THE BEGINNING...? | Sons of the Forest

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oh welcome to Sons of the forest we're finally playing it right on time yep the game just launched yeah it just came out isn't it yep it's new right on time we're timely Hamish yes yes I don't know anything about this game and I barely remember what happened last game other than we hated someone's kid how do you not remember we played it so much oh I mean I remember the setting I remember us building and the going into caves I don't remember the story uh other than there being like experiments and they're being a kid we hated we weren't like super focused on the story okay good then I'm definitely ready for this so it's probably not a big deal um it's survival in the forest with sons are we the Suns yeah maybe plus Corp are you guys in the puff Corp with me no maybe very slowly loading my my pee brain internet just can't keep up bro I'm in the puff Corp yeah I'm in the puff Corp I do have a hot fudge milkshake with chocolate chips and if I'm sure it's very healthy though what that's great that's good for you why did you why do you have a milkshake we took a lunch break I got food are you loaded in yet and Calvin hey what's up Kelvin I'm here I'm with you I hear rain uh okay bro the puffins are missing no not the spoilers helicopter the puffins fight demons I don't need to look at that anymore I remember about the puffins are you guys um seeing what I'm saying on it uh-oh behind you guys Mark did you just get shooted at uh you know I I was shooted at oh oh god oh geez I see a person with a helmet fish eye that was the softest helicopter crash oh never mind go around ah this guy I feel like I'm getting spoilers no it's fine Wade don't worry about it that's fine will you be the judge if this guy should have gone around going on I see what you're saying go around all the puffins are missing guys oh God oh yeah I know the puffins I remember that uh Barbara okay terrible name Virginia Virginia and Edward ah and then we got Kelvin here Calvin seems a little antsy uh he knows what's coming he's already lived it twice I wonder what's in the other folder yep well this is rude hey wait a minute 175 centimeters oh hey in like human or human American measurement and human measurements yeah uh uh how Mark did you meet a friend in a shiny shiny tracksuit I don't know about friend um but I met some oh hey whoa how long is this flight not as long as you might hope did you press a button whoa is that you standing next to me yeah why was I supposed to close the laptop a character is all and you're just like hey white demons yeah I didn't close the laptop this whole time guys yeah I know I know you didn't uh you wanna hey what in the hell I didn't dude I didn't mean to throw the rock into your face what the hell also hey why it wasn't me it was the ocean fisheye Calvin nobody I knew the ocean was bad for us the ocean is such a piece of [ __ ] man trust me and how did I miss it was right on your I mean the ocean take that touch the ocean sucks at throwing bro I think I wait Kelvin just swim around the helicopter the Air's not under it uh he's seeing it he's seeing it he's seeing it do you see that guy over there kind of riding around a lot oh man nah man okay no okay are you sure nah he's really Rising aggressively but making no effort to like stand whoa hey hey wait what happens if I do this I love that what am I doing right now I love Mouse sincity not having any effect in the game oh Jesus in here I'm what am I doing to you what is this you're holding your hand down to me and moving your fingers threateningly now you gotta Rock now you're casting a spell I think yeah whoa look at that guy whoa whoa wow I don't know what you're talking about this is my license plate nope I'm on the ground ah emergency pack oh how are you huh oh there's steaks whoa oh yeah oh look the gear to open the emergency pack man this guy doesn't look good guys he's hi why Why Stop casting a spell hey guys I found an emergency pack um it came with a book wow nice book what you want to do is put sticks under a tarp and that's your tent right there all right so just so everyone's on the same page can that guy stop groaning for one second whoa oh there's a light light no way it's our my backpack is RGB guys why are you bloody I may have accidentally clubbed him oh bloody dude the backpack is RGB sweet I hate it mooglies what's RGB your backpack the backpack bro bro get on the backpack wait I got I got a whole bunch of stuff got cases backpack is just a Black Backpack are you sure yeah you sure you sure bro a walkie-talkie oh [ __ ] hey guys my bag is RGB hey I don't know how I function sometimes hello hello can you hear me hello can you hear me can you hear me hello hello man that was terrible quality oh man I hear you oh yeah I'm not I don't know I'm not getting that I'm not getting it guys I hear you I hear you and I hear you through me me through you me through you hello yo what's up yo what's up I'm not uh Jesus Christ yeah let's agree to never do that again except as punishment I feel like that's only appropriate all right can I talk to this guy Whoa man