Is Joe Rogan Confirming Terrence Howard's Theories? "He Is A Legitimate Genius"

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have did you see the guy from Empire's um speech like interview yes yes yes like that seems almost like he's not pretend like he's if he's pretending he's doing a better job acting than joakin Phoenix well Terence Howard uh the guy who interviewed me for Rolling Stone told me that Terence Howard is like a legitimate genius like he's like he talked to the guy the guy is absolutely brilliant maybe figured it all out it wasn't like nonsense talk right he was like like oh this is like shockingly coherent for a ridiculous thing to say our DNA is made up of what five elements right hydrogen carbon nitrogen phosphorus and oxygen you know how they're arranged the phosphorus sits right here in the middle and you've got four oxygen atoms surrounding it then there's another phosphorus two more oxygen atoms now these are the legs of that double helix these are the legs now the lad steps on it they become the adamine the guanine the camine and th thyine the at tcgs it turns out hydrogen they used to think that energy the the body transferred or understood the Energy Information through electricity they're finding out it's through frequency well guess what hydrogen sounds like it's a key of E and it's a color yellow that's what proper physics gets you to oxygen is a chartreuse and it's the key of f over F sharp now they used to like I said information used to be thought about as just electrical information passing on but I got a question for you have you ever been at a party with some of your friends you ain't seen in 10 years but y was like 14 you hung out and there was a song that came on you like and everybody got up and was live at that moment now say 10 years later you got a friend with you he's a good guy but he wasn't there when me and my boys form this so when that song comes on our DNA tightens Titans Titans there's a particular song a scale in the genomes for each and every one of us now when that song is played when your particular Prime resonant frequency is played guess what happens your DNA celebrates and tightens everything else gets pushed out harmonic wave resequencing the carbon is also the key of E and yellow the nitrogen is G and all these play a song so say that the F over F Sharps of the oxygen the green is only hitting at an an F why because there's another frequency coming in from a generator over there that's changing and causing it to change the F hits the carbon so the instead of hitting as a fshp it hits as an F so when it hits the carbon at an e it doesn't hit it quite right so the Domino don't file right so the next Domino hits wrong and so now we have a Mal formation happening within our DNA because the frequencies are being pushed off but when we hear our tone we tighten back up so yeah I in the process of building the harmonic wavy sequencer with another doctor who has been able to successfully cure AIDS and cancer and it's well underway but I wanted you guys to understand how that works it's so simple you do not need to tear the human body apart when all you can do is use frequency to bring it back to its normal space throughout history numerous individuals who have ventured beyond the conventional paradigms of Science and Society have often found their theories marginalized their voices silenced this pattern raises crucial questions about the nature of progress and the suppression of innovative ideas take for instance Nicola Tesla whose profound genius revolutionized the world of physics and Engineering after his death it's widely reported that many of his papers and research notes were confiscated by government agencies the full extent of Tesla's work remained shrouded in mystery fueling speculation that some of his revolutionary ideas were too transformative or too threatening to be released to the public similarly The Curious Case of Royal Raymond R who claimed his rif machine could cure cancer with frequency therapy was met with considerable skepticism and legal challenges leading to the eventual downfall of his research critics argue His science was flawed while supporters suggest his work was undermined by a medical industry that felt threatened by his claims moving into the realm of entertainment and social influence actor Terrence Howard presents a contemporary example known for his acting career Howard's recent foray into the realm of alternative physics has been met with by both Intrigue and disdain whether his theories on the structure of DNA and its relation to frequencies hold water is subject to Scientific scrutiny still his abrupt descent from Hollywood raises eyebrows it suggests a pattern where celebrities who diverge from their expected roles and advocate for radical ideas quickly find themselves ostracized I want you guys to know about a 6,000 year old secret 6,000 years mankind has been trying trying to decipher this one little thing called The Flower of Life have you guys ever seen this before now you know this is one of the oldest symbols in um human history right this symbol was found in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and it had been molecularly burned into the wall and it's 6,000 years old this the same symbol has been found in the The Forbidden temples in China sitting under the Fufu dog dogs and the foot on it the Flower of Life saying whoever controlled that flower of life controlled the universe there were secrets in that flower of life that D Vinci spent his whole life trying to uncover there were secrets in that flower of life that Newton spent his whole life in secret trying to uncover the same secrets that Pythagoras was desperately trying to uncover but the problem was they kept seeing this in a two-dimensional space they couldn't get it out of this two-dimensional frame and as