Why is my hair so long??

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Dude, Cody's hair looks good as fuck these days.

Straight keanu vibes

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/bananafeet12 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

cody we do be commenting

👍︎︎ 58 👤︎︎ u/girlygal39 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

The “WHY NOT” rant at 8:00 inspired me for a solid 20 mins thanks Cody.

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/rahulbali 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

speak your truth king ❤️

👍︎︎ 26 👤︎︎ u/chcolatebagel 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

cody with long hair is so damn sexy bruh

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/hg197 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Just here to keep Cody happy

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TheGiver36 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

i joined this god forsaken website just to follow this page and voice that cody’s hair looks better long

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/kelseysburner 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

These are great morning coffee vids.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/666 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cody!!! Don’t stress so much about the creative lul!

I know you haven’t been uploading the same “caliber” of content that you’re used to, but there’s a global pandemic out there & we just closed out a very exhausting election. You & the rest of us are feeling the same thing!

I think hearing you be so honest about where you’re at, what bothers you & taking feedback so well is super amazing to see as well! I feel like in these videos, we get to see a little more about who Cody Ko ACTUALLY is!

Do your thing & take your time. The last thing we would want as your fans is for you to burnout. Plus, your collabs you’ve been doing & Kelsey’s vlogs have been super entertaining to watch too. :)

