Dead Source Engine Games

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[Music] The Source engine while some may think of valve games like halflife 2 Counter Strike TF2 portal or Left 4 Dead when they hear the source engine I think of entirely different Source engine games you see a very cool thing valve has been known for is openly allowing modding to their engine which has created a ton of cool Source games and mods most of which being free because if you want to distribute them for a price it's a small fee of $25,000 to be able to license your Source game so with me being broke as hell when I was a kid and most of these games being free I of course played Source engine games a lot in my childhood and not a day goes by without me thinking about these obscure Source games so I just said [ __ ] it I'm going to make a whole video on these games most of which are obscure now but we're legendary at the time so this will either be nostalgic for you or you'll learn something new I know I definitely learned a lot while making this video the first game I want to talk about is really the main reason I'm even making this video that game being the hidden Source I first heard about this game through scanners an OG YouTuber who is definitely the reason this game was even popular in the first place Max can you pretend like you're Morgan Freeman coming to kill me I can smell you this was also around 2014 which was the time I was a chronic gamer playing like 12 hours a day with my friends on Skype and with me being around 13 years old I also had no money and like I mentioned earlier with those Source games being free any half decent one we could find is one we would play until it got stale and the hidden was definitely one of those games in this game or technically halflife 2 mod you have a team of Players called Iris that hunt down one player named the hidden or better known as subject 617 subject 617 isn't just an average person but his most iconic ability has to be that he's in invisible but not completely invisible he somewhat looks like heat waves or whatever this looks like that's him this allows for some terrifying gameplay as Iris watching your friends get picked off one by one by some invisible person it also allows for some really fun gameplay as the hidden though hunting down each player and toying with them where'd she go dog where'd you go oh you can even do creepy voice [Music] lines torment people by throwing objects at them throw grenades at them scale buildings and hide on walls I mean look how fun the gameplay looks as the hidden honestly you really only want to play as the hidden in this game the iris team isn't completely defenseless though having a somewhat decent array of weapons that you can pick from and gadgets as well so you better play as a team to actually stand a chance against the hidden but usually you won't win the lore for this game is a bit lackluster at best though the most I could gather from it is that a company named infinitum research experimented with something called biological light refraction in which I can only assume they made subject 617 be able to refract light which explains while he's invisible he then somehow breaks out of containment so Infinium research sends their squad called Iris AKA infinum research intercept Squad sadly this game was abandoned around 2007 with the game being stuck in beta version 4B in fact around 2012 when I first discovered this game it was way past this game's golden age I mean it was created in 2005 as a mod to halflife 2 I even managed to find a very old video of the creators going to GDC 2006 and God damn is it a product of the time hidden source developed by team hidden Source the team behind the game definitely seemed like they had a lot of fun making it though even having little Easter eggs on each map one of which being an original Xbox which you could find on every map and a silly teddy bear named Jim that even had a wanted poster but like I said this game was abandoned quite a while ago and with how good this mod was along with the environment of the levels and lore I can only say that this mod deserve better this game holds a lot of memories for me with its Bleak style and it seems like I'm not the only one there's even a reference to subject 617 and they gave Trang 2o which is a good ass game where your player named subject 106 who can also go invisible has the enemy say this [ __ ] reminds me of subject 617 I'm just glad I got to experience this game to begin with and hopefully some of you did too but if you want to try the game out for yourself it's not too hard to install the only problem is is that no one is playing this game anymore you have to use something like kamachi or radman bpn to make a private lobby with friends this is honestly the problem with most of the games in this video or if you want you can download this really good fan Recreation of the game called The Hidden Iris Edition for Garry's Mod which basically does everything but better considering it was made almost 20 years after the original most of the footage I'm using is from the Garry's Mod game mode as well just because it's so seamless and easy to set up and a lot more smooth I'll probably make a more in-depth video about it someday my favorite thing about the hidden has to be that since it is a halflife 2 mod it make sure to make use of those nostalgic halflife 2 assets that we're all so familiar with I'm not familiar with this one though is that the sponsor for today's video factor factor offers Chef created never frozen meals straight to to your door and I have to tell you I was thoroughly surprised by these just watch me devour this entire chicken alfredo all it takes to make these delicious meals is poking a couple holes and then