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close your eyes good good keep them closed don't look at anything that's happening on the screen right now you don't want to know why is this why is my taskbar always on top now stop stop it I think I need to reboot my computer I'll be right back yes I'm Gonna Save this this is part one of two of the video this is Alexian edit or Marcus and Rachel Thank You Close Your Eyes again getting close I know you're looking I know either you're looking right now you need to close your eyes those of you who are closing your eyes you're doing very good those of you who aren't you're being very bad anyway keep them close through the whole video let's see who can go the longest comment when you open your eyes with the exact time code of when you opened your eyes and then we'll have a competition to see who lasted the longest but you gotta make it to the end if you want to win all right new game this is a game about opening and closing your eyes or at least not looking at the things that you don't want to look at or your demons that are standing in the corner of your room right now in the shadows just waiting for you to turn around and open your eyes but don't do it don't open your eyes salutations client A4 d32 you probably feel they're still feeling very hard right now this is completely normal it'll only be a few months before you feel back to normal until then let's run through standard procedure to get ready for your planned release on July 4th 2057. that's a ways away uh I'm blind hello name Cecily Newman sex not applicable hmm age four hours weight 1437 pounds height five six uh insufficient data blood type not applicable um I don't know what this means do you feel any pain swelling itch blink for me three times uh how are your legs feeling I needed I thought it was sitting am I not I thought I was sitting in a chair that cup that covers it now wait here until a view employee comes to give you further instructions okay hmm I guess I'm not going to follow the instructions okay why oh it's like Slenderman when the big thumpy thumps we're thumping up storm in the woods lyxian flashes back to the the wonderful year of 2012. when we were playing Slender the Eight Pages hello everybody my name is Markiplier and welcome back to the very original Slender game good time actually I think I gotta go get that hold on we're going on a bit of an adventure close your eyes I'm going to show you something close your eyes close your eyes guys close your eyes close your eyes close your eyes Okay found it I haven't been on nddb in ages I used to be on ndtb all the time now it's ichio and game Jong to a lesser extent and steam for an even more robust experience but it's Slender version .97 it never actually got a full release I never actually beat it did you know that I've never actually beaten Slender the original one I beat all the other ones but I've never actually beaten the Slenderman let's take a little detour why not come on and adventure with me why wouldn't we do this that's perfectly normal what are you talking about ah the memories look at this look at that guy oh yeah that was no good way to zoom in I'll just open them up for you you remember this [ __ ] God man does it make you piss your pants back in the day and now nothing's working anymore just bad that did just shot itself so it's it's not showing anything why'd my internet [ __ ] itself that and then [ __ ] Christ just show me the pictures everybody hold on just hold on this is apparently not going very well what the [ __ ] yeah out of memory how much memory did how many pictures of Slenderman was there but my god I've got a lot of games in this folder that I need to play you wanna you guys want to see what the the pending to be recorded game folder this isn't including me downloading games off a video or anything or steam or something is it ha there you go that's uh that's what you get to see a little preview of things to come uh yeah I don't know why that's but anyway Alexian put up a whole bunch more pictures of the Slenderman I'm gonna see if this game from like 10 years ago can play while this other game is playing in the background and see if I can still record it all I bet I can computer's good these days right oh the freaking oh God it's been a while the Slenderman Mythos wow [Music] I remember oh and I'm not talking about all those knockoff Slender games which I played all of like Slender Elementary and stuff like that no no that was that was I believe that was just a cash grab it's like a new game every two weeks great for Content but I could you know you knew you knew what it was all about anyway let's get into it oh oh The Click oh how do I jog so there's walking and then there's jogging not sure what the difference is how do you jog wait let me there's a read me right jog Sprint it's the same thing what do you mean jogging sprinting causes jogging sprinting causes your stamina to drop it recovers when walking what do you mean sprinting what what what are you talking about what is there another way to print I'm so confused I don't know what sprinting's about I'm trying to get cozy in my chair hold on hold on slendy man hold