The Goat Simulator Iceberg Explained

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tier one outer space abandoned Island This Island is located just off of the main city you get here by hopping onto this boat and it'll carry you most of the way there but right before landing on the island it'll shoot you into the air with the text it's a trap appearing on screen being a reference to Star Wars and on this island are some more references like you'll be able to get this collectible Trophy and Goen this is Goen a small ball with a face and this entire Island and ball is a reference to the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks where the main character gets stranded on an island and makes a volleyball friend named Wilson coffee stain house the company behind goost simulator coffee stain actually put their own Studio into the game it's not a very complex building or anything but if you want you can destroy their entire office and you'll see another one of these later entries takes place in this office fighting ring while wandering through the woods right outside a you can find a bloody looking circle with people chanting around it and a goat in the middle if you hit this goat outside of the circle you'll start a fight where you can fight through different goats until the ripped goats appeared once defeated you'll unlock this ripped goat to play as goat Tower at the very start of goat simulator you'll see this goat Tower and most people don't think much of it but if you make your way to the top of it and go inside you'll enter this massive Hall with goats bowing to you and if you stand on the throne you'll un unlock the queen Goat as fire and screaming plays on the screen this queen goat will let you spawn goat peasants from the sky and this Tower is actually based off of a real goat Tower in Illinois pentagram if you head up this hill here you'll find a massive pentagram on the ground and you know if the massive pentagram wasn't creepy and ominous enough if you sacrifice five different people to this thing this will happen and you'll unlock the devil goat protester stage near where you unlock the devil goat you'll find a group of protesters at a stand protesting shaped food if you have explicit content turned off in the settings it'll swap to no pointy food but yeah I just wouldn't expect that kind of message to be in this game size changing hole left of one of these drifting cars you can find this hole with a fan at the bottom of it and every time you go in and come back out you'll change sizes sometimes getting to be abnormally big do not lick crystal and a story about my uncle in 2014 coffee stain helped make a game called a story about my uncle a puzzle platformer game where you swing from these different Rune symbols with your glove and get to experience a story of how the old man telling the story to his daughter followed his uncle to another world and used his suit with this glove to Traverse it also in that game there's a breaking Patty strike just just had to mention it but throughout this game you'll see blue crystals and these actually appear in ghost simulator with writing next to them saying do not lick and while when you inevitably lick it you'll turn into the uncle goat and get the ability to swing around just like in the game on mobile this variant is actually called spider goat goat MMO simulator goat simulator MMO I don't know how you say this name but this is a first DLC for Goat Simulator in this DLC you'll get to play a MMO not a real all the chat is AI and NPCs obviously but the starting classes are uh a bit different from what you'd expect you have the normal tank Rogue magician Hunter and microwave and uh yeah this MMO feels pretty normal all the chat is AI but it's oddly well made you get to do different quests that are parodies on MMO quests like go kill 10 apples and you'll get an Apple so you know the same Goat Simulator humor is in this but it has an odly expansive map it is genuinely really well made this DLC was no joke my first time hearing about what an MMO was Goat Simulator 3 Goat Simulator 3 is the sequel to Goat Simulator yeah they skipped too don't worry about it and this game was unironically my game of the year there were a lot of different pop culture references in goost simulator 1 but nothing at all like they did with three the trailer for Goat Simulator 3 is shot for shot the same as Dead Island 2's trailer and the start of Goat Simulator 3 is just the Skyrim opening but with goats along with a ton of new features like cars more customization and interconnected map more mini games Quest bigger multiplayer support T okay okay you get it yeah this game is just so so massive and expands a lot on Goat Simulator 1 there's no DLCs for it as of now but as of writing in well 2 days from now June 19th which you know this will already be released by they'll have their first DLC the Multiverse of nonsense goat Z goat Z is the second DLC for Goat Simulator where you get to play a zombie survival version of the funny Little Goat game where I quote on the steam page here this is a completely realistic survival mode where you have to eat every damn 5 minutes to survive because Dean Hall and Gary Newman said so if you don't know Dean Hall is a creator of DayZ and Gary Newman rust in this DLC you'll get to use a lot of different weird weapons against zombies turn people into zombies if you want craft things again just like the MMO it's crazy in depth