Why Is Jerusalem So Significant? | Joe Rogan & Colin Quinn

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what were we just talking about uh Jerusalem and thees and the torture techniques so this book on Jerusalem like what I've thought about what is the name of it Jerusalem a uh a history or something I've thought about reading about it and I get anxiety I'm like the book The the just not not that particular book but about Israel and Palestine the but this book goes back to the be yeah this book is really I mean I just saw I've only read like the first couple of that it's amazing is it this book that's the one it's crazy and crazy place it's wild and it starts out you're like oh my God it started on the most bloody but somehow everybody knew it was significant even then like it was never this place that people weren't like they were always like no this is the place what do you think about that do you think does that make any sense what is there is there a place that's more holy than other places um you mean like Sedona yeah yeah like Sedona is a good one that's the good one for hippies right for hippie believe Sedona is like a sacred Place yeah well I always feel like there well even when I was just at the gig I was at the gig with um Kevin Fitzgerald it was in uh the where the shiny is in Colorado where they shot The Shining that hotel yeah and so they go it's haunted and I'm talking to the kid that works there and he goes listen he goes I didn't believe any of this [ __ ] he goes I've worked here for two years it's real he goes Lucy they knew the names of the ghost Lucy she's a redhead he goes I open the mirror when I'm here alone at 1 in the morning because it's kind of a really out of the way place you know yeah he goes this these he starts describing all these things that happened you're like oh God so I do believe this place is sure yeah I think there's there's something to some of it there has to be yeah what why are they willing to kill each other over one place CU they think God's coming to this one place like what do they know what it's it's so it's so important to them like how about love this book cuz this is exactly the point how about Mecca how about how many Muslims travel to Mecca and you're you're you're absolved of your sins yeah you go to Mecca you make the pilgrimage and they all go around and they're they're essentially walking around a meteor yeah it's a meteorite right is it yeah I think that's the center isn't that what it's the center of that box in Mecca I think that's what it is look at that wow I mean when also like how beautiful is that if you go there you probably really believe even I mean it probably even if it wasn't true would have that effect on you just psychologically going to this incredible location all these people and everybody's peaceful and nobody's talking about Medina nobody's talking about anything Mecca and Medina and they always talk about Mecca it's like Springsteen and John C Medina uh that's the other one the other one um so is it say there's a stone there the stone building but isn't there Google meteor or meteorite it's where the yeah it's where Muhammad first saw the uh thing right I think there's there's something to the um okay there it is oh there it is yes yeah the embedded Black Stone was a further symbol of this as a meteorite that had fallen from the sky and linked Heaven and Earth yeah it's crazy that they got one spot like they'll fight over that spot you can't have that spot they do that's oh yeah imagine if like the United States wanted to put a military base on that spot like no you got to take away your religious spot it's not real take away your spot that would be a real deal breaker that could be a deal breaker where's Medina oh there's Medina right next to it they just spelled it different I keep thinking about Tyler Perry's character media that's Mecca that's Medina and Medina was cool too oh yeah they always say Mecca and Medina oh really yeah I only heard Mecca I know because people pray to Mecca they don't pray to Medina but how come I think you have to go to both so is it like uh it's a major Islamic they they're really downgrading Medina I don't like this yeah the tombs are there the Tomb of the Prophet Muhammad and other leaders are at Medina is it like Simon and gar funcle that's that like one of them they just who everybody where's fle he was great go fle is great what happened he was great oh what happened yeah gar fugle those things happen although I'm sure they wouldn't of all the people to be compared to them don't think Simon and gar fuckle what they want to be compared to if you know what I mean I know what you mean I do know what you mean they say can you name somebody else please but I wonder what it's so specific about that area you know yeah no I think mohamed's from there or something MH yeah and then just and and also the areas in Israel the those these areas that are you know oh yeah the wall it's well that's this Jerusalem book is really getting into and I'm like oh my God just the early stuff that's happening there it is okay it's known as the site where the Prophet Muhammad received the command to change the direction of prayer to Mecca oh so that's where he learned it oh yeah it's a it's a weird time for religion for sure it's also a weird time for the Jews like I've never seen more anti-Semitism like openly yeah public and openly yeah than now yeah like just regular anti-Semitism not not even towards these particular Israelis that are bombing Gaza right just across the board yes as if some 24-year-old kid in New York is responsible for what's happening in Palestine right just cuz he has a star of David on yeah it's crazy it's crazy it's there the internet is also got a group it's got a group hysteria like a mob hysteria to it and then people are just like yeah yeah yeah and get out all your things on that 100% that's exactly what it is look at this whoa boom look how they're sliding all over the place I mean that is [ __ ] ice that guy can't stop his car look
Channel: University Of JRE
Views: 22,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JRE, Clips, Podcast, The Joe Rogan Experience
Id: 0wPc0Q718DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 29sec (389 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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