on slendy man I just I wish God you know gaming chairs are such [ __ ] right I don't want wheels on my chair I want to stay in one place because I fidget a lot because I'm always moving if my wheels are moving then I can't stay in one fidgety spot all comfortable like anybody else get what I'm saying whatever I don't remember where anything is I don't remember how to jog rent Slenderman [Music] Slenderman I have no bearing on where I am so I don't remember wearing the actual pages is oh there we go it's like the rock things whatever those are supposed to be I I isn't it a thing where they're not guaranteed to be able to hold up never mind can't run you're right about that I don't even know how oh there it is that's the sound that's why I did this oh yeah oh yeah now that's what I'm talking about I still don't understand the difference between sprinting and jogging it seems to be I don't have any distinction between the two I'm not going to look at the instructions now man I did not have the wherewithal or discipline to try to beat it back in the day more more importantly I was like a little [ __ ] baby so I definitely didn't have the wherewithal my screamatude was just a little bit immature if you know what I mean I didn't have the discipline of 10 years of Hard YouTube labor to strengthen me up to be able to beat Mr man I don't know where this thing is it also just might not be here so it could be somewhere else anywhere else I can't get comfortable ah oh hello oh that's handy oh my goodness I've almost forgotten I've got oh such familiar chills still my spine right my goodness the Slender Man back at it again ah this is so fun but the thing is if I come in here won't I just get trapped this is not the thing that'll happen ooh is that a page that is Paige no no no yes yes yes yes please yeah I'm not seeing any different words I'm not seeing any difference in the stamina and the stone I forget how he moves this is weird I'm like reverting back to my older selfie I don't know oh it's fine it's just me out of breath oh he's there somewhere you're there somewhere slendy man don't try to get me whoa okay so I am breathing so it's something about I gotta stop I I'm uncomfortable Slenderman that's what I thought that's what I thought he's right there where were you I don't know whatever buddy I don't even remember if it's a good idea to keep looking at him or to look away and I don't know he seems to be gone he does kind of disappear sometimes but I don't I never I don't think I ever really learned the logic I don't really know any of the lore and I know that the movie came out and it's like yeah it was not a good movie or something like that it's amazing how they just get people to [ __ ] those things up over and over again not me though never me wow no that's the opposite of good I forgot the packing games when they were just like oh no come on okay we're good we're good give me give me yes oh yeah I forgot that the mouse could just go out of the game and then totally blown me over when I'm trying to do something God wait no the expression of me saying bone me over isn't that like didn't I only ever say that back in the day I don't think I've said that in a long time I think I am reverting back to my old self because someone put up a side by side comparison of me and me playing the me now and me playing this back then I'm gonna I want to see I want people to witness it I want people to witness the change that when people say that Markiplier has changed now they've got direct evidence of it irrefutable irrefutable what is my stamina ever going to recover twice as fast when you're standing still apparently well where where where where where I don't oh there he is okay I gotta go over here because that's where the next Landmark is you Dingus dingus keep going holy crap a new one oh hey hey you don't actually get to scare me what the hell is that about no that's not okay that's not that ain't cool that ain't cool at all I know that there's prob oh yeah oh yeah I got four I got four what of it now what of it now yeah I don't know where he is what if it now I got four I'm probably getting them in a completely illogical order that's gonna screw me over when I try to make this loop around this place that's a good thing you're only going faster certainly scared me as much as it did oh boy okay well this is a problem uh let's cancel um a lot is Gonna Stand still for a bit oh goodness oh it's real staticky I can't see [ __ ] oh did I go back oh dude I went backwards didn't I oh I gotta go can I how do I I don't know how to sprint versus jog I don't know anything I don't know nothing I know I know nothing who's there God why is it scary this shouldn't be scary oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] he's just standing there Madison wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute I went in a circle and I didn't mean to I gotta cut through the woods always a good idea cut through the darkest part of the woods God I miss Darkwood God I wish it was more dark wood God I'm pissed off about that ending in dark wood where it screwed me over totally screwed me over and it wasn't my fault I liked one one shot all of that right