Joe Rogan Experience #2142 - Christopher Dunn

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Joe Rogan podcast check it out The Joe Rogan Experience Train by day Joe Rogan podcast by night all day all right thanks for doing this sir I appreciate it oh you're welcome I've enjoyed many of your videos online so uh I'm fascinated by these theories that you have and uh one so I'm excited I'm excited that you're here could you please uh first of all could you tell everybody what your background is like what did what did you start off doing professionally um I I started as an apprentice in a Engineering Company in Manchester England and uh and worked through the apprenticeship received my journeyman papers uh worked for a couple more years in England and then I was recruited by an aerospace company in America and uh immigrated to America and uh what did you for this Aerospace company well I started out as a a l Turner that was my specialty so a what a l Turner a lath Turner yeah yeah right so I was a lathe hand right so I I operated you know horizontal lathe vertical AES uh in England you know they had what they call them vertical boring Mills and uh in in the States you have to learn a different language right the the cultural differences between right so you pick up different uh terminologies for things like they call over here they call it a vertical turret lathe in England they call it a a vertical boring Mill and so you're working with machines and when did you come up with this theory about the pyramid well actually i' had been in the states for a while it was uh I came over in 1969 and uh in 1977 uh I picked up Peter Tomkins book secrets of the Great Pyramid and I started to examine uh that book and one of the things that Tomkins he asked a a very significant question in that book and he said does the Great Pyramid enshrine a lost science you know is the Great Pyramid a uh a product of that science does it reflect that science and I took that question very ser seriously and that question was in in my mind as as I read through the book and then I started to explore uh some of the references that he provided in the bibliography and one of them was the work of William fenders Petri uh and uh he described uh lathes being used in ancient Egypt he described very very large coring drills up to 18 in in diameter um and he also uh claimed that they were they were using circular saws when he's describing this like what what kind of metal would they be using well that's the thing um the the question really demands that you explore all methods uh that you are able to when you satisfy the historical record say the archaeological record and you say okay I'm going to try this well that's not going to work uh that won't work so we'll try this we'll we'll keep uh improving our methods and tools until we arrive at a solution to the to explaining the artifact M that that was the that's the important thing that's basically um the demands on a manufacturing engineer which I eventually became so you know if a customer comes in and they bring a part uh to the company and say I want you to make one just like this uh what does the what do we do well we have to know what this is and uh but and to do that you take measurements uh you determine materials how it was manufactured uh you look for Tool marks to see what processes may have been involved in it uh whether there were dyes uh whether there's Machining marks in areas um you look at the welds uh did they weld some parts did they braze other parts and then of course the geometries um and basically that's your model that's say okay I've got to make something just like this right but when you're making some like if you're looking at say uh some of the stone work that was done in the pyramid where there's not in the pyramid but in some of the quaries where you see these core drill holes right like how would you reverse engineer that like how would you figure out what could possibly do that well that's the interesting question uh and uh it's a uh it's one that's been a huge de going on about that and it it really goes back to 1984 uh and I published an article called Advanced Machining in ancient Egypt question mark and it was published in analog science fiction science fact magazine in August of 1984 so you've been at this a long time it's was that before you were B I was in high school yeah you were yeah I was a junior in high school I wasn't so um it was uh and you know Stanley Schmid Dr Stan who's the editor of analog a very respected editor selected it for publication and we went through you know the editorial processes suggested changes and stuff like that and um and then it was it went out and so what did you when you look at like the core the drill holes so the the vases are another like very fascinating and real gigantic mystery as to how those were constructed and we'll talk about those as well is that what it looks like that's a model of one um and but the the core holes itself I had we had a debate recently with Graham Hancock and Flint Dibble and one of the things that Dibble had suggested was that they had done something with sand and that that was how they were able to do this with copper and sand and they were able to real does that make sense to you well I mean I've heard that M that theory about how they were done and I know that there has been work done to prove that that theory is is the correct one uh but Central to explaining at the actual core uh the if if you go back and you read Petri he described a spiral Groove around a granite core and uh he said that it had a like a pitch of 100,000s per revolution of the drill and so that's what I was going on uh when I claimed well what kind of a process uh would you need to can I can I stop you there when you say a pitch of a thousandth per yeah for every revolution of the drill mhm it sinks into the gr at 100,000 sub an inch okay so because of that you know that this thing has to be operating at a certain speed not necessarily rotational speed but the penetration rate so which each with each rotation it will go how long how far 100,000 of an inch which is almost 1/8 of an inch so that's pretty impressive when you're talking about solid Granite correct yeah um and that probably wouldn't be possible with copper and sand no it seems like sand and copper just are not abrasive enough no I I uh I contacted a company that specialized in drilling granite and I asked them how many how what is the feed rate that 100,000 of an inch would be the feed rate MH of the drill what is the feed rate of your drills when you're drilling into granite and uh I got a response from him and he said uh generally you know uh our drills they're Diamond they we they rotate around 900 revolutions per minute and the penetration rate is about 2/10 of an inch uh per Revolution so two10 of an 21,000 of an inch per Revolution oh 21,000 21,000 I'm sorry yeah I misspoke so uh 21,000 of an inch is like 500 times smaller than 100,000 of wow so these drills that they used in Egypt were capable of drilling with each Revolution 500 times more than modern Diamond drills that were used by people who cut in Granite that penetration rate yeah was 500 times greater so it might have been operating a slower Revolution but when it's going through its full Revolution it's much more effective that's what I that's what I concluded in in now this sorry but is this in multiple different drill holes or is it one individual sample that they found that seems to operate at this depth per Revolution they have been uh inspections on several different CES and have they all yielded similar results and they have they have all revealed that the uh the groove is a spiral in other words it's a continuous spiral around the core uh the more most recent examination of the those cores uh was in 2018 by two aerospace engineers Eric Wilson and uh Josh gear and they um asked the Petri museum in London permission to examine the the cuse in their collection the Petri core number seven which is the most famous core and the one that has drawn the most heated kind of debate about can we see what that looks like Jimmie can you find that one pet Petri core number seven it's on that uh yeah cuz this to me and the vases obviously and of course the construction the pyramid itself right um there also the syet symmetry of the faces right there's so many things that are so mindblowing about whatever they did and how they did it it's it's I mean forget about all the Mysteries right just what we know in terms of okay so these are these are these two two core samples these are these two cores they're not no they're the same one uh and they're from Lost Technologies of ancient Egypt and essentially uh what happened was the uh there was a book written I think it was in 1999 it was by uh uh Chris olov heral and Ian Lawson and they it's called geese of the truth and so what they did is they had contacted or they had a asses that went into the Peter Museum and examined the core to see if it was actually a spiral so they took photographs of it and they examined this and they examined those photographs and they said no they're horizontal now there's a big difference when you talk about a horizontal groove right uh and a spiral Groove and so I was like okay uh I suspend all assertions as far as the the methods that I proposed for how it may have been done uh I need to go and examine that item myself and so I booked a flight to England and uh I uh a friend of mine in Cambridge uh picked me up at the airport Nick Annis and we uh went to the pracher museum and I examined the core the uh the method I used was to just wrap a simple cotton thread around it so you just followed the groove with the thread with the thread but I was wearing uh uh rubber gloves well yes I was wearing rubber gloves but I was also wearing a a visor with uh lenses in it that gave 10 times really see where the grooves are yeah you you would find you would find uh find those items in any tool toolmaker bar so if the lines were horizontal you would go around in a circle then you'd have to cross over the ridge to hit to the next Circle yeah but in this case it was continuous no you know I mean it was continuous right so it's so how did they miss that that seems like this is such an important piece of History such a fascinating thing to examine look at this mystery you have this Granite core how do they do it there's lines on it are they horizontal or they spiral and then they just go oh it's horizontal with and then you come along with ring and you're like no it's a spiral right like how did how does someone screw that up yes I mean they would say uh that I screwed it up obviously but the thing is Joe is that you know when you're conducting research anybody whether you're a scientist or just a you know Joe Blow In The Tool Room uh and you are you say okay this is what I found and these are the methods I used M and these are the results okay right so you said you describe desribe your experiment and you lay it out and you explain in detail how you did it wouldn't with today's technology wouldn't it be really easy to scan it well it is now yeah obvious and then they would so have they done that have they definitively proven one way or the other there I don't think there is a really highquality scan that uh uh would be necessary I mean I've learned a little bit about scanning uh it was just being introduced into manufactur ing uh when I retired just just before I retired we uh we started to uh look into it and we bought this white light scanning uh system but that now uh this the systems now are so Advanced the systems now ahead and you you would feed it through Ai and it would tell you exactly well you yeah I mean you basically you would uh you could you could slice it dice it examine it any way wish but you need to have qualified people to do it not not anybody with with that's not qualified could examine that right so either way this these cores and those drill holes represent something Sensational something absolutely amazing some some 4,000 500y old drill that somehow or another was more effective than drills that are being used today yeah but you know the you know the truth of the matter though Joe what it's probably I wish you I wish you could just tell me and then we' know so many Mysteries it's probably the most insignificant artifact I've looked at I I'm I'm sure you looked at so much in Egypt I mean but to me it it's it it's like a corner piece oh people are freaking out over it how could you how dare you well I'm sure because it throws everything into flux cuz how did they the the assumption is they did this through intense labor over long periods of time and it took forever to do right and if they're operating at a pace that's 500 times more effective than a drill that's used by a modern but have you talked to other people that go into Granite are there more sophisticated drills that work better or more more powerful drills that work better than his you know you know the the thing is in uh in manufacturing and and this is this is a this is a fact uh you don't know the full scope of what Engineers are capable of doing right because you're not you're not in every shop in every country in every town in the world and so nobody nobody knows exactly what what all Engineers are capable of uh there may be somebody actually reproducing the features on that on that course somewhere using using some method right you just don't know but from the person that you talk to that does it professionally that uses high level equipment his drill was 500 times less effective it was the feed rate wasow was less the the revolution could have been more I mean you said it earlier he said could it be a been rotating slowly right it didn't have to spin very fast in fact it's better uh when you're Machining hard material grinding hard material is that you don't because heat heat is the biggest enemy of a tool oh that makes sense yeah that makes sense yeah yeah okay so what do you think if you had to guess that they were using uh I had I actually created my own core just to just to experiment right and I learned a lot doing it I didn't use the same method as uh some of the other researchers that are out there that did it uh I I had a copper tube and I had corundum uh what's corundum oh it's say a very very hard grit that you use to uh grind into hard material so the copper tube would be flat at the bottom and then You' put the grit in the grit would act as right right and so you'd rotate it rotate it and rotate it and you know I set up a Jer and tube and uh just ground it ground it ground it ground it just so that I could see the the results of of that um for one thing they say that copper is was the only metal that was available to the ancient Egyptians but when it came to knocking out the core from the Hole uh I tried copper and it wouldn't budget so I had to use a steel chisel is it possible that they use something else like heat you know I I'm actually leaning more towards that because of the uh the difference of in the Finish like if they poured Bo boiling water in it or something would that