TF2's (un)Official Subclass Tier List

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subass is a phrase that's been tossed around pretty much all the time within the TF2 Community recently and this is mainly because of how fascinating it is to play a class in a way they were not originally supposed to be played but a question that has always crossed my mind is in comparison to the original classes themselves how viable can TF2 sub classes actually be which is why I decided to gather some of the most popular sub classes I could find and rank them based on how good they could be in a typical match to quickly recap some of the rules I set in place while making this tier list I firstly took two sub classes for every actual class to make sure each side of the coin is equally represented and lastly I made sure not to feature any friendly sub classes since their entire point is to avoid dismantling the enemy team which would have automatically placed him at the bottom of the tier list so no hoovies and definitely no spy CBS starting at the bottom of the barrel we have the F tier where the first subass of discussion has got to be the Observer oh you don't see anything on screen well yeah that's the point observer's entire purpose is to basically sit invisible with the cloak in dagger and position themselves somewhere on the map where they can actively disrupt the enemy team these tactics can range anywhere from spamming voice lines to constantly distract enemies from actually completing their objectives to standing at the edge of a jump so they can watch their enemies bump into them and fall into their demise now while this can be quite funny then observers Highs are extremely rare and typically only provide a very temporary advantage to your team making you usually more of a hindrance rather than an actively functioning team member right next to the Observer is the much more popular popular pyro shark typically seen in the pools of two for waiting for someone to enter their Waters to crit them using the neon Annihilator pyro sharks can occasionally act as a half decent area denial tool because of a well they can prevent enemies from taking advantage of water in maps to use as natural cover however they are also very situational since you know there are only like 10 maps in the entire game with an actual large enough body of water for pyro sharks to swim in so while you will earn a few kills on unsuspecting targets who try to enter your territory here and there you're more just another subass sitting stationary somewhere on the map and it can be pretty easily figured out making you even less useful seeing a medic on your team as rare as it can be sometimes is a lovely sight to see unless the medic in question is running around with the blue soer instead of healing you as you spam the medic bind right in front of their face which is exactly what a combat medic usually does turning weaker classes into an offensive frontliner is a decent idea which you will see much better examples of further into the list but an actual competent combat medic is very rare difficult to pull off since it really comes down to how well you can work around medic's low damaging weapons you also lose access to his Uber charge since you're not exactly healing your team much unless you take solid advantage of the Uber sauce pretty much guaranteed crit rate switching upwards to the C tier the cman is pretty much just a widely known excuse for people to run around using the ooloolol cabber and flying across the map to blow someone up and then fly away is pretty funny I'll admit but because of how bad the weapon actually is and just how much self damage it does after exploding it makes it pretty rare that you'll still be standing after the cab explodes the only reason that cber man even finds himself this high is simply because if you do pick your targets wisely you can pretty much guarantee a kill every time you fly in for one but it usually ends up as you killing a light class in exchange for yourself which just mostly isn't worth it then there's the boxer which is essentially a heavy tossing his Minun away to be M only now you would think that being a giant man with a ton of Health are actually good qualities to have to take close range fights effectively but uh no not really on very Clos in maps or even medieval mode boxing heavy can be very oppressive being able to tank damage and pair with his food items that can either replenish his health or add extra damage output but in a regular match boxers just don't work compared to other melee only subclasses since they usually have access to a movement ability so if you're going to be a melee only Menace let looks dece you just this once and maybe don't pick the biggest option crit snipers are another usually close-range subclass using nothing but Gerard based weapons and the bushwhacker crit snipers are bad for similar reasons as to why boxer Heavies fall short since it's another melee only subass with no access to movement abilities what sets crit snipers slightly above on the list though is the fact that they at least have a much faster base speed allowing them to catch up to some classes in the game on top of the Gerard placing a deterring effect that can hit multiple enemies at once so although it is a bit unsettling to say the least when you see the class who's supposed to be sitting in the backline all game ripping through the enemy team team with a jar of yellow magic they are more simply what