Despicable Me 3 is a Cluttered Mess

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does anyone even remember despicable mi3 considering this movie has the lowest rating in the entire franchise and yes that includes the Minion movies it's not exactly uncommon to hear people say that they hate this thing but what's the deal with Despicable mi3 is it actually the worst one well I can confidently say that the first two movies definitely made a clear effort to at least have some sort of important theme throughout both of their stories and like the third movie just didn't make that effort it's like Universal picture saw how much minion merch was being sold and was like actually screw these interesting characters with complex backstories let's just add more yellow dudes I love yellow dudes more bananas I might be exaggerating a little bit the truth is if you're just looking for some goofy visual comedy of course you can watch this and still be entertained but that doesn't excuse the fact that this movie's writing is all over the place a lot of plot lines go absolutely nowhere and each character gets an equal amount of screen time despite half of them being very boring with nothing of substance to say at all how ironic that I'm talking about them right now so as I usually do on the channel I'll be watching and recapping the Despicable mi3 movie in full while completely overanalyzing in the little things that don't really matter and giving my own opinion every now and then there's a lot that happens in this movie and most of it is very forgettable if I'm being honest but I'll give it the benefit of the doubt to see if it's really as bad as people say it is so grab your copy of Universal Studios the game for the Nintendo GameCube and let's jump into what some people call a chaotic mess the one the only Despicable Me 3 our adventure begins with the illumination classic a bunch of exposition cleverly hidden by a random guy directly telling us everything we need to know basically the there was this child actor named balazar brat back in the day he was super popular and on TV all the time but once he had puberty his show got canceled cuz no one in the world thinks acne is cute because of this bro actually fell off and decided to become this evil villain in retaliation to the world because you know they like hate him now or something if this seems kind of deep so far trust me it's not as interesting as I make it sound what are you looking at why is he getting mad doesn't he want to be famous still isn't that the whole point we then skip ahead to present time which is when we see baltazar being super evil in attempting to steal a giant Diamond I've always wondered why villains in movies always steal stuff like notable art pieces and like giant diamonds and stuff cuz like how do you sell this thing does it actually have any value if you get reported the second you try to sell it to some point anyway two important things you need to know about Bazar brat one his whole thing is that he's stuck in the 80s I guess his entire aesthetic is based around ' 80s fashion and every time he does literally anything there's a nostalgic song that plays which probably cost Universal way too much money in to license let's be honest and two he's voiced by Trey Parker who's not only one of the creator of the show South Park but he also voices many of its characters one of which being Randy Marsh and every time he speaks in this movie that's all I hear so playing a villain I'm a Noob Heist music that is final so Michael Jackson starts playing and balazar hijacks the ship to steal a giant Diamond he's taking the guards out with his forever growing bubble gum it's a little weird Just go with it this is when guu and Lucy are deployed to stop him turns out guw and Lucy both continue to work for the anti-villain league which was established in the last movie watch my video on that if you want a banger it's great just trust me they're both going really fast in these Speedy submarines some minions are following behind and out of nowhere they end up hitting a clown fish underwater making it lose one of its fins Mission fou we'll get them next time you might think this is a direct reference to Nemo because you know he's got like a a up fin but I like to imagine it's actually a reference to Nemo's mother who we all know just straight up dies it's the minions who killed her guys don't fact check it the minion Nemo theory about to be a crazy video look at this thumbnail it's so white why what did you call us gry you know oh God I feel like gry means something completely different nowadays anyway balazar finally got a hold of the diamond and his about to get away but obviously he has no idea who he's messing with because need that to remind you Gru has taken down super villain juggernauts such as slightly overweight Mexican guy and Daddy's Money dorky guy what a resume I'm impressed the Two Face Off on the ship which is now floating across the city due to the expanding bubble gum I mentioned earlier they whip out some guns and eventually Gru shoots baltazar point blank with a Glock and wins the fight obviously I'm kidding there's no real guns in this movie Just nudity the two fight for a bit to some more 80s music which is when Gru straight up punches baltazar in the face but sadly grw hasn't worked out in a while so Bazar gets back up almost immediately and uses his magical keyboard weapon to blow all of gr's clothes off and yes we see his butt baltazar is forced to run away however since the reinforcements showed up but at least Gru secured the diamond which is the whole point of the mission right well skipping a little later now gr and Lucy are at the anti-villain League headquarters which is when we see Silas Rams bottom again I didn't have to look his name up I remembered it from the last video this part is kind of weird cuz Silas is talking to all the agents and is basically like hey guys I'm retiring right now so here's your new boss she's going to be relased annoying enjoy much