons item the hyperion which required not one not two not even three but four separate incredibly rare drops including three scrolls and of course the rarest drop of them all necrons handle aka the stick and all of these drops are so rare that some players have run thousands of floor sevens and still not gotten them all but nonetheless i began grinding for them and the start of this grind went insanely well with me getting two out of the three scrolls within only 47 runs to put that into perspective these scrolls are at minimum a one in 250 drop and could be up to a one in a thousand drops so getting two unique ones in just 47 runs is pretty dang lucky but then my luck took a massive turn for the worse when the admins decided to make a little change to some weapons remember how i mentioned i had spent months grinding for a good setup to do those floor 7 dungeons well a large part of that grind was spent acquiring four bone rings which at the time were a really really good weapon for archers and this little change the admins had decided to make didn't only nerf my bone rangs but rather destroyed them rendering them essentially useless so it seemed that the hundreds of hours of grinding i had put in up until this point was ultimately going to end up being worthless as my setup was simply no longer good enough to even run floor 7 dungeons but there was hope because a few days after this nerf the admins announced they would be adding two new bows into the game to help out archers and these things were good in order to acquire them though i would need to take on a brand new enderman boss that was extremely powerful in fact the boss required to obtain the stronger of the two bows known as the terminator was so powerful that even the best players in all of skyblock were struggling to kill it so i decided to go for the weaker one that would still be more than enough for floor 7 anyways known as the juju short bow before we continue with my adventure though i need to tell you about all the adventures you could be having in today's sponsor genshin impact gentian impact is an open world action rpg that takes place in the vast magical world of tavot and the best part is the game is cross platform so it's available on pc android ios and playstation 4 and 5. the game features a beautiful open world for you to discover and explore and there's a ton of activities in the game so there's always something new for you to be doing and of course the game has their awesome elemental combat system where each character controls one of the seven natural elements there's also even a co-op mode where you and up to three of your friends can take on challenges together to get some insane loot and now gentian impact is releasing their version 2.3 update which includes some brand new and returning characters a new boss monster known as the golden wolf lord and even a snowstorm themed event where you can obtain some powerful new items and you can also use my exclusive redeem code on screen now to get 60 primo gems and four times adventurer's experience so a big thank you once again to gentian impact for sponsoring today's video and make sure you guys check out my link in the description below to download the game on your devices actually crafting this thing though was not going to be easy as it required an insane 32 enchanted quartz blocks which equates to roughly 800 000 chords and i'd also need to craft 32 null avoids which in order to make those i would need over a hundred and sixty thousand obsidian and also about four thousand null spheres which are only dropped from those enderman bosses i talked about earlier so obviously i had a pretty big grind in front of me and to get started i decided to throw down some quartz minions to help out with that eight hundred thousand quarts i was gonna need admittedly these guys were actually pretty slow at generating quartz but i figured it would at least help take a little bit of the grind off of my shoulders and then i shifted my focus to acquiring those null spheres and as you can see here the tier of enderman boss that you kill greatly changes the amount of null spheres that you're gonna get there was absolutely no way i was about to kill like 2 000 tier 1 enderman bosses because it would probably take months but on top of that the tier 3 and tier 4 bosses were way out of my league in terms of the gear i currently had so that left me with the tier 2 being my only reasonable option even this tier was gonna be pretty difficult though and if i wanted to get all 4 000 null spheres i was gonna need to kill about two to three hundred of them so i needed to put together a good setup to kill these things asap i began by throwing on my full set of necron armor which was by far my best damage set and it also provided a pretty good amount of defense and health but i also threw on my legendary blue whale pet because it would increase my health and defense by a massive amount then i pulled out my one fraw shadow fury because it had the highest damage out of any of my weapons and finally i grabbed my hurricane bow because the enderman boss has a stage where you have to hit it a certain amount of times before you can continue doing damage to it and the hurricane bows ability of shooting five arrows at once would ideally make that stage go by a lot faster and so with this op setup all equipped and ready to go i spawned in my first ever tier 2 enderman boss but as it turned out this setup was not nearly as op as i thought it was