but this time you also have zombies also a part of the advertising was that it was the first Survival game not in Early Access and while if you were using steam around 2014 2015 you'd know yeah every single Survival game all Early Access Goat Simulator payday Goat Simulator payday is the third DLC for Goat Simulator don't worry we only have one more DLC after this where you get to rob banks as a flamingo goat dolphin or camel and you get to do the normal Goat Simulator nonsense with a lot of different Easter eggs and stuff we'll get into that later Goat Simulator waste of space Goat Simulator waste of space is the last DLC for Goat Simulator this DLC has the most references to pop culture out of any of the DLC tons of references to Star Wars Star Trek alien heck even the 2016 election # makes space great again this DLC is everything good about Goat Simulator and again like all the others filled with content this has got to be my favorite one just with the amount of content in it millions of bugs this entry is about the tons of bugs and weird things that could happen with the physics of goat simulator instead of getting rid of all the bugs like most game companies instead they decided to leave all of the non- crashing ones in and well in my experience of goat simulator the goofy physics and bugs really add to the enjoyment of the game Flappy goat inside of the in-game coffee stain Studios if you go up to this monitor you'll see Flappy goat and you can actually play this by repeatedly pressing y you get an achievement for going through 10 checkpoints in the game but if you've ever played Flappy Bird you'll know it's pretty hard to do mushrooms on the same island with a volleyball friend you can find these mushrooms once licked different parts of your head will grow larger and larger you'll have to do this for a quest but aside from that you can only find them on this island tier 2 the crane cat sausage in the payday DLC if you put two cats into this machine you'll be able to make the world record cat sausage with apparently 80 different cats combined into it you can't do much with it but yeah it's 80 cats um turned into a sausage server room in the goost simulator MMO DLC you can come across this server room and if it wasn't already weird enough having a fourth wall break like this and having a server room in this fantasy world if you hit the different servers different graphical changes will appear on your screen like these binary man the binary man is an Easter egg character found in the goat Z DLC he's made out of ones and zeros like well every character but these ones are a bit more prevalent you can find him in his cave next to a campfire and his shelter with a sign saying home sweet home elf Street Boys in the MMO DLC you'll be able to come across some elf characters and well they've formed a band from what I can make out from the sounds that they were singing they're singing Kiss From A Rose by Seal but if you buy to sing along with them you'll get an achievement elf Street Boys giant pet ant like the last one in the MMO DLC you can be trapped by this King and be forced to fight against his pet ant which ends up being a giant spider I am Brad if you were on the gaming side of YouTube at all in 2014 and 2015 you'll probably have heard of the game I am am bread where you get to play as a piece of bread trying not to touch the floor and having extremely hard controls to make that even harder but this was such a big Sensation that you could actually become the bread and goat simulator if you headbutt this toaster it'll spit out pieces of bread flopping around the world if you get them back into the toaster and activate the toaster you'll turn into the bread and get the achievement I am bread this crossover also happened in the I am breed game where you can play as a goat MC goat so this is a fan drawing of a goat for Goat Simulator and those fries on the side are McDonald's fries so what did the devs of goat simulator do they added this as an official mutator to the mobile version of the game called MC goat a person who drew this was probably so young and I can't imagine the sense of Joy they must have gotten and bragging rights they got to have with their own goat design making it into the game Beacon at the start of goost simulator if you go into this House's garage you'll be able to see a device named bacon bacon and if you bring this device to the center of the crop circles just nearby you'll be able to summon alien spaceships from space and they'll abduct you and well leave you out stranded in space deer simulator deer simulator is the spiritual successor to Goat Simulator there were many animal Simulator games after Goat Simulator but none as hectic and good as this one in Deer simulator you'll play as a man resurrected as a deer and just about everything with this game is extremely crazy like the movement and weapons and design it it all feels like goost simulator but it's a genuinely really well-made game as well Goat Simulator MMO winter or whatever Goat Simulator MMO wow winter or whatever is an exclusive event to the mobile versions MMO side of goat simulator aside from the obvious reference to World of Warcraft and the title places on the map and different characters are as well like Los and the wall are standout references to GTA and Game of Thrones you can unlock some new goats as well like the elf goat epic goat and Scandinavian goat old the Gen a console version Goat Simulator