1,017 Withers VS Minecraft SMP…

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weathers are one of the most powerful mobs in all of minecraft but what if i was to tell you that i'm going to be spawning 1000 withers to destroy this minecraft smp but why would anyone do this basically every single player on this server wants me dead especially the owner parrot the one man who's been trying to stop my illegal actions since day one but every time i managed to escape until one fateful day all of this anarchy was soon put to an end or so i thought after i successfully activated my most destructive illegal machine yet i was ambushed by parrot no no no no stop please please please please please please stop let's go it looked like the end of my illegal ways was here but parrot had an offer so you know i just took like all of your stuff right well i actually have a plan that might include breaking a couple rules on the server oh if you're willing to help me and i am more than glad to team up with you and give everything back why do i feel like this is like a trap bro why would it be a trap i already killed you all right what's the plan we decided to meet up at our original base to negotiate where are you at bro look towards the sky space breath towards the sky i i i see you how am i supposed to get up there bro yeah i knew it wouldn't be long before you showed up so as of right now the server is just too peaceful well here's my proposal ready this might blow your mind you know how you did the thousand iron golems and the thousand bees do that but with one thousand withers bro what you're an idiot bro no there's a reason why i didn't do a thousand withers bro do you realize how stupid that sounds i know it sounds so dumb but think about if you pulled that off think about what would happen to the server look into the sky yeah that sky right there is the endless opportunity that spawning a thousand withers has now look at the ground that's where you're stopped if you don't spawn a thousand withers bro do you see the difference i mean okay bro okay listen listen the metaphors are cool and all like that it's very inspiring but bro that's 3 000 wither skulls i have to get dude there is a reason why i'm asking you this i'm not asking clown pierce i'm not asking like clutch bro it took me a month to just even like even find you bro you're a fox you're sneaky like if you did this i highly doubt anybody would be able to figure it out that's why you need to do it you're the only one who can do this i i know a few with i know a few weather farms and now i can see why um why this is breaking the rules because uh weather farms whether skull farms are a little illegal but i mean the conditions for those farm throw even to find like a fortress in the right area it's just like i am so hard to listen listen listen listen you want to find fortresses right yeah which means you can do one of two things you either look around in the nether which is going to take you probably hours or you can use the seed well the sea bro i don't know the seed but i do know someone who does and i'm not even gonna question how they got it but i do know that they have it but i'll tell you this if you're really gonna pull this off you're gonna have to solve this riddle i'm about to oh no riddle bro ready the metaphors in everything bro if you want to find this c go to this you really suck you know that you really you know oh my god you want to find the base you see how totems come from raids you want to find the base that you've raided that's a rather easy riddle you know i would like to meet with you again i like to see who i'm working with because this this fairy this is gonna this this is one of the boys this is one of the biggest projects i've ever taken on bro dude this is one of the biggest projects minecraft has taken on what do you mean all right bye okay what's the base that i rated the most i mean there's the mushroom base but they they moved okay wait why do you use a totem though she said totems are from raids is he saying that like bases that i started raids at oh wait wait so when i was going on a rule breaking spree i broke a rule where it's like where you start a raid at a base and just to leave and leave the raid just for that person to deal with all right so i'm at the courts that i marked down for the raid place and i think it was this one i went through so stuff's still here oh what oh i think i was wrong even though the base seemed abandoned the owners were still there is this you guys yeah what are you doing bro why are you guys invisible right now this is super because this idiot wasted all my body but negotiating for the cords wasn't going to be easy so can i have the seed if i want the seed i need to give him the cords to parrots creeper farm because he knows that i used it for my own creations this means that pofa is planning something to happen very soon so if i want to complete this mission i need to complete it before the world ends so i gave po for the cords and he gave me the seed then i met with parrot and his friend vortex to tell him that i got the seed but we realized that this mission has to stay top secret because everybody is our enemy and if we want to destroy the world before somebody sees it we have to make sure it doesn't get into the wrong hands especially the mob but getting the seed was the easy part if we wanted to finish this mission we needed to gather all of the resources for it and if you think i'm