loosen things I don't think water would be it but the uh if you compare the difference in the finish I'm sorry what did you yeah yeah that is that I don't think has been discuss discussed enough are uh recognized to be important enough is that when you use an abrasive like sand or like Emory or anything uh to grind out a hole or or do whatever you leave a sanded finish naturally polished not polished sanded sanded smoother is that what you mean it could be smooth but it's definitely got a sanded finish and what is the difference between a sanded finish and the finish of a diamond bit uh well we don't we don't know if they were using the diamond bit but that's that's what they do today right that's what they do today so what is the difference between a sanded finish well uh and well you you still have the same thing you're using an abrasive right uh you keeping the the abrasive as cool as possible as you're as you're grinding away but you're still grinding it and so your finishes is not going to be polished unless you have a secondary process where you go in and polish it with a finer finer grip you don't start with the very very fine grip because you won't get anywhere with it let's take a look at some of those holes Jimmie can you show us some of those holes the drill holes in Granite and ancient Egypt so here we could see right here which is absolutely wild some of these images I mean that is absolutely wild right I mean how the hell did they do that well that that's what just about this is like an engineers's playground over there they they go through there right and you for as an engineer you must be just like scratching your head yeah yeah fascinating stuff yeah definitely Jamie click on that yeah there we go that's a good one I mean that one's wild that is just absolutely crazy that is at uh looks like it's at abigor up and it's in an alabaster have you ever measured the circumference of these things no have you measured the diameters have you measured the whether or not they're equal circles well they are definitely round for perfect perfectly round I wouldn't say perfect no so absolutely you can't say perfect no such thing is perfect right but but they around close enough to and so this these wow look at that that is amazing so these Circ circular holes were definitely cut by some kind of a drill that's agreed upon yeah okay yeah so if you couldn't do it with the copper like when you tried to do it with copper how how long did it take and how much how much results did you get look at those circular marks man that is crazy there's a few days that spiral right there is absolutely nuts mhm I mean it just clearly looks like a drill hole Yeah I think that's my photograph actually is it I took that one so how long did it take you to drill a hole uh probably uh day and a half two days day and a half two days and how deep was the hole they the hole was probably uh 2 in 2 and a half in deep well that seems like it's doable then right if you could just keep doing it day after day week after week you'd get a big core yeah and that I mean I mean and that's basically the uh what everybody concludes uh the egyptologists will conclude that they had all the Time in the World to to do these things but wasn't uh the Pyramid of Giza the Great Pyramid wasn't that supposed to be completed inside of 30 years in that the hypothesis I've heard anything between 10 years and 100 years yeah yeah I nobody know they don't it's just guesswork right yeah I mean there's uh what is it 2,300,000 Stones right and the heaviest ones in the base like what what are the heaviest ones well the ones that we know of in the Great Pyramid uh way up to 70 tons and those are the the kber the granite ones in the king's chamber yeah so so there's that um so there's the the the drill holes which are just absolutely fascinating and then this Pottery we'll talk about before we get to the whole uh what you think the pyramid is so the pottery like these vases that you're I shouldn't say Pottery no they're not pot I'm wrong um they're they're actually solid carved and they're carved out of very hard Stone right what is it they're carved out of oh Granite diorite Granite diorite and um IGN Rock mhm and the crazy thing is how well they're done and if you show it could you pick that thing up to show everybody the crazy thing is that it's not only perfectly symmetrical again don't used to wear perfect right cuz it's within what what width of a human hair well you got uh it's some crazy yeah like two and a half thousands or something like that two and a half thousand of a human have you ever used one of these yes I have all right so measure measure the lip there right see that yes sir measure that and then turn it 90° and measure it tell me what you get is not a real one you wouldn't be letting me hold it no that that is actually a 3D print right a 3D print from from the STL right but it's not a real one no obviously not but it's a it's a copy of the original and so so basically so I'm measuring it here and then I'm going to measure it here so it's essentially exactly the same everywhere right is that the idea it's within about a th th and a half it's got a little bit of a chip in the the top well you don't yeah cuz that's how it was right don't measure that and so it's perfect in except up to what percentage of human hair again I would say in shop talk it's perfect in shop talk it's perfect yeah but the uh but it's um yeah a human hair two and a half th three so this is how you you measured it all with this this equipment well this was a diff this was but the thing is it's like you couldn't spin this on a potter's wheel this is what's this is where it gets really crazy because of these handles right now these handles are also carved into the vase and you people would say what's the big deal about a vase the the big deal is these goddamn handles that's a big deal because even if you just slowly and meticulously with the finest of craftsmanship spun this to a perfect accuracy just with like high grit sandpaper people you know were slowly over time made it perfectly round and you got so good at it that you get it within how much of a human air again about a human hair two and a half though okay let's say it's a human hair which is pretty small how the hell are you going to do these handles how you going to make these perfect too there's another question that you need to ask too how do you get the inside out no what how do you measure it to be ass sure that you're within that human hair right what kind of equipment are you use what what kind of instruments do you use yeah it seems like this would be a problem like I don't think they had this and if they did have this they didn't have this part how do you know I don't know I'm guessing I don't know either no no but we thinking about what they had we're not thinking about things like this but we don't we really don't know obviously we don't know if we we can't locate that drill if you can't locate that drill like the drill's real the hole's real if you can't locate an ancient Egyptian drill so there's a bunch of pieces of pottery yeah and all of them have the same sort of similar measurement to them in terms of um their perfection uh actually some of them there's one I think it's uh more more precise than the than that one really the original yeah they call it the spinner I think it's that one at the front there and uh we uh rotated that on the radab uh at dville metal stamping and the we staged it so that we were checking concentricity or run out all around so we put an indicator in various places and then spun the rotary table to uh to check the run out and that thing that one spin blew me away you know when you have a uh when you're measuring a diameter right just a straight diameter and you're checking the run out on a straight diameter and you know you have it okay that's within 2000s uh you only have that one axis that is a actually affecting the movement of that indicator that you're using on a on this bowl when you're on the the side of it on the crown not right to the top but just below it you're at a place where the movement in two axes two axes is affecting the indicator reading so any error that you have vertically or or horizontally they meet at the top yeah it's going to it's you're going to get an accumulation of of uh error in run out and how accurate was that one the spinner um there probably within a th and a half a th what does that mean a thousand well about half the thickness of a human hair half the thickness of a human hair and one of the the vases that's incredibly impressive is there's one with a longer neck and a lip on the top and then it bowls out of the bottom yeah and it's again all carved out of granite somehow right right and how how what did they do to do that well that's that's the thing I think we see there's there's some other ones Jamie there's one of them that has like a longer neck see if you can find it online maybe yeah that that that seems we seems to be uh stuck in a Time Walk where uh we're we're trying to come to terms with how the pyramids were built with how all these artifacts were built and oh okay that's a nice p cup can I keep this yes sir it's all yours cheers cheers mate for being here right so continue so we're lost in history so yeah I mean so we have competing forces we've got on one side you have uh practical Engineers practical scientists and they want to they want to measure everything exactly and regardless of what current theories uh prescribe how they were made they want to explore other methods however on the other side on the side of scient engine I mean not Engineers archaeologists or egyptologists uh they they believe that if you're examining an ancient artifact and you're a modern engineer that you have to work under the guidance of an archaeologist or an egyptologist otherwise your work is not would not be recognized that's weird and that's and that is happening I mean that's a fact and they admit it um so that is that is the situ it's a I think it's a systemic problem because it is certainly not a uh a way to uh do science well and also so they're not educated in those disciplines supposedly well Bingo yes I mean abely they wouldn't be able to understand what's required to do that now what the conventional explanation being some sort of copper and sand if that's the conventional explanation there's no evidence of any copper drills correct um if you go to the um Cairo Museum they have a I think there's a tube that they describe small tube that they describe as a uh but nothing that can carve those large holes out of ground yeah they they're just going on the assumption that only copper existed during that period And so that was the metal that was available to them that was the metal that the tubes that they have in the museum are these tubes authentic tubes that were used on the site for something um I I would have to go back and uh refresh my memory on that because it was quite a while before I looked at it but the point is like they don't you know like they have a replica of an ancient boat they know they boats they know what the boats looked like they don't have the actual drill so whether it's something exotic that we didn't know that they had capability to create or whether it's what they think it is neither one of those exist they don't exist okay no no I mean nothing exists everything right now is Theory okay and so we we're stuck in a bit of a Time Walk and we we're stuck that it's between two disciplines so what is the reluctance of the archaeologist to accept the findings of the engineers if the goal is the truth so if the goal is to figure out instead of just having assumptions that you're going to cling to as Dogma as to what was done wouldn't the goal be let's find out what the truth is what's capable of doing this if they talk to enough engineers and especially enough people that actually carve into Granite right then you would get an understanding of what we know today this is the only thing that can do this this is how it's possible yeah and then you would try and reproduce the artifacts that the ancient Egyptians produced right and then compare the results right that's why you have to do you have to so the reluctance is they don't believe that the Egyptians had any more advanced technology than what we assumed they had which is pulleys and ropes and copper tools and sand and the like yeah one would one would assume that you'd have to ask an egyptologist and you may get a different answer depending on who you ask I'm sure I'm sure there's probably a lot more open-minded people coming up now well yes particularly at Egypt yeah yeah there's a there's a tremendous uh kind of quiet Revolution going on in Egypt because uh I you you go where you feel like you're going to be well welcome you know if you're not welcome somewhere you find someone so when I was uh when I put my work out and I was talking to people in the '90s on message boards and I could see that you know I wasn't getting anywhere there and I thought well okay uh who has the most to gain and who has the most to lose by opening this up and exposing everything right and getting it out in the open who has the most to gain if they come down on my side and who has the most to lose and obviously those who have the most to lose are the Western institutions who have written the history of the world and written the history of Egypt and so I decided Well I have to appeal to Egyptian engineers and so in my second book lost Technologies of ancient Egypt I appeal I put out a challenge to uh modern Egyptian Engineers to go and check the the artifacts for themselves and that's what they did one man uh one engineer I don't know how many other Engineers were involved but I also I'm talking to egyptologist to guides and um and the message I'm getting is that the uh the Pyramid of Tomb theory is pretty much on the way out um the young people are being energized and looking at their artifacts in a different way so the engineer that I that took up the challenge is uh it's called Ahmed adley and uh um he uh he followed my path he uh went into the serapium and checked those huge Granite boxes he did a study of the statues he uh he presented the Giza power plant Theory to a physicist at Cairo University and and it's like wow times are changing so the Egyptian youth are taking a hold of the the Reigns and they are and they're excited about their future you know just recently there was a um there was a uh it's like a stem class it was put on by n American University and it was held at uh the grand Egyptian Museum and there were over 200 students that took place and the uh the the the professors and and teachers of these students uh got Ahmed adley involved to design experiments to talk about pyramids as uh energy sources talk about the statues symmetry design projects that the kids could um could do and even even to the point of um taking a a slab of copper and and trying trying to cut a brick using the old method just so that they could get a Hands-On feel for uh what what it was like it's all it's all very well to sit at home in