Dr. Frank E. Ray - God's Plan

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thank you so much let me get started genesis chapter 1 verse 26. coming from a family of 18 boys and girls my mother told us and told us never to put any more food on the plate than what you can eat i try to do that with preach and never read more than what i'm going to get to genesis 1 26 and god said let us make man that's enough right now thank you so much you may be seen it [Music] plan god's plan there was a senior sage sister in a kitchen preparing a delicious delightful delectable meal for dinner she had a six-year-old grandson in the kitchen with her irritated her wanting her attention she would give him an assignment but because he was so in love with grandma he would rush and do it and come right back she said to him carry out the garbage he rushed carried the garbage out came right back she said to him go in the other room and make up your bed he went and made the bed up and came right back she looked around the house to see if she could find something that could occupy his time and attention while grandma cooked she saw a puzzle with a picture of a globe of the world she took that puzzle scrambled it up gave it to grandson said go in the other room and put this puzzle together while mama is preparing dinner five minutes he came back with the puzzle complete grandma sat down and said baby how in the world could you put together a picture of the whole world in five minutes he said what i did grandma i turned the picture over on the back side and on the back side was a picture of a man said all i did was put him in place and the world fell in place if you ever get man in place then the world will fall in place there's a hebrew word called bahrain it's mentioned three times in genesis chapter one and one and one genesis 1 21 and genesis 1 27 it is our english word create in genesis 1 and 1 he created the firmament in genesis 1 21 he created the bodies of water in genesis 1 27 he created man after he finished creating what he was going to create he turned around and started making stuff out of what he created and when he got ready to make what he was making he did not spoke to what he was making it from for instance when he got ready to bring forth grass he spoke to the ground earth bring forth seed yielding after its kind when he got ready to bring forth fish he spoke to the water bring forth the abundance of fish when he got ready to make man he spoke to himself let us make man in our image after our likeness now whatever he brought it from it had to stay connected with to keep living for grass to keep living grass had to stay connected to the ground for fish to keep living fish had to stay connected with water and for man to keep living man had to stay connected with god now if you want to kill either all just pull them up from their environment if you want to kill grass pull it up from the ground if you want to kill fish take them out of the water if you want to kill man separate him from god god lays things in order from creation and anytime you want to find out anything about what god's plan is find out the first time that it was mentioned and when you find the first time that it was mentioned it's in concrete because malachi 3 and 6 i am the lord god i change not hebrews 13 and 8 jesus christ the same yesterday today and forever for instance the lord lays the formula for science in the first book of the bible the formula for science is time force motion space matter here it is in genesis 1 and 1 in the beginning that's time god that's for us created that's emotion heaven that's space earth that's matter he lays it out he tell you in the beginning the matter of marriage because he said in genesis 2 24 for this cause shall a man leave his father shall a man leave a shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave the word cleavage while you get the word cement when you get the word glue where you get the word stuck it means once you're married you're stuck talk to me somebody that there's no loophole you're not here he sets the tone for marriage but he also set the consequences for murder because in genesis 4 cain rose up against his brother abel and slew him the word slew in the hebrew language means slaughter it mean that cain took his brother gutted him cut him up in the little pieces and laid him on the altar and god situation and he said cain where's abel thou brother he said am i my brother's keeper god said well i heard his blood the hebrew word for blood is the word dumb but it's in plural form which means he didn't just hear abel's blood he heard abel's descendants blood you see my father again he fathered 18 children if somebody had killed my daddy when he was 18 years of age he wouldn't have just killed him he would have killed all of us and the 18 of us over a period of time have produced five over 500 he wouldn't have just killed him he would have killed the whole 500. so when a person kills somebody you don't just kill that one person you kill all of the descendants preach remembrance and when god come with judgment he don't just judge you for the one he get all of them he sets the tone for marriage set the tone for murder but he set the tone for money because genesis chapter 14 is the first time that tithing is mentioned in the bible it was when abraham paid times to mail chez dick out of an act of gratitude if that's the case the first time tithing was brought up was out of being grateful that's the reason we died now it's not because there's a need but we tied out of an act of gratitude have you ever had children that was ungrateful i don't have to ask you what you did you started backing up on what you do for but if you got one that's grateful if you don't have it you'll hawk your house to get it from because it is the gratitude that caused a person to respond can i say that those of us that sit in here now if anybody ought to be grateful is us that you have lived you have lived through 665 000 people that died in the last 18 months and you still here if anybody ought to be grateful it ought to be us we should rush and not just tell god thank you we should show him things but he also set the tone not just for marriage not just not just for money but he set the tone for man now if you watch genesis chapter 1 verse 1 through 25 whatever god did he just spoke it and it happened he spoke light up