going to grind the resources myself think again it's time for heist okay and actually on my way over to the mushroom base i came across this portal oh we got like a little horse oh shoot this is jerry this is one of zam spaces and he is currently our number one enemy well i i i did not expect to run into his uh pet horse i don't know this seems like an old base i mean i guess i need some nether bricks and you need to subscribe only if you want to though i do need some netherrack but i'm pretty sure vortex is grabbing that let's get out of here i don't know where zam is and i don't really want to find out all right and we're at the mushroom base okay i am 100 sure nobody is here but okay i think i got all of like the random necessities and i think at this point all i need to do is get four turtle eggs but luckily i do know someone that has turtle legs hey jaren oh hey hey what's happening yeah i decided to visit want to check on your turtle i look so beautiful oh i see you got some eggs looks like some really nice eggs please don't please don't take please don't jump on them dude i really need these okay so i've been bored on the server you know i haven't it's been a while since i've like blown up stuff you know and spawn right now i can't really do anything else to spawn as you can probably tell you know i want to i want to play a little i'm playing little games with all the members right now you want to play a little game of tag you tag me i will give you didn't even give me an option to say no okay if you tag me i will give you my trident called poop what if i don't tag you though surely you want something well you only have you only have one minute to tag me all right you will i'll put a curse on you all right i wish you best of luck jaren here oh wait a minute oh oh my god oh no i can't okay [Music] oh my gosh [Music] oh my god i'm gonna die where'd you go oh there you are jeremy might want to check on your eggs bro i'm tagging you i didn't even set a timer i'ma be honest ah all right well i i think i think your timer no no no god that's the god i got you you wanna swap your writings all right there you go if i use this once it's just gone it's out of existence oh my god well i'm gonna miss poop that's right it's really special to me all right all right bye all right well got our eggs and almost broke and tried it i came back to the tower and parrot and vortex finished collecting their materials now it is time to find the perfect place to build this farm because we need to make sure that when i use this farm i don't get caught so let's travel 9000 blocks across the nether roof to finish this mission and we finally made it but i was severely under supplied with only eight golden carrots left plus i only brought one fire resistance potion so this was going to be a lot harder than i thought but i finally finished the 30 by 30 platform and after defending it from a ghast i placed stone walls to stop the magma cubes from spawning then i put the turtle legs in the corners to draw the zombie piglens away from the middle because that's where the magic happens after i trapped the iron golem to draw in the wither skeletons i made a portal for them to go through next i made the killing chamber in a portal to get to the over world finally i was able to gather some food then i pillared up to build the passageway where the wither skeletons will be pushed into the killing chamber i was finally able to grind the wither skeletons using iron xo4's wither skeleton far but after many anxious hours wondering if i would ever be found i managed to survive and i successfully grinded all the skulls for the mission but on my way to meet with parrot and vortex i ran into the enemy dude there's no way i can find him i have five hearts i'm only here for frenzy so there's no reason to paw it up on me all right stay away i want jpegs to come here i need a little ward with him this is like your first time on in a while huh well i want you to have a very very warm uh welcome to the server all right i wanna i want you to take this [Music] i want you guys to say hello to my winners hey i'm out of balance i'm out of arrows just try to get them up from up close i gotta go guys hopefully you guys and i knew i couldn't die with all of my wither skulls on me so i told parrot to bring it back up and keep in mind the enemy still didn't know i had allies why is here help me dude i'm just letting you all know that this is only the beginning bro a new age of lifesteal is coming guys they escaped to spawn but not for long [Music] oh why isn't it working huh they're what that they're you guys are no just one more just one more just one more just one more real spot you just did real spawn dude spoke is spawning more i'm killing no no no no no no i'm just kidding i'm skinny i'm just kidding but the wealthiest player on the entire minecraft smp was called over to hunt me down and finish me off once and for all oh these kids are on me these kids are on me bro get them off get them off get them off oh no he's barley's burger i only have one pearl left no no no no this kid's actually gonna kill me oh my god i'm so low i'm so low i'm so low i'm so low these kids are still on me bro all right i'm escaping i'm escaping um all right digging digging digging i'm going through the nether i'm safe i escaped to the nether with all of my skulls and i'm finally ready to complete this mission the apocalypse is finally in the distance but my first target is the