a result they got stuck in this plane a flat plane now what D Vinci and all of them were wanted to do they were trying to find a way to bring this flower to life because what is inside of it well apparently there were Secrets inside of it shapes they C the mcba and all of those other things out of it but they were misled by something I think called a straight line you guys believe in straight lines you believe there's straight lines in the universe well let me hit you with something all energy in the universe is expressed in what it's in motion if something is still there's no energy kinetic right all motion is expressed in what you look at galaxies are they expressed in straight lines expressed in vortices all vortices are expressed in what waves all waves are curved show me a straight line in nature you show me where the plutonic solids come from where do they have their Foundation in our universe are there any straight lines if you look at anything there are no straight lines that's been the mistake we've been looking at these straight lines this ukian way of thinking and missing the curvature of nature so here we are back with the curvature of Nature and you have all these little pieces now this has always been an information system so comp compare some of these points take a point here and say well what's the space in between all of these things now they've said that all the in between spaces if this is the Earth and this is the moon right here all this in between space is filled with what a void there's nothing in the void well I found that there is something in the void the elementary fundamental particles that they've been searching for at the CERN collider the hedron collider and CERN I found that their energy signatures matched perfectly to some of the pieces that I was able to pull out of here as we delve into the 6,000-year-old secret of the flower of life we uncover a journey that intertwines the quests of great minds like d Vinci Newton and Pythagoras with the modern rethinking of Geometry The Flower of Life an intricate symbol composed of multiple evenly spaced overlapping circles is more than just a mesmerizing design it's a portal into the ancient understanding of the universe its presence in the temple of Osiris in Egypt and in Hidden temples under the watchful eyes of food dogs in China signals a universal reverence this symbol believed to represent the fundamental forms of space and time is a visual expression of the connections life weaves through all sentient beings hinting at the underlying Unity of the cosmos Terrence Howard's admiration for the symbol is not an isolated phenomenon history tells us of great minds who also pondered over its significance Leonardo da Vinci a polymath of the Renaissance Era is known for his extensive studies of the Flower of Life the Vinci sketches reveal his fascination with its geometric perfe and potential to unlock the secrets of the universe similarly Sir Isaac Newton in his quest to understand gravitational force in the mechanics of the cosmos delved into ancient knowledge and symbols including the flower of life it suggested that new's famed discovery of gravity was part of a larger pursuit to decipher the cosmic puzzle embedded in ancient symbols Pythagoras the Greek mathematician also journeyed through these mystical Realms using geometric principles to understand the harmonies of music and the structure of the universe but what Howard brilliantly highlights is the limitation these great minds faced their confinement within two-dimensional perspectives despite their genius they grappled with the symbols profundity unable to fully transcend its planer representation this is where Howard's critique of traditional ukian geometry opens a new Avenue of understanding ukian geometry the Bedrock of much of our mathematical scientific understanding focuses on flat two-dimensional planes however the universe as Howard eloquently points out isn't confined to flatness it's a dance of Curves waves and multi-dimensional forms the Flower of Life thus becomes a gateway to understanding the curvature of nature when we look at the spirals of galaxies or the intricate patterns of a nautilus shell we see not straight lines but curves this realization has profound implications suggests that the Universe operates not just in the Realms of the flat and linear but in Dimensions that our ancestors possibly try to communicate through symbols like the flower of life Howard's speech resonates with the modern scientific understanding of the universe the curved space-time Continuum a fundamental Concept in Einstein's theory of relativity Echoes this ancient wisdom the curvature of space and time around massive objects like stars and galaxies isn't just theoretical it's observable the warping of light around massive objects known as gravitational lensing is a testament to the universe's curved nature furthermore Howard's insights find parallels in the realm of quantum physics The elusive nature of Elementary particles their existence in probabilities rather than definite positions aligns with the idea of a universe beyond straight lines and predictable paths this is where Howard's theory about finding something in the void void becomes particularly intriguing the void often thought of as empty space could be teeming with these fundamental particles invisible threads weaving the fabric of the universe the flower of life therefore is not just an ancient symbol but a representation of the universe's deepest Secrets the 6,000-year-old secret isn't just about a geometric pattern it's about the very nature of reality itself it's a symbol that has transcended Millennia Bridging the gap between ancient wisdom and modern scientific understanding I've spent 45 years searching these things out and trying to figure out what the universe really how it really worked