because within just a few seconds i started taking so much damage that the remnants in my inventory started popping to save my life and for a moment i thought the six remnants i had brought with me might be enough to keep me alive for the entirety of the fight but unfortunately they weren't and even if they had been enough to keep me alive it wouldn't have really mattered anyway because there was no way i could afford to burn through five to six remnants considering i was gonna have to kill two to three hundred of these things so obviously i needed to make some kind of alteration to this setup and based on the recommendation from my twitch chat which by the way go follow me over there if you don't already i decided to try out an item called the mithra coat which would make it so that no attack could ever do more than 40 of my max hp and while initially this might come across as kind of a useless ability since the enderman boss is doing so much damage only being able to get three shot in like a worst case scenario might actually be an improvement so i replaced my necrons chest plate with this thing and then went back to the end to spawn in another boss it was pretty much almost an exact repeat of the first fight though and i basically just popped a bunch more remnants and died but i wasn't giving up hope yet so it was time to make another change and this time around i decided to focus in on my regen because if the enderman boss was going to be doing this much damage to me i needed a way to quickly regen hearts so i started off by swapping out my one for all shadow fury for my old liver dagger because even though this thing was going to do way less damage it was also going to give me way more lifesteal which is essentially the same thing as regen i also swapped back to my necron chest plate because that mithril coat ability didn't really seem like it helped and then for arguably the most important piece of this entire setup i collected a bunch of diamonds and created a new helmet called the crystallized heart and this thing's ability literally doubles all regeneration and then finally to capitalize off of this new helmet's ability i also upgraded to a better healing wand and then with this new regen heavy setup pretty much as maxed out as i could possibly get it for the time being i went back to attempt another tier 2 enderman boss this time around though it seemed as if my new setup was actually going to work because after shredding through the boss's clicks phase with my hurricane bow i started hunkering down for the melee phase but to my surprise all of the damage the boss was doing to me was being totally life sealed back by my liver dagger it was still obvious that the boss was doing a massive amount of damage to me but the livid dagger in combination with the double regen was somehow keeping me alive as the boss went into its next clix phase though i wasn't able to use my liver dagger for any more lifesteal and started dropping health pretty fast but i was able to get in enough hits with my hurricane bow to put it back into the damage phase before i died unfortunately though i hadn't been quick enough and the life steal from the liver dagger wasn't enough to keep me afloat this time and once again i had failed to kill the boss and at this point i felt like i had pretty much made my setup as good as it could possibly be with the current stuff i had access to so that left me with only one choice remaining and it was something i had been vowing to never do in this series you see a while back hypixel skyblock had added a new item called the booster cookie and using the currency called bits that you gained from eating these booster cookies you could purchase an item called the god potion which essentially would give you a maxed out version of every single potion effect in the game which as you can imagine raised your damage regen health pretty much everything by a pretty significant amount but there was one little problem for me and that was that you could only get these booster cookies by either paying to win or by buying them off of another player on the bazaar which were both things that i had explicitly said were against the rules of this series but at this point in the game booster cookies and god potions had essentially become a must-have if you wanted to progress into the end game and hypixel themselves had even gone as far as creating a special bazaar for players who play the same game mode i do where they could only buy booster cookies like these things were that necessary to progressing in the game and after giving all of this a ton of thought i decided it was finally time so i made my way over to the bazaar and then i purchased my first ever booster cookie it's done it's done and of course the first thing i did with this shiny new booster cookie was use the bits it gave me to purchase a god potion and finally with my new power from having every single maxed out potion effect in the game i made my way back over to the end and summoned in another boss this was the moment of truth would this god potion put me over the edge and allow me to finally defeat a tier 2 enderman boss or did i just go through that entire process of making a huge decision all for nothing as the fight began though everything seemed to be going mostly okay but the beginning of the fight was never the part i was having trouble with and i was focused in maybe actually a bit too focused in because this is what my live commentary sounded like anyways