Hermitcraft 8: Episode 26 - I Released a WITHER in BOATEM...

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goodbye i mean hello welcome back to another episode of hermitcraft today we are going to be finishing off the stuff that we didn't in the last episode which includes much of the remedial work to the rest of the alleyway that includes a bit more interior work and connecting up all of these bits of stone all the way up to the black concrete so there's still quite a lot to do and scar has actually started planning as well he's told me he started planning i don't see any plans here he started planning the inside of this so we'll need to give him some help collecting all the blocks now i must say it was not a mistake inviting some comments asking for ideas on the inside of these buildings because i've seen some magnificent ideas including an aquarium and calling this one the goofy and gaffery which is quite cool greens goofy and gaffery so we should definitely be implementing many of these ideas today so let's make a start perhaps the blue one would work really well with the aquarium style thing we could probably put an aquarium all the way through the building all the way up to the top yeah the gravity situation on the server is not great hey it's mumbo hey mumbo this is actually quite fitting for green magic i seem to be just like floating through oh yeah mumbo can you hear me goodness gracious can you not hear me how has he done that does this like strange redstone that he's done mambo where's he go mumbo kit let's just sneak down here right honestly he can't see me mission impossible i've hit the ceiling this is an opportunity i can't ever turn down sometimes occasionally on the server you've seen it before but players go invisible and you just can't see them or hear them this is my chance okay i've got so much stuff to mess with him but i don't know why he's going down here oh wow okay okay okay he never needs to leave his house he can just like go under the was that sign always there that's like a really weird sign to have and it's directed down the alleyway that i was that sign wasn't always there was it but there is a lot of signs everywhere so i guess okay that's weird the magical horse at the entrance playing tricks i was just here that wasn't there bubba i'm going to get you there's a blank sign if this suddenly gets text on it i'm leaving i'm literally leaving right is this it's got text on it and it didn't have decks on it when i was just looking i can't trigger this without causing a massive damage this is this is the best he thinks he's going crazy demons be gone demons be gone demons be gone no i'm out i'm out i'm out i'm out i don't need the glass that much i don't need the glass that much horse thank you for directing me down this way nothing's everywhere why is there eggs everywhere there's eggs coming from somewhere what where are they coming from where are they actually coming from why can i not fly i just seem to be hovering around who are you what do you want why is there now salt okay i have beacon effects i have vegan effects so this should start showing up stop [Laughter] stop do i do it what you're doing right now i want to do it so badly wait a minute no no no no no there is no chance there is no chance i could because i can't kill it what who are you and what do you want i don't realize who i am right i'm oh goodness i'm concerned about this i've been concerned about this how does this even work am i me what am i who's me yeah i'm dead i'm and crystals keep appearing behind me and exploding oh my goodness i'm going to i'm going to go into into my into my van and by that i mean into my tiny house and i'm just going to sit and i i think all would all would be well why is there an end crystal out the window have i did i accidentally place that in crystal outside the window there's any crystal outside this window okay this is that's two now there's no way that that's an accident [Laughter] at least at least on this harvest is also providing for the demons on the server okay well should i leave okay i'm leaving i'm leaving there's crystals everywhere i feel like i feel like i've had my fun but he does need to die i feel i feel like he needs to die or he needs to hold on i can i can scare him with just the sheer amount of movement with the skulls i have this thing that nobody believes it actually works no no no the wizard is coming back oh gosh no no no no no no no stop stop if i stand here but everything is safe how many others are there [Laughter] there's so many why do you have so many one misplacement mr cool but i don't even know all right here's my plan i can get some end crystals of my own if i can tempt the ghoul over i reckon i have a chance oh this is not gonna work he's i'm gonna explode it before he can even they're all out of stock [Laughter] harmless harvest is profiting well off of these hauntings it is time i'm just gonna do it this is a terrible idea no this is really bad oh man can it see me the weather could see me where's it going uh okay i've had my fun now i've got to take care of the wither there's so much there's going to be so much damage oh look at that where's the wither gone i need to take care of this quickly mumbo it was me i need help i'm gonna die in mid-air oh no oh no cub help please i thought i could handle it but i can't oh no oh big nose i'll be i'll be real with you i thought it wouldn't actually trigger the wither because it had signs on it but it turns out if the signs are on the front it doesn't matter this was an actual mistake i was just trying to scare him by putting that third head on there i'm still lost oh no oh no right where's my