and we come to find that the Universe they are abandoning the standard model the ideas of black holes and dark matter for an electric model of the universe there's tons of paperwork of Da Vinci working on the Flower of Life and trying to unravel it but every single existence every single example you see him making straight lines and trying to make these straight lines Bend IN and therefore he was never able to open it up because all the universe is curved all space is curved and as a result what I was doing in trying to find these straight lines I abandoned the idea of the straight line the shortest distance between two points is curv space because you cannot force your way straight through space even electricity as it moves from the a southern plane to a northern plane it always goes Northeast in its direction and magnetism as it expands out it goes southwesterly and that's the spin that's how you always know whether it's magnetism or electricity it's the spin is it Northeast or is it Southwest but in trying to define the spaces it allowed me to see that all of these in between what we have been dealing with is these pedals all of man mankind have dealt with these pedals but is these other shapes that we've ignored constantly well those other shapes were the in between spaces they were the things that filled up the vacuum of space and all these particles that I have um I think are the full proof of that and it is also the full proof of the wave particle argument in the heart of this exploration lies the fundamental principle that all energy in the universe is in perpetual motion this motion manifests in vortices waves and spirals rather than straight lines modern physics with its study of galaxies and celestial bodies supports this view galaxies do not arrange themselves in straight paths but in swirling Spirals and eliptical orbits a pattern mimicked in the structure of the DNA Helix and the spiraling arms of hurricanes Howard's perspective resonates deeply with this view suggesting a universal pattern of motion and energy that is curved and cyclic the wave particle duality in quantum mechanics a concept that posits particles as both discret entities and probabilistic waves further illustrates this departure from straight line thinking this Duality challenges our conventional understanding of motion and trajectory proposing that at the fundamental level the universe expresses itself in probabilities and patterns that Define straightforward categorization moving from the macrocosmic to the microcosmic we delve into Nature's curves seeking the essence of the universe this chapter explores how the natural world embodies the curved nonlinear geometry that Howard emphasizes from The Majestic sweep of rivers to the delicate curl of a ferns front nature abounds with curves and spirals these patterns are not arbitrary but follow mathematical principles such as fractal geometry and the Fibonacci sequence fractal geometry with its self-repeating patterns offers a window into the infinite complexity of nature these fractals are evident in the branching of trees the structure of snowflakes and the rugged Contours of mountain ranges the Fibonacci sequence another mathematical pattern manifests in the arrangement of seeds in a sunflower the spirals of a snail shell and the proportions of the human body these patterns reveal a hidden order in nature an order that transcends the straight lines of ukian geometry Howard's perspective on the absence of straight lines in nature aligns with these observations by recognizing the curved and recursive patterns that govern the natural world we gain insight into the essence of the universe these patterns are Not Mere coincidences but are reflective of deeper Universal principles that govern the growth structure and movement of everything in the cosmos as we delve deeper into this exploration we prepare to encounter a concept that further challenges are conventional understanding of mathematics and its application to the physical world Terrence Howard in his insightful speech introduces us to a fascinating aspect of this hidden order the concept of mathematical Loops this intriguing idea exemplified by the looping behavior of the square root of two reveals an unexpected and seemingly paradoxical nature of mathematical operations our planet is moving away from our sun at 6 Ines a year you guys know that 15 cm of the year our planet is pushing away from the Sun so in less than a half a billion years our planet will be out of the goldilock Zone will be somewhere near where Mars is somewhere halfway between there so life will not be able to Su be sustained on this planet anymore so if we're going to be able to to sustain ourselves as a species we have to become Interstellar not just interplanetary you have to become Interstellar but with approximations you cannot become Interstellar you cannot become Interstellar with a a point that will take you all the way over here with a straight line when the actual event is taking place over here when you're going 600 quadrillion miles you can't make a mistake you need precision and that's what the math is about but all of these wave conjugations all of these states of matter all of these things there's time it's time for that to be changed now we have changed all of our our buildings to be aerodynamic our airplanes are no longer based on a two-dimensional ukian way of life but our math is still based on a two-dimensional way and I think in order for us to reach the future we have to examine that do you guys know about um Loops in math do you believe in Loops do you know the square root of two do you think that's a loop do you believe that the square otk of two is the square root of two I want y'all to take out your phone for a minute then we're going to do one thing put it on the calculator and turn it to the side so