boxes are supposed to be just with a bunch of extra steps next up finally is the first subass who wants to hit you at range the gun spy a subass of the Spy where you pretty much choose to mainly kill with your revolvers instead of your knives regular spy by itself is already considered to be a mostly underwhelming class in terms of what it adds to teams compared to other options so when you take away his main source of killing power being his knives and switch it with a half decent mid-range gun you would imagine gun spy wouldn't make it very far on this list anyways gun spy is a huge gamble especially when you trade away what would have been a perfect backstab opportunity only to turn it into a 1v1 gunfight where if you're anything like me you will probably lose the second medic related subass is Uber channers which is the only subclass on this list that requires a teammate doing the same thing well back then when this was first featured in casual matches it was a very strong strategy able to pick up a bunch of kills but now that a lot more people have seen what Uber Channing actually is all it really takes is for the two Medics to be split or for the enemy team to just walk away until the Uber runs out depending on the lobby Uber channers do definitely have the most potential out of the melee subclasses mentioned so far but for the most part you'll probably just have the same exact shortcoming stated in the last segments right in the middle is the B tier and weighing down the bottom of this line the fat Scout now although it sounds like this wouldn't be a good subass at all it actually is surprisingly not bad fat Scout is basically just another subass where heavy doesn't use his minigun and exchanges it for a sign significantly weaker option and they pretty much try to operate like a regular Scout wood running around with a shotgun in hand but instead of using speed to win out his close-range encounters he instead relies on his tankiness to come out on top fat Scout does have good potential since his shotguns are still a reliable damaging tool but you will need a source of healing to replace the food items which are being taken up by your main weapon of choice really though you would be much better off using your minigun which is why fat Scout is still pretty low on this list but hey it's a huge improvement from trying to run around with nothing but your fists the soier on the other hand is tf2's classic subass if you are a rocket jump Pro you can actually make the subass somewhat work on maps with high Skybox ceilings and act as a dive bombing pick class where you fly in to make quick work of any key Target or simply act as an extra angle that enemies need to keep tab on yes if there's a trer on the other team you will have to actually look up for once he is still a relatively simple enemy to counter though since being in the air most of the time leaves him with very little cover against things like Heavies or sentries alternatively you could also just walk into a room with a low ceiling pyro is a team centered subass utilizing his weapons that are perfectly built to be a protector of a teammate engineer and his buildings you have your flamethrower to make quick work of invisible spies and an air blast that can deflect oncoming explosives or enemies trying to make a quick run towards a less defended building and even weapons like the home wrecker or neon Annihilator which can remove sappers of a spy does manage to get too close what sets pyro far back in this list though is simply because even though it doesn't seem like pyos have to understand that your engineer usually doesn't need your help if you see an engineer struggling to keep their buildings up sure feel free to patrol around them but usually you'd be better off doing normal pyro things like I don't know burning enemies or tossing people off a cliff things that would prevent enemies from reaching your team's buildings in the first place speaking of the engineer his first subass featured on this list the Niner is one whose goal is to sneak behind the enemy to pick up some easy unsuspecting kills or to build teleporters that allow your team to attack from both end angles ninjaing is a strategy that when it works it works and can be the attack that your team needed to successfully capture an objective the problem is that nering is a pretty difficult thing to pull off since not only do you have to sneak around with let's just say not the sneakiest class in the world but once people find out what you're doing for the first time your enemies quickly spiral into teleporter finding machines making the strategy less optimal every time you try to go for it so while it is a subass you should definitely tral out if you think it's doable try try not to fully centralize yourself as an engineer since eventually it will stop paying off finally we reach the a tier bong Scouts are almost the exact same thing as an engineer using his Bonk themed weapons but flank around their enemies completely on their own terms rather than it being a team strategy what makes Bon Scouts so much better to the point where he's on a completely different level though is because of how much easier it is to flank using the Bon Atomic punches and vulnerability compared to having to sneak around as a slower base health class just like the ninjineer though if you're constantly going for the same strategy your enemies are going to eventually adapt and easily counter you but at least Scout has the tools