released a little before the Xbox One and PS4 generation came out so there's a PS3 and Xbox 360 version of the game and they have a couple differences from their nextg and PC counterparts like the payday DLC for ghost simulator you can't unlock the new character characters like the flamingo I don't know why but you just can't and there's also no explicit content in the game that filters automatically turned on and you can't turn it off payday to the goat simulator Heist just like how Goat Simulator had their payday crossover payday also had a goat simulator one in theirs in Payday 2's ninth paid expansion you'll get to go through a city and rescue 15 different goats as a replacement for loot they can be thrown further than any other Loot and can also so damage you some people really didn't like this Heist but I mean it's goost simulator I don't think it's meant to be the most serious a goat fortnite when Goat Simulator 3 come out it was exclusively on Epic Games launcher for quite a while and to add more incentive to buy the game because well we all know it's hard to not just wait to get it on Steam if you got the game on Epic Games you'd get this goat skin in fortnite yeah it's a bit cursed to say the least but at least you can show off you're a goost simulator fan yeah this one's weird giant background of mermaids in Goat Simulator MMO if you launch yourself into the Sky by hitting this TNT you'll be able to see these mermaids in the distance except when you get closer they look a bit different than you'd expect Minecraft blocks when Goat Simulator came out Minecraft was at its all-time high of popularity so with all the references to other games in Goat Simulator what about a Minecraft one well if you go into this graveyard here you'll be able to find a cobblestone block from Minecraft and once you walk into it you'll get the Builder goat that also looks like it's from Minecraft and you can place blocks with it you'll also be able to unlock a grass and a wood block as well these three blocks being the only three blocks Minecraft originally had in its early stages when it was called cave game Morse code chat in MMO in the MMO DLC for go Sim in the chat you'll be able to see NPCs talking about different things and sometimes you'll see those things in Morse code and if you translate it you'll get some silly messages like he doesn't even understand l l just referring to the morse code they're typing in not so secret cow Farm if you're a Diablo fan you'll probably remember the infamous cow level and if you're not a Diablo fan basically in the first Diablo game there were rumors of a secret cow level going around and everyone was trying to find this but to no avail got to be so popular that in Diablo I and the future Diablo games there would always be a hidden cow level even Diablo 4 though that one was very very hard to find but it's such an iconic gaming legend that it got put into ghost simulator in the MMO part of the game that is if you knock over this table in the church and go down to the hole beneath you'll come across this not so secret cow Farm tier three goat Castle helveta helveta in Swedish means hell and in Goat Simulator there's a sign for going to helveta and when you go through it'll just take you to Goat City Bay I am get just like in the starting Town how you can turn into a piece of normal bread in the main city of the game you can do the same but it'll turn you into a baguette instead I am toaster so very similar to the last one here but while you go to turn yourself into bread in the starting town if you don't put the bread in the toaster and instead bring it over to the pentagram on the hill where you'll normally unlock the devil goat if you leave the bread in the pentagram by itself you'll turn into a toasty goat with a toaster built into your back na'vi in the goat simulator MMO there's a lot of references to a lot of different Fantasy games one of which being Zelda aside from well being able to get the master sword you can also get a goat simulator version of na'vi by interacting with this Genie lamp na'vi tries their absolute best to be as annoying as possible where am I going look over there where shut up where am I going yeah okay there's a yeah uh-huh payday wanted posters in the main city of goat simulator you'll see some posters around for wanted criminals these animals are actually the playable characters in The payday DLC not too complex just a nice nod to the DLC reused sanctum textures sanctum 1 and two are games made by coffee stain the developers of goat simulator and people have been wanting a sanctum 3 forever so as a joke in Goat Simulator you can find some reused assets from the sanctum games and once you bring all three of them into the pentagram you'll unlock the robot goat and get the achievement titled trying to bring forth sanctum 3 cat cult in the payday DLC for Goat Simulator if you bring some cats to the kitty land love Center they'll form a triangle with lasers and summon a massive pyramid from the ground to come up and once inside you'll see the goat simulator version of bastet the Egyptian cat God Goat Simulator Valentine's cards every Valentine's coffee stain will release different Valentine's cards like this just some nice Valentine's cards for Goat Simulator tier 4 the barn finding the inventory in MMO simulator in the MMO DLC for Goat Sim if you lick something you'll be able to store it in your inventory and you can lick basically anything for this