enemy's main base located ten thousand blocks away from spawn i located the base by analyzing pinkie's movements on stream and followed him exactly to the enemy base so in other words i stream sniped them if this means i can finally get revenge on those who've killed me in the past so be it i'm willing to do anything it takes to fulfill my vengeance but as i was waiting underneath their base zam somehow did this all day like just practicing right that's that's on me i fell that's so sad that is so sad no this meant that zam would have to go back to his base to gear up once again but when zam arrived maypick exposed the plan [Music] huh what what you hear what spokesman do you always like spawning a million withers yeah i have max armor for you that's that's not that's not true listen i've been listening to the stream this entire time all right i i guess it's not a secret anymore um well you're spawning a bunch of wizards yeah yeah everything is about to be destroyed when exactly starting with this base starting with this base in the main row hold up actually [Music] [Music] dude [Music] oh my god don't even don't even worry fine chat don't even worry about it i'll be fine there we go i got one see look the withers they're not going to hurt me they're not going to hurt oh my god didn't expect this oh my god well how do you like the base renovations bro i like the beach dude everything is destroyed oh also you know a lot about my thousand mob projects i bet you did not expect me to actually do this one and to think that i'm only spawning ten percent of my final creation here sam mayfield is telling the truth my guy i don't want to risk running oh my god i'm on two hearts i killed the wither but i'm on one heart i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming all right i'm on three and a half i'm good i'm good pick drop drop goodness oh spokes back folks back spoke swag coming get down go under i'm getting out of here [Music] goodness oh there's more up here no no it's not safe up here on the ground get on the ground it was just not safe up here can you make it to the nether roof no dude there with this everywhere i'm gonna die oh my god oh my god just do some repairing you know fine low key though i'm gonna take the ones down this is looking fire right no no now no no i think he's going for a hundred he hasn't spawned them yet he's still spawning more i can yeah i can still hear them wait i have 19 levels hold up i'm in chain real quick hold on okay wow that is a lot of oh there's so many in there oh my god there's so many weathers no yeah you guys should come to like the center no there's so many more there's so many more you guys should come to the area oh my god oh my god dude wait spoke did you make something illegal to get these did you make a did you make a farm i might have made a farm damn are you good i'm dead no no no no okay oh my god there's so many oh sam you idiot yes maybe you should run leave your baby dude just run run no i said it was breaking this is my maybe if you die we like literally we have nothing just run just run literally run oh no broke the portal and spoke is guarding the very front oh no bro just like start purling stuff you have pros this is the end mate dude bro hey no no yes yes what'd you do no i pearled into a weather come here bro come here no well maybe come here it's wrong bro oh my god oh my god oh my god standing at the exit so i went into the wall and i placed tnt behind him and then the tnt shot him into a pile of withers i'm trapped i'm trapped i'm trapped oh my god kill him with the withers are you gonna kill him with his own withers it's here i got you i got you on the nether roof what are your chords on the next i'm like zero zero bro i'm like zero zero still yeah that's f3 press f3 okay i'm pressing it i have f3 up i have f3 up all right he went the other way he went the other way here he went the other way to break the portal no no no no no no break the point dude whether no it popped a portal it popped the portal yeah this is it this has got to be everything if i didn't use them and parrot yesterday oh and then to chester damn i don't see i don't see any way for me to live this dude there's so many withers above ground are you dying i was planning on i was planning on repairing the portal i come over to find out that the portal has been not only but completely obliterated of the face of the earth make a portal make a portal get obsidian make a portal i'm out oh my god see it's folk all right the final wither i'm at 99. god boom 100 withers spawned at your base this marks the beginning 1000 withers are coming with the enemy's main base completely destroyed i put them at their weakest point but as zam met with his allies to discuss their plan i was listening to the stream their plan was to go to their mini bases across the world to find villagers to gear up to kill me so as they left to go to maypick's private base i was already there spawning my withers [Laughter] [Music] is he really is he spawning more withers are you are you serious enough where is he even spawning them why is he even spawning them no one else is online no spawn went up here for the memes you know oh my god bro dude they're not gonna be able to get into this portal i am completely trapping of withers right now oh my god i'm so sorry world all right i think i'm gonna spawn like 50 up here yeah but i've never been this low on hearts i've been to nine like the lowest nine has been