your armchair and come up with a theory but you know if you don't go out and test it then you know you know you or you just going to buy it rote that right okay okay a respected respected Professor tells me that this this was done with copper copper chisels or copper slabs and well if he he says it then he's got to be right because that's what he's paid for he's paid to uh teach the truth what is the oldest known iron that we are aware of oh in terms of uh steel yeah that's that's a little outside my wheelhouse I I don't know I I won't be able to answer that accurately right but they don't think that the Egyptians had it well um there was metal iron found in the Great Pyramid there was yeah um I think it was Duran P Peter's time a engineer called par discovered an iron plate that was lodged near the U near one of the shafts wasn't there also didn't one of the Pharaohs have a dagger that was made from a meteorite supposedly yeah meteoric iron yeah okay so so how old is that I I don't know and and really when you talk about when you talk about the smelting of iron you know I mean I think you had that discussion on with your uh um when when Graham and uh did we talk about that Jamie like when yeah smelting being that could have been though but let's find out what what is the conventional uh date that they use today for the smelting of iron when they start doing that I think what the discussion was the U the appearance of lead in the uh in these ice cores that were that were drilled oh that's right right right right industrial activity basically what they were looking for so 1200 BC okay the history of far how do you say that word ferris ferris Metallurgy began far back in prehistory most likely with the use of iron from meteors ah there you go the smelting of iron bloomeries is that it bloomeries what you say began in the 12th century BC in India uh Anatolia or the caucuses iron use in smelting and forging for tools appeared in subsaharan Africa by 1200 BC so it could be that um these pharaohs that the one that had the iron dagger made out of a meteorite maybe that was later yeah absolutely yeah Tut ton Comet okay so for sure it was look at that meteoric iron dagger wow so that's 1334 to 1325 BC interesting mhm well that's earlier that's earlier than they said people were smelting yeah but they found it they don't know when they made it yeah but that's that's different right but that but if it's two ton common that's his time yeah yeah but that iron came from out of space right but so they could have hammered it into that position so they didn't have to smelt it much um so we know they're aware of it at least at least at this at 1300 BC we know they're aware of iron but there's just no uh evidence of tools yeah I mean I I can't I wouldn't I wouldn't I don't know if they knew what the Metallurgy of the these materials that they found but uh yet they had a material that they could shape and they shaped it into a dagger but we don't know if they shaped it into tools or shaped it into some other things he says that the iron plate right here says it was unlikely that it was a byproduct of copper smelting operations is badly corroded the outer layer of the iron have been badly corroded now forms banded iron oxide significant proportions of gold were found in one of the oxidized layers and the plate May originally have been goldplated new data coupled with the original archaological information strongly suggest the iron plate is contemporary with the building of the pyramid and that it is therefore one of the oldest known pieces of iron yeah I think Petri uh described it as having uh numales that uh had somehow been deposited on the surface so so at least that's some evidence of iron in Great Pyramid but you know as far as what iron was it smelted right you know that's the question did they have the capability of doing that and when right and when right right so so so it's just pure speculation as to what they use for the core what is the conventional thought as to how they made these vasas um I mean there are there are demonstrations of uh crafting ancient ancient VES uh but I think um this this recent research and the discovery of the Precision of them which had always been a question mark until just recently know people were going would go through the Cairo Museum or you know in a uh any Museum in the world and they' see these beautiful finally crafted uh artifacts made out of Ignus Rock and they look extraordinarily precise and I've done that the same the same I mean I look at them and I like wow I'd like to get one of those in my shop and uh just check it out you know qu Quality Inspection and and so for years that was that was a for me it was like always a question I love to know how precise those phases are and uh then in 2018 uh an own the owner of that original vase Adam Young um he came on the tour and he befriended my son Alex and they were talking about the U the phases and Alex was a Quality Inspector quality engineer at the company that I worked at since he he worked at uh another company in Indianapolis and now I think he's he's a working in the Metrology Lab at at Rolls-Royce in Indianapolis and so he's like well we should scan them or or do a do an inspection on So Adam brought his V down to Indianapolis and uh to where Alex was working and he got permission from the managers at the shop to do an inspection of them and it seems like you know you talk to people shop people right people who are actually out there every day making Quality Parts that people people's lives depend on you know if you fly on an airplane and you and I told one of the there's another owner of vas he's got a lot of them and I told him I you know I said you know you're carrying in your hand an artifact that is more precise than some of the parts that were installed in the engine that was on the plane that you flew in that's crazy he's going and he's like wow okay I mean that's where you bring it home and so all these guys who are making these artifacts right and they're held to exacting standards every day they can't slip up they can't make mistakes you know there's no fudging or faking anything otherwise you'd be out on your a or people would be falling out the skies right so that's for those parts and these artifacts were more precise than that which is just insan well not all of them I mean there are Parts in an air in an airplane engine or engine that are are more precise I mean or features features of the parts are more more precise and and that's where and can I could I I want to explain something here because I I think it's a very very important point and it has confused a lot of people it really confused a lot of people the uh a part any part that you you have you know whether it's a something for your car you know say a uh a crankshaft or something like that right you take a crankshaft it's got very precise uh features on it and then there are features that are not so precise because it's they don't need to be it all depends on what the the customer requirements are so they don't they don't build Precision or or or require Precision in a product where it's not needed that's just that just waste of time it just makes it more expensive but now you have you know people who are looking at some of these artifacts like the boxes in the cpum and they're finding uh imprecise areas of the boxes um the photograph for me inside one of those boxes with a with a a tool maker Precision Square I mean there's nothing nothing simpler right you take a square you stick it out and you look you check MH check to see if the if it's Square the surface is flat is it Square yeah that's fine and now you got guys going up around on the outside of the box and finding inaccuracies uh some areas inside boxes that's have inaccuracies and now they're calling me a liar they're saying that I faked and for measurements right it's like uh I don't know the cancel culture they want to so get away from what is their their beef like you used a square yeah and you measured things and you found them to be precise and I said holy look at this and what are they using uh before before what equipment are they using that's showing that your equipment that what your measurements are were inaccurate uh they are not they don't they don't go to the area and show that the area that I was checking is imprecise they will find uh some other area that is less precise point to that oh and and lead the viewer to believe that that defines everything right so everything is not precise but much of it is yes okay yeah and the areas that aren't necessary to be precise like the outside of the box are not as precise as the inside is that what you're saying they don't have to be right they don't have to be right so when it comes to Precision like the the Precision of the faces for instance yeah um and some of the sculptures right what what is the conventional explanation for how precise they are because these are massive faces that were supposedly carved by hand but the accuracy on either side of the face is so phenomenal yeah like bizarrely so like how accurate well uh exactly um we don't know but I mean as far as the uh the methods that I used which are is like uh 2D photography MH and then comparing features in in the computer for symmetry uh you know and some geometric features uh nobody had done that before and and so I I come along you know I said wow this is actually it kind of hit me it was in the first time I went to Egypt and I was at Sakara and I was looking down the length of the the statue of Ramsay's at the open air museum there and they said well those the nostrils are extraordinarily uh symmetrical I mean they match right most people's nostrils are different if you look at them and and so the uh yeah that's my photograph that's there's the measurements right on each side they're exact yeah they're exact as exact as I could make them but you know I I I qualify um the work that I did by saying th these this is not the final answer there there needs to be uh more sophisticated measurements taken more accurate uh measurements taken they need to be scanned and uh and then they need to be analyzed where you have a precise scan where you're not you know you're not trusting uh your eyes you're you're actually trusting you know the tried and true develop M of uh uh laser scanners but at the very least the amount of symmetry that exists in these massive statues is spectacular it's mindblowing I I I can't I can't even express it it's absolutely mindblowing you you look at the one with the how large are these that we're talking about um well the the one that I I measured was uh the first one was at the Luxor Museum and it's out outside I would say it's probably what 4T or something uh but there's very large ones too right just the fa like the face and the headdress um there there are larger ones yes the uh I think the one that the that that was taken from the ramum uh and is now in the British museum was a a large uh statue how big was that uh I think well they say that the statues the statues at the ramum way up to thousand tons I'm not sure but they're really big really big a thousand tons look at that well I I w't well I want want to say yeah 1,00 tons but I would say they were extremely heavy now what is the conventional speculation as to how the Symmetry was achieved um I've heard uh different ideas where you take a a mirror and then you kind of match it to you know when you it guides your hand and another one where you you you take a pointer and you set a depth and then you transfer that from one side to the other uh and those are you know I mean I I I I don't know anybody who is a you know precision manufact CER who would accept such an explanation um and and really at the end of the day you have to say okay well show me and uh we'll match you know if show me and uh we'll uh check yours and compare it to the original that's the only way to solve the problem and so this is just one example of one of the mindblowing Mysteries involved in this culture that they had some kind of capability of not just doing that and not just making the vases but also making the pyramids themselves which which are Beyond Comprehension it's huge I mean you know the thing is is that you have I I don't think I wouldn't say not all Engineers think alike right but uh I don't I've never been with an engineer who has uh examined this this subject and been to Egypt uh that is not absolutely Blown Away by what they're seeing and it and and I saying no no you can't do it by hand you can't hold those kind of tolerances by hand you look at the Ramsey statue and you look at the Symmetry it's not two-dimensional symmetry I mean I was just measuring a two-dimensional photograph it's not two-dimensional it's three-dimensional so that radius that you see going around the jawline is moving in three axes right XYZ mhm and you're still coming up with a radius perfect radius crazy nuts yeah um and so now let's go to the pyramid itself so you have a very fascinating hypothesis as to what the pyramid or Theory as to what the pyramid actually was and um it's based on where the supposed King's chamber is where those passages go through into it and what do you think that thing was uh well my first book pretty much describes what I thought it was uh in 1998 which was a power plant the book is entitled the Giza power plant uh my second book uh is evolved and U and I describe it as an electron Harvester so you know it's kind of like you could describe it as both but in uh and today uh when you do or you know people any in any any decade they think of a power plant and then they see these huge chimneys with you know Smoke Stacks or new plant yeah or a new plant you know or power plant dirty nasty unclean mhm uh but an electron Harvester clean pollution free not a problem has that been achieved conventionally I mean today is there a thing called an electron Harvester I I think that actually when you look at a generator that's an electron Harvester because we don't create electrons we just Harvest them it's just how we do it and and so you know when it when you say an uh electron harvested you could you could say that you know uh say a wind gen you have a windmill you have a generator inside it and then you're collecting electrons off the commutator in a generator and that's where the electricity comes from and that's where that's your electricity right or hydroelectric you doce the flow of the water yeah you don't you don't create the you just uh release them you harvest it from a process you harvest them through a process and the process that you think they use in the Great Pyramid involve those shafts it involves a lot of things yeah it's not just one single thing it's a system not not a single thing so when you look we show a photo of that do we have a photo of uh the pyramids and the shafts and where the king's chamber is where you I know you've described this before MH do you have a photo of I do it's uh it's in the uh I was trying to figure out which one you want okay this is perfect this works so works so uh these names the king's chamber and the Queen's