30 Days Of Glory Service: 15-7-2019 | Day 8

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[Music] logically Namanga lady bros alcalá de Baraka Tina Kelly Nieman agia agia chocolata Brina Kalina bobbum Renault Mazzucchelli de Brina calleda barakatuh na'ka'leen a Mongol abaya Agra Borgia Canada brinicle enum imam brother zu : a Bruna Kalina Mejia thank you blessed far hallelujah Heavenly Father we rejoice the night that we have the opportunity to fellowship together in the light we walk in the light and we rejoice that the entrance of your ward brings understanding so tonight revelation knowledge is gifted everybody in this building and around the world connecting to the service when the club audience and yokes are destroyed your people built up edified equipped and Jesus glorified thank you for answered prayer in Jesus precious name and every believer sees a powerfully made lift your right hands to heaven less will is all fit to get us you see these words I am born of God I am born of the world the Word of God is my nature I do not struggle to do the world I do the world naturally therefore today I will understand the word of His grace I will be built up by the end of the service I will never be the same never ever be the same in Jesus name and every believer says he powerful amen well what about come every one of you joining us where we have Kingdom Life Network Facebook YouTube Instagram all the platforms and our campuses we're excited to have all of you connecting to 30 days of glory still on and get ready the world is gonna build you up tonight can I get powerful amen are you excited about the gift of eternal life can we go ahead and celebrate this life that we have in Christ's glory amen you can be seated in the heavenlies witch's it's myself let's get in the world praise God second image each of the three verse number 15 were been dealing with a subject of salvation sotiria and that from a child that was known the Holy Scriptures which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus salvation through faith which is in christ salvation through faith in Christ salvation through faith in Christ so salvation is in Christ salvation is not in human efforts salvation is what in do's and don'ts salvation is in a person salvation is in Christ through faith which is in christ the next verse is that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable advantages are useful for doctrine Dana Scalia teaching or explanation teaching or explanation of what salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus so the message of the Scriptures is salvation brother Peter who say the long-suffering of our God is salvation but a policy I'm not ashamed of the gospel for the gospel of Christ is the power of God unto salvation Jesus came to save so salvation is the message of the Scriptures the other day I told you that that is the pastor's message salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus yesterday we took them to look at God's salvation plan in Romans chapter 8 verse 29 romanced of the advance 29 for whom now pay attention for whom he did foreknow he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his song that he might be the firstborn among many brethren he for know he predestinated is all about him salvation is purely of the Lord next verse moreover whom he did predestinate them he also called and whom he called them he also justified and whom he justified them he also glorified the hehehehehe not of works lest any man should boast it is the gift of God it is the gift of God so salvation is God's great gift to man salvation is God's great plan for man and salvation is the message of the Scriptures profitable for explanation of salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus can somebody shout hallelujah so we'll be looking at the role of the father in Redemption we have seen the role of man we have seen the role of Satan well we are looking at the role of the father in Redemption and we said God's role in the in the death of Christ was resurrection the role of God in the dead of Christ was that God raised him from the dead God raised him from the dead man killed him in collaboration with Satan wicked hands but God raised him from the dead because what the father does is life what the father does is love life is love life is sacrifice life is resurrection the father has only life in the beginning was the word the Word was with God the world was God the same was in the beginning with God all things were made by him and without him was not anything made that was made in him was life and the life was deal of me God has only life a light and delight shines in darkness and the darkness comprehended it not so God has only life and life is love life is sacrifice God commended his love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us that sacrifice and life is resurrection all right so God's rule is that he raised Jesus from the dead tonight were looking at the blood of Jesus the blood of Jesus please pay attention again we cannot learn from the law because the law will always teach from dead things the law will always teach from dead things while romance of the adverse - for the law of the spirit of life in Christ has set me free from the law of sin and death so the law is seen and dead the only thing you get from the law is death the only Chilika from the law is seen all right so we cannot learn from the law it's called the law of sin and death so let's view a few things if we say like we have taught already previously that God does no require sacrifice what about the sacrifice of the blood of Jesus now just patiently follow we started out yesterday who took sacrifice under the law and we concluded that it is a sacrifice of animal or under the law which can never take away see and we said God never wants any sacrifice doesn't want animals the animal blood he does not have delight in offerings he does not have delight in burnt offerings because they could never take away sin so let's get into this Leviticus 17:11 Leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul what we have done is to carry over the thinking of the law most of the church world someone said how can you say and you know these are some respected preachers in this country they confronted me and said how can you say that the blood of Jesus is not liquid how can you and they confronted me very angry how can you say that the blood of Jesus is not liquid one of them said dr. domina please I am afraid for you because the kind of things you're teaching will make you unpopular and it will make the body of Christ not to receive your ministry and I said why is there because how can you say that the blood of Jesus is not liquid and I said to him are you had seen me a question or do you want to teach me some because we have to settle do you want me to teach you or you want to teach me because it's no point for argument I might add teaching you or you are teaching me and if both of us have nothing to offer one another there is no basis for meeting because two cannot work together except they be agreed so sometimes I get people come with that kind of question how can you say that the blood of Jesus is not liquid and the reason whenever they say that to me I keep saying to them Jesus offered himself Jesus offered himself they never serve me easy liquid or not my answer Jesus offered himself and they can't seem to see where I'm coming so pay attention don't be without understanding also because Jesus a rhythm are you also without understanding okay so let's get into this are you still in the building Leviticus 711 again for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I giving it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul let me add some of you a very simple question in Georgia today is the life of a man in his blood even those of you that did biology is the life forget what we read forget what we read is the life of a man in his blood when a man dies does his blood disappear instantly so when we say there is no life in this body and you cut it does blood come out so is the life of a man in his blood [Music] because after a man dies if you cut his body blood is still flowing forgiven what he said I mean I mean practically the life of a man is not in his blood why man is a spiritual being man is a spiritual being blood was used to represent life but blood is not life blood was used to represent life but blood is not life so Moses admitted that the life of a man is the soul the soul let me read it again for the life of the flesh is in the blood and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls then listen carefully for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the Soul so Moses admitted from what we just read that blood is not life but blood was used to represent life so Moses agreed that the life of a man is the soul so he uses the blood as an analogy he uses blood as an analogy but the life of a man is the word nephesh in the Hebrew message is not the blood because if you step further I'm a man by the name lu lu who came forth and said there is a spirit in man there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the almighty Givet it understanding so le who went a step beyond Moses body said blood is an analogy for the soul le who said there is a spirit in man so man is not just blood man's life is not blood blood is an analogy for life or a metaphor for life does a man exist outside blood yes does a man exist outside blood yes which will mean that Moses was using a figure of speech when he said the life of the blood flesh is in the blood blood is a figurative expression of the soul of man please pay attention blood is a figurative expression of the soul of man so if you want to offer the blood of a man you have not offered the man if you take a blood the blood of a man and offer you have not offered that man if you offer a man's blood you have not offered that man because you can even offer a man's blood without his consent so you have not offered minute that man is not blood man is not blood man exists outside blood to offer a man you offer his soul to offer a man you offer his soul so if you want to know where Jesus shed his blood then just wait a few minutes Romans 5:8 again let's begin the reading romance of the five was eight but God commended his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us vast night much more then being now justified by his blood we shall be saved from wrath through him pay attention justified by his blood saved through him he didn't say justified by his blood saved by his blood he said justified by his blood saved through him next verse 4 if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more being reconciled we shall be saved by his life not by his blood by his life look at the usage of the words them now for if when we were enemies we were reconciled to God by the death of his son much more be reconciled we shall be saved by his life so bloodier spoke of his life blood is a figurative expression for his life when blood came out of Jesus at his circumcision when he was young did part of his life come out when he was circumcised as a baby because he had to be circumcised did part of his life come out so blood can be life where you cut your hand and blood oozes out do you lose part of your life so blood therefore will be a vegan or an analogy a figure or an analogy so let's investigate that blood let's explore that blood don't forget we are saved by his life first Corinthians 6:11 and such were some of you but you are sanctified you are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the spirit of our God if the Bible was manual underlined by the spirit of our God you are justified you are sanctified you are saved he didn't put my blood he said by the spirit of our God Hebrews 13:12 Hebrews 13:12 we are for Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate with his own blood suffered without the gate so underline his own blood first John chapter 1 verse 7 first John chapter 1 verse 7 but if we walk in the light