Life Portrayed by TF2

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it's been a long time since I visited the humans down there I wonder how they're doing I suppose the best way to see is to experience it for myself let's see here recalibrate The Reincarnation cycle wait wait no no no go back go back I don't like this actually go back you know what despite being bored and two for it it's really not all that bad I've got loving parents lots of room to run around in and even a basement filled with cool things and for some reason I really really want to stick a fork in that thing do you hey champ why so glum did you lose your ball yeah well this is the perfect time for you to learn a little life lesson called consequences damn can you come upstairs so we can discuss your internet search history oh would you look at that it seems that it's also the perfect time to learn another lesson called running away from your consequences I was never here you little [ __ ] what do you mean Dad all right settle down class my name is Mr Dover that's da over not Dove here or Dover Dover hey I bet you five bucks his first name is Ben is something funny gentlemen uh uh say that in my class one more time I dare you listen up class today we'll be learning the basics of Rocket jumping follow my lead and jump over this obstacle great now since your little gremlins have gotten the basics down finish the rest of the course while I take a nap at my desk what the for some reason I'm getting Deja Vu Rock Paper Scissors Shoot hi let's go I'm the best uh wait hold on a second uh let me check the notification real quick hey I got a new item sweet puberty what's that what the heck how do I delete this item hey uh mom can I have uh 20 bucks for lunch money dear uh yeah yeah for lunch money yeah totally all right then ah thanks Mom you're the best love you little does she know I'm actually gonna use the money to buy weed [Music] well I thought today would never come but I'm finally done with grade school your new guy you want to swing by the party tonight for a couple of beers um I mean I'm not drinking age but I mean what's the worst that one drink can do [Applause] oh God hey I know this is sudden and this is gonna sound crazy but the truth is I think I'm in love with you okay now all I gotta do is donate a thousand dollars and she'll know my name hi my name is Billy I'm here to apply for a job I have a bachelor's degree in Biochemistry I've interned at five different hospitals um and I've cured cancer so I think I'll be a really really good fit for this job sir you know this is a McDonald's right yep I yeah I know I'm just just making sure I get the job sir sir this is where you order job applications are here left oh I I knew that I was just um I'll just be on my way now uh your other left sir right right I mean I mean left right yeah carry the one and done wow taxes are a lot easier than I thought I only had to pay like 50 dollars who Could That Be At This Hour open up flakes uh good evening officers we're here on behalf of the IRS camera explainer unpaid taxes [ __ ] scumbag I'll take it for beer excuse my partner he's a bit of AIDS team now back to the topic of Texas what I I totally paid my taxes what are you talking about well you're about a five grand short of the required amount there son oh that's our friends over at the IRS got something wrong which I highly don't I think you wait wait hold on hold on five thousand dollars that's the amount that I wait does that mean that tier three Subs to Pokeman don't count as tax write-offs foreign man that girl over there is super cute you know what I'm going for it hey I'm um I um listen I've got a bucket of chicken you take Billy for your lawful husband to have and to hold that actually worked what the [ __ ] honey I'm home oh you're finally back with the kids what took you so long well I would have been back sooner if you were there with me when they were being born we don't have the budget for a hospital scene anyways let me see the kids Jesus they can talk already you boys better not grow up to be spy mains um the puppy they are not getting a dog oh come on I think it'll be good for them absolutely not the kids are just gonna get bored and not take responsibility and then I'm gonna have to sit [Music] Shake you know maybe having a pet isn't all that bad no no woof nope nope we're taking straight back sir it was a pleasure working for this company for the past 30 years but I think my time has come I'd like to resign and yeah yeah yeah you quit now get out of my sight hey Charlie jump in for Billy over here on the grill ah I've had a good life some bumps in a road but otherwise I don't think I regret it all I want now is a peaceful death surrounded by my loved one oh Jesus Christ yeah Dad oh oh not you well thank me I don't ever have to do that again huh wait I was cute wait no no no no no not again not again [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ]
Channel: raw
Views: 1,357,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2, team fortress 2, tf2 be like, life portrayed by, life portrayed by tf2, TF2, tf2 nature documentary, tf2 documentary, tf2 skits, bad trickstab tutorials be like, tf2 youtubers be like, trading in tf2 be like, mcyum, itsfeckinraw, raw tf2, rocket jumping in tf2 be like, tf2 stereotypes, tf2 trading be like, mge players be like, tf2 trickstab tutorial, life portrayed by minecraft, rawccoon, rawccoon tf2
Id: Lru5PrP7NgQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 28 2023
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