TF2's Sentry Guns Are 𝘚𝘡𝘢𝘱π˜ͺπ˜₯

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[Music] TF2 sentry guns are stupid wait hold on some of you might take that the wrong way I'm not saying they're overpowered I'm not complaining about the balance look I main demoan I don't really struggle against sentry guns I would never have a controversial opinion get that off the screen what I am saying is that they're not very intelligent you done incurred my wrath son this was a deliberate design decision sentry guns are meant to be powerful when they're protecting their team or alternatively when it's catching someone by surprise but a lone sentry gun by itself is meant to be easy to take down by any class even the classes that sentry guns are typically strong against a scout can easily pistol down an unattended Sentry Nest or in some cases he can completely ignore it thanks to certain tools in his Arsenal but you don't even need on demand invincibility to close the distance a full demon knite who is using nothing but but his wee booties a shield and a sword can close the distance with just his charge completely avoiding damage in the process whenever I show this off a lot of people get surprised by this it seems like a stupid strategy that should never work but if you get good enough at Demonite and you're not using a weapon that punishes you for taking risks it might be worth trying sentry guns have perfect aim and they have perfect reaction times however there's one aspect that isn't perfect turning speed it's quite slow and we can abuse this to make this easier to explain let's pretend that the sentry gun is a heavy a heavy can only shoot at players who are near his Crosshair if the enemy is somewhere else he has to move his Crosshair by turning most players can flict back and forth very easily either because they're using a mouse or a controller with motion controls but a sentry gun might as well be an Xbox 360 controller because just like an analog stick there's a maximum turning speed this makes it easier for enemies to dodge its Crosshair so to speak rendering it impossible for the Sentry to do any damage this mostly applies in close range though the further away you are from the gun the more distance you will need to move if you don't move enough distance the sentry gun will catch up and you'll be turned into a bullet pin cushion before we move on I'd like to mention the sponsor of this video War funder arguably the most extensive vehicle combat game of all time you like flying around as demon knite how about a plane no not that one this one or this one or this one Mario Kart there's over 2500 Vehicles including planes helicopters tanks and ships from 10 mations whether it be pip planes and armed cars from the 1920s or today's fighter jets and main battle tanks Soldier TF2 would be obsessed with this game join him and 70 million other War Thunder players and be immersed in the realistic combat experience if it somehow isn't enough for you you can try the VR mode if you're a fan of military history there's an unmatched amount of content to mess around with War Thunder is free to play and it's available on Xbox PlayStation and PC you know the thing that you're watching this on instead of working use the link I've provided to claim a bonus pack if you're a new player or a returning player who hasn't played in 6 months the bonus pack includes multiple premium Vehicles the exclusive vehicle decorator Eagle of Valor 100,000 silver lines and 7 Days of premium account status big thank you to war funder for helping the channel out now let's return to the video where was I oh right you need to move fast to avoid entry gun a Demonite charge gives you the fastest horizontal mobility in the entire game okay maybe not the fastest technically but it's still the most practical and controllable method of moving quickly at least for this situation you will want to use the boots for the extra turning control this is not only important for moving around the sentry gun it also increases your speed by a significant amount this is something I've already covered in my extensive charging video so I won't go over it a second time but in simple terms if you charge in the air while charge turning you go way faster and this gives the poor sentry gun a much harder time explosive jumping is also plenty fast but a single rocket jump from a standstill isn't going to be as fast as a charge however explosive jumping lets you approach from the sky approaching the sentry gun from above is important because it forces the sentry gun to look up after all the slower turning speed applies in all directions not just left and right if you manage to go directly above the sentry gun it won't be able to track you just like a player there's a limit to how far it can look up so it'll need to do a full 180Β° turn before it can start shooting you and as you can probably tell even a scout can avoid Sentry fire just by double jumping over the Crosshair vict and it's even easier to do this when you consider some of Scout's unlockable weapons like the s popper which grants additional jumps which is very powerful for obvious reasons but what does a Demonite do if you use your charge to get really close to the gun even a single jump can send you over the Sentry's Crosshair preventing it from firing and even letting you climb aboard from here you can either circle strafe around the Sentry or crouch on it being careful not to move too slowly the latter technique is a bit riskier since the engineer's shotgun can knock you of course but if the Sentry gun is placed by a corner or near