chamber you don't think that that's actually a king's chamber or Queen's chamber you think it's something else well out of respect to the Egyptians I uh what they say call them yeah but I do have a different uh terminology for them as they function now the initial surface of the Great Pyramid is covered in smooth Limestone right so it's polished and shiny and apparently it would collect insane amounts of light the uh well the outer surface of the the Great Pyramid mostly is missing and uh but it it has been described as if it if it was finished and and depending on the Polish that it received yeah it could it could reflect a lot of light um the uh do you think that that had something to do with the design of this power plant I don't think I don't there I don't think there's any part of that pyramid that did not have did not serve a practical function okay so so this is the image that you have here and what this image shows us is the King's chamber the the various shafts the southern shaft the northern shaft and these shafts have been described as portals to stars because people have looked up through there and you go through the shaft you see stars but what you're saying is something entirely different what do you think these shaft were four well I think they serve two different purposes uh actually four different purposes if you will because um in the uh the theory that I propose which is I don't know it's a speculation or theor well it the whole process is kind of like a humoristic uh process where you're grabbing information you moving here you doesn't matter what what Source you you you get you're getting it from right because when you are looking for answers you know you look everywhere you try and find you know you look everywhere so when I was going through the uh the process of like trying to figure it out I was collecting information from every the uh and one of you know for the sou for the southern shaft and the northern shaft of the Queen's chamber that was a huge mystery to me and uh I and I tried to to fit it into the what were they doing I mean if you look at the details the facts of their design and what the ancient Egyptians were doing why they design them that way you have two conduits coming into a chamber but they're not connected to the chamber and uh we didn't even know they existed until 1872 for Wayman Dixon can you show me that image again please so they're coming into the chamber but they don't enter into the chamber so they stop their original their original design had the the the shafts ending five in before coming into the chamber so you had like five inches of limestone that was that was left in the block so did someone remove that Limestone yes uh why did they do that Wayman di because they were examining the chamber and they were poking around and uh Wayman Dixon it is reported so the legend goes uh noticed a crack in the wall and so he took a rod and pushed it through the crack and the rod he didn't me any resistors it kept going so he U had his uh work a worker come in Bill Grande with a hammer and chisel and say chisel chisel the Limestone around there people are stupid so well they they didn't yeah they didn't have ultrasonic thickness to no but still God damn to have the arrogance to go and chip away at the pyramid because curious look at how you know I I I I don't care for revisionist historians because you know you have to consider what people were doing their mindset in the day and then you I I try to look at the on the bright side right it's like I don't look at it as a negative thing because if somebody hadn't opened up those shfs we wouldn't know about them right and uh and it's same with the same with the the chambers above the king's chamber without Howard howardv and his uh military Expedition blasting his way up into the pyramid we would we wouldn't know about them either you won't be a I mean there's a lot there I think there's a lot there right now and it's been investigated now uh but there's things that have been revealed through scanning like mu muography the MU the scam pyramid project and they found that large void above the grand Gallery right and so you know which is larger than the king's chamber correct uh it's longer than the king's chamber yeah and so so that that's not even represented here on this it's about the size of the cabin on a a Boeing 707 wow so if these shafts came through and then they met Limestone at the end what do you think was going on um in order to answer that question uh I had to look at the rest of the the pyramid okay what was it doing and uh how was it functioning and so one of the keyy pieces of evidence uh that I used to propose a process that was going on is the northern shaft and the northern shaft uh uh has dimensions and and has an appearance uh that is similar to a wave guide that you would use for microwaves and the dimensions of it uh would be would be approximate the wavelength of hydrogen so what explain a wave guide how does that work yeah it's like a wave guide is the to transmit W microwaves uh electromagnetic energy you know in the microwave region and it uh it is uh passed more efficiently through a like a tube or wave guide and that's what they use I mean that's they're very complicated uh systems you know and so how did this represent in your mind what a wave guide looks like actually you know the uh the idea of a wave guide came to me from a guy uh we were talk we were talking about the the pyramids and I I was I carry I used to carry a you know schematic of the Great Pyramid in my back pocket and I meet an engineer and I go hey hey come here start going through so what do you think about this because you know I was like I was looking for answers suggestions brainstorming anything right and and he's like so any these these these shafts right here and he looks at it and he was into Electronics electronic engineering and he's like hm they look like wave guys to me and I thought well that's interesting uh they look like wave guides okay what if they are wave guides how did they function I mean what what would they use for what were they using Wave guides for in you know ancient Egypt and uh and so I started to go down that Rabbit Hole uh and that led me to the Queen's chamber I say okay wave guides uh you need a medium you need wave you know microwaves to go through a wave guide what uh what frequency of mic microwave was it right and you look at the dimensions and you come you come up with a matched for hydrogen oh how do you do that how do you come up with a match for hydrogen through the dimensions yeah yeah the uh the wavelength of hydrogen is U 8 309 in and the uh the width of the the uh Northern shaft is a 8.4 in and a wave guide uh generally has the the wave length and then about half of the wavelength in height so it's a rectangular shaft just like all the shafts are right yeah and the well the yeah the Queen's chamber shaft is a little more Square than the king's chamber shaft so that a different function different function yeah so these wave guides you believe what are they connect cting and where are they getting it from um Good Question Joe they they had uh we are bombarded with uh with microwaves every every I mean it's the the signal from they say the big bang and you know there's it comes from Atomic uh hydrogen in out in the universe in our space but so we're being bombarded and you believe the we're collecting this yeah so anyway so then you say okay uh if we build a device and we say and we want to energize hydrogen we we bring it to a higher energy State and just like you know in a laser uh where you have uh microwave amplification through stimulated emission right so uh so if we want to collect energy that is in a gaseous Medium say that is hydrogen medium and the electrons in the hydrogen are pumped up to a higher energy State and we want to collect the energy in that introduce a microwave signal uh direct it through that gas and stimulate the emission of the energy collect that energy and shoot it up the sun shaft and so that was like okay that that might work so what kind of gas hydrogen and so where are you getting the hydrogen from Queen's chamber so there's hydrogen in the Queen's chamber and how does it get in there the chefs but they doesn't come in as hydrogen that's that's a part of the uh the theory in the geiz of power plant was it you know it there are two chemicals that are introduced into the chamber and the chemicals mix and they boil off hydrogen and these chemicals are just coming from the radioactive waves of space no no no the chemicals I believe are uh manufactured and delivered uh to those shafts and come ink okay so they add some sort of chemicals to it and what function does the Limestone have at the end that keeps it from going into the king's chamber keeps it blocked off well to answer that question I was having a chat with a uh civil engineer who was putting in a septic system for me and uh and so with a leech field and he was doing a percolation test right uh this is in Indiana and Indiana is known for its fine Limestone uh his name was Roland duve a city engineer and I asked him I said well what H what do you do how does this function uh if you are in a area where the top where there's not much top soil you know you scrape away maybe a foot of top soil and then you you're on the Bedrock uh what do you do then and he said well if you are limestone is permeable and basically you follow the same steps that you would as if you dig it into Earth you know just dirt uh uh you dig a hole you cut a hole in the in the Limestone and you determine how quickly the uh the water would disperse or would actually seep seep out and I was like wow okay so the Limestone acts as a filter not a f well I mean it would a filter yes but that definitely the uh the water would not just stay there right it would go it would go through it mhm but it would go through it at a certain rate and I said okay I said let me ask you this uh what how do you determine the the flow rate how would you determine the flow rate of uh of a column of water right going through Limestone and he said well that would depend on the head pressure uh how much pressure what weight is pushing against the Limestone right right and I go uhuh okay that's interesting so then I go back to the drawing boards I go back to my uh blueprints of the Great Pyramid and I'm looking at the uh the southern Northern shaft of the Queen's chamber and I see that they both both of these shafts go up to an area that nobody knows where it goes at that time when I was doing research uh nobody knew where they ended so but I was thinking well they if they are feeding a Col a you know a chemical they would need to be assured that they can M maintain a particular head pressure that would be calculated the weight of the column of fluid and essentially as these are on an angle you know you your calculations may get a little more complicated but you'd have you would figure it out or you could do it by trial and error uh the uh but not all the evidence was in to really uh kind of solidify that theory right it's like okay I've got this much data this is what I'm working with there a lot of unknowns I don't know um so what do what do we do and then in 1993 uh the uh ger a German engineer Rudolph ganton Brink he uh was invited to Egypt and he was working under the uh the German uh the German mission in uh in Cairo and uh he had permission to or they wanted him to actually examine get a robot examine all those chefs both the king's chamber and the Queen's chamber and oh actually no mostly the king's chamber they wanted to ventilate the pyramid and so they wanted to make sure that the uh the shafts were clear and that uh they when they install their fans that there won't be any obstruction and so he built a robot to go through these clean clean the shafts out and and then install fans in the in the king's chamber but it had always been a mystery in the uh as far as the Queen's chamber shfs where did they end uh nobody knew nobody had explored them that so he proposed that uh they allow him to build another robot and examine the uh the chefs in the Queen's chamber which he did that uh had a robot they called it up to uh which means the opening of the ways oh right and so with his robot he had a u you know he had a tether behind it and you know it was and a camera lights and it crawled its way it was like a track vehicle and there was a mechanism for the upper track that caused it to grip the ceiling and they and it was able to climb up climb up the Sha and they were looking for where it ended and they found where it ended after you know a few uh kind of obstacles one being a what they what he called a tank trap which was like a depression in the floor of the shaft about a drop of about 2 in uh which is another story entirely I don't think I don't think the uh the full truth of why that is there has has been figured out yet or explained but they're working on it and so his uh robot went got so far up the shaft and they discovered that there was a block uh at the end of the shaft and through the block are two metal fittings metal what kind of metal uh we don't I don't know so a person hasn't gone over there and gotten a sample of it so they don't really know it's just speculation I don't know there some kind of metal F they assumed that they were cop and how far is it from the outside edge of the pyramid uh well you do ask some awkward questions I don't have that information in front of me but I would say that if you are wanting to reach the U the end of the where that southern shaft is the the shortest route that you you could take would be through a horizontal passage that goes directly out to the outer surface of the great pyram just a horizontal passage okay going up going down can I see the image again please so what we're looking at when you're seeing the shafts hold on a second no worries with that part or do you want the whole thing I want to see what it looks like on the outside yeah that one yeah so so say it again what would be the best way to access yeah I mean if you go to the end of the shaft and just have a a short uh horizontal uh shaft going or passage going out to the uh going out to the outer face uh you would have a shorter distance and if you went up you know or down so that would be the ideal Place uh to have access to it but it doesn't go this makes it look like it goes all the way to the outside edge of the pyramid that's not the case what the Queen's chamber shaft no the king's chamber shaft well the king's chamber shaft does go to the outside it goes all the way outside it goes all the way to the outside yeah okay and so the Queen's chamber shaft it it it stops quite a bit before the outside edge of the pyramid right right um so both of them function in a different way yes and and so you feel like in the king's chamber shaft that something was poured in some kind of chemicals was poured into those shaft chamber shaft Queen's chamber shaft yeah but not the king's chamber shaft not the not the king's chamber sha so the Queen's chamber shaft what is the difference