Top 6 Best and Worst Signature Moves in Pokémon

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[Music] what's going on Imperials at Emperor cubone here who came on each have their own special unique qualities that make them stand out from one another and sometimes that can be augmented even further by giving them their own signature moves oftentimes these moves reflect the lore behind these Pokemon so that their limited use makes sense within the games and just makes the Pokemon that much more distinctive but we won't be talking about specific Zemo since that's a different topic altogether and I never thought I'd have to say this but some people still aren't getting it so these are signature moves meaning only one Pokemon or evolutionary family can learn it so yes sacred fire is a great move but since hoo and intae can learn it naturally it's not eligible or one of my favorites with spikey shield but then we got some cactus Pokemon Horning in on the action so you got it no still gonna get in eligible suggestions down in the comments yeah of course we are ok so without further ado here are the top six best and worst signature moves in Pokemon number 6 worst fairy lock starting off we find a pile of keys with a signature move that is only tangentially related to it klefki signature move theory lock is a status move that affects the entire field and it simply prevents anyone from escaping get it ferry luck because keys yeah that sounds pretty well and good but looking at the description we see that ferry lock only prevents splitting from the battle for one turn seriously why just the one turn pretty much every other method of trapping a Pokemon is permanent so having one that's so limited it really doesn't seem that useful to me it must be a pretty cheap lock if it can be picked so easily I realized that klefki has the prankster ability and so that this move will be guaranteed to hit first but what's a klefki gonna do with that one extra turn anyway get one turns worth of toxic damage or swagger them just so they can immediately switch out afterwards faerie lock is an extremely situational move that has no real usefulness on the one Pokemon that can use it and funnily enough klefki could have been on this list twice if its other signature move crafty shield hadn't been expanded this generation to save it from being the absolute worst number six best spirit shackle decidua being the first ghost type starter was an interesting prospect and one that had pulled off with graceful intensity and to go along with the new trend the starters have to have a signature move the situation is an amazing move that I used so often in the games this 80 power physical ghost move is described as stitching the shadow of the opponent to the ground preventing them from escaping that's not just an amazing concept but that's the right way to block an opponent from leaving battle take note faerie lock because spirit shackle traps foes permanently not even your standard u-turn shenanigans will get you free but what's so great about spirit shackle is just how tied to the Pokemon it is not only is it learned immediately upon evolution which is a new feature I love and seven but decidua is the only pokemon that has ever had a bow and arrow as its weapon of choice so it'd be pretty hard to ever transfer this move unless they give some other pokemon the same niche gimmick or if they change the very specific animation but I'm okay with that because spirit shackle is a solid move with full accuracy and a great secondary effect that also perfectly embodies the one pokemon that has access to it number five worst crush grip Oh regigigas here we go again if its ability wasn't bad enough this golem master is stuck with a lackluster signature move as well the move in question is crush grip and this is not just terrible because it can technically have a power of one this moves effectiveness is determined by the targets HP the more it has the more the move will do maxing out at a possible 120 power if the foe has full health but with each subsequent hit it will do less and less so what looks like a clear knockout might not pack enough punch to finish the job the next time and sure there are other variable damage moves but number one they aren't really signature but more importantly remember the Pokemon - which crush grip belongs regigigas has its speed heavily hampered for the first several turns of battle so if you wanted to use this move you might not be able to even get off all of the available PP before you die and there's only five and in the fact that your physical attack is also cut and you realize that this physical move that would hypothetically be best at the start of battle can't even really be used then leaving crush grip a severely narrow window to even try and be useful if it ever could at all number five best size strike youtube has been a pretty powerful Pokemon since the beginning now I don't know if someone saw the looming power creep and decided that they had to keep Mewtwo near the top but in generation 5 Mewtwo received a new signature move sighs strike was a massively powerful psychic-type blessed at 100 base power with 100 accuracy which actually puts it in a pretty unique position among other legendary signature moves usually if a legendary move has this much power it's not fully accurate or there's some sort of drawback like lowering your stats or having to recharge giving size strike the freedom to be unleashed at your discretion however sigh strike does have one more intriguing feature in that while it is still a special move it does physical damage if that sounds familiar it's because that's the same setup as the mum sized shock but just with more power this means that Mewtwo gets to use its higher special attack on a high-powered special move to take out foes that prioritize being a special wall but aren't quite as good on the defensive side so basically me too can kill you no matter where you invest your defenses it's just really nice to see Mewtwo still getting attention with this upgrade so that it doesn't fade into obscurity as is the fate of other long-lasting pokemons number four worst Electrify for some reason in the Kalos region there seem to be a huge influx of signature moves or at least in proportion to the smaller amount of actual new pokemons introduced as well one that I've never quite understood belongs to the heliolisk line with electrify now this is a status move that when it hits a target it turns their moves into electric type for that turn okay I mean we'd already been