microwaving it for 2 minutes and voila the macros for these are also pretty dang good like this shredded chicken taco bowl that has 46 g of protein for 530 calories there's also a ton of foods to choose from and even options that are calorie smart keto Protein Plus or vegan Factor makes it really easy for me to cook fresh and healthy meals especially when I'm too lazy or too busy like making this video like right before this I also devoured some kavat tapi in Italian style pork Ragu the crazy thing is is that factor is cheaper and much more delicious than your average takeout which I know will definitely benefit me and if things ever get hectic or overwhelming factor is flexible allowing you to change your order up every week with plans from 4 to 18 meals per week or you can pause or reschedule your deliveries whenever you need get 50% off your first Factor box and 20% off your next month of orders using my link click the link in the description or scan the QR code with your phone and thanks to factor for sponsoring this video now this next Source game is one I completely forgot about until very recently thanks to a video by desence this game is called tactical intervention what if I told you the Creator for Counterstrike Min Lee continued his passion of creating a true CT versus T game long after the success of Counterstrike and he did all this on the Beloved Source engine I can make a whole video on how strange this game is and it just baffles me that this was supposed to be the Counter-Strike to the time and it also failed miserably there are 17 playable maps in this game Each of which being the typical CT versus T that you'd come to expect from from a normal Counter-Strike game but each of these maps are very unique and have different stages where once you progress through them a couple of rounds they'll actually change it may be a different spawn point or just a completely new location and although the maps are different there are only four game modes in this game some maps may be the typical bomb diffusal but they also have hostage rescue VIP escort and a car chase escort yes a car chase game mode in fact the first time I remember seeing this game was a video by JMA where he was playing this game mode control this you just what is the objective I'll get to that game mode a bit later for now let's start with the bomb diffusal game mode it's definitely different than counter- strikes bomb diffuse mode for starters there is a set bomb carrier and you have to use a one-handed weapon while carrying this bomb you can't even reload without dropping the bomb to do so so you better hope you have teammates to protect you but other than that the bomb diffusal mode didn't have too many differences although the game has a bunch of core features that make it play very differently you can roll in this game with X lean around corners with enq repel from certain surfaces and can even use dogs and command them to guard areas they did look a little silly though there's also no economy in this game with each mode allowing you to select from a list of three guns in your Loadout three guns yeah you only have three guns when first starting in this game and you also stand no [ __ ] chance with these three shitty ass starting guns what you're going to have to do is Fork over some real money to get better guns no wonder this game failed most cool or good items were locked behind a pay wall when this game was alive which by the way it's been shut down and off steam for a hot minute but thankfully the revive version of this game which I'll put in the description let's use these pay to1 items without without having to actually pay so we did have a ton of fun using these items for free which is how it should have been to begin with I personally didn't play this game at launch so I'm not sure if everything was locked behind a pay wall I at least hope you could unlock some guns because this game did have an XP system anyways the hostage rescue was nothing too crazy the mats first start with the CTS rescuing a bunch of hostages in an area but also having to eliminate the t's as the te's you have to bash the hostages so they don't run out of the playable area which you can't go out of either or the game just says [ __ ] you and has you get exploded by snipers some maps did offer some cool gameplay though like the skyscraper map that you could repel off the side and rescue the hostages the gunfights in this game were also really fun in my opinion your characters are definitely weaker than normal Cs and the guns just hit a lot harder especially with having left for dead level Gore in the game this clunky movement also helps with making it feel a lot more realistic and stressful in close quarter combat until someone pulls out the op pay to1 shotguns and blow you up in one shot longrange combat was also really fun until someone pulls out the op pay to win snipers that would blow you up in one shot he dropped the ball oh my the VIP escort was probably the lamest mode in this game with it being pretty easy to understand lead the VIP to the Escape Zone which will literally just end the round instantly the real fun here though was the car chase game mode this blew my mind when I first played it especially for a source engine game in this game mode the CTS have to drive a VIP to a drop off point simple enough well this entire time you're being chased by T's who can even be in multiple cars so now you have to focus on the te's trying to kill you and the VIP all while dodging oncoming traffic and deciding which shortcut to take your tires can also get shot at out or your car can blow up if damaged enough don't worry though you can even hijack other cars if you lose your car I did find this mode really t- sided though because