here he spoke firmament appears he spoke the unite shows up he spoke son moonst arms shows up he spoke the fowls began to fly the bish fish began to swim that sixth day morning he spoke and the animal kingdom shows up talk to me somebody but then that six day evening he made man now watch it seven is perfection he make mad on day six which means he's short of perfection i don't care who you are you're still a six priest remember right here when you see people cutting the food give them a little grace because they are a six y'all don't like me this house he makes man on day six that's a switch [Music] in the text verse 1 through 25 he just spoken and happened but when he got the man he called the council together and said let us you say who is us well genesis 1 1 in the beginning god the hebrew word for god is the word elohim the word elohim is a plural noun not like the english language english language sing the main one plural mean two or more but in the hebrew language singular mean one dual mean two three mean plure more three or more so in the beginning he said at least three or more created to heaven and earth you say well that's that's to me is just god in genesis one let's just say in the beginning god that's the father john 1 1 in the beginning was the word and john 1 14 he's in the word was made flesh we know that's the son genesis 1 verse 2 says and the spirit moved that's the holy spirit they were together in creation the father son he said let us the father said i will make man the son said i will save man the holy spirit i will keep man they were together in [Music] creation let us make man in our image [Music] which means man is of the presence of god that's why you have to watch yourself because some people will never read your bible but they'll reach you man it's an extension of the presence of you know how when you're in the house trying to paint and you're too short to reach the ceiling you get a you extension on your brush to reach what you couldn't reach man it's god's extension ephesians 2 and 10 says we're his workmanship the greek word for workmanship is the word poema what you get the word poe nice from where you get the english word poem a poem is a work of art and whenever you do a work of art you don't hide it under the bed you don't put it in the closet you put it on display so everybody can see your work of art you see man is god's bill board he makes him in his own image genesis 2 7 tell us how he made it he said he formed him from the dust of the ground breathing to his nostril the breath he would wear it as rudolf however your aches stand for wind breath and spirit man became a living soul see man is a trichonymous he is body he's soul he's spirit body deal with world consciousness soul deal with self-consciousness spirit deal with god consciousness the body looks out the soul look in the spirit look up thank god for the body when he made man's body he gave him 263 bones 600 muscles 970 miles of blood vessels 32 feet of intestines 32 teeth in his mouth eyes like cameras every time they flash take a picture send it to the brain to be developed a heart that beat from 60 to 80 times a minute on an average of 72 times per minute a tongue with 400 cups that can pick up the sweets and the salad was 20 000 tiny hairs in his ear that can pick up the high and the low 26 bones in his feet 27 bones in his hand represent the 27 books of the new testament psalms 100 said it is he that have made us and when god made man he put mobile sales on the inside white cells and red cells the white cells are large in number but smaller in size the red cells are larger number but small in size white cells are larger in size smaller in number here's how they work i'm in the backyard working on a project i got a hammer and nail i missed the nail and hit my finger instantly a swell show up the swell is the emergency of the white cells the white cells come and they literally die for the recovery of my finger in a few days you'll see plus it's the death of the white cells once they die for the recovery of my finger they email the red sales the red cells come and clean up the mess the white sales made and in a few days i'm healed talk to me somebody because it is you that have made us he's concerned about your body romans 12 1 i beseech you therefore brother and by the mercies of god that you present your body a living sacrifice first corinthians 6 19 no you're not you're not your own you have been glorified glorify god in your body he's concerned about your body matter of fact he's so concerned about your body he'll tell you what to do with every member of your body with my eyes i'll take psalms one drift him toward the heel from which cometh my help my hip comes from the lord with my ears i take matthew 11 and 15. he that have ears to hear let him when reminder take philippians 2 and 5 let this mind be in you which was also in christ jesus with my heart and mouth i take romans 10 and 10 for with the heart man believe it on the righteousness with the mouth confession that's made unto salvation when my hand and take it please astic 9 and 10. whatsoever thou hand found to do do it without might for there's no work no device no wisdom no knowledge in the grave without going when my knees are take philippians 2 and 10 at the name of jesus every knee should bow with my feet i take hebrew 12 and one land aside they were waiting sin which do it so easily set us and let us run with patience the reigns that is set before us he's concerned about the body but the body has temporarily stamped on it that means we didn't come here to stay still have a witness you can be in your adolescent age your tinder teens your teachable twinners your tireless sturdiest your forcible foreigners your fever 50s your season 60s your cell 7s your 1880s your benevolent maintenance or your petitions hundreds we gonna check out of here he's concerned about let us make man in our image an extension of the presence of god and after our likeness let him have the expression of god doesn't mean i must look like god romans 8 29 said whom he did for know they may also predestinate be conformed to the image of his son you see god was so in love with his son that he decided to populate the world with folk that looked just like his boy and when god spots something in you that don't favor his son he performs surgery on you now what i love about god is that