up at dillian and then it screwed me over right then and there I don't like it totally unfair but God I love Darkwood okay he's back all right where are you going baby oh there you are well there you are oh God I don't know why it decides to do that why do that go away oh frick well I'm not doing this right well no oh man he's uh he's persistent if I get him like behind a truck I can't see anything if I get him like behind a tree is that okay I think it is unless he's gone he's gone he moved again well don't know the rules about that maybe I just gotta wait him out maybe that's what I was doing before I was just starting to panic and I was just like letting myself die when in reality everything was going to be fine halfway there to Victory apparently I'm uncomfortable yeah God I needed they need to invent a different chair one that you don't sit on your butt I like to just like squat in chairs I like to cross my legs and I don't know sit on my feet whatever I just need a different chair I've never looked into it I've only been like I've I've only ever used like a kitchen chair or I've been gifted chairs like chairs just seem to appear somehow I don't know how but they do where am I uh anybody have any recommendations write in the comments below ring that Bell if you know a recommendation for the chair you know they didn't have a bell when this game first came out you know usually he's just when you subscribe he just subscribe to people I guess you know whatever if you want to like soft subscribe hello where is he I don't see him I ain't sorry I'm not seeing him I was not seeing him I don't know what that was about well he's gone now oh goody five surely death is not right behind me oh yeah [Music] rumbling in my door rumbly in my tumbly you say okay I oh oh that's a fence I um I might be lost I might be lost alone in the woods if I if I pop out at that truck again I'm gonna be real mad I'm going to be so mad I'm gonna be real mad okay so far no slendy man where where where where where where [Music] don't do that whoa what's going on is he right by always climbing up my ass he's climbing up my ass he's climbing up my ass he's climbing up nobody do it don't do it what are you doing what happened where was he huh where is he is he here where is he why what what happened I don't know what happened I think he must have been like on the other side of the brick wall and he was stuck there foreign I'm really trying to get comfortable but it's not working because it's either this this chair is too short or whatever have you we're too dull I gotta like readjust it on the Fly and then readjust my legs and then get cramps because I can't stick my legs back through it it's just so ugh it's just so designed for ass sitters and now I'm too I'm gonna stay like this for a bit I'm gonna see if I can anyway all right well that was fun but that's not why we're here this is a different game this and now you see why I did this if I could close my eyes there that'd be really great uh hello it's gonna be Markiplier here back at it again thinking that click is open doors but it's not yep yep yeah yeah okie dokie then blink Blanc foreign [Music] all right now I I you know I would not be good in an emergency because I wouldn't know to evacuate I would just stand around well hi there oh good oh good good hold still I'm holding still I guess am I supposed to oh I'm not gonna do it I ain't holding still for nobody I don't sit still and I ain't holding still for you hi is was that the dying of a cringe sound I feel like that was whoa interesting well I can see in the Darkness wow oh wow interesting huh fascinating oh fascinating oh interesting all right so this is fun this is good mechanics I kind of like this oh why I see you I see you and I see you fascinating it's kind of clever I kinda like it I kinda like it a lot um it goes you'll have to deal with it hello so what's going on in here wow a key card oh God I can't see oh why okay oh boy oh boy oh so how unstable is the facility uh you say how uh how bad is it how about I can't look at that why couldn't I look at that oh Israel rumbly I shouldn't have touched it nah okay okay what I want to go again I want to go again okay so I think what I have to do is I have to drop that ball and then make it scream as it greens down and break something down at the bottom I don't know how I'm gonna do that well yes I do yeah I do I do I use the saw from The Tool Shed I don't know what you mean by Tool Shed um also I don't know what that's about unless that's an eyeball that you put in my head and then I have a similar device which might be true but I don't know oh hello oh oh wow [Music] hmm there's a lot of big rumblies around here oh 264. huh oh I see it's a puzzle because it's like no no so it must be two three four you can't fool me I'm way too smart hello it's two three four I'm so God damn smart [Music] right in my brain [Applause] hope I left that door open I'd like to think that I did high voltage I don't know why I tried to touch it immediately I really did okay so I need two power things to open the tool shed apparently that's how tool sheds work in my book oh I can't read that okay what does that saying