even if the CTS got the VIP to the drop off you still have to escort this stupid ass AI to an area near the drop off which allows the ETS plenty of time to catch up and kill you while doing so as far as our experience went on this game we actually had a ton of fun messing around it definitely wasn't perfect far from it but I think that's what gave this game charm it's a shame that it was pulled from Steam and isn't playable anymore especially if you were unfortunate enough to actually buy the pay toin items in this game back in the day the history for this game also goes pretty deep if only there was someone who interviewed the creator of this game oh wow and that someone happens to be me it also includes what happened to TI afterwards so if you want to know go watch it you could even Subs let's move on to the next Source game that is pretty obscure with only two players playing at the moment this game is the ship murder party this is yet another game I found from YouTube when I was younger and one I played quite a bit of back in the day with my friends now this may just be me but dude I love the Aesthetics of this game the music you're hearing now is from the main manyi theme this game handles the art deco s style perfectly and really reminds me of Bioshock a bit as well as just the vibe of being on a nice cruise ship looking back at it it's kind of crazy to me that this is a source engine game okay so what exactly is this game about to put it simply at the start of each round the game will assign you a quy someone to kill the game will also assign someone to kill you the way to win though is by having the most amount of money and you get money by killing your Cory duh of course you could always stab them blow them up up oo a wallet or even shoot them but sometimes those hardly give you any money what you have to look at each round is a list of weapons for you to use that will give you the most money and usually they aren't good weapons although if I'm being honest this isn't really the fun part of the game the best part is taking your time with your friends exploring the ship and maybe chatting him up a bit before you stab him to death this game also took pretty big inspiration from The Sims it feels like because you'll have a list of needs that you'll need to fulfill like peeing sleeping drinking eating bathing and even talking to people or else you'll get depressed I really don't know what type of game they trying to make here because it's just an amalgamation of different mechanics there even cameras in security you have to avoid and if they see you using a weapon you'll get sent to jail this game is pretty fun but it of course has its downsides the gameplay gets stale fast if there's just one person try Harding and it's also on the source engine so you'll have the occasional Source crashes and Source jankiness the maps are pretty awesome and really detailed but you need a lot of people to enjoy the bigger maps and there's also nobody playing on the servers anymore the game does have a single player mode though that I didn't really give a good try it felt like it was made after the multiplayer was made and just use a bunch of those Mechanics for single player which of course didn't work the Publishers of the ship even tried to remaster the game two mixed reviews I refused to spend $10 on this game to try it out the developers of this game also made another somewhat popular game called bloody good time that you might remember this game was also made on the source engine and if I ever make a second part to this video I'll definitely cover it the ship is a weird one on this list I still loved it and it holds a lot of good memories but going back and playing it just wasn't the same maybe as the people I was playing with this time or maybe it's the fact that I was a we lad when I first played it this is one of those games that you honestly have more fun in if you don't understand what's going on if that makes sense now let's move on to a source game that actually had some amazing gameplay double action Baloo if you haven't played this game already what is wrong with you this was a source engine classic back in the day and it's even free on Steam double action Baloo released in 2014 by the studio double action Factory is a game that took heavy inspiration from Max pain or even the Matrix and it's just overall the epitome of badass it's a PVP game of course and is basically a deathmatch the way to get the most points though is by style points like back flipping off walls sliding underneath bullets shooting someone in a midair dive or whatever you're creative enough to try out for a source engine game I think this game uses it perfectly and surprisingly it's in third person which isn't a thing a lot of source engine games use the only other one I can really think about is postal 3 but feel free to tell me I'm wrong in the comments there's also a firsters mode that has some pretty dope animations but it just feels wrong to not play this game in third person there's a decent array of weapons to choose from but the most of which being the shotguns and there are even perks you can choose from which allow for some different play Styles like just straight up punching the [ __ ] out of everyone and this game also has Nick from Left 4 Dead in it for some reason this game is a ton of fun with some friends and you should really try it out if you haven't but like I said with most of these Source games on this list it's dead I sad to check the steam charts of these once legendary games to see that there are like 12 people playing right now thankfully I played with the homie doop on his stream that basically revived this game for a short 30 minutes it's the first time I had ever actually been able to play