stuff falling it must have fallen somewhere around here okay this is why we have backup stuff okay lots of rockets everyone's helping ah i'm sorry i'm [Applause] a mistake a massive mistake i'll fix it i'll fix everything you do realize i'm the guy that can't kill things right yep yep yep if he hits any of those end crystals they'll explode this is not good come save us i'm getting some good hits we're in stage two we'll assess the damage later this is such chaos careful not to kill it what me yeah i'm not punching this thing i'm just observing oh you're not even helping this is your mess no wonder it's taking so long what did he do i thought it would be much more fun than this right though like fully mid-air that was impressive all right we did it let's see let's let's go and assess this damage okay no no nothing weird what happened what happened yeah where are you okay look listen mumbo it's not as bad as it could have been and you have every opportunity to put that with a skull on or do something and you didn't do it so i blame you you know if there's a button i gotta press it what do you mean i had the opportunity on which would have done the thing that you did this is ridiculous oh my goodness it's actually not it's not as bad but did you see that look look no this is the biggest casualty here grian the bottom totem is gone no this is repairable look the boats are here unbelievable yeah but it was funny though the biggest i was doing the biggest the biggest thing i'm grateful for is that those somehow your base would be gone that would have been an issue that would have been initial uh i'm [Laughter] i was invisible to mumbo and i decided to just scare him a bit and then i scared him a lot and then i just then as always i took things too far i said thanks to my new shirt now if you don't mind i've got a lot of cleaning up to do good luck good unbelievable mumbo if it makes you feel any better i've i i've lost here i've lost i i lost all my stuff i died i died to the wither in mid-air and now floating is just normal it's just normal i died in mid-air all my stuff fell and it must have despawned while i was fighting it hi impulse oh no you can see me hi i logged in at a weird time nice no yeah no no no there was for a fraction of a second i saw a wither boss bar that's weird that's strange there's a lot of weird stuff have you not been sleeping yeah move strokes again very strange things around here impulse really weird so um this is just one of those things you know it must be the moon is releasing with us on the server no other explanation at all no it's really taken things up a notch hasn't it geez yeah i i've i i can't stress enough how much valuable gear i've lost mumbo i i cannot stress like how bad this is for me i lost a stack of observers mumbo i lost 30 with the skulls i can't i i'm still like listing off all the stuff i've i've lost i lost all my items as usual but then i had like a stack of observers half a stack of end crystals that's what you get yeah i don't deserve yeah you don't have to complain you don't have to complain it's like it's like you shoot yourself in the foot and then you go ah my toes are gone i really needed those toes it's like you set off the wither yeah but i'd still be angry about it oh i've shot myself in the foot i better go and tidy up yeah we've got like this is we've got to literally rebuild bottom now that's not silly it's not that bad thank goodness it was only impulsive stuff that got ruined thank goodness i don't need that iron farm anymore anyway it's okay look if if you cover it up isn't look the moon has been creating some very strange things [Laughter] uh okay when you're tired you make stupid decisions i genuinely didn't really expect that to work uh the way it did but we got rid of it and with pretty minimal damage to the botum area we've got this uh impulse has just told us that he's got enough iron anyway so not to worry about that which is which is right nice of him so all we got to do is cover up a few little spots and act like this just didn't happen uh the real loser here was of course me because i lost all my stuff because all we really lost in bottom is a bunch of dirt which is you know nothing really and for those of you that are upset about the bottom pole um i've got i've got some some news for you this is maybe the third or fourth rendition of the botum bowl uh it's it's it's it's been destroyed by accident many times before so there's no point getting too upset about that either uh we do have the slight issue of all of the end crystals but i think i can get rid of those with water i think shall i just should i leave those that's a terrible idea both to try and remove them and leave them i i'm i okay i'm definitely stuck with this one trying to remove them is a bad idea and leaving them is also a bad idea one more boat and there we go bottom hole potentially 3 or 4.0 back in action i can't tell you how many times creepers or whatever have have exploded this thing and i now know exactly why the wither went straight for it it's because of the bees so it made an absolute bee line pun to get into the bottom hole and destroy it so there we go and surprisingly very little damage oh wait what they've killed impulse as well what's this all about what the heck it's one of those episodes green releases a wither and impulse dies i agree so uh now that i've destroyed half of botum and made mumbo feel like he was even more crazy it's uh he's a good sport for playing along oh it's time to actually get some work done around here so now what i think we're going to do we're going to do some we're going to do some interiors and we're going to fix up there just like