the lowest i've been to like four dude i've never gotten this low on horse man oh my god they're coming they're coming they're coming oh god wait how come i thought oh i figured out oh my god all right i need to finish this and you can finish this all right okay don't answer don't need to run run run oh my god i need to run i need to run bro where are we going all right oh there they are they're just i have bars on it's like covering like half my screen yeah oh i have the effect uh there's more they're all dead i mean they're all dead oh was this where your villages were was this where your villagers were oh this was the thing yeah they're not letting you go through that i hope you know i'll just water out yeah that's bad let's get out of here let's get out of here i've been withered oh my god anarchy has arrived the wither apocalypse is here but the finale will come soon let's just go through this portal let's see what this portal is let's just wander until we find villagers okay oh my i don't like this place he's spawning the water in one place he's bought them in here wait he's here why how does he know why is he everywhere are they down there oh my god the hell is it full of withers how is he everywhere oh my god bro these withers are going to bring the server down to his final breath these withers are going to completely destroy the server oh my god spoke is omnipotent bro bye bye outpost bye bye oh my god bro okay okay the apocalypse is here i guess yeah jaren's turtle shack screw it bro i'm spawning withers [Music] we're going to the flatlands do you think he blew up the flatlands yet i i don't know this guy's a maniac why is this guy a psychopath he has no reason to do this he's just doing it yeah this is our place of like safety i guess they're right outside i'm pearling oh okay okay run run run run vortex i'm currently at their base right now i'm spawning in withers um where do we go what do we do what do we do do we run for like the nether no don't don't go through the portal don't go through the portal do not go through the portal he's spawning he's spawning he's funny come to their base come to the come to the base at 600 700 another roof another room don't go through the portal dude yeah stay there i'll i'll drop you some wither stuff right we're spawning in all the withers we can alright [Music] okay this is a good amount of withers weather the weather just blew up on me get on try to get another roof try to get on another roof and come to their base right now all right i'm scared i'm scared why are you behind the map that was done all right we have one more place we could go the mushroom base it's not far from here it's like 1400 blocks all right i'm going to go to mushroom now okay we're fine there's no pearls we're good okay get us the hell out of here i'm just spotting at all of my withers except until i have like 500 left all right which direction let's go this way yeah oh yeah they're they are far all right vortex take take this take this up in this chest all right take the stuff in this chest oh okay is someone getting wither attacked right now hmm what the hell wait is there within your house what's what's what's what's hurt something yeah why did they're just fighting on another roof look at this the apocalypse is here my guy the apocalypse is here the end of the server is coming my guy with this skills flying in our direction [Music] all right wait wait why are you guys going oh they're about to go through they're about to go through bro they're going through they're going through early are you kidding me oh my god no no no i was tabbed out vip readings are you serious i've gone down into the ocean i'm in the river i see i see where they're going down to i see where zam is i'm gonna keep spawning with this right in front of yeah spawn withers now he's here right now yeah yeah yeah oh he's looking at me oh my god i i see zam that's vortex wait that's vortex he's fighting spoke right now wait what have you spoken are you fighting an interest person yes i'm fighting an investor then you're fighting vortex because spoke is right here he's not in this i see planet i'm spawning them on planet right now oh my god get to the stronghold get some stronghold get to the end get to the end get to the end get to the end i'm running there right now go go go oh they're running down yeah they're heading down to the they're heading down to the stronghold right now i might die he's right here he's right here he's right here he's right here i'm scared oh i see you i see you i see you i see you planet i see you jump down good dude nice okay oh my god oh my god sam are you okay left and right here i'm coming back up i'm not gonna go down until you do two hearts oh good where are you at where you at where are you at i see you i see you i see you hi take that cable take that apple i'm trying to eat it eat it in your mouth put it in your mouth come on it's over it's under the arrow it's under the cobblestone oh my god samuel this is about to lose you no i just i just got away they're targeted i'll get them targeted on me you can go where under the under the cobblestone i yeah i found it just go just go i'll be there i'm here i'm here okay go go go go [Music] area oh leaves oh no okay oh no i think they're i can't jump i can't make that jump they're going to sub space can you okay okay okay let me go first they're spawning them dude where are you dan don't worry guys we're secured dude my ears i know