like the last movie the character of The anti-villain League boss is like super underutilized here so like none of this actually matters but congratulations to Silas Rams bottom for having a goated name despite being extremely forgettable the new boss who I'm not even going to bother naming cuz like she literally doesn't matter in the story gets really mad at guu cuz I guess he let baltazar get away earlier even though he protected the diamond which was probably more important this new girl doesn't care and just straight up fires guu in front of everyone because Lucy is a ride or die she stands up for Gru and she gets fired too how unfortunate no no no no yep it's the Microsoft mentality fire everyone who cares let them go later that night grew and Lucy return home and are surprised by their three girls the girls prepared some sort of late night dinner because they're goated and love their parents but despite the wonderfully cooked food that everyone would love to eat the dinner is cut short because grw gets a phone call from a minion named Mel and has to go downstairs to check up on him once there the minions are hype as hell cuz they just love this guy they think he's Jesus or something that is until grw gets into an argument with the minions about being a villain versus being a hero the minions explain that they want to be evil again because being good is very very boring just ask Hawkeye I don't think this guy's ever smiled once the argument goes on and on for a bit the minions want to be evil grew wants to be good they argue in the language that people tell me is called minion I think I had people get mad at me for calling the Minion language gibberish in the last video people were letting me know this is a real language which it's not but it does exist in this movie so you got me there I guess anyway Guru refuses to be bad again so the minion straight up quit and decide to find a new leader to serve for the rest of Eternity for some reason there's these two random Minions that decide to stay not sure sure why they're the only ones but yeah these two stay with group this is when we skip to a location in Paris which you might recognize as the place John Wick fights in funny how they took that idea straight out of John Wick it's a John Wick reference guys John Wick invented Paris anyway I'm going to skip through this next scene cuz it's kind of weird basically this Museum called in a diamond expert to check on the giant diamond from earlier because they think it might be a fake for some reason the diamond Checker is checking it out but actually the whole thing is a lie and this big guy who's meant to be the diamond expert is actually just Bazar in costume he takes everyone out with a Barett 50 cal and then steals the diamond and runs away also during this scene Bazar throws a boogie bomb from fortnite and the song Take On Me starts playing because it was released in the'80s and that's like the only criteria for this movie soundtrack skipping back to Gro and Lucy and they're both pretty depressed at the moment after losing their jobs also I don't know if it's just me but the animation feels a little off in this movie I don't really know much about animation but as far as I can tell it seems like the same style as the last two installments it just looks different to me I'm not sure why maybe I'm going crazy or something the next day now Andrew is outside in his pajamas because he's unemployed and probably playing World of Warcraft all day this is when some random dude shows up and has some pretty important news for Gru but in typical introvert fashion grw wants none of it so I'm not kidding he decides to blow this guy up like with an explosion oh my god well that's definitely like seven casualties right there despite being blown up the random dude is still alive and he lets grew know that he and his family have actually been invited to a country called Fredonia by his long lost twin brother RW laughs this off because obviously he doesn't have a twin brother what is this a show on TLC or something but just to make sure he decides to visit his mother and ask her if it's true I'm not kidding here grw asks her and she immediately caves and admits that yep Gru you have a twin brother he's real I guess when the mom and dad separated they each took one of the children and decided to never speak to each other ever again honestly that's probably got to be the worst way to handle a divorce probably ever but with the news that the twin brother is real the guu family wait wait what's Gru's last name actually wait his last name is Gru you're telling me I've been calling this dude by his last name the whole time and never knew that's weird the guu family accepts the invitation and arrives at their destination you can tell grw is all excited cuz he honestly just wants a friend I think this scene happens really quick they enter the twin brother's mansion and there he is in all his glory oh God he's got long blood hair that's actually hilarious this is gr's Brother Drew so I guess his name is Drew grw I I don't know don't think about it too much I guess he's instantly recognizable because he has long blond hair I guess grew got the bad RNG in this family Drew is super excited to see everyone and he seems super genuine honestly he's exactly like guu except he's actually happy sometimes everyone introduces themselves and then the show wastes no time in splitting everyone up guu and Drew are going to spend some twin time together while Lucy and the girls go visit the town and see what it's all about or something there's this entire subplot about how Lucy just really wants to be a good mother towards these girls by the way because she just doesn't feel like she is for some reason the girls never really show any coldness towards Lucy so I don't really understand where this is coming from following the girl group while they're in town Margo accidentally proposes to some boy kind of it's complicated just trust me we'll get to it later Edith and Agnes enter a bar because