what a drama queen here you talk to him I'll just go around and get these grenades sounds good boys oh thanks boys I love that love you boys guys I got some nine mil ammo and some Buckshot uh-huh let's go whoa what the hell man what did you just do uh he's arriving in pain my boy oh geez let me hello uh fisheye or uh Mad Eye what the hell is his name Calvin Kelvin he didn't go around that was his problem Calvin Kelvin oh what in the hell is wrong with you I'm sorry I was just seeing if kelvin's okay yeah Calvin are you okay that was not okay he's good oh he's good Kelvin hello Calvin uh all right uh follow me I guess yeah he's good this backpack spreads out into the world's largest everything over here Putin Putin the Puffin family not the Putin family oh a shield friend follow me all right we got a friend go you can have him get stuff yeah I know oh yeah fire clear whoops I didn't mean to do that oh what's what does clear five meters mean where are you going bud what are you doing buddy in five meters probably okay oh no not me not me oh he's clearing he's he's clearing away he's not he's not threatening you man he's holding your ass [ __ ] and walking at me holding a hatchet and walking towards him uh take clear take it take a break buddy take a break five meters all right I'm gonna go see if these other guys are okay don't make fun of them [Music] hello other humans what's the point of this game what's the point of this game survive I see do you guys see me am I Ma I see yeah I see you guys these guys have endoskeletons is that the right word no um spiders I don't see spiders spiders spiders spiders what are you talking spiders nothing's happening Bob there's no spiders spiders because no spiders spot zero spots there's zero no spiders no spiders repeat no spiders spiders I killed the spider guys don't worry there's no spider guys I killed the spider look it's dead spider look I got it I'm I'm disappeared there's no spider uh should we uh Kelvin um hey Kelvin how you doing these guys look very um not bloody for how spiky they look this guy's skull is on the outside oh that's cool is that good or I don't know oh neat he's like a cockroach man he's shaking his head this guy doesn't like oh hell yeah whoa he's getting sticks yeah he's getting sticks and he's gonna give him to me all right well this game basically plays itself what are we gonna do next guys those are big streaks you guys want to take a break pick it up next episode what thank you all for watching stay tuned for uh what happened [Music] we uh don't you touch Kelvin yeah that's gonna happen to you oh no those weren't for you Mark we took the K the Kelvin sticks he took them I told Kelvin to give go gather sticks and give them to me that's what I told him he didn't he gave him to me oh really that's gonna be your butt it's gonna be yours frenulum it's gone say goodbye to your frenulum [ __ ] you guys know what I wish we could tell Kelvin to do hey whoa whoa what the hell man I wish I want to tell him to go listen to our hit podcast distractible oh that's a good idea is that one of the options yeah yeah go go up to him uh get out your book and just be like yeah Kelvin let me see follow me on distractible yeah hold on scroll down D no oh get distractible hey what's up man you scared you scared all right let's be scared we gotta build him a shelter man let's have him actually just have him you know what that's true that's true I'm gonna have him build a fire I don't know where he's gonna build it but he's gonna build one look if any of you heard Kelvin I'm going to blow up this island with atomics can we Define hurt yeah if you heard him can we tell him can we just have him build stuff I think whoa hey I found a grenade they work hey wait I have something for that Bob ivito Wade's existence oh Paul oh I did that and you disappeared oh damn it we never get back underwater look what you did Bob wait Mark I veto Bob's existence ivito Bob's existence why are you out there go around what is this go around why am I oh oh I see interesting uh where am I where am I oh hey we're together friend I hate you what do you mean Bob blew us up Bob did you blow us up I'd simply remember I don't recall Wade blowing me up I got it knocked down Bob got us knocked knock knocked up he got us knocked Downer Bob knocked us up bro bro bro come here come here all right whatever I got what I got did I build a fire whoa Calvin built a build a thingy Calvin look kelvin's the best mine Kelvin is already better than either of you two and I want to point that out whoa I told him I'm here so I get credit for that I'm going to bed oh my God Mark I just got a seagull out of the air wow you know I'm so good your violence is not exactly impressive to me uh thank you yeah but that's what I'm saying it's not impressive to me I'm not impressed by your violence oh hey Bob I found something else for you to be violent to yes ooh the tree oh my God guys Kelvin lit a fire inside the tent what better place to do it well I mean how do I summon Kelvin is there like a whistle or a flare he's kind of deaf Calvin Calvin those are backpack somebody died well I picked it back up I didn't yeah I