even as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another underline and the blood of Jesus Christ the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all seen it cleanses us from all sin the blood the blood cleanses us from all sin so we can be using figures of speech in a new covenant they use figures of speech in the Old Covenant Jesus use figures of speech to speak to men that could not be I eat we de cambiar it cannot be using figures of speech they use figures of speech in the Old Testament because they were communicating to man that were not born again Jesus use figures of speech a parable of ZOA parabola of width parable of grain parable of these and not because he was speaking to a people that could not be a eat of people that were not born again we cannot be born again and we are see using figures of speech the only people brother Paul will use figures of speech too will be the church in Corinth and I brethren could not speak unto you as unto spiritual but as unto canal even as unto babes so since you cannot handle we use figures of speech for you but you can handle so I'm not going to use figures of speech well Pontius plainness of speech am i communicating here if you're with me say here you right now Jesus cleansed us by the blood Jesus cleansed us by the blood does it mean that Jesus took a part of his blood and put inside our heart to be pumping did Jesus take part of his liquid blood and put inside every body to cleanse him so Jesus is literal physical blood is not in your heart pumping huh is it in your heart pumping but he cleansed us with his blood okay and we shall explain that in a few minutes first John chapter 4 verse 10 herein is love not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his son to be the propitiation who is the propitiation his son who is the prepetition his son 1st John chapter 2 verse 2 propitiation for our sins and he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world he is he is the propitiation he he he is the propitiation all right are you still in the middle so who needed the blood of the Passover I had that question yesterday I wanna action again who me that the blood of the Passover was it God on a destroyer okay so the blood of the Passover was used to put away or to tame or to satisfy the desire for destruction of the destroyer alright now so the blood of the Passover was not to God it was to the destroyer God does not need blood and didn't need blood in Exodus God did not need blood in Exodus so let me expand on a question so if God didn't need blood in Exodus does he need blood in Christ alright good keep that somewhere it will come in handy in a few minutes he wouldn't the afore need blood in Christ john 6:53 pay attention john 6:53 when jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company coming to him he saith unto Philip whence shall we buy bread that this may eat that is John six five I asked for John six five three john 6:53 then jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you except you it's the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have no life in you eat flesh drink blood 54 whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood had eternal life whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and I will raise him up at the last day next month for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed next verse he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood dwelleth in me and I in him as the living father has sent me and I live by the father so he that ate at me even he shall live by me bread blood eat drink bread blood eat drink next verse this is that bread that came down from heaven not as your father's did eat manna and a day he that eateth of this bread shall live forever next verse this said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum period tension we are is his blood how many of you have eternal life you have eternal life did you eat his flesh did you drink his blood did you eat his flesh where I am not asking you for interpretation a Martino's to continue the analogy did you eat his flesh no you didn't did you see Jesus physical flesh did you eat his flesh physically did you drink his blood physically but eternal life how did you get eternal life by by faith faith in what in his resurrection how did you hear about his resurrection through the world so when the world was preached to you what did you do when you ask the world what were you eating where you drank the world what were you drinking so is the flesh and the blood literal or analogy exactly so what will the blood and the flesh mean it will mean the world what does the war produce life the words I speak to you so what is the word life so to eat the flesh and drink the blood is it a gag a breath and test the time what will the flesh and the blood be the way I'm teaching the world and you're receiving the world what are you doing you are eating the flesh and drinking the blood and as a result of that you have what is it getting clear here so if Jesus say eat my flesh and drink my blood and you go and buy bread and carry Robina I'm putting a cup and eat and drink you are without understanding he wasn't talking of literal flesh and blood he was using flesh and blood as an analogy to communicate spiritual things the Covenant of the new I mean the New Covenant is not a covenant of physical things is a spiritual covenant is a spiritual covenant are you still in the building so when is talking about blood he uses flesh he uses bread he is his blood but what is consistent in flesh bread and blood is life the consistent factor in flesh bread Lord is life alright verse 62 and 63 of John 6 what and if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before next verse it is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing so since the flesh profiteth nothing I can't be continued to eat my flesh the flesh profiteth nothing physical body physical blood is of no profit so now for you to understand what I'm trying to communicate