attention all of you Personnel Huss can kill if you were attacked by a husk cover your eyes and carefully walk to the nearest exit okay um so is there a Husk in here like right now or something oh I don't like like the truth be told I do not like that I hate this I hate this I hate this oh hello you d oh [Music] I hate that yeah my God what are you doing being scary stop it oh what was that peekaboo no all right okay all right peekaboo what's up with your face okay no none of that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you're Slappy so I'm uh supposed to all right I'm supposed to know that Huss can kill right so husk you're supposed to be able to kill me huh I believe it you know what I I do believe it oh what happened ho ho nice you still back there sloppy he's still back there slappy for anyone who was curious I am now sitting side saddle in my chair because I thought you should know anyway that was two power supplies I need to go up open the tool shed grab the saw because all this was just for that saw and nothing else and then I need to cut the eyeball and drop it on the thing good thing no this sauce so here I don't know why that needed so much so much power to open up that little that one shutter I feel like I could have just pushed that open lifted it with my big strong muscles I could have done literally anything did you get that and I didn't oh well I'm gonna guess that there's some kind of like life with this orb and doing this is actually a bad thing but I'll do it anyway I just slapped that thing's ass I slapped it down with my big meaty claws right in its ass and it went careening into the void I feel so good about myself anyway so what did that do oh God it is awfully Smoky down there strange strange I can't see [ __ ] hey you feel uh I didn't know there was a hole in the ground I legitimately did not know that okay okay hello hi this definitely doesn't look like a place for something to kill me oh great well is this really any different I'll just make my way then hate it oh hello I don't hate it oh do I get that or not I'm guessing not I'm guessing not hello awfully strange how much sewer access these buildings usually have hi okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh is there uh so we're gonna be something down here what's uh what's all that then uh-huh what look look at what what was that all about I look look uh oh okay that's good good hello is somebody there peekaboo I can fit in here somehow I didn't think I could holy crap hello is there someone under there that wants to say hello oh no he's gone oh and fast too all right sure sure sure sure sure sure what okay hello I can't see anything seems to be closed off here uh uh inaccessible I can't get over there whatever this is it's blocked oh wait no it's not oh I see aha oh I thought I was gonna regret it view success as mandatory okay oh was that bucket for blood do I gotta put blood in the bucket or something well I need to add power to that so then I can turn on the elevator power and then I can get out of here or something like that hello peekaboo oh wait this is just the other side of that I do have a key card here I'm not 100 sure where it goes whoa key card door here oh oh you yeah this guy here oh you jokester anyway man everything is the same squeak oh man really funny really good stuff guys really good stuff hi Larry is hijinks oh good stuff anyway I'm gonna turn on the elevator and I'm getting the heck out of here I'm gonna live I'm surviving to fight another day all right guys I'll see you around I'll see ya see you around actually see you around I'll see you guys around I'll see you around see you around guys see you around I'll see you around guys I'll see you around I ain't turning around for nothing okay in Wii uh oh you coming after me you oh you're gonna come after me oh you want to come after me oh no I don't think so oh you're gonna come back no I don't know think so yeah I don't think so I'm going back to the elevator and then I'm gonna well that ain't good oh oh man I did it idiot stupid fool I'm uncomfortable again hello it's me okay oh oh hello ah wow oh is that what happened to me did I get a bunch of green goop injected into my eyes wow oh look at that you got a green eye [Music] dude oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] hey bud how you doing good to see you does this release you God I hope so uh it seemed to weirdly enough okay [Laughter] oh God still hate it okay all right well I did that so should I I don't I don't know what to do about that [Music] hmm there's something going on from here to there definitely something happening I can't go through there I can't do anything with that that's there this can't be touched I don't see oh level down uh super dark in here so it must be something in here oh now I can do this oh once I opened up that one I could do this here ah you wink nevermind oh God where am I whoa no thank you we went low res oh oh oh oh uh-huh yeah uh-huh uh-huh oh oh oh ah uh-huh oh oh uh-huh yeah uh-huh um I can't think of anything really clever to say about any of this I don't know if you guys can uh the comments would be a good place to inform me of really clever