you can get all the long numbers out of it now I want you to put in two and square root it two hit the square root you'll get 1.414 213- 562 37395 dot dot dot right now I want you guys to do me a favor Cube it it'll see right over there be x to the 3 it'll see 2828 4271 2174 6190 now that makes sense I want you guys to do me a favor divide it by two got that number cube it again divide by two Cube it again and I want you you to do that until the end of your lives and that number will still come up with 2828 4271 2174 6190 any other number that you above two that you put in and you Cube and you square Cube and square and divide by two by the six operation it has moved into an exponential number that you can't even imagine any number below two that you do that same operation with it will go into an exponentially small matter and number this is what we call a loop it is illogical it doesn't make sense and it does not make math make sense so these are some things that that um I'm bringing to the four and that I would like to question I would like to audit the math the world of mathematics and I would like to audit how we view the platonic solids because I think the new wave conjugations will tell a better story of how our world works and I think it's time to start right at the very beginning and walk through walk through this thing so the question for the Church of Truth love and Consciousness and all those listening does a dollar time a dollar equal $1 or does a dollar time a dollar equal $2 I have never seen anywhere in the universe where an action times an action doesn't have a reaction so now that that's why we need to discuss this and examine it and how they came up with this strange number that which is illogical because an area a lint times a lint has to have an area so you can't have an a one time one having equaling one because now what happened to the length times the length it's the area is no longer in existence Taran starts by posing an intriguing question money can't be multiplied or can it a penny times a penny equals what since the penny is no longer based upon the hard asset of gold and is now based upon an imaginary value that is equal to a virtual value of the integers or numbers then it follows one penny * 1 Penny equal 1 penny according to the rules of current mathematics and multiplication 1 Penny * 1 Penny equal two pennies according to the laws of universal mathematics 1 Penny * 1 Penny equal 0.01 according to a calculator a penny time a penny 0.01 * 0.01 = 0.1 does a penny * a penny equal 1 Penny based upon the rules of multiplication or does a penny time a penny equal 0.00001 based upon our current Decimal System a value so small that there isn't even a currency circulated for that amount by the US Department of Treasury all calculations shown here are reasonable forms of multiplication but which one remains consistent with observed Universal phenomena how would you like your money calculated a nickel time a nickel equals what a nickel is equivalent to 5 pennies then a nickel time a nickel should also equal a quarter a nickel time a nickel according to the calculator is 05 * 05 = .25 again a value so small that there is not a currency circulated to represent it how would you like your money calculated a dime time a dime equals what a dime is equivalent to 10 pennies a dime time a dime should be equivalent to 10 pennies time 10 pennies 10 pennies * 10 pennies is equivalent to 100 pennies which is equal to a doar but a dime time a dime equals a penny according to a calculator 0.10 * 0.10 equals 0.01 how would you like your money calculated what is a quarter * a quar a quarter is equal to 25 pennies therefore A4 * A4 = 25 pennies * 25 pennies which equals 625 pennies which is $6.25 yet a quar * a quarter according to the calculator is 0625 .25 * .25 = 0625 how would you like your money calculated allow me to Enlighten you if 4 over2 is the inverse operation of 2 * 2 equal 4 then it would naturally follow that 2 ided 1 or 2 over one is the inverse operation of 1 * 1 equaling two so let's talk about this what does your common sense tell you about these two scenarios what do they have in common and what are their differences division the number four is divided by two twice and the truth is the number two is divided by one twice the proof of that if you had two dollars and split it between two people you would have to give each person $1 in order for it to be even in addition two + 2 = 4 and 1 + 1 = 2 subtraction 4 - 2 = 2 and 2 - 1 = 1 multiplication 2 * 2 = 4 and 1 * 1 equals 1 does that make sense to anybody there does that seem like it's following any similar line of of congruency I mean can you see where the mistake has occurred both of these scenarios are identical in every way the only difference exists in dimension alone if they add subtract and divide according to the same ratio then they must also multiply according to the same ratio plain and simple if 2 over 1 is inconsistent with 1 * 1 equaling 1 although 4 over 2 is consistent with 2 * 2 equaling 4 then it should follow that 2^2 = 4 which it does and 1 sared equals 2 yet the math and scientific Community tells us that common sense and logic are wrong in this case because of a product of an arbitrary convention called the identity property let's discuss yes
Channel: Video Advice
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Keywords: video advice, video, advice, terrence howard video, terrence howard one times one, terrence howard 1 times 1, terrence risking video, risking a lot terrence howard, joe rogan terrence howard, joe rogan terrence is a genius, joe rogan genius, terrence howard joe rogan, joe rogan terrence
Id: Y6dDAD2bLXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 13sec (1573 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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