Why Exactly Are We Fighting In TF2?

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[Music] how [Music] Ste wait stop why in the hell are we even fighting uh well you see back in the kid I actually don't [ __ ] but you care or at least I assume you do because you clicked on the video so why exactly are we fighting in TF2 why are we pushing this card to this one area capturing this control Point destroying these robots well there's actually quite an interesting storyline beneath all this gameplay in fact out of all valve games this game has the most expansive storyline and if you don't want to take my word for it valve even said that themselves you'll also be able to see firsthand when I try and explain this Labyrinth of a story in this video Team Fortress 2 wasn't always like this though and at its launch is really just a wacky sequel to the other popular Valve game Team Fortress classic but tf2's lovable lineup of characters and really cool art style had players and fans demanding more story out of this game the first actual comic expanding upon tf2's universe as well wouldn't even be published until 1 year in 7 months after the initial release of TF2 after that valve decided that they were going to dedicate themselves with flushing out this unknown world of TF2 and give it its own storyline and character along the way I've made sure to read the 300 plus pages of Team Fortress 2 Comics which is hard for my little brain and have decided to try my best to summarize the story and also make it comprehensible firstly I'm going to start with the beginning lore and Exposition then I'm going to get to the full story of TF2 that arrives later on so strap in grab a notepad or two and enjoy this lore that goes a lot deeper than just two teams [Music] fighting to start things off we're beginning all the way back in the year 1850 Zephaniah man travels from England all the way to the USFA in efforts to buy land for his weapon and munition Company Manco his two sons Redman and blue tarch somehow convinced him that it's a good idea to buy most of the state of New Mexico this large area that they bought is called the bad lands while Zephaniah man had been traveling all across America looking for land to buy he contracted many illnesses which ended up killing him in his will he leaves his company man code to his trusted Aid Barnabas hail all of his wealth to his maid servant Elizabeth and lastly all of the bad lands to his two sons Redman and blue tarch the only problem was they had to share this land and these brother s did not want to share no matter how worthless this land actually was so they both hired a team of nine mercenaries to fight over this land thus sparking the gravel Wars 40 years passed and the two man Brothers Redman and Blu tarch were still on a stalemate over the Badlands no one was winning and they were getting old so blue tarch had an idea if he couldn't win this war then he'll just have to outlive his brother so Blu tar contracted the work from rigan coniger which rigan is actually the father of the engineer from Team Fortress classic as well as the grandfather for the engineer in Team Fortress 2 anyways rigan was tasked with making the L or life extending machine that will basically make blue tarch Immortal that was until Elizabeth the maid servant I mentioned earlier approached rigan to make one for Redman as well she does this by convincing him with some australium for context to what australium even is it's an all powerful element only found in Australia which allowed them to make some crazy technology and will even increase intelligence and virility if they're exposed to it I mean just look at how Australia looked in 1890 for some reason though Elizabeth really wanted to keep these two brothers fighting which you'll figure out just why later on rigan makes the life extending machine for both of the brothers which just ends up extending the gravel Wars into the second generation of mercenaries these mercenaries being the ones in Team Fortress classic and it's now the year 1930 the TF classic crew actually has a lot more to do with the story than you would think but nothing too interesting happens with the story in this time Jump other than just these same old gravel wars being fought but with a new set of mercenaries so let's Jump Ahead in time to when all the TF2 mercenaries are hired it's never exactly said what year they recruited but it was most likely in the year 1964 the current owner of Manco is some Australian chest haired bloke named Saxon hail which is the Great grandchild of Barnabas hail who is the one that inherited ownership over Manco while Saxon hail was the owner of Manco he wasn't actually the one pulling the strings over the whole gravel Wars that would be somebody named the administrator a mysterious figure that even Manco doesn't like to name the administrator has been orchestrating the whole gravel Wars behind the scenes for over a hundred years she's also the owner of Team Fortress Industries which basically owns like everything in the Team Fortress Universe including Manco itself during gameplay in TF2 you can even hear her over the intercom alert our last control point is being captured and she also looks an awful lot like Elizabeth that's because it most likely is Elizabeth although it's never Flatout stated technically the administrator's name is Helen but that's just her code name it's still shown that she's been alive since at least 1850 now how the hell is she still alive over a 100 years later well spoiler alert she has an immortality machine inside of her