and why do you think that there was chemicals poured in that and not into the king's chamber uh because the The Queen's chamber was the re a reaction Cham but so that's where the the hydrogen was produced the hydrogen filled the interior spaces of the uh the Great Pyramid and also uh which included the king's chamber and then through the action different actions whe whether it be uh the FR effect which we can talk about and that's the release of electrons from the lithosphere or the uh the accumulation of vibration or the collection of vibration and uh and the and how it was centered or focused into the king's chamber it created a highly energized atmosphere so it was have they found access to the northern and southern shafts in in the Queen's chamber to the to the shafts have they found access where the Egyptians would have been able to pour chemicals into those no not yet not yet no um but they have found something that's not represented represented on this image another chamber right which is more recent right I mean the uh my my new book has updated images in it to describe the what is what new has been discovered and that new chamber is above the king's chamber is that correct it's actually above the the grand Gallery okay and it kind of wraps around or is you know close to the uh Northern shaft uh that's an interesting uh place for it to be too which prompted uh my research associate Eric Wilson who's a aerospace engineer to suggests that that actually uh feature if it is what he thinks it is would complete my theory uh because it would serve uh as a uh a preamp for the microwave so the microwave he said that was the thing that was missing in my my theory was that I didn't there was no preamp so is there an image that we can look at that shows where this new chamber the newly discovered I should say chamber could I take a break yeah sure sure sure I need to go to yeah absolutely we'll be right back all right um so you were just discussing uh the chambers and how you believe fluid was in the shafts of the Queen's chamber and that it somehow or another created hydrogen with these chemicals how is the microwave going through those chambers if it's blocked off from the outside is it P penetrating through the stone well um it doesn't go into the Queen's chamber so that's it's through the king's chamber shafts which are open okay so the king's chamber shafts is what's collecting the microwaves the Queen's chamber shafts have the the what you believe some chemicals in there right and then what is happening with those chemicals they're mixing and boiling off hydrogen okay so they're creating hydrogen and what is the function of the space in those shafts is that H help the chemical process is that what it is the space in the shafts where they're filling them up with liquid oh yes that that is the the uh that is predetermined uh to make sure that they maintain the head pressure the uh the the fittings or the metal fittings I describe as um uh switches like fluid switches mhm so if once when the uh the fluid or the chemical was covering those those uh metal fittings that I call them electrodes the uh they would be a closed circuit when the when the fluid level dropped uh it would open the circuit and S and Signal the need for more chemicals to be pumped in in order to maintain the head pressure in order to make sure that there is an accurate supply of that chemical and so that chemical would pull up inside of the Queen's chamber that it probably yes I mean that we don't there's a lot that is missing from the king the Queen's chamber you have a the a niche in the uh East wall uh we we don't know what that was for I suspect that it had something to do with there may have been an evaporation Tower or something like that where the the chemicals mixed and wicked up some through some materials and you know may it was maybe it dried can you show me the image again please yeah and so so here we have so there's the chemicals that are in the the shafts um you have the Queen's chamber which is collecting the hydrogen and then what happens into the king's chamber oh while that is going on the the Queen the king's chamber is uh vibrating uh in sympathy with the Earth um and it has it BEC it is actually a coupled oscillator with the Earth how so how does that work well a cupid oscillator is a device that's attached to a larger vibrating device uh and is in sympathy what is causing the king's chamber to vibrate the uh the passage of vibration through the Pyramid of the earth of the earth which is assisted it's coupled by using what I call a device in the in the Subterranean chamber because youve got you've got three four you got several systems in there right so if you got the Subterranean chamber uh that that serves one function you go up to the Queen's chamber that serves another function you go up to the king's chamber that serves another function and in between you have the grand Gallery the ascending passage got the descending passage all of these things uh are there for a reason and so the Subterranean chamber how do you think that worked I I I would speculate that and actually if you if you read uh Tesla and some of his writings He suggests that uh with u a very little energy you could uh uh you could build a a device that imparts uh energy or thrusts into a structure and if it is in harmony or the exact frequency with that structure it could bring the structure down just by an accumulation of uh of energy of vibration the amplitude would keep and if you kept pounding it and pounding it and pounding it eventually it would all come down the uh I mean that was that's why they uh they instructed soldiers when they're on the march to break step when they cross a bridge because their footsteps might uh cause the bridge to oscillate and d and Destroy it's a very destructive force is is the this uh this you know frequency or oscillating Vibra oscillating vibrations so what would C what kind of device in the Subterranean chamber would do that he built a device that delivered thrusts and Powers it was electromagnetic earthquake machine it's called right mhm uh you could do it Electro mechanical you could electr hydraulic or you know just anything but it has you have to be able to time the action and so okay you think of it like you've got you got a device you got a cylinder you got a shaft coming out of it and you got to hammer or you got a you know copper pad or whatever at the end of it and you design it so that that shaft is going to push out at a particular frequency so you go a p boom boom boom boom and so you put it against a structure that structure has a n natural frequency right all structures do uh you might hit one with a fist and don't think it you know it would resonate at all but if you go the first the first trike May impart enough energy to move something maybe a couple of angstroms right M and so it's like very very minute movement right the next one will move it a little more then you just keep pounding it just keep pounding it and as you pound it the oscillations become bigger the amplitude Bec comes bigger and if you keep doing it you can bring it bring the uh the whole thing down so the key is to do it at a rate that is able to utilize the hydrogen or utilize at this point hydrogen has nothing to do with it I mean this is this is just a a totally separate subsystem it doesn't care if there's hydrogen in the pyramid but this is this subsystem exists to vibrate the king's pyramid just to connect the pyramid with the Earth right okay so it's it's vibrating the pyramid yeah and the the hydrogen in the Queen's chamber now it makes its way into the king's chamber well yes I mean it's it flows up through the gra the along the horizontal Passage through the Grand gallery and up into the king's chamber so all this is connected all that's connected so the the hydrogen goes up it goes in the king's chamber which is a phenomenal structure right um carved out of granite from 500 miles away massive Stones the biggest stones in the pyramid correct right and so what happens with the vibration of the pyramid through this this thing that's connected to the earth and the Subterranean chamber constantly hitting boom boom boom vibrating the hydrogen flows into the great chamber the great the the the the King's chamber rather King's chamber is vibrating and then you have these shafts that come from the outside of the king's chamber into it so what's happening there okay uh well let's let's go back to the sub Subterranean all right okay and and let's talk about not what happens in the pyramid but what is happening in the earth okay all right and this is where we introduced Tesla technology and also the work of a NASA physicist called freedom and fre just keep that thing up there J so freedom and fr has done did research on earthquake lights and um his objective was to try to determine if we could detect or if we could have an early warning system for earthquakes and he was using NASA satellites to uh survey the Earth and to observe for where when earthquake lights uh show up and his um his theory it's not really a theory it's a scientific uh fact uh is that in the uh in the minerals in Ignus rock that you have these positive charge carriers that when they are stressed um they will shoot to the surface and the positive charge carries like the column holes he describes it as a a new physics but it's kind of related to semiconductor physics which is a little above my head but the uh but but still he's talking about releasing electrons from deep within the Earth and those electrons when they're stimulated to move they move very very quickly through the pyramid uh I mean through the Earth and and they seek the highest point uh on the surface of the Earth so you have Tesla on one side and he's saying that if uh if you could put a uh like an earthquake machine and just drive you know a frequency into the planet you might be able to release the stresses in the Earth's crust and also reduce the possibility of an earthquake I'm I'm not saying eliminated entirely but uh at least uh you would release some pressure yeah you would relieve some pressure and so you know with with that it's um it becomes you put in these little bits of disparate information together and you combine them you say oh maybe there is something here I think the you know the uh the biggest discovery which is not talked about very much is a um as freedom of fr's discovery of the uh of how the physics behind earthquake lights and he actually uh he actually experimented in his lab you want that he has a YouTube there's a YouTube video with him he explains it a lot better do you you want to pull that up and watch it uh we could but the problem is we'll get flagged oh okay then he us his YouTube video oh okay all right um so for those you know are listening uh you can search freedom and fr and uh just FR f r n e f r e ND and uh tedex talk in Christ Church New Zealand it's an excellent video he explains it so something is happening in this Subterranean chamber yep and this something is causing the pyramid and the Earth around it to vibrate mhm and how is that affecting the hydrogen and how is that affecting what's what's happening in the king's chamber okay so you have a combination of uh you got two different kinds of energy now flowing through the Great Pyramid you've got electromagnetic energy and you also got mechanical energy right right okay so you've got the mechanical energy of this thing that's striking right you have the passages that are filled with chemicals that's causing the accumulation of hydrogen the hydrogen is making its way into the king's chamber and then what is the function of these passageways that go into the king's Chamber from the outside well the northern shaft carries a microwave signal that signal uh passes through a amplifier and then the the S the the signal enters into the chamber uh and collects the energy that has uh been accumulating in in that space it's like a like a laser or Maser you know so the chambers are collecting microwave energy from space yeah it's going through them and it's going excuse me the passageways rather it's going into the chamber which is vibrating and it's filled with hydrogen so what what is this reaction that happens when these two things meet okay the action of of that is the same as a laser where you where you have uh the introduction of uh a a photon in a laser right that photon passes through an energized medium where the electrons are pumped to a higher energy State then the uh that Photon collects another Photon and then another one and it just builds and builds and builds and builds but it does it at the speed of light obviously and so that's why when you you say you have a laser pointer that process is what happens before you before the light appears on your on your slide or whatever you press the button and it's kind of instant right but there's a lot been a lot going on since when you when you press that button to create that laser light I see but it just happen just happen so fast right yeah so this king's chamber when it has the hydrogen in it the you have the electrons you have the vibration of the thing you have the microwaves coming in what do you think this you have microwaves coming in but then you have power output power output yes so the power output is the uh the southern shaft and this is where you there is another piece of key evidence uh Jamie could you show the slide that shows the opening of the Southern shaft please um it's crazy that this makes sense well I that's what I was trying to get there's a bunch of slides in here that are really interesting but we haven't got to them yet well we got time we'll get to those what it said you I don't know about me I you're doing great I made pass out have another cup of coffee here's the northern shaft but I don't know oh that's the northern shaft okay wait a minute go go to the newer slides there I think there are better images on those yeah these were uh created back in the day day okay hold on go nothing said Southern though see okay here just just stop here okay okay all right so uh my first book I I didn't have a really accurate uh description of the northern shift okay and uh and so since then we we got the uh the cad drains of Rudolph ganton bring when he did an examination and he did a great great job measuring everything every angle distance all the way to the outside and so this is uh uh taken from his CAD drawing and I just kind of you know made it a little more uh striking and clear or people could understand the complexity of that shaft and also to point out some of the details that are pretty mind-blowing you have four bends one two three four before it goes into the uh the the king's chamber okay now where is that opening it is at the quarter wave location and in a in a resonant cavity uh the high amplitude could be found at a quarter wave so it's like if you got a standing wave in a resonant cavity it's the quarter wave that's with the quarter the distance along the length of the cavity that's where your amplitude that's where your energy is the high so at least in