while he's working on me he covered me so you see what he's doing we got any help in here with me but when god get two with us [Applause] goldsmith when they go dig up gold they put it in a pot and put fire on that and they turn the fire up y'all got a minute and then turn the fire up and then the goldsmith keep looking in the fire in the pot and when he can't see pure gold he turned the fire up a little harder he can't see it a little hotter and when the coal is pure he can see the reflection of his face god put us in the pot he turned the fire up under us not because he want to hurt us but he want to see the reflection of his face when he can't see his face he turn it up a little harder okay sid he turn it up a little harder when he can see his reflection he know he got you where he wants you when god gets to working on us we will all be standing together jesus will be standing in the midst of us the angels will be out there touching each other saying which one is jesus because when he shall appear we shall be like him do i have a witness [Applause] let us make man our own image and extinction of the presence of god after unlike this man is the expression of the person of god let him have dominion man should be an exhibit of the power of god in other words you're not powerless we talk about i beat the devil running here ain't got to beat the devil running submit to the lord resist the devil and he will do the running do i have a witness matthew 28 18 jesus came speaks in all power weak where does ex-arsea which means authority acts 1 and 8 says you shall receive power to greek what is dunamis when you get the word dynamite ephesians 6 and 10 final brother be strong in the lord and the power the greek word is kratos that's demonstrating power give them a church weak word for churches ekklesia he get his exclusive which is his authority places it behind his ecclesia which is his church then get his dunamis and put in the church tell the church to seize the opportunities which are before the church which means the church can do two things you can direct but you can destroy you can direct divine authority but you can destroy demonic authority that's why prayer is so important do i have a witness everything about your life have been planned by god he plans the dawn of your life what you mean god decided when you would be born oh y'all don't hear me you you need a scripture jeremiah 1 and 5 before you was formed in your mother's belly peace i knew you peace i sanctified you he said our damn you it wasn't your mom and dad and having fun god planned the done of your life let me give you a new testament ephesians one enforcer accorded to whom he has chosen we're chosen as inheritance that means god acted alone without a supreme court without a board of directors but it's not only an inheritance but in mil voice wouldn't mean he acted by himself but for himself that means you was chosen by god but chosen for god well when did the election take place same verse that it was before [Music] the foundation of the world that means the birth certificate on your birth certificate ain't really your birth you see what messed us up is that for us to keep up with time we have to cut time into segments yesterday today tomorrow was ears and shelby but yesterday it's in the tomb tomorrow is in the womb yesterday is a council check tomorrow is a promise every note yesterday is history tomorrow is mystery yesterday is recollection tomorrow is spec election but with god everything is an eternal now with god yesterday is now with god today is now with god tomorrow is now you see god never have to leave anywhere to get anywhere he's already where he's going and still where he was y'all do know about god don't you god is so awesome to there are some things about god that god himself has never seen god has never seen a situation he could not solve god had never seen a sinner that he could not save god had never seen a substitute for his son god had never seen a sinner that could save himself david said can i say something what you want to say david he said well i've been young now i'm old he said but i've never seen the righteous forsaken or the seed begging for bread talk to me somebody he planned the dawn of your life but he also planned the design of your life what you mean god decide if you're going to be a man or a woman it wasn't jeans in your dad [Applause] no in your mama god decided if you're gonna be a man or woman can i tell y'all for free today whatever way god design you stick with the design if god makes you a man stay a man if god makes you a woman stay a woman legend has it a lady went to the lord so lord grant me long life the law said it is done she was so excited the lord told her she was going to live a long time she went sewed on some new hair she had her lips redone had her ears straightened up she had a breast reduction had a tummy tuck there was she moved some stuff from the front to the back she bleached her face walked out in front of a car car ran over and killed her legend harriet when she got to heaven she went running up to the lord so lord you told me i was gonna live a long time you let me get run over by a car what you do that for the lord said i didn't recognize you whatever we got design you stick with the design he plans to dawn of your life he planned the design of your life but he also planned the ditches in your life y'all don't hear me you see because there's a thing called ditch theology some stuff you learn in a ditch you won't learn in a university i can tell just a good when i run into a person that ain't been in no ditch they walk by you like they don't even see you they don't have enough sense to speak to you if they hadn't been in this but when they've been through the ditch you run into them they say oh god bless you so happy to see you talk to me somebody if you've been in a ditch you don't have to beg them to come to church if been in this you ain't got to make them read the scripture if they've been in a ditch you ain't got to tell them shake hands and give everybody a high five they come in here shouting and praising the lord have i got anybody in here this morning been in the dish because the ditch will do two or three number one the ditch will send you to the scripture a ditch will have you on your knees praying a ditch will have you showing up at church before the doors open have i got a witness