it has a unicorn on it and Agnes loves unicorns not sure why they were let into this bar when they're clearly like 6 years old or something maybe the business is just really struggling I don't know while they're in this bar some dude tells Agnes that there are real unicorns in the forest nearby Agnes gets really excited for a minute and then Lucy finally shows up and decides to kill everyone during all that Drew shows gru what the family business is really all about turns out Gru's father was one of the greatest villains of all time like father- like son how adorable sadly though I think Gru's father actually passed away a while ago so this is like super sad the two talk for a bit and they find out that the mother never approved of guu and the father apparently never approved of Drew again these two are basically the same character except for the hair this is when we find out why guu was invited here in the first place turns out Drew wants to carry his dad's Legacy so he contacted grw to help him become an evil villain teach me the Arts of villain no actually no get good idiot I'm not helping you grw doesn't want to be a villain so he declines but not before Drew tries to persuade him with a sweet speedy car ride holy moly grw caves and gives it a shot cuz fast car equals men happy they ride around for a bit in a wacky cartoon way Drew steals some lollipops halfway through and then they both drive away from the police thanks to gr's expert villainous tactics this kind of sort of gives Gru the itch to be a villain again but he still needs a little bit more convincing also during these scenes there's even more stuff happening elsewhere we cut to balazar at one point and he's being nostalgic about himself and talking about how he wants to destroy Hollywood for betraying him that's like a whole scene that happens there's also the minions who are just aimlessly walking around until they somehow end up on the stage of the sing competition show that's another illumination movie that I haven't watched I'm guessing it's like American Idol or something no because they're randomly on stage the Minions sing for almost 2 minutes that I'll never get back and eventually they end up getting arrested while in prison they surprisingly take over the whole place because they're Alpha's I guess I thought the minions whole thing was that they serve people but for some reason here they decide they want to be in charge out of nowhere none of this really matters the only thing of no really is that Mel the leader of the minions so to speak realizes that being in prison kind of sucks a lot and misses being home with Gru it's cool being a villain but getting kisses on the forehead from guu is a lot cooler so just to recap real quick we have the whole Drew and guu being evil story The Lucy wanting to be a mom story The Margot getting engage story The Edith and Agnes finding a unicorn Story the minions being in prison story and the Bazar destroying Hollywood Story on top of that Silas was replaced at the beginning for some reason which might play into it maybe there's just a lot here I'm not sure why they decided to spread themselves so thin cuz honestly I'm extremely overwhelmed so Drew finally convinces guw to be evil with him except not really in the way that you might think basically guu agrees to go on a heist mission with his brother because he wants to steal the diamond back off of balazar and return it to the anti-villain league thus hopefully getting his job back Drew is super hyped about this because he doesn't actually know about the anti-villain league part he just thinks this is an evil thing that they're doing together see that's why we have two random minions to stay with grw God forbid we have a scene without minions involved the next day now and we're going to speedrun through these side plot resolution if you even want to call them that the boy who wants to marry Margo gets rejected thanks to Lucy somehow that way Margo can avoid getting married altogether and Lucy proves her value as a mother or something Edith and Agnes go in the forest completely alone remember their kids this is weird they find a unicorn and get really hyped but actually it ends up just being a goat with a missing horn it's all very epic but back to the main story this is when we skipped to grw and Drew who put on these super weird black and white suits ahead of their planned Heist to get to baltazar's house which is basically a tower with a giant Rubik's Cube on top the Rubik's Cube was actually invented in the' 70s so it's a little inconsistent with the whole 80s stick that this guy's got going on doesn't really matter though who cares Drew and Drew climb the tower from the outside there's this moment where Drew narrowly avoids death it's super silly I'm okay during the entering of the tower you can really see Gru shine as a villain he knows all the ins and outs of sneaking into places whereas Drew is just kind of in the way most of the time Drew really starts to admire grw for this and it's actually kind of sweet to see I don't know I thought it was nice eventually the two find the diamond and it's actually being held in that moment by balazar himself I'm not going to lie the first time I watched this movie I really thought Drew was going to be Bazar in Disguise we just never saw them both in the same place at the same time so I thought it'd be like a clever twist or something we saw how good balazar was at dressing up earlier and I thought that would play into a bigger part of the movie to be honest baltazar gets up and walks away so the twins chase him down which is when we see baltazar has a giant Mech of himself straight out of Neon Genesis Evangelion the two then get caught because Drew is stupid enough to choose some gum that was laying around which we established earlier just grows forever thankfully though it's also because of this gum that the two can steal the diamond back and get away safely give me back my diamond that's just BM dude shaking it in front of him like