though the beginning of the fight seemed to go flawlessly but that didn't really mean too much because that was never the part of the fight i had had trouble with as the fight progressed though i continued to hold my own against the boss and then i entered in to the final phase of the boss for the first time ever and in this phase the boss throws out beacons that you have to go and run over to within a couple of seconds or you will just instantly die and by some miracle even though i had never made it to this stage of the fight i managed to get all of the beacons and land the final blow on the boss officially completing my first ever tier 2 enderman that was that was a lot of work for one that was a lot of work for one oh my god okay jesus but now it was time for the grind to actually begin because as i mentioned to you guys earlier each of these tier 2 bosses only dropped between 14 and 24 no spheres and i needed 4 000 of them which meant that i was gonna have to kill about another 200 or so of these bosses but there was no point in wasting any time because i was gonna have to do it at some point anyway so i spent the rest of the day killing more of these bosses by the end of the day though i only had about a hundred and thirty no spheres which if we do some quick math here is about four percent of the total amount of 4 000 that i needed so clearly this grind was gonna take a while and after spending the entire next day doing nothing besides grinding null spheres once again i needed a bit of a break so i started working on getting some courts since that was another one of the materials i needed for the bow and my strategy to do this was actually pretty simple i just threw as many minion expanders as i currently had on my quartz minions and started mining the courts they placed which might seem like it would be a really slow process to get all the courts i needed considering i needed 800 000 of it but it actually worked surprisingly well the only issue though was that i was able to mine all of the courts faster than the minions could place it so i couldn't just sit on my island and infinitely mine corks instead i continued to grind out no spheres and every once in a while i would come back to my island and mine all the courts the minions had generated while i was gone and by the end of the next day i had officially collected over 1 000 null spheres meaning i was just over 25 of the way through with that grind but on top of that i was already up to 13 enchanted quartz blocks which is almost half of the total amount i was gonna need so even though it was still quite the grind this new strategy seemed like it was definitely worth the effort for the next couple of days though i basically just continued on with this grind there was one cool little moment though when this happened oh finally finally dude at least the epic let's go i've been asking for that for like years finally dude at least we get the epic my god unfortunately really only the legendary enderman pet is any good but hey it was still cool because it was my first ever epic but i did manage to also get something that was actually pretty useful okay oh power six please i need that i need that man i need power six for the jujubo please oh there it is yes let's go let's go we got power six yo that's big that's actually gonna be massive for the jujubo oh my god let's go dude so yeah i gotta say out of all the times i could have ever gotten a power six book in the middle of my jujubo grind is probably the most perfect timing ever anyways though after going absolutely insane on the grind over the course of these couple days i had managed to collect all 4 000 of the null spheres that i needed and now i was super close to actually being able to craft this bow i just needed to get that last little bit of both quartz and obsidian and thankfully both of those could be manually farmed so i wouldn't have to completely rely on minions in order to make things go a little bit quicker though i started out by doing some zombie slayers to get some foul flesh because foul flesh would actually increase the speed that my minions place blocks by 90 percent as it turned out though actually paying to do the slayers to get all this foul flesh was a little bit more expensive than i had anticipated and i started to go broke pretty fast and because of that i only managed to get 15 foul flesh in total but it would still help out each foul flesh would only last for 5 hours though so i made sure to manually mine as much quartz as i possibly could while it was active the obsidian on the other hand though was going to be a bit of a different story because obviously unlike quartz manually mining obsidian was not going to be a good strategy instead my strat was to farm a mob called obsidian defenders which actually have a small chance to drop an enchanted obsidian even farming the rest of the obsidian this way was going to take 10 plus hours but that would still be a lot quicker than waiting on my minions i was also even able to speed up the process a little bit more by buying the max allowed amount from the npcs each day and then finally nearly two weeks after i had initially started grinding for this bow i had acquired all of the materials that i needed 32 nola voids three stacks of enchanted string 32 enchanted eyes of ender on the top 32 enchanted quartz on the bottom and three two one boom juju short bow we got it baby we can finally play archer again and actually run some floor sevens again