the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life so to eat my flesh is to eat the word that gives you eternal life I will still here okay let's push a little more so when he's talking about blood he's talking about the world that I am talking about how do you get eternal life by this world we are his life we're his life in Christ he that has the son has life Matthew 26:28 for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins remission sakoda or because I will do some work on it tomorrow remission Romans 3:24 2:25 Romans 3:24 2:25 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus whom God has set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood through faith in his blood to declare I chose news for the remission of sins that are past through the forbearance of God so let's start from Moses in darkness the life of our flesh is in the blood so blood to Moses represents the soul of man blood to Moses represents the life of man Jesus describes his own blood as what drink my blood eat my flesh and what is he talking about his world so when Moses said the life of all flesh is in the blood a fish he is talking about spiritual life that which the eyes cannot see spiritual I am in spiritual life Methos that which the physical eyes cannot see so what Moses is saying is that the physical blood represents the life of man now we have passed that because Ellie who took us away from Moses and said there is a spirit in man and the inspiration of the Almighty giving it understand so when Jesus said drink my blood he is talking about the spirit he that drinks of this water shall never thirst again which water the spirit he that drinks is an analogy he that drinks out of your belly shall flow rivers of living water this pecky of the spirit water is spirit analogy water is munis spirit this pecky of the spirit which after world they shall receive because Jesus was not yet glorified so that is why it is upon the glorification of Jesus that the spiritual shed fault so water he that drink at the water that I shall give him shall never thirst again what it means is when my spirit comes into you he comes once and for all there's nothing like fill my cup Lord get born again there's nothing like let you live in water flew over my soul spittin or there's nothing like breathe upon me brand I've got get born again there is nothing like all the songs of Holy Spirit calm I need you calm sweet spirit I pray calm get born again my friend because the day you got born again I love God's Spirit came on your inside now which is born of flesh is flesh that which is born of the Spirit is spirit you're born of the Spirit you're born of the Spirit a man that is born of a woman is there anything he needs to add to him to be more human when your mother gave birth to you was there any other thing you needed to be added to you for you to be a proper human being how are you a human being because you came out of your mother how are you spirit because you are born of the Spirit nobody is mo spiritual than you are spirituality is not in your facial expression in fact that is Colonel Idi Amin's also Colonel that you have to put up an appearance to try to be spiritual those of us that are spiritual there's no appearance even when swallowing heavy duty Kamala you are still spiritual it's not in activity in your nature you are born of the Spirit I thought somebody would shout hallelujah so drinking is an analogy for the spirit so we have an experience of the blood of Jesus we have the life of Jesus we have the spirit of Jesus we have the spirit of his song we have the life of Jesus we have the Spirit of Christ we have the spirit of his son so blood becomes a parable blood becomes a parable life is a reality blood is a parable life is a reality blood is an analogy the Spirit is a reality blood becomes a parable life is a reality blood and analogy the spirit a reality look at the Scriptures Romans 8 verse 2 for the law of the spirit of life in Christ Jesus had made me free from the law of sin and death verse 9 Romans 8:9 but you are not in the flesh but in the spirit if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ he is none of his so every one of you here has the Spirit of Christ Romans 8:14 8:14 for as many as are led by the Spirit of God they are the sons of God so every born-again believer here is led by the Spirit of God verse 15 Romans 8:15 for you're now received the spirit of bondage again to fear but you have received a spirit of adoption whereby we cry Abba Father so every born-again believer has the spirit of adoption has the Spirit of God has the Spirit of Christ has a love the spirit of life in Christ Galatians chapter 4 verse 4 Galatians 4:4 but when the fullness of the time was come God sent forth his son made of a woman made under the law next verse to redeem them that were under the law why the women receive the adoption of songs so question is the spirit of Jesus the life of Jesus is the spirit of Jesus or the life of Jesus so not blood did you receive eternal life or eternal blood what did you receive eternal life so blood is a parable for eternal life you didn't receive eternal blood you received eternal life who in the building are we in the building so blood is a parable blood refers to a parable of what Jesus used as an analogy for the purchase one came by death one came by resurrection now blood one blood came in his death one blood came in his resurrection which of them did you receive the blood of his death or the resurrection blood the resurrection blood pay attention the blood in his death is not what you received acts 20:28 Acts of the Apostles chapter 20 verse 28 take heed therefore unto yourselves and to all the flock over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers to feed the Church of God which he had purchased with his own blood to purchase means to acquire something to acquire something look 17:33 whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it preserve first Timothy 3:13 for there at I use the office of a deacon well purchase