things to say about what I'm seeing in front of me right now I would really love that oh good let's all take those thanks oh no oh thank you I can't move ah three two three helpful thank you for that I don't want to go back in that memory 323 it is I'm not gonna go in that room all right I'll look you still there all right he's still there all right three two three all right we're in baby oh oh oh oh why what happened I missed it oh what is this all about what the hell is this all about what is this all about where is there I was just saying there was just a sewer here unless I wasn't a sewer and it was just a canal in this area but what is all this about wait a minute wait hey what are you doing up there I see you Lucy and zoom zoom more zoom zoom zoom zoom enhance perfect thank you jump scare um okay oh I love learning what is cognitive transference Vitality saved in the entity's yielded Essence storage our eyes for short identity stored in the eyes is installed on the host entities husks are sent to sector a23 a25 for testing and mutilation you can just burn it I guess don't need to mutilate it what's that all about why are there buttons on there I see you all right so this seems like a real crackpot company huh it's you steal their eyes and you steal their soul and that's all you need to know that's all you love power strength Vitality identification extracted for oh hi that's a bad acronym I'm not gonna lie not really the best acronym place you know what I mean ah good hi um hello wow very endoskeleton of you um you're looking at me which is awesome and I love that um but if you could blow up that'd be great beep all right bluegate it is all right see you sir ma'am that's none of my concern no oh good hey what's up here oh what is up my Bros Barrel am I right okay um I don't know where that's supposed to be yet oh well that's not good okay three barrels okay there's four barrels there's three chairs and two tables okay chair Barrel there's four three chairs there's four barrels and two two tables ah red Gabe open red red gate open good good uh don't know why doing any of this this is all very good okay oh no no no no oh no oh no [Music] oh he was so young or older whatever I don't know how age is determined post I rip transferences are you still back there well if you were a husk you'd be coming after me I'm assuming that you're just totally fine then excuse me I need to go in this room now up I go ah good great oh behind X or behind me right now okay so behind X B hind X all right behind I see an X over there am I supposed to go behind it okay there is a big X I'm I'm just assuming that that's what you mean oh oh looky looky looky there oh oh thank you I'm very clever you know there's a lot of cleverness going on everyone hold on to your butts things are about to get real serious [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] oh Crouch yes of course I didn't do any of that I didn't do that oh my God oh God am I spine my eyes ah wake up sleep wait I don't know which one's the right answer wake up wake up wake up sleep wake up I wake up all right so what did I just see down there as you guys saw that too right oops oh hey bud not looking at you not looking at you okay we're good crouching under here okay crash okay we're good very far very far away oh yeah oh yeah we got this oh yeah we're locked in tight oh I need a key card for there we gotta watch out for these valsies oh man you're oh stop you don't need to oh God stop I need this thank you oh no vasuz nice I'm the best I'm the best what oh okay you know this is surprisingly long this is a good robust I mean I did play like Slender the Eight Pages in the middle of it but you know it was a good experience it was nice and robust and long oh [Music] hi thanks you know you ain't too bad ow oh maybe you bad oh you bad oh oh you bad oh oh you bad love that I hate that hi so was a nose Okay yelch what oh was it like I'm not supposed to touch I get ow okay never mind I'm doing something wrong I see there's secret hands they're very grabby extremely grabby got it hey baby hey baby hey baby okay that's a little weird oh hello I'll be sure I'll come right in hey baby oh uh oh [Music] oh okay um all right hmm interesting interesting very uh oh I see all right you got it you got it okay yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah foreign [Music] oh no am I in one of those things now peekaboo I found you hello hey okay all right wow awesome wow that's great oh cool cool good good great actually hello it's you again how are you good to see you can I help you how about this fire jump into the fire extinguish the fire give you the fire what is the symbology of this take the fire lady how are you good to see you whoa [Music] oh did it go in me oh [ __ ] [Music] okay hello [Music] I don't know about this I don't know about that I don't know about those legs I didn't know about that hey all right here we go okay that means clunk cling clunk hello oh you don't look so happy all right uh-huh and boom oh god oh I was hey I don't know about that one what oh hey [Music] yeah all right I refuse to stay blind I will accept it I refuse to stay blind apparently you know the last