not only does he plan your ditch he designed the ditch for you let us god know what ditch i need before i get to the ditch i got to let y'all go he plans the dawn he plans the design he planned the ditches but he also planned your destiny can't nobody block your blessing but you y'all don't hear me can i say it amen can you stop you from being blessed but you paul said in romans 8 37 we're more than conqueror more than conqueror is one word three four words in english but it's one word in greek hupana hoopa mean under the kyle means to conquer it come from the idea of one climbing mount olympic they would climb the mountain the best they could some would stop along the way some would get almost to the top and throw in the tile but if you made it to the top of the mountain they would raise your hand and the claire you are a cockerer but you had to go back down again the second time when you got to the foot of the mountain they put a load on you and you have to climb the mountain with a load some because of the load they would throw in the towel others because the load they couldn't go any further but if he was able to make it to the top of the mountain with a load on they'd raise your hand again say you're more than a cockerer some people been climbing this mountain and you made it to the top without a load because she was born with a civil spoon in your head but i'm talking to somebody here you've struggled all your life if it wasn't one thing it was something else but you kept on climbing you folks see your glory but they don't know your story the lord will look at you saying you're more than a cockerer have i got a witness here i got one more i'll let you go he planned the dawn he planned the design that he planned that chisha keep playing your destiny but he also planned your death have i got to win this at the time for you to check out of here oh y'all don't believe me hebrew 9 27 so it is appointed once for men to die don't need to sit again it is that means there is an appointed day set for every one of us in here maybe you need another scripture revelation 1 18 that he said i'm he that liveth i was dead but i'm alive forever and watch what jesus said i got the key of dancer in my hand you know what the key will do it will lock and it will unlock that mean god the signed uh when he gonna let you go i'm looking at somebody you had a heart attack but you sit right in here but you know some folk have heart attacks and they sleep in the in a cold grave why is it you still here because the lord didn't turn the key have i got to win this i'm looking at somebody you had a stroke to bounce back but you know folks that had strokes i didn't make it through the morning i know some people that got shot and died before they got to the hospital but i know some other folk that got shanta and they still singing praises under god can i tell you why it's because jesus hold the key that's why every morning when i get up the first thing i said to the lord thank you but not turning the key because i know i deserve to be dead but that god of mine he held the key in his hand now i'm out of here now now anybody know the god i serve he will i don't know if i need to holler here now [Music] that a young boy went to a little cornerstone with his mother when he walked in the storm the storm said to the little boy reach your hand in this barrel uh and get your hand full of can there little boy said no thank him that he's a son mama's gonna be here a while uh reach your hand and get your hand full of candy little boy said no thank him the man said it a third time son i know you like candy reach your hand in the barrel and get your hand full of candy little boy said no thank you and then the stoner reached his hand in the barrel and gave the boy candace on the way home the mother said son you embarrass me you know you love candy the man told you to help yourself that but you turned him down why did you do that son that said mama you don't understand the stoner's hands they're bigger than mine when i put my head in i just get one little handful but when the stone put it in his hand i get a whole arm full can i tell you your hands are there no match for the lord saying that i stopped to tell you whatever it is the hands of the lord yes yes sir hallelujah look at some manchester cars got a plan for you god have planned your life hallelujah for the lamb heads about eyes are closed [Music] hallelujah the door of the church is open invitation is extended [Music] you hear out of church straight away never accepted christ as your savior this is a wonderful time to say yes to the lord right now one day you'll have to answer to god from questions that he will ask you where will you spend eternity is it well with your soul you'll have to give an account the lord is ready to receive you right now and he's willing he's able to do it you're out of church you're violated in the law of the lord hebrew 10 25 says forsake not to assemble yourself in the congregation of the lord god requires it hallelujah for the lamb i am so disturbed that when you travel every place you go is jam pattern but god's house football arenas jam-packed grocery stores jam-packed house parties gym pack restaurants jam-packed liquor stores people are afraid to come to the place that god has assigned us to this is your chance your privilege if you're here today come on wherever you are come on come on from all over the house come on the lord won't you the lord love you he's concerned about you he wants you saved he wants you to live a life that's pleasing in his sight you've already planned what he wants to do with your life but you have to let go and let go man's extremities god's opportunity that this is the day that the lord has made you should rejoice and be glad in it where are you where are you where are you he wants you he loved you so much that he gave his only begotten son and whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life somebody shall glory in this house hallelujah [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: The First Cathedral Official Page
Views: 8,261
Rating: 4.8630137 out of 5
Keywords: C4 Covenant Conference, Dr. Frank E. Ray, The First Cathedral
Id: uoXhVd3gGH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 49sec (2629 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 23 2021
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