figured wow that tree just imploded that tree was not okay emotionally and just crumbled the bits are any of us really okay emotionally Calvin's giving me a big thumbs up guys tell you what that's what a guy what a guy what a guy he's one of you I'll get one of you eventually oh my God he's sitting over here just having the time of his life dude Calvin's a party you guys seen Kelvin right now no he's sitting by the fire just basking in it right now he's basking you know what you deserve it bro you're real you're real Bud Calvin tell you what he's a bud my blood I don't know what have you done for me lately I went and got my backpack I tried to lead you to an innocent creature to murder you did try and give me an innocent creature to murder this is true was it me was me the innocent creature because I was murdered in this case no he already murdered you I mean Bob [ __ ] you up yeah what about you that's that's you went down like like a bag of dicks shut up you went down just as hard like a box of dicks oh hey Bob you're still here uh hang on I'm trying to get Kelvin to help Mark I don't need help you seem like you need help why yeah I agree with Bob uh he's killing both sides Bob Wade's playing both sides only on Bob's side but remember we were an alliance against Bob who blew us up yeah remember Wade uh that was a long time ago I forgiven him a creature to murder yeah that was you did that was very quick and very brutal I don't know also there's weird oh the ground underneath you is not doing normal oh my God that Turtle had a chicken wing in it oh wait I'm eating the that's fine what okay is that what turtles are made of boil what am I doing uh whatever you're doing stop it I don't like it oh and Mark come take a look at this I don't wanna Mark spiders what there's no spiders more spiders I know there's not oh back off Mark you're gonna come take a look at this no I don't oh you do all right fine Jesus what's wrong why is Kelvin on the ground it's fine oh no no that's you Bob worry about Kelly what do you think when you look in this I think it's um delicious it's got an infection of some kind I think it's growing internal grapes that Turtle has a video I don't worry about as a real sneeze I think he's just trying to get detention you got me buddy good Bob because I also need attention huh oh my gosh Wade step away from my cabin I will defend my property this is our cabin it's not we are a team I will defend my property I will defend them can I come in no hmm oh how about him that was very rude you were on my property I'm outside yeah oh my God guys it's cold it shows you how kind of you make things kind of not very well but kind of anyway back off my property see that fence line over there hey Calvin delinea is my property hey Mark where's the edge of your property the fence line delineates it oh the I your um is this inside the fence is over there over there you see over there hey Kelvin can you get my friend some logs and I was doing fine I dropped here don't worry don't worry kelvin's gonna help you you helpless idiot I don't need help because I was already helping my yeah Calvin come help him Calvin did you help this man yeah he's gonna help you I don't need him you just destroyed the thing that you said you didn't need help with I don't it's called the constructive criticism take it ow I've not constructed anything so why would I be taking criticism but my fence line is delineating how much I need to listen to you so shut up your fence line Looks about as awful as your house you never looked in a mirror because you apparently don't know what awful is so shut up I don't I only see Glory look look how helpful Kelvin is Mark hey wait a minute all right hey hey my delineation line I um that's really not what I thought I was doing I gotta be honest all right all right look at this the delineation when you put it in the ground for some reason I can't pick it back up oh Mark I've tried to help you delineate okay this is not helping me to win that was just temporary storage what am I doing yeah what are you doing what is happening you're just like slowly moving your ax around staring at it all right wait you know what guys well I think what about up here oh oh you two idiots carry on with that where did Kelvin go oh he's getting logs for you you useless piece of [ __ ] look at him running over here like a champion I don't see Kelvin oh God Calvin good he's sleeping like a graceful gazella dope one of those things put this here we're helping I didn't put it there don't worry Mark we're helping yeah right oh oh sorry ow I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I am actually sorry who put that there I you hit me with an ax I got scared all right okay we all are our tempers are flaring now you can have a thinner walled cabin oh how would you do that this doesn't seem to go on here wait I gotta be honest yeah but it's kind of cool exploring whoa look at him go oh Calvin it went right there oh I see what you're getting at no yeah like what if I if I just just yep like that thing that's what I meant oh ow what you guys okay I'm like three feet away from me and he was like yeah dude the lightning hit