well purchased to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus let's go to Ephesians 5:25 pay attention husbands love your wives even as Christ also loved the church and gave his blood for it what does your own Bible say he gave himself he gave himself the word gave himself is a word in the Greek parody DOMA parody DOMA he betrayed himself or handed over himself to an enemy for the church he gave himself he betrayed himself he handed over himself to an enemy for the church Hoopa on behalf of for or on behalf of means to hand over for humor or to hand over for in their place he took our place in the bondage of sin and death that he might sanctify and cleanse it by the washing of water by the world so the sanctification is not the given it is after he gave himself that he now sanctifies so that is what he gave is not what you use him for scientific Asia after he did his life the life of his resurrection is what he using sanctified us he gave himself so he sanctified and cleanse it by the washing of water by the world so what we will see here is that Jesus is talking about his life observe the world Redemption is used for slaves and bondage and don't forget God is not the slave owner he is not the slave owner he is not the one that wanted Redemption because Redemption is to pay a price you can't pay a price to God the price is paid to the kidnapper it is the kidnapper that demands for ransom and God is not the slave owner and God is not the kidnapper so we'll examine this because everything was saying now is in the wisdom of God everything we're talking about is in the wisdom of God that's why he said that they didn't know what was going on had they known eat they wouldn't have crucified the Lord of glory because what was going on was the price pay for man's total Redemption was the price paid for man's freedom forever hadn't known it they wouldn't have crucified a lot of glory because the slave owner never was a slave to be free the slave owner never was a slave to be free Paul calls it the wisdom of God Paul Kossoff insight that the devil does he have is called Christ crucified by men and it is called foolishness to them that perish he looks foolish to them how can it criminal because they saw him as a criminal how can a criminal crucified be the price for see so because they didn't know they carried out the crucifixion when he died they buried him but in the barrier was the price paid the devil thought he was dying like every other criminal the devil thought so that is why the devil took him with other teams and hung them together because a size concerned there are criminals don't forget the devil saw when he was born in a manger and he knew that God cannot be born in a manger so him grew and was there to observe his crucifixion so as far as the devil is concerned this cannot be good glory he was a wisdom of God concealed in that operation and I have news for you three days in in the grave the devil didn't know what was going on when he rose from the dead the devil didn't know that's why they were stood guard in the tomb they were still guarding the tone and a man of God said they didn't know he had risen until the day of Pentecost when he said forty spirit the devil thought he had won Jesus to contend with then on the day of Pentecost he saw men all over the place young man there was this one has multiplied himself and I have news for the devil we are greater in number today he has brought many songs on to glory to make the captain of their salvation perfect through suffering can somebody shout hallelujah they didn't know they didn't know that's the wisdom of God in operation so pay attention crucified by men paying a price for men's deliverance does the wisdom of God so we will look at that wisdom of God and we will find out because we have the mind of Christ so we can decode the wisdom of God Hebrews 10:10 by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ how many times once for all so we are sanctified by his life or by his death by his life verse 11 and every pre-standard ministering daily and often oftentimes the same sacrifices which can never take away sins next verse but this man after had offered one sacrifice for sins forever sat down on the right hand of God he sat down question when did he offer the sacrifice for sins when when did he offer the sacrifice when did he offer the sacrifice when he rose from the dead was it a sacrifice of a dead man or the sacrifice of a living man alright so the sacrifice was his resurrection are you still in the building so now look at Hebrews 6:19 which hope we have as an anchor of the soul both sure and steadfast and which entered into that within the veil the hope is Shaw the hope is Shaw so what is it the hope for them or the hope for life alright Hebrews 7 3 without father without mother without descent having neither beginning of days nor end of life but made like unto the Son of God abideth a priest continually death or resurrection a priest continually so now his priesthood therefore is how he offered his the job of a priest is to offer his priesthood was how he often and he didn't become a priest Tilly rose that's why he said please forever that's why he said priests of an endless life because he only became a priest after he rose look at it he died as the lamp he died as the animal of sacrifice then he rose as the priest to offer the sacrifice you do what'd I just say he is bought the animal of sacrifice and the priest to offer the sacrifice he guarantees his walk no man guarantees the work of Christ Christ Himself guarantees of that's why when he died as the lamp he rose as the priest and he a fact guaranteed what we as Dom acaba and today that guarantor who is a life is the one inside you so your salvation is eternally guaranteed are we teaching here he is a guarantor of his walk that is the priests of an endless life that is a priest forever that's why he sacrificed so spiritual he did not offer an animal he did not offer blood he offered himself he didn't offer an animal he didn't