from tables to human anything can go into your inventory but this inventory can hold a lot so as ghost simulator fans are they wanted to know everything about this game and eventually found a way to actually find where your inventory is stored if you glitch out of the map here you'll be able to find everything you've licked and stored teleported here and brought back to the normal map once you decide you want them to just a funny find that the developers probably weren't intending Loch nness Monster in the goat Z DLC you can actually see the luckus Monster if you go to this Lake and hit this massive red button the monster will appear and the camera will take a picture unfortunately the camera never gets a good picture and well if you look on the screen to your right you'll see the iconic Nessie picture slender goat is playable on PC on the PC version of goat simulator there's a sort of glitch where you can play as a slender goat This creepy goat monster found in the cemetery if you have the space goat mutator equipped on the goatville map and go to the fighting ring where you normally Fight The Ripped goat there's about a 50% chance you'll turn into the Slender goat jackpot in this house in goatville there's a clay pot near this bed with a word Jack on it if you lick it you'll get a massive score boost with a the text jackpot appearing on the screen just a really bad pun lover Fair 2019 so mobile versions of goost simulator get a lot of events like on Valentine's Day of 2019 they had the lover Fair event like most events it was really big with a lot of different new locations like the Christmas one but the main difference with this event is that it was for the waste of space DLC nothing was too insane about this event but I'll have to say my favorite feature is that you can marry Elvis in it so yeah that makes this one the best event by far goat of Duty goat of Duty is a sort of Goat Simulator X Call of Duty shooter from what I could tell the game is pretty much dead but it was a perfect meme shooter the game playay was actually really good it felt a lot like Unreal Tournament very arcadey style of shooter like I said though there's no players so unfortunately I doubt this game will ever reach enough popularity to find another match tier five sewers male goats do not exist it's been confirmed by the developers of goat simulator that pilgor the main goat of the game is a female goat but that means every mutator is also female even at the top of the starting Tower you get the goat Queen not King so are there any male variations of the main goat yes but only two the first of which is the feather goat since it's an ostrich ostriches have very different colorings only male ostriches can be black like this and the second one is the tall goat because well it's visibly male naked Russians so in Goat Z you can actually come across naked Russians obviously censored but they'll just run at you and yell I report you the cows in MMO and waste of space are the same the cows that you can find in the cow level of goat MMO and the cows in the waste of space DLC are actually the same asset so with how crazy some Goat Simulator stuff is a lot of people think they're somehow the same cows Majora's Mask moon in the green screen Studios building in the goz DLC you'll be able to find a prop moon but this moon is already creepy enough what's creepier is that you may be able to recognize this Moon if you do you've probably seen it in Majora's Mask where in the game you'll come across this absolutely massive moon with a very creepy face staring right down at you tier six old ghost house using every mutator at once so it's not normally recommended to use a whole lot of mutators at once but if you do you'll get some pretty goofy and some oddly good combinations like these yes that one's a goat I don't know how don't question it and with some of these combinations you'll be able to do some weird things like spitting acid while flying and being a T-Rex if you want these combinations of mutators are just insane standing Goat on Goat Simulator Wiki you've probably seen this really cursed goat image before but for some reason on the goat simulator Wiki this image is there just listed as the standing goat and yeah that's the end of the iceberg I know this one was way shorter than the last and a lot of the entries ended up being cut but a lot of them I tried my best and I couldn't find a single Speck of information about but again I hope you still enjoyed finding a lot of these entries were really fun but near impossible so again I apologize for it looking so long and being so short either way they were very interesting and I hope you guys felt that way as well and enjoyed the video thank you guys so much for helping me hit 800 subscribers it really means the world to me and I can't describe how much the positive feedback really just makes my whole day infinitely better you guys really mean the world to me and well I can't wait to see you guys in the next one also I made this little stim image of all the franchises I like it took a lot of time and I just wanted to show you if you were interested so yeah have a great rest of your day and I'll see you the next one [Music]
Channel: Tomakins
Views: 147,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: L-tnb8k3RgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 6sec (1326 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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