right in time with you going oh yeah I uh I don't but it's all right man uh Mark I'm not sure what I'm about to do but I think I'm about to do something to your home I don't why would you word it that way oh God don't summon the lightning oh yeah uh I don't know what the hell we're doing to the inside of his house what are you doing to my house you dumb [ __ ] guys look I'm trying to I'm trying to help with your fence delineation Mark and it's not I gotta be honest oh hey what's up Kelvin dude you are such a bro right now Kelvin oh you are absolutely for some reason you pick up the [ __ ] oh gee gee you just dropped stuff if you hit G it just goes down oh that's fine good wait oh God no Kevin Calvin Calvin God damn it Kelvin wait why are you laughing what's going on guys what is what is supposed to be there's supposed to be a door a window what is this what did I ask for help oh my God oh my God there I I'm not even looking at it trust anything about it oh my God you guys just cannot be helped I think I'll cut some wood because I don't think I've done much good over there no no way you've done so Mark I made you a I made you a new doorway don't worry about it I didn't have a doorway don't worry I made you a doorway guys we're the best of video games can I just say that where did you wait there was the doorway was perfectly good on the other side no no no I fixed it what do you mean you fixed it I mean I fixed it what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean you mean fixed it what does that mean when I say that I fixed it did you just throw that at me I threw it all right whatever I'm making a firewood pile so watch your delineations why is it why is it anything I can throw logs like their paper dude oh my God Kelvin [ __ ] up everything I'm throwing wood I'm trying to place firewood oh okay press stack it perfectly one who it disappeared three it's gone there we go one of them made it it's dark now don't worry mark we're almost done with house I don't think we are we're almost done with house Mark oops it's dark don't worry Calvin oh he's described freaking come here you come here you you want to see what this feels like you want to see how close to death I am you want to see how close you wanna see how close you want to see how close to death I am Barry okay you missed yeah you missed it's a weird pissing contest Mark I gotta be honest I'm so close to death oh man I'm almost dead fix them how'd that feel yeah what do you think that one yeah yeah uh-huh yeah get shot who is that where guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys guys oh yeah dude things are getting interesting over here hello oh oh oh what's happening with the legs are you seeing the legs it's too dark I can't see anything wait it's dark guys guys I let's pitch black guys fine Mark don't worry about lights guys why is my lighter purple I don't like that you have a lighter oh guys she has yeah no the legs right that's the thing right no her arms too she has an extra left over how many how many of her is there am I why are you so many bearings I should probably look up what is wrong with you guys legs for days oh okay yeah no that's I can't tell if that's like a bug or like on purpose you guys are the creepiest sons of [ __ ] I've ever seen what are you doing uh probably not oh wait I'm gonna I'm gonna Mark come look at the weight she got up on her it's literally Pitch Black oh well get your purple lighter out man it has a high-pitched sound that hurts my ears I can't use that ow why who did that what are you I don't I think it was weight I gotta be honest you're the one working on the house right now what does that have to do with anything I guess nothing it's so dark I can't see anything that was just actually Kelvin was that Kelvin yeah he just came over here and chucked the logs at you I got a feeling it wasn't though I've been killed it what the hell I got a feeling it was weighed I got a feeling oh the rain stopping are y'all oh man you guys are the worst you guys are how do you get out of here you were I it's not done can you not I'm stuck and just give me like two seconds hang on okay okay all right here we go there hang on we're getting there hey ow there we go um all right there you go thank you oh man all right this is taking some getting used to guys but we're gonna get through this together because we are friends honestly guys we're killing it right is this a ball Mark play catch no catch I don't want to catch oh yeah oh there's a rock nevermind looks like a little ball you know Wade if I didn't know any better I'd say you're being intentionally antagonistic and that's very Unbecoming of you Fair doesn't become you at all yeah stop becoming dude I can't help it sometimes a pretty lady with an extra arm and extra leg broke up and I just become Mark you're coming look what I made for you my dude what did you make for me my dude look at what I made for you uh what did you make for me you have to get in the hole it's a house what do you mean what did I it's what what does it look like what did you make for me my dude whoa what the hang on hang on hang on I'm just I'm putting a door on it maybe I'm not