offer blood he offered himself question what is the life of Jesus blood or spirit so today the life of Jesus in you is in liquid or spirit so when we set a blood of Jesus what are we talking about the spirit of Jesus do you sprinkle spirit you don't sprinkle spirits you don't sprinkle blood blood is an analogy for spirit the blood of Jesus the blood you know you know feel immortal you fill it with blood the blood of Jesus know is you without understanding also you don't sprinkle blood is not liquid is analogy for reality which is spirit in you so when traveling the spirit does not leave you you travel with the spirit the spirit in you is a guarantee for safety am I talking to some area if you have to be sprinkling everytime you travel you are not in rest in peace your nothingness because if you arrest the spirit in you should carry out his walk your job is to acknowledge I acknowledge my going atomic coming in his blessed I acknowledge that the works of my hands are blessed I acknowledge that I'm far from our pressure I acknowledge that no report from the gives me shall prosper I econo Hamasaki me somebody shot I hear you so the blood of Jesus is what the spirit of Jesus the life of Jesus he spirit that's like you're born I've got the spirit of crisis in you what is the Spirit of Christ the blood of Christ which is the life of Christ the word blood is an analogy is a parable for men of no understanding you have understand so we can be using blood for you would be using spirit for you are we together here he that is joined to the Lord is one blood is one blood why why spirit because the Spirit is the connection is the life when the Spirit of God can inside you it was a very life of God that can be said you that's why you under Lord our spirit you are born of his bones your flesh of his flesh what cannot fight him cannot fight you you are the Temple of the Holy Ghost he lives in you forever that somebody will shout I hear you if you're catching the shot I hear I hear God does not demand it God does not use that we are sanctified by life we are justified by life we are saved by life sanctified by life justified by life saved by life what is another word Falls for life spirit sanctified by the spirit saved by the spirit justified by the spirit glorified by the spirit the spirit in you is Jesus glorifying you the spirit in you is Jesus scientific he spirit in you is Jesus justifying you I will together hear the spirit in you when he rose from the dead is shed for the spirit Hebrews 7:16 watch this who is made not after the law of a kernel commandment but after the power of an endless life before death or after resurrection because you can talk about endless life till he rose from the dead so when you offered himself on the edge he did it in the spirit he offered himself to God dead or alive so it's after the order of an endless life that's why he says he ever liveth to make intercession he's in the Old Testament they are priests ended so there was need for a new priest because it was a temp or a priesthood they were offering dead animals they were offering dead blood they were offering physical things that perishes with the using the say those animals they are fire buyer who not purge them from sin because it was physical it had no spiritual value that's why Jesus didn't offer an animal Jesus living offer blood he offered himself and he rose by himself and then he came by himself into you as the Holy Ghost to live in you forever that Holy Ghost in you is the seal sale that you ourself sanctified justified glorified eternally secure not devil can break that seal that seal is God's eternal signature of ownership Oliviana when you sign a document it has which but when you carry the seal of your company and you seal that document am i talking a summer here palitana so when you receive Christ the spirit and Tad you as a SIL business not a stamp is a passing it's a person inside so it's not something that you can delete it's not something that you can erase it's not something that you can tear is a person inside you his name is Holy Spirit his presence inside you is the final confirmation that you are already a citizen of heaven am I talking to summer here and that spirit will abide with you for how many weeks he will never leave never either when you fall on the ground he will follow you to the ground and initiate and initiate and initiate if you stumble he will hold you he is assigned to you until the redemption of the purchased possession say I hear you in Balad simba lotta the Old Testament animals could never take erasing it is in the life of Jesus that seems I eternally deleted you didn't hear that it is in the life of Jesus that seems our limited eternally in his life is in his life Hebrews 5 5 so Christ so also Christ glorified not himself with many high priests but he has said unto him thou art my son today I have I begotten you next verse as he said also in another place thou art a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek so his priesthood is in the resurrection Hebrews 7 23 watch carefully and they truly were many priests because they were not suffered to continue by reason of death but this man because he continued ever had an unchangeable priesthood next verse we are for he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them next verse for such an high priest became us such an high priest became us who is holy harmless undefiled separate from sinners and made higher than the heavens next verse who needed not daily as those high priests to offer of sacrifice first for his own sins and then for the peoples for deseeded ones when he offered the blood when he offered the blood what did he offer himself so what is the blood of Jesus Jesus himself blood is an ology for him blood is a figure of speech for him he offered up himself question himself blood our life what is his life good his spirit that is where there is no darkness in God Hebrews 9:14 watch carefully how much more shall the blood of Christ hear me again