as well although hers does seem to be a bit more sophisticated than the brothers probably because her machine uses more australium the australium alone is most likely the entire motive on why the administrator has been perpetrating the gravel Wars for so long she's also been stockpiling australium so it's pretty obvious what she wants the administrator also has an assistant in her whole scheme of things named Miss Pauling who will be very important to the story Miss Pauling pretty much just does stuff for the administrator out in the real world that the administrator can't do because she's too busy administrating or something now that I've got most of the exposition and past stuff out of the way we can now move on to the new storyline that starts to emerge later on in the TF2 lore but real quick let's move away from the gravel Wars and focus on a completely different war going on War Thunder War Thunder is probably a game you've heard about quite a lot and for a good reason it's basically the ultimate vehicle war game with over 25 200 tanks planes helicopters and ships that can all be fought against each other there are even 10 major Nations that can fight and different Vehicles throughout many years the game also looks great and is honestly quite fun having you fight different vehicles of all types in an immersive Battle War Thunder is available for free on PC Playstation or Xbox and using my link in the pin comment or video description you'll get yourself a massive bonus pack for new or returning players who've been MIA for at least 6 months there's a ton waiting for you including multiple premium vehicles and an exclusive vehicle decorator the eagle of Valor plus you'll get 100,000 silver lions in 7 Days of premium account time remember this offer won't last forever it's for a limited time only so once again make sure to check it out using my link and thank you to War Thunder for sponsoring this video now let's get back to the story I'm going to go a bit fast here so get ready I'm also skipping a lot for time sake so check out the comics the year is now 1971 the two brothers Redman and blue tarch are still getting very old so old in fact that their immortality machines aren't working well enough to keep them alive and during a meeting they have a genius idea to create a machine that can get them pregnant so at least someone can inherit the bad lands thankfully that idea never came to fruition because shortly after they had that idea a mysterious man introduces himself it turns out that there was actually a third brother in the man family and his name is greyman how creative apparently gray had been born at the same time as them but he was a little different so his dad wanted to smother him but in perfect timing an eagle soup through a window and took him to safety never to be seen again until right now greyman introduces himself and also reveals that he has a far more advanced immortality machine than the brothers gray also explains how pointless this whole War has been but points out that there's actually One Thing Worth Fighting For The Manco company itself and all the Australian but keep in mind the brothers didn't own Manco they just own the bad lands the true owner of Manco at the moment is Saxon hail so being no use to gray gray kills both of his brothers and plans to take over Manco this is when he launches his robot army to attack and conquer the Badlands which is why everyone is fighting in the man versus machine game mode this war goes on for about a year with no one winning similar to the gravel Wars but not being as dumb as his brother others greyman decides to take another approach you see Saxon hail created something called the Manco challenge in which if anyone can beat him in hand-to-hand combat they will become the rightful owner of Manco so gray uses this challenge to his Advantage by having Saxon hail fight his daughter Olivia obviously Saxon halil doesn't want to fight this little girl so he gives up and hands over his company to Olivia gray gray then takes over Manco as the new rightful owner all the mercenaries are fired and the administrator is nowhere to be found for the next 6 months gray tries his hardest to search for all of mano's Australian caches but no luck he even employs the work of a mysterious figure who I will get to later after those 6 months Miss polling decides that she's going to take it upon herself to get all the mercenaries back together again Soldier was found in the house of his old roommate marasmus pyro was somehow the new CEO of a company named Frontier engineering demoan was back at home unemployed and depressed in spy and Scout were in the midst of a trial to be hang due to their many crimes committed this is also in the town of tort which is just one of many actual cities that were inside the Badlands even though it may appear that everything is just factories in Baron desert on most Maps there are actually some populated areas that have people living there anyway anyways W Pauling was in the town of two Fort to help spy and Scout she actually ended up meeting with the administrator in an alley the administrator who isn't looking too good informs miss paing that there is only just one last cash of australium and they must go and get it which they will get to in a bit first they have to find heavy in the middle of Siberia which they do find along with his family and Soldier falls in love with his sister zanana they then all split up having Miss Pauling and demo man go to Australia to search for Sniper who is in his parents abandoned house where we