given ion deluge which turns normal type moves into electric and even the new signature move of zero or a plasma fist has the same secondary effect so arguably Electrify could be considered better in that regard since this applies to more than just normal type moves but even then is it really that useful helioptile and heliolisk are perfectly fine Pokemon don't get me wrong but they don't inherently benefit from taking electric type damage sure they resist those hits but it's not like it has lightning rod in fact if you look at all of its abilities they're all weather based so maybe this move would have been better off electrifying weather conditions in some way I guess Electrify could be usable with the right partner but if your signature move is only any good because it's paired with anyone else it lets you know that it's not a great match number four best oblivion way first of all this move has just about the best name and the franchise oblivion wing is perfect for a Digimon to shout just before they unleash an explosion of energy which isn't that far off here the signature move of a belt Hall creates a giant wave of destruction and fires down at the foe not only does this pack a hefty punch with 80 power behind it but it also restores your HP oblivion wing not only is a soul flying-type move that's able to restore HP but the majority of damaging HP recovery moves will give you back half of the damage that you've done to the opponent however oblivion wing restores 75% it's 50% better than all of the other common health sapping moves and has a higher base power than most of them to begin with so I don't know how all of it works exactly with the lure of I guess yveltal feeds off of their depth energy where the weaker your enemy gets the stronger you get I don't really have to know I just get to enjoy it now some people might say sir Deus is signature move geomancy is way better idiot but raising your stats on the next turn honestly could be better in my opinion it's a little too long-winded for just playing through the story and it's easily anticipated and competitive so I'll gladly take oblivion wing to tear through my enemies turning their pain into my renewed strength and I mostly just wanted to say oblivion wing one more time number three worst conversion whoa what are you talking about Z conversion is great well first of all we're not talking about Z moves it's an entirely separate topic and one that has limited relevance as of late but secondly just look at the actual move conversion is a move that changes the users type in this case a member of the porygon line to the same type as one of its moves now it used to be able to pull from any move but now it's only from the first one well that's a neat trick I guess to pull off all of once it's not like the first slot and your move set can change during the middle of battle so if you wanted to you could change it to say the ghost type but really that's it at least conversion two can be used multiple times to give you resistances to incoming attacks but the original conversion draws from one specific quarter of your move set I suppose you could rearrange it in between battles but that's a lot of work and you might end up guessing wrong this is demonstrably worse than when conversion would draw randomly from your moves it just narrowed the possibilities far too much and what's even worse is that conversion used to be even better because when the move was first introduced it changed porygon into the same type as whatever it was facing now if that conjures a vague recollection in your mind that's because that is the same function as the new move reflect type which is used to great effect by a number of different Pokemon while the porygon clan is stuck with conversion that's been changed so many times that at this point it's almost useless number three best fiery dance both corona is one of those pokemon that you look at and think baby bug types aren't such pushovers in fact it was speculated that Volcarona might even be a legendary or at least was planned to be at one point with its own special encounter and everything but any good legendary worth their schult has to have a signature move and for Volcarona it pretty much hit the jackpot fiery dance is a bass 80 power move with 100 accuracy that's a pretty decent setup as far as damage to accuracy ratios go but that's not all every time you use this move there's a 50% chance to raise Volcarona special attack that means every other time you use fiery dance it could get even stronger the next time and that's already drawing from Volcarona ludicrously high special attack to begin with and potentially any quivered dancers that you might have set up to apparently the developers realized that this move was crazy good and they stuck it at the very last possible slot all the way at level 100 providing a magnificent reward for those dedicated enough to train their loyal partners to the max but in later Chin's you could also learn it through the move reminder meaning that you only had to wait till level 59 for evolution which is still just preposterous Lehigh for your Pokemon to the falls but with the utility fiery dance provides it not only lets this flame moth hit hard with the fire but mix even its other coverage moves pack more of a punch which just makes Volcarona Spira dance a signature move one for the ages number two worst barrage I've made no secret about my general distaste for executes mostly for the fact that it makes no sense whatsoever but maybe the Pokemon company had a similar mindset because when it comes to signature moves this has got to be one of the most rotten now looking at the raw facts we see that barrage is a base 15 Power Move and where the move will always hit between 2 and 5 times now this is no different than a number of multi hit moves that you can find out there but those have never really been a great aid choice for me anyway I mean they're not even really that great in the early game sure you could hit five times in a row but it's more likely that you'll just miss since barrage has only 85 accuracy for some reason which means it probably won't go over easy but remember barrage is the signature move of execute meaning it doesn't even get stabbed on this normal-type move but even when you crunch the numbers the actual average damage of this move is willing forty seven point five so not only does barrage not crack the top but it is literally the second lowest base power of any move execute can even learn leaving you to scramble for anything better and the