some obstructions it might be your only option now Demonite isn't the only class you can do this if the sentry gun is positioned poorly any class can take advantage of the corner or high ground or both okay so jumping works very well obviously right but you might be surprised to learn that crouching is also viable trust me this is more effective than it looks sentry guns will only shoot if the crossair is near a valid Target us this target is the exact center of your body this means the sentry gun won't shoot if it's say aiming at your left toe or your head that's not the intended target so it will wait until the Crosshair is where it's supposed to be when you crouch in this game the center of your body shifts downwards and not by a small amount the Sentry gun's Target also doesn't smoothly move to the new position it basically snaps to the new location which can potentially confuse the sentry gun hi it's me editing this video my friend not and heavy just cooked up a really cool plugin it draws a bunch of lines from the sentry gun the red line is a little wonky and it isn't always accurate but it gives a decent idea of where the gun is looking meanwhile the green line is accurate and depicts where the sentry gun is trying to shoot it accurately updates itself depending on what the player is doing which we'll talk about later point is when using this plugin it's a bit easier to tell what's going on when someone tries to dodge a sentry gun solar light from the past is about to give you an example right about now in this clip I charge towards the senton and it's turning towards me as soon as it starts shooting me I jump and it stops for a moment as I land it's still looking up at where I was so I crouch underneath the barrels right as the Sentry gun's about to shoot me I uncrouch the Sentry gun's Target teleports above the barrels and it doesn't shoot me and because I'm not crouched anymore I can simply jump out of the way while taking no damage I can now melee the sentry gun until it dies the Sentry gun's Target isn't always in the center of your body though if you're crouching while Airborne or if you're taunting the sentry gun will instead Target one of your spine bones hi it's me from the future again I just noticed how large this difference is and it prompted me to have a second look at things turns out this spine bone abuse is what I took advantage of earlier when using the plug-in you can see how normal jumps don't change the green targeting line very much but when I crouch jump there's a very noticeable difference sorry for spreading misinformation on the internet back to the video and in the cases where you're poking your head over something the cigun will opt to shoot your eye level after all the eye level is what's used for detecting players in the first place but since the eye level doesn't always line up with the hit boxes the game's developers opted to lower the T Target by a little bit so keep in mind that the position used for detecting targets is slightly different than the position used for shooting them this sometimes causes the sentry gun to try shooting a Target even though the target is impossible to hit because there's something obstructing it when sentry guns don't have anything better to do they'll look back and forth this is not a cosmetic thing it actually impacts gameplay quite a bit uh what else can I talk about oh yeah mini sentries word on the street is that Demonite player players are pretty scared of these things don't be so nervous they do turn faster than a normal sentry gun but they don't do very much damage maybe if you guys stopped using The Islander so much and maybe picked a sword that gives you massive Buffs after every kill you'd be able to go for more risky plays if you kill the engineer with a half satoi you'll get a massive Health buff which lets you tanker the damage from a sentry gun and if you destroy the sentry gun with a Persian Persuader the dropped ammo from the sentry gun will refill your ch charge meter letting you kill the engineer who built it in fact the sentry gun drops so much ammo that you can refill your charge meter twice a good Demonite player can also effectively disable a sentry gun for his team since sentry guns always Target the closest player and sometimes you don't even need to bother hitting it one sentry gun simply isn't enough you need at least two to stop a Demonite otherwise you'll end up like this guy why is he mad oh hell [Music] no okay I'm reaching the bottom of the barrel here let's talk about Sentry surfing yeah sentes do a lot of knockback but this isn't always a bad thing sometimes a poorly positioned sji gun can be a liability sending enemy players into advant positions this obviously isn't something that comes up often and most players don't think of using it but it's always funny when I see a sentry gun placed in a really weird position and I think yeah I'm going to swap to [Music] heavy theoretically heavy gets the most benefit out of this but since the heavy is slow by default it's pretty difficult to get in a good position to do it if the gun is too far away you're probably going to die before you even get a chance to Surf off it especially if the engineer isn't stupid classes like spy and Demonite on the other hand can get into position way more easily especially if you're using items that Grant a health buff spy mans who use the kunai really seem to love decloaking on top of sentry guns and I can't blame them for it fly what the [Β __Β ] what the [Β __Β ] okay so why did I make this video I just wanted to talk about how interesting sentry