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/princessrainbow29 📅︎︎ Nov 12 2020 🗫︎ replies
all right first things first shout out to uh shout out to liquid death the water company they saw i was wearing their hat and they sent me a whole bunch of [ __ ] including this giant cutout of a horrifying axe man i just know i set this up and i forgot that i set it up in here and so every time i walk in this studio here i freaked the [ __ ] out thinking that there's a psycho holding an axe ready to attack me so thanks liquid death i appreciate that was that was that the intention someone something about drinking water out of a can is weirdly satisfying i'm sure that's what you were going for but whatever okay we're back with another video where we go on the website that rhymes with credit said it gee no that's not it fed it would love to feed it if you know what i'm saying i'm hungry no i'm talking of course about reddit the site where uh we are kind of taking over honestly let's see let's see let's see where we're at kodiko 49 000 subscribers okay we're getting there we're getting i mean that was better than last time we were at like 47 last time so if we increase by about 2 000 every single time i do a reddit video which will be like what once a week it'll probably take like what 58 000 years to get to the level that pewdiepie is at but that's i mean i'm willing to wait okay first of all butter cake someone posted my butter cake episode with thomas aguero i did another episode of sweet tooth with him and that's on my instagram on the second this this [ __ ] channel it's literally the last video probably so uh go check that out if you want it's got six comments just a little bit better than last time and it's just about how they commented that's it it's just about hey hey just letting you know i commented just because you wanted us to so thank you cody are you happy yes i'm happy why do people think people think that my men like they're like from i read a commentary that was like oh wow cody's mental state is really deteriorating over the last two videos that's not true i feel great i feel great alright i feel [Music] great i feel great someone posted your first month with deezer here's a sneak peek of our first month together 1 398 the number of tracks you've listened to by tiny meat gang holy [ __ ] wow that's a lot of tracks also [ __ ] this is so funny because every time we release a new song with the label now which is twice they make us do these stupid liners where we have to record hey what's up it's the tiny meat gang and you're listening to our new track sophia on insert music service right and deezer is always one of them and we're like what the [ __ ] is deezer i've never heard this i've never heard of this in my entire life deezer you're telling me there's an actual site called deezer these are ridiculous tunes in your ears these are ridiculously small nuts in your mouth huh ever heard of that oh also by the way i get a lot of heat for not sorting by top of the week or what so i'll do that me when's the huge fight i had over text my fbi agents [ __ ] off damn it god damn it it's the exact same it's the [ __ ] same whatever makes sense though cause i'm rich as [ __ ] and so was that character remember her dad had a helicopter or whatever we were joking about so i got the rich woman bob [ __ ] man chloe sells her home star unloads her calabasas mension to lifestyle guru to lifestyle guru darman for 15.5 million dollars i saw that dude i just want to say big congrats to dar on this that's so much money for a house 15.5 million dollars how big is this thing 9300 square feet dude it was justin bieber's house and then it was khloe kardashian's house and now it's dar man's house wow three legends that's that's wild man he's doing good you're doing really good you've heard of the hype house but what about motivation mansion that's good ah here's inspiration institution encouragement estate nice mode of manner okay empathy emporium desire dwelling push palace that's a little weird that kind of sounds like it would be run by a porn company i remember one time where i was in miami and we were on a boat drive cruising down some canal or whatever canal i don't channel i don't know what the right word is but anyway someone pointed and said that's the bang bros house and i just remember thinking damn there could be people [ __ ] right inside those walls you know which there probably is just everywhere actually you could be walking down the street and you'd make the same observation damn there could be people having sex inside that house but the chances of it happening in a porn house is probably higher you know it makes you think just a little masterpiece i cooked up yes i know i'm a pro pro artist this is not good i'm it kind of is good actually you know what like bad art is good art because this there could be an entire animated show animated in this style and it would be good but you know if if you were to take a photo of me and put this next to this you'd probably be like those are completely different this looks like sid the sloth and i mean so do i but not this much me seven days into no nut november what are you thinking about i'm thinking about boobs all the time [Laughter] non-stop it's like boobs boobs boobs sometimes ass boobs back to boobs what why what's the point of november is it just so people feel like they're part of something for november what's the [ __ ] point why not just nut all the time is it to like is it to you know demonstrate self-control and to like it's kind of like sober october i guess the thing is nutting is not bad for you right alcohol and stuff is i mean maybe if you nut too much that could be bad for you but why do people do it i don't i don't understand it's just a big joke kind of feels like why does cody look more and more red like a redneck every time he uploads i know i look like wayne from wayne's world it's funny why not that's what i that's what i want to do with that's what i do is comedy why not look like a [ __ ] idiot while i'm doing it look okay here here's my explanation of the hair i'll just break it down for you okay this is this is why i have my hair like this okay i see a lot of comments on the main channel about my hair people say come on what you gotta cut it gotta cut it i just read some comment about how on here about how my content wait hold on i'll open it i can't figure out why i found his content so unenjoyable over the last few months at this point i blame it on the hair but i hadn't stopped to consider the possibility that's probably just because i'm in a you know i'm in a kind of a dry spell in terms of ideas and i have a lot of brain deals and it's just not a good combination those two things are an awful combination because then i'm like putting out content just so i can satisfy these [ __ ] contracts and then i feel like [ __ ] and then i don't want to make videos anymore because i feel like i'm not being genuine and i just it just goes through periods like this you know what i'm saying i'm not one of those people where it's just good all the time it's like i sometimes i'm on a hot streak sometimes i'm just bad that's the way this stuff goes and i'm just i'm still learning how to [ __ ] deal with that anyways the hair i'll tell you i told you i wanted to treat these like a podcast and i'm serious that's why i want to do these videos like once a week or something like that but the hair it's like why not you know why not if i die and i go man if i'm laying on my deathbed i don't want there to ever be a thought [ __ ] i wish i did that you know what i'm saying i want to do everything i want to try everything that's why i do try so many things and that's why i want i want to grow my hair long one time just to see [ __ ] it why not i know it looks ridiculous right but i'm also doing comedy so it's like why not just look ridiculous while you're doing comedy but people can't [ __ ] get past it it's like dude just it doesn't matter dude you know what i'm saying sorry i'm getting real heated right now i'm getting heated i'm actually not that passionate about people caring about my hair you can care about it you cannot but i just don't really understand it it's like you're watching me try to entertain you who gives a [ __ ] of what my hair looks like it could be pink it could be half people at the [ __ ] people's half the internet people's hair is pink for christ's sake so yeah anyways that's that's i just threw a whole bunch at you i'm just doing this [ __ ] because i can and because i might not have hair in five ten years and then i'm gonna be like [ __ ] i i wanted i at least at least i got to feel what it feels like to have long gorgeous luscious keanu reeves hair so shut the [ __ ] up about it i'm kidding i don't care that much but shut up shut the [ __ ] up but i'm kidding i don't really give a [ __ ] about it because i'm a cool guy but shut the [ __ ] up it hurts my feelings maybe my mental state is in jeopardy our collective obsession with cody's recent change in appearance is concerning this is what i'm talking about i mean i don't want to read this whole post but i guess thank you for thank you for posting that i really am not that sensitive i swear but i'm just i want to be open in these videos specifically and so i'm just like going to tell you how i'm thinking you know but that doesn't mean it that doesn't mean i'm like feeling super one way or another about anything it just means that this is what i'm thinking about right now you know what i'm saying i know my hair probably does look ridiculous but i don't mind it right now and as soon as i start minding it then i'm gonna change it but i'm not gonna change it for anybody else [ __ ] i made a [ __ ] reddit just to follow cody he's the only person i follow that's it that's the post let's go that's the type of energy we need on this subreddit there that's the end that's the end of top of the week this is the end this is the end right here this is the type of [ __ ] see this is why you should subscribe to this reddit because this is the type of hot content that you can expect from the people on this sub is this i had this as ass i love it that's me i'm printing that out i'm putting that on the shelf all right you know what let's just go to hot and just see if there's a couple more posts that we can review the new video is cody's magnum opus opus i don't know how [ __ ] don't this new video is cody's magnum opus is it office or opus [ __ ] i'm so stupid not counting videos with noel or kelsey cody is not a loser is the best video cody has done by himself in a long time thank you i i feel good about that when i do i feel good about that one finally finally you know what i'm saying this is what i was just talking about it's it's taking a long time sometimes these dry spells it's like maybe it's the location or [ __ ] it maybe it is the hair i don't know but i just haven't been feeling that funny or creative lately but that one felt good honestly r david dobrik 29.5 000 members yes suck it david that's what i'm talking about we got almost double that all right guys that's it for this one um i know there wasn't that much funny stuff on there today it kind of got more serious honestly i don't even know if i'm gonna [ __ ] post this or not i'm gonna watch it after it's edited and then be like oh man i really was in my feelings in this one but um maybe if i do post it then what's up nice to see you guys and subscribe to the reddit and if you like these videos i kind of feel like this is a good little uh i don't know i kind of feel like this is a good formula right you post stuff on the reddit you talk with each other and then i i look at it afterwards and comment on it and make fun of you or cry about the fact that you make fun of me [ __ ] that sounds like a pretty good video formula to me cheers all the best and happy thanksgiving by the way my birthday's coming up i better be receiving gifts okay cash straight to my venmo thank you [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Cody & Ko
Views: 862,155
Rating: 4.9836483 out of 5
Id: dhyhPA88ihk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 12 2020
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