this placement it affirms your theory that that's where it would be right okay but the other thing is and this is this information of course is uh common I mean I've talked to people who worked on Wave guides Eric Wilson is very familiar with them and he he did a a study of ganton brings drawings and he said yeah this this this and he's pointing out different unusual features in the shaft that seem to appear in the design of Modern Wave guys because you have changes in dimension you have these steps there is a like a bump in an area and it's all to kind of massage manipulate the beam as it comes into the the pyramid but then when it when it comes to entering into the great the uh the king's chamber uh they goes through four bends he said that that's that's uh to be able to correct the beam so that when it does enter the pyramid it is coherent and it goes in straight wow so it's literally how you would design it uh the other thing yeah the other thing is that the uh and this this is mindblowing and and and it will tell you a lot there is a another another drawing of a plan view of the uh of that shaft Jamie um hold on I think uh wait a minute yeah no below the one with the below that one directly yeah noop you passed it yeah that one okay so you know the uh the the commonly held theory about why those shaft exists is to ventilate the Great Pyramid right mhm okay and and that the reason why why they they have those bends is for it to encircle the grand Gallery so that it doesn't interfere or you know with with the grand gallery now if you're just going to ventilate the that place you know you would would you need that that many bends but look at the distance between the grand Gallery wall and the and the North shaft it is 13.6 ft right if you take where the uh the level where the shaft enters the king's chamber and you take it straight past the uh the grand Gallery you're looking at Dimension e which is 41 in so it would clear the grand Gallery it didn't have to go through all those bends unless the uh wall blocks of the grand Gallery were so large that they didn't want to interfere with them and so does that suggest that the wall block thickness because we don't know how thick they are we don't know how thick they are but that suggests that they are maybe just a little less than 13 ft thick that is my blowing how heavy are those things yeah so so this the way it's set up here now especially when you're looking at it from this it really does kind of make sense that this is a passageway for gases and energy like the way I'm looking I mean it looks like if you're looking at it like this looks like like a system it's a machine you were you were pointing about you were talking about the southern shaft right um and that the southern shaft there's an outside image we can see from the outside yeah could you show that one which uh image is it oh it's coming I think well I think you're going the wrong way Jamie there wasn't there wasn't another picture the other way I can Google if you want me to find it but I don't know if it was here no it's in there okay uh go down how many images are in here this goes like uh hundreds how many do you want right here oh hold on oh wait a minute no just just above right it was right below the previous uh picture that we were talking about number 47 there that's no just below that yeah there okay okay so the bottom left uh photograph is the opening of the Southern shaft I mean yeah the southern shaft of the king's chamber okay that I took a a photograph of it in 1986 okay the one on the right I I took in 1995 and that was after Rudolph ganton Brink had installed the fan but if you look at that opening you see that you have like a bulbous opening almost looks like a microwave or antenna right so it's not it's it's not just a straight simple shaft it's it's like it's like a a catches mitt okay yeah right I mean it's it's it's just all of these different features of this chamber that most I mean you would overlook right but you would design it that way if you were trying to catch microwaves yeah and so the southern shaft and the northern shaft have different functions mhm and you believe that the northern shaft is collecting the microwave energy it is channeling the microwave the microw I mean they would have some system on the outside to collect them you know I mean they may have a very large area uh actually collecting microwave waves and feeding it to uh a reflector that is directed down the the northern shaft uh I mean if you you know that the uh there are eight sides to the pyramid right you each side it dips in so it's not they it doesn't go straight across it dips in I'm not I don't know where that reflector would have been positioned but they could have been reflecting microwaves off the surface of the Great Pyramid to a reflector uh at a distance away and that reflector Channel let down the the northern sha that would be one way to do it that'd be one way to do it yeah so either way you believe that the northern shaft was somehow or another collecting microwave energy and the southern shaft do you what would they do with that energy this is the question like well that's yeah that that's the your signal input that that that's what uh enters the king's chain and stimulates emission of other photons but when this once this energy is cor connected right once it's once they have it collected how are they dispers how are they using it how are they utilizing it uh your G your guess is as good as mine I could only I mean and I could only imagine if they can dream up uh how to build this system uh how they how they machined those Precision vases how they built the boxes and the therapy how they created the statues um and knowing that there is so much missing from that culture not only that but knowing that you have to have something that you can use to make this in the first place yes like what kind of material are you using to carry these things there's there's so much missing that you know it's it's kind of like all right so you're saying that you use the pyramid to create energy and with that energy you powered powered your power tools to build the Great Pyramid that doesn't make any sense doesn't make any sense at all right so there was probably some other methods that we're not aware of yeah obviously I mean you build a you build any power plant you're going to have you you know you're going to have generators on site they're going to wheel them in and fire them up also this is not going to be your first project you're not going to you're you you already have some understanding of how this stuff works if you're making something at this scale well I mean our Industrial Development what 200 years of development imagine if it's 500 years of development or a thousand years from now right Jamie go back to that image where it showed like a cross-section that he said we stop at this one that no there was one earlier but that's fine e either one of them there was another one that showed like sort of a cross-section that's it that's it thank you uh so this gives us an understanding of what it would look like originally there was a gold cap on the top smooth Limestone on the sides what do you think the function of that gold cap was cuz gold is used in electricity it's go in electronic components it's a great conductor of electricity well this is where uh you combine the uh Tesla's technology uh and also frein's laboratory experiments and in the laboratory uh what frein did is he uh got a a granite slab couple of me feet long few feet long and he put it in a hydraulic press in order to test his theory that if um if you know ignas rock is put under pressure it releases electrons so he wanted to test that and and he set set the granite up in his concrete press I mean concrete press hydraulic press uh and and the then he run a wire uh you know through a an an oscilloscope or you know and then attached it to a a copper cap on the other end of the of the Granite so there has to be some kind of a connection mhm all right so you got uh electrons moving you know you got positive charge Carriage shooting through the granet and then they're hand shaking at the end with the negative electrons and everybody does a happy dance and fires up their their uh microwaves just kidding but that that is uh seriously and then you combine that with Tesla and his uh proposal to uh build a uh A system that where you can transmit electricity uh wirelessly without wires through the through the Earth uh and you built the Wen Cliff Tower which was like a you know a structure that uh would radiate that power so that's the inspiration for this image right here uh so the idea would be that this whole thing would be emitting wireless electricity yes and so that they would be able to utilize that somehow like Tesla had theorized Tesla we actually implemented it right in tests right yeah t i mean Tesla power Tesla Tesla cars too probably um so is have you debated anyone about this has any egyptologist or any person who doesn't agree with your theory sat down with you and and tried to pick it apart I am not a fan of debates um myself I mean I know it's good theater and some people are really good at it MH and uh and you were able to demonstrate that uh the other week um but I'm not a big fan of them I'm not sure um as far as scientists go or science or you know uh putting work out there for examination by your peers I'm not sure that it is um help helpful to you know you know set up a uh a shouting match or a uh you know understand you're saying but I'm just interested to see what other people have to think about your theory because this this is really fascinating to me I'm looking at all this and I'm like wow this makes so much more sense than having this thing there as just a tomb for a dead guy which there's not a lot of evidence that that's the case because they've never actually found no no I I I I mean I you know if you ask me what was well Chris what what the hell were you thinking when you came what were you thinking that you know I mean and that that is actually a key question because you know if you're you're an examiner or if you are uh pleading pleading you something or somebody is uh challenging you uh what your state of mind was when uh something happened an event happened what was your state of mind at the time is important and my state of mind at the time was uh the tomb theory is a de Theory I don't accept it uh the pyramid because of its uh design its features its Precision it looked like a machine perhaps it's a machine and if it is a machine how did the machine operate so that's basically what my state of mind was and the evidence that I was looking at was evidence of a level of sophistication and a a structure that actually demonstrated the highest level of state-of-the-art that that Civilization or that that culture produced um or any culture any culture and and that it hasn't been replicated since how is that possible how is it possible the whole thing is so impossible like if you wanted to have the the best evidence that we don't know yeah you got it right you got it right there it's like what do we how much do we know about what they knew if they could make that yeah I know people ask me he said well why haven't you built a model why and I was like you don't understand the uh you know because I can't I couldn't even afford one of the blocks that goes into the king's chamber let alone a thousand of and also like how much time would it take you to build that good Lord not only that it's like you know if you're going to if you're going to repli I was asked that question when I was in Egypt in 2021 and I was with u Hamada Amir and Dr Haney Hal who is the used to be the minister of Science and higher education both extremely extremely good guys and they are both uh on the scam pyramid mission team so I I I had a meeting with them and uh I gave I gave my book to Dr Hal and H already had one he'd arranged the meeting I gave my book to hany Al and I described it briefly and he asked me a question I never thought I would hear in Egypt and he says well could the Great Pyramid be restored and function as you and Vision that it did and I was like I pondered that question before and i' thought can't see that happening you know I mean if you were if you were going to if you're going to you know replicate it or create another one I would do another one you know uh because of the political climate right of course it's there is so much focus on on the Great Pyramid and everybody who's focused on it is an expert and most of them have YouTube channels so yeah so you have you have a oh hyperfocus on that area I mean just just the uh simple thing like okay we we're going to recover the uh the third pyramid uh we're going to restore it we're going to recover it and blah blah blah start yeah I mean it was a whole storm that came after that I mean they finally they finally killed the project because I saw do you think that it's good they killed the project I mean isn't it good to leave that stuff in the state in which we found it I think you know people with the best of intentions and uh working with the information that they have uh can make mistakes and uh a lot of times and I've made them myself a lot of times it's because uh I I making decisions not having sufficient information right so it's kind of like they were it was the new uh the new uh chief of the Supreme Council of Antiquities the director chairman of the Supreme Council of Antiquities and so he was uh he had a a gentleman who was going to help him uh restore the uh the third pyramid and so he goes out and calls a press conference and tells everybody what they're going to do and and then there was a firestorm of criticism that came and just flooded in and and uh and then finally the uh I think it was Zas who pulled his fluence to shut the project down and uh and then so they backed up on it but you know if he had touched all the bases I mean you just never know because relationships in any culture you don't understand them you know you don't know who knows who who's related to who right you know you got all these all this activity but but but I think people rightly so were upset at the idea of covering that thing just like they covered up the paws of the Sphinx well it wasn't very controversial right not necessarily covering it but restoring it restoring it but you are covering it right cuz you're doing modern human tool yeah yeah yeah you're you're ruining what is left because What What In the state that it is it represents the erosion and the earthquakes the Looting of the Limestone this is what it is so this is yeah but to cover it up with 2020 for work seems gross right and and that's what a lot of people think is it is it is not uh respecting history or you know right so if they did that with the Great Pyramid and covered the whole thing well I mean yeah I mean that for that would certainly be more possible than building another one yeah uh right well you would certainly uh a easier you won't have to Quarry as much Limestone not even close so if they did that let's just imagine a world where