Giving vs Merchandise_30DG2017

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shakaal abaya he didn't supply you place expecting anything in return so when a man of God's a good money to be blessed it's an insult to the work of redemption [Applause] it's an insult it's an insult some 91 91 dollars for 91 blessings is an insult on the walk of Greece he sees some 91 91 dollars for ninety one blessing is fraud is fraud if you could give ninety one dollars and that will appease the anger of God Jesus wouldn't die there's not in mankind is capable of providing there's not in mankind is capable of manufacturing there's not in money time is capable of putting together that can measure to measure any of any value before God that is why the only way to explain salvation is grace for by grace are ye saved not of works not of works lest any man should boast that's all somebody shout thank you Jesus yeah Ephesians chapter one verse one Ephesians chapter one verse one read for me Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God to the Saints which are at Ephesus unto the faithful in Christ Jesus yes next verse grace be to you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ let's watch blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings bless some of us how many of us are blessed who has blessed us no preclusion honorable bled and he he is not blessing he will not bless he had before we knew how to give offering because I can feel some people are very angry right now because I see some 91 91 dollars for 91 blessings is fraud after you finish getting angry I repeat is fraud whoo ha ha ha blessed us not will not is blessing the blessing is the pathnames of God's world there's nothing you did to get it to happen the blessing is part of Greece Greece hallelujah the next thing somebody's hearing us I'm teaching it so shouldn't we give money for the work of God you are not listening you are not listening something is wrong with your hearing be healed in Jesus name I am a given I give to the work of God I give that big not to sound like a Muslim that the greatest portion of my income goes back to the work of God I am a very deadly Giver I know it is not the local oh it's not abracadabra I can be give up to that extent and preach against giving but rather will I allow merchandise because even Jesus used a whip to stop much and dance what is much under $91 doesn't that sound like a supermarket five dollars for four Quaker Oats so you give five dollars then they give you what Quaker Oats not by works lest any man should boast it is the gift of God who has blessed us with all spiritual blessings possibility suppose you put on your Facebook page I'm trying to remember it you said Christians pay 10% of their tight but hundred percent or most Christians are employed by non-tidal it does it doesn't at all if that is the way the mathematics walk you know is that a god is fraudulent or the person preaching it is fraudulent because how can you say that I give to God 10% and go to me if I give him the a balloon to keep my blessing and my house is empty it's fraudulent you are giving to God does not multiply your money what multiplies your money is walk he that does not walk should not eat you don't say it walk you walk walk give him in the church does not bring additional money to you what brings additional money to you is walk why do you walk because God has blessed the planet the planet is blessed God bless them be fruitful what is that multiply replenish the earth subdue the earth and have what Dominion I mean is there it's not reverse girdle don't bend so the apostle of the New Testament now said we have warned you before let him that stole steal no more but letting walk with his hand that which is good that he may have so if he sees that unexplained from morning till night he cannot have no matter your fasting you cannot have fasting does not produce money what produces money is walk it's called industry why do we give in just we give because we are blessed we don't give to be blessed and it is part of the goodness of God that kept you healthy it is part of the goodness of God that work you up in the morning it's part of the goodness of God that took you to work and brought you back it's part of the goodness of God that gives you intelligence is part of the goodness of God that has kept you healthy I love that is a blessing but now you must engage yourself and talk they are Jesus pay tax you're hearing me they are Jesus what pay tax because hey stop that don't you know you're talking to The Miracle Worker Jesus a wet PITA bring that coin whose inscription is on it it's a scissor it's a gift is our diseases if you have to walk walk and give to God what is God's there is no future for lazy creases because hunger will take you away I'm DJ here some of you won't like this but you better come to Thames somebody support does God perform financial miracles yes how he connects you to opportunities but even when you see the opportunities you must do something I'm teaching here he connects you to ideas he brings you before people that are willing to help he brings you in February Pillai want to invest live that in a snow my subject but but but is it clear now say the walk of my hands are blessed can I get a shot it at the top of your voices said one more time one more time for the last time I didn't hear your email the support caption he that doesn't walk should not eat let him that stole steal no more but rather let him walk with his hand that which is good that he may have to give so if you want to give what do you have to do you have to walk then when you walk you will have then when you have you will give if you do not walk you will not have some simple Papa you used to say receive money miracles yes you can receive money miracles God can move somebody to bless you God can touch somebody to buy a car for you but rules really who will wear the car he's wanting to Avantika is an erratum to have wet
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 24,251
Rating: 4.923913 out of 5
Id: Ne-m6qomFFg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 53sec (713 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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