right okay they are currently trapped they are currently trapped in the island bro is them getting hunted i am getting on to this yeah start destroying like the end right now um i think i'm gonna try to get up on top of one of these end pillars that failed once you get up here like we can like easy spawn withers now i can lighten the mood there are withers being spawned but it's okay because we have both i'm scared okay i found an easy way to grind them bro if they're destroying the entire end island are we kind of stuck here yeah oh shoot if they just fill that place with me there's no way to get out they are not getting out of the end any time soon absolutely know that subs look at this we are mass producing withers right now yeah we're stuck at station zero they're withers being spawned all over the server go until you have like a stack left and then maybe we can charge them i don't have questions to fight either i have nothing we just need to get the hell out of here this is what i used to do on xbox bro accepting creative bro we're in survival right now spawning these guys in okay so the good thing is that all of the winners are very very distracted on enemies to go now before there's two minutes yeah let's go let's go let's go let's go let's go oh they're heading back they're gonna try to go through oh my god how many are they spawning here this is unreasonable there's an apocalypse going down all right all right go straight to the very middle and just jump in let's make it go they're gonna try to they're coming to the middle wait hi all right just throw straight to the middle i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going i'm going sam where'd you go oh they made it back to spawn yeah i'm going through it the enemy escaped with their lives and as we continue to destroy the world they prepared for the final battle except this time it won't be three players it will be the entire mob now this has been the closest we've ever been to defeating them in the lifesteal smp but now that they have time to prepare for the inevitable 500 withers we will be no match to their armies and the mission will forever be stuck at 50 completion except we will never let that happen there is one team that in the face of defeat they would never fall one team that risked everything for one single victory one team that celebrated every moment together and one team that i can trust and this one team had only one weakness and that weakness was in fact me but this team was my family and this team is the pogies nation and as i saw the entire server prepare for our fates i knew our only hope was the rest of the pogi's nation now all i can do is wait for their return but our final destination for where we're going to spawn the rest of the thousand withers will be the mob tower the symbol of power over the poggies this is the longest standing build on the entire server but it's time for its fall let the world wither away oh my gosh dude oh my goodness just start spawning just start spawning just start spawning let's start spawning then oh laggy what the holy crap i'm getting crit i'm getting cripped oh shoot oh what's happening it's because of the tnt right now bro you're seeing it oh my gosh oh my god bro mine looks like bro i look like i'm like in the fight from like the cape machine bro like bro for i can't look at mob i'm not looking at mob anymore i'm spawning them in the planes oh my god what is even up there it's never ending oh my my friends are so much better when i'm out oh are you clowns on me clowns on me where are you are you careful ncscsc listen top priority is spawning these withers all right we have been putting so much effort into this let's not mess this up now we can't bro i'm gonna fight with you guys till my last breath bro let's go dude one last fight is the poggies bro one last fight that's the pogies guys let's do this baby i'm done with my first stack i'm done with my first stack just keep spawning with us prioritize the withers because once the windows are trying to sell it for you guys oh my god i cannot look i can't look it has four withers on them maybe has four withers on them oh my god this is not this is nothing now literally dude my iron farm it's just gone it's been gone bro dude how is the the explosions are still going off how much tnt did oppa put a lot i know it's all just oh my god where is everybody not their i mean yeah bro they left bro g is still going off oh my god bro what the heck i'm about to die bro i'm dead i'm actually dead yeps i didn't it lagged so hard i just lost seven hearts in one hit in world tick someone's on me someone's on me i'm coming i'm coming i'm gonna die bruh i'm actually dead yeah if we have tridents guys we literally cannot die [Music] yeah yeah be careful about that server's lagging right now the server is gone he's still on me bro where are you i'm just running around moving with my trident trying to stall for you guys this is just chaos yeah it is just chaos bro spoke look look what you've done bro this this is our mission our mission is his success bro they pick's getting like bomb rushed by withers right now like so hard all right the entire server's trying to kill us right now it's okay it's okay guys get these withers in and then we are out of here dude i'm sorry jaren oh wait zeb's using sponges oh wreck wrecks on rex oh i see you playing clutch oh my god i need to get you i'm jumping across the terrain right now come with me terrain that's