people say hey um we're going to do this but we could always reverse it we're not going to do any permanent damage to the pyramid but it's possible to restore it to the exact State and find out if this theory is correct yeah but how do you do that I mean I I I don't think you would have to have a lot more uh research and evidence produced uh to convince people to invest so much money because I mean this is a process okay the Giza power plant and uh giz of the Tesla connection it's a process right and I'm pretty much at the end of of that process so I put you put it out in the universe and then right other people are picking it up like ahed adley uh uh you know that's scabini at the KIRO University let's imagine we enter into a world where people say you know what it's better if we know and there's only one way to know and it's possible to do so let's let's cover that thing the way it was done before let's put a gold cap on it let's let's let's follow the plans as if this is a power plant right but first you have to uh qualify verify all the sub all the systems the subsystems and their function right and it's complicated and would you qualify that could it be more possible today through a you would have to you would need a well who whoever is in control of the AI who's driving right but I mean let's look at best case scenario let's pretend there's some objective scientists that are not ideologically driven at all and they're in control of this Ai and they utilize it the exact way we would like it to be utilized what I would love is for some PhD student to take on as a dissertation project uh the acoustic modeling of the interior of the Great Pyramid get all the dimensions scan everything find out all the dimensions what they are and then you start to simulate uh the behavior of the movement of sound within that space I mean we we have you know we're using uh human instruments to De to detect resonance and report on uh on on the vibrations and how they feel when they hear it and you know there's a lot of like uh magical experiences that are happening but but the magic I mean if you if you've ever read Arthur C Clark is kind of like uh sufficiently advanced technology is is first seen as magic right so if you have an alien race and they have sufficiently uh advanced technology you would look at it as magic right our cell phones sure if they appeared in in our culture a 100 years ago magic magic yeah yeah people wouldn't know what to do with them and if this culture had something that's not where we are but 500 years more advanced than us which is why they were able to create something like that right I mean looks like magic I talk about the the recent Disclosure by the Odi on the uaps in here really yeah you think they're connected as an example as an example of what is possible physically because if you consider that you know those uaps can descend from 80,000 ft to sea level in a few seconds that the G forces that they would pull on a on a 90° turn would be like a thousand G's it would destroy any of our craft and the people inside if it was even possible to make such a turn that which is not we don't have anything to match it and then you see how they function you see what what can we observe on how they are propelled uh you know an F-16 they've got a afterburners and we see these afterburners kick on and fire beling out the back those uaps they just seem to have some kind of Aura around them and they defeat gravity and move through space in a way that uh appears like magic but sufficiently advanced technology would be magical right almost less impressive than a cell phone yeah right because all it's doing is flying around my cell phone is sending instantaneous video to the other side of the world well that little UAP could be doing the same yeah but except to other planets right we just don't see or the mothership which is or we don't see it it might be American it's all science fiction right I I I really wonder how much of that stuff is ours how much of that stuff is Black Ops projects some stuff that they've been I don't think you think you think it's from somewhere else I mean I can't prove where it's from but if it is from somewhere else I'd like to follow it home you and me both I'd like to I'd like to see the uh I'd like to observe the the civilization and the culture that created go in the manufacturing plants hey how are you making this and uh you know say okay where you're getting your power from I don't see any uh any you know uh train cars carrying tons of coal and beling chimneys out in the distance right well if there's a time machine if there was ever a time machine I've always said if I could go back to one place it would be I'd go back to Africa when they were doing that I'd go to Egypt what what were you doing for sure what were you doing how are you guys doing this what the hell is going on over here right and where did it all go I mean I know the burning of the Library of Alexandria they lost so much right we have no idea like what was in there and what what knowledge they had preserved right so now it's all lost and and if you're correct and if they really did have some sort of a machine that makes electricity that to this day when we're I mean if you want renewable electricity there you go kids right it's right there and somehow or another someone did it 4,500 years ago how how what did you what did you guys do and how how are you so much more advanced than all the other humans on Earth so much more I'm digging through an article right now of some audio Engineers that got access to the Great Pyramid like they took in a bunch of high powerered speakers and whatnot very first thing this guy recognized here he says uh he noticed that there's a very specific precise frequency when the wind blows across some of the air shafts and it's a fshp yeah and that that appears in the uh I think uh Tom Danley uh who is a NASA engineer and he was on the uh a team and did acoustic test things inside the Great Pyramid he uh measured the frequencies in the king's chamber and reported that even with all his equipment turned off the king's chamber was still vibrating and he he uh actually go back jam oh sure look at this this right here it says ancient Egyptian texts indicate that this fshp was the resident harmonic Center of planet Earth yes yeah that's the connection that's the uh that's the the seismic connection the the uh f is also coincidentally it says in question marks the tuning reference for the sacred flutes of many North American shamans yeah the hope is yeah so the f is very important it's also it's also uh found in human DNA believe yeah and uh there was a uh Dr David deer who actually map the frequencies of DNA as an engineer I will note 16 Herz is just below the the human threshold of hearing the best you can hear is 20 interesting so can dogs hear that Carl hear that uh they're known for hearing higher I suppose they could probably hear lower like Tad what is this Tad but uh I in the like around 2003 I I was contacted by a very talented um physicist his name is Dustin Carr you could Google Dustin Carr if you like he uh got his uh PhD at Cornell University and and his uh thesis dissertation was actually creating a nano guitar wow yeah the Nano guitar the the strings are just about 100 atoms wide wow and you have to have a electron mic tuning electron microscope to be able to see and so uh anyway he contacted me and I I I'm was really impressed with this guy how would you strum that guitar uh with laser light whoa whoa it's two microns oh my God that that scale is two Micron yeah wow that's bananas and so and so you used a laser to play this guitar you you would need yeah I mean just a very very little uh laser which you know it's like micro heat expand expand the strings and you would you would get they would vibrate but you couldn't hear it of course right of course no way right but it but it exists so the the the frequency that's in the great chamber is below the threshold for humans to hear yeah it's uh infrasonic yeah right but if this machine was running it would probably be a different frequency right um that all those frequencies would uh would be uh playing apart plus more I would say uh the you know and besides his Nano guitar when we we were communicating uh Dr Carr uh did a Model Model the finite ele element analysis of the Great Pyramid and uh guess what what 16 Herz showed up in that wow fascinating so wow the whole thing is just so crazy that it blows your mind it really does there's so many questions and so many places to to to take it to it's yeah the the real question is like how did they do it where did they learn all this stuff from and did they implement this somewhere else is this the only power plant they ever created the other pyramids do they have similar function I think the fundamentally um perhaps they you know the science of uh tapping into or harvesting electrons through uh stimulating movement in the in the lithosphere uh was probably known and uh and that that knowledge was Advanced and developed right but if you have with this design what you believe the Great Pyramid how it was used as a power plant what do you think is going on with the other two pyramids that are near it same thing except they have different interior designs they're all part of the system so oh so it's all connected all three of them are connected somehow yeah and have you observed similar situations in those smaller parids where it seems like they would be utilized in a similar fashion is there shafts and Chambers I I ju I just think you know if you are if you are considering it as a uh as a project okay so you you you you design a project you propose a project you gather the resources to complete the project uh you describe it to uh you know your investors I mean OB ultimately it's about follow the money how much is it going to cost and what's the return on investment and so you have okay I want to build a great pyramid and we're going to have all this you know we got to have all this energy and I'll build another few pyramids around it and and they'll just be tourist attractions no right no no I mean uh you if you if you got the whole uh plateau and the lithosphere beneath it I mean Frey said that the the lithosphere is actually a giant battery it can it could turn into a giant battery if it is stimulated right right and uh so if you got that that condition you got all that potential energy under your feet all you've got to do is shake it a little bit you know and just go hey send me a few more electrons and uh and you build a system on the surface uh perhaps you survey the area just like you know NASA satellit surveyed the area for freedom of frud and you build a a a a pulse generator deep under the Giza plateau uh and you start that system up and you survey the area and you look for the hotpots right where the the the maximum number of electrons are coming are coming through from the lithosphere and then you say okay we'll build a pyramid there there build one there we build one there those are your hot spots you know you got a hot spot in in uh Texas right oh really yeah Marfa Mara Texas what is it it's a town I think it's oh no I know I know Marfa but how's it a Hotpot they Mara lights have you heard of those no yeah pull up the mara lights is it like ball lightning no it's kind of like a light show really yeah and it's very famous and from the electron famous obviously well I know Marfa I have a friend who has a house in Mara really yeah he loves it there so it's like kind of an artist Community right probably the energies right mhm like Sedona right yeah that's where all the weirdos go yeah I'm I'm one of those weirdos I can't afford to live there oh it's gorgeous place sedon is gorgeous gorgeous um so what is this I so there's this interview I think I'm imagining what they're trying to say here without listening to everything what so these lights what's going on with these lights what what is this it's a interview on the marel lights oh okay okay I don't know exactly what it's supposed to show so when you see those things flying around the sky what are they is that like ball lightning yeah I mean it's the electrons coming from the earth and ionizing the air it says according to Judith breu esque the Marfa lights of West Texas have been called many names over the years such as ghost lights weird lights strange lights car lights mystery lights or Kean lights my favorite place from which to view the lights is a widened shoulder on Highway 90 about 9 miles east of Marfa the lights are almost are most often reported at distant spots of brightness distinguishable from Branch lights and Automotive headlights on 67 so uh primarily distinguished by their aberant movements so these things just sort of fly around mhm the first historical record of the marites was 188 3 when a young cowand Robert Reed Ellison saw a flickering light while he was driving cattle through the Pisano pass and wondered if it was a campfire of the Apache other settlers told him they often saw the lights but when they investigated they found no ashes or evidence of a campsite so what is happening again with these lights how's it it's electrons going through the Earth if you if you consider uh uh fr's Theory from the fre effect it's uh the release of positive charge carriers from the lithosphere shooting up to the surface and ionizing the air ah okay and so it creates a light that way so it creates a light that way um a lot of people have uh speculated that it could be like a piso El electric activity in uh course bearing Rock but doesn't support that idea I don't think but it would sort of support this theory that if you could find places where that is happening naturally like Marfa and you established the pyramid there right um You had one other thing that you just said to me when we took a break that there was some evidence that you knew about this uh Dibble Hancock debate that had come to light oh um yeah that's that was interesting um a fellow researcher uh Manu sh he wrote the book uh under the Sphinx uh he had posted on Facebook uh a paper that had been published I think the uh the discussion was the uh existence of industrial activity during the Ice Age right okay and so um you know I I talked to him and he sent me several papers uh where other Studies have been done uh and uh that show the the same kind of markers that you see in that period of time uh in the paper that he uh presented on the podcast MH uh so you know um everybody should have a chance to fix their mistakes right but they are could you pull them up Jamie and we could just go through them U and then they would be on record okay so what is wrong so what what you're saying is that what he was saying is that the evidence of uh industrialization only occurs after a specific time in the core amples right that they they weren't uh there's no evidence of them in the Ice Age and is this lad what is it in right right so I mean I this is out of my wheelhouse so I I I I I'm not an expert witness but this gentleman posted this in response I'm just saying that if there is uh you know a another