putting up maybe I just walled it in oh no there we go hey there we go everyone gets the party house baby yeah [Applause] oh my God all right oh window yo look at the property delineation look at the delineation look at it God dang I'm oh yeah it's gonna Chuck that out there stop he's getting logs and never stopping stop take a break all right calm down Calvin down uh so now that we got it we got a home all right he's saying it wasn't Kelvin earlier it was definitely you wait I know this Mark I'm confused about the fencing situation yeah what about it I can't do it I can't seem to do it B for book oh of course B for book Is that real or you lying it's no he's no 100 I just looked at the controls to figure it out I don't believe it I'm a lot more helpful than you think I don't believe it I don't believe how how complex can we make Kelvin be what I did not mean to just throw a log at you Kelvin I'm deeply sorry oh he's taking a nap no he's not he was thinking about it he's bleeding profusely can we agree just not to use those lighters well what why does does it really make a noise yeah it does it's a high Pizza it's exactly like that lighter wood in real life it's a high it's not as loud but it's what happened I don't hear it at all uh kelvin's making some kind of shelter I think uh uh it's a little close to the fire Kelvin that's fine no it's fine just don't just don't what am I doing right now I do not Kelvin that's kind of the wrong way buddy but I appreciate it no no no no no we're on to it what's this that's out of my range of hearing I cannot hear oh I see what you do whoa I know right I know right now we can all sleep under what oh wait wait I assume it was the floor what do you mean you thought it was a floor I thought you were building some elevated platforms I thought it was like a ham you were dumb God dang you were dumb in that thought not in general but in that thought okay now what do you see when you look at this we don't like the old days here no I'm sorry you going all day going observe a little bit of a of a accusal of misjudgment I didn't say you were dumb in general I said you were you were dumb in that moment so don't twist my words you deserve that what did you do nothing you'll find out one day whatever I'm going to sleep you guys are we all I'm going to bed I'm going to bed I'm so hungry I'm so thirsty yeah three of us apparently Kelvin doesn't count as people oh I should do I need to do that yeah get up but get in the tent oh okay hang on hang on apparently it's not a hammock no it's not a hammock hang on guys I'm building I'm creating I'm creating here we could see if it was oh okay what do I need to do sleep it's the exact same as the four oh wow oh son oh that's so nice man we got a little crazy last night I'd like to start fresh and just say you guys there's no one I'd rather be stranded on an island with if that hit my shelter it would have been War it would have been War wait I want you to know that oh it's warm it's War what does that mean it's War it's War now you know Mark I don't know what happened look Mark war look Mark War nope I just threw a rock at your shelter there we go look Market fixing it I'm fixing it it's not mine anymore stay away Mark I'm fixing it yeah you know you're like on the GPS right yeah well good luck finding me I see her right there I see you yeah okay oh yes wow okay very good I yes yes I found the entertainment bunker hey Mark I'm on top of you no you're not what is the was the entertainment bunker yeah wouldn't you like to know well you could tell a little holy family went in Calvin I'm pretty sure I said to follow me bud hey I'm hungry and thirsty Mark you got any food in there yeah there's food in here oh cool I'm coming hey can I come yeah [Music] I'm choosing to leave oh uh yeah Bob there's some food in there if you're hungry but not very good why what is what is what about this is the entertainment down here it's that whole ah bats hey Mark I don't like it ah wait what's happening I'm leaving I'm coming back I'm leaving I'm coming back Mark I'm very confused don't worry about it don't worry about it yeah just um the entertainment bunker yeah listen uh [ __ ] I think that we are uh at War uscorp outbid Sahara Therapeutics for remote island guys you don't think that there's any kind of like aliens or ghoul monsters on this island do you almost definitely not okay cool I found a lady what last night I don't know I I tried to kill her but she was unkillable why would you try to kill her what is wrong with you I don't know Wade found her I was jealous [Laughter] true you should have seen the first time you met Molly God that was the most like succinct example of of humanity wrapped up in one sentence I've never heard anything more profound [Music] oh
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,356,325
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sons of the forest, markiplier, the forest game, muyskerm, lordminion777, mark bob wade
Id: Yoka6NaT3H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 42sec (2322 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 24 2023
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