time it got quite it got real serious but I have a funny feeling this one ain't gonna get nearly as serious foreign oh God oh my God oh I see vasus I see vases I see Vaz okay I'm starting to get like uh a ratio of ground to where these things are it's all a grid it's all a grid baby it's all a grid all the grid baby oh my god oh I hate it oh wow don't like that oh oh good uh hello [Music] uh five five five five this is a super weird but I love it four is it a countdown I don't think it's code is it hello four let me guess three three it's something about like removing the soul and turning into a movie which is inherently probably not a very good thing oh and then burning your body the mutilation of the husks because why would you need anything after you get rid of your corporeal or uh get rid of you don't need your corporeal form when you separate your soul from it uh uh okay interesting uh right uh oh oh okay so don't look five blocks equals X or a four blocks equals X ah okay I see I see I see okay yeah all right [Music] huh okay uh equals check okay well that is check uh I know how I got it I got it I got it you have to use the ones on the other side as well to be able to make this pattern work because you need this basically you just have to think of it three-dimensionally so because that one needs to be here it needs that and that and then this works no it doesn't no you still need one more um in the middle here and then you have that pattern there except for this does not that's the one because then you see a square from that one in a triangle from the or a line from the other one got it okay so what is a what is the symbology of uh the the the the white glowing husk here in the green eye and probably some don't do it don't turn yourself into a husk or um I saw that robot hand view is a hoax band CT CT does not preserve life it steals cognitive transfer is murder you're probably right about that but it's too late for me by far by far uh-huh interesting uh-huh I wonder why that table is glowing hmm oh I see one there's one two three four things in room one there's two things in room two four two and oh time's almost up four two and five by the looks of it good thing that's is that counting down what happens if that goes oh one hour what was it clacking foreign just gonna jump yay the cognitive transference has made me strong oh I get a flashlight and I need to close my eyes anymore okay uh I see well I don't see but I do see that's why what's the what's the dealio here with the arrows doesn't make a lot of sense something in the Darkness something in the Beyond something trying to jump out oh my God okay hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay I think they give me the general sense of where I'm supposed to go is what this deal is oh God oh God there's another one is in there oh I think there's oh God where is it oh God do I need to turn off my flashlight or something can I turn off my flashlight I don't know oh my God okay I'm I'm going gang I'ma going oh my God that's a lot of that's a lot of slapping that's a lot of noises oh thank you oh okay I may I made it hello oh wait a minute hello uh-huh that's that's fine yeah okay well I'm back to the normal offices so I could stop running for me wait wait was that not a scripted scare oh just give up you wanna I don't wanna I don't want to give up oh oh [Music] weird Oh weird oh funky oh that's strange oh holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God what new oh my God oh my God oh what in the hell is any of this holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God what in the hell is happening to any of this holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God they're both mad oh my god oh what the frick huh what a nightmare guys oh boy can't wait for it view employee to come save my ass whoo that was a close one so cognitive transference complete oh I'm free freedom artwork oh my God okay all right oh why oh no exit or whatever that is I mean this looks important so I don't know something about this doll thing oh god what have I done oh what have I done oh what have I done have I brought about the end of the world I don't know what I did facility unstable okay honestly probably for the best probably for the best recollection ending you opened your eyes that sounds good that sounds like I did a good thing that was very fun that was very there was so much going on in that but there were a lot of really good ideas and it was like a lot of the sound work wasn't my favorite and obviously it looked a little crude here and there but it had this aesthetic to it that kind of worked with the style I did enjoy it it was pretty fun I'm not gonna lie that was pretty good I had a blast I enjoyed that I thought that was great and I'm happy that I played it [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,691,862
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, close your eyes, scary games, horror games, indie horror, nightmare, creepypasta
Id: CHXRqmwDQ0g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 3sec (3363 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 30 2022
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