description simply reads that they hurl round objects at the bow so they are clearly just sacrificing their brethren in a hard-boiled attempt to cause damage at least a lowland executor got the signature dragon hammer so I guess that what oh never mind looks like it was poached by Tropius in the ultra games so it's stuck with barrage being the only one unique feature left in their basket remember to best fire lash so I didn't mean to have to Unova fire types in a row but here we are it's fair to say that heat more is one of the more forgettable Pokemon to most fans and if people haven't forgotten about it it's likely because they dislike this pyromaniac ant eater I guess the folks in charge took notice because in generation 7 they added in a signature move for heat more that would give it a huge boost provided anyone would actually bother with it after all this time fire lash is an 80 base power physical move that has heat more create a burning whip of fire presumably with its tongue that's pretty basic what's so great about it well every time fire lash hits it lowers the targets defense every time even if the first hit didn't do much it will do more the next time it even more the next time this is insane sure there are other moves with a chance to lower stats but fire lash is guaranteed to make every successive blow stronger than the last and they can't even hope that you'll miss because it's 100% accurate there's literally no downside to this overpowered move that would start to be a problem for Pokemon that aren't even weak to the fire type fire lash is simply a fantastic move and for some reason it's on heat more in otherwise completely average Pokemon that many have forgotten about maybe now this almost game-breaking move can get people to finally show heat more some respect number one worst Kinesis one of the undisputed best Pokemon to use in the first generation was the abberline this was partially because the psychic-type was just generally unbeatable but also largely because alakazam had incredibly high stats assuming that you could find someone to actually trade with you and you weren't stuck with a Kadabra so for a Pokemon line that was so pivotal you'd think that they'd have a signature move that would adequately display their monumental acumen and you'd be wrong these indefinable psychic man-beasts were given the move Kinesis which sounds on-brand especially when you read the description the user distracts the target by bending a spoon yep no other Pokemon could have this move Kadabra and Alakazam got it on lock but supposedly this lowers the targets accuracy which is painfully ironic because for some unknown reason Kinesis only has eighty accuracy this thing has telepathy and an IQ of 5000 which should be able to hit a stationary target literally mega Alakazam could use this move with each of its spoons and one of them would miss and what's super annoying is that they both try and learn Kinesis upon evolving in the new games listen I really love the new mechanic where a Pokemon will learn a set move whenever they evolve regardless of level but if I didn't want it the first time I definitely don't want it a second especially since these Pokemon have been able to learn flash since Jin won so if you really need to lower accuracy for some reason do it in a way that won't miss as opposed to this tragically useless signature move that besmirches the name of an otherwise stellar pokemon line number one best thousand arrows the ground type has been my favorite for a long time because it's the best but for some reason there are more Pokemon immune to ground than any other type even more than all of the normal types put together because not only are there flying types to contend with but also the fairly common levitate ability so by the time June 6 rolled around I imagined zygarde had enough of its earth and brethren being ignored and decided to do something about it zygarde actually has several signature moves including lands wrath thousand waves and core enforcer these are all pretty formidable moves in their own right but none can hold up 2,000 arrows this is a 90 power 100 accuracy ground move so you might think big deal it's not even as strong as earthquake but thousand arrows has an astounding secondary effect this move can hit Pokemon even in the air it doesn't matter if they're flying type or have levitate they will be affected by this ground type move no matter what and there really is no escaping it because thousand arrows still hits targets with an air balloon or ones that have used magnet rise but even more than that this move also grounds the targets as well rounding them means that they can now be affected by other ground type moves from different Pokemon and also will now be influenced by things like various terrains or even arena track to which they would normally be immune thousand arrows owns the skies as well as the ground and if there was any doubt sigh guards move even hits Pokemon that have used fly knocking them all the way down to the ground and just completely canceling their move altogether that is power right there and that's also why this move is at the top of the list I can't ever see thousand arrows getting much wider distribution because too many Pokemon darkening the skies with this move would obliterate the game as we know it I move this powerful that has an astounding secondary effect that not only bypasses but completely dismantles enemies that would normally not have to worry absolutely makes thousand arrows the best signature move in the game if not just one of the best in general so those are the top six best and worst signature moves in Pokemon if you're wondering why a certain move wasn't on the list it's probably either not signature or at least in the case of the best it has a chance to miss because come on you can't miss if you're the best right also since I know that there are people watching this one that haven't yet subscribed why not do so to become an imperial today also be sure to leave it like share this video and leave your own thoughts on signature moves down in the comments and we'll see you around next time [Music]
Channel: Emperor Cubone
Views: 160,673
Rating: 4.7704034 out of 5
Keywords: Gen 8, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Galar, Sinnoh Remakes, Sinnoh Region, Kalos, Digimon, Let's Go, Best and Worst, Nintendo, Video Games, Switch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 22sec (1342 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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