how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit so the blood of Christ is the Eternal Spirit you didn't see that you didn't see that let me rewind how much more shall the blood of Christ who through the Eternal Spirit offered himself so the blood is the Spirit of Christ the Spirit of Christ is himself offered up himself with a spot to God purge your conscience from dead works to serve the Living God so how does Jesus purge your conscience by living inside you through the Holy Spirit by living inside you through the Holy Spirit so where do you find the blood of Christ I know it's in you but before he came inside you where's the blood of Christ in his spirit the blood of Christ is in his spirit that's where you find his blood his blood is in his spirit so how I will parched by blood or by the spirit Hebrews 9 4:15 for this cause he is the mediator of the New Testament that by the means of death for the redemption of the transgressions that were under the first Testament they which are called might receive the promise of eternal inheritance what was the death of Jesus what was his Dead Redemption the death of Jesus was Redemption it was the better redeemed us so his death was Redemption who takes the redemption God or the slave owner who is the slave owner Hebrews 2:14 the slave Connor is in Hebrews 2:14 Hebrews 2:14 the slave goona for as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood he also himself likewise took part of the same that through death he might destroy him that had the power of death that is the devil so the slave owner is seen and Satan in collaboration so the redemption means to pay a price for a slave under the slave owner the devil is not emphasizing their pistols the devil is not emphasized in the key pistols you will scarcely find any prayer in the pistols for Satan because the epistles focus on the resurrection and there is no Satan in the resurrection so the focus of the epistles is the resurrection life is still here so when you see death he's referring to the devil so how are we purified by the spirit pay attention because we are brought back from the dead by Jesus and when Jesus bottles back he delivered us from the power of darkness so when we say you are washed by the blood what are we saying when we say you are washed by the blood what are we saying you are washed by the blood what are we saying you are sanctified by the spirit so the presence of the Spirit in you is your sanctification the sense of the holy spirit inside you is your sanctification honey no like I said that day when God spoke to me I was sitting by by our dining table at home and in the hours of the morning just after breakfast and I had God said to me you are the most holy say what what is that you're the most holy I said how he said the most holy holy lives in the most holy vessel because the most holy cannot live in the inferior holy only the most holy can carry the most holy whoa he has made of him and he became us no Rita God showed me I'm holy sanctified justified by the Spirit of God I didn't hear a good amen so redemption is not from God you are not redeemed from God you are not redeemed from God you are redeemed from the enemy your redemption is not from God you are redeemed from the enemy let the redeemed of the Lord say so whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy whom he has redeemed from the hand of the enemy the enemy is a slave owner glory to God blessed Luke 21:28 as a roundup and when these things begin to come to pass then look up lift up your heads for your Redemption draweth nigh Romans 3:24 324 Romans being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is where in Christ Jesus so the price paid is we're in Christ Jesus Romans 8:23 and not only they but ourselves also which have the firstfruits of the Spirit even we ourselves groan within ourselves waiting for the adoption Gangu satella we grow in waiting for the adoption to wit the redemption of our bodies Tobiah when we want to be ourselves in complete this body changes us so we grow I can do better than this but for this body why are we groaning we are desiring the adoption of this body that this mortality may be swallowed up my shoe colada I don't know if I'm talking to somebody here this body weighs you down and you know you're better than and sometimes you want to check off this body so that the body will appear and then you hear this body see which is not yet one of these days mortality shall put on immortality goddamn son shall put on incorruption and we shall be changed in a moment in the twinkling I feel like flying in the spirit glory glory whoa so the party will be released from mortality this body will be released from where metalitz mortality will lose its relevance when this mortality is swallowed by immortality that will be the complete redemption right now redeemed spirits our soul is be redeemed by renewal but our body is the final redemption of all citta and when this body drops there'll be no more malaria there'll be no more cancer there'll be no more pain there be nervous suffering Gabon Amma struggles I feel like I'm preaching here when this body drops there'll be no more Matta they have been over time and there'll be no more distance you just turned and you want to be there the moment you want it you are there you just and on you want to be there the moment you think it you are there normal time normal distance Norma Mata life in the himmat ah the immortal bricks the law of time distance and matter glory to God today when it happens we see miracle but on that day when it happens we see natural what is miracle here becomes natural there oh I feel like I'm rich in here let me tell you charge I'm closing this service let me tell you I'm closing the Saudis let me tell you hey you don't need to pray to me ruptured you don't need to fast to be raptured I need no need to cry to be raptured the Holy Ghost in you is the rapture de Rivoli goes that is your ticket for rapture the other leaders that is your visa for rapture and a bow shock I heard that Holy Ghost