guns are when I started playing TF2 I was an engineer main when your game looks like this you kind of need a server sided Aimbot to do the heavy lifting actually just recently I asked Uncle Dane to rate my loot out good [Β __Β ] Dane that's not a number even when I'm playing full Demonite and I don't have a grenade launcher on hand I don't get very annoyed when I encounter a sentry gun I actually like the challenge it's difficult but it's not unfair or unreasonable my decisions still matter and I still have a decent shot at destroying it it's not like a rock paper scissors game where you either win or you lose with no Nuance whatsoever if the demonit literally had no options against a sentug gun the whole interaction would be a lot less interesting and a lot less fun you guys realize this meme was meant for games like OverWatch you know games that place a much larger emphasis on countering your opponents with an Overkill number of characters to choose from and let's not kid ourselves with this even the OverWatch players don't like dealing with over-the-top couns playing OverWatch is like being in a room filled with 80% chlorine gas what if someone simply wants to play their favorite hero I've seen plenty of players who just like Genji and that's it and they aren't changing they can either pick something they don't like and be bored or risk being that guy who ruins it for everyone else and the OverWatch team has said that they are trying to move away from hard counters but why were they in the game in the first place what's wrong with just picking the play style you like and then filling your role you know doing your job counters in TF2 were never meant to completely shut down players they're meant to provide an advantage nothing more there used to be a time where if a pyro hit a spy with one particle he'd be set on fire for 10 entire seconds even while cloaked this was nerfed a lot because if you make a matchup too one-sided and give players no choice but to switch classes it stops being fun ever wondered why pyro players hate the Darwin's danger Shield so much it's for that exact reason being able to completely bully a player just by equipping one item isn't Fun sure you could just stop playing brro and could play something else that doesn't get affected by a fire resistance but do we really want that to be the solution no of course not because TF2 isn't a rock paper scissors game it's a class-based shooter game I'm sure most people get what I'm saying but there's probably a few people who still aren't convinced so let me just say this this is something that the game's developers took seriously I'm going to read something that Robin Walker said in an interview this guy is the co-creator of Team Fortress the Demolition Man had a big bomb if it blew up before the enemy stopped it it would destroy a wall and his team could get through we didn't keep that Concept in TF2 because we kept finding that it was a perfect example of everyone wanting someone else on the team to do that at a design level you were constantly torn between providing enough value to that type of situation so that when someone does it the team is rewarded and happy but not so much value that everyone feels like we're screwed if someone doesn't do this but I don't want to do it so I'm going to jump into demoan do it and then flip back to the class that I actually want to play we didn't like making players make those kinds of decisions in other words the game's developers didn't want to Strongarm players into playing classes that they didn't feel like playing in a casual game mode where the vast majority of the player base is the class you choose to play is largely up to your own personal play style and preference worst case scenario the team has way too many of one specific class and you choose something else or not it's still your choice right but an enemy player should never be able to bully someone into switching classes because that's how you end up with controversial weapons that nobody seems to like the only time where you're making a seriously flawed decision at character select is if there's some kind of ridiculous composition on the enemy team that has a massive Achilles heal and we're talking like multiple players on the enemy team not just they have this one guy so play this other guy who beats him this is why sentry guns are stupid it's on purpose most of what I've shown you is intentional and it allows all of the game's classes to have a reasonable method of destroying them I'm not going to say that they did a perfect job though seriously what is this all right time to grab the Lock and Load from Spawn Two on his [Music] keyboard oh wait almost forgot big thank you to war funder for sponsoring the video and helping me out don't forget about the bonus pack I mentioned earlier it includes everything you see on screen and it's available for a limited time only so make sure you take advantage of it whether it be on PC Playstation or Xbox special thanks to my patrons including ano Eve horon Lucario it's Tuesday yaroslav and gluster micro X3 and [Music] fod there [Music] wasn't
Channel: SolarLight
Views: 740,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tf2 solar light, tf2, solarlight, tf2solarlight, tf2 solarlight, tf2 demoknight, demoknight, trimping, tf2 trimping, engineer, battle engineer, sentry gun, uncle dane, soft counter, hard counter, engi, sentries, sentry, engie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 11sec (1031 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2024
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