learned that sniper parents that he grew up with aren't his actual real parents meanwhile spy Soldier and steal a submarine and heavy and Scout go to one of the last Australian mines where they actually run into Saxon hail along with his old girlfriend mags after all that Miss Pauling along with demoan spy sniper pyro Soldier and Zana all stuff into that submarine they stole to search for the very last cash of australium that was actually in New Zealand New Zealand in the TF2 universe is quite different than it is in our real world while Australia was too busy being rich in australium and shock full of verity New Zealand had another problem on its hands some crazy guy who just so happened to be sniper's real father convinces the enire country of New Zealand that they must build a dome around their entire country and move it underwater before the whole earth gets covered in magma although no magma ever came the country actually survived underneath the sea somehow that was until sniper's father had another genius idea still scared of the magma that he has foreseen he decides to take matters into his own hands by flying away into space with the rocket ship he had built leaving behind his wife and infant son because there was only room for one person this of course upsets his wife not wanting to be left alone while her husband basically leaves them to die so they get into a bit of an argument the infants sniper then sneaks into the rocket blasting straight through the Dome and then lands in the middle of rural Australia where he would meet his new parents meanwhile down in the dome of New Zealand there is now a giant hole with the ocean seeping through and that is the story of New Zealand Miss Pauling and her crew arrive in the former Dome of New Zealand that is now flooded and head to the last known location of the australium at that last cach they actually managed to run into sniper's old dad who is much older but welcomes him with open arms and his mother is even also still alive because they both lock themselves in the lab while the rest of New Zealand drowned it also turns out that the last of the australium is gone well the last of it was actually used to paint their rocket ship so thankfully it's not technically gone oh wait now it's really gone and in space along with sniper's Mom this of course causes El lab to flood again because there is now a giant hole in the roof Miss Pauling and the crew triy to escape to their submarine but the dad ends up stealing it and leaves them all to drown the door then opens back up giving them some hope that maybe he came back but it turns out that some other people actually arrived those people are the entire crew of the old Team Fortress Game Team Fortress classic oh and medic it turned out that the mysterious figure that was hired by gray earlier was the classic heavy from Team Fortress classic and in typical villain fashion he betrayed grayman to find the australium himself because they needed to make their own immortality machines classic heavy along with his crew tracked down that last cash of australium which was in this lab wasting no time they shoot sniper and kill him poor sniper and they all get captured Soldier and Zana are getting tortured together by Pyro from TF classic and grman is also there who got his immortality machine ripped right out of his back Zana later Breaks Loose by cutting off her hand and then kills pyro by inflating her with a smoke grenade do not show this to pyro cynical Soldier and Zana break out to go find the rest of the team along with greyman we then see pyro Demo Man spy and Miss Pauling locked in a Cell together spy and Miss Pauling are about to take a cyanide capsule but before they can do that heavy breaks through the door to save them he then asks where they can find the administrator at which Miss Pauling happily tells him the exact coordinates but it turns out that heavy was actually disguised classic spy thankfully Z and soldiers show up just in time to rescue them they also brought dying gray along with them gray tells Miss Pauling that whatever he had planned with the australium the administrator's plan is much worse and they need to stop her Miss Pauling tells him to [ __ ] off and that she is too loyal to turn her back on the administrator and gray dies during her speech later we can see medic who is running with the classic crew now trying to bring back sniper from the dead and it works classic heavy comes in and sees that medic brought back the person that they killed and is obviously pretty upset while classic heavy was busy bitching out medic naked sniper manages to slip away and this is also where we see a pretty obvious foreshadow of what medic will do since there's technically no more australium in existence on Earth classic heavy plans to use these robots to suck out the australium out of the bodies of the Australians apparently Australians also have it in their blood I don't know it confused me as well and while missp calling and everyone escapes they end up getting attacked by those blood sucking robots and die thankfully medic saves a day once again by dumping Buckets of Blood back into them don't ask me how that works heavy and Scouts show up after parachuting from a plane and meet back up with everyone they all get surrounded by gry's robots with no weapons until Saxon hail and his girlfriend mag show up to save them while they're fighting off all the robots we can see Heavy in the sights of classic sniper until spy comes in who's disguised as their engineer but classic sniper sees right through this and