How I Got TF2's Most Toxic Achievement

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the most toxic achievement in Team Fortress 2 is barbecue Q to get it you have to dominate then bully a player so hard as pyro that it literally makes them quit the game and because we like to do a little trolling I decided to get the achievement what ensued was copious amounts of bullying concluded by an unexpected twist are you kidding me I began by hopping on 2-4 and started with my first strategy alright boys pyro is one of my least played classes but if the Legends are true then Mouse one plus W should easily get me this achievement the plan was simple Pirates got a pretty low skilled floor and I knew that if I spam the enemy team with enough damage eventually I'd rack up a few dominations from there it was just a matter of being a big enough nuisance to make somebody quit so with flamethrower in hand it was time to get started oh my God oh my God what oh what's up demo do a little soldier oh this is my spawn now boys what are you doing in my spawn boys 10 minutes in I got my first domination against [Music] senhai warden so I kept on playing making the enemy teams lives as miserable as possible where you think you're going boy get back here you get back here oh that sound is so good oh we got a little pyro buddy how's it going man okay and said I found you buddy [Music] at this point in the match it was clear that my strategy was incredibly effective I had multiple dominations and what's decimating the enemy team so bad that I actually felt sorry for them I'd killed senhai at least another 10 times and knew he was gonna crack soon but a few minutes later while I was racking up some more kills I noticed something strange oh yeah baby Keep It Coming keep it coming baby wait what for the duration of the match I've been on red team and sennhei on blue but I checked the scoreboard and he was gone and after watching The Kill feed for a couple minutes my worst fears were realized no [ __ ] way he didn't leave the game he just switched teams and now my domination is gone he stole the achievement right up from under me and to add insult to injury he left the game just a few minutes later [Music] well my strategy clearly worked on sennhei it might have been a one hit wonder I stuck to it for the next few hours in the hopes that I get somebody to leave but after numerous dominations and hundreds of kills I realized it was time that I had to step up the toxicity my second strategy was brutal rather than using the spray and pray method I'd find the weakest player in the lobby and make them my one and only target alright boys I'm gonna call this strategy the Terminator because after I'm done with him you will be I can't too Arnold because two Fort would be too small for this strategy I hopped over to the much larger high tower on this map there was enough space so I wouldn't be randomly killed by enemies as frequently as 2 4 damn it and it would be much easier to figure out my Target's patterns it was my first time playing on Hightower so I spent my first 30 minutes familiarizing myself with the layout and identifying flank routes and health kit locations I wasn't paying much attention because I was eating some delicious pork but before I knew it I had my first domination against my new Target Scout main a poor soul whose next 30 minutes of Life were gonna be miserable from the start of the match Scout main stuck out like a sore thumb even though I'd spent half my time eating he was the one player in the lobby who I consistently killed who could never kill me initially I thought going after him would be a bad idea Scout has almost no Health but any half decent player could easily leverage his mobility and leave a fat pyro like me in the dust and based on his name I thought Scout main would be a formidable opponent as it turns out he wasn't so when I saw his name on the receiving end of my first domination I was ready to hunt him down emote on his corpse and do everything in my power to make his life a living hell I think I'm gonna go after the Scout main guy I mean absolutely no offense when I say this but other than myself he is the most oblivious player in this entire Lobby now that the plan was set it was finally time to get this stupid achievement all right Scout man where are you at boy where are you at boy oh is that him is that him oh there's a medic here I dip to the Moon oh that's definitely him strutting into our spawn like that I gotta emote after this kill man that is Peak toxicity oh that's him again emote it was worth it I don't care if I died as long as he saw okay that is the not only decent but incredibly good scout definitely not Scout Main [Music] I gotta emote I I gotta get this guy to leave nope that was a soldier I I was looking for my buddy I was looking for my best buddy Scout Main nope and there he is my prayers oh is that him come on baby come on wait who's that that that's gotta be him come on no he doesn't have a frying pan why are there so many Scouts now okay there he is he's got the little green sparkles on his head oh I'm air blasting I I didn't even it's just spraying at the door all right what if we walk up here and what you want man any minute now God jeez he's literally complimenting another guy for shooting him in the head this dude is too nice and I'm such an [ __ ] oh God not again man oh God I have to do it I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] there he goes again is this him what what are you doing man what are you doing oh that wasn't him I just figured you know based on the way he was playing I think I'm making progress because he is definitely hiding from me now it also means that I'm being that much of an [ __ ] man where where are you buddy come on who's this buzzo [Music] Scout main playing is heavy that that's a good sign for me oh God people are getting mad that I'm playing pyro now uh I don't want to do this I don't like it either I just need the Scout to leave man at this point there was no way he wasn't gonna leave I was currently standing 30 30-0 against him 30 kills 30 emotes and zero deaths the man was an absolute trooper and it was almost like he was trying to outlast me but I kept on pushing with the hopes that he'd eventually give up and a few minutes later I started noticing his name stop showing up in the kill feed wait his name is gone I watched the kill feed for the next 15 minutes and Scout main was gone but I had yet to receive the achievement notification I wasn't sure if I was doing something wrong or if steam was busted but at this point TF2 was forcing my hand it was time for the nuclear option foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] was the most toxic thing I could think of and it didn't work either the fog can single-handedly wipe an entire enemy team but you lose too much kill consistency and survivability by giving up the flamethrowers air blast at this point I was expecting to be done and I wasn't really sure what to do I could have sworn I got the achievement against Scout main so I wanted to try one more strategy what is the single most frustrating way to die in Team Fortress 2. alright boys I've got one last idea there's one thing that pisses me off so much about Hightower and if I exploit it I think it is the most dirty thing I can possibly do to someone it is literally my last chance I've got nothing else I hop back over to Hightower with the standard flamethrower and made my way to the edge of the map oh God and funk that's all we gotta do baby oh my God that was brutal all right let's get another what if I go around the run around the corner Strat baby let's get the medic too oh my God Hey Demo what's up man oh my God right into the back stab oh this medic is so helpless oh okay oh my God that was brutal oh my God I have a devious idea oh my God this is gonna work [Music] that is this disgusting [Music] let me fall for it again it's night two that is disgusting what the [ __ ] was that the rocket didn't even come out of the gun yet that was like nanosecond perfect I've never seen that before this was my greatest strategy yet and once again I had a prime target tagos every time I saw him he was my one and only priority and after I bonked him off the map only two times oh goodbye tacos is gone he's not in the lobby anymore but I didn't get this stupid achievement I've got to check my achievements man steam has got to be busting barbecue Q Barbecue Q wait unlocked February 12th 2014. [Laughter] 2014. it turns out that I was a pretty toxic little kid because I managed to get the achievement as a child with less than three hours on pyro oh my God it also means that I bullied Scout main tacos and over 10 other people out of my previous games but just didn't know because I already had the achievement you literally can't write a better story than that so boys unless you want to be on the receiving end of my stupidity I'd suggest you subscribe or maybe you'll be next
Channel: TonyF2
Views: 2,689,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tf2, Team fortress 2, Valve, Valve corporation, Tf2 gameplay, Engineer, Tf2 engineer, Scout, Tf2 scout, Medic, Tf2 medic, Heavy, Tf2 heavy, Demoman, Tf2 demoman, Soldier, Tf2 Soldier, Pyro, Tf2 pyro, Sniper, Tf2 sniper, Spy, Tf2 spy, Sentry turret, Turret, Sentry, meet the engineer, meet the spy, meet the demoman, meet the soldier, meet the scout, meet the heavy, meet the medic, meet the pyro, meet the sniper, achievement, tf2 achievement
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 2sec (722 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 09 2023
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