i said at the start of the episode but i've got to spend some time getting my stuff kind of back where it was i've got to do some renaming so without further ado let's hop into a time lapse and get this done let's go [Music] okay so oh oh i'm looking i'm looking even worse than before oh man i could definitely use some sleep so i feel like i've lived a million years renaming everything i don't i couldn't even do my booty so i've got to do leggies wingies help me got everything i got everything else back to where it was and i've lived another thousand years by the looks of things so i was incorrect in saying i was going to do some interior mainly because fixing up all of this is that just i can't oh there's no gravity anymore just ever oh this is actually really really good for viewing builds yep i'm i'm flying i spent all my time doing all the terraining and connecting it to the night sky including this section which has been done by good times whisker and this has been done by b-dubs if you remember a couple of episodes ago i won the spleef tournament which gave me a whole bunch of rewards and one of them was redstone by b-dubs and i asked him is there a way that you could do a redstone interior for one of the shops and just told him to go nuts he could do one big small you know even if he didn't want to do it then that's okay but it turns out he did i like the fact that there's a there's a little touch from everyone in this alleyway so we've got b-dubs we've got scar and let's take a look inside and by everyone i mean two people but there's two people we love i was a bit scared i was scared that there was something something was gonna happen okay so what redstone have we got so every time you open it does it give you a fresh ah it gives you fresh grass b-dubs i'm impressed the the lights are flickering that's some professional redstone right there he put the he instead of just putting a lever on it to have it just on he's actually done a timer to make sure that the light flickers how cool is that i love that i love that little detail it makes it look so much like more shabby in here that's real that's really impressed me flickering lights oh here we go tnt so does this really set off for tnt oh no i just did two oh what have i done oh it's not real it doesn't do any damage ah okay okay so it fires the tnt in the water and it creates the explosion so when you're walking past it explodes this is amazing b-dubs you you said it was professional redstone services and you weren't wrong i was it's brilliant it's absolutely brilliant the other edition has been scar has done his little section which i'm calling the dead end so he's actually gone ahead and put floating candles that's one of the final touches i plan on doing for the entire alley so it's really good to see that it works it looks super good wow this is amazing it's a slightly different scale is that a is that a real mob no they're just looking at me it's a slightly different scale it's slightly smaller than the main alley but that's that's good because it makes it feel way more enclosed and close i'm loving i'm loving this wait is that the is that is that something in there that is there's a face it's it's not the tech no i yeah that's something that's mildly terrifying so scar has done a brilliant job in making this place he's used like quite a lot of dark tones he's also used soul lanterns instead of the normal ones to make this place feel like it's more eerie scar you are an absolute magician no pun intended but this is absolutely perfect and obviously during the time lapse i finished the night sky above it so we've had quite a lot of progress done in the alleyway with the help of a couple of fellow hermit scar has obviously spent an awful lot of time on this if i if i can pay him back i certainly will this is absolutely amazing what an addition to the project i know he he really wanted to help he loved the alleyway so i'm glad that he got to be involved and i'm oh it's just it's just awesome and then i'm really glad that b-dubs went ahead and made something so cool looking he's kind of showing me up with his interior here but that does leave me a bit of an awkward spot because i have genuinely spent all of my episode time both breaking and tidying up the hermitcraft server with my wither shenanigans and we've got an awful lot of progress done just not the progress that i thought we would so we've spent all our time doing things i said i wasn't gonna do so next episode is gonna be interior time because i've i i'm feeling pretty confident in this project we're all sealed up i do need to do some pest control there's too many mobs for comfort but i want to say a massive massive thank you for watching just remember no bosums were seriously injured in the making of this episode everything's fixed up everything's back the way it was and we had a great time and things are things are really things are really bouncing we including me so um with all of the effects that are absolutely rampaging the server right now um i think i think with that i'll say thank you very much for watching please do consider swordscribing to grian uh it does help me out a lot and it's it's it's really nice of you if you would consider it um before the moon rises and things get worse i'm gonna say goodbye and thank you very much for watching and uh good goodbye
Channel: Grian
Views: 1,930,791
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Grian, building, grian, mincraft, tutorial, yt:quality=high, minecraft, hermitcraft, grian hermitcraft, episode 26, season 8
Id: XY7609djmfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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