about to break next week i'll try to lure them away they're trying to kill the withers yeah yeah it's fine it's fine it's fine they cannot they cannot they can't kill the withers this is what 2v2 okay i'm getting i'm gay okay there's so many withers on me yeah they're trying to patch everything up with sponges but it's not really doing anything oh it's pangy no i think they're trying to stop us from trying to get away i know that's what they're doing oh they're all on me bro they are all on me oh no run i know i know yo what's this what i'm stuck i'm dead oh i see i see he's in a cave he's in a cave yeah yeah let me help you help me i don't know we got you out just it's some cave i'm no i'm dead i am dead oh my gosh there's seven people in here you can't win i'm so sorry just don't do it i am so sorry a sacrifice for the poggies yes quickly i can't there's too many withers there's too many withers oh i'm trying to survive as long as i can bro i'm spawning withers i'm spawning withers i'm blocked in kind i'm dead i'm dead now spawn it now go go go go go a sacrifice i'm i'm god i'm using a god apple i'm done with this bro i used a god apple they can't do damage yeah he's trying to play sponges everywhere tell us he's on me guys they're bringing sponges they're not going to let us escape row made the ultimate sacrifice that was the ultimate sacrifice bro once they start sponging out this area it's going to be really tough to win wait so can you guys already watch oh my gosh there's 10 people there's like literally 10 mlb members on me guys i'm going in oh he popped what he has another one my goodness bro oh i'm jumped again he's out of totems he's out of tournaments he's actually out of totems this time oh what is going to die to the withers bro i got two juicy crits two juicy crits all right place oh substance here uh oh you want something oh he just drew out a sword he just throw out a sword i just got a sword i just go to sleep it's okay i i finished all my withers i'm just swimming around him nice all right it's only parrot and then i have like the last set i'm just doing everything i can to get my talocy off of me all right all right people are here people are here oh no leo's killing me leo's killing me i'm dead i'm dead okay that's okay i didn't have much on me i can grab a i just i just tripped sam bro man just got memed on you really let's see you got the smoke spoke there's like eight people on you bro yeah he's out of the hand he's not good just as many zam's popped oh shoot do you not have any more no dude all right this is gonna happen but there's some smooth stone in here i just used my last pearl let's help brokers collabs they accepted damn right yesterday yes i'm down to my last piece of mutton how am i supposed to fight these kids i see you wreck i see okay wait i have my last i had the last one i have the last wither i have the last wither i'm going to do it on i'm going to do it on top of mount sp oh mapix right behind me bro oh me picks right behind me where's them uh there's one near spawn this way oh oh yeah you're right does anybody have copious mountains actually you want to stay here bro you want to say yeah sure where boom the final weather guys i'm going out i'm going out with this weather i'm going out with this weather i am going out with this weather guys are you actually goodbye i'm going out with it this is my final moment goodbye goodbye look at this world bro you finished our mission 1000 withers were completed this these little divots in the ground this is a very small amount of what we've done today if you look way out there out into the horizon that is our impact it went from a time of peace and prosperity to a time of like dreary and darkness when there was no light we were the light gentlemen yes sir and this man right here spoke he pioneered our way into this incredible event we had thousands of withers we had deaths maybe it wasn't a victory for us but in our hearts it was the greatest victory of our entire time on the server no parrot this this is the end this is the end of this server this is our entrance into season three boys this is our entrance i just want to say something since the very first day since that acacia acacia village that got raided by the mob and after that shattered savannah even after the pogi split up this is probably the strongest team on the entire server yes sir it has been an honor working with you gentlemen it has been an honor sir well with that a good look over the cliff our final moment as poggies two one go [Music] this is probably one of the best videos on my channel but it's only going to get better from here so make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this one and hopefully i'll see you in life steal season 3. make sure to join my discord and anyways goodbye
Channel: Spoke
Views: 1,877,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, LifeSteal SMP, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, School Parrot, Parrot, ParrotX2, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, LifeSteal, parrot lifesteal smp, Spoke, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, LifeSteal SMP Applications, how i ended an entire minecraft smp, Technoblade, HermitCraft, LastLife, MumboJumbo, Grian, why i broke 100+ bedrock, Here's Why I Made 12240 Minecraft Cakes, Minecraft Hunt, SpokeIsHere
Id: 3_cPsv5yg8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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