this game with a full Lobby and I have to say smaller lobbies are way better although we didn't even get to play the best map on this game which is the rooftop map this is probably the map you'd see most Youtubers of the time playing on I just wish this game maybe had some progression in it but honestly I can't really think of a way that would have saved this game from its inevitable death I just want this game to have a better ending despite it being 10 years old maybe they could have released a second game with a completely different engine hell hopefully some of you go and play it after watching this video and I may even join in some public lobbies if they have some people in it there isn't too much else to talk about for this game so let's move on to the last game in this video contagion there are a lot of zombie games on the source engine for some odd reason Left 4 Dead being the main one I think of first and contagion is probably the one I think of second but if we're talking about OG zombie Source games then we need to start with zombie Panic Source now I'm not going to sit here and act like I know anything about this game because well it's pretty dated now considering it came out in 2007 because it came out before any other real popular Zombie Source games like Left 4 Dead it has definitely cemented itself as a source engine classic the game did so well that the creators of the game monochrome actually kickstarted a successor game that definitely surpassed their goal this successor was called contagion a game that sadly has less players than its predecessor being around $10 compared to the first game that was free I sadly think it killed any longevity from the broke kids like me that look for a free source engine game to play but don't get me wrong this game deserves to be $10 $10 honestly feels like a steal for what this game offers despite it coming out in 2013 this game still receives updates because the lead and only developer Johan refuses to let it die now how is this game different from any other source zombie games like Left 4 Dead zombie Panic Source or or even no more room in Hell well first has to be the gam playay taking a more grounded and slow approach sorry to the movement players out there but you will be disappointed by this game considering you can die from like a 10t fall it really doesn't have the source engine movement feel about it at all which is a shame but this clunky movement allows the game to have some intense moments while running from zombies and really fun firefights oh yeah did I forget to mention that this game is pvpve well at least the main game mode we played was this game mode being called hunted all players spawn in a random spot on the map with a random melee and Pistol the looting in this game is pretty diverse having suppressed scars in m4s all the way to crossbows and compound bows once you find a good weapon you can go out looking for some players to kill while also having to watch out for zombies the rounds go on for quite a bit until there's one surviving player and once you die in this game you can even come back as a zombie who can amass a horde to go after these surviving players it's a simple enough premise but boy is it fun to play there's a couple of twists on this mode like the fact that you can ring other players phones near you that you can hear and will also attract zombies to and you also have a small chance to get infected when you get hit by a zombie some thing about this game is just so much more unique than any other zombie games out there not even just Source games there's also a couple other game modes like Escape which has you progress through a level with the team while also looting and killing zombies the map designs were not the greatest but it was fun mainly when you getting surrounded by zombies and about to die there's even a single player mode that I sort of played and a couple other game modes that we just didn't try out but if you got $10 and some friends to play with i' definitely recommend trying it out especially considering it's peer-to-peer so you don't have to use some third party program or empty servers to play with them and I think that's where I'd like like to end things for now I'm really wondering if I'm the only one that has the fixation for these Old Source engine games but something about them whether it be the Reus halflife 2 assets or just many other quirks of the engine I will always love Source even though no one uses it anymore due to its dated feel which is honestly probably why I like it if this video does do well which I really don't know if it will I would totally love to make another one I know I really enjoyed making this one but uh thanks for making to the end of the video also check out my Discord server and my Twitter and other socials and stuff in the description since I usually forget to mention those as always subscribe and like this video if you liked it and if you didn't like it go and leave a comment why and I'll try to do better next time
Channel: Goldec
Views: 498,934
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: source engine, half-life 2, source, left 4 dead, portal, half-life, counter-strike, source 2, valve, goldec, counter strike, counter strike 2, counter strike clips, counter strike funny, counter-strike global offensive, csgo, csgo clips, csgo memes, csgo moments, funny moments, global offensive, half life, tactical intervention, the ship, the hidden, contagion, double action boogaloo, richter overtime, ratlobber, video essay, valve games, dead video games, dead game, obscure
Id: 8NXvoLyzCrE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 8sec (1028 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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