Every Gender Difference in Pokemon EXPLAINED! | Gnoggin | Part 1

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hello how are you you look good today and you've arrived in good timing too because today we're going to look at every sex difference in Pokemon and rather than just listing them like some lazy person just giving information off boba pedia let's actually explain why each sexual difference is there to start though you should learn about the term sexual dimorphism it's a term used to describe animals that have different traits depending on their sex the easiest examples are animals like peafowl deer and in most cases these differences are for a good reason male deer bucks use their antlers to fight each other and are much more aggressive than the female deer peacocks are glorious because they use their beauty to compete and persuade PN's to be their mate even humans have a large bit of sexual dimorphism even all the way down to the bone structure not all animals have sexual dimorphism however if their only differences would be their sexual organs and this fact is well represented in Pokemon because for the most part Pokemon look exactly the same no matter their sex but a few of them do have notable differences so let's begin [Music] also we'll be using the sprites or the models from different versions of the games depending on which ones just make it easier to see the differences also as opposed to going in pokedex order will be going by category since many pokemons share differences for the same reasons for example the most obvious category larger tusks and horns on the male's the males do that and golbat have larger fangs in the females right on Rhyhorn rhyperior Goldeen and cking males all have longer horns than the females but only slightly sudowoodo males have larger head branches feliks males have extra rocky toothed bits on its jaw piloswine males have longer tusks as do nam OU swine males hounds do males have longer horns donphan males have longer tusks and relic ants have larger jaw guards almost being tough like reasoning for these differences is obvious just like in nature the males compete for who gets to pass their genes on and mate with the females as such the males are more equipped for fighting than the females be it for horns tusks teeth or ranch's real-world examples of these are deer elephants goats elk COO Daniela moose walruses Narwhal and pretty much every animal with either tusks or horns there are some animals where the males and females both have equally sized horns or antlers but those are in the minority why gars get unique but with the same idea the Stingers on the males are a bit bigger this follows the same fighting logic as before but isn't reflected in real scorpions the way to tell the difference in real scorpions is how wide they are females are whiter but when it comes to males fighting over females no pokemon seems to do it more than the Garchomp line givogue a bite and Garchomp males have these slits in their fins their fins aren't any bigger but they all have these lips when it comes to real sharks and even orca whales and dolphins the dorsal fins over time due to how much they stick out get damaged and scar as they fights more and more and male sharks fight a lot more than female 1 since the male's fight over females moving on to the next category male don't only have larger parts for fighting oftentimes it's for other reasons like survivability or for showing off how fabulous you are to attract mates this is most definitely the case for unpleasant males have a pink mask and green marks on their bodies while the females are brown and boring this is exactly the case for real-world pheasants - in fact this trait is extremely common among our feathered friends male strut their stuff to show off why the females should choose him as her mate mer crows head feathers are bigger and stand straighter on the male starly staravia and staraptor males have larger head spots and while not exactly Birds an eagle and revile males also has larger feathers as do male copán and while not exactly feathers not leaf and shiftry males have larger leaves and medicham males have a larger head bub which can be seen as a type of plumage meaning they are there to show off and get laid moving on to other parts dustox males have larger antennas this reflects real moths - especially the luna moth the moth dustox is inspired from the males have big feathery antennae while the females just have antennae the reason for this is so the males can smell the pheromones given off by the female up to a mile away the better to smell you read my dia this could also be the case with ledyba and Lydian the males have larger in 10a - but in Lenny Buzz case they also look a bit like horns and since this line is known for fighting they likely use their antennae as horns - and the male's having even bigger ones politoed and also Toxicroak males have larger cheeks also known as vocal sacs male toads and frogs use these to sound deeper both to intimidate each other and to sound out their load mating call octillery males have larger suction cups on their tentacles which also reflects real octopod a date while on real octopus not every suction cup is larger on the male's a few of them near the base are these are primarily used for fighting other males and also for showing off to females look at my large sections playback soldiers of my typical Torchic males have the tiniest sexual difference of any Pokemon they have this one pixel tiny little speck on there but the difference between male and female torchic's does get more obvious when it evolved Combusken males have larger head feathers and the same goes for male blaziken's the head crest is longer this matches up with the chickens bread for cockfighting especially the Taiwanese fighting roosters as only the Roosters or the males will do the fighting and as roosters they have longer head credits plus the thyristors bread for cockfighting stands much more upright than your traditional rooster hence blaziken being completely upright what about that little speck on Torchic well both in cockfighting breeding and breeding chickens are meat and eggs it was originally very difficult to tell the sex of the chicks you would have to take care of all of them and then separate the hands from the roosters once they were old enough to tell the difference but it would sure be a lot nicer to be able to tell the sex of them from hatching and that's exactly what all the chicken farmers thought so they did their selective breeding and genetic manipulation for centuries and now male chicks have one or two little feathers on their wing that are slightly than the rest and that's how you tell the difference and extremely completely unnoticeable if you're untrained to look for it difference just like that one tiny little speck on torchic a minor different step there and most people won't notice it until you pointed out to them of course so yeah the more you know Wooper males have two sets of gilt branches and Quagsire males have larger back sins indicates of Wooper x a lot will naturally don't have any difference in sex beyond the