that like it's an Amazon gift card or something the two are actually about to fall to their deaths before escaping but Lucy shows up out of nowhere and saves both of them we also get this one frame where grw has huge eyes and looks scared for his life I don't know why I just find his face really funny here this is when Drew finds out about Gru's true intentions to return the Diamond Back to the anti-villain league Drew isn't too happy about it but ww what are you going to do again I thought this would lead to some crazy Drew villain Arc where he ends up being the main antagonist the whole time but no that doesn't happen at all during this scene by the way I guess the minions built some flying aircraft and escaped the prison and are now flying into the void forever searching for a new leader what is the point of this so now the grp family is ready to head back home cuz they got what they wanted Lucy leads the girls to the airplane but then actually a huge plot twist because balazar does use his master of disguise skills to dress up as Lucy and steal the diamond back for a second time grew ends up finding the real Lucy tied up in a room closet while baltazar now has the diamond and the girls with him in the airplane to get back home because grew and Lucy have no way to catch up to him GW decides to apologize to his brother Drew and I guess they kind of just make up right away they both say sorry and that argument from earlier basically means nothing cuz they love each other again how cute baltazar is actually headed towards Hollywood to destroy everything grw Drew and Lucy are not far behind and the minions also somehow get involved when they see Gru flying into Hollywood they like randomly see him fly so they decide to turn around and follow him cuz at the end of the day all they really want are those God damn forehead kisses so warm so sweet baltazar is now in Hollywood with his giant Mech that he's controlling the girls are also in this thing for some reason I'm not sure why balazar cares about them that much but he does not the sign no come on dude hul on top of putting expanding bubble gum everywhere balazar also shoots his huge laser in the middle of the city I guess he needed the diamond to power this laser or something I think I missed that part to be honest so he's destroying the entire city now but thankfully before he can get to it Lucy saves the girls while guw and Drew take balazar out guw gets one tapped in the head so he needs to get revived which is when it's all up to Drew to save the day this is super epic I wonder if he'll pull it off I mean obviously he does cuz that's like what main characters do Drew destroys the mech from the inside and then grew wakes up and fights balazar in a 1V one on new town there's more 80s music that's playing because it's mandatory as per the official despicable me3 contract Gru steals baltazar's weapon and just kind of Beats him with it I guess really quick the minions finally show up and pop all the bubbles so they don't actually expand forever and I guess that's pretty much it the day is saved the town is saved and the gr family is finally all back together we don't really see what happens to Bazar he just like flies away I think we then skip back home where we see Agnes finally calling Lucy mom which is actually kind of cute grew and Lucy return the diamond probably although the whole anti-villain league thing becomes an afterthought in the end like we don't even hear about them Drew I guess lives with them now and has Allied himself with the minions because they all want to be super evil together but it's played off like in a playful way so the movie ends with Drew and the minions flying off to go cause some Mayhem while grw and Lucy plan on chasing them down since they're Heroes again he's my brother we'll give him a 5 minute Head Start oh they're back dude I just got chills and that was the movie Despicable me3 I had a lot of people telling me that this movie was extremely bad and one of Illumination worst but honestly I kind of had fun with it don't get me wrong it's a cluttered mess and there's way too much stuff happening at once to be a cohesive story but it's also just a kids movie and not that deep so I can see why some people would put this on in the background while they do something else and I can also see why most people enjoy the first two movies a lot more maybe the fourth one is better than this I don't know we'll have to see and find out when I watch it eventually at the end of the day I'm just a guy and this is just a video I made by myself about a movie that I watched that's it but yeah that's the end of the video If you enjoyed the video please consider leaving a like and comment any interaction helps me grow which in turn allows me to upload more often thank you to all my members for being members you guys are the best and make it all worth it in the end if you want to become a member it starts at only a dollar and you get to be in the Super exclusive Club of people who wasted a dollar to support me also your name will show up here at the end of all my videos but seriously thank you so much I appreciate it B Abdel scores this one a solid luscious blonde hair out of five and yeah thanks for watching [Music] holy moly
Channel: Darzii
Views: 76,770
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gameplay, Darzii, Darzil, Funny, staydank, cartoon, movie, tv show, review, walkthrough, rating, film student, editor, explination, timeline, facts, where to watch, nostalgia, was it good, old cartoon, new cartoon, free online, full episdoe, watch along, reaction, video essay, lone noise, bad guy movie, grew, agness, daspicable, despecable, mii, ending reveal, funny scene, dance scene, best moment, woerst, sad scen, downfal, shrin, twin scene, hair reveal, dad, mum, robot, diamon laser, prison scnee
Id: _ZgsZY5rtS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 41sec (1061 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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