body of a or other papers uh that have been conduct that where research has been conducted that go further back into the past than the period of time that Dibbles paper uh deals with then they should be introduced into the record and how far in the past did these go 150,000 years and how far in the past did the ones that dble introduce go I think was what uh between 1,000 BC 1,000 ad or something it was just like a a narrow window narrow window okay so did you find it Jamie well I have I don't have Clint stuff because that was on his computer well there his paper his paper is the paper that he referenced is in there the one that you brought yeah okay well I have then what I have what you brought this is what you have highlighted I don't that's not the one that he presented I don't know which one that was it was the 2000 I think it was the 2018 paper yeah gave me five just I mean just uh pull them up uh what I just did atmospheric lead and Antarctic Ice during the last climactic cycle yeah is that it that one of them I don't think it's the one that dble presented but what are the one the one that you're presenting the one that you the one that Manu sent me um let's see what she's that one see that one I think it goes back 149,000 years so yeah just in just oh this is the one yeah this is the one I think that what date is on that I don't know 2018 maybe 20 yeah I think it's 2018 right so it said the the title of this is for anybody who wants to find it is lead pollution recorded in Greenland ice indicates European emissions track plagues Wars and Imperial expansion during Antiquity right okay okay so if you look up the other papers uh they treat a a different period of time and when you go back to the Ice Age you do find uh without the same kind of evidence is that what this paper's showing this is which one is is this the same this is the one we were just looking at oh no this is this is that short time period this 1100 BC to 800 this is the one that dble presented then yeah okay so what's the one that you're presenting I'm not presenting but what was was the one that you're ref on the ones that I that were sent to me okay where are those they're on they're in the folder Jamie and what what is that one called I had up okay go down to the next one yeah I believe it's this one right where it says highlighted say like the hene area yeah I mean okay I think they're all they're all kind of similar yeah the well the the two the first two you sent me five things the first two are the same it's just this this was highlighted in oh okay okay let's go to that and make it a little bigger uh I sent them to you I they're on there as they were sent to me so so it says very low during the hollene era probably during the last inter glacial and part of the last ish they were very high during the last glacial maximum and at the end of the penultimate I love that word penultimate I love that word don't you it's a great word yeah um so the the concentrations were high of lead during the Ice Age it's saying yeah so this does counter what he was saying seems to okay but I'm not the expert I I I mean I I I understand what you're saying but this goes far far back but past when he was talking about so that the possibility could be that what Graham was saying might actually have some weight to it that there was a highly Advanced civilization before the Ice Age and that it went away and then when you see lead in the future you're just seeing sort of a re-understanding of this process that that's one way to put it could be yeah and it doesn't have to be a really highly Advanced civilization like ours it just means that there is industrial activity whatever that shape or form that takes well the real fascinating thing is if the Egyptians had figured out how to generate power without any damage to the environment they which is really wild we haven't yet have we no but if they if they figured that out with that Great Pyramid if that that process is how they generated electricity I mean that's about as green as you're ever going to get I mean pretty amazing yeah there's a little factoid for you what do you know in 2021 they quarried enough coal by weight to build a pyramid 76 times bigger than the Great Pyramid wow whoa so we know how to extract extract rock yeah right yeah collectively at least yeah yeah especially in China right oh yeah which is hilarious very effici fish or not not not just that they're really good at making coal plants they're making they got hundreds of new ones opening up yeah while we're over here freaking out um anything else before we get out of here Jamie you said that there was a couple other slides you thought were really interesting well I mean we kind of ended up getting to them I was kind of really curious what that fan was all about but he described what had it by someone there was one other thing I would like to address if if you don't mind okay so the other thing that uh that uh Dr dible mentioned uh was when you raised the question about the C drilling right right and uh Dr Dil uh said that well that's been debunked I'm just paraphrasing now uh that's been been debunked and he referenced two sources he referenced uh scientists against myth and uh well of antiquity okay so scient this is where you know the if you don't give it enough information people will fill in the gaps you know that you you leave a v vacuum Engineers are very well known for leaving all kinds of vacuums they don't explain everything completely because they assume everybody knows it because they know it right right and so it's the simplest thing and basically scientist against smth they uh they sent me their paper uh on the methods that they used which um contradicted my methods and what they did is they went to they got these photographs two-dimensional photographs of the uh of the Petri core and and they rejected the method that I used which was just a simple string or cotton thread with magnification with magnification and with the artifact in my hand so you've got best evidence in your hand and against evidence secondhand with take them with photographs so what's wrong what what is the problem with that and when I saw what method they use I didn't take it seriously uh perhaps I should and then we won't be here uh talking about it but I didn't take it seriously and it's like it it kind of failed on his face just after the first two pages plus it was very uh insulting and mocking right MH not very professional and but basically what they did is this they took a 2d photograph of a 3D cone okay I want to show you two things this is a flat blank and this is a cone mhm okay so Aerospace uh manufacturing Engineers know all about how how cones are are made and they know how to measure them and they know how to transmit geometric data to the customer right our customers would never accept uh a 2d photograph of a 3D object uh as evidence of geometric accuracy or precision I mean a 3D camera with you know like a a scanner or something like that but just a simple two dimensional two Dimension it won't work right too limited too limited but what happens to the uh what happens to the evidence when you take a a c a 2d 2D photograph I'll show you uh you have a Corruption of the evidence right away what happens with a 2d photograph uh taking a 3D object you can go through these series of cones that are made these are this is a a cone that has horizontal lines around it right mhm and you can see that they're horizontal so you can assume okay you take it I took a 2d photograph of this okay I took a 2d photograph of that and then I brought it into my computer but there are there are some things that happen uh to the Arc Length uh the Arc Length uh on the original if you take a 2d photograph you are using the chord length as the Arc Length you got all that on camera Jamie is it on both cameras the other one pick it up oh okay okay right but there's another problem with it and it's not just geometric well it is ultimately is geometry but it's more uh more involved with uh how the eye works and how a camera functions and that's the lens and basically what you're doing is you're capturing an image and we of a cone and if if you focus your camera here right MH the lines here curve that way the lines down here curve this way okay right so you take those and you you lay them out flat you've got corrupted evidence you project those images onto a cone in the computer and this is what happens youve got a bunch of wavy lines did you get that which indicates that it's a spiral no it doesn't this this is not to this is not to prove that it's a spiral this is to prove that the evidence that they have produced is not the best evidence right because it's only two-dimensional right to really get the to refute your evidence they should look at the thing and measure it right accurately scan it but it also too limited it also describes the State of Mind of the investigators who are working on this and that is they are driving to a conclusion that is directly opposite to mine so they're not acting in in good faith if you read a scientific paper or if you are working on in on a scientific project if you're in school or if you're anywhere and so you prepare your report you publish your report you describe the methods that you use and uh the tools that you use uh H how you did it and then you publish your results I did that and then somebody comes along behind you and they say well I I I I want to I want to see that for myself that's what you call falsification process where you know a science it has any Theory it has to be falsifiable so somebody's if they conf find anything wrong with what you did then you know they have to follow the same steps you did right to the letter right but they didn't do that clearly they didn't do that clearly and also they have access to the actual physical object itself it doesn't indicate that they did they were the only way you could really test they were just drawing down photographs from the internet so they were just trying to debunk it exactly and they're doing and what they're doing is silly but then you have a college professor who Scoops up all that research and and they become cited sources in their work well he probably was just respecting their work and thinking that your work is one of those alternative guys that's uh not not a part of the system not a part of the academic system yeah yeah and so he just yeah and he obviously he he works with seeds and things along those lines that's his his yeah area of archaeology so he trusts the other experts you know I I'm not saying that uh I'm not saying that what he said is his own you know you're just saying that the sources are I'm just saying that I mean he was he was certainly well schooled and he had the answers to some of these Mysteries right and he had been given information uh and pretty much he reeled it out when the question was raised the other the other thing that I thought of after the fact and we actually kind of covered it but I never connected the dots was that one of the things that we were talking about when we were talking about gole teepe that gockley teepe was created by these people that didn't need agriculture because the place they lived was so Bountiful yeah but what if they just didn't what if agriculture to them wasn't plants what if agriculture was animal Agriculture and they fed their animals with wild plants if the wild plants were in such abundance that they could just go out and chop down the wild plants and use them to feed their animals that's still agriculture but it's not it's not plant agriculture yeah I don't I so that's the difference I I forgot that while it was happening and then afterward like ah why didn't I connect those dots because go Beckley tee no one is disputing the time period of it it's 11,000 years ago right that's when it was covered intentionally 11,000 years ago so no one's disputing that but that puts it into the term of pre- Agriculture and so what he was saying was that maybe where they lived was so Bountiful with with food that they didn't need agriculture at the time right possible but also are we only thinking of Agriculture as plant Agriculture and do we have to grow plants in an agricultural setting to feed animals well doesn't that entirely depend on how we're raising these animals because if these animals are free ranging and you have an enormous area then no all right then you could Harvest them out free ranging you could have agriculture in terms of animals and you could have these animals that you're farming you're just farming them with wild plants and if you could do that for go golee which is what they're saying and at least they're saying that either they just hunted all the animals that were around there there was so many animals around them they could hunt them very easily to feed everybody so they'd have enough resources to build this thing MH or maybe they had some kind of agriculture in terms of animal agriculture but just hadn't planted things yeah or hadn't had the need plant things if they're living in such abundance yeah I don't know I don't know uh it's a good question though it is a good question yeah all of it is good questions all all these good questions C citizens coming forward and asking raising their hands and saying oh wait a minute what about this what about this and that's what you've done and listen I think you've done an amazing job of it and the way you explained it today uh I really I really appreciate it it's it's great for a person like myself to be able to ask a person like you question questions and get to this the heart of how this whole thing would work and I think you laid it out amazingly it's it's it's a such a fascinating subject and so many Mysteries and so many questions and I just want to thank you for putting in so much time and uh having so much energy of your life dedicated to trying to figure this thing out yeah right can I go take a nap now yes you can go take a nap you did great um tell everybody about your books though um so they get them so anyway uh yeah we've got one was the Giza power plant okay Technologies of ancient Egypt and and then the newest one newest one is what does it say on that one Giza the Tesla connection can they see it from there yeah okay cool Giza the Tesla connection all right and those are available now acoustical science and the harvesting of clean energy all right well thank you sir I really appreciate you coming here I really enjoyed it and uh it's uh you're doing a great service you you you should uh give those to Elum why he needs them well if he's going to build electric cars he's going to need electricity for all right I'll let him know I'll let him know all right thank you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 1,129,457
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party, Joe Rogan, Christopher Dunn, Egypt, Giza, Pyramid, Great Pyramid, King's Chamber, Queen's Chamber
Id: R6xHjdF4jSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 13sec (9613 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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