All of Ash Ketchum's Pokemon Ranked from Worst to Best

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here we go time to finally rank all of Ash's Pokemon all 80 of them okay look guys I can't realistically rank 80 Pokemon in one video so let's just clump all 30 Toros together that sounds a bit more manageable only 51 pokemons yeah I'm only including Pokemon from the anime not the manga so don't expect to see Audigier Fierro on this list also this list is not simply based on who's the strongest there are other things that matter - strength isn't everything but we've got a lot of Pokemon to get through so let's get started here are all Vash is pokemons range from worst to best Beedrill ash should be drill for less than half an episode he caught in a bug catching contest then afterwards gave it to KC I honestly don't even know if he can count this one Radek ate another pokemon - only owned for part of an episode he traded his Butterfree for it then later traded back Radek ate really only served the show huh ash missed Butterfree after losing it primate the episode were primeape started listening to ash he left it with a boxer and this still hasn't returned so what was the point palpite owed palpitates of pokemon the ash really didn't need to capture as he already had a much better water type in Unova ash barely ended up using it torkoal this pokemon is really annoying bull door ok not gonna lie I forgot I shown this thing it helped him defeat clay but otherwise Boulder was completely useless leave an e yeah you never had a lot of forgettable pokemons leave an e was cute as a swaddle but quickly lost his charm and I always found its voice really annoying unfasten it did alright well battle in sky love SWANA that's literally the only positive I can think of swellow let's move on to the other boring bird swallow does have one advantage overrun pheasant thunder armor it's dumb ridiculous and breaks pretty much every rule of Pokemon but that's why I kind of love it scraggy wouldn't have been cool if ashlynn dis graph T but unfortunately if this was all we got just kinda boring Glalie here's another forgettable Pokemon I wish I actually brought snow we're at the scene oh so it could have evolved into the much better designed frost class it could have also been Ash's first Ghost type no hunter doesn't count tauros why did actually the catch 30 tauros isn't one enough and it doesn't help that the episode he caught them in got banned which was definitely confusing Kingler ash Robbie very early in the series but didn't use it until the indigo League where it evolved into kingler and learned four new moves in the process how muc this pokemon loves to hug Professor Oak that said that's most entire character but I did left I was able to be an overpowered Bellsprout with one body big night it was bended as a Tepig ash took it in and it evolved and beat his previous owner basically a discount infer night although picking I did defeat Cameron's high dragon noivern I really don't get why Ashley needed annoy Vern his Kalos team already had a dragon-type and two flying types and yes I know goodra wasn't technically with him at that moment unfortunately no even developed a major losing streak it really deserved better Torterra Astra's tariq was a great fighter then it evolved and became bad then it evolved again and never won another battle I don't think that's how evolution supposed to work Pidgeot ash release Pidgeot so could protect a group of wild Pidgey but it was such a loyal pokemon and really deserved more screen time I just hope it eventually comes back Lapras this Pokemon was a boat during the orange islands and really not much more ash definitely sure to battle with Lapras more often maybe he'll learn more than two moves Corphish definitely the comedic member of Ash's Hoenn team I wish it would have evolved but it's definitely still better than Kingler Butterfree the first Pokemon - ever caught Butterfree wasn't very strong but still a great Pokemon and this departure definitely brought out some tears heracross heracross had some impressive wins such as against Gary's magmar and Nando's cricket hoon however it had a severe lack of screen time compared to ashes other Johto Pokemon Totodile this Pokemon is always happy and I love it ash could be losing and Totodile would still be dancing about if only it were a bit stronger people I really wish I actually kept both but it does make sense that he didn't I mean it isn't ultra beast after all but that one episode with people and mini our that was beautiful donphan it's cool the ash brought phanpy back while in Hoenn where it eventually evolved that's definitely something I wish we saw more of but as for donphan it's alright Melton this thing is so adorable Melton always just wants to have a good time and I'd love how it defeated fathers Alakazam [Music] [Applause] bay leaf it was adorable as a trigger Rita and after it evolved it was still pretty adorable it always just wanted to hug RAL it at first I wanted it to evolve but honestly I'm okay with relics a the way it is lazy but still able to hold its own battle Snorlax speaking of lazy here's the big one Snorlax is definitely one of Ash's strongest Pokemon I mean it knew six moves at one point confirmed ash hacks Aipom definitely one of Ash's most