is a seal on you till the day of redemption that means it is that Holy Ghost in you that will do the operation the operation from will be from inside out the inside that contains your spiritual body your immortal body will cause this physical body to be changed it will change it will not drop you to change your your people that died in the grief their body will come together and they will go back inside their body they will have to carry the body because our body is the coupon for collecting the original body if you don't have this body you have the Odawa [Applause] your body is the temple now he lives in mortality but some day they aim at I will go I mean Amitabha go the immortal will come into full manifestation and when that happens this rain will become unreal the order rain will become real it's not a travel it's not a travel is boom boom yeah when the change happens yeah the next thing you see is here no trouble at all and in that fear some things will be very familiar I want to close the service in that room some things to be familiar because right now from time to time you study you step out you stepping you step out so when we entered and we gonna cook it this familiar does familiar this familiar that is when you will know that right now you are in heaven what stops you from experience in its fully is this container and this container one of these days will be changed glory to God somebody bless tonight was the blood of Jesus the life of Jesus was the life of Jesus is the spirit of god in you lift her to us let's blast in tongues for 30 seconds just blast in tongues anyhow for 30 seconds in this world celebrate your zeal of redemption celebration of redemption mangola bow chicka Larimar mandarin a manga lady Baraka souk al arabiya debacle on omegle on america talon ama Mangrum Dondre CC Kelly Brenna rocket on Bhangra nama satola ganga basically a man brand aandrah norma settle in a bar table chakali Helena Musa Angelina Musa Angelina Musa Angelina Musa Angela Manama hang in ammonia ammonia al-amin Calabar : aboard a katana in the name of Jesus it is done in the name of Jesus whatever does not look that the finished work of Christ around you I command it to expire tonight barriers are broken obstacles are destroyed grow increased grow in knowledge grow in wisdom grow in the fullness of Christ in the name of Jesus and I decree Madame Lagarde Oh Marisa whatever has been threatening to embarrass you his silence right now his silence right now is silence right now the wind and the waves of life please be still every storm of affliction stop and she's right now in the name of Jesus great grace is upon you great comfort is upon you great strength is upon you death favor is upon you is upon you is upon you is upon you is upon you in the name of Jesus thank you Father for testimonies and victory round about in Jesus precious name and every believer since that Amen on a note of finality when I add and celebrate the spirit of cardioid is are you celebrated Salim [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] Oh a man the remaining days of your life on earth you will swim in absolute victory a man oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sickness cannot stay in your body ma shayana mondo budala bada glory to God amen the seal is inside me what is he called the Holy Ghost thank you Lord he will never leave nor forsake you it's not a feeling get out you're off unless fellow you let's give tonight let's celebrate let's celebrate with our offerings those of you watching online Facebook YouTube Instagram get your own offerings they are streaming they are streaming the accounts you can quickly give your own offerings and those of you in the campuses also it's time to give father we pray for everybody giving tonight in this building we give in honor we give in worship we give in acknowledgement of our responsibility to see that this gospel floats the earth as the water covers the sea and we rejoice the truth about giving lives are blessed hearts are changed believers are built up ministries are affected and nations are shaken by the power of God's Word and we thank you that you've given us the opportunity to do this and we give you praise and glory for answer prayer needs are met supernaturally right now in Jesus precious name and every believer says that a man locked under hey listen we wanna sign you off we are still building momentum you don't want to miss tomorrow invite a friend a loved one a family member those of you watching on in our campuses get more people involved everybody let's mobilize more people to be part of this week's conference it's gonna be very brutal as we have begun tonight let me also mention those of you that are watching any areas where we do not have campuses and you desire to be a part of power city campus anywhere in the world anywhere in the world should a male to austenite with your location and phone number the email address to send your mail to is dr. a Bell demeanor at yahoo.com it's on the screen dr. a Bell demeanor at yahoo.com I wanna encourage every one of you to be a part of what God is doing around the world especially those of you don't have church at all wanna encourage and from tomorrow we'll make sure you see the various cities where we have campuses contact numbers and details around the entire bloom abou planet so you can identify where the one closest to you because after all this intoxication with the world you don't want to be hanging you want to belong to a body of believers where you can continue to enjoy the warmth of fellowship and the depth of insight we love you guys looking forward to connect with all of you tomorrow and until then great grace let's celebrate viewers around the world [Music]
Channel: Abel Damina Ministries International
Views: 6,364
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Id: 37W-pj8dMc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 30sec (4890 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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