There Is No Such Thing As Altars | Dr. Abel Damina

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genesis chapter 8 verse 20 and noah builded an altar unto the lord and took of every clean beast and of every clean foul and offered burnt offerings on the altar noah he offered burnt offerings on the altar so the key thing there was when worship was done it was done on an altar when worship was done it was done on an altar an altar is a place where you offer animal sacrifice so this place i'm standing now is not an altar because no animal has been sacrificed here all these people that keep talking about all ties because they don't even know what an altar is we don't have alters we have platform this is a platform and the reason why this platform is a bit exalted is because of the gallery so that the people at the back and the people on the gallery can see me otherwise i don't need it i can as well stand here and talk to you standing here doesn't deny me do you understand i don't need this except for view otherwise we don't have altars an altar is a place where you drag your goat once every year you bring it so that the high priest can offer it for your sins but we already have our goat on an altar on a hill far away student or rocket cross the emblem of suffering and shame that all rugged cross was the altar and our animal was offered there once and for all and that was the end of that altar we don't have altar again so when you hear people say altar verses altar tell them over my head not for me i have no altar versus any altar my altar settled the mata long ago long ago the old account was settled long ago the record clears today that he washed my sins away for the old account was settled long ago so in the old testament worship was offered where on the altar what is the meaning of altar a place of animal sacrifice that's the meaning that's the bible meaning of the word altar where the pastor stands it's not the altar it's podium and you don't need podium if there are no people looking for where they can see you well there are things we just assume just like the word rapture some say are you rapturible and then when you read the bible you won't see the word rapture it's not there from genesis to revelation there's no word rapture in the bible see and people just use it without knowing what it means for instance when you see the word resurrection of the dead in the bible or quicken your mortal body that is a rapture if the spirit of him that raised christ from the dead dwell it in your mortal body that same spirit shall quicken that quickening is what theologians coined as a rapture so christ in you is a rapture except you don't have christ if you have christ inside you you will be raptured rapture means resurrection or mortality swallowed by immortality so once you're born again you're rapturable it's not a prayer point is your reality in christ so it's knowing the right words and i like using the right words so when you say rapturable how does a man become rapturable the spirit that raised christ from the dead gave birth to that man romans 8 11 so that makes that man rapturable romans 8 11. so it's good to use the word that the bible uses and find out what they are used for for example it takes a while to unlearn some traditions and some people will never unlearn it for life you know it's like a tradition of when we just say let us pray everybody closes his eye there's no verse in the bible that says close your eyes when you pray it's not a verse in the bible it's just a tradition to avoid distraction we close our eyes it doesn't mean that if you open your eye and pray god will not answer no god will answer whether you close or open as long as you are concentrated you are not distracted so to avoid destruction we close our eyes but if you won't be distracted you open your eyes mango lotto calediboro goliath somebody said how can a man of god be pray with his eyes open which verse said the man of god should close his eyes he said these people this church these people these people they don't have fear of god they were all praying see their eyes you're shining like this ah shouldn't we shine our eye you want to steal our food if you are praying in a place where you are not shocked for the activity open your eyes upon pray and live safe are you praying for somebody you don't understand the way he's behaving you open your eyes i tell him closure you can even lay hands on him and check his pockets kaleides to be sure there's nothing inside that can harm you haven't you read watch and pray [Music] watch again [Laughter] glory so there are times you pray and open your eyes and there are times you pray and close your eyes there's no strict rule just like the word worship you know and people think worship is a song it's just our thought so along the line too they now created an old testament system of church services in the church now remember we have an old testament system and if you observe in most churches there is an altar there is choir all this is borrowed from the old testament module for us here we don't have choir here because they are on the altar no it is for functionality they are sitting here so that when they sing their voices can travel to where you are that's why their platform is elevated even higher than mine i am standing here so that when i speak and you're sitting you can hear me it's not because it's a special corner it is as good as where you are and if there is need we will remove them and keep them there they will still sink in some churches they even have a construction with a gate you are sinners they are holy and there is a gate where you sinners cannot enter the holy place have you seen some churches then there's an almighty in fact let me tell you in bible days they had a big empty chair on that altar where god sits nobody sits on the chat it was god's chair then they would now have another's chair for the priest for the man of god then they lock the gate and the preacher will stay inside the holy place to preach to you sinners outside is an old testament pattern when you come to the new testament all those things don't exist because christ has made all of us one and we're all accepted in the beloved and then in those churches they give you an impression that anything on this altar is holy and powerful so because they have already psyched you when you're coming to the altar you start feeling one kind because you're afraid you don't know what is there so when they bring this kneel down kneel down you now kneel down you're so scared because what you don't know is bigger than you but now you know that there's nothing so you can enter and come out because there's nothing there there's nothing on this altar the reason why it's like this is because of order so that when i'm teaching nobody blocks me that's why you are cleared so i can have space to teach just for orderliness there's no mystery did you hear what i said there's no mystery all mysteries have been demystified in christ jesus i didn't get powerful amen i didn't hear powerful amen so those things were symbolic but today we don't have them anymore christ has demystified everything in the new testament
Channel: Evt. Fabrice Iram
Views: 13,672
Rating: 4.752809 out of 5
Keywords: Evt. Fabrice Iram, Dr Abel Damina Ministries International
Id: 8AN3Wdjz3t8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 29sec (629 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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