to be able to do more against it the bleed Scout consistently uses both of his weapons that can inflict bleed damage using these weapons in unison makes Scout a very powerful long range class and allow you to make very easy work on even some decent Health enemies it is one of the only ways to increase Scouts mid to long range damage but the problem with using this combo however is that since you can't make Sentry bleed for uh obvious reasons it makes him significantly weaker to one of the class's biggest counters battle engineer although it is considered a subass to most is pretty much just how you would describe someone playing the class that isn't sitting in the corner of the map trying to upgrade a building that was level three like 5 minutes ago it's how you define an engineer that will actually move that gear up and use Ser denial tools and supportive buildings to keep his frontliners in the front line that is what a battle engine is I did decide to keep this segment a bit short since there are other videos out there like this one from Uncle danne which better explain what a battle engineer actually is in very great detail lastly is the best of the best sub classes this is the S tier but the lowest of these subclasses being the demo Knight a subass so popular that people often see him as tf2's 10th class this is finally the example of how powerful a male only subass can be when you actually give them access to a movement ability and a very good movement ability at that now I may have a bit of bias because of how much I personally enjoy using demo Knights but man the strength that he has as a pick class charging him to quickly earn kills and escape and just how much pressure it adds on to enemies when a Demonite quickly reaches melee range you can either use the eylander to slowly build up kills until you become seemingly Unstoppable or have some sort of strength up the gate with weapons like the half satoi and the Persian Persuader and how you can constantly maintain the uptime of your charges the only thing that sets demo knite back is of course with him being melee only he can actually be stopped with area denial tools or classes that can simply outlive or avoid his charge swings but even then with a movement ability like charging you can never really fully count a demon knite out from making a good Speedy play next is the battle sniper sniper being the very prominent class he is is only really weak to enemies who stay clear from his line of sight or can close the distance on him to finish him off when he isn't paying attention with battle sniper though you don't wait for people to enter your domain you bring the domain to them as you can quickly move around the map along with your other frontliners making nowhere safe from a quick and easy head shot oh is that an enemy trying to run up on me because he saw I'm a sniper let me just instant kill this guy with an arrow that definitely shouldn't have hit using sniper in this way makes you an unpredictable Menace and continuing to practice your aim and how to handle enemies depending on their distance from you will eventually turn you into the force that no enemy in the game wants to face a sniper who will hold W and still kill you lastly is the paratrooper which in my opinion is the best popular subass a paratrooper goal is to deal significant amounts of damage by die bombing their enemies from above like a trer would but instead using an actually very good primary side grade and the base jumper the smaller explosion radius and damage penalty can make paratroopers start off a bit slowly which is its main weakness but once you earn that first one or two kills you can start to snowball by loading more Rockets into your clip to use an either much more impactful dive bombs or a much more In-Depth series of Rocket jumps the base jumper also plays a surprisingly huge role keeping you in the air for longer which makes dive bombing possible even in very small rooms in much more open maps though where slowly gliding in the sky makes you target practice for snipers you can instead switch to my personal preference with the air strike which is the gunboats that really minimizes the self- damage taken while rocket jumping and makes for a fast flying fast killing damage class that contends well against regular soldier who is one of the best classes in the game these in my opinions are where I would rank each of the main sub classes that I could find based on how i' compare them to each other but keep in mind that this list though was of course built purely for your enjoyment and entertainment purposes since opinions are subjective meaning that where these subclasses rank will change from person to person so if you really wanted to run around as a melee only heavy if it's fun feel free free to do it but feel free to let me know any changes that you would make on this list or if you know of any sub classes that weren't covered here at all and thank you for all the recent support that I've been seeing on my recent TF2 related content I really do appreciate it and if you want to see more like this be sure to do all that funny YouTube stuff such as liking and subscribing and I will see you all in the next silly little video I make bye-bye [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Androtti100
Views: 210,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dwdGj_SeTA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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