females having a bigger cloaca however when it comes to behaviors males do a lot more fighting the gill branches are a form of plumage to intimidate the other males and to show off to female but also axial levels in general has an amazing healing ability and can regrow limbs and even brain matter and jaws with no visible scarring so this soft tissue sticking off the side of its face is likely ripped off a lot if they're constantly losing limbs all the time so males having it regrow back bigger may be something to Pokemon company thought of well making this design decision Quagsire though there really is no other explanation for this beyond more plumage for showing up to female Japanese giant salamanders have no difference between the sexes besides the whole body size thing so plumage it's loose but it's possible and combining the last two categories of bigger horns and figure other parts we get to the knee toes the knee Duran line is perhaps the most famous example of sexual dimorphism in Pokemon the differences are obvious and the two knee Duran's even evolved into completely different Pokemon though they are still counterparts to one another being more monster-like though somewhat based on rhinos they don't have much in the real world to compare them to what the differences do seem clear enough nito king and the whole male side of the line has much larger horns and more spikes all over their bodies arguably more armor as well clearly the males of this line often cite defending their territory and their families while the females protects their young directly having more fat stockpiles also helps them well pregnant and producing milk for their young I also have a huge video going into more detail about Nidoqueen right here check it out Wow it isn't always the males that are bigger or have bigger traits however in some species it's the other way around clothes commonly this is found in insects and fish as it's the case with Pfizer and scizor females have larger abdomen specifically and when it comes to real mantises this is obviously the case cricket touch females also have larger bodies specifically around its neck considering that cricket and cricket hoon are both based on fancy musicians or fancy orchestral conductors the bigger neck piece may also be a reference to a fancy boa or the large puffy fur colors upper-class women wear when going to such events now generally speaking female fish tends to be larger than the male this is also the case with pinion and Lumina those are females here are only larger in the fins and being based on freshwater butterfly fish and betta fish this isn't quite accurate in these species specifically the male's actually have the larger fin as a form of plumage just like birds so when referring to fish in general yes Viviana and lumen Aeon are accurate so when it comes to the prettier plumage of your fish that they are actually based on the opposite is true I'll give them four copass though this isn't even the only mistake Game Freak has made involving larger females numel and camerupt females have larger humps which isn't the case at all for camels male camels in general have bigger everything even humps and even in proportion to their body that strike two for gamefreak oval next let's talk about fur Ursaring females have more fur on their shoulders while in general grizzly and Sun bear males are larger the females lose the most weight over winter since they give birth and then feed their babies with milk so upon exiting their den in spring they have the appearance of having much more loose skin and much more fur since it flaps about more thanks to their lack of stuffing female Obama snows have larger chest or - perhaps this is because of the same reasons abominable snowman are most often portrayed as being a black and that's what a Yeti is but there are some sightings and some myths that push to a more bear like creature this extra first stuff that may just be Connor or pine seeds we don't really know may also just be there to simulate lumps of fat stores like breasts on an eight though in the case of Obama snow being a conifer tree it may be storing pine cones they're larger pine cones are the female plan cones after all there is also pyroar the male's have large Mane's and the females have more camphor they also have differently shaped tails the difference here is obvious they are based on lions another famous example of real-world sexual dimorphism Lions Mane's are theorized to be mostly fulfilled the size and cleanliness of the main shows the fitness of the lion if it's good then other lions will be less likely to attack his pride Shinx Luxio and luxray males follow the same logic the males have larger Mane's and more darker fur in general it snow is really interesting if no females have longer neck fur but why well drowsy and hypno are based on its appear drowsy more so for sure and then hypno gets a bit of a goblin or other Fae creature in there specifically this could be a Baku a yokai dream eater that shares the name with what to peers are called in Japanese bhaggu but what some have claimed is that hypno is also inspired by a myth an Egyptian Guardian and another heart and soul eater that is part Crocodile Park lion and part hippo superiors are somewhat hippo like and amid shares the two colored body aspect of two peers as well plus it has a male lion's mane despite being entirely female hence female Hypno's has more nexor or names the doof and the barrel males have more fur too but this is a problem every species of beaver fits the monomorphic classification meaning there is no way at all externally speaking to tell the sex of the beaver most of the time at least while nursing and pregnant you can see the teats on the female in fact this monomorphic classification would also describe most Pokemon the extra fur on the doofen barrel may be trying to insinuate the idea that males are larger but in nature this isn't the case for beavers strike three for Game Freak and with the third strike comes the end clark's one covering the science of all the sexual differences of pokemon takes an incredibly long amount of time so they kind of have to split it so be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to be notified of one part two comes out and until next time please remember to never stop using your noggin
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 2,599,850
Rating: 4.8455968 out of 5
Keywords: Game Theory, Video Games, Nintendo, theory, Pokemon Ultra sun, pokemon ultra moon, sex, gender, gender differences, gender differences in pokemon, sexual dimorphism, in pokemon, every gender difference in pokemon, pokemon gender, pokemon sex, pokemon breeding, gender inequalities, female, male, pokemon sun, pokemon moon, anime, pikachu, torchic, starters, Nidoking, nidoqueen, hypno, alchemy, biology, science, luxray, garchomp, mega, pokemon ultra sun, pokemon, trailer, prediction, predictions
Id: vJ7GwXGWfq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 08 2017
Reddit Comments

Oh wow, thumbnail has red circles outlining irrelevant stuff. I love it already.

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