shoots him in the foot thankfully he takes his time killing spy giving enough time for a naked revive sniper to come up behind him and kill him back outside now we can find medic helping out demoan we're out of nowhere classic heavy shows H he demands that medic puts Gray's immortality machine inside of him but like I said earlier with the foreshadowing medic stabs heavy but he somehow gets back up from this and an epic battle ensues heavy eventually shows up to help medic but classic heavy shoots medic and kills him and then another epic battle s oh and during this pyro is also burning classic Demo Man and Scout to death back outside to all the fighting Soldier and z are busy destroying robots while naked and covered in Honey Saxon and mags are fist fighting robots just like back in the day and Miss Pauling and Scout split up with Scout going inside to fight the robots or to look for spy bad idea buddy heavy and classic are also still fighting as well and heavy was actually winning by quite a lot until classic heavy manages to just shove the immortality machine inside of him which fills them with the virility of australium back inside naked sniper and spy are making their way out of the building they were in that's when they find poor Scout bleeding out after fighting the robots all alone before Scout could die spy tries his best to comfort him he does this by disguising himself as Tom Jones which is a Side Story I won't bother to explain spy admits to scout that he's his real father which by the way has been a thing hinted at over years of TF2 lore so this was kind of a big deal when it was shown and then Scout then dies in spy arms rest in peace but no he's back alive because he just talked to God and God said that he needs a second chance to have sex with more women yeah back outside everyone is still fighting until Miss Pauling gets a call from the administrator well not actually the administrator but from the blue engineer who was helping her the administrator was actually dead but she'll be fine engineer tells Miss Pauling that they need the Australian for her but she tells him it's all gone heavy and classic heavy are still fighting while dead medic is in Hell talking to the devil he somehow manages to talk his way out of dying and comes back because apparently it's [ __ ] impossible for any of them to actually die medic saves heavy by using a pen he took from hell to trick classic heavy into thinking it's a Detonator a Detonator that W pregnate all the classic crew because and I forgot to mention this earlier medic actually put baboon uteruses inside of all them he believes it which gives enough time for heavy to rip out the immortality machine and destroy it Miss Pauling and the crew walk up to Classic heavy as he's dying and she says the iconic words we are Team Fortress before he dies cut to a scene of the administrator being revived from her immortality machine and having the engineer tell her that he has the last bit of australium on the earth for her if she just Waits a bit longer they can make the mark 5 machine and this last bit of australium could actually last her about 6 more months of her life the administrator has other plans though and uses the last of the australium on Earth for her inefficient markv machine and cuts her time of living from 6 months to an hour if she's lucky and in typical valve fashion they end the story there nothing after this NADA it's actually been over 7 years since this last Comic was made one of the writers Jay Pinkerton said he was working on it until he left valve in June of 2017 a couple months after the latest comic was released he apparently rejoined valve in 2018 but no other information about the final comic has been released since fans of course have made a ton of theories on how the story actually ends and there's even a supposed real ending that was leaked on 4chan RoR overtime made a great video on it so I'd recommend checking that out if you're interested but until now there is no conclusive ending to the story if you want you can sign the change.org petition to finish the final comic that has about 1,400 signatures I'll go ahead and put that in the description if it makes you feel better once again thanks to War Thunder for sponsoring this video and make sure to check them out using my links in the description or pin comment to get that Bonus Pack also thanks for sticking till the end of this video I know it isn't like my usual ones considering I usually make shorter Counter-Strike videos but I'd really love to just make more videos on any Source games or valve titles in the future I've also been torturing myself with speed running Counter-Strike condition zero on my twitch which I will make into a video eventually so make sure to check out my streams if you can if you like the video make sure to like it and subscribe and if you didn't like it [ __ ] you I'm just kidding okay bye
Channel: Goldec
Views: 746,009
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: counter strike, counter strike 2, counter strike clips, counter strike funny, counter-strike, counter-strike global offensive, csgo, csgo clips, csgo memes, csgo moments, funny moments, global offensive, half life, source, source 2, valve, tf2, team fortress 2, team fortress 2 gameplay, tf2 sfm, tf2 animation, animation, sfm, source film maker, gmod, lore, tf2 lore, tf2 story, tf2 comics, team fortress 2 comics, goldec, pyrocynical, tf2 scout, tf2 spy, tf2 funny, video essay
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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