interesting pokemons a pom fall - Jacinto but decided would rather competing contests than gym battles ash later traded it for Don's buizel and unlike Butterfree for Raticate this trade actually made sense speaking of which Dweezil it's really tough and loves to battle perfect for ash it would have been cool if it evolved though quill lava cyndaquil is definitely one of Ash's toughest Johto pokemons and it was awesome how it came back for the sin iligan of all talonflame this bird is definitely one of the strongest I mean it evolved while battling Moltres granted talonflame did lose but it was still pretty impressive Noctowl Ash's first and only shiny pokemon Noctowl is a good battler and also Ash's only psychic type and I love how it got a fresh set of moves for the Cinna League like in rock Kakui gave rock rough to ash and it always had a burning spirit for battles it would often stay up late training and eventually evolved into the rarest and objectively best form of liken rock Ottowa a water type that can't open its eyes underwater that's actually pretty hilarious I love just how eager Oshawott is to battle oftentimes jumping out of its Pokeball and it's interactions with Piplup we're so cute hawlucha one of Ash's Flash this Pokemon hawlucha loves giving off a show while battling it's also a bit of a tsundere gibble ash only a Garchomp would have been cool but honestly I'm more than okay with how they handled gibble I especially loved how the little comic relief character was actually able to defeat Conway's dust new high score this is how a Pokemon sent off the training should be handled Ash left gliscor with an air battle master and when it returned to Gliscor showed notable improvements unlike prime apical ice cores training actually wasn't a scam Snivy I loved Snivy smug attitude and how it would always get into fights with Emolga Snivy was abandoned but we never actually get to meet its previous trainer which I kind of liked I especially loved how was the only Pokemon who truly understood what epic had gone through squirtle I'd really love to see more of squirtle in the future it went being a nuisance to a local hero not to mention the fact that squirtle was surprisingly powerful staraptor we've derived at Ash's best bird staraptor is important as it helped ash defeat Paul for the first time and while it wasn't the battle it helped show that ash and Paul were actually more equal than they may have seemed not to mention a star after nose close combat in it's hilarious krookodile definitely the best of what maybe Ash's worst team as a sand island croc rock at fall - and always won the battle with Pikachu ash eventually caught croc rock and it evolved becoming a complete powerhouse even managing to take down Iris's Dragonite Bulbasaur despite being far from the strongest Bulbasaur is basically the leader of all the pokemon at Oakes lab definitely wants to live up to its pokedex number and that scene where Bulbasaur can't bear to say goodbye to squirtle is so heartwarming goodra Ash managed to evolve his low-level goomy into a powerful goodra this allowed it to bring peace to the wetlands becoming sort of a leader kind of like Bulbasaur the difference however goodra power is insane Sceptile while sceptile wasn't amazing in the advanced generation at the similarly more than made up for it Sceptile defeated Tobias's Darkrai being the only pokemon in the entire league to do so I hope ash brings it back again someday toric at this Pokemon wins the award for best back story we watch Lyn struggled deeply as its father figure passes away ashlynn takes linen and it later evolves in the tour cat and despite its past toric head is always ready for a new challenge Charizard this is the pokémon ash brings back the most and for good reason it took an incredibly long time for Charizard to start listening to ash but once it did this Pokemon was basically unstoppable Pikachu I mean as Pikachu what else can really be said it's the series mascot for a reason greninja many of you probably expected greninja at number one but instead it's the runner-up bond phenomenon allows greninja to go beyond its usual limits and it's definitely Ashley strongest Pokemon he did release it but I can understand why this decision was made and in my opinion Ash's best Pokemon is Infernape originally abandoned by Paul ash took jimkaren and raised it with care and friendship in the end Infernape managed to beat Paul's electivire and what was probably the most meaningful battle of the entire series it doesn't get much better than that but I'd love to know which of Ash's Pokemon you think are the best or worst so let me know in the comments thanks for watching and let's see how this ol ol league turns out [Music]
Channel: Animated Ginger
Views: 335,784
Rating: 4.4513059 out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokémon, ash, ash ketchum, ash's pokemon, pokemon ash, pikachu, ash-greninja, ash greninja, pokemon xy, pokemon xyz, pokemon sun and moon, pokemon ranked, top 10 pokemon, pokemon indigo league, pokemon advanced, pokemon diamond and pearl, satoshi pokemon, satoshi, ash pikachu
Id: kIEk70Dj8Mg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 37sec (517 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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