before hopping into a floor seven run though i wanted to max out this bow as much as i could i started with enchanting and was actually able to get all the enchants i wanted on it but the levels of infinite quiver overload and soul leader were all on the lower side so that's something i'd have to continue grinding for but this bow was still going to be really good in the meantime i also changed the reforges on my accessories to optimize for attack speed since that would significantly boost my dps when using the bow and then i hopped into a floor 7 run to test this thing out and right at the start of the run i was already doing around 5 million damage which was more than enough to one shot any of the mobs and after drinking my dungeon potion it boosted me up to 7 million which was pretty good considering this bow wasn't even close to maxed out yet and by the end of the run after we had collected our strength bonuses i was doing 15 million damage per hit and with how fast this thing could be shot since it was a short bow that equated to a lot of damage per second so yeah thankfully my grind had been worth it because this thing was very very good i even managed to pull a recom during some random floor 5 run that allowed me to upgrade the bose rarity to legendary and now it just came down to maxing out those last couple of enchants on the bow and luckily for me those enchants could be obtained through floor seven which meant that my grind for necrons handle was officially back on but right as i was about to get started on that grind the entire hypixel server went down for almost a full week when the server finally came back up though there was actually some good news because they had enabled two times skill xp on all of skyblock so even though i desperately wanted to get back on my grind for that handle i could not pass up on this opportunity so instead while the two-time skill xp was active i decided to dedicate most of my playtime to farming sugarcane because at the moment farming netherwart was my primary source of getting coins and if i could level up my farming skill i would just make even more coins from netherwart than i already did and i actually managed to go all the way from farming 39 to farming 45 which might only be six levels but if you're familiar with the way the hypixel skyblock skill curve works you know that's pretty decent and to make things even better once the two times xp boost finally ended i was also even able to sell all the cane i had grinded to get myself up to 50 million coins so i was not gonna have any issues funding my dungeon purchases for at least a little while and now i could finally get back to grinding out some floor sevens and at the start this return to floor sevens went insanely well because within just a couple of days i was able to upgrade my jujubo to both infinite quiver 10 and soul eater 5 so this thing was basically maxed out at this point sadly though that's where my streak of good luck pretty much ended because over the course of the next three months i ran hundreds of floor sevens and didn't drop something even remotely interesting i mean this dry spell went on for so long that i had time to complete entire side arcs of grinding slayers for an overflux orb and even trying to make a maxed out mining setup in the crystal hollows but those are both stories that we'll save for another time i even went as far as dedicating all of the bits i got from booster cookies to exclusively buying kismet feathers to try and double my odds of getting a drop but even this strategy didn't produce results immediately and for the next month i suffered through even more runs thinking this was the end and i was never gonna get another one of the drops i needed but then nearly four months after my return to floor sevens my greatest moment in skyblocks history finally occurred we did one already and this will be two and possibly three boom okay possibly that's three here we go boom oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god we did it oh my god oh my god we did it oh my god [Music] oh my god oh my god we did it we did it after literally a thousand plus hours of grinding dungeons i had finally acquired quite possibly the most coveted item in all of skyblock and now almost two years after i initially started this profile i finally have all the materials i need to craft this thing so let's do it first the necrons handle that i still cannot even believe is real and i actually have then we split our wither catalyst like that and we craft the unrefined necrons blade oh my god and now with these eight laser eyes i surround it and this i cannot believe i'm about to do this right now this is actually crazy we turn it into a hyperion and somehow on this profile i now have a freaking hyperion that is i would have never imagined that this is something i would have had on this profile this is completely nuts and now i just need to get that last stupid little wither shield scroll and we are done with this sword once and for all
Channel: RageTrain
Views: 3,806,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ragetrain, Rage Train, RageTrain Hypixel Skyblock Hardcore, RageTrain hypixel, RageTrain Hypixel Skyblock, Minecraft, Hypixel Skyblock Hardcore, Hypixel, Skyblock, Hypixel Skyblock, 1000 hours, 1000 hours stick, i spent 1000, i spent 1000 hours, necrons handle, hyperion
Id: O9gKAx5oDcI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 11 2021
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